
666 lines
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//===- unittest/Tooling/RangeSelectorTest.cpp -----------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/Tooling/Transformer/RangeSelector.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Transformer/Parsing.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/Transformer/SourceCode.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace clang;
using namespace transformer;
using namespace ast_matchers;
namespace {
using ::llvm::Expected;
using ::llvm::Failed;
using ::llvm::HasValue;
using ::llvm::StringError;
using ::testing::AllOf;
using ::testing::HasSubstr;
using ::testing::Property;
using MatchResult = MatchFinder::MatchResult;
struct TestMatch {
// The AST unit from which `result` is built. We bundle it because it backs
// the result. Users are not expected to access it.
std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTUnit> ASTUnit;
// The result to use in the test. References `ast_unit`.
MatchResult Result;
template <typename M> TestMatch matchCode(StringRef Code, M Matcher) {
auto ASTUnit = tooling::buildASTFromCode(Code);
assert(ASTUnit != nullptr && "AST construction failed");
ASTContext &Context = ASTUnit->getASTContext();
assert(!Context.getDiagnostics().hasErrorOccurred() && "Compilation error");
TraversalKindScope RAII(Context, ast_type_traits::TK_AsIs);
auto Matches = ast_matchers::match(Matcher, Context);
// We expect a single, exact match.
assert(Matches.size() != 0 && "no matches found");
assert(Matches.size() == 1 && "too many matches");
return TestMatch{std::move(ASTUnit), MatchResult(Matches[0], &Context)};
// Applies \p Selector to \p Match and, on success, returns the selected source.
Expected<StringRef> select(RangeSelector Selector, const TestMatch &Match) {
Expected<CharSourceRange> Range = Selector(Match.Result);
if (!Range)
return Range.takeError();
return tooling::getText(*Range, *Match.Result.Context);
// Applies \p Selector to a trivial match with only a single bound node with id
// "bound_node_id". For use in testing unbound-node errors.
Expected<CharSourceRange> selectFromTrivial(const RangeSelector &Selector) {
// We need to bind the result to something, or the match will fail. Use a
// binding that is not used in the unbound node tests.
TestMatch Match =
matchCode("static int x = 0;", varDecl().bind("bound_node_id"));
return Selector(Match.Result);
// Matches the message expected for unbound-node failures.
testing::Matcher<StringError> withUnboundNodeMessage() {
return testing::Property(
AllOf(HasSubstr("unbound_id"), HasSubstr("not bound")));
// Applies \p Selector to code containing assorted node types, where the match
// binds each one: a statement ("stmt"), a (non-member) ctor-initializer
// ("init"), an expression ("expr") and a (nameless) declaration ("decl"). Used
// to test failures caused by applying selectors to nodes of the wrong type.
Expected<CharSourceRange> selectFromAssorted(RangeSelector Selector) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct A {};
class F : public A {
F(int) {}
void g() { F f(1); }
auto Matcher =
return Selector(matchCode(Code, Matcher).Result);
// Matches the message expected for type-error failures.
testing::Matcher<StringError> withTypeErrorMessage(const std::string &NodeID) {
return testing::Property(
AllOf(HasSubstr(NodeID), HasSubstr("mismatched type")));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, UnboundNode) {
MATCHER_P(EqualsCharSourceRange, Range, "") {
return Range.getAsRange() == arg.getAsRange() &&
Range.isTokenRange() == arg.isTokenRange();
// FIXME: here and elsewhere: use llvm::Annotations library to explicitly mark
// points and ranges of interest, enabling more readable tests.
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, BeforeOp) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f(int x, int y, int z) { return 3; }
int g() { return f(/* comment */ 3, 7 /* comment */, 9); }
StringRef CallID = "call";
ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Stmt> M = callExpr().bind(CallID);
RangeSelector R = before(node(CallID.str()));
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, M);
const auto *E = Match.Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>(CallID);
assert(E != nullptr);
auto ExprBegin = E->getSourceRange().getBegin();
CharSourceRange::getCharRange(ExprBegin, ExprBegin))));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, BeforeOpParsed) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f(int x, int y, int z) { return 3; }
int g() { return f(/* comment */ 3, 7 /* comment */, 9); }
StringRef CallID = "call";
ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Stmt> M = callExpr().bind(CallID);
auto R = parseRangeSelector(R"rs(before(node("call")))rs");
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(R, llvm::Succeeded());
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, M);
const auto *E = Match.Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>(CallID);
assert(E != nullptr);
auto ExprBegin = E->getSourceRange().getBegin();
CharSourceRange::getCharRange(ExprBegin, ExprBegin))));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, AfterOp) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f(int x, int y, int z) { return 3; }
int g() { return f(/* comment */ 3, 7 /* comment */, 9); }
StringRef Call = "call";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, callExpr().bind(Call));
const auto* E = Match.Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>(Call);
assert(E != nullptr);
const SourceRange Range = E->getSourceRange();
// The end token, a right paren, is one character wide, so advance by one,
// bringing us to the semicolon.
const SourceLocation SemiLoc = Range.getEnd().getLocWithOffset(1);
const auto ExpectedAfter = CharSourceRange::getCharRange(SemiLoc, SemiLoc);
// Test with a char range.
auto CharRange = CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Range.getBegin(), SemiLoc);
// Test with a token range.
auto TokenRange = CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(Range);
// Node-id specific version.
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, RangeOpNodes) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f(int x, int y, int z) { return 3; }
int g() { return f(/* comment */ 3, 7 /* comment */, 9); }
auto Matcher = callExpr(hasArgument(0, expr().bind("a0")),
hasArgument(1, expr().bind("a1")));
RangeSelector R = encloseNodes("a0", "a1");
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, Matcher);
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(R, Match), HasValue("3, 7"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, RangeOpGeneral) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f(int x, int y, int z) { return 3; }
int g() { return f(/* comment */ 3, 7 /* comment */, 9); }
auto Matcher = callExpr(hasArgument(0, expr().bind("a0")),
hasArgument(1, expr().bind("a1")));
RangeSelector R = enclose(node("a0"), node("a1"));
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, Matcher);
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(R, Match), HasValue("3, 7"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, RangeOpNodesParsed) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f(int x, int y, int z) { return 3; }
int g() { return f(/* comment */ 3, 7 /* comment */, 9); }
auto Matcher = callExpr(hasArgument(0, expr().bind("a0")),
hasArgument(1, expr().bind("a1")));
auto R = parseRangeSelector(R"rs(encloseNodes("a0", "a1"))rs");
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(R, llvm::Succeeded());
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, Matcher);
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(*R, Match), HasValue("3, 7"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, RangeOpGeneralParsed) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f(int x, int y, int z) { return 3; }
int g() { return f(/* comment */ 3, 7 /* comment */, 9); }
auto Matcher = callExpr(hasArgument(0, expr().bind("a0")),
hasArgument(1, expr().bind("a1")));
auto R = parseRangeSelector(R"rs(encloseNodes("a0", "a1"))rs");
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(R, llvm::Succeeded());
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, Matcher);
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(*R, Match), HasValue("3, 7"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, NodeOpStatement) {
StringRef Code = "int f() { return 3; }";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, returnStmt().bind("id"));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(node("id"), Match), HasValue("return 3;"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, NodeOpExpression) {
StringRef Code = "int f() { return 3; }";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, expr().bind("id"));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(node("id"), Match), HasValue("3"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, StatementOp) {
StringRef Code = "int f() { return 3; }";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, expr().bind("id"));
RangeSelector R = statement("id");
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(R, Match), HasValue("3;"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, StatementOpParsed) {
StringRef Code = "int f() { return 3; }";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, expr().bind("id"));
auto R = parseRangeSelector(R"rs(statement("id"))rs");
ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(R, llvm::Succeeded());
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(*R, Match), HasValue("3;"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, MemberOp) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct S {
int member;
int g() {
S s;
return s.member;
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, memberExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(member(ID), Match), HasValue("member"));
// Tests that member does not select any qualifiers on the member name.
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, MemberOpQualified) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct S {
int member;
struct T : public S {
int field;
int g() {
T t;
return t.S::member;
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, memberExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(member(ID), Match), HasValue("member"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, MemberOpTemplate) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct S {
template <typename T> T foo(T t);
int f(int x) {
S s;
return s.template foo<int>(3);
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, memberExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(member(ID), Match), HasValue("foo"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, MemberOpOperator) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct S {
int operator*();
int f(int x) {
S s;
return s.operator *();
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, memberExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(member(ID), Match), HasValue("operator *"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, NameOpNamedDecl) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int myfun() {
return 3;
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, functionDecl().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(name(ID), Match), HasValue("myfun"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, NameOpDeclRef) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int foo(int x) {
return x;
int g(int x) { return foo(x) * x; }
const char *Ref = "ref";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, declRefExpr(to(functionDecl())).bind(Ref));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(name(Ref), Match), HasValue("foo"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, NameOpCtorInitializer) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
class C {
C() : field(3) {}
int field;
const char *Init = "init";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, cxxCtorInitializer().bind(Init));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(name(Init), Match), HasValue("field"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, NameOpErrors) {
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, NameOpDeclRefError) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct S {
int operator*();
int f(int x) {
S s;
return *s + x;
const char *Ref = "ref";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, declRefExpr(to(functionDecl())).bind(Ref));
AllOf(HasSubstr(Ref), HasSubstr("requires property 'identifier'")))));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, CallArgsOp) {
const StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct C {
int bar(int, int);
int f() {
C x;
return x.bar(3, 4);
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, callExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(callArgs(ID), Match), HasValue("3, 4"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, CallArgsOpNoArgs) {
const StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct C {
int bar();
int f() {
C x;
return x.bar();
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, callExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(callArgs(ID), Match), HasValue(""));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, CallArgsOpNoArgsWithComments) {
const StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct C {
int bar();
int f() {
C x;
return x.bar(/*empty*/);
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, callExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(callArgs(ID), Match), HasValue("/*empty*/"));
// Tests that arguments are extracted correctly when a temporary (with parens)
// is used.
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, CallArgsOpWithParens) {
const StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct C {
int bar(int, int) { return 3; }
int f() {
C x;
return C().bar(3, 4);
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match =
matchCode(Code, callExpr(callee(functionDecl(hasName("bar")))).bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(callArgs(ID), Match), HasValue("3, 4"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, CallArgsOpLeadingComments) {
const StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct C {
int bar(int, int) { return 3; }
int f() {
C x;
return x.bar(/*leading*/ 3, 4);
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, callExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(callArgs(ID), Match),
HasValue("/*leading*/ 3, 4"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, CallArgsOpTrailingComments) {
const StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct C {
int bar(int, int) { return 3; }
int f() {
C x;
return x.bar(3 /*trailing*/, 4);
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, callExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(callArgs(ID), Match),
HasValue("3 /*trailing*/, 4"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, CallArgsOpEolComments) {
const StringRef Code = R"cc(
struct C {
int bar(int, int) { return 3; }
int f() {
C x;
return x.bar( // Header
1, // foo
2 // bar
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, callExpr().bind(ID));
std::string ExpectedString = R"( // Header
1, // foo
2 // bar
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(callArgs(ID), Match), HasValue(ExpectedString));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, CallArgsErrors) {
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, StatementsOp) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
void g();
void f() { /* comment */ g(); /* comment */ g(); /* comment */ }
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, compoundStmt().bind(ID));
select(statements(ID), Match),
HasValue(" /* comment */ g(); /* comment */ g(); /* comment */ "));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, StatementsOpEmptyList) {
StringRef Code = "void f() {}";
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, compoundStmt().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(statements(ID), Match), HasValue(""));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, StatementsOpErrors) {
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, ElementsOp) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
void f() {
int v[] = {/* comment */ 3, /* comment*/ 4 /* comment */};
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, initListExpr().bind(ID));
select(initListElements(ID), Match),
HasValue("/* comment */ 3, /* comment*/ 4 /* comment */"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, ElementsOpEmptyList) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
void f() {
int v[] = {};
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, initListExpr().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(initListElements(ID), Match), HasValue(""));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, ElementsOpErrors) {
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, ElseBranchOpSingleStatement) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f() {
int x = 0;
if (true) x = 3;
else x = 4;
return x + 5;
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, ifStmt().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(elseBranch(ID), Match), HasValue("else x = 4;"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, ElseBranchOpCompoundStatement) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f() {
int x = 0;
if (true) x = 3;
else { x = 4; }
return x + 5;
const char *ID = "id";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, ifStmt().bind(ID));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(elseBranch(ID), Match),
HasValue("else { x = 4; }"));
// Tests case where the matched node is the complete expanded text.
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, ExpansionOp) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
#define BADDECL(E) int bad(int x) { return E; }
BADDECL(x * x)
const char *Fun = "Fun";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, functionDecl(hasName("bad")).bind(Fun));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(expansion(node(Fun)), Match),
HasValue("BADDECL(x * x)"));
// Tests case where the matched node is (only) part of the expanded text.
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, ExpansionOpPartial) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
#define BADDECL(E) int bad(int x) { return E; }
BADDECL(x * x)
const char *Ret = "Ret";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, returnStmt().bind(Ret));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(expansion(node(Ret)), Match),
HasValue("BADDECL(x * x)"));
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, IfBoundOpBound) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f() {
return 3 + 5;
const char *ID = "id", *Op = "op";
TestMatch Match =
matchCode(Code, binaryOperator(hasLHS(expr().bind(ID))).bind(Op));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(ifBound(ID, node(ID), node(Op)), Match),
TEST(RangeSelectorTest, IfBoundOpUnbound) {
StringRef Code = R"cc(
int f() {
return 3 + 5;
const char *ID = "id", *Op = "op";
TestMatch Match = matchCode(Code, binaryOperator().bind(Op));
EXPECT_THAT_EXPECTED(select(ifBound(ID, node(ID), node(Op)), Match),
HasValue("3 + 5"));
} // namespace