From 3f16825c5507bf602bacf004bf7a458e70160220 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: z00512249 Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 12:18:44 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] fix dropout doc bugs --- .../api_python/mindspore/mindspore.Tensor.rst | 1 + .../api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout2d.rst | 2 +- .../api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout3d.rst | 4 +-- .../ops/mindspore.ops.Dropout3D.rst | 6 ++-- .../ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout2d.rst | 11 +++---- .../ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout3d.rst | 13 +++++---- ...dspore.ops.func_log_matrix_determinant.rst | 1 + mindspore/python/mindspore/common/ | 15 +++++----- mindspore/python/mindspore/nn/layer/ | 21 +++++++------- .../mindspore/ops/function/ | 13 +++++---- .../python/mindspore/ops/function/ | 29 +++++++++---------- .../python/mindspore/ops/operations/ | 4 +-- 12 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.Tensor.rst b/docs/api/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.Tensor.rst index 22b12231dcd..9bccf432526 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.Tensor.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/mindspore/mindspore.Tensor.rst @@ -834,6 +834,7 @@ mindspore.Tensor **返回:** Tensor,行列式的绝对值的对数的符号, 形状为 `x_shape[:-2]` ,数据类型与 `x` 相同。 + Tensor,行列式的绝对值的对数, 形状为 `x_shape[:-2]` ,数据类型与 `x` 相同。 **异常:** diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout2d.rst b/docs/api/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout2d.rst index bfa42054fc1..8c2d805a43a 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout2d.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout2d.rst @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ mindspore.nn.Dropout2d .. py:class:: mindspore.nn.Dropout2d(p=0.5) 在训练期间,以服从伯努利分布的概率 `p` 随机将输入Tensor的某些通道归零。(对于形状为 `NCHW` 的四维Tensor,其通道特征图指的是后两维 `HW` 形状的二维特征图)。 - 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i_th` 批, :math:`j_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `2D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 + 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i\_th` 批, :math:`j\_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `2D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 每个通道将会独立依据伯努利分布概率 `p` 来确定是否被清零。 `Dropout2d` 可以提高通道特征映射之间的独立性。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout3d.rst b/docs/api/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout3d.rst index 9a74c441cfc..8ec4e68cadb 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout3d.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/nn/mindspore.nn.Dropout3d.rst @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ mindspore.nn.Dropout3d .. py:class:: mindspore.nn.Dropout3d(p=0.5) 在训练期间,以服从伯努利分布的概率 `p` 随机将输入Tensor的某些通道归零。(对于形状为 `NCDHW` 的 `5D` Tensor。 - 其通道特征图指的是后两维 `DHW` 形状的三维特征图)。 - 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i_th` 批, :math:`j_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `3D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 + 其通道特征图指的是后三维 `DHW` 形状的三维特征图)。 + 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i\_th` 批, :math:`j\_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `3D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 每个通道将会独立依据伯努利分布概率 `p` 来确定是否被清零。 `Dropout3d` 可以提高通道特征映射之间的独立性。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Dropout3D.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Dropout3D.rst index 53776202a73..57d8c442df3 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Dropout3D.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Dropout3D.rst @@ -1,11 +1,9 @@ mindspore.ops.Dropout3D -======================== +======================= .. py:class:: mindspore.ops.Dropout3D(keep_prob=0.5) - 在训练期间,以服从伯努利分布的概率 :math:`1-keep\_prob` 随机将输入Tensor的某些通道归零。(对于形状为 `NCDHW` 的 `5D` Tensor。其通道特征图指的是后两维 `DHW` 形状的三维特征图)。 - 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i_th` 批, :math:`j_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `3D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 - 每个通道将会独立依据伯努利分布概率 :math:`1-keep\_prob` 来确定是否被清零。 + 在训练期间,以服从伯努利分布的概率 :math:`1-keep\_prob` 随机将输入Tensor的某些通道归零。(对于形状为 `NCDHW` 的 `5D` Tensor。其通道特征图指的是后三维 `DHW` 形状的三维特征图)。 .. note:: 保持概率 :math:`keep\_prob` 等于 :func:`mindspore.ops.dropout3d` 中的 :math:`1 - p` 。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout2d.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout2d.rst index 22ef019af34..3a0e0a5d525 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout2d.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout2d.rst @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ mindspore.ops.dropout2d 在训练期间,以服从伯努利分布的概率 `p` 随机将输入Tensor的某些通道归零。(对于形状为 `NCHW` 的四维Tensor, 其通道特征图指的是后两维 `HW` 形状的二维特征图)。 - 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i_th` 批, :math:`j_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `2D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 + 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i\_th` 批, :math:`j\_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `2D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 每个通道将会独立依据伯努利分布概率 `p` 来确定是否被清零。 论文 `Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting `_ 中提出了该技术,并证明其能有效地减少过度拟合,防止神经元共适应。更多详细信息,请参见 `Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors `_ 。 @@ -13,19 +13,20 @@ mindspore.ops.dropout2d **参数:** - - **x** (tensor) - 一个形状为 math:`(N, C, H, W)` 的 `4D` Tensor,其中N是批处理大小,`C` 是的通道数,`H` 是特征高度,`W` 是特征宽度。其数据类型应为int8、int16、int32、int64、float16、float32或float64。 + - **x** (tensor) - 一个形状为 math:`(N, C, H, W)` 的 `4D` Tensor,其中N是批处理大小,`C` 是通道数,`H` 是特征高度,`W` 是特征宽度。其数据类型应为int8、int16、int32、int64、float16、float32或float64。 - **p** (float) - 通道的丢弃概率,介于 0 和 1 之间,例如 `p` = 0.8,意味着80%的清零概率。默认值:0.5。 **返回:** - Tensor,具有与输入 `x` 相同的形状和数据类型。 - 掩码(Tensor),形状与 `x` 相同,数据类型为bool。 + Tensor,输出,具有与输入 `x` 相同的形状和数据类型。 + + Tensor,掩码,形状与 `x` 相同,数据类型为bool。 **异常:** - **TypeError** - `x` 不是Tensor。 - **TypeError** - `x` 的数据类型不是int8、int16、int32、int64、float16、float32或float64。 - **TypeError** - `p` 的数据类型不是float。 - - **ValueError** - `p` 值不在 `[0,1]` 之间。 + - **ValueError** - `p` 值不在 `[0.0,1.0]` 之间。 - **ValueError** - `x` 的维度不等于4。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout3d.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout3d.rst index c71ff92aff0..3c833435a04 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout3d.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_dropout3d.rst @@ -4,27 +4,28 @@ mindspore.ops.dropout3d .. py:function:: mindspore.ops.dropout3d(x, p=0.5) 在训练期间,以服从伯努利分布的概率 `p` 随机将输入Tensor的某些通道归零。(对于形状为 `NCDHW` 的 `5D` Tensor。 - 其通道特征图指的是后两维 `DHW` 形状的三维特征图)。 - 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i_th` 批, :math:`j_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `3D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 + 其通道特征图指的是后三维 `DHW` 形状的三维特征图)。 + 例如,在批处理输入中 :math:`i\_th` 批, :math:`j\_th` 通道的 `input[i, j]` `3D` Tensor 是一个待处理数据。 每个通道将会独立依据伯努利分布概率 `p` 来确定是否被清零。 `dropout3d` 可以提高通道特征映射之间的独立性。 **参数:** - - **x** (tensor) - 一个形状为 math:`(N, C, H, D, W)` 的 `5D` Tensor,其中N是批处理大小,`C` 是的通道数,`D` 是特征深度, `H` 是特征高度,`W` 是特征宽度。其数据类型应为int8、int16、int32、int64、float16、float32或float64。 + - **x** (tensor) - 一个形状为 math:`(N, C, D, H, W)` 的 `5D` Tensor,其中N是批处理大小,`C` 是通道数,`D` 是特征深度, `H` 是特征高度,`W` 是特征宽度。其数据类型应为int8、int16、int32、int64、float16、float32或float64。 - **p** (float) - 通道的丢弃概率,介于 0 和 1 之间,例如 `p` = 0.8,意味着80%的清零概率。默认值:0.5。 **返回:** - Tensor,具有与输入 `x` 相同的形状和数据类型。 - 掩码(Tensor),形状与 `x` 相同,数据类型为bool。 + Tensor,输出,具有与输入 `x` 相同的形状和数据类型。 + + Tensor,掩码,形状与 `x` 相同,数据类型为bool。 **异常:** - **TypeError** - `x` 不是Tensor。 - **TypeError** - `x` 的数据类型不是int8、int16、int32、int64、float16、float32或float64。 - **TypeError** - `p` 的数据类型不是float。 - - **ValueError** - `p` 值不在 `[0,1]` 之间。 + - **ValueError** - `p` 值不在 `[0.0,1.0]` 之间。 - **ValueError** - `x` 的维度不等于5。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_log_matrix_determinant.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_log_matrix_determinant.rst index d0968c6279b..d4a7ad1e137 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_log_matrix_determinant.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_log_matrix_determinant.rst @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ mindspore.ops.log_matrix_determinant **返回:** Tensor,行列式的绝对值的对数的符号, 形状为 `x_shape[:-2]` ,数据类型与 `x` 相同。 + Tensor,行列式的绝对值的对数, 形状为 `x_shape[:-2]` ,数据类型与 `x` 相同。 **异常:** diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/common/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/common/ index 643d912f0cd..e6dd7769022 100644 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/common/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/common/ @@ -1183,14 +1183,14 @@ class Tensor(Tensor_): ), tolerance) def matrix_determinant(self): - """ + r""" Computes the determinant of one or more square matrices. `x` refer to self tensor. Returns: - Tensor, The shape is `x_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as 'x'. + Tensor, The shape is :math:`x\_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as 'x'. Raises: TypeError: If self tensor is not a Tensor. @@ -1211,15 +1211,16 @@ class Tensor(Tensor_): return tensor_operator_registry.get('matrix_determinant')(self) def log_matrix_determinant(self): - """ + r""" Computes the sign and the log of the absolute value of the determinant of one or more square matrices. `x` refer to self tensor. Returns: - Tensor, The signs of the log determinants. The shape is `x_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as `x`. + Tensor, The signs of the log determinants. The shape is :math:`x\_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as `x`.\n - Tensor, The absolute values of the log determinants. The shape is `x_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as `x`. + Tensor, The absolute values of the log determinants. The shape is :math:`x\_shape[:-2]`, + the dtype is same as `x`. Raises: TypeError: If self tensor is not a Tensor. @@ -1786,10 +1787,10 @@ class Tensor(Tensor_): perm = tuple(range(0, self.ndim)) if axis2 + 1 < self.ndim: new_perm = perm[0:axis1] + perm[axis2:axis2 + 1] + \ - perm[axis1 + 1:axis2] + perm[axis1:axis1 + 1] + perm[axis2 + 1:] + perm[axis1 + 1:axis2] + perm[axis1:axis1 + 1] + perm[axis2 + 1:] else: new_perm = perm[0:axis1] + perm[axis2:axis2 + 1] + \ - perm[axis1 + 1:axis2] + perm[axis1:axis1 + 1] + perm[axis1 + 1:axis2] + perm[axis1:axis1 + 1] return tensor_operator_registry.get('transpose')()(self, new_perm) diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/nn/layer/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/nn/layer/ index 97809cd4b33..8173fad14ac 100644 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/nn/layer/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/nn/layer/ @@ -177,13 +177,12 @@ class Dropout(Cell): class Dropout2d(Cell): - """ + r""" During training, randomly zeroes some channels of the input tensor with probability `p` - from a Bernoulli distribution(For a 4-dimensional tensor with a shape of :math: `NCHW`, - the channel feature map refers - to a 2-dimensional feature map with the shape of :math: `HW`). + from a Bernoulli distribution(For a 4-dimensional tensor with a shape of :math:`NCHW`, + the channel feature map refers to a 2-dimensional feature map with the shape of :math:`HW`). - For example, the :math:`j_th` channel of the :math:`i_th` sample in the batched input is a to-be-processed + For example, the :math:`j\_th` channel of the :math:`i\_th` sample in the batched input is a to-be-processed `2D` tensor input[i,j]. Each channel will be zeroed out independently on every forward call with probability `p` using samples from a Bernoulli distribution. @@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ class Dropout2d(Cell): Examples: >>> dropout = nn.Dropout2d(p=0.5) >>> x = Tensor(np.ones([2, 1, 2, 3]), mindspore.float32) - >>> output, mask = dropout(x) + >>> output = dropout(x) >>> print(output.shape) (2, 1, 2, 3) """ @@ -235,13 +234,13 @@ class Dropout2d(Cell): class Dropout3d(Cell): - """ + r""" During training, randomly zeroes some channels of the input tensor with probability `p` from a Bernoulli distribution(For a 5-dimensional tensor with - a shape of :math: `NCDHW`, - the channel feature map refers to a 3-dimensional feature map with a shape of :math: 'DHW'). + a shape of :math:`NCDHW`, the channel feature map refers to a 3-dimensional feature + map with a shape of :math:'DHW'). - For example, the :math:`j_th` channel of the :math:`i_th` sample in the batched input is a to-be-processed + For example, the :math:`j\_th` channel of the :math:`i\_th` sample in the batched input is a to-be-processed `3D` tensor input[i,j]. Each channel will be zeroed out independently on every forward call which based on Bernoulli distribution probability `p`. @@ -263,7 +262,7 @@ class Dropout3d(Cell): Examples: >>> dropout = nn.Dropout3d(p=0.5) >>> x = Tensor(np.ones([2, 1, 2, 1, 2]), mindspore.float32) - >>> output, mask = dropout(x) + >>> output = dropout(x) >>> print(output.shape) (2, 1, 2, 1, 2) """ diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/ index fea70d5e5f0..fdb7c171155 100644 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/ @@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@ def linspace(start, stop, num): def matrix_determinant(x): - """ + r""" Computes the determinant of one or more square matrices. Args: @@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ def matrix_determinant(x): dimensions must be the same size. Data type must be float32, float64, complex64 or complex128. Returns: - Tensor, The shape is `x_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as `x`. + Tensor, The shape is :math:`x\_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as `x`. Raises: TypeError: If `x` is not a Tensor. @@ -2061,7 +2061,7 @@ def matrix_determinant(x): def log_matrix_determinant(x): - """ + r""" Computes the sign and the log of the absolute value of the determinant of one or more square matrices. Args: @@ -2069,8 +2069,11 @@ def log_matrix_determinant(x): dimensions must be the same size. Data type must be float32, float64, complex64 or complex128. Returns: - Tensor, The signs of the log determinants. The shape is `x_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as `x`. - Tensor, The absolute values of the log determinants. The shape is `x_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as `x`. + + Tensor, The signs of the log determinants. The shape is :math:`x\_shape[:-2]`, the dtype is same as `x`.\n + + Tensor, The absolute values of the log determinants. The shape is :math:`x\_shape[:-2]`, + the dtype is same as `x`. Raises: TypeError: If `x` is not a Tensor. diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/ index cc2ddd048ef..adf97313158 100644 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/function/ @@ -280,13 +280,12 @@ def celu(x, alpha=1.0): def dropout2d(x, p=0.5): - """ + r""" During training, randomly zeroes some channels of the input tensor with probability `p` - from a Bernoulli distribution(For a 4-dimensional tensor with a shape of :math: `NCHW`, - the channel feature map refers - to a 2-dimensional feature map with the shape of :math: `HW`). + from a Bernoulli distribution(For a 4-dimensional tensor with a shape of :math:`NCHW`, + the channel feature map refers to a 2-dimensional feature map with the shape of :math:`HW`). - For example, the :math:`j_th` channel of the :math:`i_th` sample in the batched input is a to-be-processed + For example, the :math:`j\_th` channel of the :math:`i\_th` sample in the batched input is a to-be-processed `2D` tensor input[i,j]. Each channel will be zeroed out independently on every forward call which based on Bernoulli distribution probability `p`. @@ -302,12 +301,12 @@ def dropout2d(x, p=0.5): x (Tensor): A `4D` tensor with shape :math:`(N, C, H, W)`, where `N` is the batch size, `C` is the number of channels, `H` is the feature height, and `W` is the feature width. The data type must be int8, int16, int32, int64, float16, float32 or float64. - p (float): The keeping probability of a channel, between 0 and 1, e.g. `p` = 0.8, + p (float): The dropping probability of a channel, between 0 and 1, e.g. `p` = 0.8, which means dropping out 80% of channels. Default: 0.5. Returns: - output (Tensor): With the same shape and data type as `x`. - mask (Tensor): With the same shape as `x` and the data type is bool. + Tensor, output, with the same shape and data type as `x`.\n + Tensor, mask, with the same shape as `x` and the data type is bool. Raises: TypeError: If `x` is not a Tensor. @@ -330,13 +329,13 @@ def dropout2d(x, p=0.5): def dropout3d(x, p=0.5): - """ + r""" During training, randomly zeroes some channels of the input tensor with probability `p` from a Bernoulli distribution(For a 5-dimensional tensor - with a shape of :math: `NCDHW`, - the channel feature map refers to a 3-dimensional feature map with a shape of :math: `DHW`). + with a shape of :math:`NCDHW`, the channel feature map refers to a 3-dimensional + feature map with a shape of :math:`DHW`). - For example, the :math:`j_th` channel of the :math:`i_th` sample in the batched input is a to-be-processed + For example, the :math:`j\_th` channel of the :math:`i\_th` sample in the batched input is a to-be-processed `3D` tensor input[i,j]. Each channel will be zeroed out independently on every forward call which based on Bernoulli distribution probability `p`. @@ -347,12 +346,12 @@ def dropout3d(x, p=0.5): x (Tensor): A `5D` tensor with shape :math:`(N, C, D, H, W)`, where `N` is the batch size, `C` is the number of channels, `D` is the feature depth, `H` is the feature height, and `W` is the feature width. The data type must be int8, int16, int32, int64, float16, float32 or float64. - p (float): The keeping probability of a channel, between 0 and 1, e.g. `p` = 0.8, + p (float): The dropping probability of a channel, between 0 and 1, e.g. `p` = 0.8, which means dropping out 80% of channels. Default: 0.5. Returns: - output (Tensor): With the same shape and data type as `x`. - mask (Tensor): With the same shape as `x` and the data type is bool. + Tensor, output, with the same shape and data type as `x`.\n + Tensor, mask, with the same shape as `x` and the data type is bool. Raises: TypeError: If `x` is not a Tensor. diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ index 8f0984ba436..c7c6833ec4a 100644 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ @@ -6934,7 +6934,7 @@ class Dropout(PrimitiveWithCheck): class Dropout2D(PrimitiveWithInfer): r""" - During training, randomly zeroes some of the channels of the input tensor with probability 1-`keep_prob` + During training, randomly zeroes some channels of the input tensor with probability 1-`keep_prob` from a Bernoulli distribution(For a 4-dimensional tensor with a shape of NCHW, the channel feature map refers to a 2-dimensional feature map with the shape of HW). @@ -6967,7 +6967,7 @@ class Dropout2D(PrimitiveWithInfer): class Dropout3D(PrimitiveWithInfer): r""" - During training, randomly zeroes some of the channels of the input tensor + During training, randomly zeroes some channels of the input tensor with probability 1-`keep_prob` from a Bernoulli distribution(For a 5-dimensional tensor with a shape of NCDHW, the channel feature map refers to a 3-dimensional feature map with a shape of DHW).