
270 lines
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# -*- Python -*-
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import locale
import lit.formats
import lit.util
# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
# name: The name of this test suite.
config.name = 'lld'
# Tweak PATH for Win32
if sys.platform in ['win32']:
# Seek sane tools in directories and set to $PATH.
path = getattr(config, 'lit_tools_dir', None)
path = lit_config.getToolsPath(path,
['cmp.exe', 'grep.exe', 'sed.exe'])
if path is not None:
path = os.path.pathsep.join((path,
config.environment['PATH'] = path
# Choose between lit's internal shell pipeline runner and a real shell. If
# LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL is in the environment, we use that as an override.
use_lit_shell = os.environ.get("LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL")
if use_lit_shell:
# 0 is external, "" is default, and everything else is internal.
execute_external = (use_lit_shell == "0")
# Otherwise we default to internal on Windows and external elsewhere, as
# bash on Windows is usually very slow.
execute_external = (not sys.platform in ['win32'])
# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
# For now we require '&&' between commands, until they get globally killed and
# the test runner updated.
config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(execute_external)
# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
config.suffixes = ['.ll', '.s', '.objtxt', '.test']
# excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs'
# subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent
# directories.
config.excludes = ['Inputs']
# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run.
lld_obj_root = getattr(config, 'lld_obj_root', None)
if lld_obj_root is not None:
config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(lld_obj_root, 'test')
# Set llvm_{src,obj}_root for use by others.
config.llvm_src_root = getattr(config, 'llvm_src_root', None)
config.llvm_obj_root = getattr(config, 'llvm_obj_root', None)
# Tweak the PATH to include the tools dir and the scripts dir.
if lld_obj_root is not None:
lld_tools_dir = getattr(config, 'lld_tools_dir', None)
if not lld_tools_dir:
lit_config.fatal('No LLD tools dir set!')
llvm_tools_dir = getattr(config, 'llvm_tools_dir', None)
if not llvm_tools_dir:
lit_config.fatal('No LLVM tools dir set!')
path = os.path.pathsep.join((lld_tools_dir, llvm_tools_dir, config.environment['PATH']))
path = os.path.pathsep.join((os.path.join(getattr(config, 'llvm_src_root', None),'test','Scripts'),path))
config.environment['PATH'] = path
lld_libs_dir = getattr(config, 'lld_libs_dir', None)
if not lld_libs_dir:
lit_config.fatal('No LLD libs dir set!')
llvm_libs_dir = getattr(config, 'llvm_libs_dir', None)
if not llvm_libs_dir:
lit_config.fatal('No LLVM libs dir set!')
path = os.path.pathsep.join((lld_libs_dir, llvm_libs_dir,
config.environment['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = path
# Propagate LLVM_SRC_ROOT into the environment.
config.environment['LLVM_SRC_ROOT'] = getattr(config, 'llvm_src_root', '')
# Propagate PYTHON_EXECUTABLE into the environment
config.environment['PYTHON_EXECUTABLE'] = getattr(config, 'python_executable',
# Check that the object root is known.
if config.test_exec_root is None:
# Otherwise, we haven't loaded the site specific configuration (the user is
# probably trying to run on a test file directly, and either the site
# configuration hasn't been created by the build system, or we are in an
# out-of-tree build situation).
# Check for 'lld_site_config' user parameter, and use that if available.
site_cfg = lit_config.params.get('lld_site_config', None)
if site_cfg and os.path.exists(site_cfg):
lit_config.load_config(config, site_cfg)
raise SystemExit
# Try to detect the situation where we are using an out-of-tree build by
# looking for 'llvm-config'.
# FIXME: I debated (i.e., wrote and threw away) adding logic to
# automagically generate the lit.site.cfg if we are in some kind of fresh
# build situation. This means knowing how to invoke the build system though,
# and I decided it was too much magic. We should solve this by just having
# the .cfg files generated during the configuration step.
llvm_config = lit.util.which('llvm-config', config.environment['PATH'])
if not llvm_config:
lit_config.fatal('No site specific configuration available!')
# Get the source and object roots.
llvm_src_root = lit.util.capture(['llvm-config', '--src-root']).strip()
llvm_obj_root = lit.util.capture(['llvm-config', '--obj-root']).strip()
lld_src_root = os.path.join(llvm_src_root, "tools", "lld")
lld_obj_root = os.path.join(llvm_obj_root, "tools", "lld")
# Validate that we got a tree which points to here, using the standard
# tools/lld layout.
this_src_root = os.path.dirname(config.test_source_root)
if os.path.realpath(lld_src_root) != os.path.realpath(this_src_root):
lit_config.fatal('No site specific configuration available!')
# Check that the site specific configuration exists.
site_cfg = os.path.join(lld_obj_root, 'test', 'lit.site.cfg')
if not os.path.exists(site_cfg):
'No site specific configuration available! You may need to '
'run "make test" in your lld build directory.')
# Okay, that worked. Notify the user of the automagic, and reconfigure.
lit_config.note('using out-of-tree build at %r' % lld_obj_root)
lit_config.load_config(config, site_cfg)
raise SystemExit
# For each occurrence of a lld tool name as its own word, replace it
# with the full path to the build directory holding that tool. This
# ensures that we are testing the tools just built and not some random
# tools that might happen to be in the user's PATH.
# Regex assertions to reject neighbor hyphens/dots (seen in some tests).
# For example, we want to prefix 'lld' and 'ld.lld' but not the 'lld' inside
# of 'ld.lld'.
NoPreJunk = r"(?<!(-|\.|/))"
NoPostJunk = r"(?!(-|\.))"
config.substitutions.append( (r"\bld.lld\b", 'ld.lld --full-shutdown') )
tool_patterns = [r"\bFileCheck\b",
NoPreJunk + r"\blld\b" + NoPostJunk,
for pattern in tool_patterns:
# Extract the tool name from the pattern. This relies on the tool
# name being surrounded by \b word match operators. If the
# pattern starts with "| ", include it in the string to be
# substituted.
tool_match = re.match(r"^(\\)?((\| )?)\W+b([0-9A-Za-z-_\.]+)\\b\W*$",
tool_pipe = tool_match.group(2)
tool_name = tool_match.group(4)
tool_path = lit.util.which(tool_name, config.environment['PATH'])
if not tool_path:
# Warn, but still provide a substitution.
lit_config.note('Did not find ' + tool_name + ' in ' + path)
tool_path = llvm_tools_dir + '/' + tool_name
config.substitutions.append((pattern, tool_pipe + tool_path))
# Add site-specific substitutions.
config.substitutions.append( ('%python', config.python_executable) )
# When running under valgrind, we mangle '-vg' onto the end of the triple so we
# can check it with XFAIL and XTARGET.
if lit_config.useValgrind:
config.target_triple += '-vg'
# Shell execution
if execute_external:
# zlib compression library
if config.have_zlib:
# Running on Darwin OS
if platform.system() in ['Darwin']:
# Running on ELF based *nix
if platform.system() in ['FreeBSD', 'Linux']:
# Running on Windows
if platform.system() in ['Windows']:
# Set if host-cxxabi's demangler can handle target's symbols.
if platform.system() not in ['Windows']:
# llvm-config knows whether it is compiled with asserts (and)
# whether we are operating in release/debug mode.
import subprocess
llvm_config_cmd = \
subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(llvm_tools_dir, 'llvm-config'),
'--build-mode', '--assertion-mode', '--targets-built'],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError as why:
print("Could not find llvm-config in " + llvm_tools_dir)
llvm_config_output = llvm_config_cmd.stdout.read().decode('utf_8')
llvm_config_output_list = llvm_config_output.split("\n")
if re.search(r'DEBUG', llvm_config_output_list[0]):
if re.search(r'ON', llvm_config_output_list[1]):
archs = llvm_config_output_list[2]
if re.search(r'AArch64', archs):
if re.search(r'ARM', archs):
if re.search(r'AVR', archs):
if re.search(r'Mips', archs):
if re.search(r'X86', archs):
if re.search(r'PowerPC', archs):
if re.search(r'AMDGPU', archs):
# Set a fake constant version so that we get consitent output.
config.environment['LLD_VERSION'] = 'LLD 1.0'
# Check if Windows resource file compiler exists.
cvtres = lit.util.which('cvtres', config.environment['PATH'])
rc = lit.util.which('rc', config.environment['PATH'])
if cvtres and rc: