forked from OSchip/llvm-project
592 lines
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592 lines
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//===-- GDBRemoteCommunicationClient.h --------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_GDBRemoteCommunicationClient_h_
#define liblldb_GDBRemoteCommunicationClient_h_
#include "GDBRemoteClientBase.h"
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/Core/ArchSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Core/StructuredData.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
namespace lldb_private {
namespace process_gdb_remote {
class GDBRemoteCommunicationClient : public GDBRemoteClientBase {
~GDBRemoteCommunicationClient() override;
// After connecting, send the handshake to the server to make sure
// we are communicating with it.
bool HandshakeWithServer(Error *error_ptr);
// For packets which specify a range of output to be returned,
// return all of the output via a series of request packets of the form
// <prefix>0,<size>
// <prefix><size>,<size>
// <prefix><size>*2,<size>
// <prefix><size>*3,<size>
// ...
// until a "$l..." packet is received, indicating the end.
// (size is in hex; this format is used by a standard gdbserver to
// return the given portion of the output specified by <prefix>;
// for example, "qXfer:libraries-svr4:read::fff,1000" means
// "return a chunk of the xml description file for shared
// library load addresses, where the chunk starts at offset 0xfff
// and continues for 0x1000 bytes").
// Concatenate the resulting server response packets together and
// return in response_string. If any packet fails, the return value
// indicates that failure and the returned string value is undefined.
SendPacketsAndConcatenateResponses(const char *send_payload_prefix,
std::string &response_string);
bool GetThreadSuffixSupported();
// This packet is usually sent first and the boolean return value
// indicates if the packet was send and any response was received
// even in the response is UNIMPLEMENTED. If the packet failed to
// get a response, then false is returned. This quickly tells us
// if we were able to connect and communicate with the remote GDB
// server
bool QueryNoAckModeSupported();
void GetListThreadsInStopReplySupported();
lldb::pid_t GetCurrentProcessID(bool allow_lazy = true);
bool GetLaunchSuccess(std::string &error_str);
bool LaunchGDBServer(const char *remote_accept_hostname, lldb::pid_t &pid,
uint16_t &port, std::string &socket_name);
size_t QueryGDBServer(
std::vector<std::pair<uint16_t, std::string>> &connection_urls);
bool KillSpawnedProcess(lldb::pid_t pid);
/// Sends a GDB remote protocol 'A' packet that delivers program
/// arguments to the remote server.
/// @param[in] argv
/// A NULL terminated array of const C strings to use as the
/// arguments.
/// @return
/// Zero if the response was "OK", a positive value if the
/// the response was "Exx" where xx are two hex digits, or
/// -1 if the call is unsupported or any other unexpected
/// response was received.
int SendArgumentsPacket(const ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info);
/// Sends a "QEnvironment:NAME=VALUE" packet that will build up the
/// environment that will get used when launching an application
/// in conjunction with the 'A' packet. This function can be called
/// multiple times in a row in order to pass on the desired
/// environment that the inferior should be launched with.
/// @param[in] name_equal_value
/// A NULL terminated C string that contains a single environment
/// in the format "NAME=VALUE".
/// @return
/// Zero if the response was "OK", a positive value if the
/// the response was "Exx" where xx are two hex digits, or
/// -1 if the call is unsupported or any other unexpected
/// response was received.
int SendEnvironmentPacket(char const *name_equal_value);
int SendLaunchArchPacket(const char *arch);
int SendLaunchEventDataPacket(const char *data,
bool *was_supported = nullptr);
/// Sends a "vAttach:PID" where PID is in hex.
/// @param[in] pid
/// A process ID for the remote gdb server to attach to.
/// @param[out] response
/// The response received from the gdb server. If the return
/// value is zero, \a response will contain a stop reply
/// packet.
/// @return
/// Zero if the attach was successful, or an error indicating
/// an error code.
int SendAttach(lldb::pid_t pid, StringExtractorGDBRemote &response);
/// Sends a GDB remote protocol 'I' packet that delivers stdin
/// data to the remote process.
/// @param[in] data
/// A pointer to stdin data.
/// @param[in] data_len
/// The number of bytes available at \a data.
/// @return
/// Zero if the attach was successful, or an error indicating
/// an error code.
int SendStdinNotification(const char *data, size_t data_len);
/// Sets the path to use for stdin/out/err for a process
/// that will be launched with the 'A' packet.
/// @param[in] path
/// The path to use for stdin/out/err
/// @return
/// Zero if the for success, or an error code for failure.
int SetSTDIN(const FileSpec &file_spec);
int SetSTDOUT(const FileSpec &file_spec);
int SetSTDERR(const FileSpec &file_spec);
/// Sets the disable ASLR flag to \a enable for a process that will
/// be launched with the 'A' packet.
/// @param[in] enable
/// A boolean value indicating whether to disable ASLR or not.
/// @return
/// Zero if the for success, or an error code for failure.
int SetDisableASLR(bool enable);
/// Sets the DetachOnError flag to \a enable for the process controlled by the
/// stub.
/// @param[in] enable
/// A boolean value indicating whether to detach on error or not.
/// @return
/// Zero if the for success, or an error code for failure.
int SetDetachOnError(bool enable);
/// Sets the working directory to \a path for a process that will
/// be launched with the 'A' packet for non platform based
/// connections. If this packet is sent to a GDB server that
/// implements the platform, it will change the current working
/// directory for the platform process.
/// @param[in] working_dir
/// The path to a directory to use when launching our process
/// @return
/// Zero if the for success, or an error code for failure.
int SetWorkingDir(const FileSpec &working_dir);
/// Gets the current working directory of a remote platform GDB
/// server.
/// @param[out] working_dir
/// The current working directory on the remote platform.
/// @return
/// Boolean for success
bool GetWorkingDir(FileSpec &working_dir);
lldb::addr_t AllocateMemory(size_t size, uint32_t permissions);
bool DeallocateMemory(lldb::addr_t addr);
Error Detach(bool keep_stopped);
Error GetMemoryRegionInfo(lldb::addr_t addr, MemoryRegionInfo &range_info);
Error GetWatchpointSupportInfo(uint32_t &num);
Error GetWatchpointSupportInfo(uint32_t &num, bool &after,
const ArchSpec &arch);
Error GetWatchpointsTriggerAfterInstruction(bool &after,
const ArchSpec &arch);
const ArchSpec &GetHostArchitecture();
std::chrono::seconds GetHostDefaultPacketTimeout();
const ArchSpec &GetProcessArchitecture();
void GetRemoteQSupported();
bool GetVContSupported(char flavor);
bool GetpPacketSupported(lldb::tid_t tid);
bool GetxPacketSupported();
bool GetVAttachOrWaitSupported();
bool GetSyncThreadStateSupported();
void ResetDiscoverableSettings(bool did_exec);
bool GetHostInfo(bool force = false);
bool GetDefaultThreadId(lldb::tid_t &tid);
bool GetOSVersion(uint32_t &major, uint32_t &minor, uint32_t &update);
bool GetOSBuildString(std::string &s);
bool GetOSKernelDescription(std::string &s);
ArchSpec GetSystemArchitecture();
bool GetHostname(std::string &s);
lldb::addr_t GetShlibInfoAddr();
bool GetSupportsThreadSuffix();
bool GetProcessInfo(lldb::pid_t pid, ProcessInstanceInfo &process_info);
uint32_t FindProcesses(const ProcessInstanceInfoMatch &process_match_info,
ProcessInstanceInfoList &process_infos);
bool GetUserName(uint32_t uid, std::string &name);
bool GetGroupName(uint32_t gid, std::string &name);
bool HasFullVContSupport() { return GetVContSupported('A'); }
bool HasAnyVContSupport() { return GetVContSupported('a'); }
bool GetStopReply(StringExtractorGDBRemote &response);
bool GetThreadStopInfo(lldb::tid_t tid, StringExtractorGDBRemote &response);
bool SupportsGDBStoppointPacket(GDBStoppointType type) {
switch (type) {
case eBreakpointSoftware:
return m_supports_z0;
case eBreakpointHardware:
return m_supports_z1;
case eWatchpointWrite:
return m_supports_z2;
case eWatchpointRead:
return m_supports_z3;
case eWatchpointReadWrite:
return m_supports_z4;
return false;
uint8_t SendGDBStoppointTypePacket(
GDBStoppointType type, // Type of breakpoint or watchpoint
bool insert, // Insert or remove?
lldb::addr_t addr, // Address of breakpoint or watchpoint
uint32_t length); // Byte Size of breakpoint or watchpoint
bool SetNonStopMode(const bool enable);
void TestPacketSpeed(const uint32_t num_packets, uint32_t max_send,
uint32_t max_recv, uint64_t recv_amount, bool json,
Stream &strm);
// This packet is for testing the speed of the interface only. Both
// the client and server need to support it, but this allows us to
// measure the packet speed without any other work being done on the
// other end and avoids any of that work affecting the packet send
// and response times.
bool SendSpeedTestPacket(uint32_t send_size, uint32_t recv_size);
bool SetCurrentThread(uint64_t tid);
bool SetCurrentThreadForRun(uint64_t tid);
bool GetQXferAuxvReadSupported();
bool GetQXferLibrariesReadSupported();
bool GetQXferLibrariesSVR4ReadSupported();
uint64_t GetRemoteMaxPacketSize();
bool GetEchoSupported();
bool GetAugmentedLibrariesSVR4ReadSupported();
bool GetQXferFeaturesReadSupported();
LazyBool SupportsAllocDeallocMemory() // const
// Uncomment this to have lldb pretend the debug server doesn't respond to
// alloc/dealloc memory packets.
// m_supports_alloc_dealloc_memory = lldb_private::eLazyBoolNo;
return m_supports_alloc_dealloc_memory;
size_t GetCurrentThreadIDs(std::vector<lldb::tid_t> &thread_ids,
bool &sequence_mutex_unavailable);
lldb::user_id_t OpenFile(const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t flags,
mode_t mode, Error &error);
bool CloseFile(lldb::user_id_t fd, Error &error);
lldb::user_id_t GetFileSize(const FileSpec &file_spec);
Error GetFilePermissions(const FileSpec &file_spec,
uint32_t &file_permissions);
Error SetFilePermissions(const FileSpec &file_spec,
uint32_t file_permissions);
uint64_t ReadFile(lldb::user_id_t fd, uint64_t offset, void *dst,
uint64_t dst_len, Error &error);
uint64_t WriteFile(lldb::user_id_t fd, uint64_t offset, const void *src,
uint64_t src_len, Error &error);
Error CreateSymlink(const FileSpec &src, const FileSpec &dst);
Error Unlink(const FileSpec &file_spec);
Error MakeDirectory(const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t mode);
bool GetFileExists(const FileSpec &file_spec);
Error RunShellCommand(
const char *command, // Shouldn't be nullptr
const FileSpec &working_dir, // Pass empty FileSpec to use the current
// working directory
int *status_ptr, // Pass nullptr if you don't want the process exit status
int *signo_ptr, // Pass nullptr if you don't want the signal that caused
// the process to exit
*command_output, // Pass nullptr if you don't want the command output
uint32_t timeout_sec); // Timeout in seconds to wait for shell program to
// finish
bool CalculateMD5(const FileSpec &file_spec, uint64_t &high, uint64_t &low);
lldb::DataBufferSP ReadRegister(
lldb::tid_t tid,
reg_num); // Must be the eRegisterKindProcessPlugin register number
lldb::DataBufferSP ReadAllRegisters(lldb::tid_t tid);
WriteRegister(lldb::tid_t tid,
uint32_t reg_num, // eRegisterKindProcessPlugin register number
llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> data);
bool WriteAllRegisters(lldb::tid_t tid, llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> data);
bool SaveRegisterState(lldb::tid_t tid, uint32_t &save_id);
bool RestoreRegisterState(lldb::tid_t tid, uint32_t save_id);
bool SyncThreadState(lldb::tid_t tid);
const char *GetGDBServerProgramName();
uint32_t GetGDBServerProgramVersion();
bool AvoidGPackets(ProcessGDBRemote *process);
StructuredData::ObjectSP GetThreadsInfo();
bool GetThreadExtendedInfoSupported();
bool GetLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfosSupported();
bool GetSharedCacheInfoSupported();
bool GetModuleInfo(const FileSpec &module_file_spec,
const ArchSpec &arch_spec, ModuleSpec &module_spec);
GetModulesInfo(llvm::ArrayRef<FileSpec> module_file_specs,
const llvm::Triple &triple);
bool ReadExtFeature(const lldb_private::ConstString object,
const lldb_private::ConstString annex, std::string &out,
lldb_private::Error &err);
void ServeSymbolLookups(lldb_private::Process *process);
/// Return the feature set supported by the gdb-remote server.
/// This method returns the remote side's response to the qSupported
/// packet. The response is the complete string payload returned
/// to the client.
/// @return
/// The string returned by the server to the qSupported query.
const std::string &GetServerSupportedFeatures() const {
return m_qSupported_response;
/// Return the array of async JSON packet types supported by the remote.
/// This method returns the remote side's array of supported JSON
/// packet types as a list of type names. Each of the results are
/// expected to have an Enable{type_name} command to enable and configure
/// the related feature. Each type_name for an enabled feature will
/// possibly send async-style packets that contain a payload of a
/// binhex-encoded JSON dictionary. The dictionary will have a
/// string field named 'type', that contains the type_name of the
/// supported packet type.
/// There is a Plugin category called structured-data plugins.
/// A plugin indicates whether it knows how to handle a type_name.
/// If so, it can be used to process the async JSON packet.
/// @return
/// The string returned by the server to the qSupported query.
lldb_private::StructuredData::Array *GetSupportedStructuredDataPlugins();
/// Configure a StructuredData feature on the remote end.
/// @see \b Process::ConfigureStructuredData(...) for details.
ConfigureRemoteStructuredData(const ConstString &type_name,
const StructuredData::ObjectSP &config_sp);
LazyBool m_supports_not_sending_acks;
LazyBool m_supports_thread_suffix;
LazyBool m_supports_threads_in_stop_reply;
LazyBool m_supports_vCont_all;
LazyBool m_supports_vCont_any;
LazyBool m_supports_vCont_c;
LazyBool m_supports_vCont_C;
LazyBool m_supports_vCont_s;
LazyBool m_supports_vCont_S;
LazyBool m_qHostInfo_is_valid;
LazyBool m_curr_pid_is_valid;
LazyBool m_qProcessInfo_is_valid;
LazyBool m_qGDBServerVersion_is_valid;
LazyBool m_supports_alloc_dealloc_memory;
LazyBool m_supports_memory_region_info;
LazyBool m_supports_watchpoint_support_info;
LazyBool m_supports_detach_stay_stopped;
LazyBool m_watchpoints_trigger_after_instruction;
LazyBool m_attach_or_wait_reply;
LazyBool m_prepare_for_reg_writing_reply;
LazyBool m_supports_p;
LazyBool m_supports_x;
LazyBool m_avoid_g_packets;
LazyBool m_supports_QSaveRegisterState;
LazyBool m_supports_qXfer_auxv_read;
LazyBool m_supports_qXfer_libraries_read;
LazyBool m_supports_qXfer_libraries_svr4_read;
LazyBool m_supports_qXfer_features_read;
LazyBool m_supports_augmented_libraries_svr4_read;
LazyBool m_supports_jThreadExtendedInfo;
LazyBool m_supports_jLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfos;
LazyBool m_supports_jGetSharedCacheInfo;
bool m_supports_qProcessInfoPID : 1, m_supports_qfProcessInfo : 1,
m_supports_qUserName : 1, m_supports_qGroupName : 1,
m_supports_qThreadStopInfo : 1, m_supports_z0 : 1, m_supports_z1 : 1,
m_supports_z2 : 1, m_supports_z3 : 1, m_supports_z4 : 1,
m_supports_QEnvironment : 1, m_supports_QEnvironmentHexEncoded : 1,
m_supports_qSymbol : 1, m_qSymbol_requests_done : 1,
m_supports_qModuleInfo : 1, m_supports_jThreadsInfo : 1,
m_supports_jModulesInfo : 1;
lldb::pid_t m_curr_pid;
lldb::tid_t m_curr_tid; // Current gdb remote protocol thread index for all
// other operations
lldb::tid_t m_curr_tid_run; // Current gdb remote protocol thread index for
// continue, step, etc
uint32_t m_num_supported_hardware_watchpoints;
ArchSpec m_host_arch;
ArchSpec m_process_arch;
uint32_t m_os_version_major;
uint32_t m_os_version_minor;
uint32_t m_os_version_update;
std::string m_os_build;
std::string m_os_kernel;
std::string m_hostname;
std::string m_gdb_server_name; // from reply to qGDBServerVersion, empty if
// qGDBServerVersion is not supported
uint32_t m_gdb_server_version; // from reply to qGDBServerVersion, zero if
// qGDBServerVersion is not supported
std::chrono::seconds m_default_packet_timeout;
uint64_t m_max_packet_size; // as returned by qSupported
std::string m_qSupported_response; // the complete response to qSupported
bool m_supported_async_json_packets_is_valid;
lldb_private::StructuredData::ObjectSP m_supported_async_json_packets_sp;
bool GetCurrentProcessInfo(bool allow_lazy_pid = true);
bool GetGDBServerVersion();
// Given the list of compression types that the remote debug stub can support,
// possibly enable compression if we find an encoding we can handle.
void MaybeEnableCompression(std::vector<std::string> supported_compressions);
bool DecodeProcessInfoResponse(StringExtractorGDBRemote &response,
ProcessInstanceInfo &process_info);
void OnRunPacketSent(bool first) override;
PacketResult SendThreadSpecificPacketAndWaitForResponse(
lldb::tid_t tid, StreamString &&payload,
StringExtractorGDBRemote &response, bool send_async);
} // namespace process_gdb_remote
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_GDBRemoteCommunicationClient_h_