forked from OSchip/llvm-project
347 lines
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347 lines
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! RUN: %python %S/ %s %flang_fc1
! Invalid operand types when user-defined operator is available
module m1
type :: t
end type
interface operator(==)
logical function eq_tt(x, y)
import :: t
type(t), intent(in) :: x, y
end interface
interface operator(+)
logical function add_tr(x, y)
import :: t
type(t), intent(in) :: x
real, intent(in) :: y
logical function plus_t(x)
import :: t
type(t), intent(in) :: x
logical function add_12(x, y)
real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:,:)
end interface
interface operator(.and.)
logical function and_tr(x, y)
import :: t
type(t), intent(in) :: x
real, intent(in) :: y
end interface
interface operator(//)
logical function concat_tt(x, y)
import :: t
type(t), intent(in) :: x, y
end interface
interface operator(.not.)
logical function not_r(x)
real, intent(in) :: x
end interface
type(t) :: x, y
real :: r
logical :: l
integer :: iVar
complex :: cvar
character :: charVar
subroutine test_relational()
l = x == y !OK
l = x .eq. y !OK
l = x .eq. y !OK
l = iVar == z'fe' !OK
l = z'fe' == iVar !OK
l = r == z'fe' !OK
l = z'fe' == r !OK
l = cVar == z'fe' !OK
l = z'fe' == cVar !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(==) matches operand types CHARACTER(KIND=1) and INTEGER(4)
l = charVar == z'fe'
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(==) matches operand types INTEGER(4) and CHARACTER(KIND=1)
l = z'fe' == charVar
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(==) matches operand types LOGICAL(4) and INTEGER(4)
l = l == z'fe' !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(==) matches operand types INTEGER(4) and LOGICAL(4)
l = z'fe' == l !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(==) matches operand types TYPE(t) and REAL(4)
l = x == r
lVar = z'a' == b'1010' !OK
subroutine test_numeric()
l = x + r !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types REAL(4) and TYPE(t)
l = r + x
subroutine test_logical()
l = x .and. r !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(.AND.) matches operand types REAL(4) and TYPE(t)
l = r .and. x
subroutine test_unary()
l = +x !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand type LOGICAL(4)
l = +l
l = .not. r !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(.NOT.) matches operand type TYPE(t)
l = .not. x
subroutine test_concat()
l = x // y !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(//) matches operand types TYPE(t) and REAL(4)
l = x // r
subroutine test_conformability(x, y)
real :: x(10), y(10,10)
l = x + y !OK
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches rank 2 array of REAL(4) and rank 1 array of REAL(4)
l = y + x
! Invalid operand types when user-defined operator is not available
module m2
intrinsic :: sin
type :: t
end type
type(t) :: x, y
real :: r
logical :: l
subroutine test_relational()
!ERROR: Operands of .EQ. must have comparable types; have TYPE(t) and REAL(4)
l = x == r
!ERROR: Subroutine name is not allowed here
l = r == test_numeric
!ERROR: Function call must have argument list
l = r == sin
subroutine test_numeric()
!ERROR: Operands of + must be numeric; have REAL(4) and TYPE(t)
l = r + x
subroutine test_logical()
!ERROR: Operands of .AND. must be LOGICAL; have REAL(4) and TYPE(t)
l = r .and. x
subroutine test_unary()
!ERROR: Operand of unary + must be numeric; have LOGICAL(4)
l = +l
!ERROR: Operand of .NOT. must be LOGICAL; have TYPE(t)
l = .not. x
subroutine test_concat(a, b)
character(4,kind=1) :: a
character(4,kind=2) :: b
character(4) :: c
!ERROR: Operands of // must be CHARACTER with the same kind; have CHARACTER(KIND=1) and CHARACTER(KIND=2)
c = a // b
!ERROR: Operands of // must be CHARACTER with the same kind; have TYPE(t) and REAL(4)
l = x // r
subroutine test_conformability(x, y)
real :: x(10), y(10,10)
!ERROR: Operands of + are not conformable; have rank 2 and rank 1
l = y + x
! Invalid untyped operands: user-defined operator doesn't affect errors
module m3
interface operator(+)
logical function add(x, y)
logical, intent(in) :: x
integer, value :: y
end interface
subroutine s1(x, y)
logical :: x
integer :: y
integer, pointer :: px
logical :: l
complex :: z
y = y + z'1' !OK
!ERROR: Operands of + must be numeric; have untyped and COMPLEX(4)
z = z'1' + z
y = +z'1' !OK
!ERROR: Operand of unary - must be numeric; have untyped
y = -z'1'
!ERROR: Operands of + must be numeric; have LOGICAL(4) and untyped
y = x + z'1'
!ERROR: A NULL() pointer is not allowed as an operand here
l = x /= null()
!ERROR: A NULL() pointer is not allowed as a relational operand
l = null(px) /= null(px)
!ERROR: A NULL() pointer is not allowed as an operand here
l = x /= null(px)
!ERROR: A NULL() pointer is not allowed as an operand here
l = px /= null()
!ERROR: A NULL() pointer is not allowed as a relational operand
l = px /= null(px)
!ERROR: A NULL() pointer is not allowed as an operand here
l = null() /= null()
! Test alternate operators. They aren't enabled by default so should be
! treated as defined operators, not intrinsic ones.
module m4
subroutine s1(x, y, z)
logical :: x
real :: y, z
!ERROR: No operator .A. defined for REAL(4) and REAL(4)
x = y .a. z
!ERROR: No operator .O. defined for REAL(4) and REAL(4)
x = y .o. z
!ERROR: No operator .N. defined for REAL(4)
x = .n. y
!ERROR: No operator .XOR. defined for REAL(4) and REAL(4)
x = y .xor. z
!ERROR: No operator .X. defined for REAL(4)
x = .x. y
! Like m4 in resolve63 but compiled with different options.
! .A. is a defined operator.
module m5
interface operator(.A.)
logical function f1(x, y)
integer, intent(in) :: x, y
end interface
interface operator(.and.)
logical function f2(x, y)
real, intent(in) :: x, y
end interface
subroutine s1(x, y, z)
logical :: x
complex :: y, z
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(.AND.) matches operand types COMPLEX(4) and COMPLEX(4)
x = y .and. z
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined .A. matches operand types COMPLEX(4) and COMPLEX(4)
x = y .a. z
! Type-bound operators
module m6
type :: t1
procedure, pass(x) :: p1 => f1
generic :: operator(+) => p1
end type
type, extends(t1) :: t2
procedure, pass(y) :: p2 => f2
generic :: operator(+) => p2
end type
type :: t3
procedure, nopass :: p1 => f1
!ERROR: OPERATOR(+) procedure 'p1' may not have NOPASS attribute
generic :: operator(+) => p1
end type
integer function f1(x, y)
class(t1), intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: y
integer function f2(x, y)
class(t1), intent(in) :: x
class(t2), intent(in) :: y
subroutine test(x, y, z)
class(t1) :: x
class(t2) :: y
integer :: i
i = x + y
i = x + i
i = y + i
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types TYPE(t2) and TYPE(t1)
i = y + x
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(+) matches operand types INTEGER(4) and TYPE(t1)
i = i + x
! Some cases where NULL is acceptable - ensure no false errors
module m7
implicit none
type :: t1
procedure :: s1
generic :: operator(/) => s1
end type
interface operator(-)
module procedure s2
end interface
integer function s1(x, y)
class(t1), intent(in) :: x
class(t1), intent(in), pointer :: y
s1 = 1
integer function s2(x, y)
type(t1), intent(in), pointer :: x, y
s2 = 2
subroutine test
integer :: j
type(t1), pointer :: x1
! These cases are fine.
j = x1 - x1
j = x1 - null(mold=x1)
j = null(mold=x1) - null(mold=x1)
j = null(mold=x1) - x1
j = x1 / x1
j = x1 / null(mold=x1)
j = null() - null(mold=x1)
j = null(mold=x1) - null()
j = null() - null()
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(/) matches operand types untyped and TYPE(t1)
j = null() / null(mold=x1)
!ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined OPERATOR(/) matches operand types TYPE(t1) and untyped
j = null(mold=x1) / null()
!ERROR: A NULL() pointer is not allowed as an operand here
j = null() / null()
! 16.9.144(6)
module m8
interface generic
procedure s1, s2
end interface
subroutine s1(ip1, rp1)
integer, pointer, intent(in) :: ip1
real, pointer, intent(in) :: rp1
end subroutine
subroutine s2(rp2, ip2)
real, pointer, intent(in) :: rp2
integer, pointer, intent(in) :: ip2
end subroutine
subroutine test
integer, pointer :: ip
real, pointer :: rp
call generic(ip, rp) ! ok
call generic(ip, null()) ! ok
call generic(rp, null()) ! ok
call generic(null(), rp) ! ok
call generic(null(), ip) ! ok
call generic(null(mold=ip), null()) ! ok
call generic(null(), null(mold=ip)) ! ok
!ERROR: One or more NULL() actual arguments to the generic procedure 'generic' requires a MOLD= for disambiguation
call generic(null(), null())
end subroutine