Support API set_dump for more type of ops
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ mindspore.set_dump
.. Note::
- 此API只在Ascend后端的图模式有效。
- 当target是一个Cell且enabled设置为True时,Cell实例及其子Cell实例的Primitive将递归启用Dump。如果算子不是Cell实例的成员,则不会为该算子启用Dump(例如,在construct方法中直接使用的 `functional 算子 <>`_ )。要使此API生效,请在Cell的__init__方法中使用self.some_op = SomeOp()的写法。
- 使用set_dump(Cell, True)后,Cell正向计算中的算子会被Dump,大多数反向计算(梯度运算产生的计算)不会被Dump。然而,由于图的优化,一些反向计算的数据仍然会被Dump。可以忽略文件名中包含“Gradients”的反向计算数据。
- 此API只支持训练开始前调用。如果在训练过程中调用这个API,可能不会有效果。
- 使用set_dump(Cell, True)后,Cell正向计算和反向计算(梯度运算产生的计算)中的算子会被Dump。
- 对于 `nn.SoftMaxCrossEntropyWithLogits 层 <>`_ ,正向计算和反向计算使用同一组算子。因此,只能看到反向计算中的Dump数据。请注意,当使用sparse=True和reduce=“mean”初始化时,nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits层也将在内部使用这些算子。
@ -586,9 +586,9 @@ void DumpCNode(const CNodePtr &node, const FuncGraphPtr &sub_graph, OrderedMap<A
DumpKernelInfo(node, gsub);
if (dump_full_name) {
gsub->buffer << " : # fullname_with_scope: (" << node->fullname_with_scope() << ")" << std::endl;
gsub->buffer << " # fullname_with_scope: (" << node->fullname_with_scope() << ")" << std::endl;
} else {
gsub->buffer << " : # scope: (" << node->scope()->name() << ")" << std::endl;
gsub->buffer << " # scope: (" << node->scope()->name() << ")" << std::endl;
// Print debug info
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include "mindspore/core/load_mindir/load_model.h"
#include "utils/system/sha256.h"
#include "utils/file_utils.h"
#include "utils/anf_utils.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace ad {
@ -522,6 +523,16 @@ std::vector<NodeDebugInfoPtr> GeneratePrimalDebugInfo(const ValueNodePtr &value_
return primal_debug_infos;
void SetDumpFlag(const PrimitivePtr &prim, const FuncGraphPtr &bprop_fg) {
if (prim == nullptr || bprop_fg == nullptr) {
auto attr = prim->GetAttr(kAttrDump);
if (attr != nullptr && attr->isa<StringImm>() && attr->cast<StringImmPtr>()->value() == kValueTrue) {
bprop_fg->set_flag(FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_DUMP, true);
FuncGraphPtr KPrim::KPrimitive(const CNodePtr &cnode, const ValueNodePtr &value_node,
const pipeline::ResourceBasePtr &resources) {
if (!IsValueNode<Primitive>(value_node)) {
@ -552,6 +563,7 @@ FuncGraphPtr KPrim::KPrimitive(const CNodePtr &cnode, const ValueNodePtr &value_
bprop_fg = GetPrimBprop(prim, value_node, resources);
SetDumpFlag(prim, bprop_fg);
AdjustForAutoMonad(prim, bprop_fg);
mindspore::HashMap<std::string, ValuePtr> primal_attrs;
std::vector<NodeDebugInfoPtr> primal_debug_infos = GeneratePrimalDebugInfo(value_node, resources);
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <set>
#include "frontend/optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "frontend/optimizer/anf_visitor.h"
namespace mindspore::opt::irpass {
const PrimitiveSet dump_skipped_prim_set = {prim::kPrimReturn, prim::kPrimDepend, prim::kPrimMakeTuple,
prim::kPrimTupleGetItem, prim::kPrimUpdateState, prim::kPrimLoad,
prim::kPrimPrint, prim::kPrimPartial};
// Expand dump flag to all of cnodes if parent graph has dump flag.
class ExpandDumpFlag {
bool operator()(const FuncGraphPtr &, const OptimizerPtr &optimizer) {
auto manager = optimizer->manager();
std::set<FuncGraphPtr> seen;
auto graph_filter = [&seen](const FuncGraphPtr &graph) {
if (seen.find(graph) != seen.end() ||
(graph->has_attr(FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_DUMP) && !graph->has_flag(FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_DUMP))) {
return true;
return false;
for (auto &func_graph : manager->func_graphs()) {
if (!func_graph->has_flag(FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_DUMP) || seen.find(func_graph) != seen.end()) {
std::set<FuncGraphPtr> traverse_graphs;
SuccFunc succ_func = std::bind(SuccWithFilter, graph_filter, std::placeholders::_1);
auto nodes = TopoSort(func_graph->get_return(), succ_func);
for (const auto &node : nodes) {
auto node_graph = node->func_graph();
if (seen.find(node_graph) != seen.end()) {
// If the node need be ignored or the dump flag is set by false, do not set true.
if (!node->isa<CNode>() || IsOneOfPrimitiveCNode(node, dump_skipped_prim_set) ||
(AnfUtils::HasDumpFlag(node) && !AnfUtils::GetDumpFlag(node))) {
for (auto graph : traverse_graphs) {
if (graph != nullptr && graph->has_attr(FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_DUMP)) {
seen.insert(traverse_graphs.begin(), traverse_graphs.end());
return false;
} // namespace mindspore::opt::irpass
@ -2582,6 +2582,9 @@ FuncGraphPtr MakeTopGraph(const py::object &cell, const ValuePtr &cell_ptr) {
if (py::hasattr(cell, "construct")) {
parse::UpdateFuncGraphFlags(cell.attr("construct"), func_graph);
if (current_graph->has_flag(FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_DUMP) && func_graph->has_flag(FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_DUMP)) {
auto unpacking = func_graph->has_vararg() || func_graph->has_kwarg();
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#include "frontend/optimizer/irpass/taylor_eliminate.h"
#include "frontend/optimizer/irpass/parameter_eliminate.h"
#include "frontend/optimizer/irpass/updatestate_eliminate.h"
#include "frontend/optimizer/irpass/expand_dump_flag.h"
#if ((defined ENABLE_CPU) && (!defined _WIN32))
#include "ps/util.h"
#include "ps/ps_context.h"
@ -355,7 +356,8 @@ OptPassGroupMap GetOptPassesA(const opt::irpass::OptimizeIRPassLib &irpass) {
opt::OptPassConfig recompute_prepare = opt::OptPassConfig({irpass.set_cell_output_no_recompute_});
// Before adjusting map_a, check GetA1A2() and GetOptPynativeGradEpiloguePhases().
OptPassGroupMap map_a({{"switch_simplify", opt::OptPassConfig({irpass.switch_simplify_})},
OptPassGroupMap map_a({{"expand_dump_flag", opt::OptPassConfig(opt::irpass::ExpandDumpFlag())},
{"switch_simplify", opt::OptPassConfig({irpass.switch_simplify_})},
{"a_1", a_1},
{"recompute_prepare", recompute_prepare},
{"updatestate_depend_eliminate", updatestate_depend_eliminate},
@ -385,7 +387,7 @@ OptPassGroupMap GetOptPassesA(const opt::irpass::OptimizeIRPassLib &irpass) {
OptPassGroupMap GetA1A2(const opt::irpass::OptimizeIRPassLib &irpass) {
auto opt_a = GetOptPassesA(irpass);
constexpr auto a1_a2_len = 7;
constexpr auto a1_a2_len = 9;
OptPassGroupMap a1_a2(opt_a.begin(), opt_a.begin() + a1_a2_len);
return a1_a2;
@ -388,6 +388,10 @@ bool IrExportBuilder::BuildFuncGraphAttrs(const FuncGraphPtr &func_graph, mind_i
for (auto attr : func_graph->attrs()) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "attr: " << attr.first << " " << attr.second->DumpText() << " " << attr.second->type_name();
auto iter = g_export_attr_blacklist.find(attr.first);
if (iter != g_export_attr_blacklist.end()) {
mind_ir::AttributeProto *attr_proto = graph_proto->add_attribute();
if (!SetValueToAttributeProto(attr.second, attr_proto)) {
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ const char FUNC_GRAPH_ATTR_GRAPH_KERNEL[] = "graph_kernel";
const char FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_SPECIALIZE_PARAMETER[] = "spec_param";
const char FUNC_GRAPH_OUTPUT_NO_RECOMPUTE[] = "output_no_recompute";
const char FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_FORCE_INLINE[] = "force_inline";
const char FUNC_GRAPH_FLAG_DUMP[] = "dump";
const char kFuncGraphFlagUndetermined[] = "Undeterminate";
const char kFuncGraphFlagBackPropEntry[] = "BackPropEntry";
@ -256,6 +256,31 @@ std::vector<AnfNodePtr> SuccIncludeFV(const FuncGraphPtr &fg, const AnfNodePtr &
return vecs;
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> SuccWithFilter(const GraphFilterFunc &graph_filter, const AnfNodePtr &node) {
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> vecs;
if (node == nullptr) {
return vecs;
if (IsValueNode<FuncGraph>(node)) {
auto graph = GetValueNode<FuncGraphPtr>(node);
if (graph_filter != nullptr && graph_filter(graph)) {
return vecs;
auto &ret = graph->return_node();
if (ret != nullptr) {
return vecs;
} else {
if (node->isa<CNode>()) {
PushSuccessors(node->cast<CNodePtr>(), &vecs);
return vecs;
const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &GetInputs(const AnfNodePtr &node) {
static std::vector<AnfNodePtr> empty_inputs;
auto cnode = dyn_cast<CNode>(node);
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <deque>
#include "utils/hash_map.h"
#include "utils/hash_set.h"
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ enum IncludeType { FOLLOW, NOFOLLOW, EXCLUDE };
using IncludeFunc = std::function<IncludeType(const AnfNodePtr &)>;
using FilterFunc = std::function<bool(const AnfNodePtr &)>;
using GraphFilterFunc = std::function<bool(const FuncGraphPtr &)>;
using SuccFunc = std::function<std::vector<AnfNodePtr>(AnfNodePtr)>;
using SearchFunc = std::function<std::vector<AnfNodePtr>(const AnfNodePtr &, const IncludeFunc &)>;
using MatchFunc = std::function<bool(const CNodePtr &)>;
@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ std::vector<AnfNodePtr> SuccDeeper(const AnfNodePtr &node);
MS_CORE_API std::vector<AnfNodePtr> SuccDeeperSimple(const AnfNodePtr &node);
MS_CORE_API std::vector<AnfNodePtr> SuccIncoming(const AnfNodePtr &node);
std::vector<AnfNodePtr> SuccIncludeFV(const FuncGraphPtr &fg, const AnfNodePtr &node);
MS_CORE_API std::vector<AnfNodePtr> SuccWithFilter(const GraphFilterFunc &graph_filter, const AnfNodePtr &node);
MS_CORE_API const std::vector<AnfNodePtr> &GetInputs(const AnfNodePtr &node);
@ -424,6 +424,17 @@ bool AnfUtils::GetDumpFlag(const AnfNodePtr &node) {
return false;
bool AnfUtils::HasDumpFlag(const AnfNodePtr &node) {
if (node == nullptr || !node->isa<CNode>()) {
return false;
auto prim = GetCNodePrimitive(node);
if (prim != nullptr) {
return prim->HasAttr(kAttrDump);
return false;
bool AnfUtils::IsCustomActorNode(const AnfNodePtr &node) {
return node->has_user_data<CustomActorInfo>();
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ class MS_CORE_API AnfUtils {
static void SetDumpFlag(const AnfNodePtr &node);
// Get dump flag from CNode's primitive.
static bool GetDumpFlag(const AnfNodePtr &node);
// Check whether the node has dump flag or not.
static bool HasDumpFlag(const AnfNodePtr &node);
static AbstractScope GetAbstractLock(const AnfNode *node);
static void OpenAbstractLock();
static void CloseAbstractLock();
@ -35,23 +35,12 @@ def set_dump(target, enabled=True):
1. This API is only effective for GRAPH_MODE with Ascend backend.
2. When target is a cell and enabled is True, this API will enable
dump for the primitive operator members of the cell instance and
its child cell instances recursively. If an operator is not a
member of the cell instance, the dump flag will not be set for
this operator (e.g. `functional operators
<>`_ used directly in
construct method). To make this API effective, please use
self.some_op = SomeOp() in your cell's __init__ method.
3. After using set_dump(cell, True), operators in forward computation
of the cell will be dumped. Most backward computation (computation
generated by the grad operations) will not be dumped by design.
However, due to the graph optimization, a few backward computation
data will still be dumped. You can ignore the backward computation
data which contains "Gradients" in their filenames.
4. This API only supports being called before training starts.
2. This API only supports being called before training starts.
If you call this API during training, it may not be effective.
5. For `nn.SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits
3. After using set_dump(cell, True), operators in forward and backward
computation (computation generated by the grad operations) of the
cell will be dumped.
4. For `nn.SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits
.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits>`_ layer, the forward
@ -132,16 +121,15 @@ def set_dump(target, enabled=True):
"before calling set_dump.")
# The actual set dump logic.
mode = "true" if enabled else "false"
if isinstance(target, nn.Cell):
primitives = getattr(target, "_primitives", {})
for value in primitives.values():
if value:
value.add_prim_attr("dump", mode)
for cell in target.cells():
set_dump(cell, enabled)
primitives = getattr(target, "_primitives", {})
for value in primitives.values():
if value and "dump" in value.attrs:
set_dump(value, enabled)
if isinstance(target, Primitive):
target.add_prim_attr("dump", mode)
target.add_prim_attr("dump", "true" if enabled else "false")
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import glob
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
import pytest
from mindspore import Tensor, set_dump
from mindspore import Tensor, set_dump, ops
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.nn import Cell
from mindspore.nn import Dense
@ -33,11 +33,13 @@ from mindspore.nn import WithLossCell
from dump_test_utils import generate_cell_dump_json, check_dump_structure
from tests.security_utils import security_off_wrap
class IsDump(Enum):
class ReluReduceMeanDenseRelu(Cell):
def __init__(self, kernel, bias, in_channel, num_class):
@ -101,12 +103,18 @@ def test_ascend_cell_dump():
check_dump_structure(dump_path, dump_config_path, 1, 1, 1)
# make sure 2 relu dump files are generated with correct name prefix
assert len(os.listdir(dump_file_path)) == 2
assert len(os.listdir(dump_file_path)) == 3
relu_file_name = "ReLU.Default_network-WithLossCell__backbone-ReluReduceMeanDenseRelu_ReLU-op*.*.*.*"
relu_file1 = glob.glob(os.path.join(dump_file_path, relu_file_name))[0]
relu_file2 = glob.glob(os.path.join(dump_file_path, relu_file_name))[1]
assert relu_file1
assert relu_file2
# make sure 1 ReluGrad dump files are generated with correct name prefix
relu_grad_file_name = "ReluGrad.Gradients_Default_network-WithLossCell__backbone" \
relu_grad_file1 = glob.glob(os.path.join(dump_file_path, relu_grad_file_name))[0]
assert relu_grad_file1
del os.environ['MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG']
@ -170,6 +178,7 @@ def test_ascend_cell_empty_dump():
assert not os.path.exists(dump_file_path)
del os.environ['MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG']
@ -203,3 +212,48 @@ def test_ascend_cell_dump_set_enable_false():
mean_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(dump_file_path, mean_file_name))[0]
assert mean_file
del os.environ['MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG']
class OperateSymbolNet(Cell):
def construct(self, x):
x = ops.Add()(x, 1)
x = x - 1
x = x / 1
return x
def test_ascend_cell_dump_with_operate_symbol():
Feature: Cell Dump
Description: Test cell dump
Expectation: Operators which is expressed by symbol will be dumped
if sys.platform != 'linux':
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir='/tmp') as tmp_dir:
dump_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'cell_dump')
dump_config_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'cell_dump.json')
generate_cell_dump_json(dump_path, dump_config_path, 'test_async_dump', 2)
os.environ['MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG'] = dump_config_path
if os.path.isdir(dump_path):
net = OperateSymbolNet()
x = Tensor(np.ones((1000,)).astype(np.float32))
dump_file_path = os.path.join(dump_path, 'rank_0', 'Net', '0', '0')
for _ in range(5):
if not os.path.exists(dump_file_path):
check_dump_structure(dump_path, dump_config_path, 1, 1, 1)
# make sure directory has dumped files with enabled=True
assert len(os.listdir(dump_file_path)) == 3
del os.environ['MINDSPORE_DUMP_CONFIG']
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def test_set_dump_on_cell():
net = MyNet()
assert net.relu1.relu.attrs["dump"] == "true"
assert net.relu1.get_flags()["dump"] is True
def test_set_dump_on_primitive():
@ -84,3 +84,51 @@ def test_set_dump_warning():
assert "Only Ascend device target is supported" in str(w[-2].message)
assert "Only GRAPH_MODE is supported" in str(w[-1].message)
def test_set_dump_on_cell_with_false():
Feature: Python API set_dump on cell with False.
Description: Use set_dump API on Cell instance.
Expectation: Success.
class MyNet(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(MyNet, self).__init__()
self.relu1 = nn.ReLU()
def construct(self, x):
x = self.relu1(x)
return x
net = MyNet()
assert net.relu1.get_flags()["dump"] is True
set_dump(net, False)
assert net.relu1.get_flags()["dump"] is False
def test_set_dump_on_primitive_with_false():
Feature: Python API set_dump on primitive with False.
Description: Use set_dump API on Cell instance.
Expectation: Success.
class MyNet(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self):
super(MyNet, self).__init__()
self.relu1 = ops.ReLU()
def construct(self, x):
x = self.relu1(x)
return x
net = MyNet()
assert net.relu1.attrs.get("dump") == "true"
set_dump(net, False)
assert net.relu1.attrs.get("dump") == "false"
Reference in New Issue