fixed function performance bug

This commit is contained in:
wangchangheng 2022-12-01 16:36:09 +08:00
parent c28f92b0c5
commit b04ccc94c8
5 changed files with 136 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ void SessionBasic::GetSingleOpGraphInfo(const CNodePtr &kernel, const InputTenso
auto prim = common::AnfAlgo::GetCNodePrimitive(kernel);
buf << GetOpRunDeviceTarget(prim) << "_";
buf << prim->id() << "_";
buf << prim->name() << "_";
bool has_const_input = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_tensors.size(); ++i) {
auto &tensor = input_tensors[i];

View File

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ struct InputArgsInfo {
size_t input_size;
std::string obj_id;
bool has_sens{false};
bool is_run_cell{false};
bool use_dynamic_shape_process = false;
PrimitivePyPtr custom_bprp_prim{nullptr};
ValuePtr out_value{nullptr};

View File

@ -63,10 +63,24 @@ std::string GetCellId(const py::object &obj, const py::args &args, const InputAr
return cell_id;
std::string GetFnInfoByPyObj(const py::object &obj) {
auto module_name = obj.attr("__module__").cast<std::string>();
auto fn_name = obj.attr("__name__").cast<std::string>();
auto filename = obj.attr("__code__").attr("co_filename").cast<std::string>();
auto code_lineno = py::str(obj.attr("__code__").attr("co_firstlineno")).cast<std::string>();
return (module_name + "_" + fn_name + "_" + filename + "_" + code_lineno);
InputArgsInfoPtr ParsePyArgsToInputArgsInfo(const py::object &obj, const py::args &args, bool is_grad_top_cell,
bool is_high_order_top_cell) {
bool has_custom_bprop = py::hasattr(obj, parse::CUSTOM_BPROP_NAME);
const auto &obj_id = PyNativeAlgo::PyParser::GetIdByPyObj(obj);
std::string obj_id;
if (!py::isinstance<Cell>(obj) && (is_grad_top_cell || is_high_order_top_cell)) {
obj_id = GetFnInfoByPyObj(obj);
} else {
obj_id = PyNativeAlgo::PyParser::GetIdByPyObj(obj);
const auto &input_args_info =
std::make_shared<InputArgsInfo>(is_grad_top_cell, is_high_order_top_cell, has_custom_bprop, args.size(), obj_id);
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
@ -82,7 +96,6 @@ InputArgsInfoPtr ParsePyArgsToInputArgsInfo(const py::object &obj, const py::arg
pipeline::CheckArgsValid(obj, args);
input_args_info->is_run_cell = py::isinstance<Cell>(obj);
input_args_info->cell_id = GetCellId(obj, args, input_args_info);
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "cell_id is " << obj_id << ", is grad top cell " << (is_grad_top_cell || is_high_order_top_cell);
return input_args_info;
@ -522,7 +535,6 @@ void GradExecutor::MakeNewTopGraph(const InputArgsInfoPtr &input_args_info) {
std::make_shared<TopCellInfo>(input_args_info->is_high_order_top_cell, input_args_info->grad_order,
input_args_info->obj_id, input_args_info->cell_id, already_run_cell_id, resource, fg);
@ -727,7 +739,7 @@ void GradExecutor::CheckNeedCompileGraph(const InputArgsInfoPtr &input_args_info
auto pre_top_cell =;
if (input_args_info->use_dynamic_shape_process || !input_args_info->is_run_cell) {
if (input_args_info->use_dynamic_shape_process) {
// Function need compile every time.
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "The graph is dynamic, need to compile graph again";
@ -1798,7 +1810,7 @@ bool GradExecutor::IsGraphDynamic(const CNodePtr &cnode, const size_t &node_idx,
void GradExecutor::CheckGraphDynamic(const CNodePtr &cnode, const size_t &node_idx, bool is_ms_function_node,
const std::string &graph_phase) const {
if (!top_cell()->is_run_cell() || use_dynamic_shape_process_) {
if (use_dynamic_shape_process_) {

View File

@ -101,8 +101,6 @@ class TopCellInfo {
inline void SetGraphInfoMap(const FuncGraphPtr &fg, const GraphInfoPtr &graph_info) {
graph_info_map_[fg] = graph_info;
inline void set_is_run_cell(bool is_run_cell) { is_run_cell_ = is_run_cell; }
inline bool is_run_cell() const { return is_run_cell_; }
inline const OrderedMap<FuncGraphPtr, GraphInfoPtr> &graph_info_map() const { return graph_info_map_; }
inline ad::AutoGradCellImplPtr auto_grad_cell_ptr() const {
@ -152,7 +150,6 @@ class TopCellInfo {
bool is_init_kpynative_{false};
bool forward_already_run_{false};
bool need_compile_graph_{false};
bool is_run_cell_{false};
size_t op_index_{0};
bool is_high_order_top_cell_{false};
bool need_do_final_opt_{false};

View File

@ -243,8 +243,7 @@ def test_cg_grad(flatten, tensor_type, dtype, tol, a, b, grad_a, grad_b):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tensor_type, dtype, tol', [('Tensor', onp.float32, 1e-5), ('Tensor', onp.float64, 1e-8),
('CSRTensor', onp.float32, 1e-5)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tensor_type, dtype, tol', [('Tensor', onp.float32, 1e-5), ('Tensor', onp.float64, 1e-8)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('a, b, grad_a, grad_b', [
([[1.96822833, 0.82204467, 1.03749232, 0.88915326, 0.44986806, 1.11167143],
[0.82204467, 2.25216591, 1.40235719, 0.70838919, 0.81377919, 1.06000368],
@ -273,7 +272,123 @@ def test_cg_grad(flatten, tensor_type, dtype, tol, a, b, grad_a, grad_b):
[-0.14053766, 0.00313851, 0.02536103, 0.01889718, -0.07065797]],
[0.23398106, 0.31016481, 0.29870068, -0.09782316, 0.43852141]),
def test_cg_grad_pynative(tensor_type, dtype, tol, a, b, grad_a, grad_b):
def test_cg_grad_pynative_tensor(tensor_type, dtype, tol, a, b, grad_a, grad_b):
Feature: ALL TO ALL
Description: test cases for grad implementation of cg in pynative mode
Expectation: the result match expectation
if tensor_type == "CSRTensor" and get_platform() != "linux":
a = to_tensor((a, tensor_type), dtype)
b = Tensor(onp.array(b, dtype=dtype))
expect_grad_a = onp.array(grad_a, dtype=dtype)
expect_grad_b = onp.array(grad_b, dtype=dtype)
# Function
grad_net = ops.GradOperation(get_all=True)(
grad_a, grad_b = grad_net(a, b)[:2]
onp.testing.assert_allclose(expect_grad_a, to_ndarray(grad_a), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
onp.testing.assert_allclose(expect_grad_b, to_ndarray(grad_b), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
# Cell
class Net(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.sum = ops.ReduceSum() =
def construct(self, a, b):
x, _ =, b)
return self.sum(x)
grad_net = ops.GradOperation(get_all=True)(Net())
grad_a, grad_b = grad_net(a, b)[:2]
onp.testing.assert_allclose(expect_grad_a, to_ndarray(grad_a), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
onp.testing.assert_allclose(expect_grad_b, to_ndarray(grad_b), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tensor_type, dtype, tol', [('CSRTensor', onp.float32, 1e-5)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('a, b, grad_a, grad_b', [
([[1.85910724, 0.73233206, 0.65960803, 1.03821349, 0.55277616],
[0.73233206, 1.69548841, 0.59992146, 1.01518264, 0.50824059],
[0.65960803, 0.59992146, 1.98169091, 1.45565213, 0.47901749],
[1.03821349, 1.01518264, 1.45565213, 3.3133049, 0.75598147],
[0.55277616, 0.50824059, 0.47901749, 0.75598147, 1.46831254]],
[0.59674531, 0.226012, 0.10694568, 0.22030621, 0.34982629],
[[-0.07498642, 0.00167461, 0.01353184, 0.01008293, -0.03770084],
[-0.09940184, 0.00221986, 0.01793778, 0.01336592, -0.04997616],
[-0.09572781, 0.00213781, 0.01727477, 0.01287189, -0.04812897],
[0.03135044, -0.00070012, -0.00565741, -0.00421549, 0.01576203],
[-0.14053766, 0.00313851, 0.02536103, 0.01889718, -0.07065797]],
[0.23398106, 0.31016481, 0.29870068, -0.09782316, 0.43852141]),
def test_cg_grad_pynative_csrtensor_data1(tensor_type, dtype, tol, a, b, grad_a, grad_b):
Feature: ALL TO ALL
Description: test cases for grad implementation of cg in pynative mode
Expectation: the result match expectation
if tensor_type == "CSRTensor" and get_platform() != "linux":
a = to_tensor((a, tensor_type), dtype)
b = Tensor(onp.array(b, dtype=dtype))
expect_grad_a = onp.array(grad_a, dtype=dtype)
expect_grad_b = onp.array(grad_b, dtype=dtype)
# Function
grad_net = ops.GradOperation(get_all=True)(
grad_a, grad_b = grad_net(a, b)[:2]
onp.testing.assert_allclose(expect_grad_a, to_ndarray(grad_a), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
onp.testing.assert_allclose(expect_grad_b, to_ndarray(grad_b), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
# Cell
class Net(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.sum = ops.ReduceSum() =
def construct(self, a, b):
x, _ =, b)
return self.sum(x)
grad_net = ops.GradOperation(get_all=True)(Net())
grad_a, grad_b = grad_net(a, b)[:2]
onp.testing.assert_allclose(expect_grad_a, to_ndarray(grad_a), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
onp.testing.assert_allclose(expect_grad_b, to_ndarray(grad_b), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tensor_type, dtype, tol', [('CSRTensor', onp.float32, 1e-5)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('a, b, grad_a, grad_b', [
([[1.96822833, 0.82204467, 1.03749232, 0.88915326, 0.44986806, 1.11167143],
[0.82204467, 2.25216591, 1.40235719, 0.70838919, 0.81377919, 1.06000368],
[1.03749232, 1.40235719, 2.90618746, 0.7126087, 0.81029544, 1.28673025],
[0.88915326, 0.70838919, 0.7126087, 2.17515263, 0.40443765, 1.02082996],
[0.44986806, 0.81377919, 0.81029544, 0.40443765, 1.60570668, 0.62292701],
[1.11167143, 1.06000368, 1.28673025, 1.02082996, 0.62292701, 2.30795277]],
[0.79363745, 0.58000418, 0.1622986, 0.70075235, 0.96455108, 0.50000836],
[[-0.07867674, -0.01521201, 0.06394698, -0.03854052, -0.13523701, 0.01326866],
[-0.03508505, -0.00678363, 0.02851647, -0.01718673, -0.06030749, 0.00591702],
[-0.00586019, -0.00113306, 0.00476305, -0.00287067, -0.01007304, 0.00098831],
[-0.07704304, -0.01489613, 0.06261914, -0.03774023, -0.13242886, 0.01299314],
[-0.14497008, -0.02802971, 0.11782896, -0.07101491, -0.24918826, 0.02444888],
[-0.01868565, -0.00361284, 0.01518735, -0.00915334, -0.03211867, 0.00315129]],
[0.22853142, 0.10191113, 0.01702201, 0.22378603, 0.42109291, 0.054276]),
def test_cg_grad_pynative_csrtensor_data2(tensor_type, dtype, tol, a, b, grad_a, grad_b):
Feature: ALL TO ALL
Description: test cases for grad implementation of cg in pynative mode