
180 lines
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// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
template<typename T, typename U = int> struct A; // expected-note {{template is declared here}} \
// expected-note{{explicitly specialized}}
template<> struct A<double, double>; // expected-note{{forward declaration}}
template<> struct A<float, float> { // expected-note{{previous definition}}
int x;
template<> struct A<float> { // expected-note{{previous definition}}
int y;
int test_specs(A<float, float> *a1, A<float, int> *a2) {
return a1->x + a2->y;
int test_incomplete_specs(A<double, double> *a1,
A<double> *a2)
(void)a1->x; // expected-error{{member access into incomplete type}}
(void)a2->x; // expected-error{{implicit instantiation of undefined template 'A<double, int>'}}
typedef float FLOAT;
template<> struct A<float, FLOAT>;
template<> struct A<FLOAT, float> { }; // expected-error{{redefinition}}
template<> struct A<float, int> { }; // expected-error{{redefinition}}
template<typename T, typename U = int> struct X;
template <> struct X<int, int> { int foo(); }; // #1
template <> struct X<float> { int bar(); }; // #2
typedef int int_type;
void testme(X<int_type> *x1, X<float, int> *x2) {
(void)x1->foo(); // okay: refers to #1
(void)x2->bar(); // okay: refers to #2
// Make sure specializations are proper classes.
struct A<char> {
A<char>::A() { }
// Make sure we can see specializations defined before the primary template.
namespace N{
template<typename T> struct A0;
namespace N {
struct A0<void> {
typedef void* pointer;
namespace N {
template<typename T>
struct A0 {
void foo(A0<void>::pointer p = 0);
// Diagnose specialization errors
struct A<double> { }; // expected-error{{template specialization requires 'template<>'}}
template<> struct ::A<double>;
namespace N {
template<typename T> struct B; // expected-note 2{{explicitly specialized}}
template<> struct ::N::B<char>; // okay
template<> struct ::N::B<short>; // okay
template<> struct ::N::B<int>; // okay
int f(int);
template<> struct N::B<int> { }; // okay
template<> struct N::B<float> { }; // expected-warning{{C++11 extension}}
namespace M {
template<> struct ::N::B<short> { }; // expected-error{{class template specialization of 'B' not in a namespace enclosing 'N'}}
template<> struct ::A<long double>; // expected-error{{must occur at global scope}}
template<> struct N::B<char> {
int testf(int x) { return f(x); }
// PR5264
template <typename T> class Foo;
Foo<int>* v;
Foo<int>& F() { return *v; }
template <typename T> class Foo {};
Foo<int> x;
// Template template parameters
template<template<class T> class Wibble>
class Wibble<int> { }; // expected-error{{cannot specialize a template template parameter}}
namespace rdar9676205 {
template<typename T>
struct X {
template<typename U>
struct X<U*> { // expected-error{{explicit specialization of 'X' in class scope}}
namespace PR18009 {
template <typename T> struct A {
template <int N, int M> struct S;
template <int N> struct S<N, sizeof(T)> {};
A<int>::S<8, sizeof(int)> a; // ok
template <typename T> struct B {
template <int N, int M> struct S; // expected-note {{declared here}}
template <int N> struct S<N, sizeof(T) +
N // expected-error {{non-type template argument depends on a template parameter of the partial specialization}}
> {};
B<int>::S<8, sizeof(int) + 8> s; // expected-error {{undefined}}
template<int A> struct outer {
template<int B, int C> struct inner {};
template<int C> struct inner<A * 2, C> {};
namespace PR16519 {
template<typename T, T...N> struct integer_sequence { typedef T value_type; }; // expected-warning {{extension}}
template<typename T> struct __make_integer_sequence;
template<typename T, T N> using make_integer_sequence = typename __make_integer_sequence<T>::template make<N, N % 2>::type; // expected-warning {{extension}}
template<typename T, typename T::value_type ...Extra> struct __make_integer_sequence_impl; // expected-warning {{extension}}
template<typename T, T ...N, T ...Extra> struct __make_integer_sequence_impl<integer_sequence<T, N...>, Extra...> { // expected-warning 2{{extension}}
typedef integer_sequence<T, N..., sizeof...(N) + N..., Extra...> type;
template<typename T> struct __make_integer_sequence {
template<T N, T Parity, typename = void> struct make;
template<typename Dummy> struct make<0, 0, Dummy> { typedef integer_sequence<T> type; };
template<typename Dummy> struct make<1, 1, Dummy> { typedef integer_sequence<T, 0> type; };
template<T N, typename Dummy> struct make<N, 0, Dummy> : __make_integer_sequence_impl<make_integer_sequence<T, N/2> > {};
template<T N, typename Dummy> struct make<N, 1, Dummy> : __make_integer_sequence_impl<make_integer_sequence<T, N/2>, N - 1> {};
using X = make_integer_sequence<int, 5>; // expected-warning {{extension}}
using X = integer_sequence<int, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4>; // expected-warning {{extension}}
namespace DefaultArgVsPartialSpec {
// Check that the diagnostic points at the partial specialization, not just at
// the default argument.
template<typename T, int N =
sizeof(T) // expected-note {{template parameter is used in default argument declared here}}
> struct X {};
template<typename T> struct X<T> {}; // expected-error {{non-type template argument depends on a template parameter of the partial specialization}}
template<typename T,
T N = 0 // expected-note {{template parameter is declared here}}
> struct S;
template<typename T> struct S<T> {}; // expected-error {{non-type template argument specializes a template parameter with dependent type 'T'}}