
696 lines
23 KiB

//===-- lldb-gdbserver.cpp --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// C Includes
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// C++ Includes
// Other libraries and framework includes
#include "lldb/lldb-private-log.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ConnectionMachPort.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h"
#include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
#include "lldb/Host/ConnectionFileDescriptor.h"
#include "lldb/Host/HostThread.h"
#include "lldb/Host/Pipe.h"
#include "lldb/Host/OptionParser.h"
#include "lldb/Host/Socket.h"
#include "lldb/Host/StringConvert.h"
#include "lldb/Host/ThreadLauncher.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
#include "Plugins/Process/gdb-remote/GDBRemoteCommunicationServer.h"
#include "Plugins/Process/gdb-remote/ProcessGDBRemoteLog.h"
#define LLGS_PROGRAM_NAME "lldb-gdbserver"
#define LLGS_VERSION_STR "local_build"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
// lldb-gdbserver state
HostThread s_listen_thread;
std::unique_ptr<ConnectionFileDescriptor> s_listen_connection_up;
std::string s_listen_url;
// option descriptors for getopt_long_only()
int g_debug = 0;
int g_verbose = 0;
static struct option g_long_options[] =
{ "debug", no_argument, &g_debug, 1 },
{ "platform", required_argument, NULL, 'p' },
{ "verbose", no_argument, &g_verbose, 1 },
{ "lldb-command", required_argument, NULL, 'c' },
{ "log-file", required_argument, NULL, 'l' },
{ "log-flags", required_argument, NULL, 'f' },
{ "attach", required_argument, NULL, 'a' },
{ "named-pipe", required_argument, NULL, 'P' },
{ "native-regs", no_argument, NULL, 'r' }, // Specify to use the native registers instead of the gdb defaults for the architecture. NOTE: this is a do-nothing arg as it's behavior is default now. FIXME remove call from lldb-platform.
{ "reverse-connect", no_argument, NULL, 'R' }, // Specifies that llgs attaches to the client address:port rather than llgs listening for a connection from address on port.
{ "setsid", no_argument, NULL, 'S' }, // Call setsid() to make llgs run in its own session.
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
// Watch for signals
static int g_sigpipe_received = 0;
static int g_sighup_received_count = 0;
#ifndef _WIN32
signal_handler(int signo)
Log *log (GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS));
fprintf (stderr, "lldb-gdbserver:%s received signal %d\n", __FUNCTION__, signo);
if (log)
log->Printf ("lldb-gdbserver:%s received signal %d", __FUNCTION__, signo);
switch (signo)
g_sigpipe_received = 1;
case SIGHUP:
// For now, swallow SIGHUP.
if (log)
log->Printf ("lldb-gdbserver:%s swallowing SIGHUP (receive count=%d)", __FUNCTION__, g_sighup_received_count);
signal (SIGHUP, signal_handler);
#endif // #ifndef _WIN32
static void
display_usage (const char *progname)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n %s [--log-file log-file-path] [--log-flags flags] [--lldb-command command]* [--platform platform_name] [--setsid] [--named-pipe named-pipe-path] [--native-regs] [--attach pid] [[HOST]:PORT] "
"[-- PROGRAM ARG1 ARG2 ...]\n", progname);
static void
dump_available_platforms (FILE *output_file)
fprintf (output_file, "Available platform plugins:\n");
for (int i = 0; ; ++i)
const char *plugin_name = PluginManager::GetPlatformPluginNameAtIndex (i);
const char *plugin_desc = PluginManager::GetPlatformPluginDescriptionAtIndex (i);
if (!plugin_name || !plugin_desc)
fprintf (output_file, "%s\t%s\n", plugin_name, plugin_desc);
if ( Platform::GetHostPlatform () )
// add this since the default platform doesn't necessarily get registered by
// the plugin name (e.g. 'host' doesn't show up as a
// registered platform plugin even though it's the default).
fprintf (output_file, "%s\tDefault platform for this host.\n", Platform::GetHostPlatform ()->GetPluginName ().AsCString ());
static void
run_lldb_commands (const lldb::DebuggerSP &debugger_sp, const std::vector<std::string> &lldb_commands)
for (const auto &lldb_command : lldb_commands)
printf("(lldb) %s\n", lldb_command.c_str ());
lldb_private::CommandReturnObject result;
debugger_sp->GetCommandInterpreter ().HandleCommand (lldb_command.c_str (), eLazyBoolNo, result);
const char *output = result.GetOutputData ();
if (output && output[0])
puts (output);
static lldb::PlatformSP
setup_platform (const std::string &platform_name)
lldb::PlatformSP platform_sp;
if (platform_name.empty())
printf ("using the default platform: ");
platform_sp = Platform::GetHostPlatform ();
printf ("%s\n", platform_sp->GetPluginName ().AsCString ());
return platform_sp;
Error error;
platform_sp = Platform::Create (lldb_private::ConstString(platform_name), error);
if (error.Fail ())
// the host platform isn't registered with that name (at
// least, not always. Check if the given name matches
// the default platform name. If so, use it.
if ( Platform::GetHostPlatform () && ( Platform::GetHostPlatform ()->GetPluginName () == ConstString (platform_name.c_str()) ) )
platform_sp = Platform::GetHostPlatform ();
fprintf (stderr, "error: failed to create platform with name '%s'\n", platform_name.c_str());
dump_available_platforms (stderr);
exit (1);
printf ("using platform: %s\n", platform_name.c_str ());
return platform_sp;
handle_attach_to_pid (GDBRemoteCommunicationServer &gdb_server, lldb::pid_t pid)
Error error = gdb_server.AttachToProcess (pid);
if (error.Fail ())
fprintf (stderr, "error: failed to attach to pid %" PRIu64 ": %s\n", pid, error.AsCString());
handle_attach_to_process_name (GDBRemoteCommunicationServer &gdb_server, const std::string &process_name)
// FIXME implement.
handle_attach (GDBRemoteCommunicationServer &gdb_server, const std::string &attach_target)
assert (!attach_target.empty () && "attach_target cannot be empty");
// First check if the attach_target is convertable to a long. If so, we'll use it as a pid.
char *end_p = nullptr;
const long int pid = strtol (attach_target.c_str (), &end_p, 10);
// We'll call it a match if the entire argument is consumed.
if (end_p && static_cast<size_t> (end_p - attach_target.c_str ()) == attach_target.size ())
handle_attach_to_pid (gdb_server, static_cast<lldb::pid_t> (pid));
handle_attach_to_process_name (gdb_server, attach_target);
handle_launch (GDBRemoteCommunicationServer &gdb_server, int argc, const char *const argv[])
Error error;
error = gdb_server.SetLaunchArguments (argv, argc);
if (error.Fail ())
fprintf (stderr, "error: failed to set launch args for '%s': %s\n", argv[0], error.AsCString());
unsigned int launch_flags = eLaunchFlagStopAtEntry | eLaunchFlagDebug;
error = gdb_server.SetLaunchFlags (launch_flags);
if (error.Fail ())
fprintf (stderr, "error: failed to set launch flags for '%s': %s\n", argv[0], error.AsCString());
error = gdb_server.LaunchProcess ();
if (error.Fail ())
fprintf (stderr, "error: failed to launch '%s': %s\n", argv[0], error.AsCString());
static lldb::thread_result_t
ListenThread (lldb::thread_arg_t /* arg */)
Error error;
if (s_listen_connection_up)
// Do the listen on another thread so we can continue on...
if (s_listen_connection_up->Connect(s_listen_url.c_str(), &error) != eConnectionStatusSuccess)
return nullptr;
static Error
StartListenThread (const char *hostname, uint16_t port)
Error error;
if (s_listen_thread.IsJoinable())
error.SetErrorString("listen thread already running");
char listen_url[512];
if (hostname && hostname[0])
snprintf(listen_url, sizeof(listen_url), "listen://%s:%i", hostname, port);
snprintf(listen_url, sizeof(listen_url), "listen://%i", port);
s_listen_url = listen_url;
s_listen_connection_up.reset (new ConnectionFileDescriptor ());
s_listen_thread = ThreadLauncher::LaunchThread(listen_url, ListenThread, nullptr, &error);
return error;
static bool
JoinListenThread ()
if (s_listen_thread.IsJoinable())
return true;
writePortToPipe (const char *const named_pipe_path, const uint16_t port)
Pipe port_name_pipe;
// Wait for 10 seconds for pipe to be opened.
auto error = port_name_pipe.OpenAsWriterWithTimeout (named_pipe_path, false, std::chrono::microseconds (10 * 1000000));
if (error.Fail ())
return error;
char port_str[64];
const auto port_str_len = ::snprintf (port_str, sizeof (port_str), "%u", port);
size_t bytes_written = 0;
// Write the port number as a C string with the NULL terminator.
return port_name_pipe.Write (port_str, port_str_len + 1, bytes_written);
ConnectToRemote (GDBRemoteCommunicationServer &gdb_server, bool reverse_connect, const char *const host_and_port, const char *const progname, const char *const named_pipe_path)
Error error;
if (host_and_port && host_and_port[0])
// Parse out host and port.
std::string final_host_and_port;
std::string connection_host;
std::string connection_port;
uint32_t connection_portno = 0;
// If host_and_port starts with ':', default the host to be "localhost" and expect the remainder to be the port.
if (host_and_port[0] == ':')
final_host_and_port.append ("localhost");
final_host_and_port.append (host_and_port);
const std::string::size_type colon_pos = final_host_and_port.find (':');
if (colon_pos != std::string::npos)
connection_host = final_host_and_port.substr (0, colon_pos);
connection_port = final_host_and_port.substr (colon_pos + 1);
connection_portno = StringConvert::ToUInt32 (connection_port.c_str (), 0);
fprintf (stderr, "failed to parse host and port from connection string '%s'\n", final_host_and_port.c_str ());
display_usage (progname);
exit (1);
if (reverse_connect)
// llgs will connect to the gdb-remote client.
// Ensure we have a port number for the connection.
if (connection_portno == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "error: port number must be specified on when using reverse connect");
exit (1);
// Build the connection string.
char connection_url[512];
snprintf(connection_url, sizeof(connection_url), "connect://%s", final_host_and_port.c_str ());
// Create the connection.
std::unique_ptr<ConnectionFileDescriptor> connection_up (new ConnectionFileDescriptor ());
connection_up.reset (new ConnectionFileDescriptor ());
auto connection_result = connection_up->Connect (connection_url, &error);
if (connection_result != eConnectionStatusSuccess)
fprintf (stderr, "error: failed to connect to client at '%s' (connection status: %d)", connection_url, static_cast<int> (connection_result));
exit (-1);
if (error.Fail ())
fprintf (stderr, "error: failed to connect to client at '%s': %s", connection_url, error.AsCString ());
exit (-1);
// We're connected.
printf ("Connection established.\n");
gdb_server.SetConnection (connection_up.release());
// llgs will listen for connections on the given port from the given address.
// Start the listener on a new thread. We need to do this so we can resolve the
// bound listener port.
StartListenThread(connection_host.c_str (), static_cast<uint16_t> (connection_portno));
printf ("Listening to port %s for a connection from %s...\n", connection_port.c_str (), connection_host.c_str ());
// If we have a named pipe to write the port number back to, do that now.
if (named_pipe_path && named_pipe_path[0] && connection_portno == 0)
const uint16_t bound_port = s_listen_connection_up->GetListeningPort (10);
if (bound_port > 0)
error = writePortToPipe (named_pipe_path, bound_port);
if (error.Fail ())
fprintf (stderr, "failed to write to the named pipe \'%s\': %s", named_pipe_path, error.AsCString());
fprintf (stderr, "unable to get the bound port for the listening connection\n");
// Join the listener thread.
if (!JoinListenThread ())
fprintf (stderr, "failed to join the listener thread\n");
display_usage (progname);
exit (1);
// Ensure we connected.
if (s_listen_connection_up)
printf ("Connection established '%s'\n", s_listen_connection_up->GetURI().c_str());
gdb_server.SetConnection (s_listen_connection_up.release());
fprintf (stderr, "failed to connect to '%s': %s\n", final_host_and_port.c_str (), error.AsCString ());
display_usage (progname);
exit (1);
if (gdb_server.IsConnected())
// After we connected, we need to get an initial ack from...
if (gdb_server.HandshakeWithClient(&error))
// We'll use a half a second timeout interval so that an exit conditions can
// be checked that often.
const uint32_t TIMEOUT_USEC = 500000;
bool interrupt = false;
bool done = false;
while (!interrupt && !done && (g_sighup_received_count < 2))
const GDBRemoteCommunication::PacketResult result = gdb_server.GetPacketAndSendResponse (TIMEOUT_USEC, error, interrupt, done);
if ((result != GDBRemoteCommunication::PacketResult::Success) &&
(result != GDBRemoteCommunication::PacketResult::ErrorReplyTimeout))
// We're bailing out - we only support successful handling and timeouts.
fprintf(stderr, "leaving packet loop due to PacketResult %d\n", result);
if (error.Fail())
fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", error.AsCString());
fprintf(stderr, "error: handshake with client failed\n");
fprintf (stderr, "no connection information provided, unable to run\n");
display_usage (progname);
exit (1);
// main
main (int argc, char *argv[])
#ifndef _WIN32
// Setup signal handlers first thing.
signal (SIGPIPE, signal_handler);
signal (SIGHUP, signal_handler);
const char *progname = argv[0];
int long_option_index = 0;
StreamSP log_stream_sp;
Args log_args;
Error error;
int ch;
std::string platform_name;
std::string attach_target;
std::string named_pipe_path;
bool reverse_connect = false;
Debugger::Initialize (NULL);
lldb::DebuggerSP debugger_sp = Debugger::CreateInstance ();
debugger_sp->SetInputFileHandle(stdin, false);
debugger_sp->SetOutputFileHandle(stdout, false);
debugger_sp->SetErrorFileHandle(stderr, false);
// ProcessLaunchInfo launch_info;
ProcessAttachInfo attach_info;
bool show_usage = false;
int option_error = 0;
#if __GLIBC__
optind = 0;
optreset = 1;
optind = 1;
std::string short_options(OptionParser::GetShortOptionString(g_long_options));
std::vector<std::string> lldb_commands;
while ((ch = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, short_options.c_str(), g_long_options, &long_option_index)) != -1)
switch (ch)
case 0: // Any optional that auto set themselves will return 0
case 'l': // Set Log File
if (optarg && optarg[0])
if ((strcasecmp(optarg, "stdout") == 0) || (strcmp(optarg, "/dev/stdout") == 0))
log_stream_sp.reset (new StreamFile (stdout, false));
else if ((strcasecmp(optarg, "stderr") == 0) || (strcmp(optarg, "/dev/stderr") == 0))
log_stream_sp.reset (new StreamFile (stderr, false));
FILE *log_file = fopen(optarg, "w");
if (log_file)
log_stream_sp.reset (new StreamFile (log_file, true));
const char *errno_str = strerror(errno);
fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open log file '%s' for writing: errno = %i (%s)", optarg, errno, errno_str ? errno_str : "unknown error");
case 'f': // Log Flags
if (optarg && optarg[0])
case 'c': // lldb commands
if (optarg && optarg[0])
case 'p': // platform name
if (optarg && optarg[0])
platform_name = optarg;
case 'P': // named pipe
if (optarg && optarg[0])
named_pipe_path = optarg;
case 'r':
// Do nothing, native regs is the default these days
case 'R':
reverse_connect = true;
#ifndef _WIN32
case 'S':
// Put llgs into a new session. Terminals group processes
// into sessions and when a special terminal key sequences
// (like control+c) are typed they can cause signals to go out to
// all processes in a session. Using this --setsid (-S) option
// will cause debugserver to run in its own sessions and be free
// from such issues.
// This is useful when llgs is spawned from a command
// line application that uses llgs to do the debugging,
// yet that application doesn't want llgs receiving the
// signals sent to the session (i.e. dying when anyone hits ^C).
const ::pid_t new_sid = setsid();
if (new_sid == -1)
const char *errno_str = strerror(errno);
fprintf (stderr, "failed to set new session id for %s (%s)\n", LLGS_PROGRAM_NAME, errno_str ? errno_str : "<no error string>");
case 'a': // attach {pid|process_name}
if (optarg && optarg[0])
attach_target = optarg;
case 'h': /* fall-through is intentional */
case '?':
show_usage = true;
if (show_usage || option_error)
if (log_stream_sp)
if (log_args.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
ProcessGDBRemoteLog::EnableLog (log_stream_sp, 0,log_args.GetConstArgumentVector(), log_stream_sp.get());
Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (GDBR_LOG_VERBOSE));
if (log)
log->Printf ("lldb-gdbserver launch");
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
log->Printf ("argv[%i] = '%s'", i, argv[i]);
// Skip any options we consumed with getopt_long_only.
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
if (argc == 0)
// Run any commands requested.
run_lldb_commands (debugger_sp, lldb_commands);
// Setup the platform that GDBRemoteCommunicationServer will use.
lldb::PlatformSP platform_sp = setup_platform (platform_name);
const bool is_platform = false;
GDBRemoteCommunicationServer gdb_server (is_platform, platform_sp, debugger_sp);
const char *const host_and_port = argv[0];
argc -= 1;
argv += 1;
// Any arguments left over are for the the program that we need to launch. If there
// are no arguments, then the GDB server will start up and wait for an 'A' packet
// to launch a program, or a vAttach packet to attach to an existing process, unless
// explicitly asked to attach with the --attach={pid|program_name} form.
if (!attach_target.empty ())
handle_attach (gdb_server, attach_target);
else if (argc > 0)
handle_launch (gdb_server, argc, argv);
// Print version info.
ConnectToRemote (gdb_server, reverse_connect, host_and_port, progname, named_pipe_path.c_str ());
Debugger::Terminate ();
fprintf(stderr, "lldb-gdbserver exiting...\n");
return 0;