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This commit is contained in:
wang tao 2022-04-19 19:00:04 +08:00 committed by wangtao
parent ddedbceeed
commit 5d733421b1
7 changed files with 170 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
- **TypeError** - 如果 `size` 不是int或sequence类型。
- **ValueError** - 如果 `size` 小于或等于 0。
- **RuntimeError** - 如果输入图像的shape不是 <H, W> 或 <H, W, C>。
- **RuntimeError** - 如果输入图像的shape不是 <H, W> 或 <..., H, W, C>。

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@ -14,9 +14,12 @@
* limitations under the License.
#include "minddata/dataset/kernels/image/center_crop_op.h"
#include <string>
#include "utils/ms_utils.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/kernels/data/data_utils.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/kernels/image/image_utils.h"
@ -29,20 +32,7 @@ namespace mindspore {
namespace dataset {
const int32_t CenterCropOp::kDefWidth = 0;
Status CenterCropOp::Compute(const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> &input, std::shared_ptr<Tensor> *output) {
IO_CHECK(input, output);
std::string err_msg;
std::string err_head = "CenterCrop: ";
dsize_t rank = input->shape().Rank();
err_msg +=
(rank < 2 || rank > 3) ? "image shape is not <H,W,C> or <H,W>, but got rank: " + std::to_string(rank) + "\t" : "";
err_msg += (crop_het_ <= 0 || crop_wid_ <= 0)
? "crop size needs to be positive integers, but got crop height:" + std::to_string(crop_het_) +
", crop width: " + std::to_string(crop_wid_) + "\t"
: "";
CHECK_FAIL_RETURN_SYNTAX_ERROR(err_msg.length() == 0, err_head + err_msg);
Status CenterCropOp::CenterCropImg(const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> &input, std::shared_ptr<Tensor> *output) {
int32_t top = crop_het_ - input->shape()[0]; // number of pixels to pad (top and bottom)
int32_t left = crop_wid_ - input->shape()[1];
std::shared_ptr<Tensor> pad_image;
@ -69,26 +59,85 @@ Status CenterCropOp::Compute(const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> &input, std::shared_p
Status CenterCropOp::ConstructShape(const TensorShape &in_shape, std::shared_ptr<TensorShape> *out_shape) {
auto in_shape_vec = in_shape.AsVector();
const int h_index = -3, w_index = -2;
in_shape_vec[in_shape_vec.size() + h_index] = crop_het_;
in_shape_vec[in_shape_vec.size() + w_index] = crop_wid_;
*out_shape = std::make_shared<TensorShape>(in_shape_vec);
return Status::OK();
Status CenterCropOp::Compute(const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> &input, std::shared_ptr<Tensor> *output) {
IO_CHECK(input, output);
std::string err_msg;
std::string err_head = "CenterCrop: ";
dsize_t rank = input->shape().Rank();
err_msg += (rank < kMinImageRank)
? "input tensor should have at least 2 dimensions, but got: " + std::to_string(rank) + "\t"
: "";
err_msg += (crop_het_ <= 0 || crop_wid_ <= 0)
? "crop size needs to be positive integers, but got crop height:" + std::to_string(crop_het_) +
", crop width: " + std::to_string(crop_wid_) + "\t"
: "";
CHECK_FAIL_RETURN_SYNTAX_ERROR(err_msg.length() == 0, err_head + err_msg);
if (rank <= kDefaultImageRank) { // images
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(CenterCropImg(input, output));
} else { // deal with videos
// reshape input to nhwc
auto input_shape = input->shape();
dsize_t num_batch = input->Size() / (input_shape[-3] * input_shape[-2] * input_shape[-1]);
TensorShape new_shape({num_batch, input_shape[-3], input_shape[-2], input_shape[-1]});
// split [N, H, W, C] to N [H, W, C], and center crop N [H, W, C]
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>> input_vector_hwc, output_vector_hwc;
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(BatchTensorToTensorVector(input, &input_vector_hwc));
for (int i = 0; i < num_batch; i++) {
std::shared_ptr<Tensor> center_crop;
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(CenterCropImg(input_vector_hwc[i], &center_crop));
// integrate N [H, W, C] to [N, H, W, C], and reshape [..., H, W, C]
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(TensorVectorToBatchTensor(output_vector_hwc, output));
// reshape output before return, only height and width are changed
std::shared_ptr<TensorShape> output_shape_new = nullptr;
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(ConstructShape(input_shape, &output_shape_new));
return Status::OK();
void CenterCropOp::Print(std::ostream &out) const {
out << "CenterCropOp: "
<< "cropWidth: " << crop_wid_ << "cropHeight: " << crop_het_ << "\n";
Status CenterCropOp::OutputShape(const std::vector<TensorShape> &inputs, std::vector<TensorShape> &outputs) {
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(TensorOp::OutputShape(inputs, outputs));
TensorShape out = TensorShape{crop_het_, crop_wid_};
if (inputs[0].Rank() == 2) {
if (inputs[0].Rank() == kMinImageRank) {
if (inputs[0].Rank() == 3) {
if (inputs[0].Rank() == kDefaultImageRank) {
if (!outputs.empty()) {
return Status::OK();
if (inputs[0].Rank() > kDefaultImageRank) {
std::shared_ptr<TensorShape> output_shape_new = nullptr;
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(ConstructShape(inputs[0], &output_shape_new));
return Status(StatusCode::kMDUnexpectedError,
"CenterCrop: invalid input shape, expected 2D or 3D input, but got input dimension is:" +
if (!outputs.empty()) return Status::OK();
return Status(
"CenterCrop: input tensor should have at least 2 dimensions, but got: " + std::to_string(inputs[0].Rank()));
} // namespace dataset
} // namespace mindspore

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@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ class CenterCropOp : public TensorOp {
std::string Name() const override { return kCenterCropOp; }
Status CenterCropImg(const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> &input, std::shared_ptr<Tensor> *output);
Status ConstructShape(const TensorShape &in_shape, std::shared_ptr<TensorShape> *out_shape);
int32_t crop_het_;
int32_t crop_wid_;

View File

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class CenterCrop(ImageTensorOperation):
TypeError: If `size` is not of type int or sequence.
ValueError: If `size` is less than or equal to 0.
RuntimeError: If given tensor shape is not <H, W> or <H, W, C>.
RuntimeError: If given tensor shape is not <H, W> or <..., H, W, C>.
Supported Platforms:

View File

@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ class CenterCrop(ImageTensorOperation, PyTensorOperation):
TypeError: If `size` is not of type integer or sequence.
ValueError: If `size` is less than or equal to 0.
RuntimeError: If given tensor shape is not <H, W> or <H, W, C>.
RuntimeError: If given tensor shape is not <H, W> or <..., H, W, C>.
Supported Platforms:

View File

@ -288,6 +288,58 @@ TEST_F(MindDataTestPipeline, TestCenterCrop) {
/// Feature: CenterCrop
/// Description: Use batched dataset as video inputs
/// Expectation: The log will print correct shape
TEST_F(MindDataTestPipeline, TestCenterCropBatch) {
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Doing MindDataTestPipeline-TestCenterCropBatch.";
// Create an ImageFolder Dataset
std::string folder_path = datasets_root_path_ + "/testPK/data/";
std::shared_ptr<Dataset> ds = ImageFolder(folder_path, true, std::make_shared<RandomSampler>(false, 5));
EXPECT_NE(ds, nullptr);
// Create a Repeat operation on ds
int32_t repeat_num = 3;
ds = ds->Repeat(repeat_num);
EXPECT_NE(ds, nullptr);
// Create a Batch operation on ds, choose batch size 5 to test high dimension input
int32_t batch_size = 5;
ds = ds->Batch(batch_size);
EXPECT_NE(ds, nullptr);
// Create centre crop object with square crop
const std::vector<int32_t> crop_size{30};
std::shared_ptr<TensorTransform> centre_out1 = std::make_shared<vision::CenterCrop>(crop_size);
// Note: No need to check for output after calling API class constructor
// Create a Map operation on ds
ds = ds->Map({centre_out1});
EXPECT_NE(ds, nullptr);
// Create an iterator over the result of the above dataset
// This will trigger the creation of the Execution Tree and launch it.
std::shared_ptr<Iterator> iter = ds->CreateIterator();
EXPECT_NE(iter, nullptr);
// Iterate the dataset and get each row
std::unordered_map<std::string, mindspore::MSTensor> row;
uint64_t i = 0;
while (row.size() != 0) {
auto image = row["image"];
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Tensor image shape: " << image.Shape();
EXPECT_EQ(i, 3);
// Manually terminate the pipeline
/// Feature: CenterCrop op
/// Description: Test CenterCrop op basic usage
/// Expectation: Output is equal to the expected output

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@ -165,6 +165,44 @@ def test_center_crop_errors():
def test_center_crop_high_dimensions():
Feature: CenterCrop
Description: Use randomly generated tensors and batched dataset as video inputs
Expectation: Cropped images should in correct shape
""""Test CenterCrop using video inputs.")
# use randomly generated tensor for testing
video_frames = np.random.randint(
0, 255, size=(32, 64, 64, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
center_crop_op = vision.CenterCrop([32, 32])
video_frames = center_crop_op(video_frames)
assert video_frames.shape[1] == 32
assert video_frames.shape[2] == 32
# use a batch of real image for testing
# First dataset
height = 200
width = 200
data1 = ds.TFRecordDataset(DATA_DIR, SCHEMA_DIR, columns_list=["image"], shuffle=False)
decode_op = vision.Decode()
center_crop_op = vision.CenterCrop([height, width])
data1 =, input_columns=["image"])
data1_batch = data1.batch(batch_size=2)
for item in data1_batch.create_dict_iterator(num_epochs=1, output_numpy=True):
original_channel = item["image"].shape[-1]
data1_batch =
operations=center_crop_op, input_columns=["image"])
for item in data1_batch.create_dict_iterator(num_epochs=1, output_numpy=True):
shape = item["image"].shape
assert shape[-3] == height
assert shape[-2] == width
assert shape[-1] == original_channel
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_center_crop_op(600, 600, plot=True)
test_center_crop_op(300, 600)
@ -172,3 +210,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":