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# Copyright 2020-2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pytest
from PIL import Image
import mindspore.dataset.vision as vision
from mindspore import log as logger
def test_eager_decode_c():
Feature: Decode op
Description: Test eager support for Decode Cpp implementation
Expectation: Output image size from op is correct
img = np.fromfile("../data/dataset/apple.jpg", dtype=np.uint8)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
img = vision.Decode()(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
assert img.shape == (2268, 4032, 3)
fp = open("../data/dataset/apple.jpg", "rb")
img2 = fp.read()
img2 = vision.Decode()(img2)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(
type(img2), img2.shape))
assert img2.shape == (2268, 4032, 3)
def test_eager_decode_py():
Feature: Decode op
Description: Test eager support for Decode Python implementation
Expectation: Output image size from op is correct
img = np.fromfile("../data/dataset/apple.jpg", dtype=np.uint8)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
img = vision.Decode(to_pil=True)(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
assert img.size == (4032, 2268)
fp = open("../data/dataset/apple.jpg", "rb")
img2 = fp.read()
img2 = vision.Decode(to_pil=True)(img2)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(
type(img2), img2.size))
assert img2.size == (4032, 2268)
def test_eager_resize():
Feature: Resize op
Description: Test eager support for Resize op
Expectation: Output image size from op is correct
img = cv2.imread("../data/dataset/apple.jpg")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
img = vision.Resize(size=(32, 32))(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
assert img.shape == (32, 32, 3)
def test_eager_rescale():
Feature: Rescale op
Description: Test eager support for Rescale op
Expectation: Output image info from op is correct
img = cv2.imread("../data/dataset/apple.jpg")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
pixel = img[0][0][0]
rescale_factor = 0.5
img = vision.Rescale(rescale=rescale_factor, shift=0)(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
pixel_rescaled = img[0][0][0]
assert pixel * rescale_factor == pixel_rescaled
def test_eager_normalize_hwc():
Feature: Normalize op
Description: Test eager support for Normalize with HWC shape
Expectation: Output image info from op is correct
img = Image.open("../data/dataset/apple.jpg").convert("RGB")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
pixel = img.getpixel((0, 0))[0]
mean_vec = [100, 100, 100]
std_vec = [2, 2, 2]
img = vision.Normalize(mean=mean_vec, std=std_vec, is_hwc=True)(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
pixel_normalized = img[0][0][0]
assert (pixel - mean_vec[0]) / std_vec[0] == pixel_normalized
def test_eager_normalize_chw():
Feature: Normalize op
Description: Test eager support for Normalize with CHW shape
Expectation: Output image info from op is correct
img = Image.open("../data/dataset/apple.jpg").convert("RGB")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
pixel = img.getpixel((0, 0))[0]
img = vision.ToTensor()(img)
mean_vec = [.100, .100, .100]
std_vec = [.2, .2, .2]
img = vision.Normalize(mean=mean_vec, std=std_vec, is_hwc=False)(img)
pixel_normalized = img[0][0][0]
assert (pixel / 255 - mean_vec[0]) / \
std_vec[0] == pytest.approx(pixel_normalized, 0.0001)
def test_eager_hwc2chw():
Feature: HWC2CHW op
Description: Test eager support for HWC2CHW op
Expectation: Output image size from op is correct
img = cv2.imread("../data/dataset/apple.jpg")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
channel = img.shape
img = vision.HWC2CHW()(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
channel_swapped = img.shape
assert channel == (channel_swapped[1],
channel_swapped[2], channel_swapped[0])
def test_eager_pad_c():
Feature: Pad op
Description: Test eager support for Pad Cpp implementation
Expectation: Output image size info from op is correct
img = cv2.imread("../data/dataset/apple.jpg")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
img = vision.Resize(size=(32, 32))(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
shape_org = img.shape
pad = 4
img = vision.Pad(padding=pad)(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
shape_padded = img.shape
assert shape_padded == (
shape_org[0] + 2 * pad, shape_org[1] + 2 * pad, shape_org[2])
def test_eager_pad_py():
Feature: Pad op
Description: Test eager support for Pad Python implementation
Expectation: Output image size info from op is correct
img = Image.open("../data/dataset/apple.jpg").convert("RGB")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
img = vision.Resize(size=(32, 32))(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
size = img.size
pad = 4
img = vision.Pad(padding=pad)(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
size_padded = img.size
assert size_padded == (size[0] + 2 * pad, size[1] + 2 * pad)
def test_eager_cutout_hwc_pil():
Feature: CutOut op
Description: Test eager support for CutOut with HWC shape and PIL input
Expectation: Output image size info from op is correct
img = Image.open("../data/dataset/apple.jpg").convert("RGB")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
img = vision.Resize(size=(32, 32))(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
size = img.size
img = vision.CutOut(2, 4)(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.shape))
size_cutout = img.shape
assert (size_cutout[0], size_cutout[1]) == size
def test_eager_cutout_chw_pil():
Feature: CutOut op
Description: Test eager support for CutOut with CHW shape and PIL input
Expectation: Receive non-None output image from op
img = Image.open("../data/dataset/apple.jpg").convert("RGB")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
img = vision.Resize(size=(32, 32))(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
img = vision.ToTensor()(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
img = vision.CutOut(2, 4, is_hwc=False)(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
assert img is not None
def test_eager_cutout_hwc_cv():
Feature: CutOut op
Description: Test eager support for CutOut with HWC shape and CV input
Expectation: Output image size info from op is correct
img = cv2.imread("../data/dataset/apple.jpg")
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
img = vision.Resize(size=(32, 32))(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
size = img.size
img = vision.CutOut(2, 4)(img)
logger.info("Image.type: {}, Image.shape: {}".format(type(img), img.size))
size_cutout = img.size
assert size_cutout == size
def test_eager_exceptions_decode():
Feature: Decode op
Description: Exception eager support test for Decode
Expectation: Error input image is detected
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as error_info:
img = "../data/dataset/apple.jpg"
_ = vision.Decode()(img)
assert "Input should be an encoded image in 1-D NumPy format" in str(error_info.value)
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as error_info:
img = np.array(["a", "b", "c"])
_ = vision.Decode()(img)
assert "Input should be an encoded image in 1-D NumPy format" in str(error_info.value)
def test_eager_exceptions_resize():
Feature: Resize op
Description: Exception eager support test for Resize Python implementation
Expectation: Error input image is detected
img = cv2.imread("../data/dataset/apple.jpg")
_ = vision.Resize(size=(-32, 32))(img)
assert False
except ValueError as e:
assert "not within the required interval" in str(e)
def test_eager_exceptions_normalize():
Feature: Normalize op
Description: Exception eager support test for Normalize Python implementation
Expectation: Error input image is detected
img = Image.open("../data/dataset/apple.jpg").convert("RGB")
mean_vec = [.100, .100, .100]
std_vec = [.2, .2, .2]
_ = vision.Normalize(mean=mean_vec, std=std_vec, is_hwc=False)(img)
assert False
except RuntimeError as e:
assert "Normalize: number of channels does not match the size of mean and std vectors" in str(
def test_eager_exceptions_pad():
Feature: Pad op
Description: Exception eager support test for Pad Python implementation
Expectation: Error input image is detected
img = "../data/dataset/apple.jpg"
_ = vision.Pad(padding=4)(img)
assert False
except RuntimeError as e:
assert "tensor should be in shape of <H,W,C> or <H,W>" in str(e)
if __name__ == '__main__':