
305 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

from __future__ import print_function
def c_compiler_rule(b, name, description, compiler, flags):
command = "%s -MMD -MF $out.d %s -c -o $out $in" % (compiler, flags)
b.rule(name, command, description + " $out", depfile="$out.d")
version_major = 0;
version_minor = 2;
version_patch = 0;
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
import string
from subprocess import *
import sys
srcdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(srcdir, 'build'))
import metabuild
p = OptionParser()
p.add_option('--with-llvm-config', metavar='PATH',
help='use given llvm-config script')
p.add_option('--with-cxx-compiler', metavar='PATH',
help='use given C++ compiler')
p.add_option('--prefix', metavar='PATH',
help='install to given prefix')
p.add_option('--libexecdir', metavar='PATH',
help='install *.bc to given dir')
p.add_option('--includedir', metavar='PATH',
help='install include files to given dir')
p.add_option('--pkgconfigdir', metavar='PATH',
help='install clc.pc to given dir')
p.add_option('-g', metavar='GENERATOR', default='make',
help='use given generator (default: make)')
p.add_option('--enable-runtime-subnormal', action="store_true", default=False,
help='Allow runtimes to choose subnormal support')
(options, args) = p.parse_args()
llvm_config_exe = options.with_llvm_config or "llvm-config"
prefix = options.prefix
if not prefix:
prefix = '/usr/local'
libexecdir = options.libexecdir
if not libexecdir:
libexecdir = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib/clc')
includedir = options.includedir
if not includedir:
includedir = os.path.join(prefix, 'include')
pkgconfigdir = options.pkgconfigdir
if not pkgconfigdir:
pkgconfigdir = os.path.join(prefix, 'share/pkgconfig')
def llvm_config(args):
# Universal newlines translate different newline formats to '\n'
# it also force the input to be string instead of bytes in python 3
proc = Popen([llvm_config_exe] + args, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
return proc.communicate()[0].rstrip().replace('\n', ' ')
except OSError:
print("Error executing llvm-config.")
print("Please ensure that llvm-config is in your $PATH, or use --with-llvm-config.")
llvm_version = llvm_config(['--version']).replace('svn', '').split('.')
llvm_int_version = int(llvm_version[0]) * 100 + int(llvm_version[1]) * 10
llvm_string_version = llvm_version[0] + '.' + llvm_version[1]
if llvm_int_version < 390:
print("libclc requires LLVM >= 3.9")
llvm_system_libs = llvm_config(['--system-libs'])
llvm_bindir = llvm_config(['--bindir'])
llvm_core_libs = llvm_config(['--libs', 'core', 'bitreader', 'bitwriter']) + ' ' + \
llvm_system_libs + ' ' + \
llvm_cxxflags = llvm_config(['--cxxflags']) + ' -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti ' + \
llvm_libdir = llvm_config(['--libdir'])
llvm_clang = os.path.join(llvm_bindir, 'clang')
llvm_link = os.path.join(llvm_bindir, 'llvm-link')
llvm_opt = os.path.join(llvm_bindir, 'opt')
cxx_compiler = options.with_cxx_compiler
if not cxx_compiler:
cxx_compiler = os.path.join(llvm_bindir, 'clang++')
available_targets = {
'r600--' : { 'devices' :
[{'gpu' : 'cedar', 'aliases' : ['palm', 'sumo', 'sumo2', 'redwood', 'juniper']},
{'gpu' : 'cypress', 'aliases' : ['hemlock'] },
{'gpu' : 'barts', 'aliases' : ['turks', 'caicos'] },
{'gpu' : 'cayman', 'aliases' : ['aruba']} ]},
'amdgcn--': { 'devices' :
[{'gpu' : 'tahiti', 'aliases' : ['pitcairn', 'verde', 'oland', 'hainan', 'bonaire', 'kabini', 'kaveri', 'hawaii','mullins','tonga','carrizo','iceland','fiji','stoney','polaris10','polaris11']} ]},
'amdgcn--amdhsa': { 'devices' :
[{'gpu' : '', 'aliases' : ['bonaire', 'hawaii', 'kabini', 'kaveri', 'mullins', 'carrizo', 'stoney', 'fiji', 'iceland', 'tonga','polaris10','polaris11']} ]},
'nvptx--' : { 'devices' : [{'gpu' : '', 'aliases' : []} ]},
'nvptx64--' : { 'devices' : [{'gpu' : '', 'aliases' : []} ]},
'nvptx--nvidiacl' : { 'devices' : [{'gpu' : '', 'aliases' : []} ]},
'nvptx64--nvidiacl' : { 'devices' : [{'gpu' : '', 'aliases' : []} ]},
default_targets = ['nvptx--nvidiacl', 'nvptx64--nvidiacl', 'r600--', 'amdgcn--', 'amdgcn--amdhsa']
#mesa is using amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d since llvm-4.0
if llvm_int_version > 390:
available_targets['amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d'] = available_targets['amdgcn--']
targets = args
if not targets:
targets = default_targets
b = metabuild.from_name(options.g)
b.rule("LLVM_AS", "%s -o $out $in" % os.path.join(llvm_bindir, "llvm-as"),
'LLVM-AS $out')
b.rule("LLVM_LINK", command = llvm_link + " -o $out $in",
description = 'LLVM-LINK $out')
b.rule("OPT", command = llvm_opt + " -O3 -o $out $in",
description = 'OPT $out')
c_compiler_rule(b, "LLVM_TOOL_CXX", 'CXX', cxx_compiler, llvm_cxxflags)
b.rule("LLVM_TOOL_LINK", cxx_compiler + " -o $out $in %s" % llvm_core_libs + " -Wl,-rpath %s" % llvm_libdir, 'LINK $out')
prepare_builtins = os.path.join('utils', 'prepare-builtins')
b.build(os.path.join('utils', 'prepare-builtins.o'), "LLVM_TOOL_CXX",
os.path.join(srcdir, 'utils', 'prepare-builtins.cpp'))
b.build(prepare_builtins, "LLVM_TOOL_LINK",
os.path.join('utils', 'prepare-builtins.o'))
b.rule("PREPARE_BUILTINS", "%s -o $out $in" % prepare_builtins,
b.rule("PYTHON_GEN", "python < $in > $out", "PYTHON_GEN $out")
b.build('generic/lib/convert.cl', "PYTHON_GEN", ['generic/lib/gen_convert.py'])
manifest_deps = set([sys.argv[0], os.path.join(srcdir, 'build', 'metabuild.py'),
os.path.join(srcdir, 'build', 'ninja_syntax.py')])
install_files_bc = []
install_deps = []
# Create rules for subnormal helper objects
for src in ['subnormal_disable.ll', 'subnormal_use_default.ll']:
obj_name = src[:-2] + 'bc'
obj = os.path.join('generic--', 'lib', obj_name)
src_file = os.path.join('generic', 'lib', src)
b.build(obj, 'LLVM_AS', src_file)
install_files_bc.append((obj, obj))
# Create libclc.pc
clc = open('libclc.pc', 'w')
clc.write('includedir=%(inc)s\nlibexecdir=%(lib)s\n\nName: libclc\nDescription: Library requirements of the OpenCL C programming language\nVersion: %(maj)s.%(min)s.%(pat)s\nCflags: -I${includedir}\nLibs: -L${libexecdir}' %
{'inc': includedir, 'lib': libexecdir, 'maj': version_major, 'min': version_minor, 'pat': version_patch})
for target in targets:
(t_arch, t_vendor, t_os) = target.split('-')
archs = [t_arch]
if t_arch == 'nvptx' or t_arch == 'nvptx64':
subdirs = []
for arch in archs:
subdirs.append("%s-%s-%s" % (arch, t_vendor, t_os))
subdirs.append("%s-%s" % (arch, t_os))
if t_os == 'mesa3d':
if arch == 'amdgcn' or arch == 'r600':
incdirs = filter(os.path.isdir,
[os.path.join(srcdir, subdir, 'include') for subdir in subdirs])
libdirs = filter(lambda d: os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, 'SOURCES')),
[os.path.join(srcdir, subdir, 'lib') for subdir in subdirs])
# The above are iterables in python3 but we might use them multiple times
# if more then one device is supported.
incdirs = list(incdirs)
libdirs = list(libdirs)
clang_cl_includes = ' '.join(["-I%s" % incdir for incdir in incdirs])
for device in available_targets[target]['devices']:
# The rule for building a .bc file for the specified architecture using clang.
clang_bc_flags = "-target %s -I`dirname $in` %s " \
"-fno-builtin " \
"-emit-llvm" % (target, clang_cl_includes)
if device['gpu'] != '':
clang_bc_flags += ' -mcpu=' + device['gpu']
clang_bc_rule = "CLANG_CL_BC_" + target + "_" + device['gpu']
c_compiler_rule(b, clang_bc_rule, "LLVM-CC", llvm_clang, clang_bc_flags)
objects = []
sources_seen = set()
compats = []
if device['gpu'] == '':
full_target_name = target
obj_suffix = ''
full_target_name = device['gpu'] + '-' + target
obj_suffix = '.' + device['gpu']
for libdir in libdirs:
subdir_list_file = os.path.join(libdir, 'SOURCES')
override_list_file = os.path.join(libdir, 'OVERRIDES')
compat_list_file = os.path.join(libdir,
'SOURCES_' + llvm_string_version)
compat_list_override = os.path.join(libdir,
'OVERRIDES_' + llvm_string_version)
# Build compat list
if os.path.exists(compat_list_file):
for compat in open(compat_list_file).readlines():
compat = compat.rstrip()
# Add target compat overrides
if os.path.exists(compat_list_override):
for override in open(compat_list_override).readlines():
override = override.rstrip()
# Add target overrides
if os.path.exists(override_list_file):
for override in open(override_list_file).readlines():
override = override.rstrip()
for src in open(subdir_list_file).readlines() + compats:
src = src.rstrip()
if src not in sources_seen:
obj = os.path.join(target, 'lib', src + obj_suffix + '.bc')
src_path = libdir
src_file = os.path.join(src_path, src)
ext = os.path.splitext(src)[1]
if ext == '.ll':
b.build(obj, 'LLVM_AS', src_file)
b.build(obj, clang_bc_rule, src_file)
obj = os.path.join('generic--', 'lib', 'subnormal_use_default.bc')
if not options.enable_runtime_subnormal:
builtins_link_bc = os.path.join(target, 'lib', 'builtins.link' + obj_suffix + '.bc')
builtins_opt_bc = os.path.join(target, 'lib', 'builtins.opt' + obj_suffix + '.bc')
builtins_bc = os.path.join('built_libs', full_target_name + '.bc')
b.build(builtins_link_bc, "LLVM_LINK", objects)
b.build(builtins_opt_bc, "OPT", builtins_link_bc)
b.build(builtins_bc, "PREPARE_BUILTINS", builtins_opt_bc, prepare_builtins)
install_files_bc.append((builtins_bc, builtins_bc))
for alias in device['aliases']:
# Ninja cannot have multiple rules with same name so append suffix
ruleName = "CREATE_ALIAS_{0}_for_{1}".format(alias, device['gpu'])
b.rule(ruleName, "ln -fs %s $out" % os.path.basename(builtins_bc)
alias_file = os.path.join('built_libs', alias + '-' + target + '.bc')
b.build(alias_file, ruleName, builtins_bc)
install_files_bc.append((alias_file, alias_file))
install_cmd = ' && '.join(['mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s && cp -r %(src)s ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s' %
{'src': file,
'dst': libexecdir}
for (file, dest) in install_files_bc])
install_cmd = ' && '.join(['%(old)s && mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s && cp -r %(srcdir)s/generic/include/clc ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s' %
{'old': install_cmd,
'dst': includedir,
'srcdir': srcdir}])
install_cmd = ' && '.join(['%(old)s && mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s && cp -r libclc.pc ${DESTDIR}/%(dst)s' %
{'old': install_cmd,
'dst': pkgconfigdir}])
b.rule('install', command = install_cmd, description = 'INSTALL')
b.build('install', 'install', install_deps)
b.rule("configure", command = ' '.join(sys.argv), description = 'CONFIGURE',
generator = True)
b.build(b.output_filename(), 'configure', list(manifest_deps))