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//===-- CUDASaxpy.cpp - Example of CUDA saxpy with StreamExecutor API -----===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// This file contains example code demonstrating the usage of the
/// StreamExecutor API. Snippets of this file will be included as code examples
/// in documentation. Taking these examples from a real source file guarantees
/// that the examples will always compile.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include "streamexecutor/StreamExecutor.h"
/// [Example saxpy compiler-generated]
// Code in this namespace is generated by the compiler (e.g. clang).
// The name of this namespace may depend on the compiler that generated it, so
// this is just an example name.
namespace __compilergen {
// Specialization of the streamexecutor::Kernel template class for the parameter
// types of the saxpy(float A, float *X, float *Y) kernel.
using SaxpyKernel =
streamexecutor::Kernel<float, streamexecutor::GlobalDeviceMemory<float>,
// A string containing the PTX code generated by the device compiler for the
// saxpy kernel. String contents not shown here.
extern const char *SaxpyPTX;
// A global instance of a loader spec that knows how to load the code in the
// SaxpyPTX string.
static streamexecutor::MultiKernelLoaderSpec SaxpyLoaderSpec = []() {
streamexecutor::MultiKernelLoaderSpec Spec;
Spec.addCUDAPTXInMemory("saxpy", {{{2, 0}, SaxpyPTX}});
return Spec;
} // namespace __compilergen
/// [Example saxpy compiler-generated]
/// [Example saxpy host PTX]
// The PTX text for a saxpy kernel.
const char *__compilergen::SaxpyPTX = R"(
.version 4.3
.target sm_20
.address_size 64
.visible .entry saxpy(.param .f32 A, .param .u64 X, .param .u64 Y) {
.reg .f32 %AValue;
.reg .f32 %XValue;
.reg .f32 %YValue;
.reg .f32 %Result;
.reg .b64 %XBaseAddrGeneric;
.reg .b64 %YBaseAddrGeneric;
.reg .b64 %XBaseAddrGlobal;
.reg .b64 %YBaseAddrGlobal;
.reg .b64 %XAddr;
.reg .b64 %YAddr;
.reg .b64 %ThreadByteOffset;
.reg .b32 %TID;
ld.param.f32 %AValue, [A];
ld.param.u64 %XBaseAddrGeneric, [X];
ld.param.u64 %YBaseAddrGeneric, [Y];
cvta.to.global.u64 %XBaseAddrGlobal, %XBaseAddrGeneric;
cvta.to.global.u64 %YBaseAddrGlobal, %YBaseAddrGeneric;
mov.u32 %TID, %tid.x;
mul.wide.u32 %ThreadByteOffset, %TID, 4;
add.s64 %XAddr, %ThreadByteOffset, %XBaseAddrGlobal;
add.s64 %YAddr, %ThreadByteOffset, %YBaseAddrGlobal;
ld.global.f32 %XValue, [%XAddr];
ld.global.f32 %YValue, [%YAddr];
fma.rn.f32 %Result, %AValue, %XValue, %YValue;
st.global.f32 [%XAddr], %Result;
/// [Example saxpy host PTX]
int main() {
/// [Example saxpy host main]
namespace se = ::streamexecutor;
namespace cg = ::__compilergen;
// Create some host data.
float A = 42.0f;
std::vector<float> HostX = {0, 1, 2, 3};
std::vector<float> HostY = {4, 5, 6, 7};
size_t ArraySize = HostX.size();
// Get a device object.
se::Platform *Platform =
if (Platform->getDeviceCount() == 0) {
se::Device Device = getOrDie(Platform->getDevice(0));
// Load the kernel onto the device.
cg::SaxpyKernel Kernel =
se::RegisteredHostMemory<float> RegisteredX =
se::RegisteredHostMemory<float> RegisteredY =
// Allocate memory on the device.
se::GlobalDeviceMemory<float> X =
se::GlobalDeviceMemory<float> Y =
// Run operations on a stream.
se::Stream Stream = getOrDie(Device.createStream());
Stream.thenCopyH2D(RegisteredX, X)
.thenCopyH2D(RegisteredY, Y)
.thenLaunch(ArraySize, 1, Kernel, A, X, Y)
.thenCopyD2H(X, RegisteredX);
// Wait for the stream to complete.
// Process output data in HostX.
std::vector<float> ExpectedX = {4, 47, 90, 133};
assert(std::equal(ExpectedX.begin(), ExpectedX.end(), HostX.begin()));
/// [Example saxpy host main]