
331 lines
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//===--- ClangdServer.h - Main clangd server code ----------------*- C++-*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "ClangdUnit.h"
#include "CodeComplete.h"
#include "CompileArgsCache.h"
#include "DraftStore.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "GlobalCompilationDatabase.h"
#include "Protocol.h"
#include "TUScheduler.h"
#include "index/FileIndex.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace clang {
class PCHContainerOperations;
namespace clangd {
/// A tag supplied by the FileSytemProvider.
typedef std::string VFSTag;
/// A value of an arbitrary type and VFSTag that was supplied by the
/// FileSystemProvider when this value was computed.
template <class T> class Tagged {
// MSVC requires future<> arguments to be default-constructible.
Tagged() = default;
template <class U>
Tagged(U &&Value, VFSTag Tag)
: Value(std::forward<U>(Value)), Tag(std::move(Tag)) {}
template <class U>
Tagged(const Tagged<U> &Other) : Value(Other.Value), Tag(Other.Tag) {}
template <class U>
Tagged(Tagged<U> &&Other)
: Value(std::move(Other.Value)), Tag(std::move(Other.Tag)) {}
T Value = T();
VFSTag Tag = VFSTag();
template <class T>
Tagged<typename std::decay<T>::type> make_tagged(T &&Value, VFSTag Tag) {
return Tagged<typename std::decay<T>::type>(std::forward<T>(Value), Tag);
class DiagnosticsConsumer {
virtual ~DiagnosticsConsumer() = default;
/// Called by ClangdServer when \p Diagnostics for \p File are ready.
virtual void
onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef File,
Tagged<std::vector<DiagWithFixIts>> Diagnostics) = 0;
class FileSystemProvider {
virtual ~FileSystemProvider() = default;
/// Called by ClangdServer to obtain a vfs::FileSystem to be used for parsing.
/// Name of the file that will be parsed is passed in \p File.
/// \return A filesystem that will be used for all file accesses in clangd.
/// A Tag returned by this method will be propagated to all results of clangd
/// that will use this filesystem.
virtual Tagged<IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem>>
getTaggedFileSystem(PathRef File) = 0;
class RealFileSystemProvider : public FileSystemProvider {
/// \return getRealFileSystem() tagged with default tag, i.e. VFSTag()
getTaggedFileSystem(PathRef File) override;
/// Provides API to manage ASTs for a collection of C++ files and request
/// various language features.
/// Currently supports async diagnostics, code completion, formatting and goto
/// definition.
class ClangdServer {
struct Options {
/// To process requests asynchronously, ClangdServer spawns worker threads.
/// If 0, all requests are processed on the calling thread.
unsigned AsyncThreadsCount = getDefaultAsyncThreadsCount();
/// Cached preambles are potentially large. If false, store them on disk.
bool StorePreamblesInMemory = true;
/// If true, ClangdServer builds a dynamic in-memory index for symbols in
/// opened files and uses the index to augment code completion results.
bool BuildDynamicSymbolIndex = false;
/// If set, use this index to augment code completion results.
SymbolIndex *StaticIndex = nullptr;
/// The resource directory is used to find internal headers, overriding
/// defaults and -resource-dir compiler flag).
/// If None, ClangdServer calls CompilerInvocation::GetResourcePath() to
/// obtain the standard resource directory.
llvm::Optional<StringRef> ResourceDir = llvm::None;
/// Time to wait after a new file version before computing diagnostics.
std::chrono::steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce =
// Sensible default options for use in tests.
// Features like indexing must be enabled if desired.
static Options optsForTest();
/// Creates a new ClangdServer instance.
/// ClangdServer uses \p CDB to obtain compilation arguments for parsing. Note
/// that ClangdServer only obtains compilation arguments once for each newly
/// added file (i.e., when processing a first call to addDocument) and reuses
/// those arguments for subsequent reparses. However, ClangdServer will check
/// if compilation arguments changed on calls to forceReparse().
/// FSProvider provides a vfs::FileSystem for each parsing request. Results of
/// code completion and diagnostics also include a tag, that \p FSProvider
/// returns along with the vfs::FileSystem.
/// After each parsing request finishes, ClangdServer reports diagnostics to
/// \p DiagConsumer. Note that a callback to \p DiagConsumer happens on a
/// worker thread. Therefore, instances of \p DiagConsumer must properly
/// synchronize access to shared state.
ClangdServer(GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB, FileSystemProvider &FSProvider,
DiagnosticsConsumer &DiagConsumer, const Options &Opts);
/// Set the root path of the workspace.
void setRootPath(PathRef RootPath);
/// Add a \p File to the list of tracked C++ files or update the contents if
/// \p File is already tracked. Also schedules parsing of the AST for it on a
/// separate thread. When the parsing is complete, DiagConsumer passed in
/// constructor will receive onDiagnosticsReady callback.
void addDocument(PathRef File, StringRef Contents,
WantDiagnostics WD = WantDiagnostics::Auto);
/// Remove \p File from list of tracked files, schedule a request to free
/// resources associated with it.
void removeDocument(PathRef File);
/// Force \p File to be reparsed using the latest contents.
/// Will also check if CompileCommand, provided by GlobalCompilationDatabase
/// for \p File has changed. If it has, will remove currently stored Preamble
/// and AST and rebuild them from scratch.
void forceReparse(PathRef File);
/// Calls forceReparse() on all currently opened files.
/// As a result, this method may be very expensive.
/// This method is normally called when the compilation database is changed.
void reparseOpenedFiles();
/// Run code completion for \p File at \p Pos.
/// Request is processed asynchronously.
/// The current draft for \p File will be used. If \p UsedFS is non-null, it
/// will be overwritten by vfs::FileSystem used for completion.
/// This method should only be called for currently tracked files. However, it
/// is safe to call removeDocument for \p File after this method returns, even
/// while returned future is not yet ready.
/// A version of `codeComplete` that runs \p Callback on the processing thread
/// when codeComplete results become available.
void codeComplete(PathRef File, Position Pos,
const clangd::CodeCompleteOptions &Opts,
UniqueFunction<void(Tagged<CompletionList>)> Callback,
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> *UsedFS = nullptr);
/// Provide signature help for \p File at \p Pos. If \p OverridenContents is
/// not None, they will used only for signature help, i.e. no diagnostics
/// update will be scheduled and a draft for \p File will not be updated. If
/// If \p UsedFS is non-null, it will be overwritten by vfs::FileSystem used
/// for signature help. This method should only be called for tracked files.
void signatureHelp(
PathRef File, Position Pos,
UniqueFunction<void(llvm::Expected<Tagged<SignatureHelp>>)> Callback,
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> *UsedFS = nullptr);
/// Get definition of symbol at a specified \p Line and \p Column in \p File.
void findDefinitions(
PathRef File, Position Pos,
/// Helper function that returns a path to the corresponding source file when
/// given a header file and vice versa.
llvm::Optional<Path> switchSourceHeader(PathRef Path);
/// Get document highlights for a given position.
void findDocumentHighlights(
PathRef File, Position Pos,
/// Get code hover for a given position.
void findHover(PathRef File, Position Pos,
UniqueFunction<void(llvm::Expected<Tagged<Hover>>)> Callback);
/// Run formatting for \p Rng inside \p File with content \p Code.
llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacements> formatRange(StringRef Code,
PathRef File, Range Rng);
/// Run formatting for the whole \p File with content \p Code.
llvm::Expected<tooling::Replacements> formatFile(StringRef Code,
PathRef File);
/// Run formatting after a character was typed at \p Pos in \p File with
/// content \p Code.
formatOnType(StringRef Code, PathRef File, Position Pos);
/// Rename all occurrences of the symbol at the \p Pos in \p File to
/// \p NewName.
void rename(PathRef File, Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName,
/// Inserts a new #include into \p File, if it's not present in \p Code.
/// \p DeclaringHeader The original header corresponding to this insertion
/// e.g. the header that declared a symbol. This can be either a URI or a
/// literal string quoted with <> or "" that can be #included directly.
/// \p InsertedHeader The preferred header to be inserted. This may be
/// different from \p DeclaringHeader as a header file can have a different
/// canonical include. This can be either a URI or a literal string quoted
/// with <> or "" that can be #included directly.
/// Both OriginalHeader and InsertedHeader will be considered to determine
/// whether an include needs to be added.
Expected<tooling::Replacements> insertInclude(PathRef File, StringRef Code,
StringRef DeclaringHeader,
StringRef InsertedHeader);
/// Gets current document contents for \p File. Returns None if \p File is not
/// currently tracked.
/// FIXME(ibiryukov): This function is here to allow offset-to-Position
/// conversions in outside code, maybe there's a way to get rid of it.
llvm::Optional<std::string> getDocument(PathRef File);
/// Only for testing purposes.
/// Waits until all requests to worker thread are finished and dumps AST for
/// \p File. \p File must be in the list of added documents.
void dumpAST(PathRef File, UniqueFunction<void(std::string)> Callback);
/// Called when an event occurs for a watched file in the workspace.
void onFileEvent(const DidChangeWatchedFilesParams &Params);
/// Returns estimated memory usage for each of the currently open files.
/// The order of results is unspecified.
/// Overall memory usage of clangd may be significantly more than reported
/// here, as this metric does not account (at least) for:
/// - memory occupied by static and dynamic index,
/// - memory required for in-flight requests,
/// FIXME: those metrics might be useful too, we should add them.
std::vector<std::pair<Path, std::size_t>> getUsedBytesPerFile() const;
// Blocks the main thread until the server is idle. Only for use in tests.
// Returns false if the timeout expires.
blockUntilIdleForTest(llvm::Optional<double> TimeoutSeconds = 10);
/// FIXME: This stats several files to find a .clang-format file. I/O can be
/// slow. Think of a way to cache this.
formatCode(llvm::StringRef Code, PathRef File,
ArrayRef<tooling::Range> Ranges);
scheduleReparseAndDiags(PathRef File, VersionedDraft Contents,
WantDiagnostics WD,
Tagged<IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem>> TaggedFS);
CompileArgsCache CompileArgs;
DiagnosticsConsumer &DiagConsumer;
FileSystemProvider &FSProvider;
DraftStore DraftMgr;
// The index used to look up symbols. This could be:
// - null (all index functionality is optional)
// - the dynamic index owned by ClangdServer (FileIdx)
// - the static index passed to the constructor
// - a merged view of a static and dynamic index (MergedIndex)
SymbolIndex *Index;
// If present, an up-to-date of symbols in open files. Read via Index.
std::unique_ptr<FileIndex> FileIdx;
// If present, a merged view of FileIdx and an external index. Read via Index.
std::unique_ptr<SymbolIndex> MergedIndex;
// If set, this represents the workspace path.
llvm::Optional<std::string> RootPath;
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs;
/// Used to serialize diagnostic callbacks.
/// FIXME(ibiryukov): get rid of an extra map and put all version counters
/// into CppFile.
std::mutex DiagnosticsMutex;
/// Maps from a filename to the latest version of reported diagnostics.
llvm::StringMap<DocVersion> ReportedDiagnosticVersions;
// WorkScheduler has to be the last member, because its destructor has to be
// called before all other members to stop the worker thread that references
// ClangdServer.
TUScheduler WorkScheduler;
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang