
297 lines
9.9 KiB

// RUN: mlir-opt %s -split-input-file -async-to-async-runtime -convert-async-to-llvm | FileCheck %s
// CHECK-LABEL: reference_counting
func @reference_counting(%arg0: !async.token) {
// CHECK: %[[C2:.*]] = constant 2 : i32
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAddRef(%arg0, %[[C2]])
async.runtime.add_ref %arg0 {count = 2 : i32} : !async.token
// CHECK: %[[C1:.*]] = constant 1 : i32
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeDropRef(%arg0, %[[C1]])
async.runtime.drop_ref %arg0 {count = 1 : i32} : !async.token
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: execute_no_async_args
func @execute_no_async_args(%arg0: f32, %arg1: memref<1xf32>) {
// CHECK: %[[TOKEN:.*]] = call @async_execute_fn(%arg0, %arg1)
%token = async.execute {
%c0 = constant 0 : index
store %arg0, %arg1[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitToken(%[[TOKEN]])
// CHECK-NEXT: return
async.await %token : !async.token
// Function outlined from the async.execute operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: func private @async_execute_fn(%arg0: f32, %arg1: memref<1xf32>)
// CHECK-SAME: -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
// Create token for return op, and mark a function as a coroutine.
// CHECK: %[[RET:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken()
// CHECK: %[[HDL:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.begin
// Pass a suspended coroutine to the async runtime.
// CHECK: %[[STATE:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.save
// CHECK: %[[RESUME:.*]] = llvm.mlir.addressof @__resume
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute(%[[HDL]], %[[RESUME]])
// CHECK: %[[SUSPENDED:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.suspend %[[STATE]]
// Decide the next block based on the code returned from suspend.
// CHECK: %[[SEXT:.*]] = llvm.sext %[[SUSPENDED]] : i8 to i32
// CHECK: llvm.switch %[[SEXT]], ^[[SUSPEND:[b0-9]+]]
// CHECK-NEXT: 0: ^[[RESUME:[b0-9]+]]
// CHECK-NEXT: 1: ^[[CLEANUP:[b0-9]+]]
// Resume coroutine after suspension.
// CHECK: ^[[RESUME]]:
// CHECK: store %arg0, %arg1[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(%[[RET]])
// Delete coroutine.
// CHECK: %[[MEM:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.free
// CHECK: llvm.call @free(%[[MEM]])
// Suspend coroutine, and also a return statement for ramp function.
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.end
// CHECK: return %[[RET]]
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: nested_async_execute
func @nested_async_execute(%arg0: f32, %arg1: f32, %arg2: memref<1xf32>) {
// CHECK: %[[TOKEN:.*]] = call @async_execute_fn_0(%arg0, %arg2, %arg1)
%token0 = async.execute {
%c0 = constant 0 : index
%token1 = async.execute {
%c1 = constant 1: index
store %arg0, %arg2[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
async.await %token1 : !async.token
store %arg1, %arg2[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitToken(%[[TOKEN]])
// CHECK-NEXT: return
async.await %token0 : !async.token
// Function outlined from the inner async.execute operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: func private @async_execute_fn(%arg0: f32, %arg1: memref<1xf32>, %arg2: index)
// CHECK-SAME: -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
// CHECK: %[[RET_0:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken()
// CHECK: %[[HDL_0:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.begin
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// CHECK: store %arg0, %arg1[%arg2] : memref<1xf32>
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(%[[RET_0]])
// Function outlined from the outer async.execute operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: func private @async_execute_fn_0(%arg0: f32, %arg1: memref<1xf32>, %arg2: f32)
// CHECK-SAME: -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
// CHECK: %[[RET_1:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken()
// CHECK: %[[HDL_1:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.begin
// Suspend coroutine in the beginning.
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Suspend coroutine second time waiting for the completion of inner execute op.
// CHECK: %[[TOKEN_1:.*]] = call @async_execute_fn
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.save
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitTokenAndExecute(%[[TOKEN_1]], %[[HDL_1]]
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Emplace result token after second resumption.
// CHECK: store %arg2, %arg1[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(%[[RET_1]])
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: async_execute_token_dependency
func @async_execute_token_dependency(%arg0: f32, %arg1: memref<1xf32>) {
// CHECK: %0 = call @async_execute_fn(%arg0, %arg1)
%token = async.execute {
%c0 = constant 0 : index
store %arg0, %arg1[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
// CHECK: %1 = call @async_execute_fn_0(%0, %arg0, %arg1)
%token_0 = async.execute [%token] {
%c0 = constant 0 : index
store %arg0, %arg1[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
// Function outlined from the first async.execute operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: func private @async_execute_fn(%arg0: f32, %arg1: memref<1xf32>)
// CHECK-SAME: -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
// CHECK: %[[RET_0:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken()
// CHECK: %[[HDL_0:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.begin
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// CHECK: store %arg0, %arg1[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(%[[RET_0]])
// Function outlined from the second async.execute operation with dependency.
// CHECK-LABEL: func private @async_execute_fn_0(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i8>, %arg1: f32, %arg2: memref<1xf32>)
// CHECK-SAME: -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
// CHECK: %[[RET_1:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken()
// CHECK: %[[HDL_1:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.begin
// Suspend coroutine in the beginning.
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute(%[[HDL_1]],
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Suspend coroutine second time waiting for the completion of token dependency.
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.save
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitTokenAndExecute(%arg0, %[[HDL_1]],
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Emplace result token after second resumption.
// CHECK: store %arg1, %arg2[%c0] : memref<1xf32>
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(%[[RET_1]])
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: async_group_await_all
func @async_group_await_all(%arg0: f32, %arg1: memref<1xf32>) {
// CHECK: %0 = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateGroup()
%0 = async.create_group
// CHECK: %[[TOKEN:.*]] = call @async_execute_fn
%token = async.execute { async.yield }
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAddTokenToGroup(%[[TOKEN]], %0)
async.add_to_group %token, %0 : !async.token
// CHECK: call @async_execute_fn_0
async.execute {
async.await_all %0
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitAllInGroup(%0)
async.await_all %0
// Function outlined from the async.execute operation.
// CHECK: func private @async_execute_fn_0(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i8>)
// CHECK: %[[RET_1:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken()
// CHECK: %[[HDL_1:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.begin
// Suspend coroutine in the beginning.
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute(%[[HDL_1]],
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Suspend coroutine second time waiting for the group.
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.save
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitAllInGroupAndExecute(%arg0, %[[HDL_1]],
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Emplace result token.
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(%[[RET_1]])
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: execute_and_return_f32
func @execute_and_return_f32() -> f32 {
// CHECK: %[[RET:.*]]:2 = call @async_execute_fn
%token, %result = async.execute -> !async.value<f32> {
%c0 = constant 123.0 : f32
async.yield %c0 : f32
// CHECK: %[[STORAGE:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeGetValueStorage(%[[RET]]#1)
// CHECK: %[[ST_F32:.*]] = llvm.bitcast %[[STORAGE]]
// CHECK: %[[LOADED:.*]] = llvm.load %[[ST_F32]] : !llvm.ptr<f32>
%0 = async.await %result : !async.value<f32>
return %0 : f32
// Function outlined from the async.execute operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: func private @async_execute_fn()
// CHECK: %[[TOKEN:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken()
// CHECK: %[[VALUE:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateValue
// CHECK: %[[HDL:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.begin
// Suspend coroutine in the beginning.
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute(%[[HDL]],
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Emplace result value.
// CHECK: %[[CST:.*]] = constant 1.230000e+02 : f32
// CHECK: %[[STORAGE:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeGetValueStorage(%[[VALUE]])
// CHECK: %[[ST_F32:.*]] = llvm.bitcast %[[STORAGE]]
// CHECK: llvm.store %[[CST]], %[[ST_F32]] : !llvm.ptr<f32>
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceValue(%[[VALUE]])
// Emplace result token.
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(%[[TOKEN]])
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @async_value_operands
func @async_value_operands() {
// CHECK: %[[RET:.*]]:2 = call @async_execute_fn
%token, %result = async.execute -> !async.value<f32> {
%c0 = constant 123.0 : f32
async.yield %c0 : f32
// CHECK: %[[TOKEN:.*]] = call @async_execute_fn_0(%[[RET]]#1)
%token0 = async.execute(%result as %value: !async.value<f32>) {
%0 = addf %value, %value : f32
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitToken(%[[TOKEN]])
async.await %token0 : !async.token
// Function outlined from the first async.execute operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: func private @async_execute_fn()
// Function outlined from the second async.execute operation.
// CHECK-LABEL: func private @async_execute_fn_0(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i8>)
// CHECK: %[[TOKEN:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeCreateToken()
// CHECK: %[[HDL:.*]] = llvm.intr.coro.begin
// Suspend coroutine in the beginning.
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeExecute(%[[HDL]],
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Suspend coroutine second time waiting for the async operand.
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.save
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeAwaitValueAndExecute(%arg0, %[[HDL]],
// CHECK: llvm.intr.coro.suspend
// Get the operand value storage, cast to f32 and add the value.
// CHECK: %[[STORAGE:.*]] = call @mlirAsyncRuntimeGetValueStorage(%arg0)
// CHECK: %[[ST_F32:.*]] = llvm.bitcast %[[STORAGE]]
// CHECK: %[[LOADED:.*]] = llvm.load %[[ST_F32]] : !llvm.ptr<f32>
// CHECK: addf %[[LOADED]], %[[LOADED]] : f32
// Emplace result token.
// CHECK: call @mlirAsyncRuntimeEmplaceToken(%[[TOKEN]])