forked from OSchip/llvm-project
177 lines
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177 lines
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//===-- SPIRVDuplicatesTracker.h - SPIR-V Duplicates Tracker ----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// General infrastructure for keeping track of the values that according to
// the SPIR-V binary layout should be global to the whole module.
#include "MCTargetDesc/SPIRVBaseInfo.h"
#include "MCTargetDesc/SPIRVMCTargetDesc.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/MachineIRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace llvm {
namespace SPIRV {
// NOTE: using MapVector instead of DenseMap because it helps getting
// everything ordered in a stable manner for a price of extra (NumKeys)*PtrSize
// memory and expensive removals which do not happen anyway.
class DTSortableEntry : public MapVector<const MachineFunction *, Register> {
SmallVector<DTSortableEntry *, 2> Deps;
struct FlagsTy {
unsigned IsFunc : 1;
unsigned IsGV : 1;
// NOTE: bit-field default init is a C++20 feature.
FlagsTy() : IsFunc(0), IsGV(0) {}
FlagsTy Flags;
// Common hoisting utility doesn't support function, because their hoisting
// require hoisting of params as well.
bool getIsFunc() const { return Flags.IsFunc; }
bool getIsGV() const { return Flags.IsGV; }
void setIsFunc(bool V) { Flags.IsFunc = V; }
void setIsGV(bool V) { Flags.IsGV = V; }
const SmallVector<DTSortableEntry *, 2> &getDeps() const { return Deps; }
void addDep(DTSortableEntry *E) { Deps.push_back(E); }
} // namespace SPIRV
template <typename KeyTy> class SPIRVDuplicatesTrackerBase {
// NOTE: using MapVector instead of DenseMap helps getting everything ordered
// in a stable manner for a price of extra (NumKeys)*PtrSize memory and
// expensive removals which don't happen anyway.
using StorageTy = MapVector<KeyTy, SPIRV::DTSortableEntry>;
StorageTy Storage;
void add(KeyTy V, const MachineFunction *MF, Register R) {
if (find(V, MF).isValid())
Storage[V][MF] = R;
if (std::is_same<Function,
typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_pointer<KeyTy>::type>::type>() ||
typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_pointer<KeyTy>::type>::type>())
if (std::is_same<GlobalVariable,
typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_pointer<KeyTy>::type>::type>())
Register find(KeyTy V, const MachineFunction *MF) const {
auto iter = Storage.find(V);
if (iter != Storage.end()) {
auto Map = iter->second;
auto iter2 = Map.find(MF);
if (iter2 != Map.end())
return iter2->second;
return Register();
const StorageTy &getAllUses() const { return Storage; }
StorageTy &getAllUses() { return Storage; }
// The friend class needs to have access to the internal storage
// to be able to build dependency graph, can't declare only one
// function a 'friend' due to the incomplete declaration at this point
// and mutual dependency problems.
friend class SPIRVGeneralDuplicatesTracker;
template <typename T>
class SPIRVDuplicatesTracker : public SPIRVDuplicatesTrackerBase<const T *> {};
class SPIRVGeneralDuplicatesTracker {
SPIRVDuplicatesTracker<Type> TT;
SPIRVDuplicatesTracker<Constant> CT;
SPIRVDuplicatesTracker<GlobalVariable> GT;
SPIRVDuplicatesTracker<Function> FT;
SPIRVDuplicatesTracker<Argument> AT;
// NOTE: using MOs instead of regs to get rid of MF dependency to be able
// to use flat data structure.
// NOTE: replacing DenseMap with MapVector doesn't affect overall correctness
// but makes LITs more stable, should prefer DenseMap still due to
// significant perf difference.
using SPIRVReg2EntryTy =
MapVector<MachineOperand *, SPIRV::DTSortableEntry *>;
template <typename T>
void prebuildReg2Entry(SPIRVDuplicatesTracker<T> &DT,
SPIRVReg2EntryTy &Reg2Entry);
void buildDepsGraph(std::vector<SPIRV::DTSortableEntry *> &Graph,
MachineModuleInfo *MMI);
void add(const Type *T, const MachineFunction *MF, Register R) {
TT.add(T, MF, R);
void add(const Constant *C, const MachineFunction *MF, Register R) {
CT.add(C, MF, R);
void add(const GlobalVariable *GV, const MachineFunction *MF, Register R) {
GT.add(GV, MF, R);
void add(const Function *F, const MachineFunction *MF, Register R) {
FT.add(F, MF, R);
void add(const Argument *Arg, const MachineFunction *MF, Register R) {
AT.add(Arg, MF, R);
Register find(const Type *T, const MachineFunction *MF) {
return TT.find(const_cast<Type *>(T), MF);
Register find(const Constant *C, const MachineFunction *MF) {
return CT.find(const_cast<Constant *>(C), MF);
Register find(const GlobalVariable *GV, const MachineFunction *MF) {
return GT.find(const_cast<GlobalVariable *>(GV), MF);
Register find(const Function *F, const MachineFunction *MF) {
return FT.find(const_cast<Function *>(F), MF);
Register find(const Argument *Arg, const MachineFunction *MF) {
return AT.find(const_cast<Argument *>(Arg), MF);
const SPIRVDuplicatesTracker<Type> *getTypes() { return &TT; }
} // namespace llvm