Support arg min with value

This commit is contained in:
ZPaC 2022-06-13 15:24:40 +08:00
parent e6767ccd0f
commit bbd9a04b0f
14 changed files with 458 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ BuiltInTypeMap &GetMethodMap() {
{"erf", std::string("erf")}, // P.Erf()
{"erfc", std::string("erfc")}, // P.Erfc()
{"standard_laplace", std::string("standard_laplace")}, // P.StandardLaplace()
{"arg_min_with_value", std::string("arg_min_with_value")}, // P.ArgMinWithValue

View File

@ -20,50 +20,95 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "mindspore/core/ops/argmax_with_value.h"
#include "mindspore/core/ops/argmin_with_value.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/gpu_kernel.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/gpu_kernel_factory.h"
#include "plugin/device/gpu/kernel/cuda_impl/cuda_ops/general_reduction_impl.cuh"
namespace mindspore {
namespace kernel {
constexpr size_t kInputNum = 1;
constexpr size_t kOutputNum = 2;
template <typename T, typename S>
class ArgMaxAndMinWithValueGpuKernelMod : public DeprecatedNativeGpuKernelMod {
class ArgMaxAndMinWithValueGpuKernelMod : public NativeGpuKernelMod {
ArgMaxAndMinWithValueGpuKernelMod() { ResetResource(); }
~ArgMaxAndMinWithValueGpuKernelMod() override = default;
int Resize(const BaseOperatorPtr &base_operator, const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &inputs,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &outputs, const std::map<uint32_t, tensor::TensorPtr> &) override {
if (!InitSize(base_operator, inputs, outputs)) {
return KRET_OK;
std::vector<KernelAttr> GetOpSupport() override {
static std::vector<KernelAttr> support_list = {
return support_list;
bool Launch(const std::vector<AddressPtr> &inputs, const std::vector<AddressPtr> &,
const std::vector<AddressPtr> &outputs, void *stream_ptr) override {
if (is_null_input_) {
return true;
T *input = GetDeviceAddress<T>(inputs, 0);
T *output = GetDeviceAddress<T>(outputs, 1);
S *index = GetDeviceAddress<S>(outputs, 0);
CalGeneralReduction(small_, input, bound_, outerSize_, innerSize_, index, output,
CalGeneralReduction(small_, input, bound_, outer_size_, inner_size_, index, output,
return true;
bool Init(const CNodePtr &kernel_node) override {
std::string kernel_name = common::AnfAlgo::GetCNodeName(kernel_node);
kernel_node_ = kernel_node;
small_ = (kernel_name == "ArgMinWithValue") ? true : false;
auto shape = Convert2SizeTClipNeg(common::AnfAlgo::GetPrevNodeOutputInferShape(kernel_node, 0));
auto output_shape = Convert2SizeTClipNeg(common::AnfAlgo::GetOutputInferShape(kernel_node, 1));
is_null_input_ =
CHECK_SHAPE_NULL(shape, kernel_name, "input") || CHECK_SHAPE_NULL(output_shape, kernel_name, "output");
if (is_null_input_) {
return true;
bool Init(const BaseOperatorPtr &base_operator, const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &inputs,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &outputs) override {
kernel_name_ = base_operator->name();
if (kernel_name_ != "ArgMaxWithValue" && kernel_name_ != "ArgMinWithValue") {
MS_EXCEPTION(ArgumentError) << "The kernel must be either ArgMaxWithValue or ArgMinWithValue.";
// Check inputs and outputs size.
if (inputs.size() != kInputNum) {
<< "For kernel mod[ArgMaxAndMinWithValueGpuKernelMod], the size of input should be 1, but got "
<< inputs.size();
if (outputs.size() != kOutputNum) {
<< "For kernel mod[ArgMaxAndMinWithValueGpuKernelMod], the size of output should be 2, but got "
<< outputs.size();
if (kernel_name_ == "ArgMinWithValue") {
auto kernel_ptr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ops::ArgMinWithValue>(base_operator);
axis_ = kernel_ptr->axis();
} else {
auto kernel_ptr = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ops::ArgMaxWithValue>(base_operator);
axis_ = kernel_ptr->axis();
small_ = (kernel_name_ == "ArgMinWithValue") ? true : false;
return InitSize(base_operator, inputs, outputs);
bool InitSize(const BaseOperatorPtr &, const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &inputs,
const std::vector<KernelTensorPtr> &outputs) {
auto shape = Convert2SizeTClipNeg(inputs[0]->GetShapeVector());
auto output_shape = Convert2SizeTClipNeg(outputs[0]->GetShapeVector());
int64_t dims = SizeToLong(shape.size());
int64_t axis = GetAttr<int64_t>(kernel_node, "axis");
if (axis < -dims || axis >= dims) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "For '" << kernel_name << "', the 'axis' must be in the range [-" << dims << "," << dims
<< "), but got " << axis;
if (axis_ < -dims || axis_ >= dims) {
MS_EXCEPTION(ValueError) << "For '" << kernel_name_ << "', the 'axis' must be in the range [-" << dims << ","
<< dims << "), but got " << axis_;
if (axis < 0) {
axis += dims;
if (axis_ < 0) {
axis_ += dims;
input_size_ = sizeof(T);
for (auto x : shape) {
@ -73,50 +118,50 @@ class ArgMaxAndMinWithValueGpuKernelMod : public DeprecatedNativeGpuKernelMod {
for (auto x : output_shape) {
output_size_ *= x;
bound_ = static_cast<S>(shape[axis]);
if (shape[axis] != static_cast<size_t>(bound_)) {
MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "For '" << kernel_name << "', the value of shape[axis] must be "
<< static_cast<size_t>(bound_) << ", but got " << shape[axis];
bound_ = static_cast<S>(shape[axis_]);
if (static_cast<S>(shape[axis_]) != bound_) {
MS_EXCEPTION(ArgumentError) << "For '" << kernel_name_ << "', the value of shape[axis] must be "
<< static_cast<size_t>(bound_) << ", but got " << shape[axis_];
outerSize_ = 1;
for (int64_t i = axis - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
outerSize_ *= shape[i];
outer_size_ = 1;
for (int64_t i = axis_ - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
outer_size_ *= shape[i];
innerSize_ = 1;
for (int64_t i = axis + 1; i < dims; i++) {
innerSize_ *= shape[i];
inner_size_ = 1;
for (int64_t i = axis_ + 1; i < dims; i++) {
inner_size_ *= shape[i];
output_size_list_.push_back(output_size_ / sizeof(S) * sizeof(T));
return true;
void ResetResource() noexcept override {
void ResetResource() noexcept {
kernel_name_ = "";
axis_ = 0;
input_size_ = 0;
output_size_ = 0;
bound_ = 0;
outerSize_ = 0;
innerSize_ = 0;
is_null_input_ = false;
outer_size_ = 0;
inner_size_ = 0;
void InitSizeLists() override {
output_size_list_.push_back(output_size_ / sizeof(S) * sizeof(T));
std::string kernel_name_;
bool small_ = false;
int64_t axis_;
size_t input_size_;
size_t output_size_;
S bound_;
size_t outerSize_;
size_t innerSize_;
bool is_null_input_;
size_t outer_size_;
size_t inner_size_;
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace mindspore

View File

@ -25,6 +25,18 @@
namespace mindspore {
namespace ops {
int64_t ArgMaxWithValue::axis() const {
auto value_ptr = GetAttr("axis");
return GetValue<int64_t>(value_ptr);
bool ArgMaxWithValue::keep_dims() const {
auto value_ptr = GetAttr("keep_dims");
return GetValue<bool>(value_ptr);
namespace {
abstract::TupleShapePtr ArgMaxWithValueInferShape(const PrimitivePtr &primitive,
const std::vector<AbstractBasePtr> &input_args) {

View File

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ class MIND_API ArgMaxWithValue : public BaseOperator {
ArgMaxWithValue() : BaseOperator(kNameArgMaxWithValue) { InitIOName({"input_x"}, {"index", "output_x"}); }
int64_t axis() const;
bool keep_dims() const;
abstract::AbstractBasePtr ArgMaxWithValueInfer(const abstract::AnalysisEnginePtr &, const PrimitivePtr &primitive,
const std::vector<abstract::AbstractBasePtr> &input_args);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ops/argmin_with_value.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "ops/op_utils.h"
#include "utils/check_convert_utils.h"
#include "abstract/ops/primitive_infer_map.h"
#include "mindapi/src/helper.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace ops {
int64_t ArgMinWithValue::axis() const {
auto value_ptr = GetAttr("axis");
return GetValue<int64_t>(value_ptr);
bool ArgMinWithValue::keep_dims() const {
auto value_ptr = GetAttr("keep_dims");
return GetValue<bool>(value_ptr);
namespace {
abstract::TupleShapePtr ArgMinWithValueInferShape(const PrimitivePtr &primitive,
const std::vector<AbstractBasePtr> &input_args) {
auto prim_name = primitive->name();
auto x_shape_ptr = input_args[0]->BuildShape();
auto x_shape_map = CheckAndConvertUtils::ConvertShapePtrToShapeMap(x_shape_ptr);
auto x_shape = x_shape_map[kShape];
auto axis_value = primitive->GetAttr("axis");
auto axis = GetValue<int64_t>(axis_value);
auto keep_dims_value = primitive->GetAttr("keep_dims");
auto keep_dims = GetValue<bool>(keep_dims_value);
auto x_rank = SizeToLong(x_shape.size());
if (x_rank == 0) {
if (axis != -1 && axis != 0) {
MS_EXCEPTION(ValueError) << "For ArgMinWithValue with 0d input tensor, axis must be one of 0 or -1, but got"
<< axis << ".";
return std::make_shared<abstract::TupleShape>(std::vector<abstract::BaseShapePtr>{x_shape_ptr, x_shape_ptr});
if (axis < 0) {
axis += x_rank;
if (axis < 0 || axis >= x_rank) {
MS_EXCEPTION(ValueError) << "For ArgMinWithValue, axis must be in range [-x_rank, x_rank), but got" << axis << ".";
(void)primitive->AddAttr("dimension", MakeValue(axis));
// Calculate all the shapes.
auto cal_shape = [axis, keep_dims](ShapeVector &shape, const ShapeVector &x_shape) -> void {
(void)shape.insert(shape.end(), x_shape.begin(), x_shape.end());
if (keep_dims) {
shape[axis] = 1;
} else {
(void)shape.erase(shape.begin() + axis);
ShapeVector output_shape;
cal_shape(output_shape, x_shape);
auto index_and_value_shape = std::make_shared<abstract::Shape>(output_shape);
return std::make_shared<abstract::TupleShape>(
std::vector<abstract::BaseShapePtr>{index_and_value_shape, index_and_value_shape});
TuplePtr ArgMinWithValueInferType(const PrimitivePtr &prim, const std::vector<AbstractBasePtr> &input_args) {
const std::set<TypePtr> valid_types = {kFloat16, kFloat32, kFloat64};
TypePtr input_x_type = input_args[0]->BuildType();
(void)CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckTensorTypeValid("input_x", input_x_type, valid_types, prim->name());
auto index_type = std::make_shared<TensorType>(kInt32);
return std::make_shared<Tuple>(std::vector<TypePtr>{index_type, input_x_type});
} // namespace
AbstractBasePtr ArgMinWithValueInfer(const abstract::AnalysisEnginePtr &, const PrimitivePtr &primitive,
const std::vector<AbstractBasePtr> &input_args) {
const int64_t input_num = 1;
CheckAndConvertUtils::CheckInputArgs(input_args, kEqual, input_num, primitive->name());
auto shapes = ArgMinWithValueInferShape(primitive, input_args);
auto types = ArgMinWithValueInferType(primitive, input_args);
return abstract::MakeAbstract(shapes, types);
MIND_API_OPERATOR_IMPL(ArgMinWithValue, BaseOperator);
REGISTER_PRIMITIVE_EVAL_IMPL(ArgMinWithValue, prim::kPrimArgMinWithValue, ArgMinWithValueInfer, nullptr, true);
} // namespace ops
} // namespace mindspore

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "ops/base_operator.h"
#include "mindapi/base/types.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace ops {
constexpr auto kNameArgMinWithValue = "ArgMinWithValue";
class MIND_API ArgMinWithValue : public BaseOperator {
ArgMinWithValue() : BaseOperator(kNameArgMinWithValue) { InitIOName({"input_x"}, {"index", "output_x"}); }
int64_t axis() const;
bool keep_dims() const;
abstract::AbstractBasePtr ArgMinWithValueInfer(const abstract::AnalysisEnginePtr &, const PrimitivePtr &primitive,
const std::vector<abstract::AbstractBasePtr> &input_args);
} // namespace ops
} // namespace mindspore

View File

@ -414,6 +414,7 @@ GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimPad, std::make_shared<Primitive>("Pad"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimPadding, std::make_shared<Primitive>(kPadding));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimMirrorPad, std::make_shared<Primitive>(kMirrorPad));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimArgMaxWithValue, std::make_shared<Primitive>("ArgMaxWithValue"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimArgMinWithValue, std::make_shared<Primitive>("ArgMinWithValue"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimUnique, std::make_shared<Primitive>("Unique"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimUniqueWithPad, std::make_shared<Primitive>("UniqueWithPad"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimUniqueGrad, std::make_shared<Primitive>("UniqueGrad"));
@ -1139,7 +1140,6 @@ GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimSpaceToDepth, std::make_shared<Primitive>("SpaceToDe
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimPadFusion, std::make_shared<Primitive>("PadFusion"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimPowFusion, std::make_shared<Primitive>("PowFusion"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimResize, std::make_shared<Primitive>("Resize"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimArgMinWithValue, std::make_shared<Primitive>("ArgMinWithValue"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimIf, std::make_shared<Primitive>("If"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimAvgPoolFusion, std::make_shared<Primitive>("AvgPoolFusion"));
GVAR_DEF(PrimitivePtr, kPrimMaxPoolFusion, std::make_shared<Primitive>("MaxPoolFusion"));

View File

@ -495,6 +495,13 @@ def argmax(x, axis=None):
return P.Argmax(axis)(x)
def arg_min_with_value(input_x, axis=0, keep_dims=False):
Returns the minimum value with corresponding index.
return F.arg_min_with_value(input_x, axis, keep_dims)
def argmin(x, axis=None):
Returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis.

View File

@ -1999,6 +1999,54 @@ class Tensor(Tensor_):
# P.Argmin is currently not supported
return tensor_operator_registry.get('argmax')(axis)(tensor_operator_registry.get('__neg__')(a))
def arg_min_with_value(self, axis=0, keep_dims=False):
Returns the minimum value with corresponding index.
In auto_parallel and semi_auto_parallel mode, the first output index can not be used.
.. warning::
- If there are multiple minimum values, the index of the first minimum value is used.
- The value range of "axis" is [-dims, dims - 1]. "dims" is the dimension length of "input_x".
axis (int): The dimension to reduce. Default: 0.
keep_dims (bool): Whether to reduce dimension, if true the output will keep the same dimension as the input,
the output will reduce dimension if false. Default: False.
- **input_x** (Tensor) - The input tensor, can be any dimension. Set the shape of input tensor as
:math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_N)` .
tuple (Tensor), tuple of 2 tensors, containing the corresponding index and the minimum value of the input
- index (Tensor) - The index for the minimum value of the input tensor. If `keep_dims` is true, the shape of
output tensors is :math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_{axis-1}, 1, x_{axis+1}, ..., x_N)`. Otherwise, the shape is
:math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_{axis-1}, x_{axis+1}, ..., x_N)` .
- output_x (Tensor) - The minimum value of input tensor, with the same shape as index.
TypeError: If `keep_dims` is not a bool.
TypeError: If `axis` is not an int.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> input_x = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = ops.arg_min_with_value(input_x)
>>> print(output)
(Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Int32, value= 0), Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Float32, value= 0))
>>> output = ops.arg_min_with_value(input_x, keep_dims=True)
>>> print(output)
(Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=Int32, value= [0]), Tensor(shape=[1], dtype=Float32, value= [ 0.00000000e+00]))
return tensor_operator_registry.get('arg_min_with_value')(self, axis, keep_dims)
def cumsum(self, axis=None, dtype=None):
Return the cumulative sum of the elements along a given axis.

View File

@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ from .array_func import (
from .parameter_func import (

View File

@ -3631,6 +3631,69 @@ def max(input_x, axis=0, keep_dims=False):
return argmax_with_value_op(input_x)
def min(input_x, axis=0, keep_dims=False):
Calculates the minimum value with corresponding index, and returns indices and values.
Calculates the minimum value along with the given axis for the input tensor. It returns the minimum values and
In auto_parallel and semi_auto_parallel mode, the first output index can not be used.
.. warning::
- If there are multiple minimum values, the index of the first minimum value is used.
- The value range of "axis" is [-dims, dims - 1]. "dims" is the dimension length of "input_x".
Also see: class: `mindspore.ops.ArgMinWithValue`.
input_x (Tensor) - The input tensor, can be any dimension. Set the shape of input tensor as
:math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_N)` . And the data type only support mindspore.float16 or float32.
axis (int): The dimension to reduce. Default: 0.
keep_dims (bool): Whether to reduce dimension, if true the output will keep the same dimension as the input,
the output will reduce dimension if false. Default: False.
- **input_x** (Tensor) - The input tensor, can be any dimension. Set the shape of input tensor as
:math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_N)` .
tuple (Tensor), tuple of 2 tensors, containing the corresponding index and the minimum value of the input
- index (Tensor) - The index for the minimum value of the input tensor. If `keep_dims` is true, the shape of
output tensors is :math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_{axis-1}, 1, x_{axis+1}, ..., x_N)`. Otherwise, the shape is
:math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_{axis-1}, x_{axis+1}, ..., x_N)` .
- output_x (Tensor) - The minimum value of input tensor, with the same shape as index.
TypeError: If `keep_dims` is not a bool.
TypeError: If `axis` is not an int.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``
>>> input_x = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]), mindspore.float32)
>>> index, output = ops.max(input_x)
>>> print(index, output)
3 0.7
>>> index, output = ops.max(input_x, keep_dims=True)
>>> print(index, output)
[3] [0.7]
>>> input_x = Tensor(np.array([0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1]), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = ops.min(input_x)
>>> print(output)
0 0.0
>>> output = ops.min(input_x, keep_dims=True)
>>> print(output)
[0] [0.0]
argmin_with_value_op = P.ArgMinWithValue(axis, keep_dims)
return argmin_with_value_op(input_x)
__all__ = [
@ -3708,5 +3771,6 @@ __all__ = [

View File

@ -1084,5 +1084,6 @@ tensor_operator_registry.register('norm', norm)
tensor_operator_registry.register('renorm', renorm)
tensor_operator_registry.register('adaptive_max_pool2d', AdaptiveMaxPool2D)
tensor_operator_registry.register('coalesce', coalesce)
tensor_operator_registry.register('arg_min_with_value', min)
__all__ = [name for name in dir() if name[0] != "_"]

View File

@ -2220,6 +2220,8 @@ class ArgMinWithValue(PrimitiveWithInfer):
- If there are multiple minimum values, the index of the first minimum value is used.
- The value range of "axis" is [-dims, dims - 1]. "dims" is the dimension length of "input_x".
Also see: func: `mindspore.ops.arg_min_with_value`.
axis (int): The dimension to reduce. Default: 0.
keep_dims (bool): Whether to reduce dimension, if true the output will keep the same dimension as the input,

View File

@ -16,10 +16,12 @@
import numpy as np
import pytest
import mindspore
import mindspore.context as context
import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops import functional as F
class NetArgminWithValue(nn.Cell):
@ -101,6 +103,15 @@ def argminwithvalue_3d(data_type, shape_x):
assert (output[1].asnumpy() == expect2).all()
def argminwithvalue_tensor(context_mode):
context.set_context(mode=context_mode, device_target="GPU")
x = Tensor(np.array([[1., 20., 5.],
[67., 8., 9.],
[130., 24., 15.],
[0.3, -0.4, -15.]]).astype(np.float32))
return x.arg_min_with_value(axis=-1)
@ -144,3 +155,72 @@ def test_argminwithvalue_3d_big_float32():
argminwithvalue_3d(np.float32, shape_x)
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="GPU")
argminwithvalue_3d(np.float32, shape_x)
def test_argminwithvalue_functional():
Feature: support min op functional.
Description: test the op using functional.
Expectation: expect correct result.
x = Tensor(np.array([[1., 20., 5.],
[67., 8., 9.],
[130., 24., 15.],
[0.3, -0.4, -15.]]).astype(np.float32))
expect_index = np.array([3, 3, 3]).astype(np.int32)
expect_output = np.array([0.3, -0.4, -15.]).astype(np.float32)
index, output = F.min(x, axis=0)
assert (index.asnumpy() == expect_index).all()
assert (output.asnumpy() == expect_output).all()
def test_argminwithvalue_tensor():
Feature: support tensor's arg_min_with_value op.
Description: test the op using tensor.
Expectation: expect correct result.
expect_index = np.array([0, 1, 2, 2]).astype(np.int32)
expect_output = np.array([1., 8., 15., -15.]).astype(np.float32)
index, output = argminwithvalue_tensor(context.GRAPH_MODE)
assert (index.asnumpy() == expect_index).all()
assert (output.asnumpy() == expect_output).all()
index, output = argminwithvalue_tensor(context.PYNATIVE_MODE)
assert (index.asnumpy() == expect_index).all()
assert (output.asnumpy() == expect_output).all()
def test_argminwithvalue_dynamic_shape():
Feature: support arg_min_with_value op with dynamic shape.
Description: test the op with dynamic shape
Expectation: expect correct result.
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="GPU")
x = Tensor(np.array([[1., 20., 5.],
[67., 8., 9.],
[130., 24., 15.],
[0.3, -0.4, -15.]]).astype(np.float32))
expect_index = np.array([0, 1, 2, 2]).astype(np.int32)
expect_output = np.array([1., 8., 15., -15.]).astype(np.float32)
argmin_net = NetArgminWithValue()
input_dynamic = Tensor(shape=[4, None], dtype=mindspore.float32)
output = argmin_net(x)
assert (output[1][0].asnumpy() == expect_index).all()
assert (output[1][1].asnumpy() == expect_output).all()