
979 lines
33 KiB

//===- Indexing.cpp - Higher level API functions --------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "CIndexDiagnostic.h"
#include "CIndexer.h"
#include "CLog.h"
#include "CXCursor.h"
#include "CXIndexDataConsumer.h"
#include "CXSourceLocation.h"
#include "CXString.h"
#include "CXTranslationUnit.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
#include "clang/Index/IndexingAction.h"
#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PPCallbacks.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PPConditionalDirectiveRecord.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Mutex.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MutexGuard.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <utility>
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::index;
using namespace cxtu;
using namespace cxindex;
namespace {
// Skip Parsed Bodies
/// A "region" in source code identified by the file/offset of the
/// preprocessor conditional directive that it belongs to.
/// Multiple, non-consecutive ranges can be parts of the same region.
/// As an example of different regions separated by preprocessor directives:
/// \code
/// #1
/// #ifdef BLAH
/// #2
/// #ifdef CAKE
/// #3
/// #endif
/// #2
/// #endif
/// #1
/// \endcode
/// There are 3 regions, with non-consecutive parts:
/// #1 is identified as the beginning of the file
/// #2 is identified as the location of "#ifdef BLAH"
/// #3 is identified as the location of "#ifdef CAKE"
class PPRegion {
llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID UniqueID;
time_t ModTime;
unsigned Offset;
PPRegion() : UniqueID(0, 0), ModTime(), Offset() {}
PPRegion(llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID UniqueID, unsigned offset, time_t modTime)
: UniqueID(UniqueID), ModTime(modTime), Offset(offset) {}
const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID &getUniqueID() const { return UniqueID; }
unsigned getOffset() const { return Offset; }
time_t getModTime() const { return ModTime; }
bool isInvalid() const { return *this == PPRegion(); }
friend bool operator==(const PPRegion &lhs, const PPRegion &rhs) {
return lhs.UniqueID == rhs.UniqueID && lhs.Offset == rhs.Offset &&
lhs.ModTime == rhs.ModTime;
typedef llvm::DenseSet<PPRegion> PPRegionSetTy;
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct DenseMapInfo<PPRegion> {
static inline PPRegion getEmptyKey() {
return PPRegion(llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID(0, 0), unsigned(-1), 0);
static inline PPRegion getTombstoneKey() {
return PPRegion(llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID(0, 0), unsigned(-2), 0);
static unsigned getHashValue(const PPRegion &S) {
llvm::FoldingSetNodeID ID;
const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID &UniqueID = S.getUniqueID();
return ID.ComputeHash();
static bool isEqual(const PPRegion &LHS, const PPRegion &RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
namespace {
class SessionSkipBodyData {
llvm::sys::Mutex Mux;
PPRegionSetTy ParsedRegions;
SessionSkipBodyData() : Mux(/*recursive=*/false) {}
~SessionSkipBodyData() {
//llvm::errs() << "RegionData: " << Skipped.size() << " - " << Skipped.getMemorySize() << "\n";
void copyTo(PPRegionSetTy &Set) {
llvm::MutexGuard MG(Mux);
Set = ParsedRegions;
void update(ArrayRef<PPRegion> Regions) {
llvm::MutexGuard MG(Mux);
ParsedRegions.insert(Regions.begin(), Regions.end());
class TUSkipBodyControl {
SessionSkipBodyData &SessionData;
PPConditionalDirectiveRecord &PPRec;
Preprocessor &PP;
PPRegionSetTy ParsedRegions;
SmallVector<PPRegion, 32> NewParsedRegions;
PPRegion LastRegion;
bool LastIsParsed;
TUSkipBodyControl(SessionSkipBodyData &sessionData,
PPConditionalDirectiveRecord &ppRec,
Preprocessor &pp)
: SessionData(sessionData), PPRec(ppRec), PP(pp) {
bool isParsed(SourceLocation Loc, FileID FID, const FileEntry *FE) {
PPRegion region = getRegion(Loc, FID, FE);
if (region.isInvalid())
return false;
// Check common case, consecutive functions in the same region.
if (LastRegion == region)
return LastIsParsed;
LastRegion = region;
LastIsParsed = ParsedRegions.count(region);
if (!LastIsParsed)
return LastIsParsed;
void finished() {
PPRegion getRegion(SourceLocation Loc, FileID FID, const FileEntry *FE) {
SourceLocation RegionLoc = PPRec.findConditionalDirectiveRegionLoc(Loc);
if (RegionLoc.isInvalid()) {
if (isParsedOnceInclude(FE)) {
const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID &ID = FE->getUniqueID();
return PPRegion(ID, 0, FE->getModificationTime());
return PPRegion();
const SourceManager &SM = PPRec.getSourceManager();
FileID RegionFID;
unsigned RegionOffset;
std::tie(RegionFID, RegionOffset) = SM.getDecomposedLoc(RegionLoc);
if (RegionFID != FID) {
if (isParsedOnceInclude(FE)) {
const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID &ID = FE->getUniqueID();
return PPRegion(ID, 0, FE->getModificationTime());
return PPRegion();
const llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID &ID = FE->getUniqueID();
return PPRegion(ID, RegionOffset, FE->getModificationTime());
bool isParsedOnceInclude(const FileEntry *FE) {
return PP.getHeaderSearchInfo().isFileMultipleIncludeGuarded(FE);
// IndexPPCallbacks
class IndexPPCallbacks : public PPCallbacks {
Preprocessor &PP;
CXIndexDataConsumer &DataConsumer;
bool IsMainFileEntered;
IndexPPCallbacks(Preprocessor &PP, CXIndexDataConsumer &dataConsumer)
: PP(PP), DataConsumer(dataConsumer), IsMainFileEntered(false) { }
void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason Reason,
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType, FileID PrevFID) override {
if (IsMainFileEntered)
SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
SourceLocation MainFileLoc = SM.getLocForStartOfFile(SM.getMainFileID());
if (Loc == MainFileLoc && Reason == PPCallbacks::EnterFile) {
IsMainFileEntered = true;
void InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc, const Token &IncludeTok,
StringRef FileName, bool IsAngled,
CharSourceRange FilenameRange, const FileEntry *File,
StringRef SearchPath, StringRef RelativePath,
const Module *Imported,
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType) override {
bool isImport = (IncludeTok.is(tok::identifier) &&
IncludeTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID() == tok::pp_import);
DataConsumer.ppIncludedFile(HashLoc, FileName, File, isImport, IsAngled,
/// MacroDefined - This hook is called whenever a macro definition is seen.
void MacroDefined(const Token &Id, const MacroDirective *MD) override {}
/// MacroUndefined - This hook is called whenever a macro #undef is seen.
/// MI is released immediately following this callback.
void MacroUndefined(const Token &MacroNameTok,
const MacroDefinition &MD,
const MacroDirective *UD) override {}
/// MacroExpands - This is called by when a macro invocation is found.
void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroDefinition &MD,
SourceRange Range, const MacroArgs *Args) override {}
/// SourceRangeSkipped - This hook is called when a source range is skipped.
/// \param Range The SourceRange that was skipped. The range begins at the
/// #if/#else directive and ends after the #endif/#else directive.
void SourceRangeSkipped(SourceRange Range, SourceLocation EndifLoc) override {
// IndexingConsumer
class IndexingConsumer : public ASTConsumer {
CXIndexDataConsumer &DataConsumer;
TUSkipBodyControl *SKCtrl;
IndexingConsumer(CXIndexDataConsumer &dataConsumer, TUSkipBodyControl *skCtrl)
: DataConsumer(dataConsumer), SKCtrl(skCtrl) { }
// ASTConsumer Implementation
void Initialize(ASTContext &Context) override {
void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Ctx) override {
if (SKCtrl)
bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG) override {
return !DataConsumer.shouldAbort();
bool shouldSkipFunctionBody(Decl *D) override {
if (!SKCtrl) {
// Always skip bodies.
return true;
const SourceManager &SM = DataConsumer.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
SourceLocation Loc = D->getLocation();
if (Loc.isMacroID())
return false;
if (SM.isInSystemHeader(Loc))
return true; // always skip bodies from system headers.
unsigned Offset;
std::tie(FID, Offset) = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Loc);
// Don't skip bodies from main files; this may be revisited.
if (SM.getMainFileID() == FID)
return false;
const FileEntry *FE = SM.getFileEntryForID(FID);
if (!FE)
return false;
return SKCtrl->isParsed(Loc, FID, FE);
// CaptureDiagnosticConsumer
class CaptureDiagnosticConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
SmallVector<StoredDiagnostic, 4> Errors;
void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level level,
const Diagnostic &Info) override {
if (level >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error)
Errors.push_back(StoredDiagnostic(level, Info));
// IndexingFrontendAction
class IndexingFrontendAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
std::shared_ptr<CXIndexDataConsumer> DataConsumer;
SessionSkipBodyData *SKData;
std::unique_ptr<TUSkipBodyControl> SKCtrl;
IndexingFrontendAction(std::shared_ptr<CXIndexDataConsumer> dataConsumer,
SessionSkipBodyData *skData)
: DataConsumer(std::move(dataConsumer)), SKData(skData) {}
std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
StringRef InFile) override {
PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts = CI.getPreprocessorOpts();
if (!PPOpts.ImplicitPCHInclude.empty()) {
auto File = CI.getFileManager().getFile(PPOpts.ImplicitPCHInclude);
if (File)
Preprocessor &PP = CI.getPreprocessor();
PP.addPPCallbacks(llvm::make_unique<IndexPPCallbacks>(PP, *DataConsumer));
if (SKData) {
auto *PPRec = new PPConditionalDirectiveRecord(PP.getSourceManager());
SKCtrl = llvm::make_unique<TUSkipBodyControl>(*SKData, *PPRec, PP);
return llvm::make_unique<IndexingConsumer>(*DataConsumer, SKCtrl.get());
TranslationUnitKind getTranslationUnitKind() override {
if (DataConsumer->shouldIndexImplicitTemplateInsts())
return TU_Complete;
return TU_Prefix;
bool hasCodeCompletionSupport() const override { return false; }
// clang_indexSourceFileUnit Implementation
static IndexingOptions getIndexingOptionsFromCXOptions(unsigned index_options) {
IndexingOptions IdxOpts;
if (index_options & CXIndexOpt_IndexFunctionLocalSymbols)
IdxOpts.IndexFunctionLocals = true;
if (index_options & CXIndexOpt_IndexImplicitTemplateInstantiations)
IdxOpts.IndexImplicitInstantiation = true;
return IdxOpts;
struct IndexSessionData {
CXIndex CIdx;
std::unique_ptr<SessionSkipBodyData> SkipBodyData;
explicit IndexSessionData(CXIndex cIdx)
: CIdx(cIdx), SkipBodyData(new SessionSkipBodyData) {}
} // anonymous namespace
static CXErrorCode clang_indexSourceFile_Impl(
CXIndexAction cxIdxAction, CXClientData client_data,
IndexerCallbacks *client_index_callbacks, unsigned index_callbacks_size,
unsigned index_options, const char *source_filename,
const char *const *command_line_args, int num_command_line_args,
ArrayRef<CXUnsavedFile> unsaved_files, CXTranslationUnit *out_TU,
unsigned TU_options) {
if (out_TU)
*out_TU = nullptr;
bool requestedToGetTU = (out_TU != nullptr);
if (!cxIdxAction) {
return CXError_InvalidArguments;
if (!client_index_callbacks || index_callbacks_size == 0) {
return CXError_InvalidArguments;
IndexerCallbacks CB;
memset(&CB, 0, sizeof(CB));
unsigned ClientCBSize = index_callbacks_size < sizeof(CB)
? index_callbacks_size : sizeof(CB);
memcpy(&CB, client_index_callbacks, ClientCBSize);
IndexSessionData *IdxSession = static_cast<IndexSessionData *>(cxIdxAction);
CIndexer *CXXIdx = static_cast<CIndexer *>(IdxSession->CIdx);
if (CXXIdx->isOptEnabled(CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForIndexing))
CaptureDiagsKind CaptureDiagnostics = CaptureDiagsKind::All;
if (TU_options & CXTranslationUnit_IgnoreNonErrorsFromIncludedFiles)
CaptureDiagnostics = CaptureDiagsKind::AllWithoutNonErrorsFromIncludes;
if (Logger::isLoggingEnabled())
CaptureDiagnostics = CaptureDiagsKind::None;
CaptureDiagnosticConsumer *CaptureDiag = nullptr;
if (CaptureDiagnostics != CaptureDiagsKind::None)
CaptureDiag = new CaptureDiagnosticConsumer();
// Configure the diagnostics.
Diags(CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(new DiagnosticOptions,
// Recover resources if we crash before exiting this function.
llvm::CrashRecoveryContextReleaseRefCleanup<DiagnosticsEngine> >
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<const char *>> Args(
new std::vector<const char *>());
// Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<std::vector<const char*> >
Args->insert(Args->end(), command_line_args,
command_line_args + num_command_line_args);
// The 'source_filename' argument is optional. If the caller does not
// specify it then it is assumed that the source file is specified
// in the actual argument list.
// Put the source file after command_line_args otherwise if '-x' flag is
// present it will be unused.
if (source_filename)
std::shared_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CInvok =
createInvocationFromCommandLine(*Args, Diags);
if (!CInvok)
return CXError_Failure;
// Recover resources if we crash before exiting this function.
if (CInvok->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.empty())
return CXError_Failure;
typedef SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>, 8> MemBufferOwner;
std::unique_ptr<MemBufferOwner> BufOwner(new MemBufferOwner);
// Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<MemBufferOwner> BufOwnerCleanup(
for (auto &UF : unsaved_files) {
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> MB =
llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(getContents(UF), UF.Filename);
CInvok->getPreprocessorOpts().addRemappedFile(UF.Filename, MB.get());
// Since libclang is primarily used by batch tools dealing with
// (often very broken) source code, where spell-checking can have a
// significant negative impact on performance (particularly when
// precompiled headers are involved), we disable it.
CInvok->getLangOpts()->SpellChecking = false;
if (index_options & CXIndexOpt_SuppressWarnings)
CInvok->getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = true;
// Make sure to use the raw module format.
CInvok->getHeaderSearchOpts().ModuleFormat =
auto Unit = ASTUnit::create(CInvok, Diags, CaptureDiagnostics,
if (!Unit)
return CXError_InvalidArguments;
auto *UPtr = Unit.get();
std::unique_ptr<CXTUOwner> CXTU(
new CXTUOwner(MakeCXTranslationUnit(CXXIdx, std::move(Unit))));
// Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
// Enable the skip-parsed-bodies optimization only for C++; this may be
// revisited.
bool SkipBodies = (index_options & CXIndexOpt_SkipParsedBodiesInSession) &&
if (SkipBodies)
CInvok->getFrontendOpts().SkipFunctionBodies = true;
auto DataConsumer =
std::make_shared<CXIndexDataConsumer>(client_data, CB, index_options,
auto InterAction = llvm::make_unique<IndexingFrontendAction>(DataConsumer,
SkipBodies ? IdxSession->SkipBodyData.get() : nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction> IndexAction;
IndexAction = createIndexingAction(DataConsumer,
// Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
bool Persistent = requestedToGetTU;
bool OnlyLocalDecls = false;
bool PrecompilePreamble = false;
bool CreatePreambleOnFirstParse = false;
bool CacheCodeCompletionResults = false;
PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts = CInvok->getPreprocessorOpts();
PPOpts.AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors = true;
if (requestedToGetTU) {
OnlyLocalDecls = CXXIdx->getOnlyLocalDecls();
PrecompilePreamble = TU_options & CXTranslationUnit_PrecompiledPreamble;
CreatePreambleOnFirstParse =
TU_options & CXTranslationUnit_CreatePreambleOnFirstParse;
// FIXME: Add a flag for modules.
= TU_options & CXTranslationUnit_CacheCompletionResults;
if (TU_options & CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord) {
PPOpts.DetailedRecord = true;
if (!requestedToGetTU && !CInvok->getLangOpts()->Modules)
PPOpts.DetailedRecord = false;
// Unless the user specified that they want the preamble on the first parse
// set it up to be created on the first reparse. This makes the first parse
// faster, trading for a slower (first) reparse.
unsigned PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses =
!PrecompilePreamble ? 0 : 2 - CreatePreambleOnFirstParse;
DiagnosticErrorTrap DiagTrap(*Diags);
bool Success = ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocationAction(
std::move(CInvok), CXXIdx->getPCHContainerOperations(), Diags,
IndexAction.get(), UPtr, Persistent, CXXIdx->getClangResourcesPath(),
OnlyLocalDecls, CaptureDiagnostics, PrecompilePreambleAfterNParses,
if (DiagTrap.hasErrorOccurred() && CXXIdx->getDisplayDiagnostics())
if (isASTReadError(UPtr))
return CXError_ASTReadError;
if (!Success)
return CXError_Failure;
if (out_TU)
*out_TU = CXTU->takeTU();
return CXError_Success;
// clang_indexTranslationUnit Implementation
static void indexPreprocessingRecord(ASTUnit &Unit, CXIndexDataConsumer &IdxCtx) {
Preprocessor &PP = Unit.getPreprocessor();
if (!PP.getPreprocessingRecord())
// FIXME: Only deserialize inclusion directives.
bool isModuleFile = Unit.isModuleFile();
for (PreprocessedEntity *PPE : Unit.getLocalPreprocessingEntities()) {
if (InclusionDirective *ID = dyn_cast<InclusionDirective>(PPE)) {
SourceLocation Loc = ID->getSourceRange().getBegin();
// Modules have synthetic main files as input, give an invalid location
// if the location points to such a file.
if (isModuleFile && Unit.isInMainFileID(Loc))
Loc = SourceLocation();
IdxCtx.ppIncludedFile(Loc, ID->getFileName(),
ID->getKind() == InclusionDirective::Import,
!ID->wasInQuotes(), ID->importedModule());
static CXErrorCode clang_indexTranslationUnit_Impl(
CXIndexAction idxAction, CXClientData client_data,
IndexerCallbacks *client_index_callbacks, unsigned index_callbacks_size,
unsigned index_options, CXTranslationUnit TU) {
// Check arguments.
if (isNotUsableTU(TU)) {
return CXError_InvalidArguments;
if (!client_index_callbacks || index_callbacks_size == 0) {
return CXError_InvalidArguments;
CIndexer *CXXIdx = TU->CIdx;
if (CXXIdx->isOptEnabled(CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForIndexing))
IndexerCallbacks CB;
memset(&CB, 0, sizeof(CB));
unsigned ClientCBSize = index_callbacks_size < sizeof(CB)
? index_callbacks_size : sizeof(CB);
memcpy(&CB, client_index_callbacks, ClientCBSize);
CXIndexDataConsumer DataConsumer(client_data, CB, index_options, TU);
ASTUnit *Unit = cxtu::getASTUnit(TU);
if (!Unit)
return CXError_Failure;
ASTUnit::ConcurrencyCheck Check(*Unit);
if (const FileEntry *PCHFile = Unit->getPCHFile())
FileManager &FileMgr = Unit->getFileManager();
if (Unit->getOriginalSourceFileName().empty())
else if (auto MainFile = FileMgr.getFile(Unit->getOriginalSourceFileName()))
indexPreprocessingRecord(*Unit, DataConsumer);
indexASTUnit(*Unit, DataConsumer, getIndexingOptionsFromCXOptions(index_options));
return CXError_Success;
// libclang public APIs.
int clang_index_isEntityObjCContainerKind(CXIdxEntityKind K) {
return CXIdxEntity_ObjCClass <= K && K <= CXIdxEntity_ObjCCategory;
const CXIdxObjCContainerDeclInfo *
clang_index_getObjCContainerDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
if (!DInfo)
return nullptr;
const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
if (const ObjCContainerDeclInfo *
ContInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCContainerDeclInfo>(DI))
return &ContInfo->ObjCContDeclInfo;
return nullptr;
const CXIdxObjCInterfaceDeclInfo *
clang_index_getObjCInterfaceDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
if (!DInfo)
return nullptr;
const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
if (const ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo *
InterInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo>(DI))
return &InterInfo->ObjCInterDeclInfo;
return nullptr;
const CXIdxObjCCategoryDeclInfo *
clang_index_getObjCCategoryDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo){
if (!DInfo)
return nullptr;
const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
if (const ObjCCategoryDeclInfo *
CatInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryDeclInfo>(DI))
return &CatInfo->ObjCCatDeclInfo;
return nullptr;
const CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo *
clang_index_getObjCProtocolRefListInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
if (!DInfo)
return nullptr;
const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
if (const ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo *
InterInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo>(DI))
return InterInfo->ObjCInterDeclInfo.protocols;
if (const ObjCProtocolDeclInfo *
ProtInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCProtocolDeclInfo>(DI))
return &ProtInfo->ObjCProtoRefListInfo;
if (const ObjCCategoryDeclInfo *CatInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryDeclInfo>(DI))
return CatInfo->ObjCCatDeclInfo.protocols;
return nullptr;
const CXIdxObjCPropertyDeclInfo *
clang_index_getObjCPropertyDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
if (!DInfo)
return nullptr;
const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
if (const ObjCPropertyDeclInfo *PropInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCPropertyDeclInfo>(DI))
return &PropInfo->ObjCPropDeclInfo;
return nullptr;
const CXIdxIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo *
clang_index_getIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo(const CXIdxAttrInfo *AInfo) {
if (!AInfo)
return nullptr;
const AttrInfo *DI = static_cast<const AttrInfo *>(AInfo);
if (const IBOutletCollectionInfo *
IBInfo = dyn_cast<IBOutletCollectionInfo>(DI))
return &IBInfo->IBCollInfo;
return nullptr;
const CXIdxCXXClassDeclInfo *
clang_index_getCXXClassDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
if (!DInfo)
return nullptr;
const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
if (const CXXClassDeclInfo *ClassInfo = dyn_cast<CXXClassDeclInfo>(DI))
return &ClassInfo->CXXClassInfo;
return nullptr;
clang_index_getClientContainer(const CXIdxContainerInfo *info) {
if (!info)
return nullptr;
const ContainerInfo *Container = static_cast<const ContainerInfo *>(info);
return Container->IndexCtx->getClientContainerForDC(Container->DC);
void clang_index_setClientContainer(const CXIdxContainerInfo *info,
CXIdxClientContainer client) {
if (!info)
const ContainerInfo *Container = static_cast<const ContainerInfo *>(info);
Container->IndexCtx->addContainerInMap(Container->DC, client);
CXIdxClientEntity clang_index_getClientEntity(const CXIdxEntityInfo *info) {
if (!info)
return nullptr;
const EntityInfo *Entity = static_cast<const EntityInfo *>(info);
return Entity->IndexCtx->getClientEntity(Entity->Dcl);
void clang_index_setClientEntity(const CXIdxEntityInfo *info,
CXIdxClientEntity client) {
if (!info)
const EntityInfo *Entity = static_cast<const EntityInfo *>(info);
Entity->IndexCtx->setClientEntity(Entity->Dcl, client);
CXIndexAction clang_IndexAction_create(CXIndex CIdx) {
return new IndexSessionData(CIdx);
void clang_IndexAction_dispose(CXIndexAction idxAction) {
if (idxAction)
delete static_cast<IndexSessionData *>(idxAction);
int clang_indexSourceFile(CXIndexAction idxAction,
CXClientData client_data,
IndexerCallbacks *index_callbacks,
unsigned index_callbacks_size,
unsigned index_options,
const char *source_filename,
const char * const *command_line_args,
int num_command_line_args,
struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files,
unsigned num_unsaved_files,
CXTranslationUnit *out_TU,
unsigned TU_options) {
SmallVector<const char *, 4> Args;
Args.append(command_line_args, command_line_args + num_command_line_args);
return clang_indexSourceFileFullArgv(
idxAction, client_data, index_callbacks, index_callbacks_size,
index_options, source_filename, Args.data(), Args.size(), unsaved_files,
num_unsaved_files, out_TU, TU_options);
int clang_indexSourceFileFullArgv(
CXIndexAction idxAction, CXClientData client_data,
IndexerCallbacks *index_callbacks, unsigned index_callbacks_size,
unsigned index_options, const char *source_filename,
const char *const *command_line_args, int num_command_line_args,
struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files, unsigned num_unsaved_files,
CXTranslationUnit *out_TU, unsigned TU_options) {
*Log << source_filename << ": ";
for (int i = 0; i != num_command_line_args; ++i)
*Log << command_line_args[i] << " ";
if (num_unsaved_files && !unsaved_files)
return CXError_InvalidArguments;
CXErrorCode result = CXError_Failure;
auto IndexSourceFileImpl = [=, &result]() {
result = clang_indexSourceFile_Impl(
idxAction, client_data, index_callbacks, index_callbacks_size,
index_options, source_filename, command_line_args,
llvm::makeArrayRef(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files), out_TU,
llvm::CrashRecoveryContext CRC;
if (!RunSafely(CRC, IndexSourceFileImpl)) {
fprintf(stderr, "libclang: crash detected during indexing source file: {\n");
fprintf(stderr, " 'source_filename' : '%s'\n", source_filename);
fprintf(stderr, " 'command_line_args' : [");
for (int i = 0; i != num_command_line_args; ++i) {
if (i)
fprintf(stderr, ", ");
fprintf(stderr, "'%s'", command_line_args[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "],\n");
fprintf(stderr, " 'unsaved_files' : [");
for (unsigned i = 0; i != num_unsaved_files; ++i) {
if (i)
fprintf(stderr, ", ");
fprintf(stderr, "('%s', '...', %ld)", unsaved_files[i].Filename,
fprintf(stderr, "],\n");
fprintf(stderr, " 'options' : %d,\n", TU_options);
fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
return 1;
} else if (getenv("LIBCLANG_RESOURCE_USAGE")) {
if (out_TU)
return result;
int clang_indexTranslationUnit(CXIndexAction idxAction,
CXClientData client_data,
IndexerCallbacks *index_callbacks,
unsigned index_callbacks_size,
unsigned index_options,
CXTranslationUnit TU) {
*Log << TU;
CXErrorCode result;
auto IndexTranslationUnitImpl = [=, &result]() {
result = clang_indexTranslationUnit_Impl(
idxAction, client_data, index_callbacks, index_callbacks_size,
index_options, TU);
llvm::CrashRecoveryContext CRC;
if (!RunSafely(CRC, IndexTranslationUnitImpl)) {
fprintf(stderr, "libclang: crash detected during indexing TU\n");
return 1;
return result;
void clang_indexLoc_getFileLocation(CXIdxLoc location,
CXIdxClientFile *indexFile,
CXFile *file,
unsigned *line,
unsigned *column,
unsigned *offset) {
if (indexFile) *indexFile = nullptr;
if (file) *file = nullptr;
if (line) *line = 0;
if (column) *column = 0;
if (offset) *offset = 0;
SourceLocation Loc = SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(location.int_data);
if (!location.ptr_data[0] || Loc.isInvalid())
CXIndexDataConsumer &DataConsumer =
DataConsumer.translateLoc(Loc, indexFile, file, line, column, offset);
CXSourceLocation clang_indexLoc_getCXSourceLocation(CXIdxLoc location) {
SourceLocation Loc = SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(location.int_data);
if (!location.ptr_data[0] || Loc.isInvalid())
return clang_getNullLocation();
CXIndexDataConsumer &DataConsumer =
return cxloc::translateSourceLocation(DataConsumer.getASTContext(), Loc);