
824 lines
28 KiB

//===- extra/modularize/Modularize.cpp - Check modularized headers --------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements a tool that checks whether a set of headers provides
// the consistent definitions required to use modules. For example, it detects
// whether the same entity (say, a NULL macro or size_t typedef) is defined in
// multiple headers or whether a header produces different definitions under
// different circumstances. These conditions cause modules built from the
// headers to behave poorly, and should be fixed before introducing a module
// map.
// Modularize takes as argument a file name for a file containing the
// newline-separated list of headers to check with respect to each other.
// Lines beginning with '#' and empty lines are ignored.
// Header file names followed by a colon and other space-separated
// file names will include those extra files as dependencies.
// The file names can be relative or full paths, but must be on the
// same line.
// Modularize also accepts regular front-end arguments.
// Usage: modularize [-prefix (optional header path prefix)]
// (include-files_list) [(front-end-options) ...]
// Note that unless a "-prefix (header path)" option is specified,
// non-absolute file paths in the header list file will be relative
// to the header list file directory. Use -prefix to specify a different
// directory.
// Note that by default, the underlying Clang front end assumes .h files
// contain C source. If your .h files in the file list contain C++ source,
// you should append the following to your command lines: -x c++
// Modularize will do normal parsing, reporting normal errors and warnings,
// but will also report special error messages like the following:
// error: '(symbol)' defined at multiple locations:
// (file):(row):(column)
// (file):(row):(column)
// error: header '(file)' has different contents depending on how it was
// included
// The latter might be followed by messages like the following:
// note: '(symbol)' in (file) at (row):(column) not always provided
// Checks will also be performed for macro expansions, defined(macro)
// expressions, and preprocessor conditional directives that evaluate
// inconsistently, and can produce error messages like the following:
// (...)/SubHeader.h:11:5:
// #if SYMBOL == 1
// ^
// error: Macro instance 'SYMBOL' has different values in this header,
// depending on how it was included.
// 'SYMBOL' expanded to: '1' with respect to these inclusion paths:
// (...)/Header1.h
// (...)/SubHeader.h
// (...)/SubHeader.h:3:9:
// #define SYMBOL 1
// ^
// Macro defined here.
// 'SYMBOL' expanded to: '2' with respect to these inclusion paths:
// (...)/Header2.h
// (...)/SubHeader.h
// (...)/SubHeader.h:7:9:
// #define SYMBOL 2
// ^
// Macro defined here.
// Checks will also be performed for '#include' directives that are
// nested inside 'extern "C/C++" {}' or 'namespace (name) {}' blocks,
// and can produce error message like the following:
// IncludeInExtern.h:2:3
// #include "Empty.h"
// ^
// error: Include directive within extern "C" {}.
// IncludeInExtern.h:1:1
// extern "C" {
// ^
// The "extern "C" {}" block is here.
// See PreprocessorTracker.cpp for additional details.
// Modularize also has an option ("-module-map-path=module.map") that will
// skip the checks, and instead act as a module.map generation assistant,
// generating a module map file based on the header list. An optional
// "-root-module=(rootName)" argument can specify a root module to be
// created in the generated module.map file. Note that you will likely
// need to edit this file to suit the needs of your headers.
// An example command line for generating a module.map file:
// modularize -module-map-path=module.map -root-module=myroot headerlist.txt
// Note that if the headers in the header list have partial paths, sub-modules
// will be created for the subdirectires involved, assuming that the
// subdirectories contain headers to be grouped into a module, but still with
// individual modules for the headers in the subdirectory.
// See the ModuleAssistant.cpp file comments for additional details about the
// implementation of the assistant mode.
// Future directions:
// Basically, we want to add new checks for whatever we can check with respect
// to checking headers for module'ability.
// Some ideas:
// 1. Omit duplicate "not always provided" messages
// 2. Add options to disable any of the checks, in case
// there is some problem with them, or the messages get too verbose.
// 3. Try to figure out the preprocessor conditional directives that
// contribute to problems and tie them to the inconsistent definitions.
// 4. There are some legitimate uses of preprocessor macros that
// modularize will flag as errors, such as repeatedly #include'ing
// a file and using interleaving defined/undefined macros
// to change declarations in the included file. Is there a way
// to address this? Maybe have modularize accept a list of macros
// to ignore. Otherwise you can just exclude the file, after checking
// for legitimate errors.
// 5. What else?
// General clean-up and refactoring:
// 1. The Location class seems to be something that we might
// want to design to be applicable to a wider range of tools, and stick it
// somewhere into Tooling/ in mainline
#include "Modularize.h"
#include "PreprocessorTracker.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Options.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
#include "llvm/Option/OptTable.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::driver;
using namespace clang::driver::options;
using namespace clang::tooling;
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::opt;
using namespace Modularize;
// Option to specify a file name for a list of header files to check.
cl::desc("<name of file containing list of headers to check>"));
// Collect all other arguments, which will be passed to the front end.
cl::desc("<arguments to be passed to front end>..."));
// Option to specify a prefix to be prepended to the header names.
cl::opt<std::string> HeaderPrefix(
"prefix", cl::init(""),
"Prepend header file paths with this prefix."
" If not specified,"
" the files are considered to be relative to the header list file."));
// Option for assistant mode, telling modularize to output a module map
// based on the headers list, and where to put it.
cl::opt<std::string> ModuleMapPath(
"module-map-path", cl::init(""),
cl::desc("Turn on module map output and specify output path or file name."
" If no path is specified and if prefix option is specified,"
" use prefix for file path."));
// Option for assistant mode, telling modularize to output a module map
// based on the headers list, and where to put it.
RootModule("root-module", cl::init(""),
cl::desc("Specify the name of the root module."));
// Save the program name for error messages.
const char *Argv0;
// Save the command line for comments.
std::string CommandLine;
// Read the header list file and collect the header file names and
// optional dependencies.
error_code getHeaderFileNames(SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &HeaderFileNames,
DependencyMap &Dependencies,
StringRef ListFileName, StringRef HeaderPrefix) {
// By default, use the path component of the list file name.
SmallString<256> HeaderDirectory(ListFileName);
SmallString<256> CurrentDirectory;
// Get the prefix if we have one.
if (HeaderPrefix.size() != 0)
HeaderDirectory = HeaderPrefix;
// Read the header list file into a buffer.
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> listBuffer;
if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFile(ListFileName, listBuffer)) {
return ec;
// Parse the header list into strings.
SmallVector<StringRef, 32> Strings;
listBuffer->getBuffer().split(Strings, "\n", -1, false);
// Collect the header file names from the string list.
for (SmallVectorImpl<StringRef>::iterator I = Strings.begin(),
E = Strings.end();
I != E; ++I) {
StringRef Line = I->trim();
// Ignore comments and empty lines.
if (Line.empty() || (Line[0] == '#'))
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> TargetAndDependents = Line.split(':');
SmallString<256> HeaderFileName;
// Prepend header file name prefix if it's not absolute.
if (sys::path::is_absolute(TargetAndDependents.first))
llvm::sys::path::native(TargetAndDependents.first, HeaderFileName);
else {
if (HeaderDirectory.size() != 0)
HeaderFileName = HeaderDirectory;
HeaderFileName = CurrentDirectory;
sys::path::append(HeaderFileName, TargetAndDependents.first);
// Handle optional dependencies.
DependentsVector Dependents;
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> DependentsList;
TargetAndDependents.second.split(DependentsList, " ", -1, false);
int Count = DependentsList.size();
for (int Index = 0; Index < Count; ++Index) {
SmallString<256> Dependent;
if (sys::path::is_absolute(DependentsList[Index]))
Dependent = DependentsList[Index];
else {
if (HeaderDirectory.size() != 0)
Dependent = HeaderDirectory;
Dependent = CurrentDirectory;
sys::path::append(Dependent, DependentsList[Index]);
// Save the resulting header file path and dependencies.
Dependencies[HeaderFileName.str()] = Dependents;
return error_code::success();
// Helper function for finding the input file in an arguments list.
std::string findInputFile(const CommandLineArguments &CLArgs) {
std::unique_ptr<OptTable> Opts(createDriverOptTable());
const unsigned IncludedFlagsBitmask = options::CC1Option;
unsigned MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount;
SmallVector<const char *, 256> Argv;
for (CommandLineArguments::const_iterator I = CLArgs.begin(),
E = CLArgs.end();
I != E; ++I)
std::unique_ptr<InputArgList> Args(
Opts->ParseArgs(Argv.data(), Argv.data() + Argv.size(), MissingArgIndex,
MissingArgCount, IncludedFlagsBitmask));
std::vector<std::string> Inputs = Args->getAllArgValues(OPT_INPUT);
return Inputs.back();
// We provide this derivation to add in "-include (file)" arguments for header
// dependencies.
class AddDependenciesAdjuster : public ArgumentsAdjuster {
AddDependenciesAdjuster(DependencyMap &Dependencies)
: Dependencies(Dependencies) {}
// Callback for adjusting commandline arguments.
CommandLineArguments Adjust(const CommandLineArguments &Args) {
std::string InputFile = findInputFile(Args);
DependentsVector &FileDependents = Dependencies[InputFile];
int Count = FileDependents.size();
if (Count == 0)
return Args;
CommandLineArguments NewArgs(Args);
for (int Index = 0; Index < Count; ++Index) {
std::string File(std::string("\"") + FileDependents[Index] +
return NewArgs;
DependencyMap &Dependencies;
// FIXME: The Location class seems to be something that we might
// want to design to be applicable to a wider range of tools, and stick it
// somewhere into Tooling/ in mainline
struct Location {
const FileEntry *File;
unsigned Line, Column;
Location() : File(), Line(), Column() {}
Location(SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc) : File(), Line(), Column() {
Loc = SM.getExpansionLoc(Loc);
if (Loc.isInvalid())
std::pair<FileID, unsigned> Decomposed = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Loc);
File = SM.getFileEntryForID(Decomposed.first);
if (!File)
Line = SM.getLineNumber(Decomposed.first, Decomposed.second);
Column = SM.getColumnNumber(Decomposed.first, Decomposed.second);
operator bool() const { return File != 0; }
friend bool operator==(const Location &X, const Location &Y) {
return X.File == Y.File && X.Line == Y.Line && X.Column == Y.Column;
friend bool operator!=(const Location &X, const Location &Y) {
return !(X == Y);
friend bool operator<(const Location &X, const Location &Y) {
if (X.File != Y.File)
return X.File < Y.File;
if (X.Line != Y.Line)
return X.Line < Y.Line;
return X.Column < Y.Column;
friend bool operator>(const Location &X, const Location &Y) { return Y < X; }
friend bool operator<=(const Location &X, const Location &Y) {
return !(Y < X);
friend bool operator>=(const Location &X, const Location &Y) {
return !(X < Y);
struct Entry {
enum EntryKind {
} Kind;
Location Loc;
StringRef getKindName() { return getKindName(Kind); }
static StringRef getKindName(EntryKind kind);
// Return a string representing the given kind.
StringRef Entry::getKindName(Entry::EntryKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case EK_Tag:
return "tag";
case EK_Value:
return "value";
case EK_Macro:
return "macro";
case EK_NumberOfKinds:
llvm_unreachable("invalid Entry kind");
struct HeaderEntry {
std::string Name;
Location Loc;
friend bool operator==(const HeaderEntry &X, const HeaderEntry &Y) {
return X.Loc == Y.Loc && X.Name == Y.Name;
friend bool operator!=(const HeaderEntry &X, const HeaderEntry &Y) {
return !(X == Y);
friend bool operator<(const HeaderEntry &X, const HeaderEntry &Y) {
return X.Loc < Y.Loc || (X.Loc == Y.Loc && X.Name < Y.Name);
friend bool operator>(const HeaderEntry &X, const HeaderEntry &Y) {
return Y < X;
friend bool operator<=(const HeaderEntry &X, const HeaderEntry &Y) {
return !(Y < X);
friend bool operator>=(const HeaderEntry &X, const HeaderEntry &Y) {
return !(X < Y);
typedef std::vector<HeaderEntry> HeaderContents;
class EntityMap : public StringMap<SmallVector<Entry, 2> > {
DenseMap<const FileEntry *, HeaderContents> HeaderContentMismatches;
void add(const std::string &Name, enum Entry::EntryKind Kind, Location Loc) {
// Record this entity in its header.
HeaderEntry HE = { Name, Loc };
// Check whether we've seen this entry before.
SmallVector<Entry, 2> &Entries = (*this)[Name];
for (unsigned I = 0, N = Entries.size(); I != N; ++I) {
if (Entries[I].Kind == Kind && Entries[I].Loc == Loc)
// We have not seen this entry before; record it.
Entry E = { Kind, Loc };
void mergeCurHeaderContents() {
for (DenseMap<const FileEntry *, HeaderContents>::iterator
H = CurHeaderContents.begin(),
HEnd = CurHeaderContents.end();
H != HEnd; ++H) {
// Sort contents.
std::sort(H->second.begin(), H->second.end());
// Check whether we've seen this header before.
DenseMap<const FileEntry *, HeaderContents>::iterator KnownH =
if (KnownH == AllHeaderContents.end()) {
// We haven't seen this header before; record its contents.
// If the header contents are the same, we're done.
if (H->second == KnownH->second)
// Determine what changed.
H->second.begin(), H->second.end(), KnownH->second.begin(),
DenseMap<const FileEntry *, HeaderContents> CurHeaderContents;
DenseMap<const FileEntry *, HeaderContents> AllHeaderContents;
class CollectEntitiesVisitor
: public RecursiveASTVisitor<CollectEntitiesVisitor> {
CollectEntitiesVisitor(SourceManager &SM, EntityMap &Entities,
Preprocessor &PP, PreprocessorTracker &PPTracker,
int &HadErrors)
: SM(SM), Entities(Entities), PP(PP), PPTracker(PPTracker),
HadErrors(HadErrors) {}
bool TraverseStmt(Stmt *S) { return true; }
bool TraverseType(QualType T) { return true; }
bool TraverseTypeLoc(TypeLoc TL) { return true; }
bool TraverseNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier *NNS) { return true; }
bool TraverseNestedNameSpecifierLoc(NestedNameSpecifierLoc NNS) {
return true;
bool TraverseDeclarationNameInfo(DeclarationNameInfo NameInfo) {
return true;
bool TraverseTemplateName(TemplateName Template) { return true; }
bool TraverseTemplateArgument(const TemplateArgument &Arg) { return true; }
bool TraverseTemplateArgumentLoc(const TemplateArgumentLoc &ArgLoc) {
return true;
bool TraverseTemplateArguments(const TemplateArgument *Args,
unsigned NumArgs) {
return true;
bool TraverseConstructorInitializer(CXXCtorInitializer *Init) { return true; }
bool TraverseLambdaCapture(LambdaExpr::Capture C) { return true; }
// Check 'extern "*" {}' block for #include directives.
bool VisitLinkageSpecDecl(LinkageSpecDecl *D) {
// Bail if not a block.
if (!D->hasBraces())
return true;
SourceRange BlockRange = D->getSourceRange();
const char *LinkageLabel;
switch (D->getLanguage()) {
case LinkageSpecDecl::lang_c:
LinkageLabel = "extern \"C\" {}";
case LinkageSpecDecl::lang_cxx:
LinkageLabel = "extern \"C++\" {}";
if (!PPTracker.checkForIncludesInBlock(PP, BlockRange, LinkageLabel,
HadErrors = 1;
return true;
// Check 'namespace (name) {}' block for #include directives.
bool VisitNamespaceDecl(const NamespaceDecl *D) {
SourceRange BlockRange = D->getSourceRange();
std::string Label("namespace ");
Label += D->getName();
Label += " {}";
if (!PPTracker.checkForIncludesInBlock(PP, BlockRange, Label.c_str(),
HadErrors = 1;
return true;
// Collect definition entities.
bool VisitNamedDecl(NamedDecl *ND) {
// We only care about file-context variables.
if (!ND->getDeclContext()->isFileContext())
return true;
// Skip declarations that tend to be properly multiply-declared.
if (isa<NamespaceDecl>(ND) || isa<UsingDirectiveDecl>(ND) ||
isa<NamespaceAliasDecl>(ND) ||
isa<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(ND) || isa<UsingDecl>(ND) ||
isa<ClassTemplateDecl>(ND) || isa<TemplateTypeParmDecl>(ND) ||
isa<TypeAliasTemplateDecl>(ND) || isa<UsingShadowDecl>(ND) ||
isa<FunctionDecl>(ND) || isa<FunctionTemplateDecl>(ND) ||
(isa<TagDecl>(ND) &&
return true;
// Skip anonymous declarations.
if (!ND->getDeclName())
return true;
// Get the qualified name.
std::string Name;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Name);
if (Name.empty())
return true;
Location Loc(SM, ND->getLocation());
if (!Loc)
return true;
Entities.add(Name, isa<TagDecl>(ND) ? Entry::EK_Tag : Entry::EK_Value, Loc);
return true;
SourceManager &SM;
EntityMap &Entities;
Preprocessor &PP;
PreprocessorTracker &PPTracker;
int &HadErrors;
class CollectEntitiesConsumer : public ASTConsumer {
CollectEntitiesConsumer(EntityMap &Entities,
PreprocessorTracker &preprocessorTracker,
Preprocessor &PP, StringRef InFile, int &HadErrors)
: Entities(Entities), PPTracker(preprocessorTracker), PP(PP),
HadErrors(HadErrors) {
PPTracker.handlePreprocessorEntry(PP, InFile);
~CollectEntitiesConsumer() { PPTracker.handlePreprocessorExit(); }
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Ctx) {
SourceManager &SM = Ctx.getSourceManager();
// Collect declared entities.
CollectEntitiesVisitor(SM, Entities, PP, PPTracker, HadErrors)
// Collect macro definitions.
for (Preprocessor::macro_iterator M = PP.macro_begin(),
MEnd = PP.macro_end();
M != MEnd; ++M) {
Location Loc(SM, M->second->getLocation());
if (!Loc)
Entities.add(M->first->getName().str(), Entry::EK_Macro, Loc);
// Merge header contents.
EntityMap &Entities;
PreprocessorTracker &PPTracker;
Preprocessor &PP;
int &HadErrors;
class CollectEntitiesAction : public SyntaxOnlyAction {
CollectEntitiesAction(EntityMap &Entities,
PreprocessorTracker &preprocessorTracker,
int &HadErrors)
: Entities(Entities), PPTracker(preprocessorTracker),
HadErrors(HadErrors) {}
virtual clang::ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
StringRef InFile) {
return new CollectEntitiesConsumer(Entities, PPTracker,
CI.getPreprocessor(), InFile, HadErrors);
EntityMap &Entities;
PreprocessorTracker &PPTracker;
int &HadErrors;
class ModularizeFrontendActionFactory : public FrontendActionFactory {
ModularizeFrontendActionFactory(EntityMap &Entities,
PreprocessorTracker &preprocessorTracker,
int &HadErrors)
: Entities(Entities), PPTracker(preprocessorTracker),
HadErrors(HadErrors) {}
virtual CollectEntitiesAction *create() {
return new CollectEntitiesAction(Entities, PPTracker, HadErrors);
EntityMap &Entities;
PreprocessorTracker &PPTracker;
int &HadErrors;
int main(int Argc, const char **Argv) {
// Save program name for error messages.
Argv0 = Argv[0];
// Save program arguments for use in module.map comment.
CommandLine = sys::path::stem(sys::path::filename(Argv0));
for (int ArgIndex = 1; ArgIndex < Argc; ArgIndex++) {
CommandLine.append(" ");
// This causes options to be parsed.
cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(Argc, Argv, "modularize.\n");
// No go if we have no header list file.
if (ListFileName.size() == 0) {
return 1;
// Get header file names and dependencies.
SmallVector<std::string, 32> Headers;
DependencyMap Dependencies;
if (error_code EC = getHeaderFileNames(Headers, Dependencies, ListFileName,
HeaderPrefix)) {
errs() << Argv[0] << ": error: Unable to get header list '" << ListFileName
<< "': " << EC.message() << '\n';
return 1;
// If we are in assistant mode, output the module map and quit.
if (ModuleMapPath.length() != 0) {
if (!createModuleMap(ModuleMapPath, Headers, Dependencies, HeaderPrefix,
return 1; // Failed.
return 0; // Success - Skip checks in assistant mode.
// Create the compilation database.
SmallString<256> PathBuf;
std::unique_ptr<CompilationDatabase> Compilations;
new FixedCompilationDatabase(Twine(PathBuf), CC1Arguments));
// Create preprocessor tracker, to watch for macro and conditional problems.
std::unique_ptr<PreprocessorTracker> PPTracker(PreprocessorTracker::create());
// Parse all of the headers, detecting duplicates.
EntityMap Entities;
ClangTool Tool(*Compilations, Headers);
Tool.appendArgumentsAdjuster(new AddDependenciesAdjuster(Dependencies));
int HadErrors = 0;
HadErrors |= Tool.run(
new ModularizeFrontendActionFactory(Entities, *PPTracker, HadErrors));
// Create a place to save duplicate entity locations, separate bins per kind.
typedef SmallVector<Location, 8> LocationArray;
typedef SmallVector<LocationArray, Entry::EK_NumberOfKinds> EntryBinArray;
EntryBinArray EntryBins;
int KindIndex;
for (KindIndex = 0; KindIndex < Entry::EK_NumberOfKinds; ++KindIndex) {
LocationArray Array;
// Check for the same entity being defined in multiple places.
for (EntityMap::iterator E = Entities.begin(), EEnd = Entities.end();
E != EEnd; ++E) {
// If only one occurrence, exit early.
if (E->second.size() == 1)
// Clear entity locations.
for (EntryBinArray::iterator CI = EntryBins.begin(), CE = EntryBins.end();
CI != CE; ++CI) {
// Walk the entities of a single name, collecting the locations,
// separated into separate bins.
for (unsigned I = 0, N = E->second.size(); I != N; ++I) {
// Report any duplicate entity definition errors.
int KindIndex = 0;
for (EntryBinArray::iterator DI = EntryBins.begin(), DE = EntryBins.end();
DI != DE; ++DI, ++KindIndex) {
int ECount = DI->size();
// If only 1 occurrence of this entity, skip it, as we only report duplicates.
if (ECount <= 1)
LocationArray::iterator FI = DI->begin();
StringRef kindName = Entry::getKindName((Entry::EntryKind)KindIndex);
errs() << "error: " << kindName << " '" << E->first()
<< "' defined at multiple locations:\n";
for (LocationArray::iterator FE = DI->end(); FI != FE; ++FI) {
errs() << " " << FI->File->getName() << ":" << FI->Line << ":"
<< FI->Column << "\n";
HadErrors = 1;
// Complain about macro instance in header files that differ based on how
// they are included.
if (PPTracker->reportInconsistentMacros(errs()))
HadErrors = 1;
// Complain about preprocessor conditional directives in header files that
// differ based on how they are included.
if (PPTracker->reportInconsistentConditionals(errs()))
HadErrors = 1;
// Complain about any headers that have contents that differ based on how
// they are included.
// FIXME: Could we provide information about which preprocessor conditionals
// are involved?
for (DenseMap<const FileEntry *, HeaderContents>::iterator
H = Entities.HeaderContentMismatches.begin(),
HEnd = Entities.HeaderContentMismatches.end();
H != HEnd; ++H) {
if (H->second.empty()) {
errs() << "internal error: phantom header content mismatch\n";
HadErrors = 1;
errs() << "error: header '" << H->first->getName()
<< "' has different contents depending on how it was included.\n";
for (unsigned I = 0, N = H->second.size(); I != N; ++I) {
errs() << "note: '" << H->second[I].Name << "' in "
<< H->second[I].Loc.File->getName() << " at "
<< H->second[I].Loc.Line << ":" << H->second[I].Loc.Column
<< " not always provided\n";
return HadErrors;