forked from OSchip/llvm-project
480 lines
15 KiB
480 lines
15 KiB
# RUN: rm -rf %t; split-file %s %t
## This tests that if two input files define the same weak symbol, we only
## write it to the output once (...assuming both input files use
## .subsections_via_symbols).
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin %t/weak-sub.s -o %t/weak-sub.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin %t/weak-nosub.s -o %t/weak-nosub.o
## Test that weak symbols are emitted just once with .subsections_via_symbols
# RUN: %lld -dylib -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-sub.o %t/weak-sub.o
# RUN: llvm-otool -jtV %t/out.dylib | FileCheck --check-prefix=SUB %s
# RUN: %lld -dylib -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-nosub.o %t/weak-sub.o
# RUN: llvm-otool -jtV %t/out.dylib | FileCheck --check-prefix=SUB %s
# RUN: %lld -dylib -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-sub.o %t/weak-nosub.o
# RUN: llvm-otool -jtV %t/out.dylib | FileCheck --check-prefix=SUB %s
# SUB: _foo
# SUB-NEXT: retq
# SUB-NOT: retq
# SUB: _bar
# SUB-NEXT: retq
# SUB-NOT: retq
## We can even strip weak symbols without subsections_via_symbols as long
## as none of the weak symbols in a section are needed.
# RUN: %lld -dylib -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-nosub.o %t/weak-nosub.o
# RUN: llvm-otool -jtV %t/out.dylib | FileCheck --check-prefix=SUB %s
## Test that omitted weak symbols don't add entries to the compact unwind table.
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin19.0.0 %t/weak-sub-lsda.s -o %t/weak-sub-lsda.o
# RUN: %lld -dylib -lc++ -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-sub-lsda.o %t/weak-sub-lsda.o
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --unwind-info --syms %t/out.dylib | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ONE-UNWIND
# RUN: %lld -dylib -lc++ -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-sub.o %t/weak-sub-lsda.o
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --unwind-info --syms %t/out.dylib | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NO-UNWIND
# RUN: yaml2obj %t/weak-sub-lsda-r.yaml -o %t/weak-sub-lsda-r.o
# RUN: %lld -dylib -lc++ -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-sub.o %t/weak-sub-lsda-r.o
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --unwind-info --syms %t/out.dylib | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NO-UNWIND
# ONE-UNWIND-DAG: [[#%x,FOO:]] w F __TEXT,__text _foo
# ONE-UNWIND-NOT: __TEXT,__text _foo
# ONE-UNWIND: Contents of __unwind_info section:
# ONE-UNWIND: LSDA descriptors:
# ONE-UNWIND: [0]: function offset=0x[[#%.8x,FOO]]
# ONE-UNWIND: Second level indices:
# ONE-UNWIND-DAG: [0]: function offset=0x[[#%.8x,FOO]]
# NO-UNWIND-DAG: [[#%x,FOO:]] w F __TEXT,__text _foo
# NO-UNWIND-NOT: __TEXT,__text _foo
# NO-UNWIND-NOT: Contents of __unwind_info section:
## Test interaction with .alt_entry
## FIXME: ld64 manages to strip both one copy of _foo and _bar each.
## We only manage this if we're lucky and the object files are in
## the right order. We're happy to not crash at link time for now.
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin19.0.0 %t/weak-sub-alt.s -o %t/weak-sub-alt.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin19.0.0 %t/weak-sub-alt2.s -o %t/weak-sub-alt2.o
# RUN: %lld -dylib -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-sub-alt.o %t/weak-sub-alt2.o
# RUN: %lld -dylib -o %t/out.dylib %t/weak-sub-alt2.o %t/weak-sub-alt.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin19.0.0 %t/weak-aligned-1.s -o %t/weak-aligned-1.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin19.0.0 %t/weak-aligned-2.s -o %t/weak-aligned-2.o
# RUN: %lld -o %t/out -lSystem %t/weak-aligned-1.o %t/weak-aligned-2.o
# RUN: llvm-objdump --syms --section=__const --full-contents %t/out | FileCheck --check-prefixes=ALIGN,ALIGN2 %s
# RUN: %lld -o %t/out -lSystem %t/weak-aligned-1.o %t/weak-aligned-2.o -dead_strip
# RUN: llvm-objdump --syms --section=__const --full-contents %t/out | FileCheck --check-prefixes=ALIGN,ALIGN3 %s
# ALIGN-DAG: [[#%x, ADDR:]] l O __DATA_CONST,__const _weak1
# ALIGN2-DAG: {{0*}}[[#ADDR+ 0x4]] l O __DATA_CONST,__const _weak3
# ALIGN3-DAG: {{0*}}[[#ADDR+ 0x4]] l O __DATA_CONST,__const _weak2
# ALIGN2-DAG: {{0*}}[[#ADDR+ 0x8]] l O __DATA_CONST,__const _weak2
# ALIGN-DAG: {{0*}}[[#ADDR+0x10]] g O __DATA_CONST,__const _aligned
# ALIGN: Contents of section __DATA_CONST,__const:
# ALIGN2-NEXT: {{0*}}[[#ADDR]] 11111111 33333333 22222222 00000000
# ALIGN3-NEXT: {{0*}}[[#ADDR]] 11111111 22222222 00000000 00000000
# ALIGN-NEXT: {{0*}}[[#ADDR+0x10]] 81818181 81818181 82828282 82828282
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin19.0.0 %t/weak-def.s -o %t/weak-def.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin19.0.0 %t/strong-def.s -o %t/strong-def.o
# RUN: %lld -dylib -lc++ -o %t/weak-strong-mixed.dylib %t/weak-def.o %t/strong-def.o
# RUN: %lld -dylib -lc++ -o %t/strong-weak-mixed.dylib %t/strong-def.o %t/weak-def.o
## Check that omitted weak symbols are not adding their section and unwind stuff.
# RUN: llvm-otool -jtV %t/weak-strong-mixed.dylib | FileCheck --check-prefix=MIXED %s
# RUN: llvm-otool -jtV %t/strong-weak-mixed.dylib | FileCheck --check-prefix=MIXED %s
# MIXED: (__TEXT,__text) section
# MIXED-NEXT: _foo:
# MIXED-NEXT: {{.+}} 33 33 xorl (%rbx), %esi
# MIXED-NEXT: {{.+}} 33 33 xorl (%rbx), %esi
# MIXED-NEXT: {{.+}} c3 retq
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --unwind-info %t/weak-strong-mixed.dylib | FileCheck --check-prefix=MIXED-UNWIND %s
# RUN: llvm-objdump --macho --syms --unwind-info %t/strong-weak-mixed.dylib | FileCheck --check-prefix=MIXED-UNWIND %s
# MIXED-UNWIND: g F __TEXT,__text _foo
# MIXED-UNWIND-NOT: Contents of __unwind_info section:
#--- weak-sub.s
.globl _foo, _bar
.weak_definition _foo, _bar
#--- weak-nosub.s
.globl _foo, _bar
.weak_definition _foo, _bar
#--- weak-sub-lsda.s
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.globl _foo
.weak_definition _foo
.cfi_personality 155, ___gxx_personality_v0
.cfi_lsda 16, Lexception
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 128
.cfi_offset %rbp, 48
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
popq %rbp
.section __TEXT,__gcc_except_tab
.space 0x10
#--- weak-sub-alt.s
.globl _foo, _bar
.weak_definition _foo
# Alternative entry point to _foo (strong)
.alt_entry _bar
.globl _main, _ref
callq _ref
callq _bar
#--- weak-sub-alt2.s
.globl _foo, _bar
.weak_definition _foo
# Alternative entry point to _foo (weak)
.weak_definition _bar
.alt_entry _bar
.globl _ref
callq _bar
#--- weak-aligned-1.s
.section __DATA,__const
.p2align 3
.globl _weak1
.weak_def_can_be_hidden _weak1
.4byte 0x11111111
.globl _weak3
.weak_def_can_be_hidden _weak3
.4byte 0x33333333
#--- weak-aligned-2.s
# _weak1 and _weak3 are already in weak-aligned-1,
# so from _weak1-3 in this file only _weak2 is used.
# However, _aligned still has to stay aligned to a 16-byte boundary.
.section __DATA,__const
.p2align 3
.globl _weak1
.weak_def_can_be_hidden _weak1
.4byte 0x11111111
.globl _weak2
.weak_def_can_be_hidden _weak2
.4byte 0x22222222
.globl _weak3
.weak_def_can_be_hidden _weak3
.4byte 0x33333333
.section __DATA,__const
.p2align 4
.globl _aligned
.8byte 0x8181818181818181
.8byte 0x8282828282828282
.section __TEXT,__text
.globl _main
movl _weak1(%rip), %eax
movl _weak2(%rip), %ebx
movaps _aligned(%rip), %xmm0
#--- weak-def.s
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.globl _foo
.weak_definition _foo
.cfi_personality 155, ___gxx_personality_v0
.cfi_lsda 16, Lexception
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 128
.cfi_offset %rbp, 48
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
popq %rbp
.section __TEXT,__gcc_except_tab
.space 0x10
#--- strong-def.s
.globl _foo, _bar
.4byte 0x33333333
#--- weak-sub-lsda-r.yaml
## This was generated from compiling weak-sub-lsda.s above at rev a2404f11c77e
## and then running it through `ld -r`. This converts a number of unwind-related
## relocations from section- to symbol-based ones.
--- !mach-o
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- address: 0x24
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- address: 0x28
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- address: 0x39
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- sectname: __compact_unwind
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- ' '
- _foo
- ___gxx_personality_v0
- l001
- l002
- EH_Frame1