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//===- OpDefinitionsGen.cpp - MLIR op definitions generator ---------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// OpDefinitionsGen uses the description of operations to generate C++
// definitions for ops.
#include "OpClass.h"
#include "OpFormatGen.h"
#include "OpGenHelpers.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Class.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/CodeGenHelpers.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Format.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/GenInfo.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Interfaces.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Operator.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/SideEffects.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Trait.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "mlir-tblgen-opdefgen"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::tblgen;
static const char *const tblgenNamePrefix = "tblgen_";
static const char *const generatedArgName = "odsArg";
static const char *const odsBuilder = "odsBuilder";
static const char *const builderOpState = "odsState";
/// The names of the implicit attributes that contain variadic operand and
/// result segment sizes.
static const char *const operandSegmentAttrName = "operand_segment_sizes";
static const char *const resultSegmentAttrName = "result_segment_sizes";
/// Code for an Op to lookup an attribute. Uses cached identifiers and subrange
/// lookup.
/// {0}: Code snippet to get the attribute's name or identifier.
/// {1}: The lower bound on the sorted subrange.
/// {2}: The upper bound on the sorted subrange.
/// {3}: Code snippet to get the array of named attributes.
/// {4}: "Named" to get the named attribute.
static const char *const subrangeGetAttr =
"::mlir::impl::get{4}AttrFromSortedRange({3}.begin() + {1}, {3}.end() - "
"{2}, {0})";
/// The logic to calculate the actual value range for a declared operand/result
/// of an op with variadic operands/results. Note that this logic is not for
/// general use; it assumes all variadic operands/results must have the same
/// number of values.
/// {0}: The list of whether each declared operand/result is variadic.
/// {1}: The total number of non-variadic operands/results.
/// {2}: The total number of variadic operands/results.
/// {3}: The total number of actual values.
/// {4}: "operand" or "result".
static const char *const sameVariadicSizeValueRangeCalcCode = R"(
bool isVariadic[] = {{{0}};
int prevVariadicCount = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < index; ++i)
if (isVariadic[i]) ++prevVariadicCount;
// Calculate how many dynamic values a static variadic {4} corresponds to.
// This assumes all static variadic {4}s have the same dynamic value count.
int variadicSize = ({3} - {1}) / {2};
// `index` passed in as the parameter is the static index which counts each
// {4} (variadic or not) as size 1. So here for each previous static variadic
// {4}, we need to offset by (variadicSize - 1) to get where the dynamic
// value pack for this static {4} starts.
int start = index + (variadicSize - 1) * prevVariadicCount;
int size = isVariadic[index] ? variadicSize : 1;
return {{start, size};
/// The logic to calculate the actual value range for a declared operand/result
/// of an op with variadic operands/results. Note that this logic is assumes
/// the op has an attribute specifying the size of each operand/result segment
/// (variadic or not).
static const char *const attrSizedSegmentValueRangeCalcCode = R"(
const uint32_t *sizeAttrValueIt = &*sizeAttr.value_begin<uint32_t>();
if (sizeAttr.isSplat())
return {*sizeAttrValueIt * index, *sizeAttrValueIt};
unsigned start = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < index; ++i)
start += sizeAttrValueIt[i];
return {start, sizeAttrValueIt[index]};
/// The code snippet to initialize the sizes for the value range calculation.
/// {0}: The code to get the attribute.
static const char *const adapterSegmentSizeAttrInitCode = R"(
assert(odsAttrs && "missing segment size attribute for op");
auto sizeAttr = {0}.cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>();
/// The code snippet to initialize the sizes for the value range calculation.
/// {0}: The code to get the attribute.
static const char *const opSegmentSizeAttrInitCode = R"(
auto sizeAttr = {0}.cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>();
/// The logic to calculate the actual value range for a declared operand
/// of an op with variadic of variadic operands within the OpAdaptor.
/// {0}: The name of the segment attribute.
/// {1}: The index of the main operand.
static const char *const variadicOfVariadicAdaptorCalcCode = R"(
auto tblgenTmpOperands = getODSOperands({1});
auto sizeAttrValues = {0}().getValues<uint32_t>();
auto sizeAttrIt = sizeAttrValues.begin();
::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::ValueRange> tblgenTmpOperandGroups;
for (int i = 0, e = ::llvm::size(sizeAttrValues); i < e; ++i, ++sizeAttrIt) {{
tblgenTmpOperands = tblgenTmpOperands.drop_front(*sizeAttrIt);
return tblgenTmpOperandGroups;
/// The logic to build a range of either operand or result values.
/// {0}: The begin iterator of the actual values.
/// {1}: The call to generate the start and length of the value range.
static const char *const valueRangeReturnCode = R"(
auto valueRange = {1};
return {{std::next({0}, valueRange.first),
std::next({0}, valueRange.first + valueRange.second)};
/// A header for indicating code sections.
/// {0}: Some text, or a class name.
/// {1}: Some text.
static const char *const opCommentHeader = R"(
// {0} {1}
// Utility structs and functions
// Replaces all occurrences of `match` in `str` with `substitute`.
static std::string replaceAllSubstrs(std::string str, const std::string &match,
const std::string &substitute) {
std::string::size_type scanLoc = 0, matchLoc = std::string::npos;
while ((matchLoc = str.find(match, scanLoc)) != std::string::npos) {
str = str.replace(matchLoc, match.size(), substitute);
scanLoc = matchLoc + substitute.size();
return str;
// Returns whether the record has a value of the given name that can be returned
// via getValueAsString.
static inline bool hasStringAttribute(const Record &record,
StringRef fieldName) {
auto *valueInit = record.getValueInit(fieldName);
return isa<StringInit>(valueInit);
static std::string getArgumentName(const Operator &op, int index) {
const auto &operand = op.getOperand(index);
if (!
return std::string(;
return std::string(formatv("{0}_{1}", generatedArgName, index));
// Returns true if we can use unwrapped value for the given `attr` in builders.
static bool canUseUnwrappedRawValue(const tblgen::Attribute &attr) {
return attr.getReturnType() != attr.getStorageType() &&
// We need to wrap the raw value into an attribute in the builder impl
// so we need to make sure that the attribute specifies how to do that.
namespace {
/// Metadata on a registered attribute. Given that attributes are stored in
/// sorted order on operations, we can use information from ODS to deduce the
/// number of required attributes less and and greater than each attribute,
/// allowing us to search only a subrange of the attributes in ODS-generated
/// getters.
struct AttributeMetadata {
/// The attribute name.
StringRef attrName;
/// Whether the attribute is required.
bool isRequired;
/// The ODS attribute constraint. Not present for implicit attributes.
Optional<Attribute> constraint;
/// The number of required attributes less than this attribute.
unsigned lowerBound = 0;
/// The number of required attributes greater than this attribute.
unsigned upperBound = 0;
/// Helper class to select between OpAdaptor and Op code templates.
class OpOrAdaptorHelper {
OpOrAdaptorHelper(const Operator &op, bool emitForOp)
: op(op), emitForOp(emitForOp) {
/// Object that wraps a functor in a stream operator for interop with
/// llvm::formatv.
class Formatter {
template <typename Functor>
Formatter(Functor &&func) : func(std::forward<Functor>(func)) {}
std::string str() const {
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(result);
os << *this;
return os.str();
std::function<raw_ostream &(raw_ostream &)> func;
friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, const Formatter &fmt) {
return fmt.func(os);
// Generate code for getting an attribute.
Formatter getAttr(StringRef attrName, bool isNamed = false) const {
assert(attrMetadata.count(attrName) && "expected attribute metadata");
return [this, attrName, isNamed](raw_ostream &os) -> raw_ostream & {
const AttributeMetadata &attr = attrMetadata.find(attrName)->second;
return os << formatv(subrangeGetAttr, getAttrName(attrName),
attr.lowerBound, attr.upperBound, getAttrRange(),
isNamed ? "Named" : "");
// Generate code for getting the name of an attribute.
Formatter getAttrName(StringRef attrName) const {
return [this, attrName](raw_ostream &os) -> raw_ostream & {
if (emitForOp)
return os << op.getGetterName(attrName) << "AttrName()";
return os << formatv("{0}::{1}AttrName(*odsOpName)", op.getCppClassName(),
// Get the code snippet for getting the named attribute range.
StringRef getAttrRange() const {
return emitForOp ? "(*this)->getAttrs()" : "odsAttrs";
// Get the prefix code for emitting an error.
Formatter emitErrorPrefix() const {
return [this](raw_ostream &os) -> raw_ostream & {
if (emitForOp)
return os << "emitOpError(";
return os << formatv("emitError(loc, \"'{0}' op \"",
// Get the call to get an operand or segment of operands.
Formatter getOperand(unsigned index) const {
return [this, index](raw_ostream &os) -> raw_ostream & {
return os << formatv(op.getOperand(index).isVariadic()
? "this->getODSOperands({0})"
: "(*this->getODSOperands({0}).begin())",
// Get the call to get a result of segment of results.
Formatter getResult(unsigned index) const {
return [this, index](raw_ostream &os) -> raw_ostream & {
if (!emitForOp)
return os << "<no results should be generated>";
return os << formatv(op.getResult(index).isVariadic()
? "this->getODSResults({0})"
: "(*this->getODSResults({0}).begin())",
// Return whether an op instance is available.
bool isEmittingForOp() const { return emitForOp; }
// Return the ODS operation wrapper.
const Operator &getOp() const { return op; }
// Get the attribute metadata sorted by name.
const llvm::MapVector<StringRef, AttributeMetadata> &getAttrMetadata() const {
return attrMetadata;
// Compute the attribute metadata.
void computeAttrMetadata();
// The operation ODS wrapper.
const Operator &op;
// True if code is being generate for an op. False for an adaptor.
const bool emitForOp;
// The attribute metadata, mapped by name.
llvm::MapVector<StringRef, AttributeMetadata> attrMetadata;
// The number of required attributes.
unsigned numRequired;
} // namespace
void OpOrAdaptorHelper::computeAttrMetadata() {
// Enumerate the attribute names of this op, ensuring the attribute names are
// unique in case implicit attributes are explicitly registered.
for (const NamedAttribute &namedAttr : op.getAttributes()) {
Attribute attr = namedAttr.attr;
bool isOptional =
attr.hasDefaultValue() || attr.isOptional() || attr.isDerivedAttr();
{, AttributeMetadata{, !isOptional, attr}});
// Include key attributes from several traits as implicitly registered.
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::AttrSizedOperandSegments")) {
AttributeMetadata{operandSegmentAttrName, /*isRequired=*/true,
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::AttrSizedResultSegments")) {
AttributeMetadata{resultSegmentAttrName, /*isRequired=*/true,
// Store the metadata in sorted order.
SmallVector<AttributeMetadata> sortedAttrMetadata =
[](const AttributeMetadata &lhs, const AttributeMetadata &rhs) {
return lhs.attrName < rhs.attrName;
// Compute the subrange bounds for each attribute.
numRequired = 0;
for (AttributeMetadata &attr : sortedAttrMetadata) {
attr.lowerBound = numRequired;
numRequired += attr.isRequired;
for (AttributeMetadata &attr : sortedAttrMetadata)
attr.upperBound = numRequired - attr.lowerBound - attr.isRequired;
// Store the results back into the map.
for (const AttributeMetadata &attr : sortedAttrMetadata)
attrMetadata.insert({attr.attrName, attr});
// Op emitter
namespace {
// Helper class to emit a record into the given output stream.
class OpEmitter {
static void
emitDecl(const Operator &op, raw_ostream &os,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter);
static void
emitDef(const Operator &op, raw_ostream &os,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter);
OpEmitter(const Operator &op,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter);
void emitDecl(raw_ostream &os);
void emitDef(raw_ostream &os);
// Generate methods for accessing the attribute names of this operation.
void genAttrNameGetters();
// Generates the OpAsmOpInterface for this operation if possible.
void genOpAsmInterface();
// Generates the `getOperationName` method for this op.
void genOpNameGetter();
// Generates getters for the attributes.
void genAttrGetters();
// Generates setter for the attributes.
void genAttrSetters();
// Generates removers for optional attributes.
void genOptionalAttrRemovers();
// Generates getters for named operands.
void genNamedOperandGetters();
// Generates setters for named operands.
void genNamedOperandSetters();
// Generates getters for named results.
void genNamedResultGetters();
// Generates getters for named regions.
void genNamedRegionGetters();
// Generates getters for named successors.
void genNamedSuccessorGetters();
// Generates the method to populate default attributes.
void genPopulateDefaultAttributes();
// Generates builder methods for the operation.
void genBuilder();
// Generates the build() method that takes each operand/attribute
// as a stand-alone parameter.
void genSeparateArgParamBuilder();
// Generates the build() method that takes each operand/attribute as a
// stand-alone parameter. The generated build() method uses first operand's
// type as all results' types.
void genUseOperandAsResultTypeSeparateParamBuilder();
// Generates the build() method that takes all operands/attributes
// collectively as one parameter. The generated build() method uses first
// operand's type as all results' types.
void genUseOperandAsResultTypeCollectiveParamBuilder();
// Generates the build() method that takes aggregate operands/attributes
// parameters. This build() method uses inferred types as result types.
// Requires: The type needs to be inferable via InferTypeOpInterface.
void genInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder();
// Generates the build() method that takes each operand/attribute as a
// stand-alone parameter. The generated build() method uses first attribute's
// type as all result's types.
void genUseAttrAsResultTypeBuilder();
// Generates the build() method that takes all result types collectively as
// one parameter. Similarly for operands and attributes.
void genCollectiveParamBuilder();
// The kind of parameter to generate for result types in builders.
enum class TypeParamKind {
None, // No result type in parameter list.
Separate, // A separate parameter for each result type.
Collective, // An ArrayRef<Type> for all result types.
// The kind of parameter to generate for attributes in builders.
enum class AttrParamKind {
WrappedAttr, // A wrapped MLIR Attribute instance.
UnwrappedValue, // A raw value without MLIR Attribute wrapper.
// Builds the parameter list for build() method of this op. This method writes
// to `paramList` the comma-separated parameter list and updates
// `resultTypeNames` with the names for parameters for specifying result
// types. `inferredAttributes` is populated with any attributes that are
// elided from the build list. The given `typeParamKind` and `attrParamKind`
// controls how result types and attributes are placed in the parameter list.
void buildParamList(SmallVectorImpl<MethodParameter> ¶mList,
llvm::StringSet<> &inferredAttributes,
SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &resultTypeNames,
TypeParamKind typeParamKind,
AttrParamKind attrParamKind = AttrParamKind::WrappedAttr);
// Adds op arguments and regions into operation state for build() methods.
genCodeForAddingArgAndRegionForBuilder(MethodBody &body,
llvm::StringSet<> &inferredAttributes,
bool isRawValueAttr = false);
// Generates canonicalizer declaration for the operation.
void genCanonicalizerDecls();
// Generates the folder declaration for the operation.
void genFolderDecls();
// Generates the parser for the operation.
void genParser();
// Generates the printer for the operation.
void genPrinter();
// Generates verify method for the operation.
void genVerifier();
// Generates custom verify methods for the operation.
void genCustomVerifier();
// Generates verify statements for operands and results in the operation.
// The generated code will be attached to `body`.
void genOperandResultVerifier(MethodBody &body,
Operator::const_value_range values,
StringRef valueKind);
// Generates verify statements for regions in the operation.
// The generated code will be attached to `body`.
void genRegionVerifier(MethodBody &body);
// Generates verify statements for successors in the operation.
// The generated code will be attached to `body`.
void genSuccessorVerifier(MethodBody &body);
// Generates the traits used by the object.
void genTraits();
// Generate the OpInterface methods for all interfaces.
void genOpInterfaceMethods();
// Generate op interface methods for the given interface.
void genOpInterfaceMethods(const tblgen::InterfaceTrait *trait);
// Generate op interface method for the given interface method. If
// 'declaration' is true, generates a declaration, else a definition.
Method *genOpInterfaceMethod(const tblgen::InterfaceMethod &method,
bool declaration = true);
// Generate the side effect interface methods.
void genSideEffectInterfaceMethods();
// Generate the type inference interface methods.
void genTypeInterfaceMethods();
// The TableGen record for this op.
// TODO: OpEmitter should not have a Record directly,
// it should rather go through the Operator for better abstraction.
const Record &def;
// The wrapper operator class for querying information from this op.
const Operator &op;
// The C++ code builder for this op
OpClass opClass;
// The format context for verification code generation.
FmtContext verifyCtx;
// The emitter containing all of the locally emitted verification functions.
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter;
// Helper for emitting op code.
OpOrAdaptorHelper emitHelper;
} // namespace
// Populate the format context `ctx` with substitutions of attributes, operands
// and results.
static void populateSubstitutions(const OpOrAdaptorHelper &emitHelper,
FmtContext &ctx) {
// Populate substitutions for attributes.
auto &op = emitHelper.getOp();
for (const auto &namedAttr : op.getAttributes())
emitHelper.getOp().getGetterName( + "()");
// Populate substitutions for named operands.
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumOperands(); i < e; ++i) {
auto &value = op.getOperand(i);
if (!
ctx.addSubst(, emitHelper.getOperand(i).str());
// Populate substitutions for results.
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumResults(); i < e; ++i) {
auto &value = op.getResult(i);
if (!
ctx.addSubst(, emitHelper.getResult(i).str());
/// Generate verification on native traits requiring attributes.
static void genNativeTraitAttrVerifier(MethodBody &body,
const OpOrAdaptorHelper &emitHelper) {
// Check that the variadic segment sizes attribute exists and contains the
// expected number of elements.
// {0}: Attribute name.
// {1}: Expected number of elements.
// {2}: "operand" or "result".
// {3}: Emit error prefix.
const char *const checkAttrSizedValueSegmentsCode = R"(
auto sizeAttr = tblgen_{0}.cast<::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttr>();
auto numElements =
if (numElements != {1})
return {3}"'{0}' attribute for specifying {2} segments must have {1} "
"elements, but got ") << numElements;
// Verify a few traits first so that we can use getODSOperands() and
// getODSResults() in the rest of the verifier.
auto &op = emitHelper.getOp();
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::AttrSizedOperandSegments")) {
body << formatv(checkAttrSizedValueSegmentsCode, operandSegmentAttrName,
op.getNumOperands(), "operand",
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::AttrSizedResultSegments")) {
body << formatv(checkAttrSizedValueSegmentsCode, resultSegmentAttrName,
op.getNumResults(), "result", emitHelper.emitErrorPrefix());
// Generate attribute verification. If an op instance is not available, then
// attribute checks that require one will not be emitted.
// Attribute verification is performed as follows:
// 1. Verify that all required attributes are present in sorted order. This
// ensures that we can use subrange lookup even with potentially missing
// attributes.
// 2. Verify native trait attributes so that other attributes may call methods
// that depend on the validity of these attributes, e.g. segment size attributes
// and operand or result getters.
// 3. Verify the constraints on all present attributes.
static void genAttributeVerifier(
const OpOrAdaptorHelper &emitHelper, FmtContext &ctx, MethodBody &body,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter) {
if (emitHelper.getAttrMetadata().empty())
// Verify the attribute if it is present. This assumes that default values
// are valid. This code snippet pastes the condition inline.
// TODO: verify the default value is valid (perhaps in debug mode only).
// {0}: Attribute variable name.
// {1}: Attribute condition code.
// {2}: Emit error prefix.
// {3}: Attribute name.
// {4}: Attribute/constraint description.
const char *const verifyAttrInline = R"(
if ({0} && !({1}))
return {2}"attribute '{3}' failed to satisfy constraint: {4}");
// Verify the attribute using a uniqued constraint. Can only be used within
// the context of an op.
// {0}: Unique constraint name.
// {1}: Attribute variable name.
// {2}: Attribute name.
const char *const verifyAttrUnique = R"(
if (::mlir::failed({0}(*this, {1}, "{2}")))
return ::mlir::failure();
// Traverse the array until the required attribute is found. Return an error
// if the traversal reached the end.
// {0}: Code to get the name of the attribute.
// {1}: The emit error prefix.
// {2}: The name of the attribute.
const char *const findRequiredAttr = R"(while (true) {{
if (namedAttrIt == namedAttrRange.end())
return {1}"requires attribute '{2}'");
if (namedAttrIt->getName() == {0}) {{
tblgen_{2} = namedAttrIt->getValue();
// Emit a check to see if the iteration has encountered an optional attribute.
// {0}: Code to get the name of the attribute.
// {1}: The name of the attribute.
const char *const checkOptionalAttr = R"(
else if (namedAttrIt->getName() == {0}) {{
tblgen_{1} = namedAttrIt->getValue();
// Emit the start of the loop for checking trailing attributes.
const char *const checkTrailingAttrs = R"(while (true) {
if (namedAttrIt == namedAttrRange.end()) {
// Return true if a verifier can be emitted for the attribute: it is not a
// derived attribute, it has a predicate, its condition is not empty, and, for
// adaptors, the condition does not reference the op.
const auto canEmitVerifier = [&](Attribute attr) {
if (attr.isDerivedAttr())
return false;
Pred pred = attr.getPredicate();
if (pred.isNull())
return false;
std::string condition = pred.getCondition();
return !condition.empty() && (!StringRef(condition).contains("$_op") ||
// Emit the verifier for the attribute.
const auto emitVerifier = [&](Attribute attr, StringRef attrName,
StringRef varName) {
std::string condition = attr.getPredicate().getCondition();
Optional<StringRef> constraintFn;
if (emitHelper.isEmittingForOp() &&
(constraintFn = staticVerifierEmitter.getAttrConstraintFn(attr))) {
body << formatv(verifyAttrUnique, *constraintFn, varName, attrName);
} else {
body << formatv(verifyAttrInline, varName,
tgfmt(condition, &ctx.withSelf(varName)),
emitHelper.emitErrorPrefix(), attrName,
// Prefix variables with `tblgen_` to avoid hiding the attribute accessor.
const auto getVarName = [&](StringRef attrName) {
return (tblgenNamePrefix + attrName).str();
body.indent() << formatv("auto namedAttrRange = {0};\n",
body << "auto namedAttrIt = namedAttrRange.begin();\n";
// Iterate over the attributes in sorted order. Keep track of the optional
// attributes that may be encountered along the way.
SmallVector<const AttributeMetadata *> optionalAttrs;
for (const std::pair<StringRef, AttributeMetadata> &it :
emitHelper.getAttrMetadata()) {
const AttributeMetadata &metadata = it.second;
if (!metadata.isRequired) {
body << formatv("::mlir::Attribute {0};\n", getVarName(it.first));
for (const AttributeMetadata *optional : optionalAttrs) {
body << formatv("::mlir::Attribute {0};\n",
body << formatv(findRequiredAttr, emitHelper.getAttrName(it.first),
emitHelper.emitErrorPrefix(), it.first);
for (const AttributeMetadata *optional : optionalAttrs) {
body << formatv(checkOptionalAttr,
body << "\n ++namedAttrIt;\n}\n";
// Get trailing optional attributes.
if (!optionalAttrs.empty()) {
for (const AttributeMetadata *optional : optionalAttrs) {
body << formatv("::mlir::Attribute {0};\n",
body << checkTrailingAttrs;
for (const AttributeMetadata *optional : optionalAttrs) {
body << formatv(checkOptionalAttr,
body << "\n ++namedAttrIt;\n}\n";
// Emit the checks for segment attributes first so that the other constraints
// can call operand and result getters.
genNativeTraitAttrVerifier(body, emitHelper);
for (const auto &namedAttr : emitHelper.getOp().getAttributes())
if (canEmitVerifier(namedAttr.attr))
emitVerifier(namedAttr.attr,, getVarName(;
/// Op extra class definitions have a `$cppClass` substitution that is to be
/// replaced by the C++ class name.
static std::string formatExtraDefinitions(const Operator &op) {
FmtContext ctx = FmtContext().addSubst("cppClass", op.getCppClassName());
return tgfmt(op.getExtraClassDefinition(), &ctx).str();
OpEmitter::OpEmitter(const Operator &op,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter)
: def(op.getDef()), op(op),
opClass(op.getCppClassName(), op.getExtraClassDeclaration(),
emitHelper(op, /*emitForOp=*/true) {
verifyCtx.addSubst("_ctxt", "this->getOperation()->getContext()");
// Generate C++ code for various op methods. The order here determines the
// methods in the generated file.
generateOpFormat(op, opClass);
void OpEmitter::emitDecl(
const Operator &op, raw_ostream &os,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter) {
OpEmitter(op, staticVerifierEmitter).emitDecl(os);
void OpEmitter::emitDef(
const Operator &op, raw_ostream &os,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter) {
OpEmitter(op, staticVerifierEmitter).emitDef(os);
void OpEmitter::emitDecl(raw_ostream &os) {
void OpEmitter::emitDef(raw_ostream &os) {
static void errorIfPruned(size_t line, Method *m, const Twine &methodName,
const Operator &op) {
if (m)
PrintFatalError(op.getLoc(), "Unexpected overlap when generating `" +
methodName + "` for " +
op.getOperationName() + " (from line " +
Twine(line) + ")");
#define ERROR_IF_PRUNED(M, N, O) errorIfPruned(__LINE__, M, N, O)
void OpEmitter::genAttrNameGetters() {
const llvm::MapVector<StringRef, AttributeMetadata> &attributes =
// Emit the getAttributeNames method.
auto *method = opClass.addStaticInlineMethod(
"::llvm::ArrayRef<::llvm::StringRef>", "getAttributeNames");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "getAttributeNames", op);
auto &body = method->body();
if (attributes.empty()) {
body << " return {};";
// Nothing else to do if there are no registered attributes. Exit early.
body << " static ::llvm::StringRef attrNames[] = {";
llvm::interleaveComma(llvm::make_first_range(attributes), body,
[&](StringRef attrName) {
body << "::llvm::StringRef(\"" << attrName << "\")";
body << "};\n return ::llvm::makeArrayRef(attrNames);";
// Emit the getAttributeNameForIndex methods.
auto *method = opClass.addInlineMethod<Method::Private>(
"::mlir::StringAttr", "getAttributeNameForIndex",
MethodParameter("unsigned", "index"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "getAttributeNameForIndex", op);
<< " return getAttributeNameForIndex((*this)->getName(), index);";
auto *method = opClass.addStaticInlineMethod<Method::Private>(
"::mlir::StringAttr", "getAttributeNameForIndex",
MethodParameter("::mlir::OperationName", "name"),
MethodParameter("unsigned", "index"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "getAttributeNameForIndex", op);
const char *const getAttrName = R"(
assert(index < {0} && "invalid attribute index");
return name.getRegisteredInfo()->getAttributeNames()[index];
method->body() << formatv(getAttrName, attributes.size());
// Generate the <attr>AttrName methods, that expose the attribute names to
// users.
const char *attrNameMethodBody = " return getAttributeNameForIndex({0});";
for (auto &attrIt : llvm::enumerate(llvm::make_first_range(attributes))) {
for (StringRef name : op.getGetterNames(attrIt.value())) {
std::string methodName = (name + "AttrName").str();
// Generate the non-static variant.
auto *method =
opClass.addInlineMethod("::mlir::StringAttr", methodName);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, methodName, op);
method->body() << llvm::formatv(attrNameMethodBody, attrIt.index());
// Generate the static variant.
auto *method = opClass.addStaticInlineMethod(
"::mlir::StringAttr", methodName,
MethodParameter("::mlir::OperationName", "name"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, methodName, op);
method->body() << llvm::formatv(attrNameMethodBody,
"name, " + Twine(attrIt.index()));
// Emit the getter for an attribute with the return type specified.
// It is templated to be shared between the Op and the adaptor class.
template <typename OpClassOrAdaptor>
static void emitAttrGetterWithReturnType(FmtContext &fctx,
OpClassOrAdaptor &opClass,
const Operator &op, StringRef name,
Attribute attr) {
auto *method = opClass.addMethod(attr.getReturnType(), name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, name, op);
auto &body = method->body();
body << " auto attr = " << name << "Attr();\n";
if (attr.hasDefaultValue()) {
// Returns the default value if not set.
// TODO: this is inefficient, we are recreating the attribute for every
// call. This should be set instead.
if (!attr.isConstBuildable()) {
PrintFatalError("DefaultValuedAttr of type " + attr.getAttrDefName() +
" must have a constBuilder");
std::string defaultValue = std::string(
tgfmt(attr.getConstBuilderTemplate(), &fctx, attr.getDefaultValue()));
body << " if (!attr)\n return "
<< tgfmt(attr.getConvertFromStorageCall(),
<< ";\n";
body << " return "
<< tgfmt(attr.getConvertFromStorageCall(), &fctx.withSelf("attr"))
<< ";\n";
void OpEmitter::genAttrGetters() {
FmtContext fctx;
// Emit the derived attribute body.
auto emitDerivedAttr = [&](StringRef name, Attribute attr) {
if (auto *method = opClass.addMethod(attr.getReturnType(), name))
method->body() << " " << attr.getDerivedCodeBody() << "\n";
// Generate named accessor with Attribute return type. This is a wrapper class
// that allows referring to the attributes via accessors instead of having to
// use the string interface for better compile time verification.
auto emitAttrWithStorageType = [&](StringRef name, StringRef attrName,
Attribute attr) {
auto *method = opClass.addMethod(attr.getStorageType(), name + "Attr");
if (!method)
method->body() << formatv(
" return {0}.{1}<{2}>();", emitHelper.getAttr(attrName),
attr.isOptional() || attr.hasDefaultValue() ? "dyn_cast_or_null"
: "cast",
for (const NamedAttribute &namedAttr : op.getAttributes()) {
for (StringRef name : op.getGetterNames( {
if (namedAttr.attr.isDerivedAttr()) {
emitDerivedAttr(name, namedAttr.attr);
} else {
emitAttrWithStorageType(name,, namedAttr.attr);
emitAttrGetterWithReturnType(fctx, opClass, op, name, namedAttr.attr);
auto derivedAttrs = make_filter_range(op.getAttributes(),
[](const NamedAttribute &namedAttr) {
return namedAttr.attr.isDerivedAttr();
if (derivedAttrs.empty())
// Generate helper method to query whether a named attribute is a derived
// attribute. This enables, for example, avoiding adding an attribute that
// overlaps with a derived attribute.
auto *method =
opClass.addStaticMethod("bool", "isDerivedAttribute",
MethodParameter("::llvm::StringRef", "name"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "isDerivedAttribute", op);
auto &body = method->body();
for (auto namedAttr : derivedAttrs)
body << " if (name == \"" << << "\") return true;\n";
body << " return false;";
// Generate method to materialize derived attributes as a DictionaryAttr.
auto *method = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::DictionaryAttr",
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "materializeDerivedAttributes", op);
auto &body = method->body();
auto nonMaterializable =
make_filter_range(derivedAttrs, [](const NamedAttribute &namedAttr) {
return namedAttr.attr.getConvertFromStorageCall().empty();
if (!nonMaterializable.empty()) {
std::string attrs;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(attrs);
interleaveComma(nonMaterializable, os, [&](const NamedAttribute &attr) {
os << op.getGetterName(;
"op has non-materializable derived attributes '{0}', skipping",
body << formatv(" emitOpError(\"op has non-materializable derived "
"attributes '{0}'\");\n",
body << " return nullptr;";
body << " ::mlir::MLIRContext* ctx = getContext();\n";
body << " ::mlir::Builder odsBuilder(ctx); (void)odsBuilder;\n";
body << " return ::mlir::DictionaryAttr::get(";
body << " ctx, {\n";
derivedAttrs, body,
[&](const NamedAttribute &namedAttr) {
auto tmpl = namedAttr.attr.getConvertFromStorageCall();
std::string name = op.getGetterName(;
body << " {" << name << "AttrName(),\n"
<< tgfmt(tmpl, &fctx.withSelf(name + "()")
.addSubst("_ctxt", "ctx"))
<< "}";
body << "});";
void OpEmitter::genAttrSetters() {
// Generate raw named setter type. This is a wrapper class that allows setting
// to the attributes via setters instead of having to use the string interface
// for better compile time verification.
auto emitAttrWithStorageType = [&](StringRef setterName, StringRef getterName,
Attribute attr) {
auto *method =
opClass.addMethod("void", setterName + "Attr",
MethodParameter(attr.getStorageType(), "attr"));
if (method)
method->body() << formatv(" (*this)->setAttr({0}AttrName(), attr);",
for (const NamedAttribute &namedAttr : op.getAttributes()) {
if (namedAttr.attr.isDerivedAttr())
for (auto names : llvm::zip(op.getSetterNames(,
emitAttrWithStorageType(std::get<0>(names), std::get<1>(names),
void OpEmitter::genOptionalAttrRemovers() {
// Generate methods for removing optional attributes, instead of having to
// use the string interface. Enables better compile time verification.
auto emitRemoveAttr = [&](StringRef name) {
auto upperInitial = name.take_front().upper();
auto suffix = name.drop_front();
auto *method = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Attribute",
"remove" + upperInitial + suffix + "Attr");
if (!method)
method->body() << formatv(" return (*this)->removeAttr({0}AttrName());",
for (const NamedAttribute &namedAttr : op.getAttributes())
if (namedAttr.attr.isOptional())
// Generates the code to compute the start and end index of an operand or result
// range.
template <typename RangeT>
static void
generateValueRangeStartAndEnd(Class &opClass, StringRef methodName,
int numVariadic, int numNonVariadic,
StringRef rangeSizeCall, bool hasAttrSegmentSize,
StringRef sizeAttrInit, RangeT &&odsValues) {
auto *method = opClass.addMethod("std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>", methodName,
MethodParameter("unsigned", "index"));
if (!method)
auto &body = method->body();
if (numVariadic == 0) {
body << " return {index, 1};\n";
} else if (hasAttrSegmentSize) {
body << sizeAttrInit << attrSizedSegmentValueRangeCalcCode;
} else {
// Because the op can have arbitrarily interleaved variadic and non-variadic
// operands, we need to embed a list in the "sink" getter method for
// calculation at run-time.
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> isVariadic;
for (auto &it : odsValues)
isVariadic.push_back(it.isVariableLength() ? "true" : "false");
std::string isVariadicList = llvm::join(isVariadic, ", ");
body << formatv(sameVariadicSizeValueRangeCalcCode, isVariadicList,
numNonVariadic, numVariadic, rangeSizeCall, "operand");
// Generates the named operand getter methods for the given Operator `op` and
// puts them in `opClass`. Uses `rangeType` as the return type of getters that
// return a range of operands (individual operands are `Value ` and each
// element in the range must also be `Value `); use `rangeBeginCall` to get
// an iterator to the beginning of the operand range; use `rangeSizeCall` to
// obtain the number of operands. `getOperandCallPattern` contains the code
// necessary to obtain a single operand whose position will be substituted
// instead of
// "{0}" marker in the pattern. Note that the pattern should work for any kind
// of ops, in particular for one-operand ops that may not have the
// `getOperand(unsigned)` method.
static void generateNamedOperandGetters(const Operator &op, Class &opClass,
bool isAdaptor, StringRef sizeAttrInit,
StringRef rangeType,
StringRef rangeBeginCall,
StringRef rangeSizeCall,
StringRef getOperandCallPattern) {
const int numOperands = op.getNumOperands();
const int numVariadicOperands = op.getNumVariableLengthOperands();
const int numNormalOperands = numOperands - numVariadicOperands;
const auto *sameVariadicSize =
const auto *attrSizedOperands =
if (numVariadicOperands > 1 && !sameVariadicSize && !attrSizedOperands) {
PrintFatalError(op.getLoc(), "op has multiple variadic operands but no "
"specification over their sizes");
if (numVariadicOperands < 2 && attrSizedOperands) {
PrintFatalError(op.getLoc(), "op must have at least two variadic operands "
"to use 'AttrSizedOperandSegments' trait");
if (attrSizedOperands && sameVariadicSize) {
"op cannot have both 'AttrSizedOperandSegments' and "
"'SameVariadicOperandSize' traits");
// First emit a few "sink" getter methods upon which we layer all nicer named
// getter methods.
generateValueRangeStartAndEnd(opClass, "getODSOperandIndexAndLength",
numVariadicOperands, numNormalOperands,
rangeSizeCall, attrSizedOperands, sizeAttrInit,
const_cast<Operator &>(op).getOperands());
auto *m = opClass.addMethod(rangeType, "getODSOperands",
MethodParameter("unsigned", "index"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "getODSOperands", op);
auto &body = m->body();
body << formatv(valueRangeReturnCode, rangeBeginCall,
// Then we emit nicer named getter methods by redirecting to the "sink" getter
// method.
for (int i = 0; i != numOperands; ++i) {
const auto &operand = op.getOperand(i);
if (
for (StringRef name : op.getGetterNames( {
if (operand.isOptional()) {
m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Value", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << " auto operands = getODSOperands(" << i << ");\n"
<< " return operands.empty() ? ::mlir::Value() : "
} else if (operand.isVariadicOfVariadic()) {
std::string segmentAttr = op.getGetterName(
if (isAdaptor) {
m = opClass.addMethod("::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::ValueRange>",
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << llvm::formatv(variadicOfVariadicAdaptorCalcCode,
segmentAttr, i);
m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::OperandRangeRange", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << " return getODSOperands(" << i << ").split("
<< segmentAttr << "Attr());";
} else if (operand.isVariadic()) {
m = opClass.addMethod(rangeType, name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << " return getODSOperands(" << i << ");";
} else {
m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Value", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << " return *getODSOperands(" << i << ").begin();";
void OpEmitter::genNamedOperandGetters() {
// Build the code snippet used for initializing the operand_segment_size)s
// array.
std::string attrSizeInitCode;
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::AttrSizedOperandSegments")) {
attrSizeInitCode = formatv(opSegmentSizeAttrInitCode,
op, opClass,
void OpEmitter::genNamedOperandSetters() {
auto *attrSizedOperands =
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
const auto &operand = op.getOperand(i);
if (
for (StringRef name : op.getGetterNames( {
auto *m = opClass.addMethod(operand.isVariadicOfVariadic()
? "::mlir::MutableOperandRangeRange"
: "::mlir::MutableOperandRange",
(name + "Mutable").str());
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
auto &body = m->body();
body << " auto range = getODSOperandIndexAndLength(" << i << ");\n"
<< " auto mutableRange = "
"::mlir::MutableOperandRange(getOperation(), "
"range.first, range.second";
if (attrSizedOperands) {
body << formatv(
", ::mlir::MutableOperandRange::OperandSegment({0}u, *{1})", i,
emitHelper.getAttr(operandSegmentAttrName, /*isNamed=*/true));
body << ");\n";
// If this operand is a nested variadic, we split the range into a
// MutableOperandRangeRange that provides a range over all of the
// sub-ranges.
if (operand.isVariadicOfVariadic()) {
body << " return "
<< op.getGetterName(
<< "AttrName()));\n";
} else {
// Otherwise, we use the full range directly.
body << " return mutableRange;\n";
void OpEmitter::genNamedResultGetters() {
const int numResults = op.getNumResults();
const int numVariadicResults = op.getNumVariableLengthResults();
const int numNormalResults = numResults - numVariadicResults;
// If we have more than one variadic results, we need more complicated logic
// to calculate the value range for each result.
const auto *sameVariadicSize =
const auto *attrSizedResults =
if (numVariadicResults > 1 && !sameVariadicSize && !attrSizedResults) {
PrintFatalError(op.getLoc(), "op has multiple variadic results but no "
"specification over their sizes");
if (numVariadicResults < 2 && attrSizedResults) {
PrintFatalError(op.getLoc(), "op must have at least two variadic results "
"to use 'AttrSizedResultSegments' trait");
if (attrSizedResults && sameVariadicSize) {
"op cannot have both 'AttrSizedResultSegments' and "
"'SameVariadicResultSize' traits");
// Build the initializer string for the result segment size attribute.
std::string attrSizeInitCode;
if (attrSizedResults) {
attrSizeInitCode = formatv(opSegmentSizeAttrInitCode,
opClass, "getODSResultIndexAndLength", numVariadicResults,
numNormalResults, "getOperation()->getNumResults()", attrSizedResults,
attrSizeInitCode, op.getResults());
auto *m =
opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Operation::result_range", "getODSResults",
MethodParameter("unsigned", "index"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "getODSResults", op);
m->body() << formatv(valueRangeReturnCode, "getOperation()->result_begin()",
for (int i = 0; i != numResults; ++i) {
const auto &result = op.getResult(i);
if (
for (StringRef name : op.getGetterNames( {
if (result.isOptional()) {
m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Value", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
<< " auto results = getODSResults(" << i << ");\n"
<< " return results.empty() ? ::mlir::Value() : *results.begin();";
} else if (result.isVariadic()) {
m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Operation::result_range", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << " return getODSResults(" << i << ");";
} else {
m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Value", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << " return *getODSResults(" << i << ").begin();";
void OpEmitter::genNamedRegionGetters() {
unsigned numRegions = op.getNumRegions();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numRegions; ++i) {
const auto ®ion = op.getRegion(i);
if (
for (StringRef name : op.getGetterNames( {
// Generate the accessors for a variadic region.
if (region.isVariadic()) {
auto *m =
opClass.addMethod("::mlir::MutableArrayRef<::mlir::Region>", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << formatv(" return (*this)->getRegions().drop_front({0});",
auto *m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Region &", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << formatv(" return (*this)->getRegion({0});", i);
void OpEmitter::genNamedSuccessorGetters() {
unsigned numSuccessors = op.getNumSuccessors();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSuccessors; ++i) {
const NamedSuccessor &successor = op.getSuccessor(i);
if (
for (StringRef name : op.getGetterNames( {
// Generate the accessors for a variadic successor list.
if (successor.isVariadic()) {
auto *m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::SuccessorRange", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << formatv(
" return {std::next((*this)->successor_begin(), {0}), "
auto *m = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::Block *", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, name, op);
m->body() << formatv(" return (*this)->getSuccessor({0});", i);
static bool canGenerateUnwrappedBuilder(const Operator &op) {
// If this op does not have native attributes at all, return directly to avoid
// redefining builders.
if (op.getNumNativeAttributes() == 0)
return false;
bool canGenerate = false;
// We are generating builders that take raw values for attributes. We need to
// make sure the native attributes have a meaningful "unwrapped" value type
// different from the wrapped mlir::Attribute type to avoid redefining
// builders. This checks for the op has at least one such native attribute.
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumNativeAttributes(); i < e; ++i) {
const NamedAttribute &namedAttr = op.getAttribute(i);
if (canUseUnwrappedRawValue(namedAttr.attr)) {
canGenerate = true;
return canGenerate;
static bool canInferType(const Operator &op) {
return op.getTrait("::mlir::InferTypeOpInterface::Trait");
void OpEmitter::genSeparateArgParamBuilder() {
SmallVector<AttrParamKind, 2> attrBuilderType;
if (canGenerateUnwrappedBuilder(op))
// Emit with separate builders with or without unwrapped attributes and/or
// inferring result type.
auto emit = [&](AttrParamKind attrType, TypeParamKind paramKind,
bool inferType) {
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
SmallVector<std::string, 4> resultNames;
llvm::StringSet<> inferredAttributes;
buildParamList(paramList, inferredAttributes, resultNames, paramKind,
auto *m = opClass.addStaticMethod("void", "build", std::move(paramList));
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method.
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
genCodeForAddingArgAndRegionForBuilder(body, inferredAttributes,
/*isRawValueAttr=*/attrType ==
// Push all result types to the operation state
if (inferType) {
// Generate builder that infers type too.
// TODO: Subsume this with general checking if type can be
// inferred automatically.
// TODO: Expand to handle regions.
body << formatv(R"(
::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Type, 2> inferredReturnTypes;
if (::mlir::succeeded({0}::inferReturnTypes(odsBuilder.getContext(),
{1}.location, {1}.operands,
/*regions=*/{{}, inferredReturnTypes)))
::llvm::report_fatal_error("Failed to infer result type(s).");)",
opClass.getClassName(), builderOpState);
switch (paramKind) {
case TypeParamKind::None:
case TypeParamKind::Separate:
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumResults(); i < e; ++i) {
if (op.getResult(i).isOptional())
body << " if (" << resultNames[i] << ")\n ";
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addTypes(" << resultNames[i]
<< ");\n";
case TypeParamKind::Collective: {
int numResults = op.getNumResults();
int numVariadicResults = op.getNumVariableLengthResults();
int numNonVariadicResults = numResults - numVariadicResults;
bool hasVariadicResult = numVariadicResults != 0;
// Avoid emitting "resultTypes.size() >= 0u" which is always true.
if (!(hasVariadicResult && numNonVariadicResults == 0))
body << " "
<< "assert(resultTypes.size() "
<< (hasVariadicResult ? ">=" : "==") << " "
<< numNonVariadicResults
<< "u && \"mismatched number of results\");\n";
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addTypes(resultTypes);\n";
llvm_unreachable("unhandled TypeParamKind");
// Some of the build methods generated here may be ambiguous, but TableGen's
// ambiguous function detection will elide those ones.
for (auto attrType : attrBuilderType) {
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::Separate, /*inferType=*/false);
if (canInferType(op) && op.getNumRegions() == 0)
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::None, /*inferType=*/true);
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::Collective, /*inferType=*/false);
void OpEmitter::genUseOperandAsResultTypeCollectiveParamBuilder() {
int numResults = op.getNumResults();
// Signature
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "odsBuilder");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
// Provide default value for `attributes` when its the last parameter
StringRef attributesDefaultValue = op.getNumVariadicRegions() ? "" : "{}";
"attributes", attributesDefaultValue);
if (op.getNumVariadicRegions())
paramList.emplace_back("unsigned", "numRegions");
auto *m = opClass.addStaticMethod("void", "build", std::move(paramList));
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
// Operands
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addOperands(operands);\n";
// Attributes
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addAttributes(attributes);\n";
// Create the correct number of regions
if (int numRegions = op.getNumRegions()) {
body << llvm::formatv(
" for (unsigned i = 0; i != {0}; ++i)\n",
(op.getNumVariadicRegions() ? "numRegions" : Twine(numRegions)));
body << " (void)" << builderOpState << ".addRegion();\n";
// Result types
SmallVector<std::string, 2> resultTypes(numResults, "operands[0].getType()");
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addTypes({"
<< llvm::join(resultTypes, ", ") << "});\n\n";
void OpEmitter::genPopulateDefaultAttributes() {
// All done if no attributes have default values.
if (llvm::all_of(op.getAttributes(), [](const NamedAttribute &named) {
return !named.attr.hasDefaultValue();
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("const ::mlir::RegisteredOperationName &", "opName");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::NamedAttrList &", "attributes");
auto *m = opClass.addStaticMethod("void", "populateDefaultAttrs", paramList);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "populateDefaultAttrs", op);
auto &body = m->body();
// Set default attributes that are unset.
body << "auto attrNames = opName.getAttributeNames();\n";
body << "::mlir::Builder " << odsBuilder
<< "(attrNames.front().getContext());\n";
StringMap<int> attrIndex;
for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(emitHelper.getAttrMetadata())) {
attrIndex[it.value().first] = it.index();
for (const NamedAttribute &namedAttr : op.getAttributes()) {
auto &attr = namedAttr.attr;
if (!attr.hasDefaultValue())
auto index = attrIndex[];
body << "if (!attributes.get(attrNames[" << index << "])) {\n";
FmtContext fctx;
std::string defaultValue = std::string(
tgfmt(attr.getConstBuilderTemplate(), &fctx, attr.getDefaultValue()));
body.indent() << formatv(" attributes.append(attrNames[{0}], {1});\n",
index, defaultValue);
body.unindent() << "}\n";
void OpEmitter::genInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder() {
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "odsBuilder");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
StringRef attributesDefaultValue = op.getNumVariadicRegions() ? "" : "{}";
"attributes", attributesDefaultValue);
if (op.getNumVariadicRegions())
paramList.emplace_back("unsigned", "numRegions");
auto *m = opClass.addStaticMethod("void", "build", std::move(paramList));
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
int numResults = op.getNumResults();
int numVariadicResults = op.getNumVariableLengthResults();
int numNonVariadicResults = numResults - numVariadicResults;
int numOperands = op.getNumOperands();
int numVariadicOperands = op.getNumVariableLengthOperands();
int numNonVariadicOperands = numOperands - numVariadicOperands;
// Operands
if (numVariadicOperands == 0 || numNonVariadicOperands != 0)
body << " assert(operands.size()"
<< (numVariadicOperands != 0 ? " >= " : " == ")
<< numNonVariadicOperands
<< "u && \"mismatched number of parameters\");\n";
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addOperands(operands);\n";
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addAttributes(attributes);\n";
// Create the correct number of regions
if (int numRegions = op.getNumRegions()) {
body << llvm::formatv(
" for (unsigned i = 0; i != {0}; ++i)\n",
(op.getNumVariadicRegions() ? "numRegions" : Twine(numRegions)));
body << " (void)" << builderOpState << ".addRegion();\n";
// Result types
body << formatv(R"(
::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Type, 2> inferredReturnTypes;
if (::mlir::succeeded({0}::inferReturnTypes(odsBuilder.getContext(),
{1}.location, operands,
{1}.regions, inferredReturnTypes))) {{)",
opClass.getClassName(), builderOpState);
if (numVariadicResults == 0 || numNonVariadicResults != 0)
body << "\n assert(inferredReturnTypes.size()"
<< (numVariadicResults != 0 ? " >= " : " == ") << numNonVariadicResults
<< "u && \"mismatched number of return types\");";
body << "\n " << builderOpState << ".addTypes(inferredReturnTypes);";
body << formatv(R"(
} else {{
::llvm::report_fatal_error("Failed to infer result type(s).");
opClass.getClassName(), builderOpState);
void OpEmitter::genUseOperandAsResultTypeSeparateParamBuilder() {
auto emit = [&](AttrParamKind attrType) {
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
SmallVector<std::string, 4> resultNames;
llvm::StringSet<> inferredAttributes;
buildParamList(paramList, inferredAttributes, resultNames,
TypeParamKind::None, attrType);
auto *m = opClass.addStaticMethod("void", "build", std::move(paramList));
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
genCodeForAddingArgAndRegionForBuilder(body, inferredAttributes,
/*isRawValueAttr=*/attrType ==
auto numResults = op.getNumResults();
if (numResults == 0)
// Push all result types to the operation state
const char *index = op.getOperand(0).isVariadic() ? ".front()" : "";
std::string resultType =
formatv("{0}{1}.getType()", getArgumentName(op, 0), index).str();
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addTypes({" << resultType;
for (int i = 1; i != numResults; ++i)
body << ", " << resultType;
body << "});\n\n";
// Generate additional builder(s) if any attributes can be "unwrapped"
if (canGenerateUnwrappedBuilder(op))
void OpEmitter::genUseAttrAsResultTypeBuilder() {
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "odsBuilder");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
"attributes", "{}");
auto *m = opClass.addStaticMethod("void", "build", std::move(paramList));
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
// Push all result types to the operation state
std::string resultType;
const auto &namedAttr = op.getAttribute(0);
body << " auto attrName = " << op.getGetterName(
<< "AttrName(" << builderOpState
<< ".name);\n"
" for (auto attr : attributes) {\n"
" if (attr.getName() != attrName) continue;\n";
if (namedAttr.attr.isTypeAttr()) {
resultType = "attr.getValue().cast<::mlir::TypeAttr>().getValue()";
} else {
resultType = "attr.getValue().cast<::mlir::TypedAttr>().getType()";
// Operands
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addOperands(operands);\n";
// Attributes
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addAttributes(attributes);\n";
// Result types
SmallVector<std::string, 2> resultTypes(op.getNumResults(), resultType);
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addTypes({"
<< llvm::join(resultTypes, ", ") << "});\n";
body << " }\n";
/// Returns a signature of the builder. Updates the context `fctx` to enable
/// replacement of $_builder and $_state in the body.
static SmallVector<MethodParameter>
getBuilderSignature(const Builder &builder) {
ArrayRef<Builder::Parameter> params(builder.getParameters());
// Inject builder and state arguments.
SmallVector<MethodParameter> arguments;
arguments.reserve(params.size() + 2);
arguments.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", odsBuilder);
arguments.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = params.size(); i < e; ++i) {
// If no name is provided, generate one.
Optional<StringRef> paramName = params[i].getName();
std::string name =
paramName ? paramName->str() : "odsArg" + std::to_string(i);
StringRef defaultValue;
if (Optional<StringRef> defaultParamValue = params[i].getDefaultValue())
defaultValue = *defaultParamValue;
arguments.emplace_back(params[i].getCppType(), std::move(name),
return arguments;
void OpEmitter::genBuilder() {
// Handle custom builders if provided.
for (const Builder &builder : op.getBuilders()) {
SmallVector<MethodParameter> arguments = getBuilderSignature(builder);
Optional<StringRef> body = builder.getBody();
auto properties = body ? Method::Static : Method::StaticDeclaration;
auto *method =
opClass.addMethod("void", "build", properties, std::move(arguments));
if (body)
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "build", op);
FmtContext fctx;
fctx.addSubst("_state", builderOpState);
if (body)
method->body() << tgfmt(*body, &fctx);
// Generate default builders that requires all result type, operands, and
// attributes as parameters.
if (op.skipDefaultBuilders())
// We generate three classes of builders here:
// 1. one having a stand-alone parameter for each operand / attribute, and
// 2. one having an aggregated parameter for all result types / operands /
// attributes, and
// 3. one having a stand-alone parameter for each operand and attribute,
// use the first operand or attribute's type as all result types
// to facilitate different call patterns.
if (op.getNumVariableLengthResults() == 0) {
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::SameOperandsAndResultType")) {
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::FirstAttrDerivedResultType"))
void OpEmitter::genCollectiveParamBuilder() {
int numResults = op.getNumResults();
int numVariadicResults = op.getNumVariableLengthResults();
int numNonVariadicResults = numResults - numVariadicResults;
int numOperands = op.getNumOperands();
int numVariadicOperands = op.getNumVariableLengthOperands();
int numNonVariadicOperands = numOperands - numVariadicOperands;
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::TypeRange", "resultTypes");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
// Provide default value for `attributes` when its the last parameter
StringRef attributesDefaultValue = op.getNumVariadicRegions() ? "" : "{}";
"attributes", attributesDefaultValue);
if (op.getNumVariadicRegions())
paramList.emplace_back("unsigned", "numRegions");
auto *m = opClass.addStaticMethod("void", "build", std::move(paramList));
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
// Operands
if (numVariadicOperands == 0 || numNonVariadicOperands != 0)
body << " assert(operands.size()"
<< (numVariadicOperands != 0 ? " >= " : " == ")
<< numNonVariadicOperands
<< "u && \"mismatched number of parameters\");\n";
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addOperands(operands);\n";
// Attributes
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addAttributes(attributes);\n";
// Create the correct number of regions
if (int numRegions = op.getNumRegions()) {
body << llvm::formatv(
" for (unsigned i = 0; i != {0}; ++i)\n",
(op.getNumVariadicRegions() ? "numRegions" : Twine(numRegions)));
body << " (void)" << builderOpState << ".addRegion();\n";
// Result types
if (numVariadicResults == 0 || numNonVariadicResults != 0)
body << " assert(resultTypes.size()"
<< (numVariadicResults != 0 ? " >= " : " == ") << numNonVariadicResults
<< "u && \"mismatched number of return types\");\n";
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addTypes(resultTypes);\n";
// Generate builder that infers type too.
// TODO: Expand to handle successors.
if (canInferType(op) && op.getNumSuccessors() == 0)
void OpEmitter::buildParamList(SmallVectorImpl<MethodParameter> ¶mList,
llvm::StringSet<> &inferredAttributes,
SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &resultTypeNames,
TypeParamKind typeParamKind,
AttrParamKind attrParamKind) {
auto numResults = op.getNumResults();
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", odsBuilder);
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
switch (typeParamKind) {
case TypeParamKind::None:
case TypeParamKind::Separate: {
// Add parameters for all return types
for (int i = 0; i < numResults; ++i) {
const auto &result = op.getResult(i);
std::string resultName = std::string(;
if (resultName.empty())
resultName = std::string(formatv("resultType{0}", i));
StringRef type =
result.isVariadic() ? "::mlir::TypeRange" : "::mlir::Type";
paramList.emplace_back(type, resultName, result.isOptional());
} break;
case TypeParamKind::Collective: {
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::TypeRange", "resultTypes");
} break;
// Add parameters for all arguments (operands and attributes).
int defaultValuedAttrStartIndex = op.getNumArgs();
// Successors and variadic regions go at the end of the parameter list, so no
// default arguments are possible.
bool hasTrailingParams = op.getNumSuccessors() || op.getNumVariadicRegions();
if (attrParamKind == AttrParamKind::UnwrappedValue && !hasTrailingParams) {
// Calculate the start index from which we can attach default values in the
// builder declaration.
for (int i = op.getNumArgs() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
auto *namedAttr = op.getArg(i).dyn_cast<tblgen::NamedAttribute *>();
if (!namedAttr || !namedAttr->attr.hasDefaultValue())
if (!canUseUnwrappedRawValue(namedAttr->attr))
// Creating an APInt requires us to provide bitwidth, value, and
// signedness, which is complicated compared to others. Similarly
// for APFloat.
// TODO: Adjust the 'returnType' field of such attributes
// to support them.
StringRef retType = namedAttr->attr.getReturnType();
if (retType == "::llvm::APInt" || retType == "::llvm::APFloat")
defaultValuedAttrStartIndex = i;
/// Collect any inferred attributes.
for (const NamedTypeConstraint &operand : op.getOperands()) {
if (operand.isVariadicOfVariadic()) {
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumArgs(), numOperands = 0; i < e; ++i) {
Argument arg = op.getArg(i);
if (const auto *operand = arg.dyn_cast<NamedTypeConstraint *>()) {
StringRef type;
if (operand->isVariadicOfVariadic())
type = "::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::ValueRange>";
else if (operand->isVariadic())
type = "::mlir::ValueRange";
type = "::mlir::Value";
paramList.emplace_back(type, getArgumentName(op, numOperands++),
const NamedAttribute &namedAttr = *arg.get<NamedAttribute *>();
const Attribute &attr = namedAttr.attr;
// Inferred attributes don't need to be added to the param list.
if (inferredAttributes.contains(
StringRef type;
switch (attrParamKind) {
case AttrParamKind::WrappedAttr:
type = attr.getStorageType();
case AttrParamKind::UnwrappedValue:
if (canUseUnwrappedRawValue(attr))
type = attr.getReturnType();
type = attr.getStorageType();
// Attach default value if requested and possible.
std::string defaultValue;
if (attrParamKind == AttrParamKind::UnwrappedValue &&
i >= defaultValuedAttrStartIndex) {
defaultValue += attr.getDefaultValue();
paramList.emplace_back(type,, StringRef(defaultValue),
/// Insert parameters for each successor.
for (const NamedSuccessor &succ : op.getSuccessors()) {
StringRef type =
succ.isVariadic() ? "::mlir::BlockRange" : "::mlir::Block *";
/// Insert parameters for variadic regions.
for (const NamedRegion ®ion : op.getRegions())
if (region.isVariadic())
void OpEmitter::genCodeForAddingArgAndRegionForBuilder(
MethodBody &body, llvm::StringSet<> &inferredAttributes,
bool isRawValueAttr) {
// Push all operands to the result.
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumOperands(); i < e; ++i) {
std::string argName = getArgumentName(op, i);
const NamedTypeConstraint &operand = op.getOperand(i);
if (operand.constraint.isVariadicOfVariadic()) {
body << " for (::mlir::ValueRange range : " << argName << ")\n "
<< builderOpState << ".addOperands(range);\n";
// Add the segment attribute.
body << " {\n"
<< " ::llvm::SmallVector<int32_t> rangeSegments;\n"
<< " for (::mlir::ValueRange range : " << argName << ")\n"
<< " rangeSegments.push_back(range.size());\n"
<< " " << builderOpState << ".addAttribute("
<< op.getGetterName(
<< "AttrName(" << builderOpState << ".name), " << odsBuilder
<< ".getI32TensorAttr(rangeSegments));"
<< " }\n";
if (operand.isOptional())
body << " if (" << argName << ")\n ";
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addOperands(" << argName << ");\n";
// If the operation has the operand segment size attribute, add it here.
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::AttrSizedOperandSegments")) {
std::string sizes = op.getGetterName(operandSegmentAttrName);
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addAttribute(" << sizes << "AttrName("
<< builderOpState << ".name), "
<< "odsBuilder.getI32VectorAttr({";
interleaveComma(llvm::seq<int>(0, op.getNumOperands()), body, [&](int i) {
const NamedTypeConstraint &operand = op.getOperand(i);
if (!operand.isVariableLength()) {
body << "1";
std::string operandName = getArgumentName(op, i);
if (operand.isOptional()) {
body << "(" << operandName << " ? 1 : 0)";
} else if (operand.isVariadicOfVariadic()) {
body << llvm::formatv(
"static_cast<int32_t>(std::accumulate({0}.begin(), {0}.end(), 0, "
"[](int32_t curSum, ::mlir::ValueRange range) {{ return curSum + "
"range.size(); }))",
} else {
body << "static_cast<int32_t>(" << getArgumentName(op, i) << ".size())";
body << "}));\n";
// Push all attributes to the result.
for (const auto &namedAttr : op.getAttributes()) {
auto &attr = namedAttr.attr;
if (attr.isDerivedAttr() || inferredAttributes.contains(
bool emitNotNullCheck =
attr.isOptional() || (attr.hasDefaultValue() && !isRawValueAttr);
if (emitNotNullCheck)
body << formatv(" if ({0}) ", << "{\n";
if (isRawValueAttr && canUseUnwrappedRawValue(attr)) {
// If this is a raw value, then we need to wrap it in an Attribute
// instance.
FmtContext fctx;
std::string builderTemplate = std::string(attr.getConstBuilderTemplate());
// For StringAttr, its constant builder call will wrap the input in
// quotes, which is correct for normal string literals, but incorrect
// here given we use function arguments. So we need to strip the
// wrapping quotes.
if (StringRef(builderTemplate).contains("\"$0\""))
builderTemplate = replaceAllSubstrs(builderTemplate, "\"$0\"", "$0");
std::string value =
std::string(tgfmt(builderTemplate, &fctx,;
body << formatv(" {0}.addAttribute({1}AttrName({0}.name), {2});\n",
builderOpState, op.getGetterName(, value);
} else {
body << formatv(" {0}.addAttribute({1}AttrName({0}.name), {2});\n",
builderOpState, op.getGetterName(,
if (emitNotNullCheck)
body << " }\n";
// Create the correct number of regions.
for (const NamedRegion ®ion : op.getRegions()) {
if (region.isVariadic())
body << formatv(" for (unsigned i = 0; i < {0}Count; ++i)\n ",
body << " (void)" << builderOpState << ".addRegion();\n";
// Push all successors to the result.
for (const NamedSuccessor &namedSuccessor : op.getSuccessors()) {
body << formatv(" {0}.addSuccessors({1});\n", builderOpState,
void OpEmitter::genCanonicalizerDecls() {
bool hasCanonicalizeMethod = def.getValueAsBit("hasCanonicalizeMethod");
if (hasCanonicalizeMethod) {
// static LogicResult FooOp::
// canonicalize(FooOp op, PatternRewriter &rewriter);
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back(op.getCppClassName(), "op");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::PatternRewriter &", "rewriter");
auto *m = opClass.declareStaticMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult",
"canonicalize", std::move(paramList));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "canonicalize", op);
// We get a prototype for 'getCanonicalizationPatterns' if requested directly
// or if using a 'canonicalize' method.
bool hasCanonicalizer = def.getValueAsBit("hasCanonicalizer");
if (!hasCanonicalizeMethod && !hasCanonicalizer)
// We get a body for 'getCanonicalizationPatterns' when using a 'canonicalize'
// method, but not implementing 'getCanonicalizationPatterns' manually.
bool hasBody = hasCanonicalizeMethod && !hasCanonicalizer;
// Add a signature for getCanonicalizationPatterns if implemented by the
// dialect or if synthesized to call 'canonicalize'.
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::RewritePatternSet &", "results");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::MLIRContext *", "context");
auto kind = hasBody ? Method::Static : Method::StaticDeclaration;
auto *method = opClass.addMethod("void", "getCanonicalizationPatterns", kind,
// If synthesizing the method, fill it it.
if (hasBody) {
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "getCanonicalizationPatterns", op);
method->body() << " results.add(canonicalize);\n";
void OpEmitter::genFolderDecls() {
bool hasSingleResult =
op.getNumResults() == 1 && op.getNumVariableLengthResults() == 0;
if (def.getValueAsBit("hasFolder")) {
if (hasSingleResult) {
auto *m = opClass.declareMethod(
"::mlir::OpFoldResult", "fold",
MethodParameter("::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute>", "operands"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "operands", op);
} else {
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute>", "operands");
paramList.emplace_back("::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::OpFoldResult> &",
auto *m = opClass.declareMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "fold",
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "fold", op);
void OpEmitter::genOpInterfaceMethods(const tblgen::InterfaceTrait *opTrait) {
Interface interface = opTrait->getInterface();
// Get the set of methods that should always be declared.
auto alwaysDeclaredMethodsVec = opTrait->getAlwaysDeclaredMethods();
llvm::StringSet<> alwaysDeclaredMethods;
for (const InterfaceMethod &method : interface.getMethods()) {
// Don't declare if the method has a body.
if (method.getBody())
// Don't declare if the method has a default implementation and the op
// didn't request that it always be declared.
if (method.getDefaultImplementation() &&
// Interface methods are allowed to overlap with existing methods, so don't
// check if pruned.
Method *OpEmitter::genOpInterfaceMethod(const InterfaceMethod &method,
bool declaration) {
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
for (const InterfaceMethod::Argument &arg : method.getArguments())
auto props = (method.isStatic() ? Method::Static : Method::None) |
(declaration ? Method::Declaration : Method::None);
return opClass.addMethod(method.getReturnType(), method.getName(), props,
void OpEmitter::genOpInterfaceMethods() {
for (const auto &trait : op.getTraits()) {
if (const auto *opTrait = dyn_cast<tblgen::InterfaceTrait>(&trait))
if (opTrait->shouldDeclareMethods())
void OpEmitter::genSideEffectInterfaceMethods() {
enum EffectKind { Operand, Result, Symbol, Static };
struct EffectLocation {
/// The effect applied.
SideEffect effect;
/// The index if the kind is not static.
unsigned index;
/// The kind of the location.
unsigned kind;
StringMap<SmallVector<EffectLocation, 1>> interfaceEffects;
auto resolveDecorators = [&](Operator::var_decorator_range decorators,
unsigned index, unsigned kind) {
for (auto decorator : decorators)
if (SideEffect *effect = dyn_cast<SideEffect>(&decorator)) {
EffectLocation{*effect, index, kind});
// Collect effects that were specified via:
/// Traits.
for (const auto &trait : op.getTraits()) {
const auto *opTrait = dyn_cast<tblgen::SideEffectTrait>(&trait);
if (!opTrait)
auto &effects = interfaceEffects[opTrait->getBaseEffectName()];
for (auto decorator : opTrait->getEffects())
/*index=*/0, EffectKind::Static});
/// Attributes and Operands.
for (unsigned i = 0, operandIt = 0, e = op.getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
Argument arg = op.getArg(i);
if (<NamedTypeConstraint *>()) {
resolveDecorators(op.getArgDecorators(i), operandIt, EffectKind::Operand);
const NamedAttribute *attr = arg.get<NamedAttribute *>();
if (attr->attr.getBaseAttr().isSymbolRefAttr())
resolveDecorators(op.getArgDecorators(i), i, EffectKind::Symbol);
/// Results.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = op.getNumResults(); i != e; ++i)
resolveDecorators(op.getResultDecorators(i), i, EffectKind::Result);
// The code used to add an effect instance.
// {0}: The effect class.
// {1}: Optional value or symbol reference.
// {1}: The resource class.
const char *addEffectCode =
" effects.emplace_back({0}::get(), {1}{2}::get());\n";
for (auto &it : interfaceEffects) {
// Generate the 'getEffects' method.
std::string type = llvm::formatv("::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::"
"SideEffects::EffectInstance<{0}>> &",
auto *getEffects = opClass.addMethod("void", "getEffects",
MethodParameter(type, "effects"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(getEffects, "getEffects", op);
auto &body = getEffects->body();
// Add effect instances for each of the locations marked on the operation.
for (auto &location : it.second) {
StringRef effect = location.effect.getName();
StringRef resource = location.effect.getResource();
if (location.kind == EffectKind::Static) {
// A static instance has no attached value.
body << llvm::formatv(addEffectCode, effect, "", resource).str();
} else if (location.kind == EffectKind::Symbol) {
// A symbol reference requires adding the proper attribute.
const auto *attr = op.getArg(location.index).get<NamedAttribute *>();
std::string argName = op.getGetterName(attr->name);
if (attr->attr.isOptional()) {
body << " if (auto symbolRef = " << argName << "Attr())\n "
<< llvm::formatv(addEffectCode, effect, "symbolRef, ", resource)
} else {
body << llvm::formatv(addEffectCode, effect, argName + "Attr(), ",
} else {
// Otherwise this is an operand/result, so we need to attach the Value.
body << " for (::mlir::Value value : getODS"
<< (location.kind == EffectKind::Operand ? "Operands" : "Results")
<< "(" << location.index << "))\n "
<< llvm::formatv(addEffectCode, effect, "value, ", resource).str();
void OpEmitter::genTypeInterfaceMethods() {
if (!op.allResultTypesKnown())
// Generate 'inferReturnTypes' method declaration using the interface method
// declared in 'InferTypeOpInterface' op interface.
const auto *trait =
Interface interface = trait->getInterface();
Method *method = [&]() -> Method * {
for (const InterfaceMethod &interfaceMethod : interface.getMethods()) {
if (interfaceMethod.getName() == "inferReturnTypes") {
return genOpInterfaceMethod(interfaceMethod, /*declaration=*/false);
assert(0 && "unable to find inferReturnTypes interface method");
return nullptr;
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "inferReturnTypes", op);
auto &body = method->body();
body << " inferredReturnTypes.resize(" << op.getNumResults() << ");\n";
FmtContext fctx;
body << " ::mlir::Builder odsBuilder(context);\n";
// Preprocess the result types and build all of the types used during
// inferrence. This limits the amount of duplicated work when a type is used
// to infer multiple others.
llvm::DenseMap<Constraint, int> constraintsTypes;
llvm::DenseMap<int, int> argumentsTypes;
int inferredTypeIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumResults(); i != e; ++i) {
auto type = op.getSameTypeAsResult(i).front();
// If the type isn't an argument, it refers to a buildable type.
if (!type.isArg()) {
auto it = constraintsTypes.try_emplace(type.getType(), inferredTypeIdx);
if (!it.second)
// If we haven't seen this constraint, generate a variable for it.
body << " ::mlir::Type odsInferredType" << inferredTypeIdx++ << " = "
<< tgfmt(*type.getType().getBuilderCall(), &fctx) << ";\n";
// Otherwise, this is an argument.
int argIndex = type.getArg();
auto it = argumentsTypes.try_emplace(argIndex, inferredTypeIdx);
if (!it.second)
body << " ::mlir::Type odsInferredType" << inferredTypeIdx++ << " = ";
// If this is an operand, just index into operand list to access the type.
auto arg = op.getArgToOperandOrAttribute(argIndex);
if (arg.kind() == Operator::OperandOrAttribute::Kind::Operand) {
body << "operands[" << arg.operandOrAttributeIndex() << "].getType()";
// If this is an attribute, index into the attribute dictionary.
} else {
auto *attr =
op.getArg(arg.operandOrAttributeIndex()).get<NamedAttribute *>();
body << "attributes.get(\"" << attr->name
<< "\").cast<::mlir::TypedAttr>().getType()";
body << ";\n";
// Perform a second pass that handles assigning the inferred types to the
// results.
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumResults(); i != e; ++i) {
auto types = op.getSameTypeAsResult(i);
// Append the inferred type.
auto type = types.front();
body << " inferredReturnTypes[" << i << "] = odsInferredType"
<< (type.isArg() ? argumentsTypes[type.getArg()]
: constraintsTypes[type.getType()])
<< ";\n";
if (types.size() == 1)
// TODO: We could verify equality here, but skipping that for verification.
body << " return ::mlir::success();";
void OpEmitter::genParser() {
if (hasStringAttribute(def, "assemblyFormat"))
if (!def.getValueAsBit("hasCustomAssemblyFormat"))
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpAsmParser &", "parser");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", "result");
auto *method = opClass.declareStaticMethod("::mlir::ParseResult", "parse",
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "parse", op);
void OpEmitter::genPrinter() {
if (hasStringAttribute(def, "assemblyFormat"))
// Check to see if this op uses a c++ format.
if (!def.getValueAsBit("hasCustomAssemblyFormat"))
auto *method = opClass.declareMethod(
"void", "print", MethodParameter("::mlir::OpAsmPrinter &", "p"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "print", op);
void OpEmitter::genVerifier() {
auto *implMethod =
opClass.addMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verifyInvariantsImpl");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(implMethod, "verifyInvariantsImpl", op);
auto &implBody = implMethod->body();
populateSubstitutions(emitHelper, verifyCtx);
genAttributeVerifier(emitHelper, verifyCtx, implBody, staticVerifierEmitter);
genOperandResultVerifier(implBody, op.getOperands(), "operand");
genOperandResultVerifier(implBody, op.getResults(), "result");
for (auto &trait : op.getTraits()) {
if (auto *t = dyn_cast<tblgen::PredTrait>(&trait)) {
implBody << tgfmt(" if (!($0))\n "
"return emitOpError(\"failed to verify that $1\");\n",
&verifyCtx, tgfmt(t->getPredTemplate(), &verifyCtx),
implBody << " return ::mlir::success();\n";
// TODO: Some places use the `verifyInvariants` to do operation verification.
// This may not act as their expectation because this doesn't call any
// verifiers of native/interface traits. Needs to review those use cases and
// see if we should use the mlir::verify() instead.
auto *method = opClass.addMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verifyInvariants");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "verifyInvariants", op);
auto &body = method->body();
if (def.getValueAsBit("hasVerifier")) {
body << " if(::mlir::succeeded(verifyInvariantsImpl()) && "
body << " return ::mlir::success();\n";
body << " return ::mlir::failure();";
} else {
body << " return verifyInvariantsImpl();";
void OpEmitter::genCustomVerifier() {
if (def.getValueAsBit("hasVerifier")) {
auto *method = opClass.declareMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verify");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "verify", op);
if (def.getValueAsBit("hasRegionVerifier")) {
auto *method =
opClass.declareMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verifyRegions");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "verifyRegions", op);
void OpEmitter::genOperandResultVerifier(MethodBody &body,
Operator::const_value_range values,
StringRef valueKind) {
// Check that an optional value is at most 1 element.
// {0}: Value index.
// {1}: "operand" or "result"
const char *const verifyOptional = R"(
if (valueGroup{0}.size() > 1) {
return emitOpError("{1} group starting at #") << index
<< " requires 0 or 1 element, but found " << valueGroup{0}.size();
// Check the types of a range of values.
// {0}: Value index.
// {1}: Type constraint function.
// {2}: "operand" or "result"
const char *const verifyValues = R"(
for (auto v : valueGroup{0}) {
if (::mlir::failed({1}(*this, v.getType(), "{2}", index++)))
return ::mlir::failure();
const auto canSkip = [](const NamedTypeConstraint &value) {
return !value.hasPredicate() && !value.isOptional() &&
if (values.empty() || llvm::all_of(values, canSkip))
FmtContext fctx;
body << " {\n unsigned index = 0; (void)index;\n";
for (const auto &staticValue : llvm::enumerate(values)) {
const NamedTypeConstraint &value = staticValue.value();
bool hasPredicate = value.hasPredicate();
bool isOptional = value.isOptional();
bool isVariadicOfVariadic = value.isVariadicOfVariadic();
if (!hasPredicate && !isOptional && !isVariadicOfVariadic)
body << formatv(" auto valueGroup{2} = getODS{0}{1}s({2});\n",
// Capitalize the first letter to match the function name
valueKind.substr(0, 1).upper(), valueKind.substr(1),
// If the constraint is optional check that the value group has at most 1
// value.
if (isOptional) {
body << formatv(verifyOptional, staticValue.index(), valueKind);
} else if (isVariadicOfVariadic) {
body << formatv(
" if (::mlir::failed(::mlir::OpTrait::impl::verifyValueSizeAttr("
"*this, \"{0}\", \"{1}\", valueGroup{2}.size())))\n"
" return ::mlir::failure();\n",
// Otherwise, if there is no predicate there is nothing left to do.
if (!hasPredicate)
// Emit a loop to check all the dynamic values in the pack.
StringRef constraintFn =
body << formatv(verifyValues, staticValue.index(), constraintFn, valueKind);
body << " }\n";
void OpEmitter::genRegionVerifier(MethodBody &body) {
/// Code to verify a region.
/// {0}: Getter for the regions.
/// {1}: The region constraint.
/// {2}: The region's name.
/// {3}: The region description.
const char *const verifyRegion = R"(
for (auto ®ion : {0})
if (::mlir::failed({1}(*this, region, "{2}", index++)))
return ::mlir::failure();
/// Get a single region.
/// {0}: The region's index.
const char *const getSingleRegion =
// If we have no regions, there is nothing more to do.
const auto canSkip = [](const NamedRegion ®ion) {
return region.constraint.getPredicate().isNull();
auto regions = op.getRegions();
if (regions.empty() && llvm::all_of(regions, canSkip))
body << " {\n unsigned index = 0; (void)index;\n";
for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(regions)) {
const auto ®ion = it.value();
if (canSkip(region))
auto getRegion = region.isVariadic()
? formatv("{0}()", op.getGetterName(
: formatv(getSingleRegion, it.index()).str();
auto constraintFn =
body << formatv(verifyRegion, getRegion, constraintFn,;
body << " }\n";
void OpEmitter::genSuccessorVerifier(MethodBody &body) {
const char *const verifySuccessor = R"(
for (auto *successor : {0})
if (::mlir::failed({1}(*this, successor, "{2}", index++)))
return ::mlir::failure();
/// Get a single successor.
/// {0}: The successor's name.
const char *const getSingleSuccessor = "::llvm::makeMutableArrayRef({0}())";
// If we have no successors, there is nothing more to do.
const auto canSkip = [](const NamedSuccessor &successor) {
return successor.constraint.getPredicate().isNull();
auto successors = op.getSuccessors();
if (successors.empty() && llvm::all_of(successors, canSkip))
body << " {\n unsigned index = 0; (void)index;\n";
for (auto &it : llvm::enumerate(successors)) {
const auto &successor = it.value();
if (canSkip(successor))
auto getSuccessor =
formatv(successor.isVariadic() ? "{0}()" : getSingleSuccessor,
|, it.index())
auto constraintFn =
body << formatv(verifySuccessor, getSuccessor, constraintFn,
body << " }\n";
/// Add a size count trait to the given operation class.
static void addSizeCountTrait(OpClass &opClass, StringRef traitKind,
int numTotal, int numVariadic) {
if (numVariadic != 0) {
if (numTotal == numVariadic)
opClass.addTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::Variadic" + traitKind + "s");
opClass.addTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::AtLeastN" + traitKind + "s<" +
Twine(numTotal - numVariadic) + ">::Impl");
switch (numTotal) {
case 0:
opClass.addTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::Zero" + traitKind + "s");
case 1:
opClass.addTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::One" + traitKind);
opClass.addTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::N" + traitKind + "s<" + Twine(numTotal) +
void OpEmitter::genTraits() {
// Add region size trait.
unsigned numRegions = op.getNumRegions();
unsigned numVariadicRegions = op.getNumVariadicRegions();
addSizeCountTrait(opClass, "Region", numRegions, numVariadicRegions);
// Add result size traits.
int numResults = op.getNumResults();
int numVariadicResults = op.getNumVariableLengthResults();
addSizeCountTrait(opClass, "Result", numResults, numVariadicResults);
// For single result ops with a known specific type, generate a OneTypedResult
// trait.
if (numResults == 1 && numVariadicResults == 0) {
auto cppName = op.getResults().begin()->constraint.getCPPClassName();
opClass.addTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::OneTypedResult<" + cppName + ">::Impl");
// Add successor size trait.
unsigned numSuccessors = op.getNumSuccessors();
unsigned numVariadicSuccessors = op.getNumVariadicSuccessors();
addSizeCountTrait(opClass, "Successor", numSuccessors, numVariadicSuccessors);
// Add variadic size trait and normal op traits.
int numOperands = op.getNumOperands();
int numVariadicOperands = op.getNumVariableLengthOperands();
// Add operand size trait.
addSizeCountTrait(opClass, "Operand", numOperands, numVariadicOperands);
// The op traits defined internal are ensured that they can be verified
// earlier.
for (const auto &trait : op.getTraits()) {
if (auto *opTrait = dyn_cast<tblgen::NativeTrait>(&trait)) {
if (opTrait->isStructuralOpTrait())
// OpInvariants wrapps the verifyInvariants which needs to be run before
// native/interface traits and after all the traits with `StructuralOpTrait`.
// Add the native and interface traits.
for (const auto &trait : op.getTraits()) {
if (auto *opTrait = dyn_cast<tblgen::NativeTrait>(&trait)) {
if (!opTrait->isStructuralOpTrait())
} else if (auto *opTrait = dyn_cast<tblgen::InterfaceTrait>(&trait)) {
void OpEmitter::genOpNameGetter() {
auto *method = opClass.addStaticMethod<Method::Constexpr>(
"::llvm::StringLiteral", "getOperationName");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "getOperationName", op);
method->body() << " return ::llvm::StringLiteral(\"" << op.getOperationName()
<< "\");";
void OpEmitter::genOpAsmInterface() {
// If the user only has one results or specifically added the Asm trait,
// then don't generate it for them. We specifically only handle multi result
// operations, because the name of a single result in the common case is not
// interesting(generally 'result'/'output'/etc.).
// TODO: We could also add a flag to allow operations to opt in to this
// generation, even if they only have a single operation.
int numResults = op.getNumResults();
if (numResults <= 1 || op.getTrait("::mlir::OpAsmOpInterface::Trait"))
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> resultNames(numResults);
for (int i = 0; i != numResults; ++i)
resultNames[i] = op.getResultName(i);
// Don't add the trait if none of the results have a valid name.
if (llvm::all_of(resultNames, [](StringRef name) { return name.empty(); }))
// Generate the right accessor for the number of results.
auto *method = opClass.addMethod(
"void", "getAsmResultNames",
MethodParameter("::mlir::OpAsmSetValueNameFn", "setNameFn"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "getAsmResultNames", op);
auto &body = method->body();
for (int i = 0; i != numResults; ++i) {
body << " auto resultGroup" << i << " = getODSResults(" << i << ");\n"
<< " if (!llvm::empty(resultGroup" << i << "))\n"
<< " setNameFn(*resultGroup" << i << ".begin(), \""
<< resultNames[i] << "\");\n";
// OpOperandAdaptor emitter
namespace {
// Helper class to emit Op operand adaptors to an output stream. Operand
// adaptors are wrappers around ArrayRef<Value> that provide named operand
// getters identical to those defined in the Op.
class OpOperandAdaptorEmitter {
static void
emitDecl(const Operator &op,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter,
raw_ostream &os);
static void
emitDef(const Operator &op,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter,
raw_ostream &os);
explicit OpOperandAdaptorEmitter(
const Operator &op,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter);
// Add verification function. This generates a verify method for the adaptor
// which verifies all the op-independent attribute constraints.
void addVerification();
// The operation for which to emit an adaptor.
const Operator &op;
// The generated adaptor class.
Class adaptor;
// The emitter containing all of the locally emitted verification functions.
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter;
// Helper for emitting adaptor code.
OpOrAdaptorHelper emitHelper;
} // namespace
const Operator &op,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter)
: op(op), adaptor(op.getAdaptorName()),
emitHelper(op, /*emitForOp=*/false) {
adaptor.addField("::mlir::ValueRange", "odsOperands");
adaptor.addField("::mlir::DictionaryAttr", "odsAttrs");
adaptor.addField("::mlir::RegionRange", "odsRegions");
adaptor.addField("::llvm::Optional<::mlir::OperationName>", "odsOpName");
const auto *attrSizedOperands =
SmallVector<MethodParameter> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "values");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::DictionaryAttr", "attrs",
attrSizedOperands ? "" : "nullptr");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::RegionRange", "regions", "{}");
auto *constructor = adaptor.addConstructor(std::move(paramList));
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsOperands", "values");
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsAttrs", "attrs");
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsRegions", "regions");
MethodBody &body = constructor->body();
body.indent() << "if (odsAttrs)\n";
body.indent() << formatv(
"odsOpName.emplace(\"{0}\", odsAttrs.getContext());\n",
auto *constructor =
adaptor.addConstructor(MethodParameter(op.getCppClassName(), "op"));
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsOperands", "op->getOperands()");
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsAttrs", "op->getAttrDictionary()");
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsRegions", "op->getRegions()");
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsOpName", "op->getName()");
auto *m = adaptor.addMethod("::mlir::ValueRange", "getOperands");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "getOperands", op);
m->body() << " return odsOperands;";
std::string sizeAttrInit;
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::AttrSizedOperandSegments")) {
sizeAttrInit = formatv(adapterSegmentSizeAttrInitCode,
generateNamedOperandGetters(op, adaptor,
/*isAdaptor=*/true, sizeAttrInit,
FmtContext fctx;
// Generate named accessor with Attribute return type.
auto emitAttrWithStorageType = [&](StringRef name, StringRef emitName,
Attribute attr) {
auto *method = adaptor.addMethod(attr.getStorageType(), emitName + "Attr");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "Adaptor::" + emitName + "Attr", op);
auto &body = method->body().indent();
body << "assert(odsAttrs && \"no attributes when constructing adapter\");\n"
<< formatv("auto attr = {0}.{1}<{2}>();\n", emitHelper.getAttr(name),
attr.hasDefaultValue() || attr.isOptional()
? "dyn_cast_or_null"
: "cast",
if (attr.hasDefaultValue()) {
// Use the default value if attribute is not set.
// TODO: this is inefficient, we are recreating the attribute for every
// call. This should be set instead.
std::string defaultValue = std::string(
tgfmt(attr.getConstBuilderTemplate(), &fctx, attr.getDefaultValue()));
body << " if (!attr)\n attr = " << defaultValue << ";\n";
body << "return attr;\n";
auto *m = adaptor.addMethod("::mlir::DictionaryAttr", "getAttributes");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "Adaptor::getAttributes", op);
m->body() << " return odsAttrs;";
for (auto &namedAttr : op.getAttributes()) {
const auto &name =;
const auto &attr = namedAttr.attr;
if (attr.isDerivedAttr())
for (const auto &emitName : op.getGetterNames(name)) {
emitAttrWithStorageType(name, emitName, attr);
emitAttrGetterWithReturnType(fctx, adaptor, op, emitName, attr);
unsigned numRegions = op.getNumRegions();
if (numRegions > 0) {
auto *m = adaptor.addMethod("::mlir::RegionRange", "getRegions");
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "Adaptor::getRegions", op);
m->body() << " return odsRegions;";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numRegions; ++i) {
const auto ®ion = op.getRegion(i);
if (
// Generate the accessors for a variadic region.
for (StringRef name : op.getGetterNames( {
if (region.isVariadic()) {
auto *m = adaptor.addMethod("::mlir::RegionRange", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "Adaptor::" + name, op);
m->body() << formatv(" return odsRegions.drop_front({0});", i);
auto *m = adaptor.addMethod("::mlir::Region &", name);
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(m, "Adaptor::" + name, op);
m->body() << formatv(" return *odsRegions[{0}];", i);
// Add verification function.
void OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::addVerification() {
auto *method = adaptor.addMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verify",
MethodParameter("::mlir::Location", "loc"));
ERROR_IF_PRUNED(method, "verify", op);
auto &body = method->body();
FmtContext verifyCtx;
populateSubstitutions(emitHelper, verifyCtx);
genAttributeVerifier(emitHelper, verifyCtx, body, staticVerifierEmitter);
body << " return ::mlir::success();";
void OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::emitDecl(
const Operator &op,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter,
raw_ostream &os) {
OpOperandAdaptorEmitter(op, staticVerifierEmitter).adaptor.writeDeclTo(os);
void OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::emitDef(
const Operator &op,
const StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter &staticVerifierEmitter,
raw_ostream &os) {
OpOperandAdaptorEmitter(op, staticVerifierEmitter).adaptor.writeDefTo(os);
// Emits the opcode enum and op classes.
static void emitOpClasses(const RecordKeeper &recordKeeper,
const std::vector<Record *> &defs, raw_ostream &os,
bool emitDecl) {
// First emit forward declaration for each class, this allows them to refer
// to each others in traits for example.
if (emitDecl) {
os << "#if defined(GET_OP_CLASSES) || defined(GET_OP_FWD_DEFINES)\n";
os << "#undef GET_OP_FWD_DEFINES\n";
for (auto *def : defs) {
Operator op(*def);
NamespaceEmitter emitter(os, op.getCppNamespace());
os << "class " << op.getCppClassName() << ";\n";
os << "#endif\n\n";
IfDefScope scope("GET_OP_CLASSES", os);
if (defs.empty())
// Generate all of the locally instantiated methods first.
StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter staticVerifierEmitter(os, recordKeeper);
os << formatv(opCommentHeader, "Local Utility Method", "Definitions");
staticVerifierEmitter.emitOpConstraints(defs, emitDecl);
for (auto *def : defs) {
Operator op(*def);
if (emitDecl) {
NamespaceEmitter emitter(os, op.getCppNamespace());
os << formatv(opCommentHeader, op.getQualCppClassName(),
OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::emitDecl(op, staticVerifierEmitter, os);
OpEmitter::emitDecl(op, os, staticVerifierEmitter);
// Emit the TypeID explicit specialization to have a single definition.
if (!op.getCppNamespace().empty())
os << "MLIR_DECLARE_EXPLICIT_TYPE_ID(" << op.getCppNamespace()
<< "::" << op.getCppClassName() << ")\n\n";
} else {
NamespaceEmitter emitter(os, op.getCppNamespace());
os << formatv(opCommentHeader, op.getQualCppClassName(), "definitions");
OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::emitDef(op, staticVerifierEmitter, os);
OpEmitter::emitDef(op, os, staticVerifierEmitter);
// Emit the TypeID explicit specialization to have a single definition.
if (!op.getCppNamespace().empty())
os << "MLIR_DEFINE_EXPLICIT_TYPE_ID(" << op.getCppNamespace()
<< "::" << op.getCppClassName() << ")\n\n";
// Emits a comma-separated list of the ops.
static void emitOpList(const std::vector<Record *> &defs, raw_ostream &os) {
IfDefScope scope("GET_OP_LIST", os);
// TODO: We are constructing the Operator wrapper instance just for
// getting it's qualified class name here. Reduce the overhead by having a
// lightweight version of Operator class just for that purpose.
defs, [&os](Record *def) { os << Operator(def).getQualCppClassName(); },
[&os]() { os << ",\n"; });
static bool emitOpDecls(const RecordKeeper &recordKeeper, raw_ostream &os) {
emitSourceFileHeader("Op Declarations", os);
std::vector<Record *> defs = getRequestedOpDefinitions(recordKeeper);
emitOpClasses(recordKeeper, defs, os, /*emitDecl=*/true);
return false;
static bool emitOpDefs(const RecordKeeper &recordKeeper, raw_ostream &os) {
emitSourceFileHeader("Op Definitions", os);
std::vector<Record *> defs = getRequestedOpDefinitions(recordKeeper);
emitOpList(defs, os);
emitOpClasses(recordKeeper, defs, os, /*emitDecl=*/false);
return false;
static mlir::GenRegistration
genOpDecls("gen-op-decls", "Generate op declarations",
[](const RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
return emitOpDecls(records, os);
static mlir::GenRegistration genOpDefs("gen-op-defs", "Generate op definitions",
[](const RecordKeeper &records,
raw_ostream &os) {
return emitOpDefs(records, os);