
17 lines
623 B

# "hello.obj" does not have the symbol "@feat.00", so it's not
# compatible with SEH.
# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/hello.obj.yaml > %t1.obj
# RUN: not lld -flavor link /safeseh /out:%t1.exe /subsystem:console \
# RUN: -- %t1.obj 2> %t1.err
# RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=INCOMPAT %s < %t1.err
INCOMPAT: /SAFESEH is specified, but {{.*}} is not compatible with SEH.
# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/seh.obj.yaml > %t2.obj
# RUN: not lld -flavor link /machine:x64 /safeseh:no /out:%t2.exe \
# RUN: /subsystem:console -- %t2.obj 2> %t2.err
# RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=X64 %s < %t2.err
X64: /SAFESEH:NO is only valid for x86.