
1532 lines
54 KiB

//===- unittest/Format/FormatTestObjC.cpp - Formatting unit tests----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "../Tooling/ReplacementTest.h"
#include "FormatTestUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "format-test"
using testing::ScopedTrace;
namespace clang {
namespace format {
namespace {
class FormatTestObjC : public ::testing::Test {
FormatTestObjC() {
Style = getLLVMStyle();
Style.Language = FormatStyle::LK_ObjC;
enum StatusCheck { SC_ExpectComplete, SC_ExpectIncomplete, SC_DoNotCheck };
std::string format(llvm::StringRef Code,
StatusCheck CheckComplete = SC_ExpectComplete) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "---\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::errs() << Code << "\n\n");
std::vector<tooling::Range> Ranges(1, tooling::Range(0, Code.size()));
FormattingAttemptStatus Status;
tooling::Replacements Replaces =
reformat(Style, Code, Ranges, "<stdin>", &Status);
if (CheckComplete != SC_DoNotCheck) {
bool ExpectedCompleteFormat = CheckComplete == SC_ExpectComplete;
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedCompleteFormat, Status.FormatComplete)
<< Code << "\n\n";
auto Result = applyAllReplacements(Code, Replaces);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "\n" << *Result << "\n\n");
return *Result;
void _verifyFormat(const char *File, int Line, StringRef Code) {
ScopedTrace t(File, Line, ::testing::Message() << Code.str());
EXPECT_EQ(Code.str(), format(Code)) << "Expected code is not stable";
EXPECT_EQ(Code.str(), format(test::messUp(Code)));
void _verifyIncompleteFormat(const char *File, int Line, StringRef Code) {
ScopedTrace t(File, Line, ::testing::Message() << Code.str());
EXPECT_EQ(Code.str(), format(test::messUp(Code), SC_ExpectIncomplete));
FormatStyle Style;
#define verifyIncompleteFormat(...) \
_verifyIncompleteFormat(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define verifyFormat(...) _verifyFormat(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
TEST(FormatTestObjCStyle, DetectsObjCInHeaders) {
auto Style = getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none",
"- (id)init;");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none",
"+ (id)init;");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none",
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none",
"@end //comment");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
// No recognizable ObjC.
Style = getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none", "void f() {}");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "@interface Foo\n@end\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none",
"const int interface = 1;\nconst int end = 2;\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "@protocol Foo\n@end\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none",
"const int protocol = 1;\nconst int end = 2;\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "typedef NS_ENUM(int, Foo) {};\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style =
getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "typedef NS_CLOSED_ENUM(int, Foo) {};\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "enum Foo {};");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, Style->Language);
Style =
getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "inline void Foo() { Log(@\"Foo\"); }\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style =
getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "inline void Foo() { Log(\"Foo\"); }\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, Style->Language);
Style =
getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "inline void Foo() { id = @[1, 2, 3]; }\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none",
"inline void Foo() { id foo = @{1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 6}; }\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none",
"inline void Foo() { int foo[] = {1, 2, 3}; }\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, Style->Language);
// ObjC characteristic types.
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "extern NSString *kFoo;\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "extern NSInteger Foo();\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "NSObject *Foo();\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("{}", "a.h", "none", "NSSet *Foo();\n");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC, Style->Language);
TEST(FormatTestObjCStyle, AvoidDetectingDesignatedInitializersAsObjCInHeaders) {
auto Style = getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none",
"static const char *names[] = {[0] = \"foo\",\n"
"[kBar] = \"bar\"};");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, Style->Language);
Style = getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none",
"static const char *names[] = {[0] EQ \"foo\",\n"
"[kBar] EQ \"bar\"};");
EXPECT_EQ(FormatStyle::LK_Cpp, Style->Language);
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCTryCatch) {
verifyFormat("@try {\n"
" f();\n"
"} @catch (NSException e) {\n"
" @throw;\n"
"} @finally {\n"
" exit(42);\n"
" @try {\n"
" } @finally {\n"
" }\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCAutoreleasepool) {
verifyFormat("@autoreleasepool {\n"
" f();\n"
"@autoreleasepool {\n"
" f();\n"
Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement = FormatStyle::BWACS_Always;
" f();\n"
" f();\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCGenerics) {
Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
verifyFormat("int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
" NSArray<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *>\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);\n");
verifyFormat("int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
" NSArray<aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *> *>\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);\n");
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCSynchronized) {
verifyFormat("@synchronized(self) {\n"
" f();\n"
"@synchronized(self) {\n"
" f();\n"
Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
Style.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement = FormatStyle::BWACS_Always;
" f();\n"
" f();\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCInterface) {
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : NSObject <NSSomeDelegate> {\n"
" int field1;\n"
" int field2;\n"
" int field3;\n"
" int field4;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface /* wait for it */ Foo\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
"// Look, a comment!\n"
"- (int)answerWith:(int)i;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"@interface Bar\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar\n"
"@property(assign, readwrite) NSInteger bar;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("FOUNDATION_EXPORT NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10.0) @interface Foo : Bar\n"
"@property(assign, readwrite) NSInteger bar;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : /**/ Bar /**/ <Baz, /**/ Quux>\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff)\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo ()\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) <MyProtocol>\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar <Baz, Quux> {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo<Baz : Blech> : Bar <Baz, Quux> {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo<Bar : Baz <Blech>> : Xyzzy <Corge> {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo<Bar : Baz <Blech>> : Xyzzy <Corge> <Quux> {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar <Baz> <Blech>\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar <Baz> <Blech, Xyzzy, Corge>\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo () {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) <MyProtocol> {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"- (void)foo {\n"
"@implementation Bar\n"
"- (void)bar {\n"
Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
verifyFormat("@interface ccccccccccccc () <\n"
" ccccccccccccc, ccccccccccccc,\n"
" ccccccccccccc, ccccccccccccc> {\n"
verifyFormat("@interface ccccccccccccc (ccccccccccc) <\n"
" ccccccccccccc> {\n"
Style.ObjCBinPackProtocolList = FormatStyle::BPS_Never;
verifyFormat("@interface ddddddddddddd () <\n"
" ddddddddddddd,\n"
" ddddddddddddd,\n"
" ddddddddddddd,\n"
" ddddddddddddd> {\n"
Style.BinPackParameters = false;
Style.ObjCBinPackProtocolList = FormatStyle::BPS_Auto;
verifyFormat("@interface eeeeeeeeeeeee () <\n"
" eeeeeeeeeeeee,\n"
" eeeeeeeeeeeee,\n"
" eeeeeeeeeeeee,\n"
" eeeeeeeeeeeee> {\n"
Style.ObjCBinPackProtocolList = FormatStyle::BPS_Always;
verifyFormat("@interface fffffffffffff () <\n"
" fffffffffffff, fffffffffffff,\n"
" fffffffffffff, fffffffffffff> {\n"
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : NSObject <NSSomeDelegate> {\n"
" @public\n"
" int field1;\n"
" @protected\n"
" int field2;\n"
" @private\n"
" int field3;\n"
" @package\n"
" int field4;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar <Baz, Quux>\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) <MyProtocol>\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
// BinPackParameters should be true by default.
verifyFormat("void eeeeeeee(int eeeee, int eeeee,\n"
" int eeeee, int eeeee);\n");
// ObjCBinPackProtocolList should be BPS_Never by default.
verifyFormat("@interface fffffffffffff () <\n"
" fffffffffffff,\n"
" fffffffffffff,\n"
" fffffffffffff,\n"
" fffffffffffff> {\n"
verifyFormat("@interface ggggggggggggg\n"
" : ggggggggggggg <ggggggggggggg>\n"
" <ggggggggggggg>\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCImplementation) {
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : NSObject {\n"
" int field1;\n"
" int field2;\n"
" int field3;\n"
" int field4;\n"
"+ (id)init {\n}\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"+ (id)init {\n"
" if (true)\n"
" return nil;\n"
"// Look, a comment!\n"
"- (int)answerWith:(int)i {\n"
" return i;\n"
"+ (int)answerWith:(int)i {\n"
" return i;\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"@implementation Bar\n"
EXPECT_EQ("@implementation Foo : Bar\n"
"+ (id)init {\n}\n"
"- (void)foo {\n}\n"
format("@implementation Foo : Bar\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init {\n}\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : Bar {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init {\n}\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo (HackStuff)\n"
"+ (id)init {\n}\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation ObjcClass\n"
"- (void)method;\n"
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : NSObject {\n"
" @public\n"
" int field1;\n"
" @protected\n"
" int field2;\n"
" @private\n"
" int field3;\n"
" @package\n"
" int field4;\n"
"+ (id)init {\n}\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCProtocol) {
verifyFormat("@protocol Foo\n"
"@property(weak) id delegate;\n"
"- (NSUInteger)numberOfThings;\n"
verifyFormat("@protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>\n"
"- (NSUInteger)numberOfThings;\n"
verifyFormat("@protocol Foo;\n"
"@protocol Bar;\n");
verifyFormat("@protocol Foo\n"
"@protocol Bar\n"
verifyFormat("FOUNDATION_EXPORT NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10.0) @protocol Foo\n"
"@property(assign, readwrite) NSInteger bar;\n"
verifyFormat("@protocol myProtocol\n"
"- (void)mandatoryWithInt:(int)i;\n"
"- (void)optional;\n"
"- (void)required;\n"
"@property(assign) int madProp;\n"
verifyFormat("@property(nonatomic, assign, readonly)\n"
" int *looooooooooooooooooooooooooooongNumber;\n"
"@property(nonatomic, assign, readonly)\n"
" NSString *looooooooooooooooooooooooooooongName;");
verifyFormat("@implementation PR18406\n"
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
verifyFormat("@protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>\n"
"- (NSUInteger)numberOfThings;\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCMethodDeclarations) {
verifyFormat("- (void)doSomethingWith:(GTMFoo *)theFoo\n"
" rect:(NSRect)theRect\n"
" interval:(float)theInterval {\n"
verifyFormat("- (void)shortf:(GTMFoo *)theFoo\n"
" longKeyword:(NSRect)theRect\n"
" longerKeyword:(float)theInterval\n"
" error:(NSError **)theError {\n"
verifyFormat("- (void)shortf:(GTMFoo *)theFoo\n"
" longKeyword:(NSRect)theRect\n"
" evenLongerKeyword:(float)theInterval\n"
" error:(NSError **)theError {\n"
verifyFormat("+ (instancetype)new;\n");
Style.ColumnLimit = 60;
verifyFormat("- (instancetype)initXxxxxx:(id<x>)x\n"
" y:(id<yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy>)y\n"
verifyFormat("- (void)drawRectOn:(id)surface\n"
" ofSize:(size_t)height\n"
" :(size_t)width;");
Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
// Make sure selectors with 0, 1, or more arguments are indented when wrapped.
verifyFormat("- (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;\n");
verifyFormat("- (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:(int)a;\n");
verifyFormat("- (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:(int)a\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:(int)a;\n");
verifyFormat("- (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:(int)a\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:(int)a;\n");
verifyFormat("- (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:(int)a\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:(int)a;\n");
// Continuation indent width should win over aligning colons if the function
// name is long.
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
verifyFormat("- (void)shortf:(GTMFoo *)theFoo\n"
" dontAlignNamef:(NSRect)theRect {\n"
// Make sure we don't break aligning for short parameter names.
verifyFormat("- (void)shortf:(GTMFoo *)theFoo\n"
" aShortf:(NSRect)theRect {\n"
// Format pairs correctly.
Style.ColumnLimit = 80;
verifyFormat("- (void)drawRectOn:(id)surface\n"
" ofSize:(aaaaaaaa)height\n"
" :(size_t)width\n"
" atOrigin:(size_t)x\n"
" :(size_t)y\n"
" aaaaa:(a)yyy\n"
" bbb:(d)cccc;");
verifyFormat("- (void)drawRectOn:(id)surface ofSize:(aaa)height:(bbb)width;");
// BraceWrapping AfterFunction is respected for ObjC methods
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
Style.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true;
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"- (void)foo:(id)bar\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, FormatObjCMethodExpr) {
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar]->baz;");
verifyFormat("return [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("return (a)[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("f([foo bar:baz]);");
verifyFormat("f(2, [foo bar:baz]);");
verifyFormat("f(2, a ? b : c);");
verifyFormat("[[self initWithInt:4] bar:[baz quux:arrrr]];");
// Unary operators.
verifyFormat("int a = +[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = -[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = ![foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = ~[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = ++[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = --[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = sizeof [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = alignof [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = &[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("int a = *[foo bar:baz];");
// FIXME: Make casts work, without breaking f()[4].
// verifyFormat("int a = (int)[foo bar:baz];");
// verifyFormat("return (int)[foo bar:baz];");
// verifyFormat("(void)[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("return (MyType *)[self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:cell];");
// Binary operators.
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz], [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] = [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] *= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] /= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] %= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] += [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] -= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] <<= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >>= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] &= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ^= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] |= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ? [foo bar:baz] : [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] || [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] && [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] | [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ^ [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] & [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] == [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] != [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] <= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] > [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] < [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >> [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] << [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] - [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] + [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] * [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] / [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] % [foo bar:baz];");
// Whew!
verifyFormat("return in[42];");
verifyFormat("for (auto v : in[1]) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (int i = 0; i < in[a]; ++i) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (int i = 0; in[a] < i; ++i) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++in[a]) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i, in[a]++) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (int i = 0; i < f(in[a]); ++i, in[a]++) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (id foo in [self getStuffFor:bla]) {\n"
verifyFormat("[self aaaaa:MACRO(a, b:, c:)];");
verifyFormat("[self aaaaa:MACRO(a, b:c:, d:e:)];");
verifyFormat("[self aaaaa:MACRO(a, b:c:d:, e:f:g:)];");
verifyFormat("int XYMyFoo(int a, int b) NS_SWIFT_NAME(foo(self:scale:));");
verifyFormat("[self aaaaa:(1 + 2) bbbbb:3];");
verifyFormat("[self aaaaa:(Type)a bbbbb:3];");
verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:(4 + 2) float:4.5];");
verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? b : c float:4.5];");
verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? [self foo:bar] : c];");
verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? (e ? f : g) : c];");
verifyFormat("[cond ? obj1 : obj2 methodWithParam:param]");
verifyFormat("[button setAction:@selector(zoomOut:)];");
verifyFormat("[color getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b alpha:&a];");
verifyFormat("arr[[self indexForFoo:a]];");
verifyFormat("throw [self errorFor:a];");
verifyFormat("@throw [self errorFor:a];");
verifyFormat("[(id)foo bar:(id)baz quux:(id)snorf];");
verifyFormat("[(id)foo bar:(id) ? baz : quux];");
verifyFormat("4 > 4 ? (id)a : (id)baz;");
unsigned PreviousColumnLimit = Style.ColumnLimit;
Style.ColumnLimit = 50;
// Instead of:
// bool a =
// ([object a:42] == 0 || [object a:42
// b:42] == 0);
verifyFormat("bool a = ([object a:42] == 0 ||\n"
" [object a:42 b:42] == 0);");
Style.ColumnLimit = PreviousColumnLimit;
verifyFormat("bool a = ([aaaaaaaa aaaaa] == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
" [aaaaaaaa aaaaa] == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
// This tests that the formatter doesn't break after "backing" but before ":",
// which would be at 80 columns.
"void f() {\n"
" if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect\n"
" styleMask:styleMask ?: otherMask\n"
" backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered\n"
" defer:YES]))");
"[foo checkThatBreakingAfterColonWorksOk:\n"
" [bar ifItDoes:reduceOverallLineLengthLikeInThisCase]];");
verifyFormat("[myObj short:arg1 // Force line break\n"
" longKeyword:arg2 != nil ? arg2 : @\"longKeyword\"\n"
" evenLongerKeyword:arg3 ?: @\"evenLongerKeyword\"\n"
" error:arg4];");
"void f() {\n"
" popup_window_.reset([[RenderWidgetPopupWindow alloc]\n"
" initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(origin_global.x, origin_global.y,\n"
" pos.width(), pos.height())\n"
" styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask\n"
" backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered\n"
" defer:NO]);\n"
verifyFormat("[contentsContainer replaceSubview:[subviews objectAtIndex:0]\n"
" with:contentsNativeView];");
"[pboard addTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:kBookmarkButtonDragType]\n"
" owner:nillllll];");
"[pboard setData:[NSData dataWithBytes:&button length:sizeof(button)]\n"
" forType:kBookmarkButtonDragType];");
verifyFormat("[defaultCenter addObserver:self\n"
" selector:@selector(willEnterFullscreen)\n"
" name:kWillEnterFullscreenNotification\n"
" object:nil];");
verifyFormat("[image_rep drawInRect:drawRect\n"
" fromRect:NSZeroRect\n"
" operation:NSCompositeCopy\n"
" fraction:1.0\n"
" respectFlipped:NO\n"
" hints:nil];");
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa];");
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa];");
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa];");
"scoped_nsobject<NSTextField> message(\n"
" // The frame will be fixed up when |-setMessageText:| is called.\n"
" [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0)]);");
verifyFormat("[self aaaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
" aaaaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
" aaaaa:bbbbbbbbbbb + bbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
" aaaa:bbb];");
verifyFormat("[self param:function( //\n"
" parameter)]");
"[self aaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa];");
// Variadic parameters.
"NSArray *myStrings = [NSArray stringarray:@\"a\", @\"b\", nil];");
"[self aaaaaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa];");
verifyFormat("[self // break\n"
" a:a\n"
" aaa:aaa];");
// Formats pair-parameters.
verifyFormat("[I drawRectOn:surface ofSize:aa:bbb atOrigin:cc:dd];");
verifyFormat("[I drawRectOn:surface //\n"
" ofSize:aa:bbb\n"
" atOrigin:cc:dd];");
// Inline block as a first argument.
verifyFormat("[object justBlock:^{\n"
" a = 42;\n"
" justBlock:^{\n"
" a = 42;\n"
" }\n"
" notBlock:42\n"
" a:42];");
" firstBlock:^{\n"
" a = 42;\n"
" }\n"
" blockWithLongerName:^{\n"
" a = 42;\n"
" }];");
" blockWithLongerName:^{\n"
" a = 42;\n"
" }\n"
" secondBlock:^{\n"
" a = 42;\n"
" }];");
" firstBlock:^{\n"
" a = 42;\n"
" }\n"
" notBlock:42\n"
" secondBlock:^{\n"
" a = 42;\n"
" }];");
// Space between cast rparen and selector name component.
verifyFormat("[((Foo *)foo) bar];");
verifyFormat("[((Foo *)foo) bar:1 blech:2];");
Style.ColumnLimit = 20;
verifyFormat("aaaaa = [a aa:aa\n"
" aa:aa];");
verifyFormat("aaaaaa = [aa aa:aa\n"
" aa:aa];");
// Message receiver taking multiple lines.
// Non-corner case.
verifyFormat("[[object block:^{\n"
" return 42;\n"
"}] a:42 b:42];");
// Arguments just fit into one line.
verifyFormat("[[object block:^{\n"
" return 42;\n"
"}] aaaaaaa:42 b:42];");
// Arguments just over a column limit.
verifyFormat("[[object block:^{\n"
" return 42;\n"
"}] aaaaaaa:42\n"
" bb:42];");
// Arguments just fit into one line.
Style.ColumnLimit = 23;
verifyFormat("[[obj a:42\n"
" b:42\n"
" c:42\n"
" d:42] e:42 f:42];");
// Arguments do not fit into one line with a receiver.
Style.ColumnLimit = 20;
verifyFormat("[[obj a:42] a:42\n"
" b:42];");
verifyFormat("[[obj a:42] a:42\n"
" b:42\n"
" c:42];");
verifyFormat("[[obj aaaaaa:42\n"
" b:42]\n"
" cc:42\n"
" d:42];");
// Avoid breaking receiver expression.
Style.ColumnLimit = 30;
verifyFormat("fooooooo =\n"
" [[obj fooo] aaa:42\n"
" aaa:42];");
verifyFormat("[[[obj foo] bar] aa:42\n"
" bb:42\n"
" cc:42];");
// Avoid breaking between unary operators and ObjC method expressions.
Style.ColumnLimit = 45;
verifyFormat("if (a012345678901234567890123 &&\n"
" ![foo bar]) {\n"
verifyFormat("if (a012345678901234567890123 &&\n"
" +[foo bar]) {\n"
verifyFormat("if (a012345678901234567890123 &&\n"
" -[foo bar]) {\n"
Style.ColumnLimit = 70;
"void f() {\n"
" popup_wdow_.reset([[RenderWidgetPopupWindow alloc]\n"
" iniithContentRect:NSMakRet(origin_global.x, origin_global.y,\n"
" pos.width(), pos.height())\n"
" syeMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask\n"
" bking:NSBackingStoreBuffered\n"
" der:NO]);\n"
Style.ColumnLimit = 60;
verifyFormat("[call aaaaaaaa.aaaaaa.aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa\n"
" .aaaaaaaa];"); // FIXME: Indentation seems off.
// FIXME: This violates the column limit.
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:aaaaaaaa\n"
" aaa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa];");
Style = getChromiumStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
Style.ColumnLimit = 80;
"void f() {\n"
" popup_window_.reset([[RenderWidgetPopupWindow alloc]\n"
" initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(origin_global.x, origin_global.y,\n"
" pos.width(), pos.height())\n"
" styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask\n"
" backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered\n"
" defer:NO]);\n"
// Respect continuation indent and colon alignment (e.g. when object name is
// short, and first selector is the longest one)
Style = getLLVMStyle();
Style.Language = FormatStyle::LK_ObjC;
Style.ContinuationIndentWidth = 8;
verifyFormat("[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(loadAccessories)\n"
" withObject:nil\n"
" waitUntilDone:false];");
verifyFormat("[self performSelector:@selector(loadAccessories)\n"
" withObjectOnMainThread:nil\n"
" waitUntilDone:false];");
" performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(loadAccessories)\n"
" withObject:nil\n"
" waitUntilDone:false];");
"[self // force wrapping\n"
" performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(loadAccessories)\n"
" withObject:nil\n"
" waitUntilDone:false];");
// The appropriate indentation is used after a block statement.
Style.ContinuationIndentWidth = 4;
"void aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(int c) {\n"
" if (c) {\n"
" f();\n"
" }\n"
" [dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd\n"
" eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:^(fffffffffffffff gggggggg) {\n"
" f(SSSSS, c);\n"
" }];\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, ObjCAt) {
EXPECT_EQ("@interface", format("@ interface"));
// The precise formatting of this doesn't matter, nobody writes code like
// this.
verifyFormat("@ /*foo*/ interface");
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, ObjCBlockTypesAndVariables) {
verifyFormat("void DoStuffWithBlockType(int (^)(char));");
verifyFormat("int (^foo)(char, float);");
verifyFormat("int (^foo[10])(char, float);");
verifyFormat("int (^foo[kNumEntries])(char, float);");
verifyFormat("int (^foo[kNumEntries + 10])(char, float);");
verifyFormat("int (^foo[(kNumEntries + 10)])(char, float);");
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, ObjCSnippets) {
verifyFormat("@autoreleasepool {\n"
" foo();\n"
verifyFormat("@class Foo, Bar;");
verifyFormat("@compatibility_alias AliasName ExistingClass;");
verifyFormat("@dynamic textColor;");
verifyFormat("char *buf1 = @encode(int *);");
verifyFormat("char *buf1 = @encode(typeof(4 * 5));");
verifyFormat("char *buf1 = @encode(int **);");
verifyFormat("Protocol *proto = @protocol(p1);");
verifyFormat("SEL s = @selector(foo:);");
verifyFormat("@synchronized(self) {\n"
" f();\n"
verifyFormat("@import foo.bar;\n"
"@import baz;");
verifyFormat("@synthesize dropArrowPosition = dropArrowPosition_;");
verifyFormat("@property(assign, nonatomic) CGFloat hoverAlpha;");
verifyFormat("@property(assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;");
verifyFormat("extern UIWindow *MainWindow(void) "
verifyFormat("extern UIWindow *MainWindow(void) "
Style.ColumnLimit = 50;
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"- (void)doStuffWithFoo:(id)name\n"
" bar:(id)bar\n"
" baz:(id)baz\n"
" NS_SWIFT_NAME(doStuff(withFoo:bar:baz:));\n"
Style = getMozillaStyle();
verifyFormat("@property (assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;");
verifyFormat("@property BOOL editable;");
Style = getWebKitStyle();
verifyFormat("@property (assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;");
verifyFormat("@property BOOL editable;");
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
verifyFormat("@synthesize dropArrowPosition = dropArrowPosition_;");
verifyFormat("@property(assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;");
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, ObjCForIn) {
verifyFormat("- (void)test {\n"
" for (NSString *n in arrayOfStrings) {\n"
" foo(n);\n"
" }\n"
verifyFormat("- (void)test {\n"
" for (NSString *n in (__bridge NSArray *)arrayOfStrings) {\n"
" foo(n);\n"
" }\n"
verifyFormat("for (Foo *x in bar) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (Foo *x in [bar baz]) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (Foo *x in [bar baz:blech]) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (Foo *x in [bar baz:blech, 1, 2, 3, 0]) {\n}");
verifyFormat("for (Foo *x in [bar baz:^{\n"
" [uh oh];\n"
" }]) {\n}");
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, ObjCCxxKeywords) {
verifyFormat("+ (instancetype)new {\n"
" return nil;\n"
verifyFormat("+ (instancetype)myNew {\n"
" return [self new];\n"
verifyFormat("SEL NewSelector(void) { return @selector(new); }\n");
verifyFormat("SEL MacroSelector(void) { return MACRO(new); }\n");
verifyFormat("+ (instancetype)delete {\n"
" return nil;\n"
verifyFormat("+ (instancetype)myDelete {\n"
" return [self delete];\n"
verifyFormat("SEL DeleteSelector(void) { return @selector(delete); }\n");
verifyFormat("SEL MacroSelector(void) { return MACRO(delete); }\n");
verifyFormat("foo = @{MACRO(new:) : MACRO(delete:)}\n");
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"// Testing\n"
"- (Class)class {\n"
"- (void)foo {\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"- (Class)class {\n"
"- (void)foo {\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"+ (Class)class {\n"
"- (void)foo {\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"- (Class)class:(Class)klass {\n"
"- (void)foo {\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"+ (Class)class:(Class)klass {\n"
"- (void)foo {\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"// Testing\n"
"- (Class)class;\n"
"- (void)foo;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"- (Class)class;\n"
"- (void)foo;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"+ (Class)class;\n"
"- (void)foo;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"- (Class)class:(Class)klass;\n"
"- (void)foo;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"+ (Class)class:(Class)klass;\n"
"- (void)foo;\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, ObjCLiterals) {
verifyFormat("NSNumber *smallestInt = @(-INT_MAX - 1);");
verifyFormat("NSNumber *piOverTwo = @(M_PI / 2);");
verifyFormat("NSNumber *favoriteColor = @(Green);");
verifyFormat("NSString *path = @(getenv(\"PATH\"));");
verifyFormat("[dictionary setObject:@(1) forKey:@\"number\"];");
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, ObjCDictLiterals) {
verifyFormat("@{@\"one\" : @1}");
verifyFormat("return @{@\"one\" : @1;");
verifyFormat("@{@\"one\" : @1}");
verifyFormat("@{@\"one\" : @{@2 : @1}}");
" @\"one\" : @{@2 : @1},\n"
verifyFormat("@{1 > 2 ? @\"one\" : @\"two\" : 1 > 2 ? @1 : @2}");
verifyIncompleteFormat("[self setDict:@{}");
verifyIncompleteFormat("[self setDict:@{@1 : @2}");
verifyFormat("NSLog(@\"%@\", @{@1 : @2, @2 : @3}[@1]);");
"NSDictionary *masses = @{@\"H\" : @1.0078, @\"He\" : @4.0026};");
"NSDictionary *settings = @{AVEncoderKey : @(AVAudioQualityMax)};");
verifyFormat("NSDictionary *d = @{\n"
" @\"nam\" : NSUserNam(),\n"
" @\"dte\" : [NSDate date],\n"
" @\"processInfo\" : [NSProcessInfo processInfo]\n"
" NSFontAttributeNameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee : "
" NSFontAttributeNameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :\n"
" reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegularFont,\n"
// We should try to be robust in case someone forgets the "@".
verifyFormat("NSDictionary *d = {\n"
" @\"nam\" : NSUserNam(),\n"
" @\"dte\" : [NSDate date],\n"
" @\"processInfo\" : [NSProcessInfo processInfo]\n"
verifyFormat("NSMutableDictionary *dictionary =\n"
" [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa : aaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb : bbbbb,\n"
" cccccccccccccccc : ccccccccccccccc\n"
" }];");
// Ensure that casts before the key are kept on the same line as the key.
"NSDictionary *d = @{\n"
" (aaaaaaaa id)aaaaaaaaa : (aaaaaaaa id)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
" (aaaaaaaa id)aaaaaaaaaaaaaa : (aaaaaaaa id)aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" a12345 = @{a12345 : a12345};\n"
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" a12345 = @{a12345 : @(a12345)};\n"
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" a12345 = @{(Foo *)a12345 : @(a12345)};\n"
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" a12345 = @{@(a12345) : a12345};\n"
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" a12345 = @{@(a12345) : @YES};\n"
Style.SpacesInContainerLiterals = false;
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" b12345 = @{b12345: b12345};\n"
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" b12345 = @{(Foo *)b12345: @(b12345)};\n"
Style.SpacesInContainerLiterals = true;
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
" NSFontAttributeNameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee : "
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, ObjCArrayLiterals) {
"NSArray *array = @[ @\" Hey \", NSApp, [NSNumber numberWithInt:42] ];");
verifyFormat("return @[ @3, @[], @[ @4, @5 ] ];");
verifyFormat("NSArray *array = @[ [foo description] ];");
"NSArray *some_variable = @[\n"
" aaaa == bbbbbbbbbbb ? @\"aaaaaaaaaaaa\" : @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
"NSArray *some_variable = @[\n"
" aaaa == bbbbbbbbbbb ? @\"aaaaaaaaaaaa\" : @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\", @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\", @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
verifyFormat("NSArray *some_variable = @[\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
verifyFormat("NSArray *array = @[\n"
" @\"a\",\n"
" @\"a\",\n" // Trailing comma -> one per line.
// We should try to be robust in case someone forgets the "@".
verifyFormat("NSArray *some_variable = [\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\",\n"
"- (NSAttributedString *)attributedStringForSegment:(NSUInteger)segment\n"
" index:(NSUInteger)index\n"
" nonDigitAttributes:\n"
" (NSDictionary *)noDigitAttributes;");
verifyFormat("[someFunction someLooooooooooooongParameter:@[\n"
" NSBundle.mainBundle.infoDictionary[@\"a\"]\n"
Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" a12345 = @[ a12345, a12345 ];\n"
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" a123 = @[ (Foo *)a12345, @(a12345) ];\n"
Style.SpacesInContainerLiterals = false;
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" b12345 = @[b12345, b12345];\n"
verifyFormat("int Foo() {\n"
" b12345 = @[(Foo *)b12345, @(b12345)];\n"
Style.SpacesInContainerLiterals = true;
Style.ColumnLimit = 20;
// We can't break string literals inside NSArray literals
// (that raises -Wobjc-string-concatenation).
verifyFormat("NSArray *foo = @[\n"
" @\"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, BreaksCallStatementWhereSemiJustOverTheLimit) {
Style.ColumnLimit = 60;
// If the statement starting with 'a = ...' is put on a single line, the ';'
// is at line 61.
verifyFormat("int f(int a) {\n"
" a = [self aaaaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbbb\n"
" ccccccccc:dddddddd\n"
" ee:fddd];\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings) {
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
Style.ColumnLimit = 40;
verifyFormat("aaaa = @\"bbbb\"\n"
" @\"cccc\";");
" @\"cccc\");");
verifyFormat("aaaa(qqq, @\"bbbb\"\n"
" @\"cccc\");");
verifyFormat("[aaaa qqqq:@\"bbbb\"\n"
" @\"cccc\"];");
verifyFormat("aaaa = [aaaa qqqq:@\"bbbb\"\n"
" @\"cccc\"];");
verifyFormat("[aaaa qqqq:@\"bbbb\"\n"
" @\"cccc\"\n"
" rr:42\n"
" ssssss:@\"ee\"\n"
" @\"fffff\"];");
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, DisambiguatesCallsFromCppLambdas) {
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] && b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] + b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] + !b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] + ~b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] - b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] / b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] % b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] | b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] || b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] && b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] == b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] != b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] <= b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] >= b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] << b->c == 'd');");
verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] ? b->c == 'd' : 'e');");
// FIXME: The following are wrongly classified as C++ lambda expressions.
// For example this code:
// x = ([a foo:bar] & b->c == 'd');
// is formatted as:
// x = ([a foo:bar] & b -> c == 'd');
// verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] & b->c == 'd');");
// verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] > b->c == 'd');");
// verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] < b->c == 'd');");
// verifyFormat("x = ([a foo:bar] >> b->c == 'd');");
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, DisambiguatesCallsFromStructuredBindings) {
verifyFormat("int f() {\n"
" if (a && [f arg])\n"
" return 0;\n"
verifyFormat("int f() {\n"
" if (a & [f arg])\n"
" return 0;\n"
verifyFormat("int f() {\n"
" for (auto &[elem] : list)\n"
" return 0;\n"
verifyFormat("int f() {\n"
" for (auto &&[elem] : list)\n"
" return 0;\n"
"int f() {\n"
" for (auto /**/ const /**/ volatile /**/ && /**/ [elem] : list)\n"
" return 0;\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, BreakLineBeforeNestedBlockParam) {
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
Style.ObjCBreakBeforeNestedBlockParam = false;
Style.ColumnLimit = 0;
verifyFormat("[self.test1 t:self callback:^(typeof(self) self, NSNumber *u, "
"NSNumber *v) {\n"
" u = v;\n"
verifyFormat("[self.test1 t:self w:self callback:^(typeof(self) self, "
"NSNumber *u, NSNumber *v) {\n"
" u = v;\n"
verifyFormat("[self.test1 t:self w:self callback:^(typeof(self) self, "
"NSNumber *u, NSNumber *v) {\n"
" u = c;\n"
"} w:self callback2:^(typeof(self) self, NSNumber *a, NSNumber "
"*b, NSNumber *c) {\n"
" b = c;\n"
verifyFormat("[self.test1 t:self w:self callback:^(typeof(self) self, "
"NSNumber *u, NSNumber *v) {\n"
" u = v;\n"
"} z:self]");
Style.ColumnLimit = 80;
"[self.test_method a:self b:self\n"
" callback:^(typeof(self) self, NSNumber *u, NSNumber *v) {\n"
" u = v;\n"
" }]");
verifyFormat("[self block:^(void) {\n"
" doStuff();\n"
"} completionHandler:^(void) {\n"
" doStuff();\n"
" [self block:^(void) {\n"
" doStuff();\n"
" } completionHandler:^(void) {\n"
" doStuff();\n"
" }];\n"
Style.ColumnLimit = 0;
verifyFormat("[[SessionService sharedService] "
"loadWindowWithCompletionBlock:^(SessionWindow *window) {\n"
" if (window) {\n"
" [self windowDidLoad:window];\n"
" } else {\n"
" [self errorLoadingWindow];\n"
" }\n"
verifyFormat("[controller test:^{\n"
" doStuff();\n"
"} withTimeout:5 completionHandler:^{\n"
" doStuff();\n"
"[self setupTextFieldSignals:@[\n"
" self.documentWidthField,\n"
" self.documentHeightField,\n"
"] solver:^(NSTextField *textField) {\n"
" return [self.representedObject solveEquationForTextField:textField];\n"
TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, IfNotUnlikely) {
Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_ObjC);
verifyFormat("if (argc < 5) [obj func:arg];");
verifyFormat("if (argc < 5) [[obj1 method1:arg1] method2:arg2];");
verifyFormat("if (argc < 5) [[foo bar] baz:i[0]];");
verifyFormat("if (argc < 5) [[foo bar] baz:i[0]][1];");
verifyFormat("if (argc < 5)\n"
" [obj func:arg];\n"
" [obj func:arg2];");
verifyFormat("if (argc < 5) [[unlikely]]\n"
" [obj func:arg];\n"
"else [[likely]]\n"
" [obj func:arg2];");
} // end namespace
} // end namespace format
} // end namespace clang