From cfe51aef6765a0c956ca601a72d44c9db3506478 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: lilinjie Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 10:07:58 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] expsoe Primitve APIs part2 --- docs/api/api_python/mindspore.ops.rst | 10 ++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.PadAndShift.rst | 32 +++++++++++ ...spore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal.rst | 34 ++++++++++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.PsROIPooling.rst | 26 +++++++++ docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Qr.rst | 23 ++++++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.RaggedRange.rst | 29 ++++++++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.RandomGamma.rst | 35 ++++++++++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson.rst | 27 ++++++++++ .../api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Receive.rst | 22 ++++++++ .../api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Renorm.rst | 9 ++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeArea.rst | 31 +++++++++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic.rst | 31 +++++++++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinearV2.rst | 31 +++++++++++ .../ops/mindspore.ops.func_gamma.rst | 2 +- .../ops/mindspore.ops.func_random_gamma.rst | 26 ++++----- docs/api/api_python_en/mindspore.ops.rst | 10 ++++ .../ops/operations/ | 28 ++++++---- .../mindspore/ops/operations/ | 4 +- .../mindspore/ops/operations/ | 44 ++++++++------- .../mindspore/ops/operations/ | 20 +++---- .../python/mindspore/ops/operations/ | 13 ++++- .../mindspore/ops/operations/ | 54 ++++++++++--------- 22 files changed, 459 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-) create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.PadAndShift.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.PsROIPooling.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Qr.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RaggedRange.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RandomGamma.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Receive.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Renorm.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeArea.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic.rst create mode 100644 docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinearV2.rst diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/mindspore.ops.rst b/docs/api/api_python/mindspore.ops.rst index 4624627f9aa..651aaddbfa0 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/mindspore.ops.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/mindspore.ops.rst @@ -214,7 +214,11 @@ MindSpore中 `mindspore.ops` 接口与上一版本相比,新增、删除和支 mindspore.ops.L2Normalize mindspore.ops.NMSWithMask mindspore.ops.NonMaxSuppressionWithOverlaps + mindspore.ops.PSROIPooling mindspore.ops.RGBToHSV + mindspore.ops.ResizeArea + mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic + mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinearV2 mindspore.ops.ROIAlign mindspore.ops.SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 mindspore.ops.ScaleAndTranslate @@ -397,6 +401,7 @@ Reduction算子 mindspore.ops.Orgqr mindspore.ops.Svd mindspore.ops.TridiagonalMatMul + mindspore.ops.Qr Tensor操作算子 ---------------- @@ -431,8 +436,11 @@ Tensor创建 mindspore.ops.LogNormalReverse mindspore.ops.Multinomial mindspore.ops.NonDeterministicInts + mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal mindspore.ops.RandomCategorical mindspore.ops.RandomChoiceWithMask + mindspore.ops.RandomGamma + mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson mindspore.ops.Randperm mindspore.ops.StandardLaplace mindspore.ops.StandardNormal @@ -509,8 +517,10 @@ Array操作 mindspore.ops.Nonzero mindspore.ops.ParallelConcat mindspore.ops.PopulationCount + mindspore.ops.RaggedRange mindspore.ops.Range mindspore.ops.Rank + mindspore.ops.Renorm mindspore.ops.Reshape mindspore.ops.ResizeNearestNeighborV2 mindspore.ops.ReverseSequence diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.PadAndShift.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.PadAndShift.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e006bdb13f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.PadAndShift.rst @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +mindspore.ops.PadAndShift +========================== + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.PadAndShift + + 使用-1初始化一个Tensor,然后从 `input_x` 转移一个切片到该Tensor。 + + .. note:: + 如果在Python中使用,PadAndShift按下面流程得到输出Tensor: + + output = [-1] * cum_sum_arr[-1] + + start = cum_sum_arr[shift_idx] + + end = cum_sum_arr[shift_idx + 1] + + output[start:end] = input_x[:(end-start)] + + 输入: + - **input_x** (Tensor) - 输入Tensor,将被转移到 `output` 。 + - **cum_sum_arr** (Tensor) - `cum_sum_arr` 的最后一个值是输出Tensor的长度, `cum_sum_arr[shift_idx]` 是转移起点, `cum_sum_arr[shift_idx+1]` 是转移终点。 + - **shift_idx** (int) - `cum_sum_arr` 的下标。 + + 输出: + - **output** (Tensor) - Tensor,数据类型与 `input` 一致。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `input_x` 或者 `cum_sum_arr` 不是Tensor。 + - **TypeError** - `shift_idx` 不是int。 + - **ValueError** - `shift_idx` 的值大于等于 `cum_sum_arr` 的长度。 + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..88ae31c335c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal.rst @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal +=========================================== + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal(seed=0, seed2=0) + + 返回一个具有指定shape的Tensor,其数值取自截断正态分布。 + 当其shape为 :math:`(batch_size, *)` 的时候, `mean` 、 `stdevs` 、 `min` 和 `max` 的shape应该为 :math:`()` 或者 :math:`(batch_size, )` 。 + + .. note:: + 在广播之后,在任何位置, `min` 的值必须严格小于 `max` 的值。 + + 参数: + - **seed** (int,可选) - 随机数种子。如果 `seed` 或者 `seed2` 被设置为非零,则使用这个非零值。否则使用一个随机生成的种子。默认值:0。 + - **seed2** (int,可选) - 另一个随机种子,避免发生冲突。默认值:0。 + + 输入: + - **shape** (Tensor) - 生成Tensor的shape。数据类型必须是int32或者int64。 + - **mean** (Tensor) - 截断正态分布均值。数据类型必须是float16、float32或者float64。 + - **stdevs** (Tensor) - 截断正态分布的标准差。其值必须大于零,数据类型与 `mean` 一致。 + - **min** (Tensor) - 最小截断值,数据类型与 `mean` 一致。 + - **max** (Tensor) - 最大截断值,数据类型与 `mean` 一致。 + + 输出: + Tensor,其shape由 `shape` 决定,数据类型与 `mean` 一致。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `shape` 、 `mean` 、 `stdevs` 、 `min` 和 `max` 数据类型不支持。 + - **TypeError** - `mean` 、 `stdevs` 、 `min` 和 `max` 的shape不一致。 + - **TypeError** - `shape` 、 `mean` 、 `stdevs` 、 `min` 和 `max` 不全是Tensor。 + - **ValueError** - 当其 `shape` 为 :math:`(batch_size, *)` 时, `mean` 、 `stdevs` 、 `min` 或者 `max` 的shape不是 :math:`()` 或者 :math:`(batch_size, )` 。 + - **ValueError** - `shape` 的元素不全大于零。 + - **ValueError** - `stdevs` 的值不全大于零。 + - **ValueError** - `shape` 的的元素个数小于2。 + - **ValueError** - `shape` 不是一维Tensor。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.PsROIPooling.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.PsROIPooling.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f87d7336827 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.PsROIPooling.rst @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +mindspore.ops.PSROIPooling +========================== + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.PSROIPooling(spatial_scale, group_size, output_dim) + + 对输入Tensor应用Position Sensitive ROI-Pooling。 + + 参数: + - **spatial_scale** (float) - 将框坐标映射到输入坐标的比例因子。例如,如果你的框定义在224x224的图像上,并且你的输入是112x112的特征图(由原始图像的0.5倍缩放产生),此时需要将其设置为0.5。 + - **group_size** (int) - 执行池化后输出的大小(以像素为单位),以(高度,宽度)的格式输出。 + - **output_dim** (int) -执行池化后输出的维度。 + + 输入: + - **features** (Tensor) - 输入特征Tensor,其shape必须为 :math:`(N, C, H, W)` 。 各维度的值应满足: :math:`(C == output_dim * group_size * group_size)` 。数据类型为float16或者float32。 + - **rois** (Tensor) - 其shape为 :math:`(batch, 5, rois_n)` ,数据类型为float16或者float32。第一个维度的batch为批处理大小。第二个维度的大小必须为5。第三维度rois_n是rois的数量。rois_n的值格式为:(index, x1, y1, x2, y2)。其中第一个元素是rois的索引。方框坐标格式为(x1、y1、x2、y2),之后将把这些方框的选中的区域提取出来。区域坐标必须满足0 <= x1 < x2和0 <= y1 < y2。 + + 输出: + - **out** (Tensor) - 池化后的输出。其shape为 :math:`(rois.shape[0] * rois.shape[2], output\_dim, group\_size, group\_size)` 。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `spatial_scale` 不是float类型。 + - **TypeError** - `group_size` 或者 `output_dim` 不是 int类型。 + - **TypeError** - `features` 或者 `rois` 不是Tensor。 + - **TypeError** - `rois` 数据类型不是float16或者float32。 + - **ValueError** - `features` 的shape不满足 :math:`(C == output_dim * group_size * group_size)` 。 + - **ValueError** - `spatial_scale` 为负数。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Qr.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Qr.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ec10afb5cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Qr.rst @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +mindspore.ops.Qr +================= + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.Qr(full_matrices=False) + + 返回一个或多个矩阵的QR(正交三角)分解。如果 `full_matrices` 设为True,则计算全尺寸q和r,如果为False(默认值),则计算q的P列,其中P是 `x` 的2个最内层维度中的最小值。 + + 参数: + - **full_matrices** (bool,可选) - 是否进行全尺寸的QR分解。默认值:False。 + + 输入: + - **x** (Tensor) - 要进行分解的矩阵。矩阵必须至少为二维。数据类型:float16、float32、float64、complex64、complex128。 + 将 `x` 的shape定义为 :math:`(..., m, n)` ,p定义为m和n的最小值。 + + 输出: + - **q** (Tensor) - `x` 的正交矩阵。如果 `full_matrices` 为True,则shape为 :math:`(m, m)` ,否则shape为 :math:`(m, p)` 。 `q` 的数据类型与 `x` 相同。 + - **r** (Tensor) - `x` 的上三角形矩阵。如果 `full_matrices` 为True,则shape为 :math:`(m, n)` ,否则shape为 :math:`(p, n)` 。 `r` 的数据类型与 `x` 相同。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `x` 不是Tensor。 + - **TypeError** - `full_matrices` 不是bool。 + - **TypeError** - `x` 的维度小于2。 + diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RaggedRange.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RaggedRange.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a0fd9a596a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RaggedRange.rst @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +mindspore.ops.RaggedRange +========================== + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.RaggedRange(Tsplits) + + 返回包含指定数数列的RaggedTensor。 + + 参数: + - **Tsplits** (mindspore.dtype) - 输出的类型。它的值必须是mstype.int32或者mstype.int64。 + + 输入: + - **starts** (Tensor) - 每个数列的开始。是一个 0D或1D Tensor,数据类型为int32、int64、float32或float64。 + - **limits** (Tensor) - 每个数列的上限,shape与数据类型与 `starts` 一致。 + - **deltas** (Tensor) - 每个数列增量,shape与数据类型与 `starts` 一致,其中所有元素的值不能为0。 + + 输出: + - **rt_nested_splits** (Tensor) - 返回RagdTensor的嵌套拆分Tensor,数据类型类型为 `Tsplits` 。shape等于输入 `starts` 的shape加1。 + - **rt_dense_values** (Tensor) - 返回RagdTensor的密集值Tensor,其数据类型与输入 `starts` 相同。设输入 `starts、` `limits` 和 `delta` 的大小为i。 + - 如果 `starts` 、 `limits` 和 `delta` 的数据类型为int32或int64,则输出 `rt_dense_values` 的shape等于 :math:`sum(abs(limits[i] - starts[i]) + abs(deltas[i]) - 1) / abs(deltas[i]))` 。 + - 如果 `starts` 、 `limits` 和 `delta` 的数据类型为float32或者float64,则输出 `rt_dense_values` 的shape等于 :math:`sum(ceil(abs((limits[i] - starts[i]) / deltas[i]))` 。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - 如任意一个输入不是Tensor。 + - **TypeError** - 如果 `starts` 的数据类型不是:int32、int64、float32或float64。 + - **TypeError** - 如果 `starts` 、 `limits` 和 `deltas` 的数据类型不一致。 + - **TypeError** - 如果 `Tsplits` 不是mstype.int32或者mstype.int64。 + - **ValueError** - 如果 `starts` 、 `limits` 和 `deltas` 不是 0D或1D Tensor。 + - **ValueError** - 如果 `deltas` 等于0。 + - **ValueError** - 如果 `starts` 、 `limits` 和 `deltas` 的shape不一致。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RandomGamma.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RandomGamma.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..83541820533 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RandomGamma.rst @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +mindspore.ops.RandomGamma +========================== + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.RandomGamma(seed=0, seed2=0) + + 根据概率密度函数分布生成随机正值浮点数x: + + .. math:: + + \text{P}(x|α,β) = \frac{\exp(-x/β)}{{β^α}\cdot{\Gamma(α)}}\cdot{x^{α-1}} + + .. note:: + - 随机种子:通过一些复杂的数学算法,可以得到一组有规律的随机数,而随机种子就是这个随机数的初始值。随机种子相同,得到的随机数就不会改变。 + - 全局的随机种子和算子层的随机种子都没设置:使用默认值当做随机种子。 + - 全局的随机种子设置了,算子层的随机种子未设置:随机生成一个种子和全局的随机种子拼接。 + - 全局的随机种子未设置,算子层的随机种子设置了:使用默认的全局的随机种子,和算子层的随机种子拼接。 + - 全局的随机种子和算子层的随机种子都设置了:全局的随机种子和算子层的随机种子拼接。 + + 参数: + - **seed** (int,可选) - 算子层的随机种子,用于生成随机数。必须是非负的。默认值:0。 + - **seed2** (int,可选) - 全局的随机种子,和算子层的随机种子共同决定最终生成的随机数。必须是非负的。默认值:0。 + + 输入: + - **shape** (tuple) - 待生成的随机Tensor的shape。只支持常量值。 + - **alpha** (Tensor) - α为Gamma分布的shape parameter,主要决定了曲线的形状。其值必须大于0。数据类型为float32。 + - **beta** (Tensor) - β为Gamma分布的inverse scale parameter,主要决定了曲线有多陡。其值必须大于0。数据类型为float32。 + + 输出: + Tensor。shape是输入 `shape`, `alpha`, `beta` 广播后的shape。数据类型为float32。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `seed` 或 `seed2` 的数据类型不是int。 + - **TypeError** - `alpha` 或 `beta` 不是Tensor。 + - **TypeError** - `alpha` 或 `beta` 的数据类型不是float32。 + - **ValueError** - `shape` 不是常量值。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..31c200c5e7b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson.rst @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson +============================ + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson(seed=0, seed2=0, dtype=mindspore.int64) + + 根据离散概率密度函数分布生成随机非负数浮点数i: + + .. math:: + \text{P}(i|μ) = \frac{\exp(-μ)μ^{i}}{i!} + + 参数: + - **seed** (int,可选) - 随机数种子。如果 `seed` 或者 `seed2` 被设置为非零,则使用这个非零值。否则使用一个随机生成的种子。默认值:0。 + - **seed2** (int,可选) - 另一个随机种子,避免发生冲突。默认值:0。 + - **dtype** (mindspore.dtype,可选) - 输出数据类型, 默人值:mindspore.int64。 + + 输入: + - **shape** (tuple) - 待生成的随机Tensor的shape,是一个一维Tensor。数据类型为nt32或int64。 + - **rate** (Tensor) - `rate` 为Poisson分布的μ参数,决定数字的平均出现次数。数据类型是其中之一:[float16, float32, float64, int32, int64]。 + + 输出: + Tensor。shape是 :math:`(*shape, *rate.shape)` ,数据类型由参数 `dtype` 指定。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `shape` 不是Tensor或数据类型不是int32或int64。 + - **TypeError** - `dtype` 数据类型不是int32或int64。 + - **TypeError** - `shape` 不是一维Tensor。 + - **ValueError** - `shape` 的元素存在负数。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Receive.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Receive.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..73307ea0746 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Receive.rst @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +mindspore.ops.Receive +====================== + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.Receive(sr_tag, src_rank, shape, dtype, group="hccl_world_group/nccl_world_group") + + 从src_rank接收张量。 + + .. note:: + Send和Receive必须组合使用,并且具有相同的sr_tag。Receive必须在服务器之间使用。 + + 参数: + - **sr_tag** (int) - 标识发送/接收消息标签的所需的整数。消息将将由具有相同 `sr_tag` 的Send算子发送。 + - **src_rank** (int) - 标识设备rank的所需整数。 + - **shape** (list[int]) - 标识要接收的Tensor的shape的所需列表。 + - **dtype** (Type) - 标识要接收的Tensor类型的必要类型。支持的类型:int8、int16、int32、float16和float32。 + - **group** (str,可选) - 工作通信组。默认值:“hccl_world_group/nccl_world_group”。 + + 输入: + - **input_x** (Tensor) - 输入Tensor,其shape为 :math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_R)` 。 + + + diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Renorm.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Renorm.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bc04f99a984 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.Renorm.rst @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + +mindspore.ops.Renorm +===================== + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.Renorm(p, dim, maxnorm) + + 沿维度 `dim` 重新规范输入 `input_x` 的子Tensor,并且每个子Tensor的p范数不超过给定的最大范数 `maxnorm` 。如果子Tensor的p范数小于 `maxnorm` ,则当前子Tensor不需要修改;否则该子Tensor需要修改为对应位置的原值除以该子Tensor的p范数,然后再乘上 `maxnorm` 。 + + 更多参考详见 :func:`mindspore.ops.renorm` 。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeArea.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeArea.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fe3a6fd6901 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeArea.rst @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +mindspore.ops.ResizeArea +========================= + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.ResizeArea(align_corners=False) + + 使用面积插值调整图像大小到指定的大小。 + + 调整过程只改变输入图像的高和宽维度数据。 + + .. warning:: + `size` 的值必须大于0。 + + 参数: + - **align_corners** (bool,可选) - 如果为True,则输入输出图像四个角像素的中心被对齐,同时保留角像素处的值。默认值:False。 + + 输入: + - **images** (Tensor) -输入图像为四维的Tensor,其shape为 :math:`(batch, channels, height, width)` ,支持的数据类型有:int8、int16、int32、int64、float16、float32、float64、uint8和uint16。 + - **size** (Tensor) - 必须为含有两个元素的一维的Tensor,分别为new_height, new_width,表示输出图像的高和宽。支持的数据类型为int32。 + + 输出: + Tensor,调整大小后的图像。shape为 :math:`(batch, new\_height, new\_width, channels)` 的四维Tensor,数据类型为float32。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `images` 的数据类型不支持。 + - **TypeError** - `size` 不是int32。 + - **TypeError** - `align_corners` 不是bool。 + - **ValueError** - 输入个数不是2。 + - **ValueError** - `images` 的维度不是4。 + - **ValueError** - `size` 的维度不是1。 + - **ValueError** - `size` 含有元素个数2。 + - **ValueError** - `size` 的元素不全是正数。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4639aff96fb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic.rst @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic +============================ + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic(align_corners=False, half_pixel_centers=False) + + 使用双三次插值调整图像大小到指定的大小。 + + .. warning:: + 输出最大长度为1000000。 + + 参数: + - **align_corners** (bool,可选) - 如果为True,则输入输出图像四个角像素的中心被对齐,同时保留角像素处的值。默认值:False。 + - **half_pixel_centers** (bool,可选) - 是否使用半像素中心对齐。如果设置为True,那么 `align_corners` 应该设置为False。默认值:False。 + + 输入: + - **images** (Tensor) -输入图像为四维的Tensor,其shape为 :math:`(batch, height, width, channels)` ,支持的数据类型有:int8、int16、int32、int64、float16、float32、float64、uint8和uint16。 + - **size** (Tensor) - 必须为含有两个元素的一维的Tensor,分别为new_height, new_width,表示输出图像的高和宽。支持的数据类型为int32。 + + 输出: + Tensor,调整大小后的图像。shape为 :math:`(batch, new\_height, new\_width, channels)` 的四维Tensor,数据类型为float32。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `images` 的数据类型不支持。 + - **TypeError** - `size` 不是int32。 + - **TypeError** - `align_corners` 不是bool。 + - **TypeError** - `half_pixel_centers` 不是bool。 + - **ValueError** - `images` 的维度不是4。 + - **ValueError** - `size` 的维度不是1。 + - **ValueError** - `size` 含有元素个数数不是2。 + - **ValueError** - `size` 的元素不全是正数。 + - **ValueError** - `align_corners` 和 `half_pixel_centers` 同时为True。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinearV2.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinearV2.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c2a61c914ea --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinearV2.rst @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinearV2 +=============================== + +.. py:class:: mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic(align_corners=False, half_pixel_centers=False) + + 使用双线性插值调整图像大小到指定的大小。 + + 调整过程只改变输入图像最低量维度的数据,分别代表高和宽。 + + .. warning:: + 在CPU后端,不支持将 `half_pixel_centers` 设为True。 + + 参数: + - **align_corners** (bool,可选) - 如果为True,则使用比例 :math:`(new\_height - 1) / (height - 1)` 对输入进行缩放,此时输入图像和输出图像的四个角严格对齐。如果为False,使用比例 :math:`new\_height / height` 输入进行缩放。默认值:False。 + - **half_pixel_centers** (bool,可选) - 是否使用半像素中心对齐。如果设置为True,那么 `align_corners` 应该设置为False。默认值:False。 + + 输入: + - **x** (Tensor) -输入图像为四维的Tensor,其shape为 :math:`(batch, channels, height, width)` ,支持的数据类型有:float16、float32。 + - **size** (Union[tuple[int], list[int], Tensor]) - 调整后图像的尺寸。为含有两个元素的一维的Tensor或者list或者tuple,分别为 :math:`(new\_height, new\_width)` 。 + + 输出: + Tensor,调整大小后的图像。shape为 :math:`(batch, channels, new\_height, new\_width)` 的四维Tensor,数据类型与 `x` 一致。 + + 异常: + - **TypeError** - `align_corners` 不是bool。 + - **TypeError** - `half_pixel_centers` 不是bool。 + - **TypeError** - `align_corners` 和 `half_pixel_centers` 同时为True。 + - **ValueError** - `half_pixel_centers` 为True,同时运行平台为CPU。 + - **ValueError** - `x` 维度不是4。 + - **ValueError** - `size` 为Tensor且维度不是1。 + - **ValueError** - `size` 含有元素个数不是2。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_gamma.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_gamma.rst index bd532cbbeaa..c62ae643cef 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_gamma.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_gamma.rst @@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ mindspore.ops.gamma - **TypeError** - `shape` 不是tuple。 - **TypeError** - `alpha` 或 `beta` 不是Tensor。 - **TypeError** - `seed` 的数据类型不是int。 - - **TypeError** - `alpha` 或 `beta` 的数据类型不是float32。 \ No newline at end of file + - **TypeError** - `alpha` 或 `beta` 的数据类型不是float32。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_random_gamma.rst b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_random_gamma.rst index c7f8571597d..f9b4ad460e8 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_random_gamma.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python/ops/mindspore.ops.func_random_gamma.rst @@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ mindspore.ops.random_gamma .. py:function:: mindspore.ops.random_gamma(shape, alpha, seed=0, seed2=0) - ٤ֲ + 根据伽马分布产生成随机数。 - - - **shape** (Tensor) - ָshapeάȵTensor - - **alpha** (Tensor) - :math:`\alpha` ֲIJӦô0Ϊhalffloat32float64 - - **seed** (int) - ӣǷǸĬΪ0 - - **seed2** (int) - ӣǷǸĬΪ0 + 参数: + - **shape** (Tensor) - 指定生成随机数的shape。任意维度的Tensor。 + - **alpha** (Tensor) - :math:`\alpha` 分布的参数。应该大于0且数据类型为half、float32或者float64。 + - **seed** (int) - 随机数生成器的种子,必须是非负数,默认为0。 + - **seed2** (int) - 随机数生成器的种子,必须是非负数,默认为0。 - أ - Tensorshape `shape` `alpha` ƴӺshapeͺalphaһ¡ + 返回: + Tensor。shape是输入 `shape` 、 `alpha` 拼接后的shape。数据类型和alpha一致。 - 쳣 - - **TypeError** C `shape` Tensor - - **TypeError** C `alpha` Tensor - - **TypeError** C `seed` Ͳint - - **TypeError** C `alpha` Ͳhalffloat32float64 + 异常: + - **TypeError** – `shape` 不是Tensor。 + - **TypeError** – `alpha` 不是Tensor。 + - **TypeError** – `seed` 的数据类型不是int。 + - **TypeError** – `alpha` 的数据类型不是half、float32或者float64。 diff --git a/docs/api/api_python_en/mindspore.ops.rst b/docs/api/api_python_en/mindspore.ops.rst index 0afc41e304e..514d9e121a5 100644 --- a/docs/api/api_python_en/mindspore.ops.rst +++ b/docs/api/api_python_en/mindspore.ops.rst @@ -213,7 +213,11 @@ Image Processing mindspore.ops.L2Normalize mindspore.ops.NMSWithMask mindspore.ops.NonMaxSuppressionWithOverlaps + mindspore.ops.PSROIPooling mindspore.ops.RGBToHSV + mindspore.ops.ResizeArea + mindspore.ops.ResizeBicubic + mindspore.ops.ResizeBilinearV2 mindspore.ops.ROIAlign mindspore.ops.SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 mindspore.ops.ScaleAndTranslate @@ -396,6 +400,7 @@ Linear Algebraic Operator mindspore.ops.Orgqr mindspore.ops.Svd mindspore.ops.TridiagonalMatMul + mindspore.ops.Qr Tensor Operation Operator -------------------------- @@ -430,8 +435,11 @@ Random Generation Operator mindspore.ops.LogNormalReverse mindspore.ops.Multinomial mindspore.ops.NonDeterministicInts + mindspore.ops.ParameterizedTruncatedNormal mindspore.ops.RandomCategorical mindspore.ops.RandomChoiceWithMask + mindspore.ops.RandomGamma + mindspore.ops.RandomPoisson mindspore.ops.Randperm mindspore.ops.StandardLaplace mindspore.ops.StandardNormal @@ -508,8 +516,10 @@ Array Operation mindspore.ops.Nonzero mindspore.ops.ParallelConcat mindspore.ops.PopulationCount + mindspore.ops.RaggedRange mindspore.ops.Range mindspore.ops.Rank + mindspore.ops.Renorm mindspore.ops.Reshape mindspore.ops.ResizeNearestNeighborV2 mindspore.ops.ReverseSequence diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ index 7b6e97fd6ee..bca3c522104 100755 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ @@ -258,22 +258,30 @@ class DynamicAssign(PrimitiveWithCheck): class PadAndShift(PrimitiveWithCheck): """ - Pad a tensor with -1, and shift with a length. + Initialize a tensor with -1, and copy a slice from `input_x` to the padded Tensor. + + Note: + If use python, PadAndShift is: + output = [-1] * cum_sum_arr[-1] + start = cum_sum_arr[shift_idx] + end = cum_sum_arr[shift_idx + 1] + output[start:end] = input_x[:(end-start)] Inputs: - **input_x** (Tensor) - The input Tensor, which will be copied to `output`. - **cum_sum_arr** (Tensor) - The last value of cum_sum_arr is - the pad length of output tensor, cum_sum_arr[shift_idx] is - the start to shift, and cum_sum_arr[shift_idx+1] is the end. - - **shift_idx** (Int) - The idx of cum_sum_arr. - if use python, PadAndShift is: - output = [-1] * cum_sum_arr[-1] - start = cum_sum_arr[shift_idx] - end = cum_sum_arr[shift_idx + 1] - output[start:end] = input_x[:(end-start)] + the pad length of output tensor, `cum_sum_arr[shift_idx]` is + the start to shift, and `cum_sum_arr[shift_idx+1]` is the end. + - **shift_idx** (int) - The idx of `cum_sum_arr` . + Outputs: - Tensor, has the same type as original `variable`. + - **output** (Tensor) - Tensor, has the same type as `input`. + + Raises: + TypeError: `input_x` or `cum_sum_arr` is not Tensor. + TypeError: `shift_idx` is not int. + ValueError: Value of `shift_idx` is larger than or equal to the length of `cum_sum_arr` . Supported Platforms: `CPU` diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ index 58fb9956936..8e5e08a28f3 100755 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ @@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ class Send(PrimitiveWithInfer): class Receive(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ - receive tensors from src_rank. + Receive tensors from src_rank. Note: Send and Receive must be used in combination and have same sr_tag. @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ class Receive(PrimitiveWithInfer): shape (list[int]): A required list identifying the shape of the tensor to be received. dtype (Type): A required Type identifying the type of the tensor to be received. The supported types: int8, int16, int32, float16, float32. - group (str): The communication group to work on. Default: "hccl_world_group/nccl_world_group". + group (str, optional): The communication group to work on. Default: "hccl_world_group/nccl_world_group". Inputs: - **input_x** (Tensor) - The shape of tensor is :math:`(x_1, x_2, ..., x_R)`. diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ index e98623870e3..242236b17fd 100644 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ @@ -686,6 +686,9 @@ class ResizeBilinearV2(Primitive): The resizing only affects the lower two dimensions which represent the height and width. + .. warning:: + On CPU, setting `half_pixel_centers` to True is currently not supported. + Args: align_corners (bool, optional): If true, rescale input by :math:`(new\_height - 1) / (height - 1)`, which exactly aligns the 4 corners of images and resized images. If false, @@ -708,6 +711,9 @@ class ResizeBilinearV2(Primitive): TypeError: If `half_pixel_centers` is not a bool. TypeError: If `align_corners` and `half_pixel_centers` are all True. ValueError: If `half_pixel_centers` is True and device_target is CPU. + ValueError: If dim of `x` is not 4. + ValueError: If `size` is Tensor and its dim is not 1. + ValueError: If `size` contains other than 2 elements. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``CPU`` ``GPU`` @@ -739,37 +745,39 @@ class ResizeBilinearV2(Primitive): class ResizeBicubic(Primitive): - """ + r""" Resize images to size using bicubic interpolation. .. warning:: The max output length is 1000000. Args: - align_corners (bool):If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input + align_corners (bool, optional):If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and output tensors are aligned, preserving the values at the corner pixels.Default: False. - half_pixel_centers (bool): An optional bool. Default: False. + half_pixel_centers (bool): Whether to use half-pixel center alignment. If set to True, + `align_corners` should be False. Default: False. + Inputs: - - **images** (Tensor) - The input image must be a 4-D tensor of shape [batch, height, width, channels]. + - **images** (Tensor) - The input image must be a 4-D tensor of shape :math:`(batch, height, width, channels)`. The format must be NHWC. Types allowed: int8, int16, int32, int64, float16, float32, float64, uint8, uint16. - **size** (Tensor) - A 1-D tensor of shape [2], with 2 elements: new_height, new_width. Types allowed: int32. Outputs: - A 4-D tensor of shape [batch, new_height, new_width, channels] with type: float32. + A 4-D tensor of shape :math:`(batch, new\_height, new\_width, channels)` with type float32. Raises: TypeError: If `images` type is not allowed. - TypeError: If `size` type is not allowed. - TypeError: If `align_corners` type is not allowed. - TypeError: If `half_pixel_centers` type is not allowed. + TypeError: If `size` type is not int32. + TypeError: If `align_corners` type is not bool. + TypeError: If `half_pixel_centers` type is not bool. ValueError: If `images` dim is not 4. ValueError: If `size` dim is not 1. ValueError: If `size` size is not 2. - ValueError: If `size` value is not positive. - ValueError: If `align_corners` and `half_pixel_centers` value are both true. + ValueError: If any `size` value is not positive. + ValueError: If `align_corners` and `half_pixel_centers` value are both True. Supported Platforms: @@ -848,32 +856,32 @@ class ResizeArea(Primitive): The resizing process only changes the two dimensions of images, which represent the width and height of images. .. warning:: - The values of "size" must be greater than zero. + The values of `size` must be greater than zero. Args: align_corners (bool, optional): If true, the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and output tensors are aligned, preserving the values at the corner pixels. Defaults: False. Inputs: - - **images** (Tensor) - Input images must be a 4-D tensor with shape which is [batch, height, width, channels]. - The format must be NHWC. + - **images** (Tensor) - Input images must be a 4-D tensor with shape + which is :math:`(batch, channels, height, width)`. The format must be NHWC. Types allowed: int8, int16, int32, int64, float16, float32, float64, uint8, uint16. - **size** (Tensor) - Input size must be a 1-D tensor of 2 elements: new_height, new_width. The new size of output image. Types allowed: int32. Outputs: - A 4-D tensor of shape [batch, new_height, new_width, channels] with type: float32. + A 4-D tensor of shape :math:`(batch, new_height, new_width, channels)` with type float32. Raises: TypeError: If dtype of `images` is not supported. TypeError: If dtype of `size` is not int32. TypeError: If dtype of `align_corners` is not bool. ValueError: If the num of inputs is not 2. - ValueError: If the dimension of `images` shape is not 4. - ValueError: If the dimension of `size` shape is not 1. - ValueError: If the element num of `size` is not [new_height, new_width]. - ValueError: The size is not positive. + ValueError: If the dimension of `images` is not 4. + ValueError: If the dimension of `size` is not 1. + ValueError: If the element num of `size` is not 2. + ValueError: If any value of `size` is not positive. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``CPU`` ``GPU`` diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ index cfb76f16802..ac08ae47cce 100644 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ @@ -6626,12 +6626,12 @@ class RaggedRange(Primitive): - **rt_dense_values** (Tensor) - The dense values of the return `RaggedTensor`, and type of the tensor should be same as input `starts`. Let size of input `starts`, input `limits` and input `deltas` are i, - if type of the input `starts`, input `limits` and input `deltas` - are int32 or int64, shape of the output `rt_dense_values` is equal to - sum(abs(limits[i] - starts[i]) + abs(deltas[i]) - 1) / abs(deltas[i])), - if type of the input `starts`, input `limits` and input `deltas` - are float32 or float64, shape of the output `rt_dense_values` is equal to - sum(ceil(abs((limits[i] - starts[i]) / deltas[i]))). + - if type of the input `starts`, input `limits` and input `deltas` + are int32 or int64, shape of the output `rt_dense_values` is equal to + sum(abs(limits[i] - starts[i]) + abs(deltas[i]) - 1) / abs(deltas[i])), + - if type of the input `starts`, input `limits` and input `deltas` + are float32 or float64, shape of the output `rt_dense_values` is equal to + sum(ceil(abs((limits[i] - starts[i]) / deltas[i]))). Raises: TypeError: If any input is not Tensor. TypeError: If the type of `starts` is not one of the following dtype: int32, int64, float32, float64. @@ -6921,7 +6921,7 @@ class Renorm(Primitive): `maxnorm`. Otherwise the sub-tensor needs to be modified to the original value of the corresponding position divided by the p-norm of the substensor and then multiplied by `maxnorm`. - Refer to :func::`mindspore.ops.renorm` for more detail. + Refer to :func::`mindspore.ops.renorm` for more details. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``CPU`` ``GPU`` @@ -7650,7 +7650,7 @@ class Qr(Primitive): If False (the default), compute the P columns of q where P is minimum of the 2 innermost dimensions of x. Args: - full_matrices (bool): The default value is Fasle. + - **full_matrices** (bool, optional) - Whether compute full-sized QR decomposition. Default: False. Inputs: - **x** (Tensor) - A matrix to be calculated. The matrix must be at least two dimensions. @@ -7659,10 +7659,10 @@ class Qr(Primitive): Outputs: - **q** (Tensor) - The orthonormal matrices of x. - If `full_matrices` is true, the shape is (m, m), else the shape is (m, p). + If `full_matrices` is true, the shape is :math:`(m, m)`, else the shape is :math:`(m, p)`. The dtype of `q` is same as `x`. - **r** (Tensor) - The upper triangular matrices of x. - If `full_matrices` is true, the shape is (m, n), else the shape is (p, n). + If `full_matrices` is true, the shape is :math:`(m, n)`, else the shape is :math:`(p, n)`. The dtype of `r` is same as `x`. Raises: diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ index b4a7a2f7952..cfc01a5473c 100644 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ @@ -9379,7 +9379,7 @@ class NthElement(Primitive): class PSROIPooling(Primitive): r""" - Position Sensitive ROI-Pooling + Applies Position Sensitive ROI-Pooling on input Tensor. Args: spatial_scale (float): a scaling factor that maps the box coordinates to the input coordinates. @@ -9400,7 +9400,16 @@ class PSROIPooling(Primitive): 0 <= x1 < x2 and 0 <= y1 < y2. Outputs: - - out (rois.shape[0] * rois.shape[2], output_dim, group_size, group_size), the result after pooling. + - **out** (Tensor) - The result after pooling. Its shape + is :math:`(rois.shape[0] * rois.shape[2], output\_dim, group\_size, group\_size)`. + + Raises: + TypeError: If `spatial_scale` is not a float. + TypeError: If `group_size` or `output_dim` is not an int. + TypeError: If `features` or `rois` is not a Tensor. + TypeError: If dtype of `rois` is not float16 or float32. + ValueError: If shape of `features` does not satisfy :math:`(C == output_dim * group_size * group_size)`. + ValueError: If `spatial_scale` is negative. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` diff --git a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ index f3950b1b36d..baa48ca0755 100755 --- a/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ +++ b/mindspore/python/mindspore/ops/operations/ @@ -225,9 +225,10 @@ class RandomGamma(Primitive): operator-level random seed. Args: - seed (int): The operator-level random seed, used to generate random numbers, must be non-negative. Default: 0. - seed2 (int): The global random seed and it will combile with the operator-level random seed to determine the - final generated random number, must be non-negative. Default: 0. + seed (int, optional): The operator-level random seed, used to generate random numbers, + must be non-negative. Default: 0. + seed2 (int, optional): The global random seed and it will combile with the operator-level + random seed to determine the final generated random number, must be non-negative. Default: 0. Inputs: - **shape** (Tensor) - The shape of random tensor to be generated. @@ -438,38 +439,38 @@ class Gamma(PrimitiveWithInfer): class ParameterizedTruncatedNormal(Primitive): """ Returns a tensor of the specified shape filled with truncated normal values. - - When 'shape' is (batch_size, *), the shape of 'mean', 'stdevs', 'min', 'max' should be () or (batch_size, ). + When `shape` is :math:`(batch_size, *)`, the shape of `mean`, `stdevs`, + `min` and `max` should be :math:`()` or :math:`(batch_size, )`. Note: - The number in tensor minval must be strictly less than maxval at any position after broadcasting. + The value in tensor `min` must be strictly less than `max` at any position after broadcasting. Args: - seed (int): An optional int. Defaults to 0. If either `seed` or `seed2` are set to be non-zero, - the seed is set by the given seed. Otherwise, it is seeded by a random seed. - seed2 (int): An optional int. Defaults to 0. A second seed to avoid seed collision. + seed (int, optional): Random number seed. If either `seed` or `seed2` are set to be non-zero, + the seed is set by the given seed. Otherwise, it is seeded by a random seed. Default: 0. + seed2 (int, optional): A second seed to avoid seed collision. Default: 0. Inputs: - **shape** (Tensor) - The shape of random tensor to be generated. Its type must be one of the following types: int32 and int64. - - **mean** (Tensor) - A Tensor. The parameter defines the mean of truncated normal distribution. + - **mean** (Tensor) - The parameter defines the mean of truncated normal distribution. Its type must be one of the following types:float16, float32, float64. - - **stdevs** (Tensor) - A Tensor. The parameter defines the standard deviation for truncation of + - **stdevs** (Tensor) - The parameter defines the standard deviation for truncation of the normal distribution. It must be greater than 0 and have the same type as means. - - **min** (Tensor) - The distribution parameter, a. The parameter defines the minimum of + - **min** (Tensor) - The parameter defines the minimum of truncated normal distribution. It must have the same type as means. - - **max** (Tensor) - The distribution parameter, b. The parameter defines the maximum of + - **max** (Tensor) - The parameter defines the maximum of truncated normal distribution. It must have the same type as means. Outputs: Tensor. Its shape is specified by the input `shape` and it must have the same type as means. Raises: - TypeError: If `shape`, `mean`, `stdevs`, `min`, `max` and input tensor type are not allowed. + TypeError: If data type of `shape`, `mean`, `stdevs`, `min` and `max` are not allowed. TypeError: If `mean`, `stdevs`, `min`, `max` don't have the same type. - TypeError: If `mean` or `stdevs` or `minval` or `maxval` is not a Tensor. - ValueError: When 'shape' is (batch_size, *), if the shape of 'mean', 'stdevs', 'min', 'max' - is not () or (batch_size, ). + TypeError: If any of `shape`, `mean`, `stdevs`, `min` and `max` is not Tensor. + ValueError: When `shape` is :math:`(batch_size, *)`, if the shape of `mean`, `stdevs`, `min` or `max` + is not :math:`()` or :math:`(batch_size, )`. ValueError: If `shape` elements are not positive. ValueError: If `stdevs` elements are not positive. ValueError: If `shape` has less than 2 elements. @@ -569,25 +570,26 @@ class Poisson(PrimitiveWithInfer): class RandomPoisson(Primitive): r""" - Produces random non-negative values i, distributed according to discrete probability function: + Produces random non-negative values i, distributed according to discrete probability function: .. math:: - \text{P}(i|μ) = \frac{\exp(-μ)μ^{i}}{i!}, + \text{P}(i|μ) = \frac{\exp(-μ)μ^{i}}{i!} Args: - seed (int): An optional int. Defaults to 0. If either `seed` or `seed2` are set to be non-zero, - the seed is set by the given seed. Otherwise, it is seeded by a random seed. - seed2 (int): An optional int. Defaults to 0. A second seed to avoid seed collision. - dtype (mindspore.dtype): The type of output. Default: mindspore.int64. + seed (int, optional): Random number seed. If either `seed` or `seed2` are set to be non-zero, + the seed is set by the given seed. Otherwise, it is seeded by a random seed. Default: 0. + seed2 (int, optional): A second seed to avoid seed collision. Default: 0. + + dtype (mindspore.dtype, optional): The type of output. Default: mindspore.int64. Inputs: - **shape** (Tensor) - The shape of random tensor to be generated, 1-D Tensor, whose dtype must be in - [int32, int64] + [int32, int64]. - **rate** (Tensor) - μ parameter the distribution was constructed with. The parameter defines mean number - of occurrences of the event. Its type must be in [float16, float32, float64, int32, int64] + of occurrences of the event. Its type must be in [float16, float32, float64, int32, int64]. Outputs: - Tensor. Its shape is (*shape, *rate.shape). Its type is specified by `dtype`. + Tensor. Its shape is :math:`(*shape, *rate.shape)`. Its type is specified by `dtype`. Raises: TypeError: If `shape` is not a Tensor or its dtype is not int32 or int64.