
259 lines
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//===-- SymbolMap.h -- lowering internal symbol map -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
#include "flang/Common/reference.h"
#include "flang/Lower/Support/BoxValue.h"
#include "flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/symbol.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace Fortran::lower {
// Symbol information
/// A dictionary entry of ssa-values that together compose a variable referenced
/// by a Symbol. For example, the declaration
/// CHARACTER(LEN=i) :: c(j1,j2)
/// is a single variable `c`. This variable is a two-dimensional array of
/// CHARACTER. It has a starting address and three dynamic properties: the LEN
/// parameter `i` a runtime value describing the length of the CHARACTER, and
/// the `j1` and `j2` runtime values, which describe the shape of the array.
/// The lowering bridge needs to be able to record all four of these ssa-values
/// in the lookup table to be able to correctly lower Fortran to FIR.
struct SymbolBox {
// For lookups that fail, have a monostate
using None = std::monostate;
// Trivial intrinsic type
using Intrinsic = fir::AbstractBox;
// Array variable that uses bounds notation
using FullDim = fir::ArrayBoxValue;
// CHARACTER type variable with its dependent type LEN parameter
using Char = fir::CharBoxValue;
// CHARACTER array variable using bounds notation
using CharFullDim = fir::CharArrayBoxValue;
// Generalized derived type variable
using Derived = fir::BoxValue;
// Constructors
SymbolBox() : box{None{}} {}
template <typename A>
SymbolBox(const A &x) : box{x} {}
operator bool() const { return !std::holds_alternative<None>(box); }
// This operator returns the address of the boxed value. TODO: consider
// eliminating this in favor of explicit conversion.
operator mlir::Value() const { return getAddr(); }
// Accessors
/// Get address of the boxed value. For a scalar, this is the address of the
/// scalar. For an array, this is the address of the first element in the
/// array, etc.
mlir::Value getAddr() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](const None &) { return mlir::Value{}; },
[](const auto &x) { return x.getAddr(); },
/// Get the LEN type parameter of a CHARACTER boxed value.
llvm::Optional<mlir::Value> getCharLen() const {
using T = llvm::Optional<mlir::Value>;
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](const Char &x) { return T{x.getLen()}; },
[](const CharFullDim &x) { return T{x.getLen()}; },
[](const auto &) { return T{}; },
/// Does the boxed value have an intrinsic type?
bool isIntrinsic() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](const Intrinsic &) { return true; },
[](const Char &) { return true; },
[](const auto &x) { return false; },
/// Does the boxed value have a rank greater than zero?
bool hasRank() const {
return std::visit(
[](const Intrinsic &) { return false; },
[](const Char &) { return false; },
[](const None &) { return false; },
[](const auto &x) { return x.getExtents().size() > 0; },
/// Does the boxed value have trivial lower bounds (== 1)?
bool hasSimpleLBounds() const {
if (auto *arr = std::get_if<FullDim>(&box))
return arr->getLBounds().empty();
if (auto *arr = std::get_if<CharFullDim>(&box))
return arr->getLBounds().empty();
if (auto *arr = std::get_if<Derived>(&box))
return (arr->getExtents().size() > 0) && arr->getLBounds().empty();
return false;
/// Does the boxed value have a constant shape?
bool hasConstantShape() const {
if (auto eleTy = fir::dyn_cast_ptrEleTy(getAddr().getType()))
if (auto arrTy = eleTy.dyn_cast<fir::SequenceType>())
return arrTy.hasConstantShape();
return false;
/// Get the lbound if the box explicitly contains it.
mlir::Value getLBound(unsigned dim) const {
return std::visit(
[&](const FullDim &box) { return box.getLBounds()[dim]; },
[&](const CharFullDim &box) { return box.getLBounds()[dim]; },
[&](const Derived &box) { return box.getLBounds()[dim]; },
[](const auto &) { return mlir::Value{}; }},
/// Apply the lambda `func` to this box value.
template <typename ON, typename RT>
constexpr RT apply(RT(&&func)(const ON &)) const {
if (auto *x = std::get_if<ON>(&box))
return func(*x);
return RT{};
std::variant<Intrinsic, FullDim, Char, CharFullDim, Derived, None> box;
// Map of symbol information
/// Helper class to map front-end symbols to their MLIR representation. This
/// provides a way to lookup the ssa-values that comprise a Fortran symbol's
/// runtime attributes. These attributes include its address, its dynamic size,
/// dynamic bounds information for non-scalar entities, dynamic type parameters,
/// etc.
class SymMap {
/// Add a trivial symbol mapping to an address.
void addSymbol(semantics::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Value value,
bool force = false) {
makeSym(sym, SymbolBox::Intrinsic(value), force);
/// Add a scalar CHARACTER mapping to an (address, len).
void addCharSymbol(semantics::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Value value,
mlir::Value len, bool force = false) {
makeSym(sym, SymbolBox::Char(value, len), force);
/// Add an array mapping with (address, shape).
void addSymbolWithShape(semantics::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Value value,
llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> shape,
bool force = false) {
makeSym(sym, SymbolBox::FullDim(value, shape), force);
/// Add an array of CHARACTER mapping.
void addCharSymbolWithShape(semantics::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Value value,
mlir::Value len,
llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> shape,
bool force = false) {
makeSym(sym, SymbolBox::CharFullDim(value, len, shape), force);
/// Add an array mapping with bounds notation.
void addSymbolWithBounds(semantics::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Value value,
llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> extents,
llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> lbounds,
bool force = false) {
makeSym(sym, SymbolBox::FullDim(value, extents, lbounds), force);
/// Add an array of CHARACTER with bounds notation.
void addCharSymbolWithBounds(semantics::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Value value,
mlir::Value len,
llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> extents,
llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> lbounds,
bool force = false) {
makeSym(sym, SymbolBox::CharFullDim(value, len, extents, lbounds), force);
/// Generalized derived type mapping.
void addDerivedSymbol(semantics::SymbolRef sym, mlir::Value value,
mlir::Value size, llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> extents,
llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> lbounds,
llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Value> params,
bool force = false) {
makeSym(sym, SymbolBox::Derived(value, size, params, extents, lbounds),
/// Find `symbol` and return its value if it appears in the current mappings.
SymbolBox lookupSymbol(semantics::SymbolRef sym) {
auto iter = symbolMap.find(&*sym);
return (iter == symbolMap.end()) ? SymbolBox() : iter->second;
/// Remove `sym` from the map.
void erase(semantics::SymbolRef sym) { symbolMap.erase(&*sym); }
/// Remove all symbols from the map.
void clear() { symbolMap.clear(); }
/// Dump the map. For debugging.
void dump() const;
/// Add `symbol` to the current map and bind a `box`.
void makeSym(semantics::SymbolRef sym, const SymbolBox &box,
bool force = false) {
if (force)
assert(box && "cannot add an undefined symbol box");
symbolMap.try_emplace(&*sym, box);
llvm::DenseMap<const semantics::Symbol *, SymbolBox> symbolMap;
} // namespace Fortran::lower