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//===- Parser.h - MLIR Base Parser Class ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "ParserState.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
// Parser
/// This class implement support for parsing global entities like attributes and
/// types. It is intended to be subclassed by specialized subparsers that
/// include state.
class Parser {
using Delimiter = OpAsmParser::Delimiter;
Builder builder;
Parser(ParserState &state)
: builder(state.config.getContext()), state(state) {}
// Helper methods to get stuff from the parser-global state.
ParserState &getState() const { return state; }
MLIRContext *getContext() const { return state.config.getContext(); }
const llvm::SourceMgr &getSourceMgr() { return state.lex.getSourceMgr(); }
/// Parse a comma-separated list of elements up until the specified end token.
parseCommaSeparatedListUntil(Token::Kind rightToken,
function_ref<ParseResult()> parseElement,
bool allowEmptyList = true);
/// Parse a list of comma-separated items with an optional delimiter. If a
/// delimiter is provided, then an empty list is allowed. If not, then at
/// least one element will be parsed.
parseCommaSeparatedList(Delimiter delimiter,
function_ref<ParseResult()> parseElementFn,
StringRef contextMessage = StringRef());
/// Parse a comma separated list of elements that must have at least one entry
/// in it.
parseCommaSeparatedList(function_ref<ParseResult()> parseElementFn) {
return parseCommaSeparatedList(Delimiter::None, parseElementFn);
/// Parse the body of a dialect symbol, which starts and ends with <>'s, and
/// may be recursive. Return with the 'body' StringRef encompassing the entire
/// body. `isCodeCompletion` is set to true if the body contained a code
/// completion location, in which case the body is only populated up to the
/// completion.
ParseResult parseDialectSymbolBody(StringRef &body, bool &isCodeCompletion);
ParseResult parseDialectSymbolBody(StringRef &body) {
bool isCodeCompletion = false;
return parseDialectSymbolBody(body, isCodeCompletion);
// We have two forms of parsing methods - those that return a non-null
// pointer on success, and those that return a ParseResult to indicate whether
// they returned a failure. The second class fills in by-reference arguments
// as the results of their action.
// Error Handling
/// Emit an error and return failure.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(const Twine &message = {});
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(SMLoc loc, const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit an error about a "wrong token". If the current token is at the
/// start of a source line, this will apply heuristics to back up and report
/// the error at the end of the previous line, which is where the expected
/// token is supposed to be.
InFlightDiagnostic emitWrongTokenError(const Twine &message = {});
/// Encode the specified source location information into an attribute for
/// attachment to the IR.
Location getEncodedSourceLocation(SMLoc loc) {
return state.lex.getEncodedSourceLocation(loc);
// Token Parsing
/// Return the current token the parser is inspecting.
const Token &getToken() const { return state.curToken; }
StringRef getTokenSpelling() const { return state.curToken.getSpelling(); }
/// If the current token has the specified kind, consume it and return true.
/// If not, return false.
bool consumeIf(Token::Kind kind) {
if (state.curToken.isNot(kind))
return false;
return true;
/// Advance the current lexer onto the next token.
void consumeToken() {
assert(state.curToken.isNot(Token::eof, Token::error) &&
"shouldn't advance past EOF or errors");
state.curToken = state.lex.lexToken();
/// Advance the current lexer onto the next token, asserting what the expected
/// current token is. This is preferred to the above method because it leads
/// to more self-documenting code with better checking.
void consumeToken(Token::Kind kind) {
assert(state.curToken.is(kind) && "consumed an unexpected token");
/// Reset the parser to the given lexer position.
void resetToken(const char *tokPos) {
state.curToken = state.lex.lexToken();
/// Consume the specified token if present and return success. On failure,
/// output a diagnostic and return failure.
ParseResult parseToken(Token::Kind expectedToken, const Twine &message);
/// Parse an optional integer value from the stream.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalInteger(APInt &result);
/// Parse a floating point value from an integer literal token.
ParseResult parseFloatFromIntegerLiteral(Optional<APFloat> &result,
const Token &tok, bool isNegative,
const llvm::fltSemantics &semantics,
size_t typeSizeInBits);
/// Returns true if the current token corresponds to a keyword.
bool isCurrentTokenAKeyword() const {
return getToken().isAny(Token::bare_identifier, Token::inttype) ||
/// Parse a keyword, if present, into 'keyword'.
ParseResult parseOptionalKeyword(StringRef *keyword);
// Resource Parsing
/// Parse a handle to a dialect resource within the assembly format.
parseResourceHandle(const OpAsmDialectInterface *dialect, StringRef &name);
// Type Parsing
/// Invoke the `getChecked` method of the given Attribute or Type class, using
/// the provided location to emit errors in the case of failure. Note that
/// unlike `OpBuilder::getType`, this method does not implicitly insert a
/// context parameter.
template <typename T, typename... ParamsT>
T getChecked(SMLoc loc, ParamsT &&...params) {
return T::getChecked([&] { return emitError(loc); },
ParseResult parseFunctionResultTypes(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements);
ParseResult parseTypeListNoParens(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements);
ParseResult parseTypeListParens(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements);
/// Optionally parse a type.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalType(Type &type);
/// Parse an arbitrary type.
Type parseType();
/// Parse a complex type.
Type parseComplexType();
/// Parse an extended type.
Type parseExtendedType();
/// Parse a function type.
Type parseFunctionType();
/// Parse a memref type.
Type parseMemRefType();
/// Parse a non function type.
Type parseNonFunctionType();
/// Parse a tensor type.
Type parseTensorType();
/// Parse a tuple type.
Type parseTupleType();
/// Parse a vector type.
VectorType parseVectorType();
ParseResult parseVectorDimensionList(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &dimensions,
unsigned &numScalableDims);
ParseResult parseDimensionListRanked(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &dimensions,
bool allowDynamic = true,
bool withTrailingX = true);
ParseResult parseIntegerInDimensionList(int64_t &value);
ParseResult parseXInDimensionList();
/// Parse strided layout specification.
ParseResult parseStridedLayout(int64_t &offset,
SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &strides);
// Parse a brace-delimiter list of comma-separated integers with `?` as an
// unknown marker.
ParseResult parseStrideList(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &dimensions);
// Attribute Parsing
/// Parse an arbitrary attribute with an optional type.
Attribute parseAttribute(Type type = {});
/// Parse an optional attribute with the provided type.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(Attribute &attribute,
Type type = {});
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(ArrayAttr &attribute, Type type);
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(StringAttr &attribute, Type type);
/// Parse an optional attribute that is demarcated by a specific token.
template <typename AttributeT>
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttributeWithToken(Token::Kind kind,
AttributeT &attr,
Type type = {}) {
if (getToken().isNot(kind))
return llvm::None;
if (Attribute parsedAttr = parseAttribute(type)) {
attr = parsedAttr.cast<AttributeT>();
return success();
return failure();
/// Parse an attribute dictionary.
ParseResult parseAttributeDict(NamedAttrList &attributes);
/// Parse an extended attribute.
Attribute parseExtendedAttr(Type type);
/// Parse a float attribute.
Attribute parseFloatAttr(Type type, bool isNegative);
/// Parse a decimal or a hexadecimal literal, which can be either an integer
/// or a float attribute.
Attribute parseDecOrHexAttr(Type type, bool isNegative);
/// Parse an opaque elements attribute.
Attribute parseOpaqueElementsAttr(Type attrType);
/// Parse a dense elements attribute.
Attribute parseDenseElementsAttr(Type attrType);
ShapedType parseElementsLiteralType(Type type);
/// Parse a DenseArrayAttr.
Attribute parseDenseArrayAttr();
/// Parse a sparse elements attribute.
Attribute parseSparseElementsAttr(Type attrType);
// Location Parsing
/// Parse a raw location instance.
ParseResult parseLocationInstance(LocationAttr &loc);
/// Parse a callsite location instance.
ParseResult parseCallSiteLocation(LocationAttr &loc);
/// Parse a fused location instance.
ParseResult parseFusedLocation(LocationAttr &loc);
/// Parse a name or FileLineCol location instance.
ParseResult parseNameOrFileLineColLocation(LocationAttr &loc);
// Affine Parsing
/// Parse a reference to either an affine map, or an integer set.
ParseResult parseAffineMapOrIntegerSetReference(AffineMap &map,
IntegerSet &set);
ParseResult parseAffineMapReference(AffineMap &map);
ParseResult parseIntegerSetReference(IntegerSet &set);
/// Parse an AffineMap where the dim and symbol identifiers are SSA ids.
parseAffineMapOfSSAIds(AffineMap &map,
function_ref<ParseResult(bool)> parseElement,
Delimiter delimiter);
/// Parse an AffineExpr where dim and symbol identifiers are SSA ids.
parseAffineExprOfSSAIds(AffineExpr &expr,
function_ref<ParseResult(bool)> parseElement);
// Code Completion
/// The set of various code completion methods. Every completion method
/// returns `failure` to signal that parsing should abort after any desired
/// completions have been enqueued. Note that `failure` is does not mean
/// completion failed, it's just a signal to the parser to stop.
ParseResult codeCompleteDialectName();
ParseResult codeCompleteOperationName(StringRef dialectName);
ParseResult codeCompleteDialectOrElidedOpName(SMLoc loc);
ParseResult codeCompleteStringDialectOrOperationName(StringRef name);
ParseResult codeCompleteExpectedTokens(ArrayRef<StringRef> tokens);
ParseResult codeCompleteOptionalTokens(ArrayRef<StringRef> tokens);
Attribute codeCompleteAttribute();
Type codeCompleteType();
codeCompleteDialectSymbol(const llvm::StringMap<Attribute> &aliases);
Type codeCompleteDialectSymbol(const llvm::StringMap<Type> &aliases);
/// The Parser is subclassed and reinstantiated. Do not add additional
/// non-trivial state here, add it to the ParserState class.
ParserState &state;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir