
393 lines
13 KiB

//=== MicroMipsSizeReduction.cpp - MicroMips size reduction pass --------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// This pass is used to reduce the size of instructions where applicable.
/// TODO: Implement microMIPS64 support.
/// TODO: Implement support for reducing into lwp/swp instruction.
#include "Mips.h"
#include "MipsInstrInfo.h"
#include "MipsSubtarget.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace llvm;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "micromips-reduce-size"
STATISTIC(NumReduced, "Number of 32-bit instructions reduced to 16-bit ones");
namespace {
/// Order of operands to transfer
// TODO: Will be extended when additional optimizations are added
enum OperandTransfer {
OT_NA, ///< Not applicable
OT_OperandsAll, ///< Transfer all operands
/// Reduction type
// TODO: Will be extended when additional optimizations are added
enum ReduceType {
RT_OneInstr ///< Reduce one instruction into a smaller instruction
// Information about immediate field restrictions
struct ImmField {
ImmField() : ImmFieldOperand(-1), Shift(0), LBound(0), HBound(0) {}
ImmField(uint8_t Shift, int16_t LBound, int16_t HBound,
int8_t ImmFieldOperand)
: ImmFieldOperand(ImmFieldOperand), Shift(Shift), LBound(LBound),
HBound(HBound) {}
int8_t ImmFieldOperand; // Immediate operand, -1 if it does not exist
uint8_t Shift; // Shift value
int16_t LBound; // Low bound of the immediate operand
int16_t HBound; // High bound of the immediate operand
/// Information about operands
// TODO: Will be extended when additional optimizations are added
struct OpInfo {
OpInfo(enum OperandTransfer TransferOperands)
: TransferOperands(TransferOperands) {}
OpInfo() : TransferOperands(OT_NA) {}
enum OperandTransfer
TransferOperands; ///< Operands to transfer to the new instruction
// Information about opcodes
struct OpCodes {
OpCodes(unsigned WideOpc, unsigned NarrowOpc)
: WideOpc(WideOpc), NarrowOpc(NarrowOpc) {}
unsigned WideOpc; ///< Wide opcode
unsigned NarrowOpc; ///< Narrow opcode
/// ReduceTable - A static table with information on mapping from wide
/// opcodes to narrow
struct ReduceEntry {
enum ReduceType eRType; ///< Reduction type
bool (*ReduceFunction)(
MachineInstr *MI,
const ReduceEntry &Entry); ///< Pointer to reduce function
struct OpCodes Ops; ///< All relevant OpCodes
struct OpInfo OpInf; ///< Characteristics of operands
struct ImmField Imm; ///< Characteristics of immediate field
ReduceEntry(enum ReduceType RType, struct OpCodes Op,
bool (*F)(MachineInstr *MI, const ReduceEntry &Entry),
struct OpInfo OpInf, struct ImmField Imm)
: eRType(RType), ReduceFunction(F), Ops(Op), OpInf(OpInf), Imm(Imm) {}
unsigned NarrowOpc() const { return Ops.NarrowOpc; }
unsigned WideOpc() const { return Ops.WideOpc; }
int16_t LBound() const { return Imm.LBound; }
int16_t HBound() const { return Imm.HBound; }
uint8_t Shift() const { return Imm.Shift; }
int8_t ImmField() const { return Imm.ImmFieldOperand; }
enum OperandTransfer TransferOperands() const {
return OpInf.TransferOperands;
enum ReduceType RType() const { return eRType; }
// operator used by std::equal_range
bool operator<(const unsigned int r) const { return (WideOpc() < r); }
// operator used by std::equal_range
friend bool operator<(const unsigned int r, const struct ReduceEntry &re) {
return (r < re.WideOpc());
class MicroMipsSizeReduce : public MachineFunctionPass {
static char ID;
static const MipsInstrInfo *MipsII;
const MipsSubtarget *Subtarget;
bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
llvm::StringRef getPassName() const override {
return "microMIPS instruction size reduction pass";
/// Reduces width of instructions in the specified basic block.
bool ReduceMBB(MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
/// Attempts to reduce MI, returns true on success.
bool ReduceMI(const MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator &MII);
// Attempts to reduce LW/SW instruction into LWSP/SWSP,
// returns true on success.
static bool ReduceXWtoXWSP(MachineInstr *MI, const ReduceEntry &Entry);
// Attempts to reduce LBU/LHU instruction into LBU16/LHU16,
// returns true on success.
static bool ReduceLXUtoLXU16(MachineInstr *MI, const ReduceEntry &Entry);
// Attempts to reduce SB/SH instruction into SB16/SH16,
// returns true on success.
static bool ReduceSXtoSX16(MachineInstr *MI, const ReduceEntry &Entry);
// Attempts to reduce arithmetic instructions, returns true on success
static bool ReduceArithmeticInstructions(MachineInstr *MI,
const ReduceEntry &Entry);
// Changes opcode of an instruction
static bool ReplaceInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, const ReduceEntry &Entry);
// Table with transformation rules for each instruction
static llvm::SmallVector<ReduceEntry, 16> ReduceTable;
char MicroMipsSizeReduce::ID = 0;
const MipsInstrInfo *MicroMipsSizeReduce::MipsII;
// This table must be sorted by WideOpc as a main criterion and
// ReduceType as a sub-criterion (when wide opcodes are the same)
llvm::SmallVector<ReduceEntry, 16> MicroMipsSizeReduce::ReduceTable = {
// ReduceType, OpCodes, ReduceFunction,
// OpInfo(TransferOperands),
// ImmField(Shift, LBound, HBound, ImmFieldPosition)
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::ADDu, Mips::ADDU16_MM),
ReduceArithmeticInstructions, OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll),
ImmField(0, 0, 0, -1)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::ADDu_MM, Mips::ADDU16_MM),
ReduceArithmeticInstructions, OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll),
ImmField(0, 0, 0, -1)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::LBu, Mips::LBU16_MM), ReduceLXUtoLXU16,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(0, -1, 15, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::LBu_MM, Mips::LBU16_MM), ReduceLXUtoLXU16,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(0, -1, 15, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::LHu, Mips::LHU16_MM), ReduceLXUtoLXU16,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(1, 0, 16, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::LHu_MM, Mips::LHU16_MM), ReduceLXUtoLXU16,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(1, 0, 16, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::LW, Mips::LWSP_MM), ReduceXWtoXWSP,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(2, 0, 32, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::LW_MM, Mips::LWSP_MM), ReduceXWtoXWSP,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(2, 0, 32, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::SB, Mips::SB16_MM), ReduceSXtoSX16,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(0, 0, 16, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::SB_MM, Mips::SB16_MM), ReduceSXtoSX16,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(0, 0, 16, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::SH, Mips::SH16_MM), ReduceSXtoSX16,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(1, 0, 16, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::SH_MM, Mips::SH16_MM), ReduceSXtoSX16,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(1, 0, 16, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::SUBu, Mips::SUBU16_MM),
ReduceArithmeticInstructions, OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll),
ImmField(0, 0, 0, -1)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::SUBu_MM, Mips::SUBU16_MM),
ReduceArithmeticInstructions, OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll),
ImmField(0, 0, 0, -1)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::SW, Mips::SWSP_MM), ReduceXWtoXWSP,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(2, 0, 32, 2)},
{RT_OneInstr, OpCodes(Mips::SW_MM, Mips::SWSP_MM), ReduceXWtoXWSP,
OpInfo(OT_OperandsAll), ImmField(2, 0, 32, 2)},
// Returns true if the machine operand MO is register SP
static bool IsSP(const MachineOperand &MO) {
if (MO.isReg() && ((MO.getReg() == Mips::SP)))
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the machine operand MO is register $16, $17, or $2-$7.
static bool isMMThreeBitGPRegister(const MachineOperand &MO) {
if (MO.isReg() && Mips::GPRMM16RegClass.contains(MO.getReg()))
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the machine operand MO is register $0, $17, or $2-$7.
static bool isMMSourceRegister(const MachineOperand &MO) {
if (MO.isReg() && Mips::GPRMM16ZeroRegClass.contains(MO.getReg()))
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the operand Op is an immediate value
// and writes the immediate value into variable Imm
static bool GetImm(MachineInstr *MI, unsigned Op, int64_t &Imm) {
if (!MI->getOperand(Op).isImm())
return false;
Imm = MI->getOperand(Op).getImm();
return true;
// Returns true if the variable Value has the number of least-significant zero
// bits equal to Shift and if the shifted value is between the bounds
static bool InRange(int64_t Value, unsigned short Shift, int LBound,
int HBound) {
int64_t Value2 = Value >> Shift;
if ((Value2 << Shift) == Value && (Value2 >= LBound) && (Value2 < HBound))
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if immediate operand is in range
static bool ImmInRange(MachineInstr *MI, const ReduceEntry &Entry) {
int64_t offset;
if (!GetImm(MI, Entry.ImmField(), offset))
return false;
if (!InRange(offset, Entry.Shift(), Entry.LBound(), Entry.HBound()))
return false;
return true;
MicroMipsSizeReduce::MicroMipsSizeReduce() : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {}
bool MicroMipsSizeReduce::ReduceMI(
const MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator &MII) {
MachineInstr *MI = &*MII;
unsigned Opcode = MI->getOpcode();
// Search the table.
llvm::SmallVector<ReduceEntry, 16>::const_iterator Start =
llvm::SmallVector<ReduceEntry, 16>::const_iterator End =
std::pair<llvm::SmallVector<ReduceEntry, 16>::const_iterator,
llvm::SmallVector<ReduceEntry, 16>::const_iterator>
Range = std::equal_range(Start, End, Opcode);
if (Range.first == Range.second)
return false;
for (llvm::SmallVector<ReduceEntry, 16>::const_iterator Entry = Range.first;
Entry != Range.second; ++Entry)
if (((*Entry).ReduceFunction)(&(*MII), *Entry))
return true;
return false;
bool MicroMipsSizeReduce::ReduceXWtoXWSP(MachineInstr *MI,
const ReduceEntry &Entry) {
if (!ImmInRange(MI, Entry))
return false;
if (!IsSP(MI->getOperand(1)))
return false;
return ReplaceInstruction(MI, Entry);
bool MicroMipsSizeReduce::ReduceArithmeticInstructions(
MachineInstr *MI, const ReduceEntry &Entry) {
if (!isMMThreeBitGPRegister(MI->getOperand(0)) ||
!isMMThreeBitGPRegister(MI->getOperand(1)) ||
return false;
return ReplaceInstruction(MI, Entry);
bool MicroMipsSizeReduce::ReduceLXUtoLXU16(MachineInstr *MI,
const ReduceEntry &Entry) {
if (!ImmInRange(MI, Entry))
return false;
if (!isMMThreeBitGPRegister(MI->getOperand(0)) ||
return false;
return ReplaceInstruction(MI, Entry);
bool MicroMipsSizeReduce::ReduceSXtoSX16(MachineInstr *MI,
const ReduceEntry &Entry) {
if (!ImmInRange(MI, Entry))
return false;
if (!isMMSourceRegister(MI->getOperand(0)) ||
return false;
return ReplaceInstruction(MI, Entry);
bool MicroMipsSizeReduce::ReduceMBB(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
bool Modified = false;
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator MII = MBB.instr_begin(),
E = MBB.instr_end();
MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator NextMII;
// Iterate through the instructions in the basic block
for (; MII != E; MII = NextMII) {
NextMII = std::next(MII);
MachineInstr *MI = &*MII;
// Don't reduce bundled instructions or pseudo operations
if (MI->isBundle() || MI->isTransient())
// Try to reduce 32-bit instruction into 16-bit instruction
Modified |= ReduceMI(MII);
return Modified;
bool MicroMipsSizeReduce::ReplaceInstruction(MachineInstr *MI,
const ReduceEntry &Entry) {
DEBUG(dbgs() << "Converted into 16-bit: " << *MI);
return true;
bool MicroMipsSizeReduce::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
Subtarget = &static_cast<const MipsSubtarget &>(MF.getSubtarget());
// TODO: Add support for other subtargets:
// microMIPS32r6 and microMIPS64r6
if (!Subtarget->inMicroMipsMode() || !Subtarget->hasMips32r2())
return false;
MipsII = static_cast<const MipsInstrInfo *>(Subtarget->getInstrInfo());
bool Modified = false;
MachineFunction::iterator I = MF.begin(), E = MF.end();
for (; I != E; ++I)
Modified |= ReduceMBB(*I);
return Modified;
/// Returns an instance of the MicroMips size reduction pass.
FunctionPass *llvm::createMicroMipsSizeReductionPass() {
return new MicroMipsSizeReduce();