forked from OSchip/llvm-project
581 lines
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581 lines
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//===-- FileSpec.cpp --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <glob.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "lldb/Core/FileSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Core/DataBufferHeap.h"
#include "lldb/Core/DataBufferMemoryMap.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
using namespace std;
static bool
GetFileStats (const FileSpec *file_spec, struct stat *stats_ptr)
char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
if (file_spec->GetPath(&resolved_path[0], sizeof(resolved_path)))
return ::stat (resolved_path, stats_ptr) == 0;
return false;
static const char*
static std::string g_tilde;
if (g_tilde.empty())
glob_t globbuf;
if (::glob("~/", GLOB_TILDE, NULL, &globbuf) == 0) //success
g_tilde = globbuf.gl_pathv[0];
::globfree (&globbuf);
if (g_tilde.empty())
return NULL;
return g_tilde.c_str();
FileSpec::Resolve (const char *src_path, char *dst_path, size_t dst_len)
if (src_path == NULL || src_path[0] == '\0')
return 0;
// Glob if needed for ~/, otherwise copy in case src_path is same as dst_path...
char unglobbed_path[PATH_MAX];
if (::strstr (src_path, "~/") == src_path)
::snprintf(unglobbed_path, sizeof(unglobbed_path), "%s%s", GetCachedGlobTildeSlash(), src_path + 2);
::snprintf(unglobbed_path, sizeof(unglobbed_path), "%s", src_path);
// Now resolve the path if needed
char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
if (::realpath (unglobbed_path, resolved_path))
// Success, copy the resolved path
return ::snprintf(dst_path, dst_len, "%s", resolved_path);
// Failed, just copy the unglobbed path
return ::snprintf(dst_path, dst_len, "%s", unglobbed_path);
FileSpec::FileSpec() :
// Default constructor that can take an optional full path to a
// file on disk.
FileSpec::FileSpec(const char *pathname) :
if (pathname && pathname[0])
// Copy constructor
FileSpec::FileSpec(const FileSpec& rhs) :
m_directory (rhs.m_directory),
m_filename (rhs.m_filename)
// Copy constructor
FileSpec::FileSpec(const FileSpec* rhs) :
if (rhs)
*this = *rhs;
// Virtual destrcuctor in case anyone inherits from this class.
// Assignment operator.
const FileSpec&
FileSpec::operator= (const FileSpec& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
m_directory = rhs.m_directory;
m_filename = rhs.m_filename;
return *this;
// Update the contents of this object with a new path. The path will
// be split up into a directory and filename and stored as uniqued
// string values for quick comparison and efficient memory usage.
FileSpec::SetFile(const char *pathname)
if (pathname == NULL || pathname[0] == '\0')
char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
if (FileSpec::Resolve (pathname, resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path)) < sizeof(resolved_path) - 1)
char *filename = ::basename (resolved_path);
if (filename)
m_filename.SetCString (filename);
// Truncate the basename off the end of the resolved path
// Only attempt to get the dirname if it looks like we have a path
if (strchr(resolved_path, '/'))
char *directory = ::dirname (resolved_path);
// Make sure we didn't get our directory resolved to "." without having
// specified
if (directory)
char *last_resolved_path_slash = strrchr(resolved_path, '/');
if (last_resolved_path_slash)
*last_resolved_path_slash = '\0';
// Convert to pointer operator. This allows code to check any FileSpec
// objects to see if they contain anything valid using code such as:
// if (file_spec)
// {}
void*() const
return (m_directory || m_filename) ? const_cast<FileSpec*>(this) : NULL;
// Logical NOT operator. This allows code to check any FileSpec
// objects to see if they are invalid using code such as:
// if (!file_spec)
// {}
FileSpec::operator!() const
return !m_directory && !m_filename;
// Equal to operator
FileSpec::operator== (const FileSpec& rhs) const
return m_directory == rhs.m_directory && m_filename == rhs.m_filename;
// Not equal to operator
FileSpec::operator!= (const FileSpec& rhs) const
return m_filename != rhs.m_filename || m_directory != rhs.m_directory;
// Less than operator
FileSpec::operator< (const FileSpec& rhs) const
return FileSpec::Compare(*this, rhs, true) < 0;
// Dump a FileSpec object to a stream
lldb_private::operator << (Stream &s, const FileSpec& f)
return s;
// Clear this object by releasing both the directory and filename
// string values and making them both the empty string.
// Compare two FileSpec objects. If "full" is true, then both
// the directory and the filename must match. If "full" is false,
// then the directory names for "a" and "b" are only compared if
// they are both non-empty. This allows a FileSpec object to only
// contain a filename and it can match FileSpec objects that have
// matching filenames with different paths.
// Return -1 if the "a" is less than "b", 0 if "a" is equal to "b"
// and "1" if "a" is greater than "b".
FileSpec::Compare(const FileSpec& a, const FileSpec& b, bool full)
int result = 0;
// If full is true, then we must compare both the directory and filename.
// If full is false, then if either directory is empty, then we match on
// the basename only, and if both directories have valid values, we still
// do a full compare. This allows for matching when we just have a filename
// in one of the FileSpec objects.
if (full || (a.m_directory && b.m_directory))
result = ConstString::Compare(a.m_directory, b.m_directory);
if (result)
return result;
return ConstString::Compare (a.m_filename, b.m_filename);
FileSpec::Equal (const FileSpec& a, const FileSpec& b, bool full)
if (full)
return a == b;
return a.m_filename == b.m_filename;
// Dump the object to the supplied stream. If the object contains
// a valid directory name, it will be displayed followed by a
// directory delimiter, and the filename.
FileSpec::Dump(Stream *s) const
if (m_filename)
m_directory.Dump(s, ""); // Provide a default for m_directory when we dump it in case it is invalid
if (m_directory)
// If dirname was valid, then we need to print a slash between
// the directory and the filename
// Returns true if the file exists.
FileSpec::Exists () const
struct stat file_stats;
return GetFileStats (this, &file_stats);
FileSpec::GetByteSize() const
struct stat file_stats;
if (GetFileStats (this, &file_stats))
return file_stats.st_size;
return 0;
FileSpec::GetFileType () const
struct stat file_stats;
if (GetFileStats (this, &file_stats))
mode_t file_type = file_stats.st_mode & S_IFMT;
switch (file_type)
case S_IFDIR: return eFileTypeDirectory;
case S_IFIFO: return eFileTypePipe;
case S_IFREG: return eFileTypeRegular;
case S_IFSOCK: return eFileTypeSocket;
case S_IFLNK: return eFileTypeSymbolicLink;
return eFileTypeUknown;
return eFileTypeInvalid;
FileSpec::GetModificationTime () const
TimeValue mod_time;
struct stat file_stats;
if (GetFileStats (this, &file_stats))
return mod_time;
// Directory string get accessor.
ConstString &
return m_directory;
// Directory string const get accessor.
const ConstString &
FileSpec::GetDirectory() const
return m_directory;
// Filename string get accessor.
ConstString &
return m_filename;
// Filename string const get accessor.
const ConstString &
FileSpec::GetFilename() const
return m_filename;
// Extract the directory and path into a fixed buffer. This is
// needed as the directory and path are stored in separate string
// values.
FileSpec::GetPath(char *path, size_t max_path_length) const
if (max_path_length == 0)
return false;
path[0] = '\0';
const char *dirname = m_directory.AsCString();
const char *filename = m_filename.AsCString();
if (dirname)
if (filename && filename[0])
return snprintf (path, max_path_length, "%s/%s", dirname, filename) < max_path_length;
strncpy (path, dirname, max_path_length);
else if (filename)
strncpy (path, filename, max_path_length);
// Any code paths that reach here assume that strncpy, or a similar function was called
// where any remaining bytes will be filled with NULLs and that the string won't be
// NULL terminated if it won't fit in the buffer.
// If the last character is NULL, then all went well
if (path[max_path_length-1] == '\0')
return true;
// Make sure the path is terminated, as it didn't fit into "path"
path[max_path_length-1] = '\0';
return false;
// Returns a shared pointer to a data buffer that contains all or
// part of the contents of a file. The data is memory mapped and
// will lazily page in data from the file as memory is accessed.
// The data that is mappped will start "file_offset" bytes into the
// file, and "file_size" bytes will be mapped. If "file_size" is
// greater than the number of bytes available in the file starting
// at "file_offset", the number of bytes will be appropriately
// truncated. The final number of bytes that get mapped can be
// verified using the DataBuffer::GetByteSize() function.
FileSpec::MemoryMapFileContents(off_t file_offset, size_t file_size) const
DataBufferSP data_sp;
auto_ptr<DataBufferMemoryMap> mmap_data(new DataBufferMemoryMap());
if (mmap_data.get())
if (mmap_data->MemoryMapFromFileSpec (this, file_offset, file_size) >= file_size)
return data_sp;
// Return the size in bytes that this object takes in memory. This
// returns the size in bytes of this object, not any shared string
// values it may refer to.
FileSpec::MemorySize() const
return m_filename.MemorySize() + m_directory.MemorySize();
// Returns a shared pointer to a data buffer that contains all or
// part of the contents of a file. The data copies into a heap based
// buffer that lives in the DataBuffer shared pointer object returned.
// The data that is cached will start "file_offset" bytes into the
// file, and "file_size" bytes will be mapped. If "file_size" is
// greater than the number of bytes available in the file starting
// at "file_offset", the number of bytes will be appropriately
// truncated. The final number of bytes that get mapped can be
// verified using the DataBuffer::GetByteSize() function.
FileSpec::ReadFileContents(off_t file_offset, size_t file_size) const
DataBufferSP data_sp;
char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
if (GetPath(resolved_path, sizeof(resolved_path)))
int fd = ::open (resolved_path, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (fd != -1)
struct stat file_stats;
if (::fstat (fd, &file_stats) == 0)
// Read bytes directly into our basic_string buffer
if (file_stats.st_size > 0)
off_t lseek_result = 0;
if (file_offset > 0)
lseek_result = ::lseek (fd, file_offset, SEEK_SET);
if (lseek_result < 0)
// Get error from errno
else if (lseek_result == file_offset)
std::auto_ptr<DataBufferHeap> data_heap_ap;
if (file_stats.st_size < file_size)
data_heap_ap.reset(new DataBufferHeap(file_stats.st_size, '\0'));
data_heap_ap.reset(new DataBufferHeap(file_size, '\0'));
if (data_heap_ap.get())
ssize_t bytesRead = ::read (fd, (void *)data_heap_ap->GetBytes(), data_heap_ap->GetByteSize());
if (bytesRead >= 0)
// Make sure we read exactly what we asked for and if we got
// less, adjust the array
if (bytesRead < data_heap_ap->GetByteSize())
return data_sp;
FileSpec::ReadFileLines (STLStringArray &lines)
bool ret_val = false;
std::string dir_str (m_directory.AsCString());
std::string file_str (m_filename.AsCString());
std::string full_name = dir_str + "/" + file_str;
ifstream file_stream (full_name.c_str());
if (file_stream)
std::string line;
while (getline (file_stream, line))
lines.push_back (line);
ret_val = true;
return ret_val;