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//===- VectorOps.cpp - MLIR Vector Dialect Operations ---------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements convenience types for working with super-vectorization
// operations, in particular super-vector loads and stores.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/VectorOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Tensor/IR/Tensor.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StructuredOpsUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/VectorUtils.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/bit.h"
#include <numeric>
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/VectorOpsDialect.cpp.inc"
// Pull in all enum type and utility function definitions.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/VectorOpsEnums.cpp.inc"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::vector;
/// Helper enum to classify mask value.
enum class MaskFormat {
AllTrue = 0,
AllFalse = 1,
Unknown = 2,
/// Helper method to classify a 1-D mask value. Currently, the method
/// looks "under the hood" of a constant value with dense attributes
/// and a constant mask operation (since the client may be called at
/// various stages during progressive lowering).
static MaskFormat get1DMaskFormat(Value mask) {
if (auto c = mask.getDefiningOp<ConstantOp>()) {
// Inspect constant dense values. We count up for bits that
// are set, count down for bits that are cleared, and bail
// when a mix is detected.
if (auto denseElts = c.value().dyn_cast<DenseIntElementsAttr>()) {
int64_t val = 0;
for (bool b : denseElts.getValues<bool>())
if (b && val >= 0)
else if (!b && val <= 0)
return MaskFormat::Unknown;
if (val > 0)
return MaskFormat::AllTrue;
if (val < 0)
return MaskFormat::AllFalse;
} else if (auto m = mask.getDefiningOp<ConstantMaskOp>()) {
// Inspect constant mask index. If the index exceeds the
// dimension size, all bits are set. If the index is zero
// or less, no bits are set.
ArrayAttr masks = m.mask_dim_sizes();
assert(masks.size() == 1);
int64_t i = masks[0].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
int64_t u = m.getType().getDimSize(0);
if (i >= u)
return MaskFormat::AllTrue;
if (i <= 0)
return MaskFormat::AllFalse;
return MaskFormat::Unknown;
// Helper for verifying combining kinds in contractions and reductions.
static bool isSupportedCombiningKind(CombiningKind combiningKind,
Type elementType) {
switch (combiningKind) {
case CombiningKind::ADD:
case CombiningKind::MUL:
case CombiningKind::MIN:
case CombiningKind::MAX:
return elementType.isIntOrIndexOrFloat();
case CombiningKind::AND:
case CombiningKind::OR:
case CombiningKind::XOR:
return elementType.isIntOrIndex();
return false;
/// Return true if the last dimension of the MemRefType has unit stride. Also
/// return true for memrefs with no strides.
bool mlir::vector::isLastMemrefDimUnitStride(MemRefType type) {
int64_t offset;
SmallVector<int64_t> strides;
auto successStrides = getStridesAndOffset(type, strides, offset);
return succeeded(successStrides) && (strides.empty() || strides.back() == 1);
// CombiningKindAttr
namespace mlir {
namespace vector {
namespace detail {
struct BitmaskEnumStorage : public AttributeStorage {
using KeyTy = uint64_t;
BitmaskEnumStorage(KeyTy val) : value(val) {}
bool operator==(const KeyTy &key) const { return value == key; }
static BitmaskEnumStorage *construct(AttributeStorageAllocator &allocator,
const KeyTy &key) {
return new (allocator.allocate<BitmaskEnumStorage>())
KeyTy value = 0;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace vector
} // namespace mlir
CombiningKindAttr CombiningKindAttr::get(CombiningKind kind,
MLIRContext *context) {
return Base::get(context, static_cast<uint64_t>(kind));
CombiningKind CombiningKindAttr::getKind() const {
return static_cast<CombiningKind>(getImpl()->value);
static constexpr const CombiningKind combiningKindsList[] = {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
void CombiningKindAttr::print(DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const {
printer << "kind<";
auto kinds = llvm::make_filter_range(combiningKindsList, [&](auto kind) {
return bitEnumContains(this->getKind(), kind);
llvm::interleaveComma(kinds, printer,
[&](auto kind) { printer << stringifyEnum(kind); });
printer << ">";
Attribute CombiningKindAttr::parse(DialectAsmParser &parser) {
if (failed(parser.parseLess()))
return {};
StringRef elemName;
if (failed(parser.parseKeyword(&elemName)))
return {};
auto kind = symbolizeCombiningKind(elemName);
if (!kind) {
parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(), "Unknown combining kind: ")
<< elemName;
return {};
if (failed(parser.parseGreater()))
return {};
return CombiningKindAttr::get(kind.getValue(),
Attribute VectorDialect::parseAttribute(DialectAsmParser &parser,
Type type) const {
StringRef attrKind;
if (parser.parseKeyword(&attrKind))
return {};
if (attrKind == "kind")
return CombiningKindAttr::parse(parser);
parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(), "Unknown attribute type: ") << attrKind;
return {};
void VectorDialect::printAttribute(Attribute attr,
DialectAsmPrinter &os) const {
if (auto ck = attr.dyn_cast<CombiningKindAttr>())
llvm_unreachable("Unknown attribute type");
// VectorDialect
void VectorDialect::initialize() {
#define GET_OP_LIST
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/VectorOps.cpp.inc"
/// Materialize a single constant operation from a given attribute value with
/// the desired resultant type.
Operation *VectorDialect::materializeConstant(OpBuilder &builder,
Attribute value, Type type,
Location loc) {
return builder.create<ConstantOp>(loc, type, value);
IntegerType vector::getVectorSubscriptType(Builder &builder) {
return builder.getIntegerType(64);
ArrayAttr vector::getVectorSubscriptAttr(Builder &builder,
ArrayRef<int64_t> values) {
return builder.getI64ArrayAttr(values);
// MultiDimReductionOp
void vector::MultiDimReductionOp::build(OpBuilder &builder,
OperationState &result, Value source,
ArrayRef<bool> reductionMask,
CombiningKind kind) {
auto sourceVectorType = source.getType().cast<VectorType>();
auto targetShape = MultiDimReductionOp::inferDestShape(
sourceVectorType.getShape(), reductionMask);
auto targetVectorType =
VectorType::get(targetShape, sourceVectorType.getElementType());
SmallVector<int64_t> reductionDims;
for (auto en : llvm::enumerate(reductionMask))
if (en.value())
CombiningKindAttr::get(kind, builder.getContext()));
static LogicalResult verify(MultiDimReductionOp op) {
auto reductionMask = op.getReductionMask();
auto targetShape = MultiDimReductionOp::inferDestShape(
op.getSourceVectorType().getShape(), reductionMask);
auto targetVectorType =
VectorType::get(targetShape, op.getSourceVectorType().getElementType());
if (targetVectorType != op.getDestVectorType())
return op.emitError("invalid output vector type: ")
<< op.getDestVectorType() << " (expected: " << targetVectorType
<< ")";
return success();
// ReductionOp
static LogicalResult verify(ReductionOp op) {
// Verify for 1-D vector.
int64_t rank = op.getVectorType().getRank();
if (rank != 1)
return op.emitOpError("unsupported reduction rank: ") << rank;
// Verify supported reduction kind.
auto kind = op.kind();
Type eltType = op.dest().getType();
if (kind == "add" || kind == "mul" || kind == "min" || kind == "max") {
if (!eltType.isIntOrIndexOrFloat())
return op.emitOpError("unsupported reduction type");
} else if (kind == "and" || kind == "or" || kind == "xor") {
if (!eltType.isIntOrIndex())
return op.emitOpError("unsupported reduction type");
} else {
return op.emitOpError("unknown reduction kind: ") << kind;
// Verify optional accumulator.
if (!op.acc().empty()) {
if (kind != "add" && kind != "mul")
return op.emitOpError("no accumulator for reduction kind: ") << kind;
if (!eltType.isa<FloatType>())
return op.emitOpError("no accumulator for type: ") << eltType;
return success();
static ParseResult parseReductionOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
OperationState &result) {
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 2> operandsInfo;
Type redType;
Type resType;
Attribute attr;
if (parser.parseAttribute(attr, "kind", result.attributes) ||
parser.parseComma() || parser.parseOperandList(operandsInfo) ||
parser.parseColonType(redType) ||
parser.parseKeywordType("into", resType) ||
(operandsInfo.size() > 0 &&
parser.resolveOperand(operandsInfo[0], redType, result.operands)) ||
(operandsInfo.size() > 1 &&
parser.resolveOperand(operandsInfo[1], resType, result.operands)) ||
parser.addTypeToList(resType, result.types))
return failure();
if (operandsInfo.size() < 1 || operandsInfo.size() > 2)
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(),
"unsupported number of operands");
return success();
static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, ReductionOp op) {
p << " \"" << op.kind() << "\", " << op.vector();
if (!op.acc().empty())
p << ", " << op.acc();
p << " : " << op.vector().getType() << " into " << op.dest().getType();
Value mlir::vector::getVectorReductionOp(AtomicRMWKind op, OpBuilder &builder,
Location loc, Value vector) {
Type scalarType = vector.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
switch (op) {
case AtomicRMWKind::addf:
case AtomicRMWKind::addi:
return builder.create<vector::ReductionOp>(vector.getLoc(), scalarType,
vector, ValueRange{});
case AtomicRMWKind::mulf:
case AtomicRMWKind::muli:
return builder.create<vector::ReductionOp>(vector.getLoc(), scalarType,
vector, ValueRange{});
case AtomicRMWKind::minf:
case AtomicRMWKind::mins:
case AtomicRMWKind::minu:
return builder.create<vector::ReductionOp>(vector.getLoc(), scalarType,
vector, ValueRange{});
case AtomicRMWKind::maxf:
case AtomicRMWKind::maxs:
case AtomicRMWKind::maxu:
return builder.create<vector::ReductionOp>(vector.getLoc(), scalarType,
vector, ValueRange{});
// TODO: Add remaining reduction operations.
(void)emitOptionalError(loc, "Reduction operation type not supported");
return nullptr;
// ContractionOp
void vector::ContractionOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value lhs, Value rhs, Value acc,
ArrayRef<ArrayRef<AffineExpr>> indexingExprs,
ArrayRef<StringRef> iteratorTypes) {
result.addOperands({lhs, rhs, acc});
void vector::ContractionOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value lhs, Value rhs, Value acc,
ArrayAttr indexingMaps,
ArrayAttr iteratorTypes) {
result.addOperands({lhs, rhs, acc});
result.addAttribute(getIndexingMapsAttrName(), indexingMaps);
result.addAttribute(getIteratorTypesAttrName(), iteratorTypes);
static ParseResult parseContractionOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
OperationState &result) {
OpAsmParser::OperandType lhsInfo;
OpAsmParser::OperandType rhsInfo;
OpAsmParser::OperandType accInfo;
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 2> masksInfo;
SmallVector<Type, 2> types;
Type resultType;
auto loc = parser.getCurrentLocation();
DictionaryAttr dictAttr;
// TODO: Unify linalg op attribute parsing.
if (parser.parseAttribute(dictAttr, "_", result.attributes) ||
parser.parseOperand(lhsInfo) || parser.parseComma() ||
parser.parseOperand(rhsInfo) || parser.parseComma() ||
parser.parseOperand(accInfo) ||
parser.parseTrailingOperandList(masksInfo) ||
parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes) ||
parser.parseColonTypeList(types) ||
parser.parseKeywordType("into", resultType) ||
parser.resolveOperand(lhsInfo, types[0], result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperand(rhsInfo, types[1], result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperand(accInfo, resultType, result.operands) ||
parser.addTypeToList(resultType, result.types))
return failure();
if (!result.attributes.get(ContractionOp::getKindAttrName())) {
if (masksInfo.empty())
return success();
if (masksInfo.size() != 2)
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(),
"expected zero or exactly 2 vector mask operands");
auto lhsType = types[0].cast<VectorType>();
auto rhsType = types[1].cast<VectorType>();
auto maskElementType = parser.getBuilder().getI1Type();
std::array<Type, 2> maskTypes = {
VectorType::get(lhsType.getShape(), maskElementType),
VectorType::get(rhsType.getShape(), maskElementType)};
if (parser.resolveOperands(masksInfo, maskTypes, loc, result.operands))
return failure();
return success();
static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, ContractionOp op) {
// TODO: Unify printing code with linalg ops.
auto attrNames = op.getTraitAttrNames();
llvm::StringSet<> traitAttrsSet;
traitAttrsSet.insert(attrNames.begin(), attrNames.end());
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 8> attrs;
for (auto attr : op->getAttrs())
if (traitAttrsSet.count(attr.first.strref()) > 0)
auto dictAttr = DictionaryAttr::get(op.getContext(), attrs);
p << " " << dictAttr << " " << op.lhs() << ", ";
p << op.rhs() << ", " << op.acc();
if (op.masks().size() == 2)
p << ", " << op.masks();
p.printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(), attrNames);
p << " : " << op.lhs().getType() << ", " << op.rhs().getType() << " into "
<< op.getResultType();
static bool verifyDimMap(VectorType lhsType, VectorType rhsType,
const std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> &map) {
for (auto &dimPair : map) {
if (dimPair.first < 0 || dimPair.first >= lhsType.getRank() ||
dimPair.second < 0 || dimPair.second >= rhsType.getRank() ||
lhsType.getDimSize(dimPair.first) != rhsType.getDimSize(dimPair.second))
return false;
return true;
static LogicalResult verifyOutputShape(
ContractionOp op, VectorType lhsType, VectorType rhsType, Type accType,
Type resType,
const std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> &contractingDimMap,
const std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> &batchDimMap) {
DenseSet<int64_t> lhsContractingDimSet;
DenseSet<int64_t> rhsContractingDimSet;
for (auto &dimPair : contractingDimMap) {
DenseSet<int64_t> rhsBatchDimSet;
for (auto &dimPair : batchDimMap)
// Add free and batch dimensions from 'lhsType' to 'expectedResultDims'.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> expectedResultDims;
for (int64_t i = 0, e = lhsType.getRank(); i < e; ++i) {
if (lhsContractingDimSet.count(i) > 0)
// Add free dimensions from 'rhsType' to 'expectedResultDims'.
for (int64_t i = 0, e = rhsType.getRank(); i < e; ++i) {
if (rhsContractingDimSet.count(i) > 0 || rhsBatchDimSet.count(i) > 0)
// Verify 'expectedResultDims'.
if (expectedResultDims.size() == 0) {
// No batch or free dimension implies a scalar result.
if (resType.isa<VectorType>() || accType.isa<VectorType>())
return op.emitOpError("invalid accumulator/result vector shape");
} else {
// At least one batch or free dimension implies a vector result.
auto resVectorType = resType.dyn_cast<VectorType>();
auto accVectorType = accType.dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (!resVectorType || !accVectorType)
return op.emitOpError("invalid accumulator/result vector shape");
// Infer expected result vector type. Lhs + rhs map and lhs + rhs vector
// types fully define the result vector type. This assumes the affine maps
// are well-formed, which must have been verified already.
MLIRContext *ctx = op.getContext();
AffineMap lhsMap = op.getIndexingMaps()[0];
AffineMap rhsMap = op.getIndexingMaps()[1];
SmallVector<AffineExpr, 4> extents(lhsMap.getNumInputs());
for (auto pair :
{std::make_pair(lhsType, lhsMap), std::make_pair(rhsType, rhsMap)}) {
VectorType v = pair.first;
auto map = pair.second;
for (unsigned idx = 0, e = v.getRank(); idx < e; ++idx) {
unsigned pos = map.getDimPosition(idx);
if (!extents[pos])
extents[pos] = getAffineConstantExpr(v.getShape()[idx], ctx);
assert(llvm::all_of(extents, [](AffineExpr e) { return e; }) &&
"expected extent along all dimensions.");
AffineMap resMap = op.getIndexingMaps()[2];
auto extentsMap = AffineMap::get(/*dimCount=*/extents.size(),
/*symCount=*/0, extents, ctx);
// Compose the resMap with the extentsMap, which is a constant map.
AffineMap expectedMap = simplifyAffineMap(resMap.compose(extentsMap));
[](AffineExpr e) { return e.isa<AffineConstantExpr>(); }) &&
"expected constant extent along all dimensions.");
// Extract the expected shape and build the type.
auto expectedShape = llvm::to_vector<4>(
llvm::map_range(expectedMap.getResults(), [](AffineExpr e) {
return e.cast<AffineConstantExpr>().getValue();
auto expected =
VectorType::get(expectedShape, resVectorType.getElementType());
if (resVectorType != expected || accVectorType != expected)
return op.emitOpError(
"invalid accumulator/result vector shape, expected: ")
<< expected;
return success();
static LogicalResult verify(ContractionOp op) {
auto lhsType = op.getLhsType();
auto rhsType = op.getRhsType();
auto accType = op.getAccType();
auto resType = op.getResultType();
// Verify that an indexing map was specified for each vector operand.
if (op.indexing_maps().size() != 3)
return op.emitOpError("expected an indexing map for each vector operand");
// Verify that each index map has 'numIterators' inputs, no symbols, and
// that the number of map outputs equals the rank of its associated
// vector operand.
unsigned numIterators = op.iterator_types().getValue().size();
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(op.indexing_maps())) {
auto index = it.index();
auto map = it.value().cast<AffineMapAttr>().getValue();
if (map.getNumSymbols() != 0)
return op.emitOpError("expected indexing map ")
<< index << " to have no symbols";
auto vectorType = op.getOperand(index).getType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
unsigned rank = vectorType ? vectorType.getShape().size() : 0;
// Verify that the map has the right number of inputs, outputs, and indices.
// This also correctly accounts for (..) -> () for rank-0 results.
if (map.getNumDims() != numIterators)
return op.emitOpError("expected indexing map ")
<< index << " to have " << numIterators << " number of inputs";
if (map.getNumResults() != rank)
return op.emitOpError("expected indexing map ")
<< index << " to have " << rank << " number of outputs";
if (!map.isProjectedPermutation())
return op.emitOpError("expected indexing map ")
<< index << " to be a projected permutation of its inputs";
auto contractingDimMap = op.getContractingDimMap();
auto batchDimMap = op.getBatchDimMap();
// Verify at least one contracting dimension pair was specified.
if (contractingDimMap.empty())
return op.emitOpError("expected at least one contracting dimension pair");
// Verify contracting dimension map was properly constructed.
if (!verifyDimMap(lhsType, rhsType, contractingDimMap))
return op.emitOpError("invalid contracting dimension map");
// Verify batch dimension map was properly constructed.
if (!verifyDimMap(lhsType, rhsType, batchDimMap))
return op.emitOpError("invalid batch dimension map");
// Verify 'accType' and 'resType' shape.
if (failed(verifyOutputShape(op, lhsType, rhsType, accType, resType,
contractingDimMap, batchDimMap)))
return failure();
// Verify that either two vector masks are set or none are set.
auto lhsMaskType = op.getLHSVectorMaskType();
auto rhsMaskType = op.getRHSVectorMaskType();
if ((lhsMaskType && !rhsMaskType) || (!lhsMaskType && rhsMaskType))
return op.emitOpError("invalid number of vector masks specified");
if (lhsMaskType && rhsMaskType) {
// Verify mask rank == argument rank.
if (lhsMaskType.getShape().size() != lhsType.getShape().size() ||
rhsMaskType.getShape().size() != rhsType.getShape().size())
return op.emitOpError("invalid vector mask rank");
// Verify supported combining kind.
auto vectorType = resType.dyn_cast<VectorType>();
auto elementType = vectorType ? vectorType.getElementType() : resType;
if (!isSupportedCombiningKind(op.kind(), elementType))
return op.emitOpError("unsupported contraction type");
return success();
ArrayRef<StringRef> ContractionOp::getTraitAttrNames() {
static constexpr StringRef names[3] = {getIndexingMapsAttrName(),
return llvm::makeArrayRef(names);
static int64_t getResultIndex(AffineMap map, AffineExpr targetExpr) {
for (int64_t i = 0, e = map.getNumResults(); i < e; ++i)
if (targetExpr == map.getResult(i))
return i;
return -1;
static std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>>
getDimMap(ArrayRef<AffineMap> indexingMaps, ArrayAttr iteratorTypes,
StringRef targetIteratorTypeName, MLIRContext *context) {
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> dimMap;
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(iteratorTypes)) {
auto iteratorTypeName = it.value().cast<StringAttr>().getValue();
if (iteratorTypeName != targetIteratorTypeName)
// Search lhs/rhs map results for 'targetExpr'.
auto targetExpr = getAffineDimExpr(it.index(), context);
int64_t lhsDim = getResultIndex(indexingMaps[0], targetExpr);
int64_t rhsDim = getResultIndex(indexingMaps[1], targetExpr);
if (lhsDim >= 0 && rhsDim >= 0)
dimMap.push_back({lhsDim, rhsDim});
return dimMap;
void ContractionOp::getIterationBounds(
SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &iterationBounds) {
auto lhsShape = getLhsType().getShape();
auto resVectorType = getResultType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
SmallVector<AffineMap, 4> indexingMaps(getIndexingMaps());
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> iterationShape;
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(iterator_types())) {
// Search lhs/rhs map results for 'targetExpr'.
auto targetExpr = getAffineDimExpr(it.index(), getContext());
auto iteratorTypeName = it.value().cast<StringAttr>().getValue();
if (iteratorTypeName == getReductionIteratorTypeName()) {
// Get reduction dim size from lhs shape (same size in rhsShape).
int64_t lhsDimIndex = getResultIndex(indexingMaps[0], targetExpr);
assert(lhsDimIndex >= 0);
// Get parallel dimension size from result shape.
int64_t resDimIndex = getResultIndex(indexingMaps[2], targetExpr);
assert(resDimIndex >= 0);
assert(resVectorType != nullptr);
void ContractionOp::getIterationIndexMap(
std::vector<DenseMap<int64_t, int64_t>> &iterationIndexMap) {
unsigned numMaps = indexing_maps().getValue().size();
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(indexing_maps())) {
auto index = it.index();
auto map = it.value().cast<AffineMapAttr>().getValue();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = map.getNumResults(); i < e; ++i) {
auto dim = map.getResult(i).cast<AffineDimExpr>();
iterationIndexMap[index][dim.getPosition()] = i;
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> ContractionOp::getContractingDimMap() {
SmallVector<AffineMap, 4> indexingMaps(getIndexingMaps());
return getDimMap(indexingMaps, iterator_types(),
getReductionIteratorTypeName(), getContext());
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> ContractionOp::getBatchDimMap() {
SmallVector<AffineMap, 4> indexingMaps(getIndexingMaps());
return getDimMap(indexingMaps, iterator_types(),
getParallelIteratorTypeName(), getContext());
SmallVector<AffineMap, 4> ContractionOp::getIndexingMaps() {
return llvm::to_vector<4>(
llvm::map_range(indexing_maps().getValue(), [](Attribute mapAttr) {
return mapAttr.cast<AffineMapAttr>().getValue();
Optional<SmallVector<int64_t, 4>> ContractionOp::getShapeForUnroll() {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> shape;
return shape;
/// Return a fused vector::ContractionOp which represents a patterns such as:
/// ```mlir
/// %c0 = vector.constant 0: ...
/// %c = vector.contract %a, %b, %c0: ...
/// %e = add %c, %d: ...
/// ```
/// by:
/// ```mlir
/// %e = vector.contract %a, %b, %d: ...
/// ```
/// Return null if the canonicalization does not apply.
// TODO: This should be a folding of Add into Contract in core but while they
// live in different dialects, it is not possible without unnatural
// dependencies.
template <typename AddOpType>
struct CanonicalizeContractAdd : public OpRewritePattern<AddOpType> {
using OpRewritePattern<AddOpType>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(AddOpType addOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto canonicalize = [&](Value maybeContraction,
Value otherOperand) -> vector::ContractionOp {
vector::ContractionOp contractionOp =
if (!contractionOp)
return vector::ContractionOp();
if (auto maybeZero = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantOp>(
contractionOp.acc().getDefiningOp())) {
if (maybeZero.value() ==
rewriter.getZeroAttr(contractionOp.acc().getType())) {
BlockAndValueMapping bvm;
bvm.map(contractionOp.acc(), otherOperand);
auto newContraction =
cast<vector::ContractionOp>(rewriter.clone(*contractionOp, bvm));
rewriter.replaceOp(addOp, newContraction.getResult());
return newContraction;
return vector::ContractionOp();
Value a = addOp->getOperand(0), b = addOp->getOperand(1);
vector::ContractionOp contract = canonicalize(a, b);
contract = contract ? contract : canonicalize(b, a);
return contract ? success() : failure();
void ContractionOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
results.add<CanonicalizeContractAdd<AddIOp>, CanonicalizeContractAdd<AddFOp>>(
// ExtractElementOp
void vector::ExtractElementOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source, Value position) {
result.addOperands({source, position});
void vector::ExtractElementOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source, int64_t position) {
Value pos = builder.create<ConstantIntOp>(result.location, position, 32);
build(builder, result, source, pos);
static LogicalResult verify(vector::ExtractElementOp op) {
VectorType vectorType = op.getVectorType();
if (vectorType.getRank() != 1)
return op.emitOpError("expected 1-D vector");
return success();
// ExtractOp
static Type inferExtractOpResultType(VectorType vectorType,
ArrayAttr position) {
if (static_cast<int64_t>(position.size()) == vectorType.getRank())
return vectorType.getElementType();
return VectorType::get(vectorType.getShape().drop_front(position.size()),
void vector::ExtractOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source, ArrayRef<int64_t> position) {
auto positionAttr = getVectorSubscriptAttr(builder, position);
result.addAttribute(getPositionAttrName(), positionAttr);
// Convenience builder which assumes the values are constant indices.
void vector::ExtractOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source, ValueRange position) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> positionConstants =
llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(position, [](Value pos) {
return pos.getDefiningOp<ConstantIndexOp>().getValue();
build(builder, result, source, positionConstants);
static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, vector::ExtractOp op) {
p << " " << op.vector() << op.position();
p.printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(), {"position"});
p << " : " << op.vector().getType();
static ParseResult parseExtractOp(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
llvm::SMLoc attributeLoc, typeLoc;
NamedAttrList attrs;
OpAsmParser::OperandType vector;
Type type;
Attribute attr;
if (parser.parseOperand(vector) || parser.getCurrentLocation(&attributeLoc) ||
parser.parseAttribute(attr, "position", attrs) ||
parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(attrs) ||
parser.getCurrentLocation(&typeLoc) || parser.parseColonType(type))
return failure();
auto vectorType = type.dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (!vectorType)
return parser.emitError(typeLoc, "expected vector type");
auto positionAttr = attr.dyn_cast<ArrayAttr>();
if (!positionAttr ||
static_cast<int64_t>(positionAttr.size()) > vectorType.getRank())
return parser.emitError(
"expected position attribute of rank smaller than vector rank");
Type resType = inferExtractOpResultType(vectorType, positionAttr);
result.attributes = attrs;
return failure(parser.resolveOperand(vector, type, result.operands) ||
parser.addTypeToList(resType, result.types));
static LogicalResult verify(vector::ExtractOp op) {
auto positionAttr = op.position().getValue();
if (positionAttr.size() > static_cast<unsigned>(op.getVectorType().getRank()))
return op.emitOpError(
"expected position attribute of rank smaller than vector rank");
for (auto en : llvm::enumerate(positionAttr)) {
auto attr = en.value().dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>();
if (!attr || attr.getInt() < 0 ||
attr.getInt() >= op.getVectorType().getDimSize(en.index()))
return op.emitOpError("expected position attribute #")
<< (en.index() + 1)
<< " to be a non-negative integer smaller than the corresponding "
"vector dimension";
return success();
template <typename IntType>
static SmallVector<IntType, 4> extractVector(ArrayAttr arrayAttr) {
return llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(
[](IntegerAttr attr) { return static_cast<IntType>(attr.getInt()); }));
/// Fold the result of chains of ExtractOp in place by simply concatenating the
/// positions.
static LogicalResult foldExtractOpFromExtractChain(ExtractOp extractOp) {
if (!extractOp.vector().getDefiningOp<ExtractOp>())
return failure();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> globalPosition;
ExtractOp currentOp = extractOp;
auto extractedPos = extractVector<int64_t>(currentOp.position());
globalPosition.append(extractedPos.rbegin(), extractedPos.rend());
while (ExtractOp nextOp = currentOp.vector().getDefiningOp<ExtractOp>()) {
currentOp = nextOp;
auto extractedPos = extractVector<int64_t>(currentOp.position());
globalPosition.append(extractedPos.rbegin(), extractedPos.rend());
// OpBuilder is only used as a helper to build an I64ArrayAttr.
OpBuilder b(extractOp.getContext());
std::reverse(globalPosition.begin(), globalPosition.end());
return success();
/// Fold the result of an ExtractOp in place when it comes from a TransposeOp.
static LogicalResult foldExtractOpFromTranspose(ExtractOp extractOp) {
auto transposeOp = extractOp.vector().getDefiningOp<vector::TransposeOp>();
if (!transposeOp)
return failure();
auto permutation = extractVector<unsigned>(transposeOp.transp());
auto extractedPos = extractVector<int64_t>(extractOp.position());
// If transposition permutation is larger than the ExtractOp, all minor
// dimensions must be an identity for folding to occur. If not, individual
// elements within the extracted value are transposed and this is not just a
// simple folding.
unsigned minorRank = permutation.size() - extractedPos.size();
MLIRContext *ctx = extractOp.getContext();
AffineMap permutationMap = AffineMap::getPermutationMap(permutation, ctx);
AffineMap minorMap = permutationMap.getMinorSubMap(minorRank);
if (minorMap && !minorMap.isMinorIdentity())
return failure();
// %1 = transpose %0[x, y, z] : vector<axbxcxf32>
// %2 = extract %1[u, v] : vector<..xf32>
// may turn into:
// %2 = extract %0[w, x] : vector<..xf32>
// iff z == 2 and [w, x] = [x, y]^-1 o [u, v] here o denotes composition and
// -1 denotes the inverse.
permutationMap = permutationMap.getMajorSubMap(extractedPos.size());
// The major submap has fewer results but the same number of dims. To compose
// cleanly, we need to drop dims to form a "square matrix". This is possible
// because:
// (a) this is a permutation map and
// (b) the minor map has already been checked to be identity.
// Therefore, the major map cannot contain dims of position greater or equal
// than the number of results.
[&](AffineExpr e) {
auto dim = e.dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>();
return dim && dim.getPosition() <
}) &&
"Unexpected map results depend on higher rank positions");
// Project on the first domain dimensions to allow composition.
permutationMap = AffineMap::get(permutationMap.getNumResults(), 0,
permutationMap.getResults(), ctx);
// Compose the inverse permutation map with the extractedPos.
auto newExtractedPos =
// OpBuilder is only used as a helper to build an I64ArrayAttr.
OpBuilder b(extractOp.getContext());
return success();
/// Fold an ExtractOp that is fed by a chain of InsertOps and TransposeOps. The
/// result is always the input to some InsertOp.
static Value foldExtractOpFromInsertChainAndTranspose(ExtractOp extractOp) {
MLIRContext *context = extractOp.getContext();
AffineMap permutationMap;
auto extractedPos = extractVector<unsigned>(extractOp.position());
// Walk back a chain of InsertOp/TransposeOp until we hit a match.
// Compose TransposeOp permutations as we walk back.
auto insertOp = extractOp.vector().getDefiningOp<vector::InsertOp>();
auto transposeOp = extractOp.vector().getDefiningOp<vector::TransposeOp>();
while (insertOp || transposeOp) {
if (transposeOp) {
// If it is transposed, compose the map and iterate.
auto permutation = extractVector<unsigned>(transposeOp.transp());
AffineMap newMap = AffineMap::getPermutationMap(permutation, context);
if (!permutationMap)
permutationMap = newMap;
else if (newMap.getNumInputs() != permutationMap.getNumResults())
return Value();
permutationMap = newMap.compose(permutationMap);
// Compute insert/transpose for the next iteration.
Value transposed = transposeOp.vector();
insertOp = transposed.getDefiningOp<vector::InsertOp>();
transposeOp = transposed.getDefiningOp<vector::TransposeOp>();
Value insertionDest = insertOp.dest();
// If it is inserted into, either the position matches and we have a
// successful folding; or we iterate until we run out of
// InsertOp/TransposeOp. This is because `vector.insert %scalar, %vector`
// produces a new vector with 1 modified value/slice in exactly the static
// position we need to match.
auto insertedPos = extractVector<unsigned>(insertOp.position());
// Trivial permutations are solved with position equality checks.
if (!permutationMap || permutationMap.isIdentity()) {
if (extractedPos == insertedPos)
return insertOp.source();
// Fallthrough: if the position does not match, just skip to the next
// producing `vector.insert` / `vector.transpose`.
// Compute insert/transpose for the next iteration.
insertOp = insertionDest.getDefiningOp<vector::InsertOp>();
transposeOp = insertionDest.getDefiningOp<vector::TransposeOp>();
// More advanced permutations require application of the permutation.
// However, the rank of `insertedPos` may be different from that of the
// `permutationMap`. To support such case, we need to:
// 1. apply on the `insertedPos.size()` major dimensions
// 2. check the other dimensions of the permutation form a minor identity.
assert(permutationMap.isPermutation() && "expected a permutation");
if (insertedPos.size() == extractedPos.size()) {
bool fold = true;
for (unsigned idx = 0, sz = extractedPos.size(); idx < sz; ++idx) {
auto pos = permutationMap.getDimPosition(idx);
if (pos >= sz || insertedPos[pos] != extractedPos[idx]) {
fold = false;
if (fold) {
assert(permutationMap.getNumResults() >= insertedPos.size() &&
"expected map of rank larger than insert indexing");
unsigned minorRank =
permutationMap.getNumResults() - insertedPos.size();
AffineMap minorMap = permutationMap.getMinorSubMap(minorRank);
if (!minorMap || minorMap.isMinorIdentity())
return insertOp.source();
// If we haven't found a match, just continue to the next producing
// `vector.insert` / `vector.transpose`.
// Compute insert/transpose for the next iteration.
insertOp = insertionDest.getDefiningOp<vector::InsertOp>();
transposeOp = insertionDest.getDefiningOp<vector::TransposeOp>();
return Value();
/// Fold extractOp with scalar result coming from BroadcastOp.
static Value foldExtractFromBroadcast(ExtractOp extractOp) {
auto broadcastOp = extractOp.vector().getDefiningOp<vector::BroadcastOp>();
if (!broadcastOp)
return Value();
if (extractOp.getType() == broadcastOp.getSourceType())
return broadcastOp.source();
auto getRank = [](Type type) {
return type.isa<VectorType>() ? type.cast<VectorType>().getRank() : 0;
unsigned broadcasrSrcRank = getRank(broadcastOp.getSourceType());
unsigned extractResultRank = getRank(extractOp.getType());
if (extractResultRank < broadcasrSrcRank) {
auto extractPos = extractVector<int64_t>(extractOp.position());
unsigned rankDiff = broadcasrSrcRank - extractResultRank;
std::next(extractPos.begin(), extractPos.size() - rankDiff));
// OpBuilder is only used as a helper to build an I64ArrayAttr.
OpBuilder b(extractOp.getContext());
return extractOp.getResult();
// TODO: In case the rank of the broadcast source is greater than the rank of
// the extract result this can be combined into a new broadcast op. This needs
// to be added a canonicalization pattern if needed.
return Value();
// Fold extractOp with source coming from ShapeCast op.
static Value foldExtractFromShapeCast(ExtractOp extractOp) {
auto shapeCastOp = extractOp.vector().getDefiningOp<vector::ShapeCastOp>();
if (!shapeCastOp)
return Value();
// Get the nth dimension size starting from lowest dimension.
auto getDimReverse = [](VectorType type, int64_t n) {
return type.getShape().take_back(n + 1).front();
int64_t destinationRank =
? extractOp.getType().cast<VectorType>().getRank()
: 0;
if (destinationRank > shapeCastOp.getSourceVectorType().getRank())
return Value();
if (destinationRank > 0) {
auto destinationType = extractOp.getResult().getType().cast<VectorType>();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < destinationRank; i++) {
// The lowest dimension of of the destination must match the lowest
// dimension of the shapecast op source.
// TODO: This case could be support in a canonicalization pattern.
if (getDimReverse(shapeCastOp.getSourceVectorType(), i) !=
getDimReverse(destinationType, i))
return Value();
// Extract the strides associated with the extract op vector source. Then use
// this to calculate a linearized position for the extract.
auto extractedPos = extractVector<int64_t>(extractOp.position());
std::reverse(extractedPos.begin(), extractedPos.end());
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> strides;
int64_t stride = 1;
for (int64_t i = 0, e = extractedPos.size(); i < e; i++) {
stride *= getDimReverse(extractOp.getVectorType(), i + destinationRank);
int64_t position = linearize(extractedPos, strides);
// Then extract the strides associated to the shapeCast op vector source and
// delinearize the position using those strides.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> newStrides;
int64_t numDimension =
shapeCastOp.getSourceVectorType().getRank() - destinationRank;
stride = 1;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < numDimension; i++) {
stride *=
getDimReverse(shapeCastOp.getSourceVectorType(), i + destinationRank);
std::reverse(newStrides.begin(), newStrides.end());
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> newPosition = delinearize(newStrides, position);
// OpBuilder is only used as a helper to build an I64ArrayAttr.
OpBuilder b(extractOp.getContext());
return extractOp.getResult();
OpFoldResult ExtractOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute>) {
if (position().empty())
return vector();
if (succeeded(foldExtractOpFromExtractChain(*this)))
return getResult();
if (succeeded(foldExtractOpFromTranspose(*this)))
return getResult();
if (auto val = foldExtractOpFromInsertChainAndTranspose(*this))
return val;
if (auto val = foldExtractFromBroadcast(*this))
return val;
if (auto val = foldExtractFromShapeCast(*this))
return val;
return OpFoldResult();
namespace {
// If extractOp is only removing unit dimensions it can be transformed to a
// shapecast.
class ExtractToShapeCast final : public OpRewritePattern<ExtractOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<ExtractOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ExtractOp extractOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto dstVecType = extractOp.getResult().getType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (!dstVecType || extractOp.getVectorType().getNumElements() !=
return failure();
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<ShapeCastOp>(extractOp, dstVecType,
return success();
} // namespace
void ExtractOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
static void populateFromInt64AttrArray(ArrayAttr arrayAttr,
SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &results) {
for (auto attr : arrayAttr)
// ExtractMapOp
void ExtractMapOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value vector, ValueRange ids,
ArrayRef<int64_t> multiplicity,
AffineMap permutationMap) {
assert(ids.size() == multiplicity.size() &&
ids.size() == permutationMap.getNumResults());
VectorType type = vector.getType().cast<VectorType>();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> newShape(type.getShape().begin(),
for (unsigned i = 0, e = permutationMap.getNumResults(); i < e; i++) {
AffineExpr expr = permutationMap.getResult(i);
auto dim = expr.cast<AffineDimExpr>();
newShape[dim.getPosition()] = newShape[dim.getPosition()] / multiplicity[i];
VectorType resultType = VectorType::get(newShape, type.getElementType());
ExtractMapOp::build(builder, result, resultType, vector, ids);
static LogicalResult verify(ExtractMapOp op) {
if (op.getSourceVectorType().getRank() != op.getResultType().getRank())
return op.emitOpError(
"expected source and destination vectors of same rank");
unsigned numId = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = op.getSourceVectorType().getRank(); i < e; ++i) {
if (op.getSourceVectorType().getDimSize(i) %
op.getResultType().getDimSize(i) !=
return op.emitOpError("source vector dimensions must be a multiple of "
"destination vector dimensions");
if (op.getSourceVectorType().getDimSize(i) !=
if (numId != op.ids().size())
return op.emitOpError("expected number of ids must match the number of "
"dimensions distributed");
return success();
OpFoldResult ExtractMapOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
auto insert = vector().getDefiningOp<vector::InsertMapOp>();
if (insert == nullptr || getType() != insert.vector().getType() ||
ids() != insert.ids())
return {};
return insert.vector();
void ExtractMapOp::getMultiplicity(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &multiplicity) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getSourceVectorType().getRank(); i < e; i++) {
if (getSourceVectorType().getDimSize(i) != getResultType().getDimSize(i))
multiplicity.push_back(getSourceVectorType().getDimSize(i) /
template <typename MapOp>
AffineMap calculateImplicitMap(MapOp op) {
SmallVector<AffineExpr, 4> perm;
// Check which dimension have a multiplicity greater than 1 and associated
// them to the IDs in order.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = op.getSourceVectorType().getRank(); i < e; i++) {
if (op.getSourceVectorType().getDimSize(i) !=
perm.push_back(getAffineDimExpr(i, op.getContext()));
auto map = AffineMap::get(op.getSourceVectorType().getRank(), 0, perm,
return map;
AffineMap ExtractMapOp::map() { return calculateImplicitMap(*this); }
// FmaOp
Optional<SmallVector<int64_t, 4>> FMAOp::getShapeForUnroll() {
return llvm::to_vector<4>(getVectorType().getShape());
// BroadcastOp
static LogicalResult verify(BroadcastOp op) {
VectorType srcVectorType = op.getSourceType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
VectorType dstVectorType = op.getVectorType();
// Scalar to vector broadcast is always valid. A vector
// to vector broadcast needs some additional checking.
if (srcVectorType) {
int64_t srcRank = srcVectorType.getRank();
int64_t dstRank = dstVectorType.getRank();
if (srcRank > dstRank)
return op.emitOpError("source rank higher than destination rank");
// Source has an exact match or singleton value for all trailing dimensions
// (all leading dimensions are simply duplicated).
int64_t lead = dstRank - srcRank;
for (int64_t r = 0; r < srcRank; ++r) {
int64_t srcDim = srcVectorType.getDimSize(r);
int64_t dstDim = dstVectorType.getDimSize(lead + r);
if (srcDim != 1 && srcDim != dstDim)
return op.emitOpError("dimension mismatch (")
<< srcDim << " vs. " << dstDim << ")";
return success();
OpFoldResult BroadcastOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
if (!operands[0])
return {};
auto vectorType = getVectorType();
if (operands[0].getType().isIntOrIndexOrFloat())
return DenseElementsAttr::get(vectorType, operands[0]);
if (auto attr = operands[0].dyn_cast<SplatElementsAttr>())
return DenseElementsAttr::get(vectorType, attr.getSplatValue());
return {};
namespace {
// BroadcastOp can only add dimensions or broadcast a dimension from 1 to N. In
// the degenerated case where the broadcast only adds dimensions of size 1 it
// can be replaced by a ShapeCastOp. This canonicalization checks if the total
// number of elements is the same before and after the broadcast to detect if
// the only change in the vector type are new dimensions of size 1.
class BroadcastToShapeCast final : public OpRewritePattern<BroadcastOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<BroadcastOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(BroadcastOp broadcastOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto srcVecType = broadcastOp.getSourceType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (!srcVecType || broadcastOp.getVectorType().getNumElements() !=
return failure();
broadcastOp, broadcastOp.getVectorType(), broadcastOp.source());
return success();
// Fold broadcast1(broadcast2(x)) into broadcast1(x).
struct BroadcastFolder : public OpRewritePattern<BroadcastOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<BroadcastOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(BroadcastOp broadcastOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto srcBroadcast = broadcastOp.source().getDefiningOp<BroadcastOp>();
if (!srcBroadcast)
return failure();
broadcastOp, broadcastOp.getVectorType(), srcBroadcast.source());
return success();
} // namespace
void BroadcastOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
results.add<BroadcastToShapeCast, BroadcastFolder>(context);
// ShuffleOp
void ShuffleOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value v1,
Value v2, ArrayRef<int64_t> mask) {
result.addOperands({v1, v2});
auto maskAttr = getVectorSubscriptAttr(builder, mask);
result.addAttribute(getMaskAttrName(), maskAttr);
static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, ShuffleOp op) {
p << " " << op.v1() << ", " << op.v2() << " " << op.mask();
p.printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(), {ShuffleOp::getMaskAttrName()});
p << " : " << op.v1().getType() << ", " << op.v2().getType();
static LogicalResult verify(ShuffleOp op) {
VectorType resultType = op.getVectorType();
VectorType v1Type = op.getV1VectorType();
VectorType v2Type = op.getV2VectorType();
// Verify ranks.
int64_t resRank = resultType.getRank();
int64_t v1Rank = v1Type.getRank();
int64_t v2Rank = v2Type.getRank();
if (resRank != v1Rank || v1Rank != v2Rank)
return op.emitOpError("rank mismatch");
// Verify all but leading dimension sizes.
for (int64_t r = 1; r < v1Rank; ++r) {
int64_t resDim = resultType.getDimSize(r);
int64_t v1Dim = v1Type.getDimSize(r);
int64_t v2Dim = v2Type.getDimSize(r);
if (resDim != v1Dim || v1Dim != v2Dim)
return op.emitOpError("dimension mismatch");
// Verify mask length.
auto maskAttr = op.mask().getValue();
int64_t maskLength = maskAttr.size();
if (maskLength != resultType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("mask length mismatch");
// Verify all indices.
int64_t indexSize = v1Type.getDimSize(0) + v2Type.getDimSize(0);
for (auto en : llvm::enumerate(maskAttr)) {
auto attr = en.value().dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>();
if (!attr || attr.getInt() < 0 || attr.getInt() >= indexSize)
return op.emitOpError("mask index #")
<< (en.index() + 1) << " out of range";
return success();
static ParseResult parseShuffleOp(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
OpAsmParser::OperandType v1, v2;
Attribute attr;
VectorType v1Type, v2Type;
if (parser.parseOperand(v1) || parser.parseComma() ||
parser.parseOperand(v2) ||
parser.parseAttribute(attr, ShuffleOp::getMaskAttrName(),
result.attributes) ||
parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes) ||
parser.parseColonType(v1Type) || parser.parseComma() ||
parser.parseType(v2Type) ||
parser.resolveOperand(v1, v1Type, result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperand(v2, v2Type, result.operands))
return failure();
// Construct resulting type: leading dimension matches mask length,
// all trailing dimensions match the operands.
auto maskAttr = attr.dyn_cast<ArrayAttr>();
if (!maskAttr)
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(), "missing mask attribute");
int64_t maskLength = maskAttr.size();
if (maskLength <= 0)
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(), "invalid mask length");
int64_t v1Rank = v1Type.getRank();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> shape;
for (int64_t r = 1; r < v1Rank; ++r)
VectorType resType = VectorType::get(shape, v1Type.getElementType());
parser.addTypeToList(resType, result.types);
return success();
// InsertElementOp
void InsertElementOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source, Value dest, Value position) {
result.addOperands({source, dest, position});
void InsertElementOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source, Value dest, int64_t position) {
Value pos = builder.create<ConstantIntOp>(result.location, position, 32);
build(builder, result, source, dest, pos);
static LogicalResult verify(InsertElementOp op) {
auto dstVectorType = op.getDestVectorType();
if (dstVectorType.getRank() != 1)
return op.emitOpError("expected 1-D vector");
return success();
// InsertOp
void InsertOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value source,
Value dest, ArrayRef<int64_t> position) {
result.addOperands({source, dest});
auto positionAttr = getVectorSubscriptAttr(builder, position);
result.addAttribute(getPositionAttrName(), positionAttr);
// Convenience builder which assumes the values are constant indices.
void InsertOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, Value source,
Value dest, ValueRange position) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> positionConstants =
llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(position, [](Value pos) {
return pos.getDefiningOp<ConstantIndexOp>().getValue();
build(builder, result, source, dest, positionConstants);
static LogicalResult verify(InsertOp op) {
auto positionAttr = op.position().getValue();
auto destVectorType = op.getDestVectorType();
if (positionAttr.size() > static_cast<unsigned>(destVectorType.getRank()))
return op.emitOpError(
"expected position attribute of rank smaller than dest vector rank");
auto srcVectorType = op.getSourceType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (srcVectorType &&
(static_cast<unsigned>(srcVectorType.getRank()) + positionAttr.size() !=
return op.emitOpError("expected position attribute rank + source rank to "
"match dest vector rank");
else if (!srcVectorType && (positionAttr.size() !=
return op.emitOpError(
"expected position attribute rank to match the dest vector rank");
for (auto en : llvm::enumerate(positionAttr)) {
auto attr = en.value().dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>();
if (!attr || attr.getInt() < 0 ||
attr.getInt() >= destVectorType.getDimSize(en.index()))
return op.emitOpError("expected position attribute #")
<< (en.index() + 1)
<< " to be a non-negative integer smaller than the corresponding "
"dest vector dimension";
return success();
namespace {
// If insertOp is only inserting unit dimensions it can be transformed to a
// shapecast.
class InsertToShapeCast final : public OpRewritePattern<InsertOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<InsertOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(InsertOp insertOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto srcVecType = insertOp.getSourceType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (!srcVecType || insertOp.getDestVectorType().getNumElements() !=
return failure();
insertOp, insertOp.getDestVectorType(), insertOp.source());
return success();
} // namespace
void InsertOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
// Eliminates insert operations that produce values identical to their source
// value. This happens when the source and destination vectors have identical
// sizes.
OpFoldResult vector::InsertOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
if (position().empty())
return source();
return {};
// InsertMapOp
void InsertMapOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value vector, Value dest, ValueRange ids) {
InsertMapOp::build(builder, result, dest.getType(), vector, dest, ids);
static LogicalResult verify(InsertMapOp op) {
if (op.getSourceVectorType().getRank() != op.getResultType().getRank())
return op.emitOpError(
"expected source and destination vectors of same rank");
unsigned numId = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = op.getResultType().getRank(); i < e; i++) {
if (op.getResultType().getDimSize(i) %
op.getSourceVectorType().getDimSize(i) !=
return op.emitOpError(
"destination vector size must be a multiple of source vector size");
if (op.getResultType().getDimSize(i) !=
if (numId != op.ids().size())
return op.emitOpError("expected number of ids must match the number of "
"dimensions distributed");
return success();
AffineMap InsertMapOp::map() { return calculateImplicitMap(*this); }
// InsertStridedSliceOp
void InsertStridedSliceOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source, Value dest,
ArrayRef<int64_t> offsets,
ArrayRef<int64_t> strides) {
result.addOperands({source, dest});
auto offsetsAttr = getVectorSubscriptAttr(builder, offsets);
auto stridesAttr = getVectorSubscriptAttr(builder, strides);
result.addAttribute(getOffsetsAttrName(), offsetsAttr);
result.addAttribute(getStridesAttrName(), stridesAttr);
// TODO: Should be moved to Tablegen Confined attributes.
template <typename OpType>
static LogicalResult isIntegerArrayAttrSmallerThanShape(OpType op,
ArrayAttr arrayAttr,
ArrayRef<int64_t> shape,
StringRef attrName) {
if (arrayAttr.size() > shape.size())
return op.emitOpError("expected ")
<< attrName << " attribute of rank smaller than vector rank";
return success();
// Returns true if all integers in `arrayAttr` are in the half-open [min, max}
// interval. If `halfOpen` is true then the admissible interval is [min, max).
// Otherwise, the admissible interval is [min, max].
template <typename OpType>
static LogicalResult
isIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToRange(OpType op, ArrayAttr arrayAttr, int64_t min,
int64_t max, StringRef attrName,
bool halfOpen = true) {
for (auto attr : arrayAttr) {
auto val = attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
auto upper = max;
if (!halfOpen)
upper += 1;
if (val < min || val >= upper)
return op.emitOpError("expected ") << attrName << " to be confined to ["
<< min << ", " << upper << ")";
return success();
// Returns true if all integers in `arrayAttr` are in the half-open [min, max}
// interval. If `halfOpen` is true then the admissible interval is [min, max).
// Otherwise, the admissible interval is [min, max].
template <typename OpType>
static LogicalResult
isIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToShape(OpType op, ArrayAttr arrayAttr,
ArrayRef<int64_t> shape, StringRef attrName,
bool halfOpen = true, int64_t min = 0) {
assert(arrayAttr.size() <= shape.size());
unsigned index = 0;
for (auto it : llvm::zip(arrayAttr, shape)) {
auto val = std::get<0>(it).cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
auto max = std::get<1>(it);
if (!halfOpen)
max += 1;
if (val < min || val >= max)
return op.emitOpError("expected ")
<< attrName << " dimension " << index << " to be confined to ["
<< min << ", " << max << ")";
return success();
// Returns true if all integers in `arrayAttr` are in the interval [min, max}.
// interval. If `halfOpen` is true then the admissible interval is [min, max).
// Otherwise, the admissible interval is [min, max].
template <typename OpType>
static LogicalResult isSumOfIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToShape(
OpType op, ArrayAttr arrayAttr1, ArrayAttr arrayAttr2,
ArrayRef<int64_t> shape, StringRef attrName1, StringRef attrName2,
bool halfOpen = true, int64_t min = 1) {
assert(arrayAttr1.size() <= shape.size());
assert(arrayAttr2.size() <= shape.size());
unsigned index = 0;
for (auto it : llvm::zip(arrayAttr1, arrayAttr2, shape)) {
auto val1 = std::get<0>(it).cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
auto val2 = std::get<1>(it).cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
auto max = std::get<2>(it);
if (!halfOpen)
max += 1;
if (val1 + val2 < 0 || val1 + val2 >= max)
return op.emitOpError("expected sum(")
<< attrName1 << ", " << attrName2 << ") dimension " << index
<< " to be confined to [" << min << ", " << max << ")";
return success();
static ArrayAttr makeI64ArrayAttr(ArrayRef<int64_t> values,
MLIRContext *context) {
auto attrs = llvm::map_range(values, [context](int64_t v) -> Attribute {
return IntegerAttr::get(IntegerType::get(context, 64), APInt(64, v));
return ArrayAttr::get(context, llvm::to_vector<8>(attrs));
static LogicalResult verify(InsertStridedSliceOp op) {
auto sourceVectorType = op.getSourceVectorType();
auto destVectorType = op.getDestVectorType();
auto offsets = op.offsets();
auto strides = op.strides();
if (offsets.size() != static_cast<unsigned>(destVectorType.getRank()))
return op.emitOpError(
"expected offsets of same size as destination vector rank");
if (strides.size() != static_cast<unsigned>(sourceVectorType.getRank()))
return op.emitOpError(
"expected strides of same size as source vector rank");
if (sourceVectorType.getRank() > destVectorType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError(
"expected source rank to be smaller than destination rank");
auto sourceShape = sourceVectorType.getShape();
auto destShape = destVectorType.getShape();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sourceShapeAsDestShape(
destShape.size() - sourceShape.size(), 0);
sourceShapeAsDestShape.append(sourceShape.begin(), sourceShape.end());
auto offName = InsertStridedSliceOp::getOffsetsAttrName();
auto stridesName = InsertStridedSliceOp::getStridesAttrName();
if (failed(
isIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToShape(op, offsets, destShape, offName)) ||
failed(isIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToRange(op, strides, 1, 1, stridesName,
/*halfOpen=*/false)) ||
op, offsets,
makeI64ArrayAttr(sourceShapeAsDestShape, op.getContext()), destShape,
offName, "source vector shape",
/*halfOpen=*/false, /*min=*/1)))
return failure();
return success();
// OuterProductOp
/// Build an op without mask, use the type of `acc` as the return type.
void OuterProductOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value lhs, Value rhs, Value acc) {
result.addOperands({lhs, rhs, acc});
static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, OuterProductOp op) {
p << " " << op.lhs() << ", " << op.rhs();
if (!op.acc().empty()) {
p << ", " << op.acc();
p << " : " << op.lhs().getType() << ", " << op.rhs().getType();
static ParseResult parseOuterProductOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
OperationState &result) {
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 3> operandsInfo;
Type tLHS, tRHS;
if (parser.parseOperandList(operandsInfo) ||
parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes) ||
parser.parseColonType(tLHS) || parser.parseComma() ||
return failure();
if (operandsInfo.size() < 2)
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(),
"expected at least 2 operands");
VectorType vLHS = tLHS.dyn_cast<VectorType>();
VectorType vRHS = tRHS.dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (!vLHS)
return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc(),
"expected vector type for operand #1");
VectorType resType =
vRHS ? VectorType::get({vLHS.getDimSize(0), vRHS.getDimSize(0)},
: VectorType::get({vLHS.getDimSize(0)}, vLHS.getElementType());
if (!result.attributes.get(OuterProductOp::getKindAttrName())) {
return failure(
parser.resolveOperand(operandsInfo[0], tLHS, result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperand(operandsInfo[1], tRHS, result.operands) ||
(operandsInfo.size() > 2 &&
parser.resolveOperand(operandsInfo[2], resType, result.operands)) ||
parser.addTypeToList(resType, result.types));
static LogicalResult verify(OuterProductOp op) {
Type tRHS = op.getOperandTypeRHS();
VectorType vLHS = op.getOperandVectorTypeLHS(),
vRHS = tRHS.dyn_cast<VectorType>(),
vACC = op.getOperandVectorTypeACC(), vRES = op.getVectorType();
if (vLHS.getRank() != 1)
return op.emitOpError("expected 1-d vector for operand #1");
if (vRHS) {
// Proper OUTER operation.
if (vRHS.getRank() != 1)
return op.emitOpError("expected 1-d vector for operand #2");
if (vRES.getRank() != 2)
return op.emitOpError("expected 2-d vector result");
if (vLHS.getDimSize(0) != vRES.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected #1 operand dim to match result dim #1");
if (vRHS.getDimSize(0) != vRES.getDimSize(1))
return op.emitOpError("expected #2 operand dim to match result dim #2");
} else {
// An AXPY operation.
if (vRES.getRank() != 1)
return op.emitOpError("expected 1-d vector result");
if (vLHS.getDimSize(0) != vRES.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected #1 operand dim to match result dim #1");
if (vACC && vACC != vRES)
return op.emitOpError("expected operand #3 of same type as result type");
// Verify supported combining kind.
if (!isSupportedCombiningKind(op.kind(), vRES.getElementType()))
return op.emitOpError("unsupported outerproduct type");
return success();
// ReshapeOp
static LogicalResult verify(ReshapeOp op) {
// Verify that rank(numInputs/outputs) + numFixedVec dim matches vec rank.
auto inputVectorType = op.getInputVectorType();
auto outputVectorType = op.getOutputVectorType();
int64_t inputShapeRank = op.getNumInputShapeSizes();
int64_t outputShapeRank = op.getNumOutputShapeSizes();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> fixedVectorSizes;
int64_t numFixedVectorSizes = fixedVectorSizes.size();
if (inputVectorType.getRank() != inputShapeRank + numFixedVectorSizes)
return op.emitError("invalid input shape for vector type ")
<< inputVectorType;
if (outputVectorType.getRank() != outputShapeRank + numFixedVectorSizes)
return op.emitError("invalid output shape for vector type ")
<< outputVectorType;
// Verify that the 'fixedVectorSizes' match an input/output vector shape
// suffix.
unsigned inputVectorRank = inputVectorType.getRank();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numFixedVectorSizes; ++i) {
unsigned index = inputVectorRank - numFixedVectorSizes - i;
if (fixedVectorSizes[i] != inputVectorType.getShape()[index])
return op.emitError("fixed vector size must match input vector for dim ")
<< i;
unsigned outputVectorRank = outputVectorType.getRank();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numFixedVectorSizes; ++i) {
unsigned index = outputVectorRank - numFixedVectorSizes - i;
if (fixedVectorSizes[i] != outputVectorType.getShape()[index])
return op.emitError("fixed vector size must match output vector for dim ")
<< i;
// If all shape operands are produced by constant ops, verify that product
// of dimensions for input/output shape match.
auto isDefByConstant = [](Value operand) {
return isa_and_nonnull<ConstantIndexOp>(operand.getDefiningOp());
if (llvm::all_of(op.input_shape(), isDefByConstant) &&
llvm::all_of(op.output_shape(), isDefByConstant)) {
int64_t numInputElements = 1;
for (auto operand : op.input_shape())
numInputElements *=
int64_t numOutputElements = 1;
for (auto operand : op.output_shape())
numOutputElements *=
if (numInputElements != numOutputElements)
return op.emitError("product of input and output shape sizes must match");
return success();
void ReshapeOp::getFixedVectorSizes(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &results) {
populateFromInt64AttrArray(fixed_vector_sizes(), results);
// ExtractStridedSliceOp
// Inference works as follows:
// 1. Add 'sizes' from prefix of dims in 'offsets'.
// 2. Add sizes from 'vectorType' for remaining dims.
static Type inferStridedSliceOpResultType(VectorType vectorType,
ArrayAttr offsets, ArrayAttr sizes,
ArrayAttr strides) {
assert(offsets.size() == sizes.size() && offsets.size() == strides.size());
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> shape;
unsigned idx = 0;
for (unsigned e = offsets.size(); idx < e; ++idx)
for (unsigned e = vectorType.getShape().size(); idx < e; ++idx)
return VectorType::get(shape, vectorType.getElementType());
void ExtractStridedSliceOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source, ArrayRef<int64_t> offsets,
ArrayRef<int64_t> sizes,
ArrayRef<int64_t> strides) {
auto offsetsAttr = getVectorSubscriptAttr(builder, offsets);
auto sizesAttr = getVectorSubscriptAttr(builder, sizes);
auto stridesAttr = getVectorSubscriptAttr(builder, strides);
offsetsAttr, sizesAttr, stridesAttr));
result.addAttribute(getOffsetsAttrName(), offsetsAttr);
result.addAttribute(getSizesAttrName(), sizesAttr);
result.addAttribute(getStridesAttrName(), stridesAttr);
static LogicalResult verify(ExtractStridedSliceOp op) {
auto type = op.getVectorType();
auto offsets = op.offsets();
auto sizes = op.sizes();
auto strides = op.strides();
if (offsets.size() != sizes.size() || offsets.size() != strides.size()) {
"expected offsets, sizes and strides attributes of same size");
return failure();
auto shape = type.getShape();
auto offName = ExtractStridedSliceOp::getOffsetsAttrName();
auto sizesName = ExtractStridedSliceOp::getSizesAttrName();
auto stridesName = ExtractStridedSliceOp::getStridesAttrName();
if (failed(isIntegerArrayAttrSmallerThanShape(op, offsets, shape, offName)) ||
failed(isIntegerArrayAttrSmallerThanShape(op, sizes, shape, sizesName)) ||
failed(isIntegerArrayAttrSmallerThanShape(op, strides, shape,
stridesName)) ||
failed(isIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToShape(op, offsets, shape, offName)) ||
failed(isIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToShape(op, sizes, shape, sizesName,
/*min=*/1)) ||
failed(isIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToRange(op, strides, 1, 1, stridesName,
/*halfOpen=*/false)) ||
failed(isSumOfIntegerArrayAttrConfinedToShape(op, offsets, sizes, shape,
offName, sizesName,
return failure();
auto resultType = inferStridedSliceOpResultType(
op.getVectorType(), op.offsets(), op.sizes(), op.strides());
if (op.getResult().getType() != resultType) {
op.emitOpError("expected result type to be ") << resultType;
return failure();
return success();
// When the source of ExtractStrided comes from a chain of InsertStrided ops try
// to use the source of the InsertStrided ops if we can detect that the
// extracted vector is a subset of one of the vector inserted.
static LogicalResult
foldExtractStridedOpFromInsertChain(ExtractStridedSliceOp op) {
// Helper to extract integer out of ArrayAttr.
auto getElement = [](ArrayAttr array, int idx) {
return array[idx].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
ArrayAttr extractOffsets = op.offsets();
ArrayAttr extractStrides = op.strides();
ArrayAttr extractSizes = op.sizes();
auto insertOp = op.vector().getDefiningOp<InsertStridedSliceOp>();
while (insertOp) {
if (op.getVectorType().getRank() !=
return failure();
ArrayAttr insertOffsets = insertOp.offsets();
ArrayAttr insertStrides = insertOp.strides();
// If the rank of extract is greater than the rank of insert, we are likely
// extracting a partial chunk of the vector inserted.
if (extractOffsets.size() > insertOffsets.size())
return failure();
bool patialoverlap = false;
bool disjoint = false;
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> offsetDiffs;
for (unsigned dim = 0, e = extractOffsets.size(); dim < e; ++dim) {
if (getElement(extractStrides, dim) != getElement(insertStrides, dim))
return failure();
int64_t start = getElement(insertOffsets, dim);
int64_t end = start + insertOp.getSourceVectorType().getDimSize(dim);
int64_t offset = getElement(extractOffsets, dim);
int64_t size = getElement(extractSizes, dim);
// Check if the start of the extract offset is in the interval inserted.
if (start <= offset && offset < end) {
// If the extract interval overlaps but is not fully included we may
// have a partial overlap that will prevent any folding.
if (offset + size > end)
patialoverlap = true;
offsetDiffs.push_back(offset - start);
disjoint = true;
// The extract element chunk is a subset of the insert element.
if (!disjoint && !patialoverlap) {
// OpBuilder is only used as a helper to build an I64ArrayAttr.
OpBuilder b(op.getContext());
return success();
// If the chunk extracted is disjoint from the chunk inserted, keep looking
// in the insert chain.
if (disjoint)
insertOp = insertOp.dest().getDefiningOp<InsertStridedSliceOp>();
else {
// The extracted vector partially overlap the inserted vector, we cannot
// fold.
return failure();
return failure();
OpFoldResult ExtractStridedSliceOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
if (getVectorType() == getResult().getType())
return vector();
if (succeeded(foldExtractStridedOpFromInsertChain(*this)))
return getResult();
return {};
void ExtractStridedSliceOp::getOffsets(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &results) {
populateFromInt64AttrArray(offsets(), results);
namespace {
// Pattern to rewrite an ExtractStridedSliceOp(ConstantMaskOp) to
// ConstantMaskOp.
class StridedSliceConstantMaskFolder final
: public OpRewritePattern<ExtractStridedSliceOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<ExtractStridedSliceOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ExtractStridedSliceOp extractStridedSliceOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Return if 'extractStridedSliceOp' operand is not defined by a
// ConstantMaskOp.
auto defOp = extractStridedSliceOp.vector().getDefiningOp();
auto constantMaskOp = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantMaskOp>(defOp);
if (!constantMaskOp)
return failure();
// Return if 'extractStridedSliceOp' has non-unit strides.
if (llvm::any_of(extractStridedSliceOp.strides(), [](Attribute attr) {
return attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt() != 1;
return failure();
// Gather constant mask dimension sizes.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> maskDimSizes;
populateFromInt64AttrArray(constantMaskOp.mask_dim_sizes(), maskDimSizes);
// Gather strided slice offsets and sizes.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sliceOffsets;
populateFromInt64AttrArray(extractStridedSliceOp.offsets(), sliceOffsets);
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sliceSizes;
populateFromInt64AttrArray(extractStridedSliceOp.sizes(), sliceSizes);
// Compute slice of vector mask region.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sliceMaskDimSizes;
assert(sliceOffsets.size() == maskDimSizes.size());
for (auto it : llvm::zip(maskDimSizes, sliceOffsets, sliceSizes)) {
int64_t maskDimSize = std::get<0>(it);
int64_t sliceOffset = std::get<1>(it);
int64_t sliceSize = std::get<2>(it);
int64_t sliceMaskDimSize = std::max(
std::min(sliceOffset + sliceSize, maskDimSize) - sliceOffset);
// If any of 'sliceMaskDimSizes' are zero, then set all to zero (masked
// region is a conjunction of mask dim intervals).
if (llvm::any_of(sliceMaskDimSizes, [](int64_t sz) { return sz == 0; }))
sliceMaskDimSizes.assign(maskDimSizes.size(), 0);
// Replace 'extractStridedSliceOp' with ConstantMaskOp with sliced mask
// region.
extractStridedSliceOp, extractStridedSliceOp.getResult().getType(),
vector::getVectorSubscriptAttr(rewriter, sliceMaskDimSizes));
return success();
// Pattern to rewrite a ExtractStridedSliceOp(splat ConstantOp) -> ConstantOp.
class StridedSliceConstantFolder final
: public OpRewritePattern<ExtractStridedSliceOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<ExtractStridedSliceOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ExtractStridedSliceOp extractStridedSliceOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Return if 'extractStridedSliceOp' operand is not defined by a
// ConstantOp.
auto constantOp =
if (!constantOp)
return failure();
auto dense = constantOp.value().dyn_cast<SplatElementsAttr>();
if (!dense)
return failure();
auto newAttr = DenseElementsAttr::get(extractStridedSliceOp.getType(),
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<ConstantOp>(extractStridedSliceOp, newAttr);
return success();
// Helper that returns a subset of `arrayAttr` as a vector of int64_t.
static SmallVector<int64_t, 4> getI64SubArray(ArrayAttr arrayAttr,
unsigned dropFront = 0,
unsigned dropBack = 0) {
assert(arrayAttr.size() > dropFront + dropBack && "Out of bounds");
auto range = arrayAttr.getAsRange<IntegerAttr>();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> res;
res.reserve(arrayAttr.size() - dropFront - dropBack);
for (auto it = range.begin() + dropFront, eit = range.end() - dropBack;
it != eit; ++it)
return res;
// Pattern to rewrite an ExtractStridedSliceOp(BroadcastOp) to
// BroadcastOp(ExtractStrideSliceOp).
class StridedSliceBroadcast final
: public OpRewritePattern<ExtractStridedSliceOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<ExtractStridedSliceOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ExtractStridedSliceOp op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto broadcast = op.vector().getDefiningOp<BroadcastOp>();
if (!broadcast)
return failure();
auto srcVecType = broadcast.source().getType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
unsigned srcRrank = srcVecType ? srcVecType.getRank() : 0;
auto dstVecType = op.getType().cast<VectorType>();
unsigned dstRank = dstVecType.getRank();
unsigned rankDiff = dstRank - srcRrank;
// Check if the most inner dimensions of the source of the broadcast are the
// same as the destination of the extract. If this is the case we can just
// use a broadcast as the original dimensions are untouched.
bool lowerDimMatch = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < srcRrank; i++) {
if (srcVecType.getDimSize(i) != dstVecType.getDimSize(i + rankDiff)) {
lowerDimMatch = false;
Value source = broadcast.source();
if (!lowerDimMatch) {
// The inner dimensions don't match, it means we need to extract from the
// source of the orignal broadcast and then broadcast the extracted value.
source = rewriter.create<ExtractStridedSliceOp>(
op->getLoc(), source,
getI64SubArray(op.offsets(), /* dropFront=*/rankDiff),
getI64SubArray(op.sizes(), /* dropFront=*/rankDiff),
getI64SubArray(op.strides(), /* dropFront=*/rankDiff));
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<BroadcastOp>(op, op.getType(), source);
return success();
} // end anonymous namespace
void ExtractStridedSliceOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &results, MLIRContext *context) {
// Pattern to rewrite a ExtractStridedSliceOp(ConstantMaskOp) ->
// ConstantMaskOp and ExtractStridedSliceOp(ConstantOp) -> ConstantOp.
results.add<StridedSliceConstantMaskFolder, StridedSliceConstantFolder,
// TransferReadOp
template <typename EmitFun>
static LogicalResult verifyPermutationMap(AffineMap permutationMap,
EmitFun emitOpError) {
SmallVector<bool, 8> seen(permutationMap.getNumInputs(), false);
for (auto expr : permutationMap.getResults()) {
auto dim = expr.dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>();
auto zero = expr.dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>();
if (zero) {
if (zero.getValue() != 0) {
return emitOpError(
"requires a projected permutation_map (at most one dim or the zero "
"constant can appear in each result)");
if (!dim) {
return emitOpError("requires a projected permutation_map (at most one "
"dim or the zero constant can appear in each result)");
if (seen[dim.getPosition()]) {
return emitOpError(
"requires a permutation_map that is a permutation (found one dim "
"used more than once)");
seen[dim.getPosition()] = true;
return success();
static LogicalResult verifyTransferOp(Operation *op, ShapedType shapedType,
VectorType vectorType,
VectorType maskType,
AffineMap permutationMap,
ArrayAttr inBounds) {
if (op->hasAttr("masked")) {
return op->emitOpError("masked attribute has been removed. "
"Use in_bounds instead.");
if (!shapedType.isa<MemRefType, RankedTensorType>())
return op->emitOpError(
"requires source to be a memref or ranked tensor type");
auto elementType = shapedType.getElementType();
DataLayout dataLayout = DataLayout::closest(op);
if (auto vectorElementType = elementType.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
// Memref or tensor has vector element type.
unsigned sourceVecSize =
dataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(vectorElementType.getElementType()) *
unsigned resultVecSize =
dataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(vectorType.getElementType()) *
if (resultVecSize % sourceVecSize != 0)
return op->emitOpError(
"requires the bitwidth of the minor 1-D vector to be an integral "
"multiple of the bitwidth of the minor 1-D vector of the source");
unsigned sourceVecEltRank = vectorElementType.getRank();
unsigned resultVecRank = vectorType.getRank();
if (sourceVecEltRank > resultVecRank)
return op->emitOpError(
"requires source vector element and vector result ranks to match.");
unsigned rankOffset = resultVecRank - sourceVecEltRank;
// Check that permutation map results match 'rankOffset' of vector type.
if (permutationMap.getNumResults() != rankOffset)
return op->emitOpError("requires a permutation_map with result dims of "
"the same rank as the vector type");
if (maskType)
return op->emitOpError("does not support masks with vector element type");
} else {
// Memref or tensor has scalar element type.
unsigned resultVecSize =
dataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(vectorType.getElementType()) *
if (resultVecSize % dataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(elementType) != 0)
return op->emitOpError(
"requires the bitwidth of the minor 1-D vector to be an integral "
"multiple of the bitwidth of the source element type");
// Check that permutation map results match rank of vector type.
if (permutationMap.getNumResults() != vectorType.getRank())
return op->emitOpError("requires a permutation_map with result dims of "
"the same rank as the vector type");
VectorType expectedMaskType =
vector::detail::transferMaskType(vectorType, permutationMap);
if (maskType && expectedMaskType != maskType)
return op->emitOpError("expects mask type consistent with permutation "
"map: ")
<< maskType;
if (permutationMap.getNumSymbols() != 0)
return op->emitOpError("requires permutation_map without symbols");
if (permutationMap.getNumInputs() != shapedType.getRank())
return op->emitOpError("requires a permutation_map with input dims of the "
"same rank as the source type");
if (inBounds) {
if (permutationMap.getNumResults() != static_cast<int64_t>(inBounds.size()))
return op->emitOpError("expects the optional in_bounds attr of same rank "
"as permutation_map results: ")
<< AffineMapAttr::get(permutationMap);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < permutationMap.getNumResults(); ++i)
if (permutationMap.getResult(i).isa<AffineConstantExpr>() &&
return op->emitOpError("requires broadcast dimensions to be in-bounds");
return success();
/// Builder that sets padding to zero.
void TransferReadOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
VectorType vectorType, Value source,
ValueRange indices, AffineMap permutationMap,
ArrayRef<bool> inBounds) {
Type elemType = source.getType().cast<ShapedType>().getElementType();
Value padding = builder.create<ConstantOp>(result.location, elemType,
if (inBounds.empty())
return build(builder, result, vectorType, source, indices, permutationMap,
padding, ArrayAttr());
ArrayAttr inBoundsArrayAttr = builder.getBoolArrayAttr(inBounds);
build(builder, result, vectorType, source, indices, permutationMap, padding,
/// Builder that sets permutation map to 'getMinorIdentityMap'.
void TransferReadOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
VectorType vectorType, Value source,
ValueRange indices, Value padding,
ArrayRef<bool> inBounds) {
auto permMap = getTransferMinorIdentityMap(
source.getType().cast<ShapedType>(), vectorType);
if (inBounds.empty())
return build(builder, result, vectorType, source, indices, permMap, padding,
ArrayAttr inBoundsArrayAttr = builder.getBoolArrayAttr(inBounds);
build(builder, result, vectorType, source, indices, permMap, padding,
/// Builder that sets permutation map (resp. padding) to 'getMinorIdentityMap'
/// (resp. zero).
void TransferReadOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
VectorType vectorType, Value source,
ValueRange indices, ArrayRef<bool> inBounds) {
auto permMap = getTransferMinorIdentityMap(
source.getType().cast<ShapedType>(), vectorType);
build(builder, result, vectorType, source, indices, permMap, inBounds);
/// Builder that does not provide a mask.
void TransferReadOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Type vectorType, Value source, ValueRange indices,
AffineMap permutationMap, Value padding,
ArrayAttr inBounds) {
build(builder, result, vectorType, source, indices, permutationMap, padding,
/*mask=*/Value(), inBounds);
/// Builder that does not provide a mask.
void TransferReadOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Type vectorType, Value source, ValueRange indices,
AffineMapAttr permutationMap, Value padding,
ArrayAttr inBounds) {
build(builder, result, vectorType, source, indices, permutationMap, padding,
/*mask=*/Value(), inBounds);
static void printTransferAttrs(OpAsmPrinter &p, VectorTransferOpInterface op) {
SmallVector<StringRef, 3> elidedAttrs;
if (op.permutation_map().isMinorIdentity())
bool elideInBounds = true;
if (auto inBounds = op.in_bounds()) {
for (auto attr : *inBounds) {
if (attr.template cast<BoolAttr>().getValue()) {
elideInBounds = false;
if (elideInBounds)
p.printOptionalAttrDict(op->getAttrs(), elidedAttrs);
static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, TransferReadOp op) {
p << " " << op.source() << "[" << op.indices() << "], " << op.padding();
if (op.mask())
p << ", " << op.mask();
printTransferAttrs(p, cast<VectorTransferOpInterface>(op.getOperation()));
p << " : " << op.getShapedType() << ", " << op.getVectorType();
static ParseResult parseTransferReadOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
OperationState &result) {
auto &builder = parser.getBuilder();
llvm::SMLoc typesLoc;
OpAsmParser::OperandType sourceInfo;
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 8> indexInfo;
OpAsmParser::OperandType paddingInfo;
SmallVector<Type, 2> types;
OpAsmParser::OperandType maskInfo;
// Parsing with support for paddingValue.
if (parser.parseOperand(sourceInfo) ||
parser.parseOperandList(indexInfo, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square) ||
parser.parseComma() || parser.parseOperand(paddingInfo))
return failure();
ParseResult hasMask = parser.parseOptionalComma();
if (hasMask.succeeded()) {
if (parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes) ||
parser.getCurrentLocation(&typesLoc) || parser.parseColonTypeList(types))
return failure();
if (types.size() != 2)
return parser.emitError(typesLoc, "requires two types");
auto indexType = builder.getIndexType();
auto shapedType = types[0].dyn_cast<ShapedType>();
if (!shapedType || !shapedType.isa<MemRefType, RankedTensorType>())
return parser.emitError(typesLoc, "requires memref or ranked tensor type");
VectorType vectorType = types[1].dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (!vectorType)
return parser.emitError(typesLoc, "requires vector type");
auto permutationAttrName = TransferReadOp::getPermutationMapAttrName();
Attribute mapAttr = result.attributes.get(permutationAttrName);
if (!mapAttr) {
auto permMap = getTransferMinorIdentityMap(shapedType, vectorType);
mapAttr = AffineMapAttr::get(permMap);
result.attributes.set(permutationAttrName, mapAttr);
if (parser.resolveOperand(sourceInfo, shapedType, result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperands(indexInfo, indexType, result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperand(paddingInfo, shapedType.getElementType(),
return failure();
if (hasMask.succeeded()) {
if (shapedType.getElementType().dyn_cast<VectorType>())
return parser.emitError(
maskInfo.location, "does not support masks with vector element type");
auto map = mapAttr.dyn_cast<AffineMapAttr>().getValue();
// Instead of adding the mask type as an op type, compute it based on the
// vector type and the permutation map (to keep the type signature small).
auto maskType = mlir::vector::detail::transferMaskType(vectorType, map);
if (parser.resolveOperand(maskInfo, maskType, result.operands))
return failure();
builder.getI32VectorAttr({1, static_cast<int32_t>(indexInfo.size()), 1,
return parser.addTypeToList(vectorType, result.types);
static LogicalResult verify(TransferReadOp op) {
// Consistency of elemental types in source and vector.
ShapedType shapedType = op.getShapedType();
VectorType vectorType = op.getVectorType();
VectorType maskType = op.getMaskType();
auto paddingType = op.padding().getType();
auto permutationMap = op.permutation_map();
auto sourceElementType = shapedType.getElementType();
if (static_cast<int64_t>(op.indices().size()) != shapedType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << shapedType.getRank() << " indices";
if (failed(verifyTransferOp(op.getOperation(), shapedType, vectorType,
maskType, permutationMap,
op.in_bounds() ? *op.in_bounds() : ArrayAttr())))
return failure();
if (auto sourceVectorElementType = sourceElementType.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
// Source has vector element type.
// Check that 'sourceVectorElementType' and 'paddingType' types match.
if (sourceVectorElementType != paddingType)
return op.emitOpError(
"requires source element type and padding type to match.");
} else {
// Check that 'paddingType' is valid to store in a vector type.
if (!VectorType::isValidElementType(paddingType))
return op.emitOpError("requires valid padding vector elemental type");
// Check that padding type and vector element types match.
if (paddingType != sourceElementType)
return op.emitOpError(
"requires formal padding and source of the same elemental type");
return verifyPermutationMap(permutationMap,
[&op](Twine t) { return op.emitOpError(t); });
/// This is a common class used for patterns of the form
/// ```
/// someop(memrefcast) -> someop
/// ```
/// It folds the source of the memref.cast into the root operation directly.
static LogicalResult foldMemRefCast(Operation *op) {
bool folded = false;
for (OpOperand &operand : op->getOpOperands()) {
auto castOp = operand.get().getDefiningOp<memref::CastOp>();
if (castOp && memref::CastOp::canFoldIntoConsumerOp(castOp)) {
folded = true;
return success(folded);
static LogicalResult foldTensorCast(Operation *op) {
bool folded = false;
for (OpOperand &operand : op->getOpOperands()) {
auto castOp = operand.get().getDefiningOp<tensor::CastOp>();
if (castOp && tensor::canFoldIntoConsumerOp(castOp)) {
folded = true;
return success(folded);
template <typename TransferOp>
static bool isInBounds(TransferOp op, int64_t resultIdx, int64_t indicesIdx) {
// TODO: support more aggressive createOrFold on:
// `op.indices()[indicesIdx] + vectorType < dim(op.source(), indicesIdx)`
if (op.getShapedType().isDynamicDim(indicesIdx))
return false;
Value index = op.indices()[indicesIdx];
auto cstOp = index.getDefiningOp<ConstantIndexOp>();
if (!cstOp)
return false;
int64_t sourceSize = op.getShapedType().getDimSize(indicesIdx);
int64_t vectorSize = op.getVectorType().getDimSize(resultIdx);
return cstOp.getValue() + vectorSize <= sourceSize;
template <typename TransferOp>
static LogicalResult foldTransferInBoundsAttribute(TransferOp op) {
AffineMap permutationMap = op.permutation_map();
bool changed = false;
SmallVector<bool, 4> newInBounds;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < op.getTransferRank(); ++i) {
// Already marked as in-bounds, nothing to see here.
if (op.isDimInBounds(i)) {
// Currently out-of-bounds, check whether we can statically determine it is
// inBounds.
auto dimExpr = permutationMap.getResult(i).dyn_cast<AffineDimExpr>();
assert(dimExpr && "Broadcast dims must be in-bounds");
auto inBounds =
isInBounds(op, /*resultIdx=*/i, /*indicesIdx=*/dimExpr.getPosition());
// We commit the pattern if it is "more inbounds".
changed |= inBounds;
if (!changed)
return failure();
// OpBuilder is only used as a helper to build an I64ArrayAttr.
OpBuilder b(op.getContext());
return success();
/// ```
/// %w0 = vector.transfer_write %v0, %arg0[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]}
/// : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
/// %0 = vector.transfer_read %w0[%c1, %c0], %cf0 {in_bounds = [true, true]}
/// : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
/// ```
/// -> Folds into
/// ```
/// %v0
/// ```
static Value foldRAW(TransferReadOp readOp) {
if (!readOp.getShapedType().isa<RankedTensorType>())
return {};
auto defWrite = readOp.source().getDefiningOp<vector::TransferWriteOp>();
while (defWrite) {
if (checkSameValueRAW(defWrite, readOp))
return defWrite.vector();
if (!isDisjointTransferIndices(
defWrite = defWrite.source().getDefiningOp<vector::TransferWriteOp>();
return {};
OpFoldResult TransferReadOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute>) {
if (Value vec = foldRAW(*this))
return vec;
/// transfer_read(memrefcast) -> transfer_read
if (succeeded(foldTransferInBoundsAttribute(*this)))
return getResult();
if (succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)))
return getResult();
if (succeeded(foldTensorCast(*this)))
return getResult();
return OpFoldResult();
Optional<SmallVector<int64_t, 4>> TransferReadOp::getShapeForUnroll() {
return llvm::to_vector<4>(getVectorType().getShape());
void TransferReadOp::getEffects(
&effects) {
if (getShapedType().isa<MemRefType>())
effects.emplace_back(MemoryEffects::Read::get(), source(),
// TransferWriteOp
/// Builder that sets permutation map to 'getMinorIdentityMap'.
void TransferWriteOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value vector, Value source, ValueRange indices,
ArrayRef<bool> inBounds) {
auto vectorType = vector.getType().cast<VectorType>();
auto permMap = getTransferMinorIdentityMap(
source.getType().cast<ShapedType>(), vectorType);
if (inBounds.empty())
return build(builder, result, vector, source, indices, permMap,
ArrayAttr inBoundsArrayAttr = builder.getBoolArrayAttr(inBounds);
build(builder, result, vector, source, indices, permMap, inBoundsArrayAttr);
void TransferWriteOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value vector, Value source, ValueRange indices,
AffineMap permutationMap) {
build(builder, result, vector, source, indices, permutationMap,
void TransferWriteOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value vector, Value source, ValueRange indices,
AffineMapAttr permutationMap,
/*optional*/ ArrayAttr inBounds) {
Type resultType = source.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
build(builder, result, resultType, vector, source, indices, permutationMap,
/*mask=*/Value(), inBounds);
void TransferWriteOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value vector, Value source, ValueRange indices,
AffineMap permutationMap,
/*optional*/ ArrayAttr inBounds) {
Type resultType = source.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
build(builder, result, resultType, vector, source, indices, permutationMap,
/*mask=*/Value(), inBounds);
void TransferWriteOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value vector, Value source, ValueRange indices,
AffineMap permutationMap, /*optional*/ Value mask,
/*optional*/ ArrayAttr inBounds) {
Type resultType = source.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
build(builder, result, resultType, vector, source, indices, permutationMap,
mask, inBounds);
static ParseResult parseTransferWriteOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
OperationState &result) {
auto &builder = parser.getBuilder();
llvm::SMLoc typesLoc;
OpAsmParser::OperandType vectorInfo, sourceInfo;
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 8> indexInfo;
SmallVector<Type, 2> types;
OpAsmParser::OperandType maskInfo;
if (parser.parseOperand(vectorInfo) || parser.parseComma() ||
parser.parseOperand(sourceInfo) ||
parser.parseOperandList(indexInfo, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square))
return failure();
ParseResult hasMask = parser.parseOptionalComma();
if (hasMask.succeeded() && parser.parseOperand(maskInfo))
return failure();
if (parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes) ||
parser.getCurrentLocation(&typesLoc) || parser.parseColonTypeList(types))
return failure();
if (types.size() != 2)
return parser.emitError(typesLoc, "requires two types");
auto indexType = builder.getIndexType();
VectorType vectorType = types[0].dyn_cast<VectorType>();
if (!vectorType)
return parser.emitError(typesLoc, "requires vector type");
ShapedType shapedType = types[1].dyn_cast<ShapedType>();
if (!shapedType || !shapedType.isa<MemRefType, RankedTensorType>())
return parser.emitError(typesLoc, "requires memref or ranked tensor type");
auto permutationAttrName = TransferWriteOp::getPermutationMapAttrName();
auto attr = result.attributes.get(permutationAttrName);
if (!attr) {
auto permMap = getTransferMinorIdentityMap(shapedType, vectorType);
result.attributes.set(permutationAttrName, AffineMapAttr::get(permMap));
if (parser.resolveOperand(vectorInfo, vectorType, result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperand(sourceInfo, shapedType, result.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperands(indexInfo, indexType, result.operands))
return failure();
if (hasMask.succeeded()) {
if (shapedType.getElementType().dyn_cast<VectorType>())
return parser.emitError(
maskInfo.location, "does not support masks with vector element type");
auto maskType = VectorType::get(vectorType.getShape(), builder.getI1Type());
if (parser.resolveOperand(maskInfo, maskType, result.operands))
return failure();
builder.getI32VectorAttr({1, 1, static_cast<int32_t>(indexInfo.size()),
return failure(shapedType.isa<RankedTensorType>() &&
parser.addTypeToList(shapedType, result.types));
static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, TransferWriteOp op) {
p << " " << op.vector() << ", " << op.source() << "[" << op.indices() << "]";
if (op.mask())
p << ", " << op.mask();
printTransferAttrs(p, cast<VectorTransferOpInterface>(op.getOperation()));
p << " : " << op.getVectorType() << ", " << op.getShapedType();
static LogicalResult verify(TransferWriteOp op) {
// Consistency of elemental types in shape and vector.
ShapedType shapedType = op.getShapedType();
VectorType vectorType = op.getVectorType();
VectorType maskType = op.getMaskType();
auto permutationMap = op.permutation_map();
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != shapedType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << shapedType.getRank() << " indices";
// We do not allow broadcast dimensions on TransferWriteOps for the moment,
// as the semantics is unclear. This can be revisited later if necessary.
if (op.hasBroadcastDim())
return op.emitOpError("should not have broadcast dimensions");
if (failed(verifyTransferOp(op.getOperation(), shapedType, vectorType,
maskType, permutationMap,
op.in_bounds() ? *op.in_bounds() : ArrayAttr())))
return failure();
return verifyPermutationMap(permutationMap,
[&op](Twine t) { return op.emitOpError(t); });
/// Fold:
/// ```
/// %t1 = ...
/// %v = vector.transfer_read %t0[%c0...], {in_bounds = [true...]} :
/// tensor<static_sizesxf32>, vector<static_sizesxf32>
/// %t2 = vector.transfer_write %v, %t1[%c0...] {in_bounds = [true...]} :
/// vector<static_sizesxf32>, tensor<static_sizesxf32>
/// ```
/// into:
/// ```
/// %t0
/// ```
/// The producer of t1 may or may not be DCE'd depending on whether it is a
/// block argument or has side effects.
static LogicalResult foldReadInitWrite(TransferWriteOp write,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
auto rankedTensorType = write.source().getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
// If not operating on tensors, bail.
if (!rankedTensorType)
return failure();
// If no read, bail.
auto read = write.vector().getDefiningOp<vector::TransferReadOp>();
if (!read)
return failure();
// For now, only accept minor identity. Future: composition is minor identity.
if (!read.permutation_map().isMinorIdentity() ||
return failure();
// Bail on mismatching ranks.
if (read.getTransferRank() != write.getTransferRank())
return failure();
// Bail on potential out-of-bounds accesses.
if (read.hasOutOfBoundsDim() || write.hasOutOfBoundsDim())
return failure();
// Tensor types must be the same.
if (read.source().getType() != rankedTensorType)
return failure();
// Vector types must be the same.
if (read.getVectorType() != write.getVectorType())
return failure();
// Vector and Tensor shapes must match.
if (read.getVectorType().getShape() != rankedTensorType.getShape())
return failure();
// If any index is nonzero.
auto isNotConstantZero = [](Value v) {
auto cstOp = v.getDefiningOp<ConstantIndexOp>();
return !cstOp || cstOp.getValue() != 0;
if (llvm::any_of(read.indices(), isNotConstantZero) ||
llvm::any_of(write.indices(), isNotConstantZero))
return failure();
// Success.
return success();
static bool checkSameValueWAR(vector::TransferReadOp read,
vector::TransferWriteOp write) {
return read.source() == write.source() && read.indices() == write.indices() &&
read.permutation_map() == write.permutation_map() &&
read.getVectorType() == write.getVectorType() && !read.mask() &&
/// Fold transfer_write write after read:
/// ```
/// %t0 = ...
/// %v = vector.transfer_read %t0[%c0...] :
/// tensor<static_sizesxf32>, vector<static_sizesxf32>
/// %t1 = vector.transfer_write %v, %t0[%c0...] :
/// vector<static_sizesxf32>, tensor<static_sizesxf32>
/// ```
/// into:
/// ```
/// %t0
/// ```
static LogicalResult foldWAR(TransferWriteOp write,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
if (!write.source().getType().isa<RankedTensorType>())
return failure();
auto read = write.vector().getDefiningOp<vector::TransferReadOp>();
if (!read)
return failure();
if (!checkSameValueWAR(read, write))
return failure();
return success();
LogicalResult TransferWriteOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
if (succeeded(foldReadInitWrite(*this, operands, results)))
return success();
if (succeeded(foldWAR(*this, results)))
return success();
if (succeeded(foldTransferInBoundsAttribute(*this)))
return success();
return foldMemRefCast(*this);
Optional<SmallVector<int64_t, 4>> TransferWriteOp::getShapeForUnroll() {
return llvm::to_vector<4>(getVectorType().getShape());
void TransferWriteOp::getEffects(
&effects) {
if (getShapedType().isa<MemRefType>())
effects.emplace_back(MemoryEffects::Write::get(), source(),
namespace {
/// Remove dead transfer write from the SSA chain so that it an be eliminated by
/// DCE
/// ```
/// %w0 = vector.transfer_write %v0, %arg0[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]}
/// : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
/// %w1 = vector.transfer_write %v0, %w0[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]}
/// : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
/// %w2 = vector.transfer_write %v1, %w1[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]}
/// : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
/// ```
/// into:
/// ```
/// %w0 = vector.transfer_write %v0, %arg0[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]}
/// : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
/// %w1 = vector.transfer_write %v0, %arg0[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]}
/// : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
/// %w2 = vector.transfer_write %v1, %w1[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]}
/// : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
/// ```
/// `%w0 = vector.transfer_write` op will be removed by DCE if it doesn't have
/// any other uses.
class foldWAW final : public OpRewritePattern<TransferWriteOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<TransferWriteOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(TransferWriteOp writeOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
if (!writeOp.getShapedType().isa<RankedTensorType>())
return failure();
vector::TransferWriteOp writeToModify = writeOp;
auto defWrite = writeOp.source().getDefiningOp<vector::TransferWriteOp>();
while (defWrite) {
if (checkSameValueWAW(writeOp, defWrite)) {
return success();
if (!isDisjointTransferIndices(
// If the previous write op doesn't have any other use we an safely look
// at the previous store to see if it can be removed.
if (!defWrite->hasOneUse())
writeToModify = defWrite;
defWrite = defWrite.source().getDefiningOp<vector::TransferWriteOp>();
return failure();
} // namespace
void TransferWriteOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
// LoadOp
static LogicalResult verifyLoadStoreMemRefLayout(Operation *op,
MemRefType memRefTy) {
if (!isLastMemrefDimUnitStride(memRefTy))
return op->emitOpError("most minor memref dim must have unit stride");
return success();
static LogicalResult verify(vector::LoadOp op) {
VectorType resVecTy = op.getVectorType();
MemRefType memRefTy = op.getMemRefType();
if (failed(verifyLoadStoreMemRefLayout(op, memRefTy)))
return failure();
// Checks for vector memrefs.
Type memElemTy = memRefTy.getElementType();
if (auto memVecTy = memElemTy.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
if (memVecTy != resVecTy)
return op.emitOpError("base memref and result vector types should match");
memElemTy = memVecTy.getElementType();
if (resVecTy.getElementType() != memElemTy)
return op.emitOpError("base and result element types should match");
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != memRefTy.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << memRefTy.getRank() << " indices";
return success();
OpFoldResult LoadOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute>) {
if (succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)))
return getResult();
return OpFoldResult();
// StoreOp
static LogicalResult verify(vector::StoreOp op) {
VectorType valueVecTy = op.getVectorType();
MemRefType memRefTy = op.getMemRefType();
if (failed(verifyLoadStoreMemRefLayout(op, memRefTy)))
return failure();
// Checks for vector memrefs.
Type memElemTy = memRefTy.getElementType();
if (auto memVecTy = memElemTy.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
if (memVecTy != valueVecTy)
return op.emitOpError(
"base memref and valueToStore vector types should match");
memElemTy = memVecTy.getElementType();
if (valueVecTy.getElementType() != memElemTy)
return op.emitOpError("base and valueToStore element type should match");
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != memRefTy.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << memRefTy.getRank() << " indices";
return success();
LogicalResult StoreOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
return foldMemRefCast(*this);
// MaskedLoadOp
static LogicalResult verify(MaskedLoadOp op) {
VectorType maskVType = op.getMaskVectorType();
VectorType passVType = op.getPassThruVectorType();
VectorType resVType = op.getVectorType();
MemRefType memType = op.getMemRefType();
if (resVType.getElementType() != memType.getElementType())
return op.emitOpError("base and result element type should match");
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != memType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << memType.getRank() << " indices";
if (resVType.getDimSize(0) != maskVType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected result dim to match mask dim");
if (resVType != passVType)
return op.emitOpError("expected pass_thru of same type as result type");
return success();
namespace {
class MaskedLoadFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<MaskedLoadOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<MaskedLoadOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(MaskedLoadOp load,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
switch (get1DMaskFormat(load.mask())) {
case MaskFormat::AllTrue:
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<vector::LoadOp>(load, load.getType(),
load.base(), load.indices());
return success();
case MaskFormat::AllFalse:
rewriter.replaceOp(load, load.pass_thru());
return success();
case MaskFormat::Unknown:
return failure();
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected 1DMaskFormat on MaskedLoad");
} // namespace
void MaskedLoadOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
OpFoldResult MaskedLoadOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute>) {
if (succeeded(foldMemRefCast(*this)))
return getResult();
return OpFoldResult();
// MaskedStoreOp
static LogicalResult verify(MaskedStoreOp op) {
VectorType maskVType = op.getMaskVectorType();
VectorType valueVType = op.getVectorType();
MemRefType memType = op.getMemRefType();
if (valueVType.getElementType() != memType.getElementType())
return op.emitOpError("base and valueToStore element type should match");
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != memType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << memType.getRank() << " indices";
if (valueVType.getDimSize(0) != maskVType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected valueToStore dim to match mask dim");
return success();
namespace {
class MaskedStoreFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<MaskedStoreOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<MaskedStoreOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(MaskedStoreOp store,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
switch (get1DMaskFormat(store.mask())) {
case MaskFormat::AllTrue:
store, store.valueToStore(), store.base(), store.indices());
return success();
case MaskFormat::AllFalse:
return success();
case MaskFormat::Unknown:
return failure();
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected 1DMaskFormat on MaskedStore");
} // namespace
void MaskedStoreOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
LogicalResult MaskedStoreOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) {
return foldMemRefCast(*this);
// GatherOp
static LogicalResult verify(GatherOp op) {
VectorType indVType = op.getIndexVectorType();
VectorType maskVType = op.getMaskVectorType();
VectorType resVType = op.getVectorType();
MemRefType memType = op.getMemRefType();
if (resVType.getElementType() != memType.getElementType())
return op.emitOpError("base and result element type should match");
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != memType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << memType.getRank() << " indices";
if (resVType.getDimSize(0) != indVType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected result dim to match indices dim");
if (resVType.getDimSize(0) != maskVType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected result dim to match mask dim");
if (resVType != op.getPassThruVectorType())
return op.emitOpError("expected pass_thru of same type as result type");
return success();
namespace {
class GatherFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<GatherOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<GatherOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(GatherOp gather,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
switch (get1DMaskFormat(gather.mask())) {
case MaskFormat::AllTrue:
return failure(); // no unmasked equivalent
case MaskFormat::AllFalse:
rewriter.replaceOp(gather, gather.pass_thru());
return success();
case MaskFormat::Unknown:
return failure();
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected 1DMaskFormat on GatherFolder");
} // namespace
void GatherOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
// ScatterOp
static LogicalResult verify(ScatterOp op) {
VectorType indVType = op.getIndexVectorType();
VectorType maskVType = op.getMaskVectorType();
VectorType valueVType = op.getVectorType();
MemRefType memType = op.getMemRefType();
if (valueVType.getElementType() != memType.getElementType())
return op.emitOpError("base and valueToStore element type should match");
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != memType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << memType.getRank() << " indices";
if (valueVType.getDimSize(0) != indVType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected valueToStore dim to match indices dim");
if (valueVType.getDimSize(0) != maskVType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected valueToStore dim to match mask dim");
return success();
namespace {
class ScatterFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<ScatterOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<ScatterOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ScatterOp scatter,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
switch (get1DMaskFormat(scatter.mask())) {
case MaskFormat::AllTrue:
return failure(); // no unmasked equivalent
case MaskFormat::AllFalse:
return success();
case MaskFormat::Unknown:
return failure();
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected 1DMaskFormat on ScatterFolder");
} // namespace
void ScatterOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
// ExpandLoadOp
static LogicalResult verify(ExpandLoadOp op) {
VectorType maskVType = op.getMaskVectorType();
VectorType passVType = op.getPassThruVectorType();
VectorType resVType = op.getVectorType();
MemRefType memType = op.getMemRefType();
if (resVType.getElementType() != memType.getElementType())
return op.emitOpError("base and result element type should match");
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != memType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << memType.getRank() << " indices";
if (resVType.getDimSize(0) != maskVType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected result dim to match mask dim");
if (resVType != passVType)
return op.emitOpError("expected pass_thru of same type as result type");
return success();
namespace {
class ExpandLoadFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<ExpandLoadOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<ExpandLoadOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ExpandLoadOp expand,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
switch (get1DMaskFormat(expand.mask())) {
case MaskFormat::AllTrue:
expand, expand.getType(), expand.base(), expand.indices());
return success();
case MaskFormat::AllFalse:
rewriter.replaceOp(expand, expand.pass_thru());
return success();
case MaskFormat::Unknown:
return failure();
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected 1DMaskFormat on ExpandLoadFolder");
} // namespace
void ExpandLoadOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
// CompressStoreOp
static LogicalResult verify(CompressStoreOp op) {
VectorType maskVType = op.getMaskVectorType();
VectorType valueVType = op.getVectorType();
MemRefType memType = op.getMemRefType();
if (valueVType.getElementType() != memType.getElementType())
return op.emitOpError("base and valueToStore element type should match");
if (llvm::size(op.indices()) != memType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError("requires ") << memType.getRank() << " indices";
if (valueVType.getDimSize(0) != maskVType.getDimSize(0))
return op.emitOpError("expected valueToStore dim to match mask dim");
return success();
namespace {
class CompressStoreFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<CompressStoreOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<CompressStoreOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(CompressStoreOp compress,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
switch (get1DMaskFormat(compress.mask())) {
case MaskFormat::AllTrue:
compress, compress.valueToStore(), compress.base(),
return success();
case MaskFormat::AllFalse:
return success();
case MaskFormat::Unknown:
return failure();
llvm_unreachable("Unexpected 1DMaskFormat on CompressStoreFolder");
} // namespace
void CompressStoreOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
// ShapeCastOp
/// Returns true if each element of 'a' is equal to the product of a contiguous
/// sequence of the elements of 'b'. Returns false otherwise.
static bool isValidShapeCast(ArrayRef<int64_t> a, ArrayRef<int64_t> b) {
unsigned rankA = a.size();
unsigned rankB = b.size();
assert(rankA < rankB);
unsigned i = 0;
unsigned j = 0;
while (i < rankA && j < rankB) {
int64_t dimA = a[i];
int64_t dimB = 1;
while (dimB < dimA && j < rankB)
dimB *= b[j++];
if (dimA != dimB)
// Handle the case when trailing dimensions are of size 1.
// Include them into the contiguous sequence.
auto isOne = [](int64_t v) { return v == 1; };
if (i < rankA && llvm::all_of(a.slice(i), isOne))
i = rankA;
if (j < rankB && llvm::all_of(b.slice(j), isOne))
j = rankB;
return i == rankA && j == rankB;
static LogicalResult verifyVectorShapeCast(Operation *op,
VectorType sourceVectorType,
VectorType resultVectorType) {
// Check that element type is the same.
if (sourceVectorType.getElementType() != resultVectorType.getElementType())
return op->emitOpError("source/result vectors must have same element type");
auto sourceShape = sourceVectorType.getShape();
auto resultShape = resultVectorType.getShape();
// Check that product of source dim sizes matches product of result dim sizes.
int64_t sourceDimProduct = std::accumulate(
sourceShape.begin(), sourceShape.end(), 1LL, std::multiplies<int64_t>{});
int64_t resultDimProduct = std::accumulate(
resultShape.begin(), resultShape.end(), 1LL, std::multiplies<int64_t>{});
if (sourceDimProduct != resultDimProduct)
return op->emitOpError("source/result number of elements must match");
// Check that expanding/contracting rank cases.
unsigned sourceRank = sourceVectorType.getRank();
unsigned resultRank = resultVectorType.getRank();
if (sourceRank < resultRank) {
if (!isValidShapeCast(sourceShape, resultShape))
return op->emitOpError("invalid shape cast");
} else if (sourceRank > resultRank) {
if (!isValidShapeCast(resultShape, sourceShape))
return op->emitOpError("invalid shape cast");
return success();
static LogicalResult verify(ShapeCastOp op) {
auto sourceVectorType = op.source().getType().dyn_cast_or_null<VectorType>();
auto resultVectorType = op.result().getType().dyn_cast_or_null<VectorType>();
// Check if source/result are of vector type.
if (sourceVectorType && resultVectorType)
return verifyVectorShapeCast(op, sourceVectorType, resultVectorType);
return success();
OpFoldResult ShapeCastOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
// Nop shape cast.
if (source().getType() == result().getType())
return source();
// Canceling shape casts.
if (auto otherOp = source().getDefiningOp<ShapeCastOp>()) {
if (result().getType() == otherOp.source().getType())
return otherOp.source();
return getResult();
return {};
namespace {
// Pattern to rewrite a ShapeCast(splat ConstantOp) -> ConstantOp.
class ShapeCastConstantFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<ShapeCastOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<ShapeCastOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ShapeCastOp shapeCastOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto constantOp = shapeCastOp.source().getDefiningOp<ConstantOp>();
if (!constantOp)
return failure();
// Only handle splat for now.
auto dense = constantOp.value().dyn_cast<SplatElementsAttr>();
if (!dense)
return failure();
auto newAttr = DenseElementsAttr::get(
shapeCastOp.getType().cast<VectorType>(), dense.getSplatValue());
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<ConstantOp>(shapeCastOp, newAttr);
return success();
} // namespace
void ShapeCastOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
// Pattern to rewrite a ShapeCastOp(ConstantOp) -> ConstantOp.
// VectorBitCastOp
static LogicalResult verify(BitCastOp op) {
auto sourceVectorType = op.getSourceVectorType();
auto resultVectorType = op.getResultVectorType();
for (int64_t i = 0, e = sourceVectorType.getRank() - 1; i < e; i++) {
if (sourceVectorType.getDimSize(i) != resultVectorType.getDimSize(i))
return op.emitOpError("dimension size mismatch at: ") << i;
DataLayout dataLayout = DataLayout::closest(op);
if (dataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(sourceVectorType.getElementType()) *
sourceVectorType.getShape().back() !=
dataLayout.getTypeSizeInBits(resultVectorType.getElementType()) *
return op.emitOpError(
"source/result bitwidth of the minor 1-D vectors must be equal");
return success();
OpFoldResult BitCastOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
// Nop cast.
if (source().getType() == result().getType())
return source();
// Canceling bitcasts.
if (auto otherOp = source().getDefiningOp<BitCastOp>())
if (result().getType() == otherOp.source().getType())
return otherOp.source();
Attribute sourceConstant = operands.front();
if (!sourceConstant)
return {};
Type srcElemType = getSourceVectorType().getElementType();
Type dstElemType = getResultVectorType().getElementType();
if (auto floatPack = sourceConstant.dyn_cast<DenseFPElementsAttr>()) {
if (floatPack.isSplat()) {
auto splat = floatPack.getSplatValue<FloatAttr>();
// Casting fp16 into fp32.
if (srcElemType.isF16() && dstElemType.isF32()) {
uint32_t bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(
// Duplicate the 16-bit pattern.
bits = (bits << 16) | (bits & 0xffff);
APInt intBits(32, bits);
APFloat floatBits(llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle(), intBits);
return DenseElementsAttr::get(getResultVectorType(), floatBits);
return {};
// TypeCastOp
static SmallVector<int64_t, 8> extractShape(MemRefType memRefType) {
auto vectorType = memRefType.getElementType().dyn_cast<VectorType>();
SmallVector<int64_t, 8> res(memRefType.getShape().begin(),
if (vectorType)
res.append(vectorType.getShape().begin(), vectorType.getShape().end());
return res;
/// Build the canonical memRefType with a single vector.
/// E.g. memref<4 x 5 x vector<6 x f32>> -> memref<vector<4 x 5 x 6 x f32>>.
void TypeCastOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value source) {
MemRefType memRefType = source.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
VectorType vectorType =
MemRefType::get({}, vectorType, {}, memRefType.getMemorySpace()));
static LogicalResult verify(TypeCastOp op) {
MemRefType canonicalType = canonicalizeStridedLayout(op.getMemRefType());
if (!canonicalType.getAffineMaps().empty())
return op.emitOpError("expects operand to be a memref with no layout");
if (!op.getResultMemRefType().getAffineMaps().empty())
return op.emitOpError("expects result to be a memref with no layout");
if (op.getResultMemRefType().getMemorySpace() !=
return op.emitOpError("expects result in same memory space");
auto sourceType = op.getMemRefType();
auto resultType = op.getResultMemRefType();
if (getElementTypeOrSelf(getElementTypeOrSelf(sourceType)) !=
return op.emitOpError(
"expects result and operand with same underlying scalar type: ")
<< resultType;
if (extractShape(sourceType) != extractShape(resultType))
return op.emitOpError(
"expects concatenated result and operand shapes to be equal: ")
<< resultType;
return success();
// TransposeOp
void vector::TransposeOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
Value vector, ArrayRef<int64_t> transp) {
VectorType vt = vector.getType().cast<VectorType>();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> transposedShape(vt.getRank());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < transp.size(); ++i)
transposedShape[i] = vt.getShape()[transp[i]];
result.addTypes(VectorType::get(transposedShape, vt.getElementType()));
result.addAttribute(getTranspAttrName(), builder.getI64ArrayAttr(transp));
// Eliminates transpose operations, which produce values identical to their
// input values. This happens when the dimensions of the input vector remain in
// their original order after the transpose operation.
OpFoldResult vector::TransposeOp::fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> transp;
// Check if the permutation of the dimensions contains sequential values:
// {0, 1, 2, ...}.
for (int64_t i = 0, e = transp.size(); i < e; i++) {
if (transp[i] != i)
return {};
return vector();
static LogicalResult verify(vector::TransposeOp op) {
VectorType vectorType = op.getVectorType();
VectorType resultType = op.getResultType();
int64_t rank = resultType.getRank();
if (vectorType.getRank() != rank)
return op.emitOpError("vector result rank mismatch: ") << rank;
// Verify transposition array.
auto transpAttr = op.transp().getValue();
int64_t size = transpAttr.size();
if (rank != size)
return op.emitOpError("transposition length mismatch: ") << size;
SmallVector<bool, 8> seen(rank, false);
for (auto ta : llvm::enumerate(transpAttr)) {
int64_t i = ta.value().cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
if (i < 0 || i >= rank)
return op.emitOpError("transposition index out of range: ") << i;
if (seen[i])
return op.emitOpError("duplicate position index: ") << i;
seen[i] = true;
if (resultType.getDimSize(ta.index()) != vectorType.getDimSize(i))
return op.emitOpError("dimension size mismatch at: ") << i;
return success();
namespace {
// Rewrites two back-to-back TransposeOp operations into a single TransposeOp.
class TransposeFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<vector::TransposeOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<vector::TransposeOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(vector::TransposeOp transposeOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Wrapper around vector::TransposeOp::getTransp() for cleaner code.
auto getPermutation = [](vector::TransposeOp transpose) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> permutation;
return permutation;
// Composes two permutations: result[i] = permutation1[permutation2[i]].
auto composePermutations = [](ArrayRef<int64_t> permutation1,
ArrayRef<int64_t> permutation2) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> result;
for (auto index : permutation2)
return result;
// Return if the input of 'transposeOp' is not defined by another transpose.
vector::TransposeOp parentTransposeOp =
if (!parentTransposeOp)
return failure();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> permutation = composePermutations(
getPermutation(parentTransposeOp), getPermutation(transposeOp));
// Replace 'transposeOp' with a new transpose operation.
transposeOp, transposeOp.getResult().getType(),
vector::getVectorSubscriptAttr(rewriter, permutation));
return success();
} // end anonymous namespace
void vector::TransposeOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &results, MLIRContext *context) {
void vector::TransposeOp::getTransp(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &results) {
populateFromInt64AttrArray(transp(), results);
// ConstantMaskOp
static LogicalResult verify(ConstantMaskOp &op) {
// Verify that array attr size matches the rank of the vector result.
auto resultType = op.getResult().getType().cast<VectorType>();
if (static_cast<int64_t>(op.mask_dim_sizes().size()) != resultType.getRank())
return op.emitOpError(
"must specify array attr of size equal vector result rank");
// Verify that each array attr element is in bounds of corresponding vector
// result dimension size.
auto resultShape = resultType.getShape();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> maskDimSizes;
for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(op.mask_dim_sizes())) {
int64_t attrValue = it.value().cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
if (attrValue < 0 || attrValue > resultShape[it.index()])
return op.emitOpError(
"array attr of size out of bounds of vector result dimension size");
// Verify that if one mask dim size is zero, they all should be zero (because
// the mask region is a conjunction of each mask dimension interval).
bool any_zeros = llvm::is_contained(maskDimSizes, 0);
bool all_zeros = llvm::all_of(maskDimSizes, [](int64_t s) { return s == 0; });
if (any_zeros && !all_zeros)
return op.emitOpError("expected all mask dim sizes to be zeros, "
"as a result of conjunction with zero mask dim");
return success();
// CreateMaskOp
static LogicalResult verify(CreateMaskOp op) {
// Verify that an operand was specified for each result vector each dimension.
if (op.getNumOperands() !=
return op.emitOpError(
"must specify an operand for each result vector dimension");
return success();
namespace {
// Pattern to rewrite a CreateMaskOp with a ConstantMaskOp.
class CreateMaskFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<CreateMaskOp> {
using OpRewritePattern<CreateMaskOp>::OpRewritePattern;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(CreateMaskOp createMaskOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Return if any of 'createMaskOp' operands are not defined by a constant.
auto is_not_def_by_constant = [](Value operand) {
return !isa_and_nonnull<ConstantIndexOp>(operand.getDefiningOp());
if (llvm::any_of(createMaskOp.operands(), is_not_def_by_constant))
return failure();
// Gather constant mask dimension sizes.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> maskDimSizes;
for (auto operand : createMaskOp.operands()) {
auto defOp = operand.getDefiningOp();
// Replace 'createMaskOp' with ConstantMaskOp.
createMaskOp, createMaskOp.getResult().getType(),
vector::getVectorSubscriptAttr(rewriter, maskDimSizes));
return success();
} // end anonymous namespace
void CreateMaskOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results,
MLIRContext *context) {
void mlir::vector::populateVectorToVectorCanonicalizationPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns) {
.add<CreateMaskFolder, MaskedLoadFolder, MaskedStoreFolder, GatherFolder,
ScatterFolder, ExpandLoadFolder, CompressStoreFolder,
StridedSliceConstantMaskFolder, TransposeFolder>(
#include "mlir/Dialect/Vector/VectorOps.cpp.inc"