
453 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright 2010-2011 INRIA Saclay
* Copyright 2012-2013 Ecole Normale Superieure
* Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
* Written by Sven Verdoolaege, INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France,
* Parc Club Orsay Universite, ZAC des vignes, 4 rue Jacques Monod,
* 91893 Orsay, France
* and Ecole Normale Superieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, 75230 Paris, France
#include <isl/val.h>
#include <isl/space.h>
#include <isl_map_private.h>
#include <isl_aff_private.h>
#include <isl/constraint.h>
#include <isl/ilp.h>
#include <isl/fixed_box.h>
/* Representation of a box of fixed size containing the elements
* [offset, offset + size).
* "size" lives in the target space of "offset".
* If any of the "offsets" is NaN, then the object represents
* the failure of finding a fixed-size box.
struct isl_fixed_box {
isl_multi_aff *offset;
isl_multi_val *size;
/* Free "box" and return NULL.
__isl_null isl_fixed_box *isl_fixed_box_free(__isl_take isl_fixed_box *box)
if (!box)
return NULL;
return NULL;
/* Construct an isl_fixed_box with the given offset and size.
static __isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_fixed_box_alloc(
__isl_take isl_multi_aff *offset, __isl_take isl_multi_val *size)
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_fixed_box *box;
if (!offset || !size)
goto error;
ctx = isl_multi_aff_get_ctx(offset);
box = isl_alloc_type(ctx, struct isl_fixed_box);
if (!box)
goto error;
box->offset = offset;
box->size = size;
return box;
return NULL;
/* Construct an initial isl_fixed_box with zero offsets
* in the given space and zero corresponding sizes.
static __isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_fixed_box_init(
__isl_take isl_space *space)
isl_multi_aff *offset;
isl_multi_val *size;
offset = isl_multi_aff_zero(isl_space_copy(space));
space = isl_space_drop_all_params(isl_space_range(space));
size = isl_multi_val_zero(space);
return isl_fixed_box_alloc(offset, size);
/* Return a copy of "box".
__isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_fixed_box_copy(__isl_keep isl_fixed_box *box)
isl_multi_aff *offset;
isl_multi_val *size;
offset = isl_fixed_box_get_offset(box);
size = isl_fixed_box_get_size(box);
return isl_fixed_box_alloc(offset, size);
/* Replace the offset and size in direction "pos" by "offset" and "size"
* (without checking whether "box" is a valid box).
static __isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_fixed_box_set_extent(
__isl_take isl_fixed_box *box, int pos, __isl_keep isl_aff *offset,
__isl_keep isl_val *size)
if (!box)
return NULL;
box->offset = isl_multi_aff_set_aff(box->offset, pos,
box->size = isl_multi_val_set_val(box->size, pos, isl_val_copy(size));
if (!box->offset || !box->size)
return isl_fixed_box_free(box);
return box;
/* Replace the offset and size in direction "pos" by "offset" and "size",
* if "box" is a valid box.
static __isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_fixed_box_set_valid_extent(
__isl_take isl_fixed_box *box, int pos, __isl_keep isl_aff *offset,
__isl_keep isl_val *size)
isl_bool valid;
valid = isl_fixed_box_is_valid(box);
if (valid < 0 || !valid)
return box;
return isl_fixed_box_set_extent(box, pos, offset, size);
/* Replace "box" by an invalid box, by setting all offsets to NaN
* (and all sizes to infinity).
static __isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_fixed_box_invalidate(
__isl_take isl_fixed_box *box)
int i;
isl_size n;
isl_space *space;
isl_val *infty;
isl_aff *nan;
if (!box)
return NULL;
n = isl_multi_val_dim(box->size, isl_dim_set);
if (n < 0)
return isl_fixed_box_free(box);
infty = isl_val_infty(isl_fixed_box_get_ctx(box));
space = isl_space_domain(isl_fixed_box_get_space(box));
nan = isl_aff_nan_on_domain(isl_local_space_from_space(space));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
box = isl_fixed_box_set_extent(box, i, nan, infty);
if (!box->offset || !box->size)
return isl_fixed_box_free(box);
return box;
/* Project the domain of the fixed box onto its parameter space.
* In particular, project out the domain of the offset.
static __isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_fixed_box_project_domain_on_params(
__isl_take isl_fixed_box *box)
isl_bool valid;
valid = isl_fixed_box_is_valid(box);
if (valid < 0)
return isl_fixed_box_free(box);
if (!valid)
return box;
box->offset = isl_multi_aff_project_domain_on_params(box->offset);
if (!box->offset)
return isl_fixed_box_free(box);
return box;
/* Return the isl_ctx to which "box" belongs.
isl_ctx *isl_fixed_box_get_ctx(__isl_keep isl_fixed_box *box)
if (!box)
return NULL;
return isl_multi_aff_get_ctx(box->offset);
/* Return the space in which "box" lives.
__isl_give isl_space *isl_fixed_box_get_space(__isl_keep isl_fixed_box *box)
if (!box)
return NULL;
return isl_multi_aff_get_space(box->offset);
/* Does "box" contain valid information?
isl_bool isl_fixed_box_is_valid(__isl_keep isl_fixed_box *box)
if (!box)
return isl_bool_error;
return isl_bool_not(isl_multi_aff_involves_nan(box->offset));
/* Return the offsets of the box "box".
__isl_give isl_multi_aff *isl_fixed_box_get_offset(
__isl_keep isl_fixed_box *box)
if (!box)
return NULL;
return isl_multi_aff_copy(box->offset);
/* Return the sizes of the box "box".
__isl_give isl_multi_val *isl_fixed_box_get_size(__isl_keep isl_fixed_box *box)
if (!box)
return NULL;
return isl_multi_val_copy(box->size);
/* Data used in set_dim_extent and compute_size_in_direction.
* "bset" is a wrapped copy of the basic map that has the selected
* output dimension as range.
* "pos" is the position of the variable representing the output dimension,
* i.e., the variable for which the size should be computed. This variable
* is also the last variable in "bset".
* "size" is the best size found so far
* (infinity if no offset was found so far).
* "offset" is the offset corresponding to the best size
* (NULL if no offset was found so far).
struct isl_size_info {
isl_basic_set *bset;
isl_size pos;
isl_val *size;
isl_aff *offset;
/* Is "c" a suitable bound on dimension "pos" for use as a lower bound
* of a fixed-size range.
* In particular, it needs to be a lower bound on "pos".
* In order for the final offset not to be too complicated,
* the constraint itself should also not involve any integer divisions.
static isl_bool is_suitable_bound(__isl_keep isl_constraint *c, unsigned pos)
isl_size n_div;
isl_bool is_bound, any_divs;
is_bound = isl_constraint_is_lower_bound(c, isl_dim_set, pos);
if (is_bound < 0 || !is_bound)
return is_bound;
n_div = isl_constraint_dim(c, isl_dim_div);
if (n_div < 0)
return isl_bool_error;
any_divs = isl_constraint_involves_dims(c, isl_dim_div, 0, n_div);
return isl_bool_not(any_divs);
/* Given a constraint from the basic set describing the bounds on
* an array index, check if it is a lower bound, say m i >= b(x), and,
* if so, check whether the expression "i - ceil(b(x)/m) + 1" has a constant
* upper bound. If so, and if this bound is smaller than any bound
* derived from earlier constraints, set the size to this bound on
* the expression and the lower bound to ceil(b(x)/m).
static isl_stat compute_size_in_direction(__isl_take isl_constraint *c,
void *user)
struct isl_size_info *info = user;
isl_val *v;
isl_aff *aff;
isl_aff *lb;
isl_bool is_bound, better;
is_bound = is_suitable_bound(c, info->pos);
if (is_bound < 0 || !is_bound) {
return is_bound < 0 ? isl_stat_error : isl_stat_ok;
aff = isl_constraint_get_bound(c, isl_dim_set, info->pos);
aff = isl_aff_ceil(aff);
lb = isl_aff_copy(aff);
aff = isl_aff_neg(aff);
aff = isl_aff_add_coefficient_si(aff, isl_dim_in, info->pos, 1);
v = isl_basic_set_max_val(info->bset, aff);
v = isl_val_add_ui(v, 1);
better = isl_val_lt(v, info->size);
if (better >= 0 && better) {
info->size = isl_val_copy(v);
lb = isl_aff_domain_factor_domain(lb);
info->offset = isl_aff_copy(lb);
return better < 0 ? isl_stat_error : isl_stat_ok;
/* Look for a fixed-size range of values for the output dimension "pos"
* of "map", by looking for a lower-bound expression in the parameters
* and input dimensions such that the range of the output dimension
* is a constant shifted by this expression.
* In particular, look through the explicit lower bounds on the output dimension
* for candidate expressions and pick the one that results in the smallest size.
* Initialize the size with infinity and if no better size is found
* then invalidate the box. Otherwise, set the offset and size
* in the given direction by those that correspond to the smallest size.
static __isl_give isl_fixed_box *set_dim_extent(__isl_take isl_fixed_box *box,
__isl_keep isl_map *map, int pos)
struct isl_size_info info;
isl_bool valid;
isl_ctx *ctx;
if (!box || !map)
return isl_fixed_box_free(box);
ctx = isl_map_get_ctx(map);
map = isl_map_copy(map);
map = isl_map_project_onto(map, isl_dim_out, pos, 1);
map = isl_map_compute_divs(map);
info.size = isl_val_infty(ctx);
info.offset = NULL;
info.pos = isl_map_dim(map, isl_dim_in);
info.bset = isl_basic_map_wrap(isl_map_simple_hull(map));
if (info.pos < 0)
info.bset = isl_basic_set_free(info.bset);
if (isl_basic_set_foreach_constraint(info.bset,
&compute_size_in_direction, &info) < 0)
box = isl_fixed_box_free(box);
valid = isl_val_is_int(info.size);
if (valid < 0)
box = isl_fixed_box_free(box);
else if (valid)
box = isl_fixed_box_set_valid_extent(box, pos,
info.offset, info.size);
box = isl_fixed_box_invalidate(box);
return box;
/* Try and construct a fixed-size rectangular box with an offset
* in terms of the domain of "map" that contains the range of "map".
* If no such box can be constructed, then return an invalidated box,
* i.e., one where isl_fixed_box_is_valid returns false.
* Iterate over the dimensions in the range
* setting the corresponding offset and extent.
__isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_map_get_range_simple_fixed_box_hull(
__isl_keep isl_map *map)
int i;
isl_size n;
isl_space *space;
isl_fixed_box *box;
n = isl_map_dim(map, isl_dim_out);
if (n < 0)
return NULL;
space = isl_map_get_space(map);
box = isl_fixed_box_init(space);
map = isl_map_detect_equalities(isl_map_copy(map));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
isl_bool valid;
box = set_dim_extent(box, map, i);
valid = isl_fixed_box_is_valid(box);
if (valid < 0 || !valid)
return box;
/* Try and construct a fixed-size rectangular box with an offset
* in terms of the parameters of "set" that contains "set".
* If no such box can be constructed, then return an invalidated box,
* i.e., one where isl_fixed_box_is_valid returns false.
* Compute the box using isl_map_get_range_simple_fixed_box_hull
* by constructing a map from the set and
* project out the domain again from the result.
__isl_give isl_fixed_box *isl_set_get_simple_fixed_box_hull(
__isl_keep isl_set *set)
isl_map *map;
isl_fixed_box *box;
map = isl_map_from_range(isl_set_copy(set));
box = isl_map_get_range_simple_fixed_box_hull(map);
box = isl_fixed_box_project_domain_on_params(box);
return box;
#undef BASE
#define BASE multi_val
#include "print_yaml_field_templ.c"
#undef BASE
#define BASE multi_aff
#include "print_yaml_field_templ.c"
/* Print the information contained in "box" to "p".
* The information is printed as a YAML document.
__isl_give isl_printer *isl_printer_print_fixed_box(
__isl_take isl_printer *p, __isl_keep isl_fixed_box *box)
if (!box)
return isl_printer_free(p);
p = isl_printer_yaml_start_mapping(p);
p = print_yaml_field_multi_aff(p, "offset", box->offset);
p = print_yaml_field_multi_val(p, "size", box->size);
p = isl_printer_yaml_end_mapping(p);
return p;
#undef BASE
#define BASE fixed_box
#include <print_templ_yaml.c>