!19012 modify model_zoo net export
Merge pull request !19012 from lilei/modify_model_zoo_bug
This commit is contained in:
@ -244,13 +244,39 @@ acc=93.88%(TOP5)
## [Model Export](#contents)
Export MindIR on local
python export.py --device_target [PLATFORM] --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_format [EXPORT_FORMAT]
The `ckpt_file` parameter is required.
The `checkpoint_file_path` parameter is required.
`EXPORT_FORMAT` should be in ["AIR", "MINDIR"].
Export on ModelArts (If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [modelarts](https://support.huaweicloud.com/modelarts/), and you can start as follows)
# Export on ModelArts
# (1) Perform a or b.
# a. Set "enable_modelarts=True" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_name='./resnext50'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_format='AIR'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set other parameters on default_config.yaml file you need.
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_name='./resnext50'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_format='AIR'" on the website UI interface.
# Add other parameters on the website UI interface.
# (2) Set the config_path="/path/yaml file" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the code directory to "/path/resnext50" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the startup file to "export.py" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (6) Create your job.
## [Inference Process](#contents)
### Usage
@ -257,13 +257,37 @@ acc=94.72%(TOP5)
## 模型导出
python export.py --device_target [PLATFORM] --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_format [EXPORT_FORMAT]
`ckpt_file` 参数为必填项。
`checkpoint_file_path` 参数为必填项。
# (1) 把训练好的模型地方到桶的对应位置。
# (2) 选址a或者b其中一种方式。
# a. 设置 "enable_modelarts=True"
# 设置 "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt" 在 yaml 文件。
# 设置 "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" 在 yaml 文件。
# 设置 "file_name='./resnext50'"参数在yaml文件。
# 设置 "file_format='AIR'" 参数在yaml文件。
# b. 增加 "enable_modelarts=True" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 增加 "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 增加 "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 设置 "file_name='./resnext50'"参数在modearts的界面上。
# 设置 "file_format='AIR'" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# (3) 设置网络配置文件的路径 "config_path=/The path of config in S3/"
# (4) 在modelarts的界面上设置代码的路径 "/path/resnext50"。
# (5) 在modelarts的界面上设置模型的启动文件 "export.py" 。
# 模型的输出路径"Output file path" 和模型的日志路径 "Job log path" 。
# (6) 开始导出mindir。
## [推理过程](#contents)
### 用法
@ -15,10 +15,12 @@
resnext export mindir.
import os
import numpy as np
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore import context, Tensor, load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net, export
from src.model_utils.config import config
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from src.image_classification import get_network
from src.utils.auto_mixed_precision import auto_mixed_precision
@ -27,7 +29,13 @@ context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=config.device_target)
if config.device_target == "Ascend":
if __name__ == '__main__':
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
config.file_name = os.path.join(config.output_path, config.file_name)
def run_export():
"""run export."""
network = get_network(network=config.network, num_classes=config.num_classes, platform=config.device_target)
param_dict = load_checkpoint(config.checkpoint_file_path)
@ -40,3 +48,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_shp = [config.batch_size, 3, config.height, config.width]
input_array = Tensor(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=input_shp).astype(np.float32))
export(network, input_array, file_name=config.file_name, file_format=config.file_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -384,16 +384,42 @@ result: {'top_1_accuracy': 0.6094950384122919, 'top_5_accuracy': 0.8263244238156
### Export MindIR
Export MindIR on local
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --batch_size [BATCH_SIZE] --net_name [NET] --dataset [DATASET] --file_format [EXPORT_FORMAT]
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --batch_size [BATCH_SIZE] --net_name [NET] --dataset [DATASET] --file_format [EXPORT_FORMAT] --config_path [CONFIG_PATH]
The ckpt_file parameter is required,
The checkpoint_file_path parameter is required,
`BATCH_SIZE` can only be set to 1
`NET` should be in ["squeezenet", "squeezenet_residual"]
`DATASET` should be in ["cifar10", "imagenet"]
`EXPORT_FORMAT` should be in ["AIR", "MINDIR"]
Export on ModelArts (If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [modelarts](https://support.huaweicloud.com/modelarts/), and you can start as follows)
# Export on ModelArts
# (1) Perform a or b.
# a. Set "enable_modelarts=True" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_name='./squeezenet'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_format='AIR'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set other parameters on default_config.yaml file you need.
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_name='./squeezenet'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_format='AIR'" on the website UI interface.
# Add other parameters on the website UI interface.
# (2) Set the config_path="/path/yaml file" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the code directory to "/path/squeezenet" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the startup file to "export.py" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (6) Create your job.
### Infer on Ascend310
Before performing inference, the mindir file must be exported by `export.py` script. We only provide an example of inference using MINDIR model.
@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
##############export checkpoint file into air , mindir and onnx models#################
python export.py --net squeezenet --dataset cifar10 --checkpoint_path squeezenet_cifar10-120_1562.ckpt
import os
import numpy as np
from model_utils.config import config
from model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from mindspore import context, Tensor, load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net, export
if config.net_name == "squeezenet":
@ -34,7 +35,13 @@ context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=config.device_target)
if config.device_target == "Ascend":
if __name__ == '__main__':
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
config.file_name = os.path.join(config.output_path, config.file_name)
def run_export():
"""run export."""
net = squeezenet(num_classes=num_classes)
param_dict = load_checkpoint(config.checkpoint_file_path)
@ -42,3 +49,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_data = Tensor(np.zeros([config.batch_size, 3, config.height, config.width], np.float32))
export(net, input_data, file_name=config.file_name, file_format=config.file_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -470,6 +470,8 @@ mAP: 0.2244936111705981
### [Export MindIR](#contents)
Export MindIR on local
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT] --config_path [CONFIG_PATH]
@ -477,6 +479,30 @@ python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --fi
The ckpt_file parameter is required,
`EXPORT_FORMAT` should be in ["AIR", "MINDIR"]
Export on ModelArts (If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [modelarts](https://support.huaweicloud.com/modelarts/), and you can start as follows)
# Export on ModelArts
# (1) Perform a or b.
# a. Set "enable_modelarts=True" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_name='./ssd'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_format='AIR'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set other parameters on default_config.yaml file you need.
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_name='./ssd'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_format='AIR'" on the website UI interface.
# Add other parameters on the website UI interface.
# (2) Set the config_path="/path/yaml file" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the code directory to "/path/ssd" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the startup file to "export.py" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (6) Create your job.
### Infer on Ascend310
Before performing inference, the mindir file must bu exported by `export.py` script. We only provide an example of inference using MINDIR model.
@ -395,6 +395,8 @@ mAP: 0.2244936111705981
### [导出MindIR](#contents)
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT] --config_path [CONFIG_PATH]
@ -402,6 +404,28 @@ python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --fi
# (1) 把训练好的模型地方到桶的对应位置。
# (2) 选址a或者b其中一种方式。
# a. 设置 "enable_modelarts=True"
# 设置 "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt" 在 yaml 文件。
# 设置 "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" 在 yaml 文件。
# 设置 "file_name='./ssd'"参数在yaml文件。
# 设置 "file_format='AIR'" 参数在yaml文件。
# b. 增加 "enable_modelarts=True" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 增加 "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 增加 "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 设置 "file_name='./ssd'"参数在modearts的界面上。
# 设置 "file_format='AIR'" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# (3) 设置网络配置文件的路径 "config_path=/The path of config in S3/"
# (4) 在modelarts的界面上设置代码的路径 "/path/ssd"。
# (5) 在modelarts的界面上设置模型的启动文件 "export.py" 。
# 模型的输出路径"Output file path" 和模型的日志路径 "Job log path" 。
# (6) 开始导出mindir。
### 在Ascend310执行推理
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
import os
import numpy as np
import mindspore
@ -20,13 +21,20 @@ from mindspore import context, Tensor
from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net, export
from src.ssd import SSD300, SsdInferWithDecoder, ssd_mobilenet_v2, ssd_mobilenet_v1_fpn, ssd_resnet50_fpn, ssd_vgg16
from src.model_utils.config import config
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from src.box_utils import default_boxes
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=config.device_target)
if config.device_target == "Ascend":
if __name__ == '__main__':
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
config.file_name = os.path.join(config.output_path, config.file_name)
def run_export():
"""run export."""
if hasattr(config, 'num_ssd_boxes') and config.num_ssd_boxes == -1:
num = 0
h, w = config.img_shape
@ -55,3 +63,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_shp = [config.batch_size, 3] + config.img_shape
input_array = Tensor(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=input_shp), mindspore.float32)
export(net, input_array, file_name=config.file_name, file_format=config.file_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
if [[ $# -lt 3 || $# -gt 4 ]]; then
echo "Usage: bash run_infer_310.sh [MINDIR_PATH] [DATA_PATH] [DVPP] [DEVICE_ID]
if [[ $# -lt 4 || $# -gt 5 ]]; then
echo "Usage: bash run_infer_310.sh [MINDIR_PATH] [DATA_PATH] [DVPP] [CONFIG_PATH] [DEVICE_ID]
DVPP is mandatory, and must choose from [DVPP|CPU], it's case-insensitive
DEVICE_ID is optional, it can be set by environment variable device_id, otherwise the value is zero"
exit 1
@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ get_real_path(){
model=$(get_real_path $1)
data_path=$(get_real_path $2)
if [ $# == 4 ]; then
if [ $# == 5 ]; then
echo "mindir name: "$model
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ function infer()
function cal_acc()
python3.7 ../postprocess.py --result_path=./result_Files --img_path=$data_path --drop=True &> acc.log &
python3.7 ../postprocess.py --result_path=./result_Files --img_path=$data_path --config_path=${cfg_path} --drop=True &> acc.log &
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ the steps below, this is a simple example:
#### Running on Ascend 310
Export MindIR
Export MindIR on local
Before exporting, you need to modify the parameter in the configuration — checkpoint_file_path and batch_ Size . checkpoint_ file_ Path is the CKPT file path, batch_ Size is set to 1.
@ -483,6 +483,30 @@ python export.py --config_path=[CONFIG_PATH]
The checkpoint_file_path parameter is required,
`EXPORT_FORMAT` should be in ["AIR", "MINDIR"]
Export on ModelArts (If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [modelarts](https://support.huaweicloud.com/modelarts/), and you can start as follows)
# Export on ModelArts
# (1) Perform a or b.
# a. Set "enable_modelarts=True" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_name='./unet'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_format='AIR'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set other parameters on default_config.yaml file you need.
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_name='./unet'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_format='AIR'" on the website UI interface.
# Add other parameters on the website UI interface.
# (2) Set the config_path="/path/yaml file" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the code directory to "/path/unet" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the startup file to "export.py" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (6) Create your job.
Before performing inference, the MINDIR file must be exported by export script on the 910 environment.
@ -473,10 +473,34 @@ python eval.py --data_path=/path/to/data/ --checkpoint_file_path=/path/to/checkp
python export.py --config_path=[CONFIG_PATH]
# (1) 把训练好的模型地方到桶的对应位置。
# (2) 选址a或者b其中一种方式。
# a. 设置 "enable_modelarts=True"
# 设置 "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt" 在 yaml 文件。
# 设置 "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" 在 yaml 文件。
# 设置 "file_name='./unet'"参数在yaml文件。
# 设置 "file_format='AIR'" 参数在yaml文件。
# b. 增加 "enable_modelarts=True" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 增加 "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 增加 "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 设置 "file_name='./unet'"参数在modearts的界面上。
# 设置 "file_format='AIR'" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# (3) 设置网络配置文件的路径 "config_path=/The path of config in S3/"
# (4) 在modelarts的界面上设置代码的路径 "/path/unet"。
# (5) 在modelarts的界面上设置模型的启动文件 "export.py" 。
# 模型的输出路径"Output file path" 和模型的日志路径 "Job log path" 。
# (6) 开始导出mindir。
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
import os
import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor, export, load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net, context
@ -22,13 +23,20 @@ from src.unet_nested import NestedUNet, UNet
from src.utils import UnetEval
from src.model_utils.config import config
from src.model_utils.device_adapter import get_device_id
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=config.device_target)
if config.device_target == "Ascend":
if __name__ == "__main__":
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
config.file_name = os.path.join(config.output_path, config.file_name)
def run_export():
"""run export."""
if config.model_name == 'unet_medical':
net = UNetMedical(n_channels=config.num_channels, n_classes=config.num_classes)
elif config.model_name == 'unet_nested':
@ -46,3 +54,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
input_data = Tensor(np.ones([config.batch_size, config.num_channels, config.height, \
export(net, input_data, file_name=config.file_name, file_format=config.file_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [mod
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Download nibabel and set pip-requirements.txt to code directory
# (5) Set the code directory to "/path/unet3d" on the website UI interface.
# (6) Set the startup file to "eval.py" on the website UI interface.
# (7) Set the "Dataset path" and "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (8) Create your job.
# (4) Set the code directory to "/path/unet3d" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the startup file to "eval.py" on the website UI interface.
# (6) Set the "Dataset path" and "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (7) Create your job.
## [Script Description](#contents)
@ -619,10 +619,35 @@ sh run_gpu.sh -t i -n 1 -i 1 -o {outputfile}
### [Export MindIR](#contents)
Export MindIR on local
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT]
Export on ModelArts (If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [modelarts](https://support.huaweicloud.com/modelarts/), and you can start as follows)
# Export on ModelArts
# (1) Perform a or b.
# a. Set "enable_modelarts=True" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_name='./mass'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_format='AIR'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set other parameters on default_config.yaml file you need.
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_name='./mass'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_format='AIR'" on the website UI interface.
# Add other parameters on the website UI interface.
# (2) Set the code directory to "/path/mass" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the startup file to "export.py" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (5) Create your job.
The ckpt_file parameter is required,
`EXPORT_FORMAT` should be in ["AIR", "MINDIR"]
@ -623,6 +623,8 @@ sh run_gpu.sh -t i -n 1 -i 1 -o {outputfile}
### [导出模型](#contents)
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT]
@ -630,6 +632,27 @@ python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --fi
# (1) 把训练好的模型地方到桶的对应位置。
# (2) 选址a或者b其中一种方式。
# a. 设置 "enable_modelarts=True"
# 设置 "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt" 在 yaml 文件。
# 设置 "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" 在 yaml 文件。
# 设置 "file_name='./mass'"参数在yaml文件。
# 设置 "file_format='AIR'" 参数在yaml文件。
# b. 增加 "enable_modelarts=True" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 增加 "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 增加 "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# 设置 "file_name='./mass'"参数在modearts的界面上。
# 设置 "file_format='AIR'" 参数在modearts的界面上。
# (3) 在modelarts的界面上设置代码的路径 "/path/mass"。
# (4) 在modelarts的界面上设置模型的启动文件 "export.py" 。
# 模型的输出路径"Output file path" 和模型的日志路径 "Job log path" 。
# (5) 开始导出mindir。
### 在Ascend310执行推理
@ -14,15 +14,16 @@
# ============================================================================
"""export checkpoint file into air models"""
import os
import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor, context
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore.train.serialization import export
from src.utils import Dictionary
from src.utils.load_weights import load_infer_weights
from src.model_utils.config import config
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from src.transformer.transformer_for_infer import TransformerInferModel
@ -34,10 +35,14 @@ context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=config.device_target)
if config.device_target == "Ascend":
if __name__ == '__main__':
vocab = Dictionary.load_from_persisted_dict(config.vocab_file)
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
config.file_name = os.path.join(config.output_path, config.file_name)
def run_export():
"""run export."""
dec_len = config.max_decode_length
tfm_model = TransformerInferModel(config=config, use_one_hot_embeddings=False)
@ -72,3 +77,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
source_mask = Tensor(np.ones((1, config.seq_length)).astype(np.int32))
export(tfm_model, source_ids, source_mask, file_name=config.file_name, file_format=config.file_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -78,10 +78,11 @@ If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [mod
# Set other parameters on yaml file you need.
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add other parameters on the website UI interface.
# (2) Set the code directory to "/path/textcnn" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the startup file to "train.py" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the "Dataset path" and "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (5) Create your job.
# (2) Set the config_path="/path/yaml" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the code directory to "/path/textcnn" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the startup file to "train.py" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the "Dataset path" and "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (6) Create your job.
# run evaluation on modelarts example
# (1) Copy or upload your trained model to S3 bucket.
@ -92,10 +93,11 @@ If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [mod
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url=/The path of checkpoint in S3/" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the code directory to "/path/textcnn" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the startup file to "eval.py" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the "Dataset path" and "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (6) Create your job.
# (3) Set the config_path="/path/yaml" on the website UI interface
# (4) Set the code directory to "/path/textcnn" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the startup file to "eval.py" on the website UI interface.
# (6) Set the "Dataset path" and "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (7) Create your job.
# [Script Description](#contents)
@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ For more configuration details, please refer the script `*.yaml`.
Before running the command below, please check the checkpoint path used for evaluation. Please set the checkpoint path to be the absolute full path, e.g., "username/textcnn/ckpt/train_textcnn.ckpt".
# need set config_path in config.py file and set data_path, checkpoint_file_path in yaml file
# need set config_path and set data_path in yaml file, checkpoint_file_path in yaml file
python eval.py > eval.log 2>&1 &
sh scripts/run_eval.sh checkpoint_file_path dataset
@ -199,13 +201,41 @@ For more configuration details, please refer the script `*.yaml`.
## [Export MindIR](#contents)
Export on local
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT]
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT] --config_path [CONFIG_FILE]
The ckpt_file parameter is required,
The checkpoint_file_path parameter is required,
`EXPORT_FORMAT` should be in ["AIR", "MINDIR"]
Export on ModelArts (If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [modelarts](https://support.huaweicloud.com/modelarts/), and you can start as follows)
# Export on ModelArts
# (1) Perform a or b.
# a. Set "enable_modelarts=True" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "data_path='/cache/data/' " on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_name='./textcnn'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_format='AIR'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set other parameters on default_config.yaml file you need.
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add "data_path='/cache/data/' " on default_config.yaml file.
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_name='./textcnn'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_format='AIR'" on the website UI interface.
# Add other parameters on the website UI interface.
# (2) Set the config_path="/path/yaml file" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the code directory to "/path/textcnn" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the startup file to "export.py" on the website UI interface.
# (5) Set the "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (6) Create your job.
## [Inference Process](#contents)
### Usage
@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
##############export checkpoint file into air, onnx, mindir models#################
python export.py
import os
import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor, load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net, export, context
from model_utils.config import config
from model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from src.textcnn import TextCNN
from src.dataset import MovieReview, SST2, Subjectivity
@ -28,8 +29,13 @@ context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=config.device_target)
if config.device_target == "Ascend":
if __name__ == '__main__':
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
config.file_name = os.path.join(config.output_path, config.file_name)
def run_export():
"""run export."""
if config.dataset == 'MR':
instance = MovieReview(root_dir=config.data_path, maxlen=config.word_len, split=0.9)
elif config.dataset == 'SUBJ':
@ -47,3 +53,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_arr = Tensor(np.ones([config.batch_size, config.word_len], np.int32))
export(net, input_arr, file_name=config.file_name, file_format=config.file_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Dataset used: [COCO2017](<http://images.cocodataset.org/>)
And change the COCO_ROOT and other settings you need in `config.py`. The directory structure is as follows:
And change the COCO_ROOT and other settings you need in `default_config.yaml`. The directory structure is as follows:
@ -238,13 +238,38 @@ python eval.py --device_id 0 --dataset coco --checkpoint_path LOG4/ssd-500_458.c
### Export MindIR
Export MindIR on local
python export.py --ckpt_file [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT]
python export.py --checkpoint_file_path [CKPT_PATH] --file_name [FILE_NAME] --file_format [FILE_FORMAT]
The ckpt_file parameter is required,
The checkpoint_file_path parameter is required,
`FILE_FORMAT` should be in ["AIR", "MINDIR"]
Export on ModelArts (If you want to run in modelarts, please check the official documentation of [modelarts](https://support.huaweicloud.com/modelarts/), and you can start as follows)
# Export on ModelArts
# (1) Perform a or b.
# a. Set "enable_modelarts=True" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_name='./ssd_ghostnet'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set "file_format='AIR'" on default_config.yaml file.
# Set other parameters on default_config.yaml file you need.
# b. Add "enable_modelarts=True" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_file_path='/cache/checkpoint_path/model.ckpt'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "checkpoint_url='s3://dir_to_trained_ckpt/'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_name='./ssd_ghostnet'" on the website UI interface.
# Add "file_format='AIR'" on the website UI interface.
# Add other parameters on the website UI interface.
# (2) Set the code directory to "/path/ssd_ghostnet" on the website UI interface.
# (3) Set the startup file to "export.py" on the website UI interface.
# (4) Set the "Output file path" and "Job log path" to your path on the website UI interface.
# (5) Create your job.
### Infer on Ascend310
Before performing inference, the mindir file must be exported by `export.py` script. We only provide an example of inference using MINDIR model.
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# ============================================================================
import os
import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore import context
@ -21,10 +22,17 @@ from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net,
from src.ssd_ghostnet import SSD300, ssd_ghostnet
from src.model_utils.config import config
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=config.device_target, device_id=config.device_id)
if __name__ == "__main__":
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
config.file_name = os.path.join(config.output_path, config.file_name)
def run_export():
"""run export."""
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, save_graphs=False)
# define net
net = SSD300(ssd_ghostnet(), is_training=False)
@ -35,3 +43,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
input_shape = config.img_shape
inputs = np.ones([config.batch_size, 3, input_shape[0], input_shape[1]]).astype(np.float32)
export(net, Tensor(inputs), file_name=config.file_name, file_format=config.file_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue