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//===-- DNB.h ---------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Created by Greg Clayton on 3/23/07.
#ifndef __DNB_h__
#define __DNB_h__
#include "MacOSX/Genealogy.h"
#include "MacOSX/ThreadInfo.h"
#include "DNBDefs.h"
#include <mach/thread_info.h>
#include <string>
#define DNB_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#ifndef CPU_TYPE_ARM64
#define CPU_TYPE_ARM64 ((cpu_type_t) 12 | 0x01000000)
typedef bool (*DNBShouldCancelCallback) (void *);
void DNBInitialize ();
void DNBTerminate ();
nub_bool_t DNBSetArchitecture (const char *arch);
// Process control
nub_process_t DNBProcessLaunch (const char *path,
char const *argv[],
const char *envp[],
const char *working_directory, // NULL => don't change, non-NULL => set working directory for inferior to this
const char *stdin_path,
const char *stdout_path,
const char *stderr_path,
bool no_stdio,
nub_launch_flavor_t launch_flavor,
int disable_aslr,
const char *event_data,
char *err_str,
size_t err_len);
nub_process_t DNBProcessAttach (nub_process_t pid, struct timespec *timeout, char *err_str, size_t err_len);
nub_process_t DNBProcessAttachByName (const char *name, struct timespec *timeout, char *err_str, size_t err_len);
nub_process_t DNBProcessAttachWait (const char *wait_name, nub_launch_flavor_t launch_flavor, bool ignore_existing, struct timespec *timeout, useconds_t interval, char *err_str, size_t err_len, DNBShouldCancelCallback should_cancel = NULL, void *callback_data = NULL);
// Resume a process with exact instructions on what to do with each thread:
// - If no thread actions are supplied (actions is NULL or num_actions is zero),
// then all threads are continued.
// - If any thread actions are supplied, then each thread will do as it is told
// by the action. A default actions for any threads that don't have an
// explicit thread action can be made by making a thread action with a tid of
// INVALID_NUB_THREAD. If there is no default action, those threads will
// remain stopped.
nub_bool_t DNBProcessResume (nub_process_t pid, const DNBThreadResumeAction *actions, size_t num_actions) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessHalt (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessDetach (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSignal (nub_process_t pid, int signal) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessInterrupt (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessKill (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSendEvent (nub_process_t pid, const char *event) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_size_t DNBProcessMemoryRead (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, nub_size_t size, void *buf) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_size_t DNBProcessMemoryWrite (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, nub_size_t size, const void *buf) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_addr_t DNBProcessMemoryAllocate (nub_process_t pid, nub_size_t size, uint32_t permissions) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessMemoryDeallocate (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr) DNB_EXPORT;
int DNBProcessMemoryRegionInfo (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, DNBRegionInfo *region_info) DNB_EXPORT;
std::string DNBProcessGetProfileData (nub_process_t pid, DNBProfileDataScanType scanType) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetEnableAsyncProfiling (nub_process_t pid, nub_bool_t enable, uint64_t interval_usec, DNBProfileDataScanType scan_type) DNB_EXPORT;
// Process status
nub_bool_t DNBProcessIsAlive (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_state_t DNBProcessGetState (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessGetExitStatus (nub_process_t pid, int *status) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetExitStatus (nub_process_t pid, int status) DNB_EXPORT;
const char * DNBProcessGetExitInfo (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetExitInfo (nub_process_t pid, const char *info) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_size_t DNBProcessGetNumThreads (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_thread_t DNBProcessGetCurrentThread (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_thread_t DNBProcessGetCurrentThreadMachPort (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_thread_t DNBProcessSetCurrentThread (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_thread_t DNBProcessGetThreadAtIndex (nub_process_t pid, nub_size_t thread_idx) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSyncThreadState (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_addr_t DNBProcessGetSharedLibraryInfoAddress (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSharedLibrariesUpdated (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_size_t DNBProcessGetSharedLibraryInfo (nub_process_t pid, nub_bool_t only_changed, DNBExecutableImageInfo **image_infos) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetNameToAddressCallback (nub_process_t pid, DNBCallbackNameToAddress callback, void *baton) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_bool_t DNBProcessSetSharedLibraryInfoCallback (nub_process_t pid, DNBCallbackCopyExecutableImageInfos callback, void *baton) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_addr_t DNBProcessLookupAddress (nub_process_t pid, const char *name, const char *shlib) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_size_t DNBProcessGetAvailableSTDOUT (nub_process_t pid, char *buf, nub_size_t buf_size) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_size_t DNBProcessGetAvailableSTDERR (nub_process_t pid, char *buf, nub_size_t buf_size) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_size_t DNBProcessGetAvailableProfileData (nub_process_t pid, char *buf, nub_size_t buf_size) DNB_EXPORT;
nub_size_t DNBProcessGetStopCount (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
uint32_t DNBProcessGetCPUType (nub_process_t pid) DNB_EXPORT;
// Process executable and arguments
const char * DNBProcessGetExecutablePath (nub_process_t pid);
const char * DNBProcessGetArgumentAtIndex (nub_process_t pid, nub_size_t idx);
nub_size_t DNBProcessGetArgumentCount (nub_process_t pid);
// Process events
nub_event_t DNBProcessWaitForEvents (nub_process_t pid, nub_event_t event_mask, bool wait_for_set, struct timespec* timeout);
void DNBProcessResetEvents (nub_process_t pid, nub_event_t event_mask);
// Thread functions
const char * DNBThreadGetName (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid);
nub_bool_t DNBThreadGetIdentifierInfo (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, thread_identifier_info_data_t *ident_info);
nub_state_t DNBThreadGetState (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid);
nub_bool_t DNBThreadGetRegisterValueByID (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, uint32_t set, uint32_t reg, DNBRegisterValue *value);
nub_bool_t DNBThreadSetRegisterValueByID (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, uint32_t set, uint32_t reg, const DNBRegisterValue *value);
nub_size_t DNBThreadGetRegisterContext (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, void *buf, size_t buf_len);
nub_size_t DNBThreadSetRegisterContext (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, const void *buf, size_t buf_len);
uint32_t DNBThreadSaveRegisterState (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid);
nub_bool_t DNBThreadRestoreRegisterState (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, uint32_t save_id);
nub_bool_t DNBThreadGetRegisterValueByName (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, uint32_t set, const char *name, DNBRegisterValue *value);
nub_bool_t DNBThreadGetStopReason (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, DNBThreadStopInfo *stop_info);
const char * DNBThreadGetInfo (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid);
Genealogy::ThreadActivitySP DNBGetGenealogyInfoForThread (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, bool &timed_out);
Genealogy::ProcessExecutableInfoSP DNBGetGenealogyImageInfo (nub_process_t pid, size_t idx);
ThreadInfo::QoS DNBGetRequestedQoSForThread (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, nub_addr_t tsd, uint64_t dti_qos_class_index);
nub_addr_t DNBGetPThreadT (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid);
nub_addr_t DNBGetDispatchQueueT (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid);
nub_addr_t DNBGetTSDAddressForThread (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, uint64_t plo_pthread_tsd_base_address_offset, uint64_t plo_pthread_tsd_base_offset, uint64_t plo_pthread_tsd_entry_size);
// Breakpoint functions
nub_bool_t DNBBreakpointSet (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, nub_size_t size, nub_bool_t hardware);
nub_bool_t DNBBreakpointClear (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr);
// Watchpoint functions
nub_bool_t DNBWatchpointSet (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr, nub_size_t size, uint32_t watch_flags, nub_bool_t hardware);
nub_bool_t DNBWatchpointClear (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t addr);
uint32_t DNBWatchpointGetNumSupportedHWP (nub_process_t pid);
const DNBRegisterSetInfo *
DNBGetRegisterSetInfo (nub_size_t *num_reg_sets);
nub_bool_t DNBGetRegisterInfoByName (const char *reg_name, DNBRegisterInfo* info);
// Printf style formatting for printing values in the inferior memory
// space and registers.
nub_size_t DNBPrintf (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, nub_addr_t addr, FILE *file, const char *format);
// Other static nub information calls.
const char * DNBStateAsString (nub_state_t state);
nub_bool_t DNBResolveExecutablePath (const char *path, char *resolved_path, size_t resolved_path_size);