MethodWrapperHandler removes some of the boilerplate when writing wrapper
functions to wrap method calls. It can be used as a handler for wrapper
functions whose first argument is an ExecutorAddress: the address is cast to a
pointer of the given class type, then the given method function pointer is
called on that object pointer (passing the rest of the arguments).
class MyClass {
void myMethod(uint32_t, bool) { ... }
// SPS Method signature for myMethod -- note MyClass object address as first
// argument.
using SPSMyMethodWrapperSignature =
SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddress, uint32_t, bool>;
// Wrapper function for myMethod.
myMethodCallWrapper(const char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSMyMethodWrapperSignature>::handle(
ArgData, ArgSize, makeMethodWrapperHandler(&MyClass::myMethod));