2012-11-28 00:59:58 +08:00
source 'https://rubygems.org'
2010-02-01 08:33:06 +08:00
2010-12-19 02:42:03 +08:00
2013-05-18 15:41:17 +08:00
# This needs to be with require false as it is
# loaded after loading the test library to
# ensure correct loading order
gem 'mocha', '~> 0.14', require: false
2012-10-14 02:22:51 +08:00
gem 'rack-cache', '~> 1.2'
2014-09-02 08:41:48 +08:00
gem 'jquery-rails', github: 'rails/jquery-rails', branch: 'master'
2013-04-19 01:09:08 +08:00
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.0.0'
2014-08-20 03:47:26 +08:00
gem 'rails-html-sanitizer'
2014-08-20 08:40:33 +08:00
gem 'turbolinks', '~> 2.2.3'
2011-09-09 01:51:23 +08:00
2014-02-22 04:58:09 +08:00
# require: false so bcrypt is loaded only when has_secure_password is used.
# This is to avoid ActiveModel (and by extension the entire framework)
# being dependent on a binary library.
gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7', require: false
2011-07-07 08:38:54 +08:00
# This needs to be with require false to avoid
# it being automatically loaded by sprockets
2013-04-19 01:14:56 +08:00
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0', require: false
2012-09-19 23:43:40 +08:00
2011-01-13 04:15:57 +08:00
group :doc do
2014-01-12 08:12:12 +08:00
gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.4.0'
2014-05-14 05:30:33 +08:00
gem 'redcarpet', '~> 3.1.2', platforms: :ruby
2011-12-13 00:16:52 +08:00
gem 'w3c_validators'
2012-12-23 05:43:10 +08:00
gem 'kindlerb'
2011-01-13 04:15:57 +08:00
2009-11-11 06:59:22 +08:00
2010-07-26 06:31:45 +08:00
# AS
2012-09-07 06:45:51 +08:00
gem 'dalli', '>= 2.2.1'
2010-07-26 06:31:45 +08:00
2014-08-12 17:29:21 +08:00
# ActiveJob
2014-08-20 10:21:39 +08:00
group :job do
gem 'resque', require: false
gem 'resque-scheduler', require: false
gem 'sidekiq', require: false
gem 'sucker_punch', require: false
gem 'delayed_job', require: false
gem 'queue_classic', require: false, platforms: :ruby
gem 'sneakers', '0.1.1.pre', require: false
gem 'que', require: false
gem 'backburner', require: false
gem 'qu-rails', github: "bkeepers/qu", branch: "master", require: false
gem 'qu-redis', require: false
2014-08-12 17:29:21 +08:00
2011-11-18 06:41:53 +08:00
# Add your own local bundler stuff
2012-01-02 21:08:37 +08:00
local_gemfile = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/.Gemfile"
2013-11-01 17:39:06 +08:00
instance_eval File.read local_gemfile if File.exist? local_gemfile
2010-11-06 05:11:58 +08:00
2013-03-12 02:48:30 +08:00
group :test do
2014-05-17 00:18:21 +08:00
# FIX: Our test suite isn't ready to run in random order yet
gem 'minitest', '< 5.3.4'
2013-03-12 02:48:30 +08:00
platforms :mri_19 do
gem 'ruby-prof', '~> 0.11.2'
2013-12-24 17:02:07 +08:00
# platforms :mri_19, :mri_20 do
# gem 'debugger'
# end
2013-03-12 02:49:05 +08:00
gem 'benchmark-ips'
2011-07-22 20:55:48 +08:00
2010-07-26 06:31:45 +08:00
platforms :ruby do
2011-12-13 00:16:52 +08:00
gem 'nokogiri', '>= 1.4.5'
2011-05-06 01:47:07 +08:00
2013-02-26 13:10:03 +08:00
# Needed for compiling the ActionDispatch::Journey parser
gem 'racc', '>=1.4.6', require: false
2010-07-26 06:31:45 +08:00
# AR
2012-05-16 11:25:30 +08:00
gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3.6'
2010-05-20 04:38:27 +08:00
group :db do
2011-12-13 00:16:52 +08:00
gem 'pg', '>= 0.11.0'
2012-11-18 08:48:22 +08:00
gem 'mysql', '>= 2.9.0'
2013-07-18 06:43:55 +08:00
gem 'mysql2', '>= 0.3.13'
2010-05-20 04:38:27 +08:00
2010-07-26 06:31:45 +08:00
platforms :jruby do
2013-08-31 23:54:37 +08:00
gem 'json'
2013-09-03 14:33:00 +08:00
gem 'activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter', github: 'jruby/activerecord-jdbc-adapter', branch: 'master'
group :db do
gem 'activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter', github: 'jruby/activerecord-jdbc-adapter', branch: 'master'
gem 'activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter', github: 'jruby/activerecord-jdbc-adapter', branch: 'master'
gem 'activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter', '>= 1.3.0'
group :db do
gem 'activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter', '>= 1.3.0'
gem 'activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter', '>= 1.3.0'
2013-08-21 02:31:43 +08:00
2010-01-01 10:49:27 +08:00
2010-08-17 04:58:17 +08:00
2014-07-24 01:24:16 +08:00
platforms :rbx do
# The rubysl-yaml gem doesn't ship with Psych by default
# as it needs libyaml that isn't always available.
gem 'psych', '~> 2.0'
2010-08-17 04:58:17 +08:00
# gems that are necessary for ActiveRecord tests with Oracle database
2012-09-21 01:13:24 +08:00
2010-08-17 04:58:17 +08:00
platforms :ruby do
2014-05-15 18:13:56 +08:00
gem 'ruby-oci8', '~> 2.1'
2010-08-17 04:58:17 +08:00
2012-09-21 01:13:24 +08:00
gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', github: 'rsim/oracle-enhanced', branch: 'master'
2010-08-17 04:58:17 +08:00
2011-10-03 10:51:01 +08:00
2011-10-03 23:56:11 +08:00
# A gem necessary for ActiveRecord tests with IBM DB
2011-12-13 00:16:52 +08:00
gem 'ibm_db' if ENV['IBM_DB']