[MSLITE]修复CAFFE权重文件不存在导致转换工具crash问题 #4

p80627345 wants to merge 2 commits from p80627345/mindspore:master into master
First-time contributor

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What does this PR do / why do we need it: 修复CAFFE权重文件不存在导致转换工具crash。 问题根因:ConverterFuncGraph::Build()内部调用Load3rdModelToFuncgraph(param)加载caffe模型失败,返回的func_graph指针为null,下方SetIsGraphDynamicShapeAttr(func_graph)未校验入参直接使用,解引用空指针导致crash。 解法:补充对Load3rdModelToFuncgraph(param)的输出func_graph判空,另外补充ut看护此场景。 Which issue(s) this PR fixes:
p80627345 added 2 commits 2023-03-25 11:34:01 +08:00
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Step 1:

From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git checkout -b p80627345-master master
git pull master

Step 2:

Merge the changes and update on Gitea.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff p80627345-master
git push origin master
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Reference: mindspore-Ecosystem/mindspore#4
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