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//===- PDBFile.cpp - Low level interface to a PDB file ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Raw/PDBFile.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Raw/DbiStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Raw/InfoStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Raw/RawError.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Raw/TpiStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::pdb;
namespace {
static const char Magic[] = {'M', 'i', 'c', 'r', 'o', 's', 'o', 'f',
't', ' ', 'C', '/', 'C', '+', '+', ' ',
'M', 'S', 'F', ' ', '7', '.', '0', '0',
'\r', '\n', '\x1a', 'D', 'S', '\0', '\0', '\0'};
// The superblock is overlaid at the beginning of the file (offset 0).
// It starts with a magic header and is followed by information which describes
// the layout of the file system.
struct SuperBlock {
char MagicBytes[sizeof(Magic)];
// The file system is split into a variable number of fixed size elements.
// These elements are referred to as blocks. The size of a block may vary
// from system to system.
support::ulittle32_t BlockSize;
// This field's purpose is not yet known.
support::ulittle32_t Unknown0;
// This contains the number of blocks resident in the file system. In
// practice, NumBlocks * BlockSize is equivalent to the size of the PDB file.
support::ulittle32_t NumBlocks;
// This contains the number of bytes which make up the directory.
support::ulittle32_t NumDirectoryBytes;
// This field's purpose is not yet known.
support::ulittle32_t Unknown1;
// This contains the block # of the block map.
support::ulittle32_t BlockMapAddr;
struct llvm::pdb::PDBFileContext {
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer;
const SuperBlock *SB;
std::vector<uint32_t> StreamSizes;
DenseMap<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t>> StreamMap;
static Error checkOffset(MemoryBufferRef M, uintptr_t Addr,
const uint64_t Size) {
if (Addr + Size < Addr || Addr + Size < Size ||
Addr + Size > uintptr_t(M.getBufferEnd()) ||
Addr < uintptr_t(M.getBufferStart())) {
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Invalid buffer address");
return Error::success();
template <typename T>
static Error checkOffset(MemoryBufferRef M, ArrayRef<T> AR) {
return checkOffset(M, uintptr_t(AR.data()), (uint64_t)AR.size() * sizeof(T));
PDBFile::PDBFile(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> MemBuffer) {
Context.reset(new PDBFileContext());
Context->Buffer = std::move(MemBuffer);
PDBFile::~PDBFile() {}
uint32_t PDBFile::getBlockSize() const { return Context->SB->BlockSize; }
uint32_t PDBFile::getUnknown0() const { return Context->SB->Unknown0; }
uint32_t PDBFile::getBlockCount() const { return Context->SB->NumBlocks; }
uint32_t PDBFile::getNumDirectoryBytes() const {
return Context->SB->NumDirectoryBytes;
uint32_t PDBFile::getBlockMapIndex() const { return Context->SB->BlockMapAddr; }
uint32_t PDBFile::getUnknown1() const { return Context->SB->Unknown1; }
uint32_t PDBFile::getNumDirectoryBlocks() const {
return bytesToBlocks(Context->SB->NumDirectoryBytes, Context->SB->BlockSize);
uint64_t PDBFile::getBlockMapOffset() const {
return (uint64_t)Context->SB->BlockMapAddr * Context->SB->BlockSize;
uint32_t PDBFile::getNumStreams() const { return Context->StreamSizes.size(); }
uint32_t PDBFile::getStreamByteSize(uint32_t StreamIndex) const {
return Context->StreamSizes[StreamIndex];
PDBFile::getStreamBlockList(uint32_t StreamIndex) const {
auto &Data = Context->StreamMap[StreamIndex];
return llvm::ArrayRef<uint32_t>(Data);
StringRef PDBFile::getBlockData(uint32_t BlockIndex, uint32_t NumBytes) const {
uint64_t StreamBlockOffset = blockToOffset(BlockIndex, getBlockSize());
return StringRef(Context->Buffer->getBufferStart() + StreamBlockOffset,
Error PDBFile::parseFileHeaders() {
std::error_code EC;
MemoryBufferRef BufferRef = *Context->Buffer;
// Make sure the file is sufficiently large to hold a super block.
// Do this before attempting to read the super block.
if (BufferRef.getBufferSize() < sizeof(SuperBlock))
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Does not contain superblock");
Context->SB =
reinterpret_cast<const SuperBlock *>(BufferRef.getBufferStart());
const SuperBlock *SB = Context->SB;
// Check the magic bytes.
if (memcmp(SB->MagicBytes, Magic, sizeof(Magic)) != 0)
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"MSF magic header doesn't match");
if (BufferRef.getBufferSize() % SB->BlockSize != 0)
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"File size is not a multiple of block size");
switch (SB->BlockSize) {
case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096:
// An invalid block size suggests a corrupt PDB file.
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Unsupported block size.");
// We don't support blocksizes which aren't a multiple of four bytes.
if (SB->BlockSize % sizeof(support::ulittle32_t) != 0)
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Block size is not multiple of 4.");
// We don't support directories whose sizes aren't a multiple of four bytes.
if (SB->NumDirectoryBytes % sizeof(support::ulittle32_t) != 0)
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Directory size is not multiple of 4.");
// The number of blocks which comprise the directory is a simple function of
// the number of bytes it contains.
uint64_t NumDirectoryBlocks = getNumDirectoryBlocks();
// The block map, as we understand it, is a block which consists of a list of
// block numbers.
// It is unclear what would happen if the number of blocks couldn't fit on a
// single block.
if (NumDirectoryBlocks > SB->BlockSize / sizeof(support::ulittle32_t))
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Too many directory blocks.");
return Error::success();
Error PDBFile::parseStreamData() {
assert(Context && Context->SB);
bool SeenNumStreams = false;
uint32_t NumStreams = 0;
uint32_t StreamIdx = 0;
uint64_t DirectoryBytesRead = 0;
MemoryBufferRef M = *Context->Buffer;
const SuperBlock *SB = Context->SB;
auto DirectoryBlocks = getDirectoryBlockArray();
// The structure of the directory is as follows:
// struct PDBDirectory {
// uint32_t NumStreams;
// uint32_t StreamSizes[NumStreams];
// uint32_t StreamMap[NumStreams][];
// };
// Empty streams don't consume entries in the StreamMap.
for (uint32_t DirectoryBlockAddr : DirectoryBlocks) {
uint64_t DirectoryBlockOffset =
blockToOffset(DirectoryBlockAddr, SB->BlockSize);
auto DirectoryBlock =
makeArrayRef(reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(
M.getBufferStart() + DirectoryBlockOffset),
SB->BlockSize / sizeof(support::ulittle32_t));
if (auto EC = checkOffset(M, DirectoryBlock))
return EC;
// We read data out of the directory four bytes at a time. Depending on
// where we are in the directory, the contents may be: the number of streams
// in the directory, a stream's size, or a block in the stream map.
for (uint32_t Data : DirectoryBlock) {
// Don't read beyond the end of the directory.
if (DirectoryBytesRead == SB->NumDirectoryBytes)
DirectoryBytesRead += sizeof(Data);
// This data must be the number of streams if we haven't seen it yet.
if (!SeenNumStreams) {
NumStreams = Data;
SeenNumStreams = true;
// This data must be a stream size if we have not seen them all yet.
if (Context->StreamSizes.size() < NumStreams) {
// It seems like some streams have their set to -1 when their contents
// are not present. Treat them like empty streams for now.
if (Data == UINT32_MAX)
// This data must be a stream block number if we have seen all of the
// stream sizes.
std::vector<uint32_t> *StreamBlocks = nullptr;
// Figure out which stream this block number belongs to.
while (StreamIdx < NumStreams) {
uint64_t NumExpectedStreamBlocks =
bytesToBlocks(Context->StreamSizes[StreamIdx], SB->BlockSize);
StreamBlocks = &Context->StreamMap[StreamIdx];
if (NumExpectedStreamBlocks > StreamBlocks->size())
// It seems this block doesn't belong to any stream? The stream is either
// corrupt or something more mysterious is going on.
if (StreamIdx == NumStreams)
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Orphaned block found?");
// We should have read exactly SB->NumDirectoryBytes bytes.
assert(DirectoryBytesRead == SB->NumDirectoryBytes);
return Error::success();
llvm::ArrayRef<support::ulittle32_t> PDBFile::getDirectoryBlockArray() {
return makeArrayRef(
reinterpret_cast<const support::ulittle32_t *>(
Context->Buffer->getBufferStart() + getBlockMapOffset()),
Expected<InfoStream &> PDBFile::getPDBInfoStream() {
if (!Info) {
Info.reset(new InfoStream(*this));
if (auto EC = Info->reload())
return std::move(EC);
return *Info;
Expected<DbiStream &> PDBFile::getPDBDbiStream() {
if (!Dbi) {
Dbi.reset(new DbiStream(*this));
if (auto EC = Dbi->reload())
return std::move(EC);
return *Dbi;
Expected<TpiStream &> PDBFile::getPDBTpiStream() {
if (!Tpi) {
Tpi.reset(new TpiStream(*this));
if (auto EC = Tpi->reload())
return std::move(EC);
return *Tpi;