forked from OSchip/llvm-project
88 lines
3.9 KiB
88 lines
3.9 KiB
* Copyright 2010-2011 INRIA Saclay
* Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
* Written by Sven Verdoolaege, INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France,
* Parc Club Orsay Universite, ZAC des vignes, 4 rue Jacques Monod,
* 91893 Orsay, France
#include "ppcg_options.h"
static struct isl_arg_choice target[] = {
ISL_ARGS_START(struct ppcg_debug_options, ppcg_debug_options_args)
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_debug_options, dump_schedule_constraints, 0,
"dump-schedule-constraints", 0, "dump schedule constraints")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_debug_options, dump_schedule, 0,
"dump-schedule", 0, "dump isl computed schedule")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_debug_options, dump_final_schedule, 0,
"dump-final-schedule", 0, "dump PPCG computed schedule")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_debug_options, dump_sizes, 0,
"dump-sizes", 0,
"dump effectively used per kernel tile, grid and block sizes")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_debug_options, verbose, 'v', "verbose", 0, NULL)
ISL_ARGS_START(struct ppcg_options, ppcg_opencl_options_args)
ISL_ARG_STR(struct ppcg_options, opencl_compiler_options, 0, "compiler-options",
"options", NULL, "options to pass to the OpenCL compiler")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, opencl_use_gpu, 0, "use-gpu", 1,
"use GPU device (if available)")
ISL_ARG_STR_LIST(struct ppcg_options, opencl_n_include_file,
opencl_include_files, 0, "include-file", "filename",
"file to #include in generated OpenCL code")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, opencl_print_kernel_types, 0,
"print-kernel-types", 1,
"print definitions of types in the kernel file")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, opencl_embed_kernel_code, 0,
"embed-kernel-code", 0, "embed kernel code into host code")
ISL_ARGS_START(struct ppcg_options, ppcg_options_args)
ISL_ARG_CHILD(struct ppcg_options, debug, NULL, &ppcg_debug_options_args,
"debugging options")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, reschedule, 0, "reschedule", 1,
"replace original schedule by isl computed schedule (except C target)")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, scale_tile_loops, 0,
"scale-tile-loops", 1, NULL)
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, wrap, 0, "wrap", 1, NULL)
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, use_shared_memory, 0, "shared-memory", 1,
"use shared memory in kernel code")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, use_private_memory, 0, "private-memory", 1,
"use private memory in kernel code")
ISL_ARG_STR(struct ppcg_options, ctx, 0, "ctx", "context", NULL,
"Constraints on parameters")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, non_negative_parameters, 0,
"assume-non-negative-parameters", 0,
"assume all parameters are non-negative)")
ISL_ARG_INT(struct ppcg_options, tile_size, 'S', "tile-size", "size", 32, NULL)
ISL_ARG_STR(struct ppcg_options, sizes, 0, "sizes", "sizes", NULL,
"Per kernel tile, grid and block sizes")
ISL_ARG_INT(struct ppcg_options, max_shared_memory, 0,
"max-shared-memory", "size", 8192, "maximal amount of shared memory")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, openmp, 0, "openmp", 0,
"Generate OpenMP macros (only for C target)")
ISL_ARG_CHOICE(struct ppcg_options, target, 0, "target", target,
PPCG_TARGET_CUDA, "the target to generate code for")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, linearize_device_arrays, 0,
"linearize-device-arrays", 1,
"linearize all device arrays, even those of fixed size")
ISL_ARG_BOOL(struct ppcg_options, live_range_reordering, 0,
"live-range-reordering", 1,
"allow successive live ranges on the same memory element "
"to be reordered")
ISL_ARG_GROUP("opencl", &ppcg_opencl_options_args, "OpenCL options")
ISL_ARG_STR(struct ppcg_options, save_schedule_file, 0, "save-schedule",
"file", NULL, "save isl computed schedule to <file>")
ISL_ARG_STR(struct ppcg_options, load_schedule_file, 0, "load-schedule",
"file", NULL, "load schedule from <file>, "
"using it instead of an isl computed schedule")