!43897 [assistant][ops] Add NonMaxSuppressionV3
Merge pull request !43897 from GP/master
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "mindspore/core/ops/non_max_suppression_v3.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_class/helper_base.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_class/cuda_class_common.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_ops/non_max_suppressionv3_impl.cuh"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/gpu_kernel.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace cukernel {
class NonMaxSuppressionV3Attr : public GpuKernelAttrBase {
NonMaxSuppressionV3Attr() = default;
~NonMaxSuppressionV3Attr() override = default;
template <typename T, typename M, typename S>
class NonMaxSuppressionV3HelperGpuKernel : public GpuKernelHelperBase {
explicit NonMaxSuppressionV3HelperGpuKernel(const std::string &kernel_name, const uint32_t &device_id)
: GpuKernelHelperBase(kernel_name, device_id) {
// bound_ = 0;
is_null_input_ = false;
num_input = 0;
u_num = 0;
post_output_size_ = 0;
virtual ~NonMaxSuppressionV3HelperGpuKernel() = default;
int CalMemSize(const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &input_shapes,
const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &output_shapes) override {
constexpr int64_t kzero = 0;
constexpr int64_t kone = 1;
constexpr int64_t ktwo = 2;
constexpr int64_t kthree = 3;
constexpr int64_t kfour = 4;
constexpr int64_t kfourbytes = 32;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> input_shapes_1;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> input_shapes_2;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> input_shapes_3;
int inp_flag_1 = CalShapesSizeInBytes<T>(input_shapes_1, ktwo, kernel_name_, "input_shapes_1", &input_size_list_);
if (inp_flag_1 == -1) {
return inp_flag_1;
int inp_flag_2 = CalShapesSizeInBytes<S>(input_shapes_2, kone, kernel_name_, "input_shapes_2", &input_size_list_);
if (inp_flag_2 == -1) {
return inp_flag_2;
int inp_flag_3 = CalShapesSizeInBytes<M>(input_shapes_3, ktwo, kernel_name_, "input_shapes_3", &input_size_list_);
if (inp_flag_3 == -1) {
return inp_flag_3;
output_size_list_.emplace_back(input_shapes[kzero][0] * sizeof(int));
num_input = input_shapes[kzero][0];
u_num = (num_input + kfourbytes - 1) / kfourbytes;
work_size_list_.emplace_back(num_input * sizeof(int)); // index buff
work_size_list_.emplace_back(num_input * u_num * sizeof(unsigned int)); // sel mask
work_size_list_.emplace_back(num_input * sizeof(bool)); // box mask
work_size_list_.emplace_back(sizeof(int)); // count
work_size_list_.emplace_back(sizeof(int)); // num_keep
is_null_input_ = (inp_flag_1 == 1 || inp_flag_2 == 1 || inp_flag_3 == 1);
return CheckKernelParam();
int Process(const std::vector<void *> &input_ptrs, const std::vector<void *> &output_ptrs,
const std::vector<void *> &work_ptrs, void *cuda_stream) override {
constexpr int64_t kzero = 0;
constexpr int64_t kone = 1;
constexpr int64_t ktwo = 2;
constexpr int64_t kthree = 3;
constexpr int64_t kfour = 4;
if (is_null_input_) {
return 0;
T *input_ptr = nullptr;
T *scores = nullptr;
S *max_output_size_ = nullptr;
M *iou_threshold_ = nullptr;
M *score_threshold_ = nullptr;
int *output_ptr = nullptr;
int *index_buff = nullptr;
unsigned int *sel_mask = nullptr;
bool *sel_boxes = nullptr;
int *count = nullptr;
int *num_keep = nullptr;
int flag = GetDeviceAddress<T>(input_ptrs, kzero, kernel_name_, &input_ptr);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<T>(input_ptrs, kone, kernel_name_, &scores);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<S>(input_ptrs, ktwo, kernel_name_, &max_output_size_);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<M>(input_ptrs, kthree, kernel_name_, &iou_threshold_);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<M>(input_ptrs, kfour, kernel_name_, &score_threshold_);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<int>(work_ptrs, kzero, kernel_name_, &index_buff);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<unsigned int>(work_ptrs, kone, kernel_name_, &sel_mask);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<bool>(work_ptrs, ktwo, kernel_name_, &sel_boxes);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<int>(work_ptrs, kthree, kernel_name_, &count);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<int>(work_ptrs, kfour, kernel_name_, &num_keep);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
flag = GetDeviceAddress<int>(output_ptrs, kzero, kernel_name_, &output_ptr);
if (flag != 0) {
return flag;
M iou_host = 0.0;
cudaMemcpy(&iou_host, iou_threshold_, sizeof(M), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
float iou = static_cast<float>(iou_host);
if (iou > 1 || iou < 0) {
MS_EXCEPTION(ValueError) << "For NonMaxSuppressionV3, iou_threshold must be in [0, 1], but got " << iou;
return -1;
S max_host = 0;
cudaMemcpy(&max_host, max_output_size_, sizeof(S), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
int max = static_cast<int32_t>(max_host);
if (max < 0) {
max_host = 0;
M score_host = 0.0;
cudaMemcpy(&score_host, score_threshold_, sizeof(M), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
const int b_size = 4;
post_output_size_ =
DoNms(num_input, count, num_keep, scores, input_ptr, iou_host, score_host, index_buff, max_host, b_size, sel_mask,
sel_boxes, output_ptr, device_id_, reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(cuda_stream));
return 0;
TensorInfo GetOutputTensorInfo() override {
TensorInfo dyn_out;
return dyn_out;
std::vector<int64_t> input_shape_;
bool is_null_input_;
int num_input;
int u_num;
float iou_threshold;
int post_output_size_;
} // namespace cukernel
} // namespace mindspore
@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_ops/non_max_suppressionv3_impl.cuh"
#include <cub/cub.cuh>
#include <thrust/sort.h>
#include <thrust/device_ptr.h>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
constexpr int kNmsBlockDim = 16;
constexpr int kNmsBlockDimMax = 128;
constexpr int kNmsBoxesPerThread = 8 * sizeof(int);
template <typename T>
struct GreaterThanCubOp {
float threshold_;
__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ GreaterThanCubOp(float threshold) : threshold_(threshold) {}
__host__ __device__ __forceinline__ bool operator()(const T &val) const {
return (static_cast<float>(val) > threshold_);
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ void Swap(T *lhs, T *rhs) {
T tmp = lhs[0];
lhs[0] = rhs[0];
rhs[0] = tmp;
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T max(T x, T y) {
if (x > y) {
return x;
} else {
return y;
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ T min(T x, T y) {
if (x < y) {
return x;
} else {
return y;
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ void Flipped(T *box) {
if (box[0] > box[2]) Swap(&box[0], &box[2]);
if (box[1] > box[3]) Swap(&box[1], &box[3]);
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ bool IouDecision(T *box_A, T *box_B, T a_area, float IOU_threshold) {
T b_area = (box_B[2] - box_B[0]) * (box_B[3] - box_B[1]);
if (a_area == static_cast<T>(0.0) || b_area == static_cast<T>(0.0)) return false;
T x_1 = max(box_A[0], box_B[0]);
T y_1 = max(box_A[1], box_B[1]);
T x_2 = min(box_A[2], box_B[2]);
T y_2 = min(box_A[3], box_B[3]);
T width = max(x_2 - x_1, T(0)); // in case of no overlap
T height = max(y_2 - y_1, T(0));
T intersection = width * height;
float aa = static_cast<float>(intersection);
T bb = a_area + b_area - intersection;
float bt = static_cast<float>(bb) * IOU_threshold;
return aa > bt;
template <typename T>
__inline__ __device__ void SelectHelper(int i_selected, int i_original, T *original, T *selected) {
selected[i_selected * 4 + 0] = original[i_original * 4 + 0];
selected[i_selected * 4 + 1] = original[i_original * 4 + 1];
selected[i_selected * 4 + 2] = original[i_original * 4 + 2];
selected[i_selected * 4 + 3] = original[i_original * 4 + 3];
Flipped(selected + i_selected * 4);
template <typename T>
__global__ void IndexMultiSelect(const int num_elements, int *index_buff, T *original, T *selected) {
for (int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; idx < num_elements; idx += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
SelectHelper(idx, static_cast<int>(index_buff[idx]), original, selected);
template <typename T>
__global__ void CastFloat(const int num_elements, T *scores, float *scores_float) {
for (int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; idx < num_elements; idx += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
scores_float[idx] = static_cast<float>(scores[idx]);
__global__ void SetZeros(const int num_elements, unsigned int *target) {
for (int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; idx < num_elements; idx += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
target[idx] = 0;
template <typename T>
bool CheckBitHost(T bit_mask, int bit) {
return (bit_mask >> (bit % kNmsBoxesPerThread)) & 1;
template <typename T>
__launch_bounds__(kNmsBlockDim *kNmsBlockDim, 4) __global__
void NMSReduce(const int num, int u_num, float iou_threshold, T *boxes_sort, int box_size, unsigned int *sel_mask) {
__shared__ T shared_i_boxes[kNmsBlockDim * 4];
// Same thing with areas
__shared__ T shared_i_areas[kNmsBlockDim];
// The condition of the for loop is common to all threads in the block.
// This is necessary to be able to call __syncthreads() inside of the loop.
for (int i_block_offset = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; i_block_offset < num; i_block_offset += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
const int i = i_block_offset + threadIdx.x;
if (i < num) {
// One 1D line load the boxes for x-dimension.
if (threadIdx.y == 0) {
shared_i_boxes[threadIdx.x * 4 + 0] = boxes_sort[i * 4 + 0];
shared_i_boxes[threadIdx.x * 4 + 1] = boxes_sort[i * 4 + 1];
shared_i_boxes[threadIdx.x * 4 + 2] = boxes_sort[i * 4 + 2];
shared_i_boxes[threadIdx.x * 4 + 3] = boxes_sort[i * 4 + 3];
T area = (boxes_sort[i * 4 + 2] - boxes_sort[i * 4 + 0]) * (boxes_sort[i * 4 + 3] - boxes_sort[i * 4 + 1]);
shared_i_areas[threadIdx.x] = area;
for (int j_thread_offset = kNmsBoxesPerThread * (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y); j_thread_offset < num;
j_thread_offset += kNmsBoxesPerThread * blockDim.y * gridDim.y) {
int above_threshold = 0;
// Make sure that threads are within valid domain.
bool valid = false;
// Loop over the next kNmsBoxesPerThread boxes and set corresponding bit
// if it is overlapping with current box
for (int ib = 0; ib < kNmsBoxesPerThread; ++ib) {
const int j = j_thread_offset + ib;
if (i >= j || i >= num || j >= num) continue;
valid = true;
T *j_box = boxes_sort + j * 4;
T *i_box = shared_i_boxes + threadIdx.x * 4;
if (IouDecision(i_box, j_box, shared_i_areas[threadIdx.x], iou_threshold)) {
// we have score[j] <= score[i]. j > i
above_threshold |= (1U << ib);
if (valid) {
sel_mask[i * u_num + j_thread_offset / kNmsBoxesPerThread] = above_threshold;
__syncthreads(); // making sure everyone is done reading shared memory.
template <typename T>
int CalNms(const int num_input, int *num_keep, float iou_threshold, int max_output_size, T *boxes_sort, int *index_buff,
int box_size, unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr, const uint32_t &device_id,
cudaStream_t cuda_stream) {
int u_num = (num_input + kNmsBoxesPerThread - 1) / kNmsBoxesPerThread;
const int max_nms_mask_size = num_input * u_num;
int thread_num = 256 < num_input ? 256 : num_input;
cudaDeviceProp prop;
(void)cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, device_id);
int max_blocks = prop.multiProcessorCount;
int block_num = min(static_cast<int>(((num_input - 1) / thread_num) + 1), max_blocks);
SetZeros<<<block_num, thread_num, 0, cuda_stream>>>(max_nms_mask_size, sel_mask);
int num_blocks = (num_input + kNmsBlockDim - 1) / kNmsBlockDim;
num_blocks = std::max(std::min(num_blocks, kNmsBlockDimMax), 1);
dim3 blocks(num_blocks, num_blocks);
dim3 threads(kNmsBlockDim, kNmsBlockDim);
NMSReduce<<<blocks, threads, 0, cuda_stream>>>(num_input, u_num, iou_threshold, boxes_sort, box_size, sel_mask);
std::vector<unsigned int> sel_mask_host(num_input * u_num);
cudaMemcpyAsync(sel_mask_host.data(), sel_mask, num_input * u_num * sizeof(unsigned int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost,
std::vector<int> local(u_num);
std::vector<char> sel_boxes_host(num_input);
for (int box = 0; box < u_num; box += 1) {
local[box] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
int accepted_boxes = 0;
for (int box = 0; box < num_input - 1; ++box) {
if (!CheckBitHost(local[box / kNmsBoxesPerThread], box)) {
accepted_boxes += 1;
int offset = box * u_num;
for (int b = 0; b < u_num; b += 1) {
local[b] &= ~sel_mask_host[offset + b];
if (accepted_boxes > max_output_size) break;
for (int box = 0; box < num_input; box += 1) {
sel_boxes_host[box] = CheckBitHost(local[box / kNmsBoxesPerThread], box);
cudaMemcpyAsync(sel_boxes, sel_boxes_host.data(), num_input * sizeof(char), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cuda_stream);
void *d_temp_storage = nullptr;
size_t temp_storage_bytes = 0;
(void)cub::DeviceSelect::Flagged(nullptr, temp_storage_bytes, static_cast<int *>(nullptr),
static_cast<char *>(nullptr), static_cast<int *>(nullptr),
static_cast<int *>(nullptr), num_input, cuda_stream);
(void)cudaMalloc(&d_temp_storage, temp_storage_bytes);
(void)cub::DeviceSelect::Flagged(d_temp_storage, temp_storage_bytes, index_buff, sel_boxes, output_ptr, num_keep,
num_input, cuda_stream);
int num_count = 0;
cudaMemcpyAsync(&num_count, num_keep, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cuda_stream);
num_count = max_output_size < num_count ? max_output_size : num_count;
return num_count;
template <typename T, typename M, typename S>
int DoNms(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, T *scores, T *boxes_in, M iou_threshold_, M score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, S max_output_size_, int box_size, unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream) {
float iou_threshold = static_cast<float>(iou_threshold_);
float score_threshold = static_cast<float>(score_threshold_);
int max_output_size = static_cast<int>(max_output_size_);
cudaMemset(count, 0, sizeof(int));
float *scores_float = nullptr;
size_t scores_float_temp_storage_bytes = num_input * sizeof(float);
(void)cudaMalloc(&scores_float, scores_float_temp_storage_bytes);
int thread_num = 256 < num_input ? 256 : num_input;
cudaDeviceProp prop;
(void)cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, device_id);
int max_blocks = prop.multiProcessorCount;
int block_num = std::min(static_cast<int>(((num_input - 1) / thread_num) + 1), max_blocks);
CastFloat<<<block_num, thread_num, 0, cuda_stream>>>(num_input, scores, scores_float);
auto policy = thrust::cuda::par.on(cuda_stream);
thrust::device_ptr<int> dev_ptr(index_buff);
thrust::sequence(policy, dev_ptr, dev_ptr + num_input);
size_t cub_sort_temp_storage_bytes = 0;
(void)cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairsDescending(nullptr, cub_sort_temp_storage_bytes,
static_cast<float *>(nullptr), // scores
static_cast<float *>(nullptr), // sorted scores
static_cast<int *>(nullptr), // input indices
static_cast<int *>(nullptr), // sorted indices
num_input, // num items
0, 8 * sizeof(float), // sort all bits
float *scores_sorted = nullptr;
size_t scores_sorted_temp_storage_bytes = num_input * sizeof(float);
(void)cudaMalloc(&scores_sorted, scores_sorted_temp_storage_bytes);
int *index_sorted = nullptr;
size_t index_sorted_temp_storage_bytes = num_input * sizeof(int);
(void)cudaMalloc(&index_sorted, index_sorted_temp_storage_bytes);
void *sort_temp_buff = nullptr;
(void)cudaMalloc(&sort_temp_buff, cub_sort_temp_storage_bytes);
(void)cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairsDescending(sort_temp_buff, cub_sort_temp_storage_bytes, scores_float,
scores_sorted, index_buff, index_sorted, num_input, 0,
8 * sizeof(float), cuda_stream);
GreaterThanCubOp<T> score_limit(score_threshold);
void *s_temp_storage = nullptr;
size_t s_temp_storage_bytes = 0;
(void)cub::DeviceSelect::If(nullptr, s_temp_storage_bytes, static_cast<float *>(nullptr),
static_cast<float *>(nullptr), static_cast<int *>(nullptr), num_input, score_limit,
(void)cudaMalloc(&s_temp_storage, s_temp_storage_bytes);
(void)cub::DeviceSelect::If(s_temp_storage, s_temp_storage_bytes, scores_sorted, scores_float, count, num_input,
score_limit, cuda_stream);
T *boxes_sort = nullptr;
size_t boxes_temp_storage_bytes = num_input * box_size * sizeof(T);
(void)cudaMalloc(&boxes_sort, boxes_temp_storage_bytes);
IndexMultiSelect<<<block_num, thread_num, 0, cuda_stream>>>(num_input, index_sorted, boxes_in, boxes_sort);
int num_count = 0;
cudaMemcpyAsync(&num_count, count, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cuda_stream);
const int num_to_keep = num_count;
if (num_to_keep <= 0) {
return 0;
int output_size = CalNms(num_to_keep, num_keep, iou_threshold, max_output_size, boxes_sort, index_sorted, box_size,
sel_mask, sel_boxes, output_ptr, device_id, reinterpret_cast<cudaStream_t>(cuda_stream));
return output_size;
template CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms<float, float, int>(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, float *scores,
float *boxes_in, float iou_threshold_, float score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, int max_output_size_, int box_size,
unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
template CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms<float, float, int64_t>(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, float *scores,
float *boxes_in, float iou_threshold_, float score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, int64_t max_output_size_, int box_size,
unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
template CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms<half, float, int>(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, half *scores,
half *boxes_in, float iou_threshold_, float score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, int max_output_size_, int box_size,
unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
template CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms<half, float, int64_t>(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, half *scores,
half *boxes_in, float iou_threshold_, float score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, int64_t max_output_size_, int box_size,
unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
template CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms<float, half, int>(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, float *scores,
float *boxes_in, half iou_threshold_, half score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, int max_output_size_, int box_size,
unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
template CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms<float, half, int64_t>(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, float *scores,
float *boxes_in, half iou_threshold_, half score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, int64_t max_output_size_, int box_size,
unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
template CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms<half, half, int>(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, half *scores,
half *boxes_in, half iou_threshold_, half score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, int max_output_size_, int box_size,
unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
template CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms<half, half, int64_t>(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, half *scores,
half *boxes_in, half iou_threshold_, half score_threshold_,
int *index_buff, int64_t max_output_size_, int box_size,
unsigned int *sel_mask, bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr,
const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_ops/cuda_device_info.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_ops/cuda_common.h"
template <typename T, typename M, typename S>
CUDA_LIB_EXPORT int DoNms(const int num_input, int *count, int *num_keep, T *scores, T *boxes_in, M iou_threshold_,
M score_threshold_, int *index_buff, S max_output_size_, int box_size, unsigned int *sel_mask,
bool *sel_boxes, int *output_ptr, const uint32_t &device_id, cudaStream_t cuda_stream);
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/math/nonmaxsuppressionv3_gpu_kernel.h"
#include <utility>
namespace mindspore {
namespace kernel {
namespace {
template <typename T, typename M, typename S>
std::unique_ptr<cukernel::GpuKernelHelperBase> CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr(const std::string &kernel_name,
const uint32_t &device_id) {
return std::make_unique<cukernel::NonMaxSuppressionV3HelperGpuKernel<T, M, S>>(kernel_name, device_id);
using NonMaxSuppressionV3PtrCreatorFunc =
std::function<std::unique_ptr<cukernel::GpuKernelHelperBase>(const std::string &, const uint32_t &)>;
const std::vector<std::pair<KernelAttr, NonMaxSuppressionV3PtrCreatorFunc>> kernel_attr = {
CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr<float, float, int32_t>},
CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr<half, float, int>},
CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr<float, float, int64_t>},
CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr<half, float, int64_t>},
CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr<float, half, int32_t>},
CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr<half, half, int>},
CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr<float, half, int64_t>},
CreateNonMaxSuppressionV3KernelPtr<half, half, int64_t>}};
} // namespace
bool NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod::Launch(const std::vector<AddressPtr> &inputs,
const std::vector<AddressPtr> &workspace,
const std::vector<AddressPtr> &outputs, void *stream_ptr) {
std::vector<void *> input_ptrs = ConvertPtrs(inputs);
std::vector<void *> work_ptrs = ConvertPtrs(workspace);
std::vector<void *> output_ptrs = ConvertPtrs(outputs);
if (helper_ptr_->Process(input_ptrs, output_ptrs, work_ptrs, stream_ptr) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
bool NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod::Init(const BaseOperatorPtr &base_operator,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &inputs,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &outputs) {
auto kernel_ptr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ops::NonMaxSuppressionV3>(base_operator);
kernel_name_ = kernel_ptr->name();
auto tensor_attr = GetKernelAttrFromTensors(inputs, outputs);
auto [is_match, index] = MatchKernelAttr(tensor_attr, GetOpSupport());
if (!is_match) {
return false;
is_need_retrieve_output_shape_ = true;
helper_ptr_ = std::move(kernel_attr[index].second(kernel_name_, device_id_));
return true;
int NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod::Resize(const BaseOperatorPtr &base_operator,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &inputs,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &outputs,
const std::map<uint32_t, tensor::TensorPtr> &inputsOnHost) {
for (const auto &input : inputs) {
auto input_shape = input->GetShapeVector();
if (!IsValidShape(input_shape)) {
outputs_ = outputs;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> input_shapes;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> output_shapes;
std::vector<int64_t> inp_shape1 = inputs[0]->GetShapeVector();
std::vector<int64_t> inp_shape2 = inputs[1]->GetShapeVector();
std::vector<int64_t> out_shape = inp_shape2;
std::vector<int64_t> one = {1};
if (helper_ptr_->CalMemSize(input_shapes, output_shapes) == -1) {
input_size_list_ = helper_ptr_->GetInputSizeList();
output_size_list_ = helper_ptr_->GetOutputSizeList();
workspace_size_list_ = helper_ptr_->GetWorkSizeList();
return KRET_OK;
void NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod::SyncData() {
std::vector<int64_t> shape = {-1};
auto dyn_out = helper_ptr_->GetOutputTensorInfo();
shape[0] = dyn_out.shapes[0][0];
outputs_[0]->SetShapeVector(std::vector<int64_t>(shape.begin(), shape.end()));
std::vector<KernelAttr> NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod::GetOpSupport() {
std::vector<KernelAttr> support_list;
(void)std::transform(kernel_attr.begin(), kernel_attr.end(), std::back_inserter(support_list),
[](const std::pair<KernelAttr, NonMaxSuppressionV3PtrCreatorFunc> &item) { return item.first; });
return support_list;
MS_KERNEL_FACTORY_REG(NativeGpuKernelMod, NonMaxSuppressionV3, NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod);
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace mindspore
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/gpu_kernel.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/gpu_kernel_factory.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_class/cuda_class_common.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_class/nonmaxsuppressionv3_helper.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_ops/non_max_suppressionv3_impl.cuh"
namespace mindspore {
namespace kernel {
class NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod : public NativeGpuKernelMod {
NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod() { attr_ptr_ = std::make_shared<cukernel::NonMaxSuppressionV3Attr>(); }
~NonMaxSuppressionV3GpuKernelMod() override = default;
bool Launch(const std::vector<AddressPtr> &inputs, const std::vector<AddressPtr> &workspace,
const std::vector<AddressPtr> &outputs, void *stream_ptr) override;
bool Init(const BaseOperatorPtr &base_operator, const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &inputs,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &outputs) override;
int Resize(
const BaseOperatorPtr &base_operator, const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &inputs,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &outputs,
const std::map<uint32_t, tensor::TensorPtr> &inputsOnHost = std::map<uint32_t, tensor::TensorPtr>()) override;
std::vector<KernelAttr> GetOpSupport() override;
void SyncData() override;
std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> GetOutputs() override { return outputs_; }
std::unique_ptr<cukernel::GpuKernelHelperBase> helper_ptr_{nullptr};
std::shared_ptr<cukernel::NonMaxSuppressionV3Attr> attr_ptr_{nullptr};
std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> outputs_ = {};
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace mindspore
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -15,12 +15,15 @@
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include "ops/non_max_suppression_v3.h"
#include "utils/check_convert_utils.h"
#include "abstract/ops/primitive_infer_map.h"
#include "abstract/dshape.h"
#include "mindapi/src/helper.h"
#include "mindapi/ir/value.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace ops {
@ -34,38 +37,49 @@ abstract::ShapePtr NonMaxSuppressionV3InferShape(const PrimitivePtr &primitive,
for (const auto &item : input_args) {
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckArgs<abstract::AbstractTensor>(prim_name, input_args, 0);
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckArgs<abstract::AbstractTensor>(prim_name, input_args, 1);
CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckArgs<abstract::AbstractTensor>(prim_name, input_args, 0);
CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckArgs<abstract::AbstractTensor>(prim_name, input_args, 1);
auto boxes_shape = std::make_shared<abstract::Shape>(
auto scores_shape = std::make_shared<abstract::Shape>(
auto scores_shape_rank = SizeToLong(scores_shape->shape().size());
auto max_output_size_shape = std::make_shared<abstract::Shape>(
auto max_output_size_shape_rank = SizeToLong(max_output_size_shape->shape().size());
auto iou_threshold_shape = std::make_shared<abstract::Shape>(
auto iou_threshold_shape_rank = SizeToLong(iou_threshold_shape->shape().size());
auto score_threshold_shape = std::make_shared<abstract::Shape>(
auto score_threshold_shape_rank = SizeToLong(score_threshold_shape->shape().size());
// boxes second dimension must euqal 4
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("boxes second dimension", boxes_shape->shape()[1], kEqual, 4, prim_name);
auto in_shape1 = CheckAndConvertUtils::ConvertShapePtrToShapeMap(input_args[0]->GetShapeTrack())[kShape];
auto in_shape2 = CheckAndConvertUtils::ConvertShapePtrToShapeMap(input_args[1]->GetShapeTrack())[kShape];
auto in_shape3 = CheckAndConvertUtils::ConvertShapePtrToShapeMap(input_args[2]->GetShapeTrack())[kShape];
auto in_shape4 = CheckAndConvertUtils::ConvertShapePtrToShapeMap(input_args[3]->GetShapeTrack())[kShape];
auto in_shape5 = CheckAndConvertUtils::ConvertShapePtrToShapeMap(input_args[4]->GetShapeTrack())[kShape];
if (IsDynamicRank(in_shape1) || IsDynamicRank(in_shape2) || IsDynamicRank(in_shape3) || IsDynamicRank(in_shape4) ||
IsDynamicRank(in_shape5)) {
return std::make_shared<abstract::Shape>(std::vector<int64_t>{-2});
// boxes must be rank 2
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("boxes rank", SizeToLong(boxes_shape->shape().size()), kEqual, 2, prim_name);
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("boxes rank", boxes_shape->shape().size(), kEqual, 2, prim_name);
int x_shape = boxes_shape->shape()[1];
if (x_shape > 0) {
// boxes second dimension must euqal 4
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("boxes second dimension", boxes_shape->shape()[1], kEqual, 4, prim_name);
// score must be rank 1
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("scores rank", scores_shape_rank, kEqual, 1, prim_name);
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("scores rank", scores_shape->shape().size(), kEqual, 1, prim_name);
// score length must be equal with boxes first dimension
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("scores length", scores_shape->shape()[0], kEqual, boxes_shape->shape()[0],
// max_output_size,iou_threshold,score_threshold must be scalar
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("max_output_size rank", max_output_size_shape_rank, kEqual, 0, prim_name);
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("iou_threshold rank", iou_threshold_shape_rank, kEqual, 0, prim_name);
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("score_threshold rank", score_threshold_shape_rank, kEqual, 0, prim_name);
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("max_output_size size", max_output_size_shape->shape().size(), kEqual, 0,
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("iou_threshold size", iou_threshold_shape->shape().size(), kEqual, 0,
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInteger("score_threshold size", score_threshold_shape->shape().size(), kEqual, 0,
auto scores_shape_map = CheckAndConvertUtils::ConvertShapePtrToShapeMap(input_args[1]->BuildShape());
// calculate output shape
ShapeVector selected_indices_shape = {abstract::Shape::kShapeDimAny};
ShapeVector selected_indices_shape = {-1};
ShapeVector selected_indices_min_shape = {0};
ShapeVector selected_indices_max_shape;
if (scores_shape_map[kShape].size() > 0 && scores_shape_map[kShape][0] == -1) {
@ -94,19 +108,19 @@ TypePtr NonMaxSuppressionV3InferType(const PrimitivePtr &prim, const std::vector
// boxes and scores must have same type
const std::set<TypePtr> valid_types = {kFloat16, kFloat32};
std::map<std::string, TypePtr> args;
(void)args.insert(std::make_pair("boxes_type", boxes_type));
(void)args.insert(std::make_pair("scores_type", scores_type));
(void)args.insert({"boxes_type", boxes_type});
(void)args.insert({"scores_type", scores_type});
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckTensorTypeSame(args, valid_types, prim_name);
// iou_threshold,score_threshold must be scalar
std::map<std::string, TypePtr> args2;
(void)args2.insert(std::make_pair("iou_threshold_type", iou_threshold_type));
(void)args2.insert(std::make_pair("score_threshold_type", score_threshold_type));
(void)args2.insert({"iou_threshold_type", iou_threshold_type});
(void)args2.insert({"score_threshold_type", score_threshold_type});
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckScalarOrTensorTypesSame(args2, valid_types, prim_name);
// max_output_size must be scalar
const std::set<TypePtr> valid_types2 = {kInt32, kInt64};
const std::set<TypePtr> valid_types1 = {kInt32, kInt64};
std::map<std::string, TypePtr> args3;
(void)args3.insert(std::make_pair("max_output_size_type", max_output_size_type));
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckScalarOrTensorTypesSame(args3, valid_types2, prim_name);
(void)args3.insert({"max_output_size_type", max_output_size_type});
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckScalarOrTensorTypesSame(args3, valid_types1, prim_name);
return max_output_size_type;
} // namespace
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ class NonMaxSuppressionV3(Primitive):
`iou_threshold`, `score_threshold` is not 0.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> boxes = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 3, 3, 4], [1, 3, 4, 4],
@ -412,6 +412,8 @@ class NonMaxSuppressionV3(Primitive):
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize NonMaxSuppressionV3"""
self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['boxes', 'scores', 'max_output_size', 'iou_threshold', 'score_threshold'],
outputs=['selected indices'])
class NonMaxSuppressionWithOverlaps(Primitive):
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
import numpy as np
import pytest
import mindspore.context as context
import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
class Net(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.nms = P.NonMaxSuppressionV3()
def construct(self, boxes, scores, max_output_size, iou_threshold, score_threshold):
return self.nms(boxes, scores, max_output_size, iou_threshold, score_threshold)
def test_boxes_float32_scores_float32():
Feature: test NonMaxSuppressionV3
Description: test cases for NonMaxSuppressionV3
Expectation: the result match to numpy
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="GPU")
boxes = Tensor(np.array([[70, 70, 45, 75], [30, 33, 43, 29]]), mindspore.float32)
scores = Tensor(np.array([0.6, 0.1]), mindspore.float32)
max_output_size = Tensor(2, mindspore.int32)
score_threshold = Tensor(0.05, mindspore.float16)
iou_threshold = Tensor(0.7, mindspore.float16)
expected_idx = np.array([0, 1])
op = Net()
sel_idx = op(boxes, scores, max_output_size, iou_threshold, score_threshold)
assert np.array_equal(sel_idx.asnumpy(), expected_idx)
Reference in New Issue