From 76948f714b43f03aae245540d6d9f0f367907c6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yyyzzzhao <> Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 22:40:24 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] update vgg19 gpu --- model_zoo/research/cv/vgg19/ | 248 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 248 insertions(+) create mode 100644 model_zoo/research/cv/vgg19/ diff --git a/model_zoo/research/cv/vgg19/ b/model_zoo/research/cv/vgg19/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f19d0bacf7b --- /dev/null +++ b/model_zoo/research/cv/vgg19/ @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +# Contents + +- [VGG Description](#vgg-description) +- [Model Architecture](#model-architecture) +- [Dataset](#dataset) +- [Environment Requirements](#environment-requirements) +- [Quick Start](#quick-start) +- [Script Description](#script-description) + - [Script and Sample Code](#script-and-sample-code) + - [Script Parameters](#script-parameters) + - [Parameter configuration](#parameter-configuration) + - [Training Process](#training-process) + - [Training](#training) + - [Evaluation Process](#evaluation-process) + - [Evaluation](#evaluation) +- [Model Description](#model-description) + - [Performance](#performance) + - [Training Performance](#training-performance) + - [Evaluation Performance](#evaluation-performance) +- [Description of Random Situation](#description-of-random-situation) +- [ModelZoo Homepage](#modelzoo-homepage) + +# [VGG Description](#contents) + +VGG, a very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition, was proposed in 2014 and won the 1th place in object localization and 2th place in image classification task in ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2014 (ILSVRC14). + +[Paper](): Simonyan K, zisserman A. Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1556, 2014. + +# [Model Architecture](#contents) + +VGG 19 network is mainly consisted by several basic modules (including convolution and pooling layer) and three continuous Dense layer. +here basic modules mainly include basic operation like: **3×3 conv** and **2×2 max pooling**. + +# [Dataset](#contents) + +Note that you can run the scripts based on the dataset mentioned in original paper or widely used in relevant domain/network architecture. In the following sections, we will introduce how to run the scripts using the related dataset below. + +## Dataset used:[ImageNet2012]( + +- Dataset size: ~146G, 1.28 million colorful images in 1000 classes + - Train: 140G, 1,281,167 images + - Test: 6.4G, 50, 000 images + - Data format: RGB images + - Note: Data will be processed in src/ + +# [Environment Requirements](#contents) + +- Hardware(GPU) + - Prepare hardware environment with GPU processor. +- Framework + - [MindSpore]( +- For more information, please check the resources below: + - [MindSpore Tutorials]( + - [MindSpore Python API]( + +# [Quick Start](#contents) + +After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start training and evaluation as follows: + +- Running on GPU + +```bash +# run training example +python --device_target="GPU" --dataset="imagenet2012" --data_path=[DATA_PATH] > output.train.log 2>&1 & + +# run distributed training example +sh scripts/ [DATA_PATH] + +# run evaluation example +python --data_path=[DATA_PATH] --pre_trained=[PRE_TRAINED] --dataset="imagenet2012" --device_target="GPU" > output.eval.log 2>&1 & +``` + +# [Script Description](#contents) + +## [Script and Sample Code](#contents) + +```shell +├── model_zoo + ├── // descriptions about all the models + ├── vgg19 + ├── // descriptions about googlenet + ├── scripts + │ ├── // shell script for distributed training on GPU + │ ├── // shell script for distributed training on Ascend + | ├── // shell script for model evaluation on GPU + ├── src + │ ├── utils + │ │ ├── // logging format setting + │ │ ├── // create sampler for dataset + │ │ ├── // util function + │ │ ├── // network parameter init method + │ ├── // parameter configuration + │ ├── // loss calculation + │ ├── // creating dataset + │ ├── // linear leanring rate + │ ├── // consine anealing learning rate + │ ├── // step or multi step learning rate + │ ├── // vgg architecture + ├── // training script + ├── // evaluation script +``` + +## [Script Parameters](#contents) + +### Training + +```shell +usage: [--device_target TARGET][--data_path DATA_PATH] + [--dataset DATASET_TYPE][--is_distributed VALUE] + [--device_id DEVICE_ID][--pre_trained PRE_TRAINED] + [--ckpt_path CHECKPOINT_PATH][--ckpt_interval INTERVAL_STEP] + +parameters/options: + --device_target the training backend type, Ascend or GPU, default is Ascend. + --dataset the dataset type, cifar10 or imagenet2012. + --is_distributed the way of traing, whether do distribute traing, value can be 0 or 1. + --data_path the storage path of dataset + --device_id the device which used to train model. + --pre_trained the pretrained checkpoint file path. + --ckpt_path the path to save checkpoint. + --ckpt_interval the epoch interval for saving checkpoint. + +``` + +### Evaluation + +```shell +usage: [--device_target TARGET][--data_path DATA_PATH] + [--dataset DATASET_TYPE][--pre_trained PRE_TRAINED] + [--device_id DEVICE_ID] + +parameters/options: + --device_target the evaluation backend type, Ascend or GPU, default is Ascend. + --dataset the dataset type, cifar10 or imagenet2012. + --data_path the storage path of dataset. + --device_id the device which used to evaluate model. + --pre_trained the checkpoint file path used to evaluate model. +``` + +## [Parameter configuration](#contents) + +Parameters for both training and evaluation can be set in + +- config for vgg19, ImageNet2012 dataset + +```python +"num_classes": 1000, # dataset class num +"lr": 0.01, # learning rate +"lr_init": 0.01, # initial learning rate +"lr_max": 0.1, # max learning rate +"lr_epochs": '30,60,90,120', # lr changing based epochs +"lr_scheduler": "cosine_annealing", # learning rate mode +"warmup_epochs": 0, # number of warmup epoch +"batch_size": 128, # batch size of input tensor +"max_epoch": 150, # only valid for taining, which is always 1 for inference +"momentum": 0.9, # momentum +"weight_decay": 1e-4, # weight decay +"loss_scale": 1024, # loss scale +"label_smooth": 1, # label smooth +"label_smooth_factor": 0.1, # label smooth factor +"buffer_size": 10, # shuffle buffer size +"image_size": '224,224', # image size +"pad_mode": 'pad', # pad mode for conv2d +"padding": 1, # padding value for conv2d +"has_bias": False, # whether has bias in conv2d +"batch_norm": False, # whether has batch_norm in conv2d +"keep_checkpoint_max": 10, # only keep the last keep_checkpoint_max checkpoint +"initialize_mode": "KaimingNormal", # conv2d init mode +"has_dropout": True # whether using Dropout layer +``` + +## [Training Process](#contents) + +### Training + +#### Run vgg19 on GPU + +- Distributed Training + +```bash +# distributed training(4p) +bash scripts/ /path/ImageNet2012/train +``` + +## [Evaluation Process](#contents) + +### Evaluation + +- Do eval as follows, need to specify dataset type as "cifar10" or "imagenet2012" + +```bash +# when using cifar10 dataset +python --data_path=your_data_path --dataset="cifar10" --device_target="Ascend" --pre_trained=./*-70-781.ckpt > output.eval.log 2>&1 & + +# when using imagenet2012 dataset +python --data_path=your_data_path --dataset="imagenet2012" --device_target="GPU" --pre_trained=./*-150-5004.ckpt > output.eval.log 2>&1 & +``` + +- The above python command will run in the background, you can view the results through the file `output.eval.log`. You will get the accuracy as following: + +```shell +# when using the imagenet2012 dataset +after allreduce eval: top1_correct=36636, tot=50000, acc=73.4% +after allreduce eval: top5_correct=45582, tot=50000, acc=91.59% +``` + +# [Model Description](#contents) + +## [Performance](#contents) + +### Training Performance + +| Parameters | VGG19(GPU) | +| -------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------| +| Model Version | VGG19 | +| Resource |NV SMX2 V100-32G | +| uploaded Date | 3/24/2021 | +| MindSpore Version | 1.0.0 | +| Dataset |ImageNet2012 | +| Training Parameters |epoch=150, steps=375300, batch_size = 128, lr=0.1| +| Optimizer |Momentum | +| Loss Function |SoftmaxCrossEntropy | +| outputs |probability | +| Loss |1.8~2.0 | +| Speed |4pcs 352.3ms/step | +| Total time |4pcs: 36.3 hours | +| Checkpoint for Fine tuning |1.1G(.ckpt file) | + +### Evaluation Performance + +| Parameters | VGG19(GPU) | +| ------------------- |--------------------- | +| Model Version | VGG19 | +| Resource | GPU | +| Uploaded Date | 3/24/2020 | +| MindSpore Version | 1.0.0 | +| Dataset |ImageNet2012, 5000 images | +| batch_size | 32 | +| outputs | probability | +| Accuracy | top1: 73.4%; top5:91.6% | + +# [Description of Random Situation](#contents) + +In, we set the seed inside “create_dataset" function. We also use random seed in + +# [ModelZoo Homepage](#contents) + + Please check the official [homepage](