
304 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
CmpRuns - A simple tool for comparing two static analyzer runs to determine
which reports have been added, removed, or changed.
This is designed to support automated testing using the static analyzer, from
two perspectives:
1. To monitor changes in the static analyzer's reports on real code bases, for
regression testing.
2. For use by end users who want to integrate regular static analyzer testing
into a buildbot like environment.
# Load the results of both runs, to obtain lists of the corresponding
# AnalysisDiagnostic objects.
resultsA = loadResultsFromSingleRun(singleRunInfoA, deleteEmpty)
resultsB = loadResultsFromSingleRun(singleRunInfoB, deleteEmpty)
# Generate a relation from diagnostics in run A to diagnostics in run B
# to obtain a list of triples (a, b, confidence).
diff = compareResults(resultsA, resultsB)
import os
import plistlib
# Information about analysis run:
# path - the analysis output directory
# root - the name of the root directory, which will be disregarded when
# determining the source file name
class SingleRunInfo:
def __init__(self, path, root="", verboseLog=None):
self.path = path
self.root = root.rstrip("/\\")
self.verboseLog = verboseLog
class AnalysisDiagnostic:
def __init__(self, data, report, htmlReport):
self._data = data
self._loc = self._data['location']
self._report = report
self._htmlReport = htmlReport
def getFileName(self):
root = self._report.run.root
fileName = self._report.files[self._loc['file']]
if fileName.startswith(root) and len(root) > 0:
return fileName[len(root)+1:]
return fileName
def getLine(self):
return self._loc['line']
def getColumn(self):
return self._loc['col']
def getCategory(self):
return self._data['category']
def getDescription(self):
return self._data['description']
def getIssueIdentifier(self) :
id = self.getFileName() + "+"
if 'issue_context' in self._data :
id += self._data['issue_context'] + "+"
if 'issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context' in self._data :
id += str(self._data['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'])
return id
def getReport(self):
if self._htmlReport is None:
return " "
return os.path.join(self._report.run.path, self._htmlReport)
def getReadableName(self):
return '%s:%d:%d, %s: %s' % (self.getFileName(), self.getLine(),
self.getColumn(), self.getCategory(),
# Note, the data format is not an API and may change from one analyzer
# version to another.
def getRawData(self):
return self._data
class CmpOptions:
def __init__(self, verboseLog=None, rootA="", rootB=""):
self.rootA = rootA
self.rootB = rootB
self.verboseLog = verboseLog
class AnalysisReport:
def __init__(self, run, files):
self.run = run
self.files = files
self.diagnostics = []
class AnalysisRun:
def __init__(self, info):
self.path = info.path
self.root = info.root
self.info = info
self.reports = []
# Cumulative list of all diagnostics from all the reports.
self.diagnostics = []
self.clang_version = None
def getClangVersion(self):
return self.clang_version
def readSingleFile(self, p, deleteEmpty):
data = plistlib.readPlist(p)
# We want to retrieve the clang version even if there are no
# reports. Assume that all reports were created using the same
# clang version (this is always true and is more efficient).
if 'clang_version' in data:
if self.clang_version == None:
self.clang_version = data.pop('clang_version')
# Ignore/delete empty reports.
if not data['files']:
if deleteEmpty == True:
# Extract the HTML reports, if they exists.
if 'HTMLDiagnostics_files' in data['diagnostics'][0]:
htmlFiles = []
for d in data['diagnostics']:
# FIXME: Why is this named files, when does it have multiple
# files?
assert len(d['HTMLDiagnostics_files']) == 1
htmlFiles = [None] * len(data['diagnostics'])
report = AnalysisReport(self, data.pop('files'))
diagnostics = [AnalysisDiagnostic(d, report, h)
for d,h in zip(data.pop('diagnostics'),
assert not data
# Backward compatibility API.
def loadResults(path, opts, root = "", deleteEmpty=True):
return loadResultsFromSingleRun(SingleRunInfo(path, root, opts.verboseLog),
# Load results of the analyzes from a given output folder.
# - info is the SingleRunInfo object
# - deleteEmpty specifies if the empty plist files should be deleted
def loadResultsFromSingleRun(info, deleteEmpty=True):
path = info.path
run = AnalysisRun(info)
if os.path.isfile(path):
run.readSingleFile(path, deleteEmpty)
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path):
for f in filenames:
if (not f.endswith('plist')):
p = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
run.readSingleFile(p, deleteEmpty)
return run
def cmpAnalysisDiagnostic(d) :
return d.getIssueIdentifier()
def compareResults(A, B):
compareResults - Generate a relation from diagnostics in run A to
diagnostics in run B.
The result is the relation as a list of triples (a, b, confidence) where
each element {a,b} is None or an element from the respective run, and
confidence is a measure of the match quality (where 0 indicates equality,
and None is used if either element is None).
res = []
# Quickly eliminate equal elements.
neqA = []
neqB = []
eltsA = list(A.diagnostics)
eltsB = list(B.diagnostics)
eltsA.sort(key = cmpAnalysisDiagnostic)
eltsB.sort(key = cmpAnalysisDiagnostic)
while eltsA and eltsB:
a = eltsA.pop()
b = eltsB.pop()
if (a.getIssueIdentifier() == b.getIssueIdentifier()) :
res.append((a, b, 0))
elif a.getIssueIdentifier() > b.getIssueIdentifier():
# FIXME: Add fuzzy matching. One simple and possible effective idea would be
# to bin the diagnostics, print them in a normalized form (based solely on
# the structure of the diagnostic), compute the diff, then use that as the
# basis for matching. This has the nice property that we don't depend in any
# way on the diagnostic format.
for a in neqA:
res.append((a, None, None))
for b in neqB:
res.append((None, b, None))
return res
def dumpScanBuildResultsDiff(dirA, dirB, opts, deleteEmpty=True):
# Load the run results.
resultsA = loadResults(dirA, opts, opts.rootA, deleteEmpty)
resultsB = loadResults(dirB, opts, opts.rootB, deleteEmpty)
# Open the verbose log, if given.
if opts.verboseLog:
auxLog = open(opts.verboseLog, "wb")
auxLog = None
diff = compareResults(resultsA, resultsB)
foundDiffs = 0
for res in diff:
a,b,confidence = res
if a is None:
print "ADDED: %r" % b.getReadableName()
foundDiffs += 1
if auxLog:
print >>auxLog, ("('ADDED', %r, %r)" % (b.getReadableName(),
elif b is None:
print "REMOVED: %r" % a.getReadableName()
foundDiffs += 1
if auxLog:
print >>auxLog, ("('REMOVED', %r, %r)" % (a.getReadableName(),
elif confidence:
print "CHANGED: %r to %r" % (a.getReadableName(),
foundDiffs += 1
if auxLog:
print >>auxLog, ("('CHANGED', %r, %r, %r, %r)"
% (a.getReadableName(),
TotalReports = len(resultsB.diagnostics)
print "TOTAL REPORTS: %r" % TotalReports
print "TOTAL DIFFERENCES: %r" % foundDiffs
if auxLog:
print >>auxLog, "('TOTAL NEW REPORTS', %r)" % TotalReports
print >>auxLog, "('TOTAL DIFFERENCES', %r)" % foundDiffs
return foundDiffs, len(resultsA.diagnostics), len(resultsB.diagnostics)
def main():
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] [dir A] [dir B]")
parser.add_option("", "--rootA", dest="rootA",
help="Prefix to ignore on source files for directory A",
action="store", type=str, default="")
parser.add_option("", "--rootB", dest="rootB",
help="Prefix to ignore on source files for directory B",
action="store", type=str, default="")
parser.add_option("", "--verbose-log", dest="verboseLog",
help="Write additional information to LOG [default=None]",
action="store", type=str, default=None,
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 2:
parser.error("invalid number of arguments")
dirA,dirB = args
dumpScanBuildResultsDiff(dirA, dirB, opts)
if __name__ == '__main__':