add benchmark_train dump feature
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,6 +42,21 @@ constexpr int kField4 = 4;
constexpr int kFieldsToPrint = 5;
constexpr int kPrintOffset = 4;
static const int kTHOUSAND = 1000;
constexpr int kDumpInputsAndOutputs = 0;
constexpr int kDumpOutputs = 2;
const std::unordered_map<int, std::string> kTypeIdMap{
{kNumberTypeFloat16, "Float16"}, {kNumberTypeFloat, "Float32"}, {kNumberTypeFloat32, "Float32"},
{kNumberTypeInt8, "Int8"}, {kNumberTypeInt16, "Int16"}, {kNumberTypeInt, "Int32"},
{kNumberTypeInt32, "Int32"}, {kNumberTypeUInt8, "UInt8"}, {kNumberTypeUInt16, "UInt16"},
{kNumberTypeUInt, "UInt32"}, {kNumberTypeUInt32, "UInt32"}, {kObjectTypeString, "String"},
{kNumberTypeBool, "Bool"}, {kObjectTypeTensorType, "Tensor"}};
const std::unordered_map<mindspore::Format, std::string> kTensorFormatMap{
{mindspore::NCHW, "NCHW"}, {mindspore::NHWC, "NHWC"}, {mindspore::NHWC4, "NHWC4"}, {mindspore::HWKC, "HWKC"},
{mindspore::HWCK, "HWCK"}, {mindspore::KCHW, "KCHW"}, {mindspore::CKHW, "CKHW"}, {mindspore::KHWC, "KHWC"},
{mindspore::CHWK, "CHWK"}, {mindspore::HW, "HW"}, {mindspore::HW4, "HW4"}, {mindspore::NC, "NC"},
{mindspore::NC4, "NC4"}, {mindspore::NC4HW4, "NC4HW4"}, {mindspore::NCDHW, "NCDHW"}};
std::function<int(NetTrainFlags *)> NetTrain::nr_cb_ = nullptr;
@ -239,6 +254,30 @@ int NetTrain::CompareOutput() {
std::string GenerateOutputFileName(mindspore::MSTensor *tensor, const std::string &op_name,
const std::string &file_type, const size_t &idx) {
std::string file_name = op_name;
auto pos = file_name.find_first_of('/');
while (pos != std::string::npos) {
file_name.replace(pos, 1, ".");
pos = file_name.find_first_of('/');
file_name += "_" + file_type + "_" + std::to_string(idx) + "_shape_";
for (const auto &dim : tensor->Shape()) {
file_name += std::to_string(dim) + "_";
if (kTypeIdMap.find(static_cast<int>(tensor->DataType())) != kTypeIdMap.end()) {
file_name +=<int>(tensor->DataType()));
auto tensor_format = tensor->format();
if (kTensorFormatMap.find(tensor_format) != kTensorFormatMap.end()) {
file_name += "_" + + ".bin";
file_name += ".bin";
return file_name;
int NetTrain::MarkPerformance() {
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Running train loops...";
std::cout << "Running train loops..." << std::endl;
@ -248,8 +287,7 @@ int NetTrain::MarkPerformance() {
for (int i = 0; i < flags_->epochs_; i++) {
auto start = GetTimeUs();
auto status =
flags_->time_profiling_ ? ms_model_.RunStep(before_call_back_, after_call_back_) : ms_model_.RunStep();
auto status = ms_model_.RunStep(before_call_back_, after_call_back_);
if (status != mindspore::kSuccess) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Inference error " << status;
std::cerr << "Inference error " << status;
@ -297,7 +335,7 @@ int NetTrain::MarkAccuracy(bool enforce_accuracy) {
return RET_ERROR;
auto status = ms_model_.RunStep();
auto status = ms_model_.RunStep(before_call_back_, after_call_back_);
if (status != mindspore::kSuccess) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Inference error " << status;
std::cerr << "Inference error " << status << std::endl;
@ -632,7 +670,55 @@ void NetTrain::CheckSum(MSTensor *tensor, const std::string &node_type, int id,
int NetTrain::InitCallbackParameter() {
int NetTrain::InitDumpTensorDataCallbackParameter() {
// before callback
before_call_back_ = [&](const std::vector<mindspore::MSTensor> &before_inputs,
const std::vector<mindspore::MSTensor> &before_outputs, const MSCallBackParam &call_param) {
auto dump_mode = dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kMode].get<int>();
auto input_output_mode = dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kInputOutput].get<int>();
auto kernels = dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kKernels].get<std::vector<std::string>>();
if (dump_mode == 0 || std::find(kernels.begin(), kernels.end(), call_param.node_name) != kernels.end()) {
if (input_output_mode == 0 || input_output_mode == 1) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < before_inputs.size(); i++) {
auto ms_tensor =;
auto file_name = GenerateOutputFileName(&ms_tensor, call_param.node_name, "input", i);
auto abs_file_path = dump_file_output_dir_ + "/" + file_name;
if (WriteToBin(abs_file_path, ms_tensor.MutableData(), ms_tensor.DataSize()) != RET_OK) { // save to file
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "write tensor data to file failed.";
return false;
return true;
// after callback
after_call_back_ = [&](const std::vector<mindspore::MSTensor> &after_inputs,
const std::vector<mindspore::MSTensor> &after_outputs, const MSCallBackParam &call_param) {
auto dump_mode = dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kMode].get<int>();
auto input_output_mode = dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kInputOutput].get<int>();
auto kernels = dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kKernels].get<std::vector<std::string>>();
if (dump_mode == kDumpInputsAndOutputs ||
std::find(kernels.begin(), kernels.end(), call_param.node_name) != kernels.end()) {
if (input_output_mode == kDumpInputsAndOutputs || input_output_mode == kDumpOutputs) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < after_outputs.size(); i++) {
auto ms_tensor =;
auto file_name = GenerateOutputFileName(&ms_tensor, call_param.node_name, "output", i);
auto abs_file_path = dump_file_output_dir_ + "/" + file_name;
if (WriteToBin(abs_file_path, ms_tensor.MutableData(), ms_tensor.DataSize()) != RET_OK) { // save to file
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "write tensor data to file failed.";
return false;
return true;
return RET_OK;
int NetTrain::InitTimeProfilingCallbackParameter() {
// before callback
before_call_back_ = [&](const std::vector<mindspore::MSTensor> &before_inputs,
const std::vector<mindspore::MSTensor> &before_outputs,
@ -693,6 +779,16 @@ int NetTrain::InitCallbackParameter() {
return RET_OK;
int NetTrain::InitCallbackParameter() {
int ret = RET_OK;
if (flags_->dump_tensor_data_) {
ret = InitDumpTensorDataCallbackParameter();
} else if (flags_->time_profiling_) {
ret = InitTimeProfilingCallbackParameter();
return ret;
void NetTrainFlags::InitResizeDimsList() {
std::string content = this->resize_dims_in_;
std::vector<int> shape;
@ -758,14 +854,25 @@ int NetTrain::Init() {
return 1;
if (flags_->time_profiling_) {
auto status = InitCallbackParameter();
if (status != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Init callback Parameter failed.";
std::cerr << "Init callback Parameter failed." << std::endl;
// get dump data output path
auto dump_cfg_path = std::getenv(dump::kConfigPath);
if (dump_cfg_path != nullptr) {
flags_->dump_tensor_data_ = true;
if (InitDumpConfigFromJson(dump_cfg_path) != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "parse dump config file failed.";
return RET_ERROR;
} else {
MS_LOG(INFO) << "No MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG in env, don't need to dump data";
auto status = InitCallbackParameter();
if (status != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Init callback Parameter failed.";
std::cerr << "Init callback Parameter failed." << std::endl;
return RET_ERROR;
if (!flags_->resize_dims_.empty() && !flags_->input_data_list_.empty() &&
flags_->resize_dims_.size() != flags_->input_data_list_.size()) {
@ -780,6 +887,70 @@ namespace {
constexpr int kNumToPrint = 5;
int NetTrain::InitDumpConfigFromJson(std::string path) {
auto real_path = RealPath(path.c_str());
std::ifstream ifs(real_path);
if (!ifs.good()) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "file: " << real_path << " is not exist";
return RET_ERROR;
if (!ifs.is_open()) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "file: " << real_path << " open failed";
return RET_ERROR;
try {
dump_cfg_json_ = nlohmann::json::parse(ifs);
} catch (const nlohmann::json::parse_error &error) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "parse json file failed, please check your file.";
return RET_ERROR;
if (dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings] == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "\"common_dump_settings\" is required.";
return RET_ERROR;
if (dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kMode] == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "\"dump_mode\" is required.";
return RET_ERROR;
if (dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kPath] == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "\"path\" is required.";
return RET_ERROR;
if (dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kNetName] == nullptr) {
dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kNetName] = "default";
if (dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kInputOutput] == nullptr) {
dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kInputOutput] = 0;
if (dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kKernels] != nullptr &&
!dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kKernels].empty()) {
if (dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kMode] == 0) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << R"("dump_mode" should be 1 when "kernels" isn't empty.)";
return RET_ERROR;
auto abs_path = dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kPath].get<std::string>();
auto net_name = dump_cfg_json_[dump::kSettings][dump::kNetName].get<std::string>();
if (abs_path.back() == '\\' || abs_path.back() == '/') {
dump_file_output_dir_ = abs_path + net_name;
} else {
#ifdef _WIN32
dump_file_output_dir_ = abs_path + "\\" + net_name;
dump_file_output_dir_ = abs_path + "/" + net_name;
auto status = CreateOutputDir(&dump_file_output_dir_);
if (status != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "create data output directory failed.";
return RET_ERROR;
return RET_OK;
int NetTrain::PrintResult(const std::vector<std::string> &title,
const std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, float>> &result) {
std::vector<size_t> columnLenMax(kFieldsToPrint);
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include <cfloat>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include "include/api/model.h"
#include "include/api/types.h"
#include "include/api/context.h"
@ -54,6 +55,18 @@ enum MS_API DataType { kImage = 0, kBinary = 1 };
constexpr float relativeTolerance = 1e-5;
constexpr float absoluteTolerance = 1e-8;
extern const std::unordered_map<int, std::string> kTypeIdMap;
extern const std::unordered_map<mindspore::Format, std::string> kTensorFormatMap;
namespace dump {
constexpr auto kConfigPath = "MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG";
constexpr auto kSettings = "common_dump_settings";
constexpr auto kMode = "dump_mode";
constexpr auto kPath = "path";
constexpr auto kNetName = "net_name";
constexpr auto kInputOutput = "input_output";
constexpr auto kKernels = "kernels";
} // namespace dump
template <typename T>
float TensorSum(const void *data, int size) {
@ -122,6 +135,7 @@ class MS_API NetTrainFlags : public virtual FlagParser {
std::string loss_name_ = "";
std::string inference_file_ = "";
bool unified_api_ = false;
bool dump_tensor_data_ = false;
class MS_API NetTrain {
@ -193,6 +207,7 @@ class MS_API NetTrain {
return meanError;
int InitDumpConfigFromJson(std::string path);
// call GenerateInputData or ReadInputFile to init inputTensors
@ -219,6 +234,10 @@ class MS_API NetTrain {
const std::shared_ptr<TrainCfg> &train_cfg, int epochs);
int InitCallbackParameter();
int InitDumpTensorDataCallbackParameter();
int InitTimeProfilingCallbackParameter();
int PrintResult(const std::vector<std::string> &title, const std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, float>> &result);
template <typename T>
@ -280,6 +299,8 @@ class MS_API NetTrain {
mindspore::MSKernelCallBack before_call_back_{nullptr};
mindspore::MSKernelCallBack after_call_back_{nullptr};
nlohmann::json dump_cfg_json_;
std::string dump_file_output_dir_;
int MS_API RunNetTrain(int argc, const char **argv);
Reference in New Issue