forked from OSchip/llvm-project
814 lines
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814 lines
28 KiB
//===-- lib/Evaluate/shape.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "flang/Evaluate/shape.h"
#include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
#include "flang/Common/template.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/characteristics.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/fold.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/intrinsics.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/type.h"
#include "flang/Parser/message.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/symbol.h"
#include <functional>
using namespace std::placeholders; // _1, _2, &c. for std::bind()
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
bool IsImpliedShape(const Symbol &original) {
const Symbol &symbol{ResolveAssociations(original)};
const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()};
return details && symbol.attrs().test(semantics::Attr::PARAMETER) &&
bool IsExplicitShape(const Symbol &original) {
const Symbol &symbol{ResolveAssociations(original)};
if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
const auto &shape{details->shape()};
return shape.Rank() == 0 ||
shape.IsExplicitShape(); // true when scalar, too
} else {
return symbol
.has<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>(); // exprs have explicit shape
Shape GetShapeHelper::ConstantShape(const Constant<ExtentType> &arrayConstant) {
CHECK(arrayConstant.Rank() == 1);
Shape result;
std::size_t dimensions{arrayConstant.size()};
for (std::size_t j{0}; j < dimensions; ++j) {
Scalar<ExtentType> extent{arrayConstant.values().at(j)};
return result;
auto GetShapeHelper::AsShape(ExtentExpr &&arrayExpr) const -> Result {
if (context_) {
arrayExpr = Fold(*context_, std::move(arrayExpr));
if (const auto *constArray{UnwrapConstantValue<ExtentType>(arrayExpr)}) {
return ConstantShape(*constArray);
if (auto *constructor{UnwrapExpr<ArrayConstructor<ExtentType>>(arrayExpr)}) {
Shape result;
for (auto &value : *constructor) {
if (auto *expr{std::get_if<ExtentExpr>(&value.u)}) {
if (expr->Rank() == 0) {
return std::nullopt;
return result;
return std::nullopt;
Shape GetShapeHelper::CreateShape(int rank, NamedEntity &base) {
Shape shape;
for (int dimension{0}; dimension < rank; ++dimension) {
shape.emplace_back(GetExtent(base, dimension));
return shape;
std::optional<ExtentExpr> AsExtentArrayExpr(const Shape &shape) {
ArrayConstructorValues<ExtentType> values;
for (const auto &dim : shape) {
if (dim) {
} else {
return std::nullopt;
return ExtentExpr{ArrayConstructor<ExtentType>{std::move(values)}};
std::optional<Constant<ExtentType>> AsConstantShape(
FoldingContext &context, const Shape &shape) {
if (auto shapeArray{AsExtentArrayExpr(shape)}) {
auto folded{Fold(context, std::move(*shapeArray))};
if (auto *p{UnwrapConstantValue<ExtentType>(folded)}) {
return std::move(*p);
return std::nullopt;
Constant<SubscriptInteger> AsConstantShape(const ConstantSubscripts &shape) {
using IntType = Scalar<SubscriptInteger>;
std::vector<IntType> result;
for (auto dim : shape) {
return {std::move(result), ConstantSubscripts{GetRank(shape)}};
ConstantSubscripts AsConstantExtents(const Constant<ExtentType> &shape) {
ConstantSubscripts result;
for (const auto &extent : shape.values()) {
return result;
std::optional<ConstantSubscripts> AsConstantExtents(
FoldingContext &context, const Shape &shape) {
if (auto shapeConstant{AsConstantShape(context, shape)}) {
return AsConstantExtents(*shapeConstant);
} else {
return std::nullopt;
Shape Fold(FoldingContext &context, Shape &&shape) {
for (auto &dim : shape) {
dim = Fold(context, std::move(dim));
return std::move(shape);
std::optional<Shape> Fold(
FoldingContext &context, std::optional<Shape> &&shape) {
if (shape) {
return Fold(context, std::move(*shape));
} else {
return std::nullopt;
static ExtentExpr ComputeTripCount(
ExtentExpr &&lower, ExtentExpr &&upper, ExtentExpr &&stride) {
ExtentExpr strideCopy{common::Clone(stride)};
ExtentExpr span{
(std::move(upper) - std::move(lower) + std::move(strideCopy)) /
return ExtentExpr{
Extremum<ExtentType>{Ordering::Greater, std::move(span), ExtentExpr{0}}};
ExtentExpr CountTrips(
ExtentExpr &&lower, ExtentExpr &&upper, ExtentExpr &&stride) {
return ComputeTripCount(
std::move(lower), std::move(upper), std::move(stride));
ExtentExpr CountTrips(const ExtentExpr &lower, const ExtentExpr &upper,
const ExtentExpr &stride) {
return ComputeTripCount(
common::Clone(lower), common::Clone(upper), common::Clone(stride));
MaybeExtentExpr CountTrips(MaybeExtentExpr &&lower, MaybeExtentExpr &&upper,
MaybeExtentExpr &&stride) {
std::function<ExtentExpr(ExtentExpr &&, ExtentExpr &&, ExtentExpr &&)> bound{
std::bind(ComputeTripCount, _1, _2, _3)};
return common::MapOptional(
std::move(bound), std::move(lower), std::move(upper), std::move(stride));
MaybeExtentExpr GetSize(Shape &&shape) {
ExtentExpr extent{1};
for (auto &&dim : std::move(shape)) {
if (dim) {
extent = std::move(extent) * std::move(*dim);
} else {
return std::nullopt;
return extent;
bool ContainsAnyImpliedDoIndex(const ExtentExpr &expr) {
struct MyVisitor : public AnyTraverse<MyVisitor> {
using Base = AnyTraverse<MyVisitor>;
MyVisitor() : Base{*this} {}
using Base::operator();
bool operator()(const ImpliedDoIndex &) { return true; }
return MyVisitor{}(expr);
// Determines lower bound on a dimension. This can be other than 1 only
// for a reference to a whole array object or component. (See LBOUND, 16.9.109).
// ASSOCIATE construct entities may require tranversal of their referents.
class GetLowerBoundHelper : public Traverse<GetLowerBoundHelper, ExtentExpr> {
using Result = ExtentExpr;
using Base = Traverse<GetLowerBoundHelper, ExtentExpr>;
using Base::operator();
explicit GetLowerBoundHelper(int d) : Base{*this}, dimension_{d} {}
static ExtentExpr Default() { return ExtentExpr{1}; }
static ExtentExpr Combine(Result &&, Result &&) { return Default(); }
ExtentExpr operator()(const Symbol &);
ExtentExpr operator()(const Component &);
int dimension_;
auto GetLowerBoundHelper::operator()(const Symbol &symbol0) -> Result {
const Symbol &symbol{symbol0.GetUltimate()};
if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
int j{0};
for (const auto &shapeSpec : details->shape()) {
if (j++ == dimension_) {
if (const auto &bound{shapeSpec.lbound().GetExplicit()}) {
return *bound;
} else if (IsDescriptor(symbol)) {
return ExtentExpr{DescriptorInquiry{NamedEntity{symbol0},
DescriptorInquiry::Field::LowerBound, dimension_}};
} else {
} else if (const auto *assoc{
symbol.detailsIf<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>()}) {
return (*this)(assoc->expr());
return Default();
auto GetLowerBoundHelper::operator()(const Component &component) -> Result {
if (component.base().Rank() == 0) {
const Symbol &symbol{component.GetLastSymbol().GetUltimate()};
if (const auto *details{
symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
int j{0};
for (const auto &shapeSpec : details->shape()) {
if (j++ == dimension_) {
if (const auto &bound{shapeSpec.lbound().GetExplicit()}) {
return *bound;
} else if (IsDescriptor(symbol)) {
return ExtentExpr{
DescriptorInquiry::Field::LowerBound, dimension_}};
} else {
return Default();
ExtentExpr GetLowerBound(const NamedEntity &base, int dimension) {
return GetLowerBoundHelper{dimension}(base);
ExtentExpr GetLowerBound(
FoldingContext &context, const NamedEntity &base, int dimension) {
return Fold(context, GetLowerBound(base, dimension));
Shape GetLowerBounds(const NamedEntity &base) {
Shape result;
int rank{base.Rank()};
for (int dim{0}; dim < rank; ++dim) {
result.emplace_back(GetLowerBound(base, dim));
return result;
Shape GetLowerBounds(FoldingContext &context, const NamedEntity &base) {
Shape result;
int rank{base.Rank()};
for (int dim{0}; dim < rank; ++dim) {
result.emplace_back(GetLowerBound(context, base, dim));
return result;
MaybeExtentExpr GetExtent(const NamedEntity &base, int dimension) {
CHECK(dimension >= 0);
const Symbol &symbol{ResolveAssociations(base.GetLastSymbol())};
if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
if (IsImpliedShape(symbol)) {
Shape shape{GetShape(symbol).value()};
return std::move(;
int j{0};
for (const auto &shapeSpec : details->shape()) {
if (j++ == dimension) {
if (shapeSpec.ubound().isExplicit()) {
if (const auto &ubound{shapeSpec.ubound().GetExplicit()}) {
if (const auto &lbound{shapeSpec.lbound().GetExplicit()}) {
return common::Clone(ubound.value()) -
common::Clone(lbound.value()) + ExtentExpr{1};
} else {
return ubound.value();
} else if (details->IsAssumedSize() && j == symbol.Rank()) {
return std::nullopt;
} else if (semantics::IsDescriptor(symbol)) {
return ExtentExpr{DescriptorInquiry{
NamedEntity{base}, DescriptorInquiry::Field::Extent, dimension}};
} else if (const auto *assoc{
symbol.detailsIf<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>()}) {
if (auto shape{GetShape(assoc->expr())}) {
if (dimension < static_cast<int>(shape->size())) {
return std::move(shape->at(dimension));
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExtentExpr GetExtent(
FoldingContext &context, const NamedEntity &base, int dimension) {
return Fold(context, GetExtent(base, dimension));
MaybeExtentExpr GetExtent(
const Subscript &subscript, const NamedEntity &base, int dimension) {
return std::visit(
[&](const Triplet &triplet) -> MaybeExtentExpr {
MaybeExtentExpr upper{triplet.upper()};
if (!upper) {
upper = GetUpperBound(base, dimension);
MaybeExtentExpr lower{triplet.lower()};
if (!lower) {
lower = GetLowerBound(base, dimension);
return CountTrips(std::move(lower), std::move(upper),
[&](const IndirectSubscriptIntegerExpr &subs) -> MaybeExtentExpr {
if (auto shape{GetShape(subs.value())}) {
if (GetRank(*shape) > 0) {
CHECK(GetRank(*shape) == 1); // vector-valued subscript
return std::move(shape->at(0));
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExtentExpr GetExtent(FoldingContext &context, const Subscript &subscript,
const NamedEntity &base, int dimension) {
return Fold(context, GetExtent(subscript, base, dimension));
MaybeExtentExpr ComputeUpperBound(
ExtentExpr &&lower, MaybeExtentExpr &&extent) {
if (extent) {
return std::move(*extent) - std::move(lower) + ExtentExpr{1};
} else {
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExtentExpr ComputeUpperBound(
FoldingContext &context, ExtentExpr &&lower, MaybeExtentExpr &&extent) {
return Fold(context, ComputeUpperBound(std::move(lower), std::move(extent)));
MaybeExtentExpr GetUpperBound(const NamedEntity &base, int dimension) {
const Symbol &symbol{ResolveAssociations(base.GetLastSymbol())};
if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
int j{0};
for (const auto &shapeSpec : details->shape()) {
if (j++ == dimension) {
if (const auto &bound{shapeSpec.ubound().GetExplicit()}) {
return *bound;
} else if (details->IsAssumedSize() && dimension + 1 == symbol.Rank()) {
} else {
return ComputeUpperBound(
GetLowerBound(base, dimension), GetExtent(base, dimension));
} else if (const auto *assoc{
symbol.detailsIf<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>()}) {
if (auto shape{GetShape(assoc->expr())}) {
if (dimension < static_cast<int>(shape->size())) {
return ComputeUpperBound(
GetLowerBound(base, dimension), std::move(shape->at(dimension)));
return std::nullopt;
MaybeExtentExpr GetUpperBound(
FoldingContext &context, const NamedEntity &base, int dimension) {
return Fold(context, GetUpperBound(base, dimension));
Shape GetUpperBounds(const NamedEntity &base) {
const Symbol &symbol{ResolveAssociations(base.GetLastSymbol())};
if (const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()}) {
Shape result;
int dim{0};
for (const auto &shapeSpec : details->shape()) {
if (const auto &bound{shapeSpec.ubound().GetExplicit()}) {
} else if (details->IsAssumedSize()) {
CHECK(dim + 1 == base.Rank());
result.emplace_back(std::nullopt); // UBOUND folding replaces with -1
} else {
ComputeUpperBound(GetLowerBound(base, dim), GetExtent(base, dim)));
CHECK(GetRank(result) == symbol.Rank());
return result;
} else {
return std::move(GetShape(symbol).value());
Shape GetUpperBounds(FoldingContext &context, const NamedEntity &base) {
return Fold(context, GetUpperBounds(base));
auto GetShapeHelper::operator()(const Symbol &symbol) const -> Result {
return std::visit(
[&](const semantics::ObjectEntityDetails &object) {
if (IsImpliedShape(symbol)) {
return (*this)(object.init());
} else {
int n{object.shape().Rank()};
NamedEntity base{symbol};
return Result{CreateShape(n, base)};
[](const semantics::EntityDetails &) {
return ScalarShape(); // no dimensions seen
[&](const semantics::ProcEntityDetails &proc) {
if (const Symbol * interface{proc.interface().symbol()}) {
return (*this)(*interface);
} else {
return ScalarShape();
[&](const semantics::AssocEntityDetails &assoc) {
if (!assoc.rank()) {
return (*this)(assoc.expr());
} else {
int n{assoc.rank().value()};
NamedEntity base{symbol};
return Result{CreateShape(n, base)};
[&](const semantics::SubprogramDetails &subp) {
if (subp.isFunction()) {
return (*this)(subp.result());
} else {
return Result{};
[&](const semantics::ProcBindingDetails &binding) {
return (*this)(binding.symbol());
[&](const semantics::UseDetails &use) {
return (*this)(use.symbol());
[&](const semantics::HostAssocDetails &assoc) {
return (*this)(assoc.symbol());
[](const semantics::TypeParamDetails &) { return ScalarShape(); },
[](const auto &) { return Result{}; },
auto GetShapeHelper::operator()(const Component &component) const -> Result {
const Symbol &symbol{component.GetLastSymbol()};
int rank{symbol.Rank()};
if (rank == 0) {
return (*this)(component.base());
} else if (symbol.has<semantics::ObjectEntityDetails>()) {
NamedEntity base{Component{component}};
return CreateShape(rank, base);
} else if (symbol.has<semantics::AssocEntityDetails>()) {
NamedEntity base{Component{component}};
return Result{CreateShape(rank, base)};
} else {
return (*this)(symbol);
auto GetShapeHelper::operator()(const ArrayRef &arrayRef) const -> Result {
Shape shape;
int dimension{0};
const NamedEntity &base{arrayRef.base()};
for (const Subscript &ss : arrayRef.subscript()) {
if (ss.Rank() > 0) {
shape.emplace_back(GetExtent(ss, base, dimension));
if (shape.empty()) {
if (const Component * component{base.UnwrapComponent()}) {
return (*this)(component->base());
return shape;
auto GetShapeHelper::operator()(const CoarrayRef &coarrayRef) const -> Result {
NamedEntity base{coarrayRef.GetBase()};
if (coarrayRef.subscript().empty()) {
return (*this)(base);
} else {
Shape shape;
int dimension{0};
for (const Subscript &ss : coarrayRef.subscript()) {
if (ss.Rank() > 0) {
shape.emplace_back(GetExtent(ss, base, dimension));
return shape;
auto GetShapeHelper::operator()(const Substring &substring) const -> Result {
return (*this)(substring.parent());
auto GetShapeHelper::operator()(const ProcedureRef &call) const -> Result {
if (call.Rank() == 0) {
return ScalarShape();
} else if (call.IsElemental()) {
for (const auto &arg : call.arguments()) {
if (arg && arg->Rank() > 0) {
return (*this)(*arg);
return ScalarShape();
} else if (const Symbol * symbol{call.proc().GetSymbol()}) {
return (*this)(*symbol);
} else if (const auto *intrinsic{call.proc().GetSpecificIntrinsic()}) {
if (intrinsic->name == "shape" || intrinsic->name == "lbound" ||
intrinsic->name == "ubound") {
// These are the array-valued cases for LBOUND and UBOUND (no DIM=).
const auto *expr{call.arguments().front().value().UnwrapExpr()};
return Shape{MaybeExtentExpr{ExtentExpr{expr->Rank()}}};
} else if (intrinsic->name == "all" || intrinsic->name == "any" ||
intrinsic->name == "count" || intrinsic->name == "iall" ||
intrinsic->name == "iany" || intrinsic->name == "iparity" ||
intrinsic->name == "maxval" || intrinsic->name == "minval" ||
intrinsic->name == "norm2" || intrinsic->name == "parity" ||
intrinsic->name == "product" || intrinsic->name == "sum") {
// Reduction with DIM=
if (call.arguments().size() >= 2) {
auto arrayShape{
const auto *dimArg{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeType>>(call.arguments().at(1))};
if (arrayShape && dimArg) {
if (auto dim{ToInt64(*dimArg)}) {
if (*dim >= 1 &&
static_cast<std::size_t>(*dim) <= arrayShape->size()) {
arrayShape->erase(arrayShape->begin() + (*dim - 1));
return std::move(*arrayShape);
} else if (intrinsic->name == "maxloc" || intrinsic->name == "minloc") {
if (call.arguments().size() >= 2) {
if (auto arrayShape{
(*this)(UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeType>>(call.arguments().at(0)))}) {
auto rank{static_cast<int>(arrayShape->size())};
if (const auto *dimArg{
UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeType>>(call.arguments()[1])}) {
auto dim{ToInt64(*dimArg)};
if (dim && *dim >= 1 && *dim <= rank) {
arrayShape->erase(arrayShape->begin() + (*dim - 1));
return std::move(*arrayShape);
} else {
// xxxLOC(no DIM=) result is vector(1:RANK(ARRAY=))
return Shape{ExtentExpr{rank}};
} else if (intrinsic->name == "cshift" || intrinsic->name == "eoshift") {
if (!call.arguments().empty()) {
return (*this)(call.arguments()[0]);
} else if (intrinsic->name == "matmul") {
if (call.arguments().size() == 2) {
if (auto ashape{(*this)(call.arguments()[0])}) {
if (auto bshape{(*this)(call.arguments()[1])}) {
if (ashape->size() == 1 && bshape->size() == 2) {
return std::move(*bshape); // matmul(vector, matrix)
} else if (ashape->size() == 2 && bshape->size() == 1) {
return std::move(*ashape); // matmul(matrix, vector)
} else if (ashape->size() == 2 && bshape->size() == 2) {
(*ashape)[1] = std::move((*bshape)[1]);
return std::move(*ashape); // matmul(matrix, matrix)
} else if (intrinsic->name == "reshape") {
if (call.arguments().size() >= 2 && call.arguments().at(1)) {
// SHAPE(RESHAPE(array,shape)) -> shape
if (const auto *shapeExpr{
call.arguments().at(1).value().UnwrapExpr()}) {
auto shape{std::get<Expr<SomeInteger>>(shapeExpr->u)};
return AsShape(ConvertToType<ExtentType>(std::move(shape)));
} else if (intrinsic->name == "pack") {
if (call.arguments().size() >= 3 && call.arguments().at(2)) {
return (*this)(call.arguments().at(2));
} else if (call.arguments().size() >= 2 && context_) {
if (auto maskShape{(*this)(call.arguments().at(1))}) {
if (maskShape->size() == 0) {
// Scalar MASK= -> [MERGE(SIZE(ARRAY=), 0, mask)]
if (auto arrayShape{(*this)(call.arguments().at(0))}) {
auto arraySize{GetSize(std::move(*arrayShape))};
ActualArguments toMerge{
auto specific{context_->intrinsics().Probe(
CallCharacteristics{"merge"}, toMerge, *context_)};
return Shape{ExtentExpr{FunctionRef<ExtentType>{
} else {
// Non-scalar MASK= -> [COUNT(mask)]
ActualArguments toCount{ActualArgument{common::Clone(
auto specific{context_->intrinsics().Probe(
CallCharacteristics{"count"}, toCount, *context_)};
return Shape{ExtentExpr{FunctionRef<ExtentType>{
} else if (intrinsic->name == "spread") {
// at position DIM.
if (call.arguments().size() == 3) {
auto arrayShape{
const auto *dimArg{UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeType>>(call.arguments().at(1))};
const auto *nCopies{
if (arrayShape && dimArg && nCopies) {
if (auto dim{ToInt64(*dimArg)}) {
if (*dim >= 1 &&
static_cast<std::size_t>(*dim) <= arrayShape->size() + 1) {
arrayShape->emplace(arrayShape->begin() + *dim - 1,
return std::move(*arrayShape);
} else if (intrinsic->name == "transfer") {
if (call.arguments().size() == 3 && call.arguments().at(2)) {
// SIZE= is present; shape is vector [SIZE=]
if (const auto *size{
UnwrapExpr<Expr<SomeInteger>>(call.arguments().at(2))}) {
return Shape{
} else if (context_) {
if (auto moldTypeAndShape{characteristics::TypeAndShape::Characterize(
call.arguments().at(1), *context_)}) {
if (GetRank(moldTypeAndShape->shape()) == 0) {
// SIZE= is absent and MOLD= is scalar: result is scalar
return ScalarShape();
} else {
// SIZE= is absent and MOLD= is array: result is vector whose
// length is determined by sizes of types. See 16.9.193p4 case(ii).
if (auto sourceTypeAndShape{
call.arguments().at(0), *context_)}) {
auto sourceBytes{
auto moldElementBytes{
moldTypeAndShape->type().MeasureSizeInBytes(*context_, true)};
if (sourceBytes && moldElementBytes) {
ExtentExpr extent{Fold(*context_,
(std::move(*sourceBytes) +
common::Clone(*moldElementBytes) - ExtentExpr{1}) /
return Shape{MaybeExtentExpr{std::move(extent)}};
} else if (intrinsic->name == "transpose") {
if (call.arguments().size() >= 1) {
if (auto shape{(*this)(call.arguments().at(0))}) {
if (shape->size() == 2) {
std::swap((*shape)[0], (*shape)[1]);
return shape;
} else if (intrinsic->name == "unpack") {
if (call.arguments().size() >= 2) {
return (*this)(call.arguments()[1]); // MASK=
} else if (intrinsic->characteristics.value().attrs.test(characteristics::
Procedure::Attr::NullPointer)) { // NULL(MOLD=)
return (*this)(call.arguments());
} else {
// TODO: shapes of other non-elemental intrinsic results
return std::nullopt;
// Check conformance of the passed shapes. Only return true if we can verify
// that they conform
bool CheckConformance(parser::ContextualMessages &messages, const Shape &left,
const Shape &right, const char *leftIs, const char *rightIs,
bool leftScalarExpandable, bool rightScalarExpandable,
bool leftIsDeferredShape, bool rightIsDeferredShape) {
int n{GetRank(left)};
if (n == 0 && leftScalarExpandable) {
return true;
int rn{GetRank(right)};
if (rn == 0 && rightScalarExpandable) {
return true;
if (n != rn) {
messages.Say("Rank of %1$s is %2$d, but %3$s has rank %4$d"_err_en_US,
leftIs, n, rightIs, rn);
return false;
for (int j{0}; j < n; ++j) {
if (auto leftDim{ToInt64(left[j])}) {
if (auto rightDim{ToInt64(right[j])}) {
if (*leftDim != *rightDim) {
messages.Say("Dimension %1$d of %2$s has extent %3$jd, "
"but %4$s has extent %5$jd"_err_en_US,
j + 1, leftIs, *leftDim, rightIs, *rightDim);
return false;
} else if (!rightIsDeferredShape) {
return false;
} else if (!leftIsDeferredShape) {
return false;
return true;
bool IncrementSubscripts(
ConstantSubscripts &indices, const ConstantSubscripts &extents) {
std::size_t rank(indices.size());
CHECK(rank <= extents.size());
for (std::size_t j{0}; j < rank; ++j) {
if (extents[j] < 1) {
return false;
for (std::size_t j{0}; j < rank; ++j) {
if (indices[j]++ < extents[j]) {
return true;
indices[j] = 1;
return false;
} // namespace Fortran::evaluate