forked from OSchip/llvm-project
192 lines
7.6 KiB
192 lines
7.6 KiB
# This script modifies the lldb module (which was automatically generated via
# running swig) to support iteration and/or equality operations for certain lldb
# objects, implements truth value testing for certain lldb objects, and adds a
# global variable 'debugger_unique_id' which is initialized to 0.
# It also calls SBDebugger.Initialize() to initialize the lldb debugger
# subsystem.
import sys, re, StringIO
if len (sys.argv) != 2:
output_name = "./"
output_name = sys.argv[1] + "/"
# print "output_name is '" + output_name + "'"
# lldb_iter() should appear before the our first SB* class definition.
lldb_iter_def = '''
# ===================================
# Iterator for lldb container objects
# ===================================
def lldb_iter(obj, getsize, getelem):
"""A generator adaptor to support iteration for lldb container objects."""
size = getattr(obj, getsize)
elem = getattr(obj, getelem)
for i in range(size()):
yield elem(i)
# This supports the iteration protocol.
iter_def = " def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')"
module_iter = " def module_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')"
breakpoint_iter = " def breakpoint_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')"
# Called to implement the built-in function len().
# Eligible objects are those containers with unambiguous iteration support.
len_def = " def __len__(self): return self.%s()"
# This supports the rich comparison methods of __eq__ and __ne__.
eq_def = " def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, %s) and %s"
ne_def = " def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)"
# Called to implement truth value testing and the built-in operation bool();
# should return False or True, or their integer equivalents 0 or 1.
# Delegate to self.IsValid() if it is defined for the current lldb object.
nonzero_def = " def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()"
# The dictionary defines a mapping from classname to (getsize, getelem) tuple.
d = { 'SBBreakpoint': ('GetNumLocations', 'GetLocationAtIndex'),
'SBCompileUnit': ('GetNumLineEntries', 'GetLineEntryAtIndex'),
'SBDebugger': ('GetNumTargets', 'GetTargetAtIndex'),
'SBModule': ('GetNumSymbols', 'GetSymbolAtIndex'),
'SBProcess': ('GetNumThreads', 'GetThreadAtIndex'),
'SBThread': ('GetNumFrames', 'GetFrameAtIndex'),
'SBInstructionList': ('GetSize', 'GetInstructionAtIndex'),
'SBStringList': ('GetSize', 'GetStringAtIndex',),
'SBSymbolContextList': ('GetSize', 'GetContextAtIndex'),
'SBValueList': ('GetSize', 'GetValueAtIndex'),
'SBType': ('GetNumberChildren', 'GetChildAtIndex'),
'SBValue': ('GetNumChildren', 'GetChildAtIndex'),
'SBTarget': {'module': ('GetNumModules', 'GetModuleAtIndex'),
'breakpoint': ('GetNumBreakpoints', 'GetBreakpointAtIndex')
# This dictionary defines a mapping from classname to equality method name(s).
e = { 'SBBreakpoint': ['GetID'],
'SBFileSpec': ['GetFilename', 'GetDirectory'],
'SBModule': ['GetFileSpec', 'GetUUIDString']
def list_to_frag(list):
"""Transform a list to equality program fragment.
For example, ['GetID'] is transformed to 'self.GetID() == other.GetID()',
and ['GetFilename', 'GetDirectory'] to 'self.GetFilename() == other.GetFilename()
and self.GetDirectory() == other.GetDirectory()'.
if not list:
raise Exception("list should be non-empty")
frag = StringIO.StringIO()
for i in range(len(list)):
if i > 0:
frag.write(" and ")
frag.write("self.{0}() == other.{0}()".format(list[i]))
return frag.getvalue()
# The new content will have the iteration protocol defined for our lldb objects.
new_content = StringIO.StringIO()
with open(output_name, 'r') as f_in:
content =
# The pattern for recognizing the beginning of an SB class definition.
class_pattern = re.compile("^class (SB.*)\(_object\):$")
# The pattern for recognizing the beginning of the __init__ method definition.
init_pattern = re.compile("^ def __init__\(self, \*args\):")
# The pattern for recognizing the beginning of the IsValid method definition.
isvalid_pattern = re.compile("^ def IsValid\(\*args\):")
# These define the states of our finite state machine.
# The lldb_iter_def only needs to be inserted once.
lldb_iter_defined = False;
# Our FSM begins its life in the NORMAL state, and transitions to the
# DEFINING_ITERATOR and/or DEFINING_EQUALITY state whenever it encounters the
# beginning of certain class definitions, see dictionaries 'd' and 'e' above.
# Note that the two states DEFINING_ITERATOR and DEFINING_EQUALITY are
# orthogonal in that our FSM can be in one, the other, or both states at the
# same time. During such time, the FSM is eagerly searching for the __init__
# method definition in order to insert the appropriate method(s) into the lldb
# module.
# Assuming that SWIG puts out the __init__ method definition before other method
# definitions, the FSM, while in NORMAL state, also checks the current input for
# IsValid() definition, and inserts a __nonzero__() method definition to
# implement truth value testing and the built-in operation bool().
state = NORMAL
for line in content.splitlines():
if state == NORMAL:
match =
# Inserts the lldb_iter() definition before the first class definition.
if not lldb_iter_defined and match:
print >> new_content, lldb_iter_def
lldb_iter_defined = True
# If we are at the beginning of the class definitions, prepare to
# transition to the DEFINING_ITERATOR/DEFINING_EQUALITY state for the
# right class names.
if match:
cls =
if cls in d:
# Adding support for iteration for the matched SB class.
state = (state | DEFINING_ITERATOR)
if cls in e:
# Adding support for eq and ne for the matched SB class.
state = (state | DEFINING_EQUALITY)
# Look for 'def IsValid(*args):', and once located, add implementation
# of truth value testing for objects by delegation.
print >> new_content, nonzero_def
elif state > NORMAL:
match =
if match:
# We found the beginning of the __init__ method definition.
# This is a good spot to insert the iter and/or eq-ne support.
# But note that SBTarget has two types of iterations.
if cls == "SBTarget":
print >> new_content, module_iter % (d[cls]['module'])
print >> new_content, breakpoint_iter % (d[cls]['breakpoint'])
print >> new_content, iter_def % d[cls]
print >> new_content, len_def % d[cls][0]
print >> new_content, eq_def % (cls, list_to_frag(e[cls]))
print >> new_content, ne_def
# Next state will be NORMAL.
state = NORMAL
# Pass the original line of content to new_content.
print >> new_content, line
with open(output_name, 'w') as f_out:
f_out.write("debugger_unique_id = 0\n")