
872 lines
32 KiB

//===--- TUScheduler.cpp -----------------------------------------*-C++-*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// For each file, managed by TUScheduler, we create a single ASTWorker that
// manages an AST for that file. All operations that modify or read the AST are
// run on a separate dedicated thread asynchronously in FIFO order.
// We start processing each update immediately after we receive it. If two or
// more updates come subsequently without reads in-between, we attempt to drop
// an older one to not waste time building the ASTs we don't need.
// The processing thread of the ASTWorker is also responsible for building the
// preamble. However, unlike AST, the same preamble can be read concurrently, so
// we run each of async preamble reads on its own thread.
// To limit the concurrent load that clangd produces we maintain a semaphore that
// keeps more than a fixed number of threads from running concurrently.
// Rationale for cancelling updates.
// LSP clients can send updates to clangd on each keystroke. Some files take
// significant time to parse (e.g. a few seconds) and clangd can get starved by
// the updates to those files. Therefore we try to process only the last update,
// if possible.
// Our current strategy to do that is the following:
// - For each update we immediately schedule rebuild of the AST.
// - Rebuild of the AST checks if it was cancelled before doing any actual work.
// If it was, it does not do an actual rebuild, only reports llvm::None to the
// callback
// - When adding an update, we cancel the last update in the queue if it didn't
// have any reads.
// There is probably a optimal ways to do that. One approach we might take is
// the following:
// - For each update we remember the pending inputs, but delay rebuild of the
// AST for some timeout.
// - If subsequent updates come before rebuild was started, we replace the
// pending inputs and reset the timer.
// - If any reads of the AST are scheduled, we start building the AST
// immediately.
#include "TUScheduler.h"
#include "Cancellation.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/PCHContainerOperations.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
using namespace llvm;
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
using std::chrono::steady_clock;
namespace {
class ASTWorker;
static clang::clangd::Key<std::string> kFileBeingProcessed;
Optional<StringRef> TUScheduler::getFileBeingProcessedInContext() {
if (auto *File = Context::current().get(kFileBeingProcessed))
return StringRef(*File);
return None;
/// An LRU cache of idle ASTs.
/// Because we want to limit the overall number of these we retain, the cache
/// owns ASTs (and may evict them) while their workers are idle.
/// Workers borrow ASTs when active, and return them when done.
class TUScheduler::ASTCache {
using Key = const ASTWorker *;
ASTCache(unsigned MaxRetainedASTs) : MaxRetainedASTs(MaxRetainedASTs) {}
/// Returns result of getUsedBytes() for the AST cached by \p K.
/// If no AST is cached, 0 is returned.
std::size_t getUsedBytes(Key K) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
auto It = findByKey(K);
if (It == LRU.end() || !It->second)
return 0;
return It->second->getUsedBytes();
/// Store the value in the pool, possibly removing the last used AST.
/// The value should not be in the pool when this function is called.
void put(Key K, std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST> V) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
assert(findByKey(K) == LRU.end());
LRU.insert(LRU.begin(), {K, std::move(V)});
if (LRU.size() <= MaxRetainedASTs)
// We're past the limit, remove the last element.
std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST> ForCleanup = std::move(LRU.back().second);
// Run the expensive destructor outside the lock.
/// Returns the cached value for \p K, or llvm::None if the value is not in
/// the cache anymore. If nullptr was cached for \p K, this function will
/// return a null unique_ptr wrapped into an optional.
Optional<std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST>> take(Key K) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
auto Existing = findByKey(K);
if (Existing == LRU.end())
return None;
std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST> V = std::move(Existing->second);
// GCC 4.8 fails to compile `return V;`, as it tries to call the copy
// constructor of unique_ptr, so we call the move ctor explicitly to avoid
// this miscompile.
return Optional<std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST>>(std::move(V));
using KVPair = std::pair<Key, std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST>>;
std::vector<KVPair>::iterator findByKey(Key K) {
return llvm::find_if(LRU, [K](const KVPair &P) { return P.first == K; });
std::mutex Mut;
unsigned MaxRetainedASTs;
/// Items sorted in LRU order, i.e. first item is the most recently accessed
/// one.
std::vector<KVPair> LRU; /* GUARDED_BY(Mut) */
namespace {
class ASTWorkerHandle;
/// Owns one instance of the AST, schedules updates and reads of it.
/// Also responsible for building and providing access to the preamble.
/// Each ASTWorker processes the async requests sent to it on a separate
/// dedicated thread.
/// The ASTWorker that manages the AST is shared by both the processing thread
/// and the TUScheduler. The TUScheduler should discard an ASTWorker when
/// remove() is called, but its thread may be busy and we don't want to block.
/// So the workers are accessed via an ASTWorkerHandle. Destroying the handle
/// signals the worker to exit its run loop and gives up shared ownership of the
/// worker.
class ASTWorker {
friend class ASTWorkerHandle;
ASTWorker(PathRef FileName, TUScheduler::ASTCache &LRUCache,
Semaphore &Barrier, bool RunSync,
steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce,
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
bool StorePreamblesInMemory, ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks);
/// Create a new ASTWorker and return a handle to it.
/// The processing thread is spawned using \p Tasks. However, when \p Tasks
/// is null, all requests will be processed on the calling thread
/// synchronously instead. \p Barrier is acquired when processing each
/// request, it is used to limit the number of actively running threads.
static ASTWorkerHandle create(PathRef FileName,
TUScheduler::ASTCache &IdleASTs,
AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks, Semaphore &Barrier,
steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce,
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
bool StorePreamblesInMemory,
ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks);
void update(ParseInputs Inputs, WantDiagnostics);
void runWithAST(StringRef Name,
unique_function<void(Expected<InputsAndAST>)> Action);
bool blockUntilIdle(Deadline Timeout) const;
std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> getPossiblyStalePreamble() const;
/// Obtain a preamble reflecting all updates so far. Threadsafe.
/// It may be delivered immediately, or later on the worker thread.
void getCurrentPreamble(
unique_function<void(std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>)>);
/// Wait for the first build of preamble to finish. Preamble itself can be
/// accessed via getPossiblyStalePreamble(). Note that this function will
/// return after an unsuccessful build of the preamble too, i.e. result of
/// getPossiblyStalePreamble() can be null even after this function returns.
void waitForFirstPreamble() const;
std::size_t getUsedBytes() const;
bool isASTCached() const;
// Must be called exactly once on processing thread. Will return after
// stop() is called on a separate thread and all pending requests are
// processed.
void run();
/// Signal that run() should finish processing pending requests and exit.
void stop();
/// Adds a new task to the end of the request queue.
void startTask(StringRef Name, unique_function<void()> Task,
Optional<WantDiagnostics> UpdateType);
/// Determines the next action to perform.
/// All actions that should never run are discarded.
/// Returns a deadline for the next action. If it's expired, run now.
/// scheduleLocked() is called again at the deadline, or if requests arrive.
Deadline scheduleLocked();
/// Should the first task in the queue be skipped instead of run?
bool shouldSkipHeadLocked() const;
struct Request {
unique_function<void()> Action;
std::string Name;
steady_clock::time_point AddTime;
Context Ctx;
Optional<WantDiagnostics> UpdateType;
/// Handles retention of ASTs.
TUScheduler::ASTCache &IdleASTs;
const bool RunSync;
/// Time to wait after an update to see whether another update obsoletes it.
const steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce;
/// File that ASTWorker is responsible for.
const Path FileName;
/// Whether to keep the built preambles in memory or on disk.
const bool StorePreambleInMemory;
/// Callback invoked when preamble or main file AST is built.
ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks;
/// Helper class required to build the ASTs.
const std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs;
Semaphore &Barrier;
/// Inputs, corresponding to the current state of AST.
ParseInputs FileInputs;
/// Whether the diagnostics for the current FileInputs were reported to the
/// users before.
bool DiagsWereReported = false;
/// Size of the last AST
/// Guards members used by both TUScheduler and the worker thread.
mutable std::mutex Mutex;
std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> LastBuiltPreamble; /* GUARDED_BY(Mutex) */
/// Becomes ready when the first preamble build finishes.
Notification PreambleWasBuilt;
/// Set to true to signal run() to finish processing.
bool Done; /* GUARDED_BY(Mutex) */
std::deque<Request> Requests; /* GUARDED_BY(Mutex) */
mutable std::condition_variable RequestsCV;
/// Guards a critical section for running the diagnostics callbacks.
std::mutex DiagsMu;
// Used to prevent remove document + leading to out-of-order diagnostics:
// The lifetime of the old/new ASTWorkers will overlap, but their handles
// don't. When the old handle is destroyed, the old worker will stop reporting
// diagnostics.
bool ReportDiagnostics = true; /* GUARDED_BY(DiagMu) */
/// A smart-pointer-like class that points to an active ASTWorker.
/// In destructor, signals to the underlying ASTWorker that no new requests will
/// be sent and the processing loop may exit (after running all pending
/// requests).
class ASTWorkerHandle {
friend class ASTWorker;
ASTWorkerHandle(std::shared_ptr<ASTWorker> Worker)
: Worker(std::move(Worker)) {
ASTWorkerHandle(const ASTWorkerHandle &) = delete;
ASTWorkerHandle &operator=(const ASTWorkerHandle &) = delete;
ASTWorkerHandle(ASTWorkerHandle &&) = default;
ASTWorkerHandle &operator=(ASTWorkerHandle &&) = default;
~ASTWorkerHandle() {
if (Worker)
ASTWorker &operator*() {
assert(Worker && "Handle was moved from");
return *Worker;
ASTWorker *operator->() {
assert(Worker && "Handle was moved from");
return Worker.get();
/// Returns an owning reference to the underlying ASTWorker that can outlive
/// the ASTWorkerHandle. However, no new requests to an active ASTWorker can
/// be schedule via the returned reference, i.e. only reads of the preamble
/// are possible.
std::shared_ptr<const ASTWorker> lock() { return Worker; }
std::shared_ptr<ASTWorker> Worker;
ASTWorkerHandle ASTWorker::create(PathRef FileName,
TUScheduler::ASTCache &IdleASTs,
AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks, Semaphore &Barrier,
steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce,
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
bool StorePreamblesInMemory,
ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks) {
std::shared_ptr<ASTWorker> Worker(new ASTWorker(
FileName, IdleASTs, Barrier, /*RunSync=*/!Tasks, UpdateDebounce,
std::move(PCHs), StorePreamblesInMemory, Callbacks));
if (Tasks)
Tasks->runAsync("worker:" + sys::path::filename(FileName),
[Worker]() { Worker->run(); });
return ASTWorkerHandle(std::move(Worker));
ASTWorker::ASTWorker(PathRef FileName, TUScheduler::ASTCache &LRUCache,
Semaphore &Barrier, bool RunSync,
steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce,
std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
bool StorePreamblesInMemory, ParsingCallbacks &Callbacks)
: IdleASTs(LRUCache), RunSync(RunSync), UpdateDebounce(UpdateDebounce),
FileName(FileName), StorePreambleInMemory(StorePreamblesInMemory),
Callbacks(Callbacks), PCHs(std::move(PCHs)), Barrier(Barrier),
Done(false) {}
ASTWorker::~ASTWorker() {
// Make sure we remove the cached AST, if any.
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
assert(Done && "handle was not destroyed");
assert(Requests.empty() && "unprocessed requests when destroying ASTWorker");
void ASTWorker::update(ParseInputs Inputs, WantDiagnostics WantDiags) {
auto Task = [=]() mutable {
// Will be used to check if we can avoid rebuilding the AST.
bool InputsAreTheSame =
std::tie(FileInputs.CompileCommand, FileInputs.Contents) ==
std::tie(Inputs.CompileCommand, Inputs.Contents);
tooling::CompileCommand OldCommand = std::move(FileInputs.CompileCommand);
bool PrevDiagsWereReported = DiagsWereReported;
FileInputs = Inputs;
DiagsWereReported = false;
log("Updating file {0} with command [{1}] {2}", FileName,
join(Inputs.CompileCommand.CommandLine, " "));
// Rebuild the preamble and the AST.
std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> Invocation =
if (!Invocation) {
elog("Could not build CompilerInvocation for file {0}", FileName);
// Remove the old AST if it's still in cache.
// Make sure anyone waiting for the preamble gets notified it could not
// be built.
std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> OldPreamble =
std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> NewPreamble = buildPreamble(
FileName, *Invocation, OldPreamble, OldCommand, Inputs, PCHs,
[this](ASTContext &Ctx, std::shared_ptr<clang::Preprocessor> PP) {
Callbacks.onPreambleAST(FileName, Ctx, std::move(PP));
bool CanReuseAST = InputsAreTheSame && (OldPreamble == NewPreamble);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
LastBuiltPreamble = NewPreamble;
// Before doing the expensive AST reparse, we want to release our reference
// to the old preamble, so it can be freed if there are no other references
// to it.
if (!CanReuseAST) {
IdleASTs.take(this); // Remove the old AST if it's still in cache.
} else {
// Since we don't need to rebuild the AST, we might've already reported
// the diagnostics for it.
if (PrevDiagsWereReported) {
DiagsWereReported = true;
// Take a shortcut and don't report the diagnostics, since they should
// not changed. All the clients should handle the lack of OnUpdated()
// call anyway to handle empty result from buildAST.
// FIXME(ibiryukov): the AST could actually change if non-preamble
// includes changed, but we choose to ignore it.
// FIXME(ibiryukov): should we refresh the cache in IdleASTs for the
// current file at this point?
log("Skipping rebuild of the AST for {0}, inputs are the same.",
// We only need to build the AST if diagnostics were requested.
if (WantDiags == WantDiagnostics::No)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(DiagsMu);
// No need to rebuild the AST if we won't send the diagnotics. However,
// note that we don't prevent preamble rebuilds.
if (!ReportDiagnostics)
// Get the AST for diagnostics.
Optional<std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST>> AST = IdleASTs.take(this);
if (!AST) {
Optional<ParsedAST> NewAST =
buildAST(FileName, std::move(Invocation), Inputs, NewPreamble, PCHs);
AST = NewAST ? llvm::make_unique<ParsedAST>(std::move(*NewAST)) : nullptr;
// We want to report the diagnostics even if this update was cancelled.
// It seems more useful than making the clients wait indefinitely if they
// spam us with updates.
// Note *AST can still be null if buildAST fails.
if (*AST) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(DiagsMu);
if (ReportDiagnostics)
Callbacks.onDiagnostics(FileName, (*AST)->getDiagnostics());
trace::Span Span("Running main AST callback");
Callbacks.onMainAST(FileName, **AST);
DiagsWereReported = true;
// Stash the AST in the cache for further use.
IdleASTs.put(this, std::move(*AST));
startTask("Update", std::move(Task), WantDiags);
void ASTWorker::runWithAST(
StringRef Name, unique_function<void(Expected<InputsAndAST>)> Action) {
auto Task = [=](decltype(Action) Action) {
if (isCancelled())
return Action(make_error<CancelledError>());
Optional<std::unique_ptr<ParsedAST>> AST = IdleASTs.take(this);
if (!AST) {
std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> Invocation =
// Try rebuilding the AST.
Optional<ParsedAST> NewAST =
? buildAST(FileName,
FileInputs, getPossiblyStalePreamble(), PCHs)
: None;
AST = NewAST ? llvm::make_unique<ParsedAST>(std::move(*NewAST)) : nullptr;
// Make sure we put the AST back into the LRU cache.
auto _ = make_scope_exit(
[&AST, this]() { IdleASTs.put(this, std::move(*AST)); });
// Run the user-provided action.
if (!*AST)
return Action(
make_error<StringError>("invalid AST", errc::invalid_argument));
Action(InputsAndAST{FileInputs, **AST});
startTask(Name, Bind(Task, std::move(Action)),
std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>
ASTWorker::getPossiblyStalePreamble() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
return LastBuiltPreamble;
void ASTWorker::getCurrentPreamble(
unique_function<void(std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>)> Callback) {
// We could just call startTask() to throw the read on the queue, knowing
// it will run after any updates. But we know this task is cheap, so to
// improve latency we cheat: insert it on the queue after the last update.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
auto LastUpdate =
std::find_if(Requests.rbegin(), Requests.rend(),
[](const Request &R) { return R.UpdateType.hasValue(); });
// If there were no writes in the queue, the preamble is ready now.
if (LastUpdate == Requests.rend()) {
return Callback(getPossiblyStalePreamble());
assert(!RunSync && "Running synchronously, but queue is non-empty!");
[this](decltype(Callback) Callback) {
"GetPreamble", steady_clock::now(),
void ASTWorker::waitForFirstPreamble() const {
std::size_t ASTWorker::getUsedBytes() const {
// Note that we don't report the size of ASTs currently used for processing
// the in-flight requests. We used this information for debugging purposes
// only, so this should be fine.
std::size_t Result = IdleASTs.getUsedBytes(this);
if (auto Preamble = getPossiblyStalePreamble())
Result += Preamble->Preamble.getSize();
return Result;
bool ASTWorker::isASTCached() const { return IdleASTs.getUsedBytes(this) != 0; }
void ASTWorker::stop() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(DiagsMu);
ReportDiagnostics = false;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
assert(!Done && "stop() called twice");
Done = true;
void ASTWorker::startTask(StringRef Name, unique_function<void()> Task,
Optional<WantDiagnostics> UpdateType) {
if (RunSync) {
assert(!Done && "running a task after stop()");
trace::Span Tracer(Name + ":" + sys::path::filename(FileName));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
assert(!Done && "running a task after stop()");
{std::move(Task), Name, steady_clock::now(),
Context::current().derive(kFileBeingProcessed, FileName), UpdateType});
void ASTWorker::run() {
while (true) {
Request Req;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
for (auto Wait = scheduleLocked(); !Wait.expired();
Wait = scheduleLocked()) {
if (Done) {
if (Requests.empty())
else // Even though Done is set, finish pending requests.
break; // However, skip delays to shutdown fast.
// Tracing: we have a next request, attribute this sleep to it.
Optional<WithContext> Ctx;
Optional<trace::Span> Tracer;
if (!Requests.empty()) {
SPAN_ATTACH(*Tracer, "next_request", Requests.front().Name);
if (!(Wait == Deadline::infinity()))
SPAN_ATTACH(*Tracer, "sleep_ms",
Wait.time() - steady_clock::now())
wait(Lock, RequestsCV, Wait);
Req = std::move(Requests.front());
// Leave it on the queue for now, so waiters don't see an empty queue.
} // unlock Mutex
std::lock_guard<Semaphore> BarrierLock(Barrier);
WithContext Guard(std::move(Req.Ctx));
trace::Span Tracer(Req.Name);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
Deadline ASTWorker::scheduleLocked() {
if (Requests.empty())
return Deadline::infinity(); // Wait for new requests.
// Handle cancelled requests first so the rest of the scheduler doesn't.
for (auto I = Requests.begin(), E = Requests.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (!isCancelled(I->Ctx)) {
// Cancellations after the first read don't affect current scheduling.
if (I->UpdateType == None)
// Cancelled reads are moved to the front of the queue and run immediately.
if (I->UpdateType == None) {
Request R = std::move(*I);
return Deadline::zero();
// Cancelled updates are downgraded to auto-diagnostics, and may be elided.
if (I->UpdateType == WantDiagnostics::Yes)
I->UpdateType = WantDiagnostics::Auto;
while (shouldSkipHeadLocked())
assert(!Requests.empty() && "skipped the whole queue");
// Some updates aren't dead yet, but never end up being used.
// e.g. the first keystroke is live until obsoleted by the second.
// We debounce "maybe-unused" writes, sleeping 500ms in case they become dead.
// But don't delay reads (including updates where diagnostics are needed).
for (const auto &R : Requests)
if (R.UpdateType == None || R.UpdateType == WantDiagnostics::Yes)
return Deadline::zero();
// Front request needs to be debounced, so determine when we're ready.
Deadline D(Requests.front().AddTime + UpdateDebounce);
return D;
// Returns true if Requests.front() is a dead update that can be skipped.
bool ASTWorker::shouldSkipHeadLocked() const {
auto Next = Requests.begin();
auto UpdateType = Next->UpdateType;
if (!UpdateType) // Only skip updates.
return false;
// An update is live if its AST might still be read.
// That is, if it's not immediately followed by another update.
if (Next == Requests.end() || !Next->UpdateType)
return false;
// The other way an update can be live is if its diagnostics might be used.
switch (*UpdateType) {
case WantDiagnostics::Yes:
return false; // Always used.
case WantDiagnostics::No:
return true; // Always dead.
case WantDiagnostics::Auto:
// Used unless followed by an update that generates diagnostics.
for (; Next != Requests.end(); ++Next)
if (Next->UpdateType == WantDiagnostics::Yes ||
Next->UpdateType == WantDiagnostics::Auto)
return true; // Prefer later diagnostics.
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unknown WantDiagnostics");
bool ASTWorker::blockUntilIdle(Deadline Timeout) const {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
return wait(Lock, RequestsCV, Timeout, [&] { return Requests.empty(); });
} // namespace
unsigned getDefaultAsyncThreadsCount() {
unsigned HardwareConcurrency = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
// C++ standard says that hardware_concurrency()
// may return 0, fallback to 1 worker thread in
// that case.
if (HardwareConcurrency == 0)
return 1;
return HardwareConcurrency;
struct TUScheduler::FileData {
/// Latest inputs, passed to TUScheduler::update().
std::string Contents;
tooling::CompileCommand Command;
ASTWorkerHandle Worker;
TUScheduler::TUScheduler(unsigned AsyncThreadsCount,
bool StorePreamblesInMemory,
std::unique_ptr<ParsingCallbacks> Callbacks,
std::chrono::steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce,
ASTRetentionPolicy RetentionPolicy)
: StorePreamblesInMemory(StorePreamblesInMemory),
Callbacks(Callbacks ? move(Callbacks)
: llvm::make_unique<ParsingCallbacks>()),
UpdateDebounce(UpdateDebounce) {
if (0 < AsyncThreadsCount) {
TUScheduler::~TUScheduler() {
// Notify all workers that they need to stop.
// Wait for all in-flight tasks to finish.
if (PreambleTasks)
if (WorkerThreads)
bool TUScheduler::blockUntilIdle(Deadline D) const {
for (auto &File : Files)
if (!File.getValue()->Worker->blockUntilIdle(D))
return false;
if (PreambleTasks)
if (!PreambleTasks->wait(D))
return false;
return true;
void TUScheduler::update(PathRef File, ParseInputs Inputs,
WantDiagnostics WantDiags) {
std::unique_ptr<FileData> &FD = Files[File];
if (!FD) {
// Create a new worker to process the AST-related tasks.
ASTWorkerHandle Worker = ASTWorker::create(
File, *IdleASTs, WorkerThreads ? WorkerThreads.getPointer() : nullptr,
Barrier, UpdateDebounce, PCHOps, StorePreamblesInMemory, *Callbacks);
FD = std::unique_ptr<FileData>(new FileData{
Inputs.Contents, Inputs.CompileCommand, std::move(Worker)});
} else {
FD->Contents = Inputs.Contents;
FD->Command = Inputs.CompileCommand;
FD->Worker->update(std::move(Inputs), WantDiags);
void TUScheduler::remove(PathRef File) {
bool Removed = Files.erase(File);
if (!Removed)
elog("Trying to remove file from TUScheduler that is not tracked: {0}",
void TUScheduler::run(StringRef Name, unique_function<void()> Action) {
if (!PreambleTasks)
return Action();
PreambleTasks->runAsync(Name, std::move(Action));
void TUScheduler::runWithAST(
StringRef Name, PathRef File,
unique_function<void(Expected<InputsAndAST>)> Action) {
auto It = Files.find(File);
if (It == Files.end()) {
Action(make_error<LSPError>("trying to get AST for non-added document",
It->second->Worker->runWithAST(Name, std::move(Action));
void TUScheduler::runWithPreamble(
StringRef Name, PathRef File, PreambleConsistency Consistency,
unique_function<void(Expected<InputsAndPreamble>)> Action) {
auto It = Files.find(File);
if (It == Files.end()) {
Action(make_error<LSPError>("trying to get preamble for non-added document",
if (!PreambleTasks) {
trace::Span Tracer(Name);
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "file", File);
std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble =
Action(InputsAndPreamble{It->second->Contents, It->second->Command,
// Future is populated if the task needs a specific preamble.
std::future<std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>> ConsistentPreamble;
if (Consistency == Consistent) {
std::promise<std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>> Promise;
ConsistentPreamble = Promise.get_future();
[](decltype(Promise) Promise,
std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble) {
std::shared_ptr<const ASTWorker> Worker = It->second->Worker.lock();
auto Task = [Worker, this](std::string Name, std::string File,
std::string Contents,
tooling::CompileCommand Command, Context Ctx,
decltype(ConsistentPreamble) ConsistentPreamble,
decltype(Action) Action) mutable {
std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble;
if (ConsistentPreamble.valid()) {
Preamble = ConsistentPreamble.get();
} else {
// We don't want to be running preamble actions before the preamble was
// built for the first time. This avoids extra work of processing the
// preamble headers in parallel multiple times.
Preamble = Worker->getPossiblyStalePreamble();
std::lock_guard<Semaphore> BarrierLock(Barrier);
WithContext Guard(std::move(Ctx));
trace::Span Tracer(Name);
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "file", File);
Action(InputsAndPreamble{Contents, Command, Preamble.get()});
"task:" + sys::path::filename(File),
Bind(Task, std::string(Name), std::string(File), It->second->Contents,
Context::current().derive(kFileBeingProcessed, File),
std::move(ConsistentPreamble), std::move(Action)));
std::vector<std::pair<Path, std::size_t>>
TUScheduler::getUsedBytesPerFile() const {
std::vector<std::pair<Path, std::size_t>> Result;
for (auto &&PathAndFile : Files)
{PathAndFile.first(), PathAndFile.second->Worker->getUsedBytes()});
return Result;
std::vector<Path> TUScheduler::getFilesWithCachedAST() const {
std::vector<Path> Result;
for (auto &&PathAndFile : Files) {
if (!PathAndFile.second->Worker->isASTCached())
return Result;
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang