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* Copyright 2012-2013 Ecole Normale Superieure
* Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
* Written by Sven Verdoolaege,
* Ecole Normale Superieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, 75230 Paris, France
#include <isl/val.h>
#include <isl_map_private.h>
#include <isl_aff_private.h>
#include <isl/constraint.h>
#include <isl/set.h>
/* Stride information about a specific set dimension.
* The values of the set dimension are equal to
* "offset" plus a multiple of "stride".
struct isl_stride_info {
isl_val *stride;
isl_aff *offset;
/* Return the ctx to which "si" belongs.
isl_ctx *isl_stride_info_get_ctx(__isl_keep isl_stride_info *si)
if (!si)
return NULL;
return isl_val_get_ctx(si->stride);
/* Free "si" and return NULL.
__isl_null isl_stride_info *isl_stride_info_free(
__isl_take isl_stride_info *si)
if (!si)
return NULL;
return NULL;
/* Construct an isl_stride_info object with given offset and stride.
__isl_give isl_stride_info *isl_stride_info_alloc(
__isl_take isl_val *stride, __isl_take isl_aff *offset)
struct isl_stride_info *si;
if (!stride || !offset)
goto error;
si = isl_alloc_type(isl_val_get_ctx(stride), struct isl_stride_info);
if (!si)
goto error;
si->stride = stride;
si->offset = offset;
return si;
return NULL;
/* Make a copy of "si" and return it.
__isl_give isl_stride_info *isl_stride_info_copy(
__isl_keep isl_stride_info *si)
if (!si)
return NULL;
return isl_stride_info_alloc(isl_val_copy(si->stride),
/* Return the stride of "si".
__isl_give isl_val *isl_stride_info_get_stride(__isl_keep isl_stride_info *si)
if (!si)
return NULL;
return isl_val_copy(si->stride);
/* Return the offset of "si".
__isl_give isl_aff *isl_stride_info_get_offset(__isl_keep isl_stride_info *si)
if (!si)
return NULL;
return isl_aff_copy(si->offset);
/* Information used inside detect_stride.
* "pos" is the set dimension at which the stride is being determined.
* "want_offset" is set if the offset should be computed.
* "found" is set if some stride was found already.
* "stride" and "offset" contain the (combined) stride and offset
* found so far and are NULL when "found" is not set.
* If "want_offset" is not set, then "offset" remains NULL.
struct isl_detect_stride_data {
int pos;
int want_offset;
int found;
isl_val *stride;
isl_aff *offset;
/* Set the stride and offset of data->pos to the given
* value and expression.
* If we had already found a stride before, then the two strides
* are combined into a single stride.
* In particular, if the new stride information is of the form
* i = f + s (...)
* and the old stride information is of the form
* i = f2 + s2 (...)
* then we compute the extended gcd of s and s2
* a s + b s2 = g,
* with g = gcd(s,s2), multiply the first equation with t1 = b s2/g
* and the second with t2 = a s1/g.
* This results in
* i = (b s2 + a s1)/g i = t1 f + t2 f2 + (s s2)/g (...)
* so that t1 f + t2 f2 is the combined offset and (s s2)/g = lcm(s,s2)
* is the combined stride.
static isl_stat set_stride(struct isl_detect_stride_data *data,
__isl_take isl_val *stride, __isl_take isl_aff *offset)
int pos;
if (!stride || !offset)
goto error;
pos = data->pos;
if (data->found) {
isl_val *stride2, *a, *b, *g;
isl_aff *offset2;
stride2 = data->stride;
g = isl_val_gcdext(isl_val_copy(stride), isl_val_copy(stride2),
&a, &b);
a = isl_val_mul(a, isl_val_copy(stride));
a = isl_val_div(a, isl_val_copy(g));
stride2 = isl_val_div(stride2, g);
b = isl_val_mul(b, isl_val_copy(stride2));
stride = isl_val_mul(stride, stride2);
if (!data->want_offset) {
} else {
offset2 = data->offset;
offset2 = isl_aff_scale_val(offset2, a);
offset = isl_aff_scale_val(offset, b);
offset = isl_aff_add(offset, offset2);
data->found = 1;
data->stride = stride;
if (data->want_offset)
data->offset = offset;
if (!data->stride || (data->want_offset && !data->offset))
return isl_stat_error;
return isl_stat_ok;
return isl_stat_error;
/* Check if constraint "c" imposes any stride on dimension data->pos
* and, if so, update the stride information in "data".
* In order to impose a stride on the dimension, "c" needs to be an equality
* and it needs to involve the dimension. Note that "c" may also be
* a div constraint and thus an inequality that we cannot use.
* Let c be of the form
* h(p) + g * v * i + g * stride * f(alpha) = 0
* with h(p) an expression in terms of the parameters and other dimensions
* and f(alpha) an expression in terms of the existentially quantified
* variables.
* If "stride" is not zero and not one, then it represents a non-trivial stride
* on "i". We compute a and b such that
* a v + b stride = 1
* We have
* g v i = -h(p) + g stride f(alpha)
* a g v i = -a h(p) + g stride f(alpha)
* a g v i + b g stride i = -a h(p) + g stride * (...)
* g i = -a h(p) + g stride * (...)
* i = -a h(p)/g + stride * (...)
* The expression "-a h(p)/g" can therefore be used as offset.
static isl_stat detect_stride(__isl_take isl_constraint *c, void *user)
struct isl_detect_stride_data *data = user;
int i, n_div;
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_stat r = isl_stat_ok;
isl_val *v, *stride, *m;
isl_bool is_eq, relevant, has_stride;
is_eq = isl_constraint_is_equality(c);
relevant = isl_constraint_involves_dims(c, isl_dim_set, data->pos, 1);
if (is_eq < 0 || relevant < 0)
goto error;
if (!is_eq || !relevant) {
return isl_stat_ok;
ctx = isl_constraint_get_ctx(c);
stride = isl_val_zero(ctx);
n_div = isl_constraint_dim(c, isl_dim_div);
for (i = 0; i < n_div; ++i) {
v = isl_constraint_get_coefficient_val(c, isl_dim_div, i);
stride = isl_val_gcd(stride, v);
v = isl_constraint_get_coefficient_val(c, isl_dim_set, data->pos);
m = isl_val_gcd(isl_val_copy(stride), isl_val_copy(v));
stride = isl_val_div(stride, isl_val_copy(m));
v = isl_val_div(v, isl_val_copy(m));
has_stride = isl_val_gt_si(stride, 1);
if (has_stride >= 0 && has_stride) {
isl_aff *aff;
isl_val *gcd, *a, *b;
gcd = isl_val_gcdext(v, isl_val_copy(stride), &a, &b);
aff = isl_constraint_get_aff(c);
for (i = 0; i < n_div; ++i)
aff = isl_aff_set_coefficient_si(aff,
isl_dim_div, i, 0);
aff = isl_aff_set_coefficient_si(aff, isl_dim_in, data->pos, 0);
aff = isl_aff_remove_unused_divs(aff);
a = isl_val_neg(a);
aff = isl_aff_scale_val(aff, a);
aff = isl_aff_scale_down_val(aff, m);
r = set_stride(data, stride, aff);
} else {
if (has_stride < 0)
return isl_stat_error;
return r;
return isl_stat_error;
/* Check if the constraints in "set" imply any stride on set dimension "pos" and
* store the results in data->stride and data->offset.
* In particular, compute the affine hull and then check if
* any of the constraints in the hull impose any stride on the dimension.
* If no such constraint can be found, then the offset is taken
* to be the zero expression and the stride is taken to be one.
static void set_detect_stride(__isl_keep isl_set *set, int pos,
struct isl_detect_stride_data *data)
isl_basic_set *hull;
hull = isl_set_affine_hull(isl_set_copy(set));
data->pos = pos;
data->found = 0;
data->stride = NULL;
data->offset = NULL;
if (isl_basic_set_foreach_constraint(hull, &detect_stride, data) < 0)
goto error;
if (!data->found) {
data->stride = isl_val_one(isl_set_get_ctx(set));
if (data->want_offset) {
isl_space *space;
isl_local_space *ls;
space = isl_set_get_space(set);
ls = isl_local_space_from_space(space);
data->offset = isl_aff_zero_on_domain(ls);
data->stride = isl_val_free(data->stride);
data->offset = isl_aff_free(data->offset);
/* Check if the constraints in "set" imply any stride on set dimension "pos" and
* return the results in the form of an offset and a stride.
__isl_give isl_stride_info *isl_set_get_stride_info(__isl_keep isl_set *set,
int pos)
struct isl_detect_stride_data data;
data.want_offset = 1;
set_detect_stride(set, pos, &data);
return isl_stride_info_alloc(data.stride, data.offset);
/* Check if the constraints in "set" imply any stride on set dimension "pos" and
* return this stride.
__isl_give isl_val *isl_set_get_stride(__isl_keep isl_set *set, int pos)
struct isl_detect_stride_data data;
data.want_offset = 0;
set_detect_stride(set, pos, &data);
return data.stride;
/* Check if the constraints in "map" imply any stride on output dimension "pos",
* independently of any other output dimensions, and
* return the results in the form of an offset and a stride.
* Convert the input to a set with only the input dimensions and
* the single output dimension such that it be passed to
* isl_set_get_stride_info and convert the result back to
* an expression defined over the domain of "map".
__isl_give isl_stride_info *isl_map_get_range_stride_info(
__isl_keep isl_map *map, int pos)
isl_stride_info *si;
isl_set *set;
map = isl_map_copy(map);
map = isl_map_project_onto(map, isl_dim_out, pos, 1);
pos = isl_map_dim(map, isl_dim_in);
set = isl_map_wrap(map);
si = isl_set_get_stride_info(set, pos);
if (!si)
return NULL;
si->offset = isl_aff_domain_factor_domain(si->offset);
if (!si->offset)
return isl_stride_info_free(si);
return si;