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SPIR-V Dialect to LLVM Dialect conversion manual
This manual describes the conversion from SPIR-V Dialect to LLVM Dialect. It assumes familiarity with both, and describes the design choices behind the modelling of SPIR-V concepts in LLVM Dialect. The conversion is an ongoing work, and is expected to grow as more features are implemented.
Conversion can be performed by invoking an appropriate conversion pass:
mlir-opt -convert-spirv-to-llvm <filename.mlir>
This pass performs type and operation conversions for SPIR-V operations as described in this document.
Type Conversion
This section describes how SPIR-V Dialect types are mapped to LLVM Dialect.
Scalar types
SPIR-V Dialect | LLVM Dialect |
i<bitwidth> |
!llvm.i<bitwidth> |
si<bitwidth> |
!llvm.i<bitwidth> |
ui<bitwidth> |
!llvm.i<bitwidth> |
f16 |
f16 |
f32 |
f32 |
f64 |
f64 |
Vector types
SPIR-V Dialect | LLVM Dialect |
vector<<count> x <scalar-type>> |
vector<<count> x <scalar-type>> |
Pointer types
A SPIR-V pointer also takes a Storage Class. At the moment, conversion does not take it into account.
SPIR-V Dialect | LLVM Dialect |
!spv.ptr< <element-type>, <storage-class> > |
!llvm.ptr<<element-type>> |
Array types
SPIR-V distinguishes between array type and run-time array type, the length of which is not known at compile time. In LLVM, it is possible to index beyond the end of the array. Therefore, runtime array can be implemented as a zero length array type.
Moreover, SPIR-V supports the notion of array stride. Currently only natural
strides (based on VulkanLayoutUtils
) are supported. They
are also mapped to LLVM array.
SPIR-V Dialect | LLVM Dialect |
!spv.array<<count> x <element-type>> |
!llvm.array<<count> x <element-type>> |
!spv.rtarray< <element-type> > |
!llvm.array<0 x <element-type>> |
Struct types
Members of SPIR-V struct types may have decorations and offset information. Currently, there is no support of member decorations conversion for structs. For more information see section on Decorations.
Usually we expect that each struct member has a natural size and alignment. However, there are cases (e.g. in graphics) where one would place struct members explicitly at particular offsets. This case is not supported at the moment. Hence, we adhere to the following mapping:
Structs with no offset are modelled as LLVM packed structures.
Structs with natural offset (i.e. offset that equals to cumulative size of the previous struct elements or is a natural alignment) are mapped to naturally padded structs.
Structs with unnatural offset (i.e. offset that is not equal to cumulative size of the previous struct elements) are not supported. In this case, offsets can be emulated with padding fields (e.g. integers). However, such a design would require index recalculation in the conversion of ops that involve memory addressing.
Examples of SPIR-V struct conversion are: ```mlir !spv.struct<i8, i32> => !llvm.struct<packed (i8, i32)> !spv.struct<i8 [0], i32 [4]> => !llvm.struct<(i8, i32)>
// error !spv.struct<i8 [0], i32 [8]> ```
Not implemented types
The rest of the types not mentioned explicitly above are not supported by the
conversion. This includes ImageType
and MatrixType
Operation Conversion
This section describes how SPIR-V Dialect operations are converted to LLVM Dialect. It lists already working conversion patterns, as well as those that are an ongoing work.
There are also multiple ops for which there is no clear mapping in LLVM. Conversion for those have to be discussed within the community on the case-by-case basis.
Arithmetic ops
SPIR-V arithmetic ops mostly have a direct equivalent in LLVM Dialect. Such
exceptions as spv.SMod
and spv.FMod
are rare.
SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect op |
spv.FAdd |
llvm.fadd |
spv.FDiv |
llvm.fdiv |
spv.FNegate |
llvm.fneg |
spv.FMul |
llvm.fmul |
spv.FRem |
llvm.frem |
spv.FSub |
llvm.fsub |
spv.IAdd |
llvm.add |
spv.IMul |
llvm.mul |
spv.ISub |
llvm.sub |
spv.SDiv |
llvm.sdiv |
spv.SRem |
llvm.srem |
spv.UDiv |
llvm.udiv |
spv.UMod |
llvm.urem |
Bitwise ops
SPIR-V has a range of bit ops that are mapped to LLVM dialect ops, intrinsics or may have a specific conversion pattern.
Direct conversion
As with arithmetic ops, most of bitwise ops have a semantically equivalent op in LLVM:
SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect op |
spv.BitwiseAnd |
llvm.and |
spv.BitwiseOr |
llvm.or |
spv.BitwiseXor |
llvm.xor |
Also, some of bitwise ops can be modelled with LLVM intrinsics:
SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect intrinsic |
spv.BitCount |
llvm.intr.ctpop |
spv.BitReverse |
llvm.intr.bitreverse |
is modelled with a xor
operation with a mask with all bits set.
%mask = llvm.mlir.constant(-1 : i32) : i32
%0 = spv.Not %op : i32 => %0 = llvm.xor %op, %mask : i32
Bitfield ops
SPIR-V dialect has three bitfield ops: spv.BitFieldInsert
and spv.BitFieldUExtract
. This section will first
outline the general design of conversion patterns for this ops, and then
describe each of them.
All of these ops take base
, offset
and count
) as arguments. There are two important things to note:
are always scalar. This means that we can have the following case:%0 = spv.BitFieldSExtract %base, %offset, %count : vector<2xi32>, i8, i8
To be able to proceed with conversion algorithms described below, all operands have to be of the same type and bitwidth. This requires broadcasting of
to vectors, for example for the case above it gives:// Broadcasting offset %offset0 = llvm.mlir.undef : vector<2xi8> %zero = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i32) : i32 %offset1 = llvm.insertelement %offset, %offset0[%zero : i32] : vector<2xi8> %one = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i32) : i32 %vec_offset = llvm.insertelement %offset, %offset1[%one : i32] : vector<2xi8> // Broadcasting count // ...
may have different bitwidths frombase
. In this case, both of these operands have to be zero extended (since they are treated as unsigned by the specification) or truncated. For the above example it would be:// Zero extending offset after broadcasting %res_offset = llvm.zext %vec_offset: vector<2xi8> to vector<2xi32>
Also, note that if the bitwidth of
is greater than the bitwidth ofbase
, truncation is still permitted. This is because the ops have a defined behaviour withoffset
being less than the size ofbase
. It creates a natural upper bound on what valuesoffset
can take, which is 64. This can be expressed in less than 8 bits.
Now, having these two cases in mind, we can proceed with conversion for the ops and their operands.
This operation is implemented as a series of LLVM Dialect operations. First step
would be to create a mask with bits set outside [offset
, offset
+ count
1]. Then, unchanged bits are extracted from base
that are outside of
, offset
+ count
- 1]. The result is or
ed with shifted insert
// Create mask
// %minus_one = llvm.mlir.constant(-1 : i32) : i32
// %t0 = llvm.shl %minus_one, %count : i32
// %t1 = llvm.xor %t0, %minus_one : i32
// %t2 = llvm.shl %t1, %offset : i32
// %mask = llvm.xor %t2, %minus_one : i32
// Extract unchanged bits from the Base
// %new_base = llvm.and %base, %mask : i32
// Insert new bits
// %sh_insert = llvm.shl %insert, %offset : i32
// %res = llvm.or %new_base, %sh_insert : i32
%res = spv.BitFieldInsert %base, %insert, %offset, %count : i32, i32, i32
To implement spv.BitFieldSExtract
, base
is shifted left by [sizeof(base
) -
+ offset
)], so that the bit at offset
+ count
- 1 is the most
significant bit. After, the result is shifted right, filling the bits with the
sign bit.
// Calculate the amount to shift left.
// %size = llvm.mlir.constant(32 : i32) : i32
// %t0 = llvm.add %count, %offset : i32
// %t1 = llvm.sub %size, %t0 : i32
// Shift left and then right to extract the bits
// %sh_left = llvm.shl %base, %t1 : i32
// %t2 = llvm.add %offset, %t1 : i32
// %res = llvm.ashr %sh_left, %t2 : i32
%res = spv.BitFieldSExtract %base, %offset, %count : i32, i32, i32
For this op a similar pattern as for spv.BitFieldInsert
is used. First, a mask
with bits set at [0, count
- 1] is created. Then base
is shifted by offset
and the mask is applied.
// Create a mask
// %minus_one = llvm.mlir.constant(-1 : i32) : i32
// %t0 = llvm.shl %minus_one, %count : i32
// mask = llvm.xor %t0, %minus_one : i32
// Shift Base and apply mask
// %sh_base = llvm.lshr %base, %offset : i32
// %res = llvm.and %sh_base, %mask : i32
%res = spv.BitFieldUExtract %base, %offset, %count : i32, i32, i32
Cast ops
Direct conversions
SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect op |
spv.ConvertFToS |
llvm.fptosi |
spv.ConvertFToU |
llvm.fptoui |
spv.ConvertSToF |
llvm.sitofp |
spv.ConvertUToF |
llvm.uitofp |
This operation has a direct counterpart in LLVM: llvm.bitcast
. It is treated
separately since it also supports pointer to pointer bit pattern-preserving type
conversion, apart from regular scalar or vector of numerical type.
Special cases
Special cases include spv.FConvert
, spv.SConvert
and spv.UConvert
. These
operations are either a truncate or extend. Let's denote the operand component
width as A, and result component width as R. Then, the following mappings are
Case | LLVM Dialect op |
A < R | llvm.fpext |
A > R | llvm.fptrunc |
Case | LLVM Dialect op |
A < R | llvm.sext |
A > R | llvm.trunc |
Case | LLVM Dialect op |
A < R | llvm.zext |
A > R | llvm.trunc |
The case when A = R is not possible, based on SPIR-V Dialect specification:
The component width cannot equal the component width in Result Type.
Comparison ops
SPIR-V comparison ops are mapped to LLVM icmp
and fcmp
SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect op |
spv.IEqual |
llvm.icmp "eq" |
spv.INotEqual |
llvm.icmp "ne" |
spv.FOrdEqual |
llvm.fcmp "oeq" |
spv.FOrdGreaterThan |
llvm.fcmp "ogt" |
spv.FOrdGreaterThanEqual |
llvm.fcmp "oge" |
spv.FOrdLessThan |
llvm.fcmp "olt" |
spv.FOrdLessThanEqual |
llvm.fcmp "ole" |
spv.FOrdNotEqual |
llvm.fcmp "one" |
spv.FUnordEqual |
llvm.fcmp "ueq" |
spv.FUnordGreaterThan |
llvm.fcmp "ugt" |
spv.FUnordGreaterThanEqual |
llvm.fcmp "uge" |
spv.FUnordLessThan |
llvm.fcmp "ult" |
spv.FUnordLessThanEqual |
llvm.fcmp "ule" |
spv.FUnordNotEqual |
llvm.fcmp "une" |
spv.SGreaterThan |
llvm.icmp "sgt" |
spv.SGreaterThanEqual |
llvm.icmp "sge" |
spv.SLessThan |
llvm.icmp "slt" |
spv.SLessThanEqual |
llvm.icmp "sle" |
spv.UGreaterThan |
llvm.icmp "ugt" |
spv.UGreaterThanEqual |
llvm.icmp "uge" |
spv.ULessThan |
llvm.icmp "ult" |
spv.ULessThanEqual |
llvm.icmp "ule" |
Composite ops
Currently, conversion supports rewrite patterns for spv.CompositeExtract
. We distinguish two cases for these operations: when the
composite object is a vector, and when the composite object is of a non-vector
type (i.e. struct, array or runtime array).
Composite type | SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect op |
vector | spv.CompositeExtract |
llvm.extractelement |
vector | spv.CompositeInsert |
llvm.insertelement |
non-vector | spv.CompositeExtract |
llvm.extractvalue |
non-vector | spv.CompositeInsert |
llvm.insertvalue |
and spv.ExecutionMode
First of all, it is important to note that there is no direct representation of entry points in LLVM. At the moment, we use the following approach:
is simply removed. -
In contrast,
may contain important information about the entry point. For example,LocalSize
provides information about the work-group size that can be reused.In order to preserve this information,
is converted to a struct global variable that stores the execution mode id and any variables associated with it. In C, the struct has the structure shown below.// No values are associated // There are values that are associated // with this entry point. // with this entry point. struct { struct { int32_t executionMode; int32_t executionMode; }; int32_t values[]; };
// spv.ExecutionMode @empty "ContractionOff" llvm.mlir.global external constant @{{.*}}() : !llvm.struct<(i32)> { %0 = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm.struct<(i32)> %1 = llvm.mlir.constant(31 : i32) : i32 %ret = llvm.insertvalue %1, %0[0 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(i32)> llvm.return %ret : !llvm.struct<(i32)> }
Logical ops
Logical ops follow a similar pattern as bitwise ops, with the difference that
they operate on i1
or vector of i1
values. The following mapping is used to
emulate SPIR-V ops behaviour:
SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect op |
spv.LogicalAnd |
llvm.and |
spv.LogicalOr |
llvm.or |
spv.LogicalEqual |
llvm.icmp "eq" |
spv.LogicalNotEqual |
llvm.icmp "ne" |
has the same conversion pattern as bitwise spv.Not
. It is
modelled with xor
operation with a mask with all bits set.
%mask = llvm.mlir.constant(-1 : i1) : i1
%0 = spv.LogicalNot %op : i1 => %0 = llvm.xor %op, %mask : i1
Memory ops
This section describes the conversion patterns for SPIR-V dialect operations that concern memory.
is mapped to llvm.getelementptr
op. In order to create a
valid LLVM op, we also add a 0 index to the spv.AccessChain
's indices list in
order to go through the pointer.
// Access the 1st element of the array
%i = spv.Constant 1: i32
%var = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%el = spv.AccessChain %var[%i, %i] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
// Corresponding LLVM dialect code
%i = ...
%var = ...
%0 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i32) : i32
%el = llvm.getelementptr %var[%0, %i, %i] : (!llvm.ptr<struct<packed (f32, array<4 x f32>)>>, i32, i32, i32)
and spv.Store
These ops are converted to their LLVM counterparts: llvm.load
. If the op has a memory access attribute, then there are the
following cases, based on the value of the attribute:
Aligned: alignment is passed on to LLVM op builder, for example:
mlir // llvm.store %ptr, %val {alignment = 4 : i64} : !llvm.ptr<f32> spv.Store "Function" %ptr, %val ["Aligned", 4] : f32
None: same case as if there is no memory access attribute.
Nontemporal: set
flag, for example:mlir // %res = llvm.load %ptr {nontemporal} : !llvm.ptr<f32> %res = spv.Load "Function" %ptr ["Nontemporal"] : f32
Volatile: mark the op as
, for example:mlir // %res = llvm.load volatile %ptr : !llvm.ptr<f32> %res = spv.Load "Function" %ptr ["Volatile"] : f32
Otherwise the conversion fails as other cases (MakePointerAvailable
) are not supported yet.
and spv.mlir.addressof
is modelled with llvm.mlir.global
op. However, there is a
difference that has to be pointed out.
In SPIR-V dialect, the global variable returns a pointer, whereas in LLVM
dialect the global holds an actual value. This difference is handled by
and llvm.mlir.addressof
ops that both return a pointer
and are used to reference the global.
// Original SPIR-V module
spv.module Logical GLSL450 {
spv.GlobalVariable @struct : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<10xf32>>, Private>
spv.func @func() -> () "None" {
%0 = spv.mlir.addressof @struct : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<10xf32>>, Private>
// Converted result
module {
llvm.mlir.global private @struct() : !llvm.struct<packed (f32, [10 x f32])>
llvm.func @func() {
%0 = llvm.mlir.addressof @struct : !llvm.ptr<struct<packed (f32, [10 x f32])>>
The SPIR-V to LLVM conversion does not involve modelling of workgroups. Hence,
we say that only current invocation is in conversion's scope. This means that
global variables with pointers of Input
, Output
, and Private
classes are supported. Also, StorageBuffer
storage class is allowed for
executing mlir-spirv-cpu-runner
Moreover, bind
that specifies the descriptor set and the binding number and
that specifies SPIR-V BuiltIn
decoration have no conversion into
LLVM dialect.
Currently llvm.mlir.global
s are created with private
linkage for Private
storage class and External
for other storage classes, based on SPIR-V spec:
By default, functions and global variables are private to a module and cannot be accessed by other modules. However, a module may be written to export or import functions and global (module scope) variables.
If the global variable's pointer has Input
storage class, then a constant
flag is added to LLVM op:
spv.GlobalVariable @var : !spv.ptr<f32, Input> => llvm.mlir.global external constant @var() : f32
Per SPIR-V dialect spec, spv.Variable
allocates an object in memory, resulting
in a pointer to it, which can be used with spv.Load
and spv.Store
. It is
also a function-level variable.
is modelled as llvm.alloca
op. If initialized, an additional
store instruction is used. Note that there is no initialization for arrays and
structs since constants of these types are not supported in LLVM dialect (TODO).
Also, at the moment initialization is only possible via spv.Constant
// Conversion of VariableOp without initialization
%size = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i32) : i32
%res = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<vector<3xf32>, Function> => %res = llvm.alloca %size x vector<3xf32> : (i32) -> !llvm.ptr<vec<3 x f32>>
// Conversion of VariableOp with initialization
%c = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i64) : i64
%c = spv.Constant 0 : i64 %size = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i32) : i32
%res = spv.Variable init(%c) : !spv.ptr<i64, Function> => %res = llvm.alloca %[[SIZE]] x i64 : (i32) -> !llvm.ptr<i64>
llvm.store %c, %res : !llvm.ptr<i64>
Note that simple conversion to alloca
may not be sufficient if the code has
some scoping. For example, if converting ops executed in a loop into alloca
a stack overflow may occur. For this case, stacksave
pair can
be used (TODO).
Miscellaneous ops with direct conversions
There are multiple SPIR-V ops that do not fit in a particular group but can be converted directly to LLVM dialect. Their conversion is addressed in this section.
SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect op |
spv.Select |
llvm.select |
spv.Undef |
llvm.mlir.undef |
Shift ops
Shift operates on two operands: shift
and base
In SPIR-V dialect, shift
and base
may have different bit width. On the
contrary, in LLVM Dialect both base
and shift
have to be of the same
bitwidth. This leads to the following conversions:
has the same bitwidth asshift
, the conversion is straightforward. -
has a greater bit width thanshift
, shift is sign or zero extended first. Then the extended value is passed to the shift. -
otherwise, the conversion is considered to be illegal.
// Shift without extension
%res0 = spv.ShiftRightArithmetic %0, %2 : i32, i32 => %res0 = llvm.ashr %0, %2 : i32
// Shift with extension
%ext = llvm.sext %1 : i16 to i32
%res1 = spv.ShiftRightArithmetic %0, %1 : i32, i16 => %res1 = llvm.ashr %0, %ext: i32
At the moment spv.Constant
conversion supports scalar and vector constants
is mapped to llvm.mlir.constant
. This is a straightforward
conversion pattern with a special case when the argument is signed or unsigned.
Special case
SPIR-V constant can be a signed or unsigned integer. Since LLVM Dialect does not have signedness semantics, this case should be handled separately.
The conversion casts constant value attribute to a signless integer or a vector of signless integers. This is correct because in SPIR-V, like in LLVM, how to interpret an integer number is also dictated by the opcode. However, in reality hardware implementation might show unexpected behavior. Therefore, it is better to handle it case-by-case, given that the purpose of the conversion is not to cover all possible corner cases.
// %0 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : i8) : i8
%0 = spv.Constant 0 : i8
// %1 = llvm.mlir.constant(dense<[2, 3, 4]> : vector<3xi32>) : vector<3xi32>
%1 = spv.Constant dense<[2, 3, 4]> : vector<3xui32>
Not implemented ops
There is no support of the following ops:
- All atomic ops
- All group ops
- All matrix ops
- All CL ops
As well as:
- spv.CompositeConstruct
- spv.ControlBarrier
- spv.CopyMemory
- spv.FMod
- spv.GL.Acos
- spv.GL.Asin
- spv.GL.Atan
- spv.GL.Cosh
- spv.GL.FSign
- spv.GL.SAbs
- spv.GL.Sinh
- spv.GL.SSign
- spv.MemoryBarrier
- spv.mlir.referenceof
- spv.SMod
- spv.SpecConstant
- spv.Unreachable
- spv.VectorExtractDynamic
Control flow conversion
Branch ops
and spv.BranchConditional
are mapped to llvm.br
. Branch weights for spv.BranchConditional
are mapped to
corresponding branch_weights
attribute of llvm.cond_br
. When translated to
proper LLVM, branch_weights
are converted into LLVM metadata associated with
the conditional branch.
maps to llvm.call
. For example:
%0 = spv.FunctionCall @foo() : () -> i32 => %0 = llvm.call @foo() : () -> f32
spv.FunctionCall @bar(%0) : (i32) -> () => llvm.call @bar(%0) : (f32) -> ()
and spv.mlir.loop
Control flow within spv.mlir.selection
and spv.mlir.loop
is lowered directly
to LLVM via branch ops. The conversion can only be applied to selection or loop
with all blocks being reachable. Moreover, selection and loop control attributes
(such as Flatten
or Unroll
) are not supported at the moment.
// Conversion of selection
%cond = spv.Constant true %cond = llvm.mlir.constant(true) : i1
spv.mlir.selection {
spv.BranchConditional %cond, ^true, ^false llvm.cond_br %cond, ^true, ^false
^true: ^true:
// True block code // True block code
spv.Branch ^merge => llvm.br ^merge
^false: ^false:
// False block code // False block code
spv.Branch ^merge llvm.br ^merge
^merge: ^merge:
spv.mlir.merge llvm.br ^continue
// Remaining code ^continue:
// Remaining code
// Conversion of loop
%cond = spv.Constant true %cond = llvm.mlir.constant(true) : i1
spv.mlir.loop {
spv.Branch ^header llvm.br ^header
^header: ^header:
// Header code // Header code
spv.BranchConditional %cond, ^body, ^merge => llvm.cond_br %cond, ^body, ^merge
^body: ^body:
// Body code // Body code
spv.Branch ^continue llvm.br ^continue
^continue: ^continue:
// Continue code // Continue code
spv.Branch ^header llvm.br ^header
^merge: ^merge:
spv.mlir.merge llvm.br ^remaining
// Remaining code ^remaining:
// Remaining code
Decorations conversion
Note: these conversions have not been implemented yet
GLSL extended instruction set
This section describes how SPIR-V ops from GLSL extended instructions set are mapped to LLVM Dialect.
Direct conversions
SPIR-V Dialect op | LLVM Dialect op |
spv.GL.Ceil |
llvm.intr.ceil |
spv.GL.Cos |
llvm.intr.cos |
spv.GL.Exp |
llvm.intr.exp |
spv.GL.FAbs |
llvm.intr.fabs |
spv.GL.Floor |
llvm.intr.floor |
spv.GL.FMax |
llvm.intr.maxnum |
spv.GL.FMin |
llvm.intr.minnum |
spv.GL.Log |
llvm.intr.log |
spv.GL.Sin |
llvm.intr.sin |
spv.GL.Sqrt |
llvm.intr.sqrt |
spv.GL.SMax |
llvm.intr.smax |
spv.GL.SMin |
llvm.intr.smin |
Special cases
is mapped to:
%one = llvm.mlir.constant(1.0 : f32) : f32
%res = spv.InverseSqrt %arg : f32 => %sqrt = "llvm.intr.sqrt"(%arg) : (f32) -> f32
%res = fdiv %one, %sqrt : f32
is mapped to:
%sin = "llvm.intr.sin"(%arg) : (f32) -> f32
%res = spv.Tan %arg : f32 => %cos = "llvm.intr.cos"(%arg) : (f32) -> f32
%res = fdiv %sin, %cos : f32
is modelled using the equality tanh(x) = {exp(2x) - 1}/{exp(2x) + 1}
%two = llvm.mlir.constant(2.0: f32) : f32
%2xArg = llvm.fmul %two, %arg : f32
%exp = "llvm.intr.exp"(%2xArg) : (f32) -> f32
%res = spv.Tanh %arg : f32 => %one = llvm.mlir.constant(1.0 : f32) : f32
%num = llvm.fsub %exp, %one : f32
%den = llvm.fadd %exp, %one : f32
%res = llvm.fdiv %num, %den : f32
Function conversion and related ops
This section describes the conversion of function-related operations from SPIR-V to LLVM dialect.
This op declares or defines a SPIR-V function and it is converted to
. This conversion handles signature conversion, and function control
attributes remapping to LLVM dialect function
The following mapping is used to map SPIR-V function control to LLVM function attributes:
SPIR-V Function Control Attributes | LLVM Function Attributes |
None | No function attributes passed |
Inline | alwaysinline |
DontInline | noinline |
Pure | readonly |
Const | readnone |
and spv.ReturnValue
In LLVM IR, functions may return either 1 or 0 value. Hence, we map both ops to
with or without a return value.
Module ops
Module in SPIR-V has one region that contains one block. It is defined via
op that also takes a range of attributes:
- Addressing model
- Memory model
- Version-Capability-Extension attribute
is converted into ModuleOp
. This plays a role of enclosing scope
to LLVM ops. At the moment, SPIR-V module attributes are ignored.
allows to execute gpu
dialect kernel on the CPU via
SPIR-V to LLVM dialect conversion. Currently, only single-threaded kernel is
To build the runner, add the following option to cmake
The gpu
module with the kernel and the host code undergo the following
Convert the
module into SPIR-V dialect, lower ABI attributes and update version, capability and extension. -
Emulate the kernel call by converting the launching operation into a normal function call. The data from the host side to the device is passed via copying to global variables. These are created in both the host and the kernel code and later linked when nested modules are folded.
Convert SPIR-V dialect kernel to LLVM dialect via the new conversion path.
After these passes, the IR transforms into a nested LLVM module - a main module
representing the host code and a kernel module. These modules are linked and
executed using ExecutionEngine
This section gives a detailed overview of the IR changes while running
. First, consider that we have the following IR. (For
simplicity some type annotations and function implementations have been
gpu.module @foo {
gpu.func @bar(%arg: memref<8xi32>) {
// Kernel code.
func.func @main() {
// Fill the buffer with some data
%buffer = memref.alloc : memref<8xi32>
%data = ...
call fillBuffer(%buffer, %data)
"gpu.launch_func"(/*grid dimensions*/, %buffer) {
kernel = @foo::bar
Lowering gpu
dialect to SPIR-V dialect results in
spv.module @__spv__foo /*VCE triple and other metadata here*/ {
spv.GlobalVariable @__spv__foo_arg bind(0,0) : ...
spv.func @bar() {
// Kernel code.
spv.EntryPoint @bar, ...
func.func @main() {
// Fill the buffer with some data.
%buffer = memref.alloc : memref<8xi32>
%data = ...
call fillBuffer(%buffer, %data)
"gpu.launch_func"(/*grid dimensions*/, %buffer) {
kernel = @foo::bar
Then, the lowering from standard dialect to LLVM dialect is applied to the host code.
spv.module @__spv__foo /*VCE triple and other metadata here*/ {
spv.GlobalVariable @__spv__foo_arg bind(0,0) : ...
spv.func @bar() {
// Kernel code.
spv.EntryPoint @bar, ...
// Kernel function declaration.
llvm.func @__spv__foo_bar() : ...
llvm.func @main() {
// Fill the buffer with some data.
llvm.call fillBuffer(%buffer, %data)
// Copy data to the global variable, call kernel, and copy the data back.
%addr = llvm.mlir.addressof @__spv__foo_arg_descriptor_set0_binding0 : ...
"llvm.intr.memcpy"(%addr, %buffer) : ...
llvm.call @__spv__foo_bar()
"llvm.intr.memcpy"(%buffer, %addr) : ...
Finally, SPIR-V module is converted to LLVM and the symbol names are resolved for the linkage.
module @__spv__foo {
llvm.mlir.global @__spv__foo_arg_descriptor_set0_binding0 : ...
llvm.func @__spv__foo_bar() {
// Kernel code.
// Kernel function declaration.
llvm.func @__spv__foo_bar() : ...
llvm.func @main() {
// Fill the buffer with some data.
llvm.call fillBuffer(%buffer, %data)
// Copy data to the global variable, call kernel, and copy the data back.
%addr = llvm.mlir.addressof @__spv__foo_arg_descriptor_set0_binding0 : ...
"llvm.intr.memcpy"(%addr, %buffer) : ...
llvm.call @__spv__foo_bar()
"llvm.intr.memcpy"(%buffer, %addr) : ...