
181 lines
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Test some lldb command abbreviations.
import os, time
import unittest2
import lldb
from lldbtest import *
import lldbutil
class AbbreviationsTestCase(TestBase):
mydir = os.path.join("functionalities", "abbreviation")
def test_nonrunning_command_abbreviations (self):
self.expect("ap script",
startstr = "The following commands may relate to 'script':",
substrs = ['breakpoint command add',
'breakpoint command list',
'breakpoint list',
'command alias',
self.runCmd("com a alias com al")
self.runCmd("alias gurp help")
self.expect("gurp target create",
substrs = ['Syntax: target create <cmd-options> <filename>'])
self.runCmd("com u gurp")
substrs = ["error: 'gurp' is not a valid command."])
# Only one matching command: execute it.
startstr = "The following is a list of built-in, permanent debugger commands:")
# Execute cleanup function during test tear down
def cleanup():
self.runCmd("command alias t thread select")
# Several matching commands: list them and error out.
self.runCmd("command unalias t")
substrs = ["Ambiguous command 't'. Possible matches:",
"target", "thread", "type"])
self.expect("com sou ./change_prompt.lldb",
patterns = ["Executing commands in '.*change_prompt.lldb'"])
self.expect("settings show prompt",
startstr = 'prompt (string) = "[with-three-trailing-spaces] "')
self.runCmd("settings clear prompt")
self.expect("settings show prompt",
startstr = 'prompt (string) = "(lldb) "')
self.expect("lo li",
startstr = "Logging categories for ")
self.runCmd("se se prompt Sycamore> ")
self.expect("se sh prompt",
startstr = 'prompt (string) = "Sycamore> "')
self.runCmd("se cl prompt")
self.expect("set sh prompt",
startstr = 'prompt (string) = "(lldb) "')
# We don't want to display the stdout if not in TraceOn() mode.
if not self.TraceOn():
self.runCmd (r'''sc print "\n\n\tHello!\n"''')
@unittest2.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), "requires Darwin")
def test_with_dsym (self):
self.buildDsym ()
self.running_abbreviations ()
def test_with_dwarf (self):
self.buildDwarf ()
self.running_abbreviations ()
def running_abbreviations (self):
exe = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), "a.out")
self.expect("fil " + exe,
patterns = [ "Current executable set to .*a.out.*" ])
# By default, the setting interpreter.expand-regex-aliases is false.
self.expect("_regexp-br product", matching=False,
substrs = [ "breakpoint set --name" ])
match_object = lldbutil.run_break_set_command (self, "br s -n sum")
lldbutil.check_breakpoint_result (self, match_object, symbol_name='sum', symbol_match_exact=False, num_locations=1)
match_object = lldbutil.run_break_set_command (self, "br s -f main.cpp -l 32")
lldbutil.check_breakpoint_result (self, match_object, file_name='main.cpp', line_number=32, num_locations=1)
self.runCmd("br co a -s python 1 -o 'print frame'")
self.expect("br co l 1",
substrs = [ "Breakpoint 1:",
"Breakpoint commands:",
"print frame" ])
self.runCmd("br co del 1")
self.expect("breakpoint command list 1",
startstr = "Breakpoint 1 does not have an associated command.")
self.expect("br di",
startstr = 'All breakpoints disabled. (3 breakpoints)')
self.expect("bre e",
startstr = "All breakpoints enabled. (3 breakpoints)")
self.expect("break list",
substrs = ["1: name = 'product', locations = 1",
"2: name = 'sum', locations = 1",
"3: file ='main.cpp', line = 32, locations = 1"])
self.expect("br cl -l 32 -f main.cpp",
startstr = "1 breakpoints cleared:",
substrs = ["3: file ='main.cpp', line = 32, locations = 1"])
# Add a future to terminate the current process being debugged.
# The test framework relies on detecting either "run" or "process launch"
# command to automatically kill the inferior upon tear down.
# But we'll be using "pro la" command to launch the inferior.
self.addTearDownHook(lambda: self.runCmd("process kill"))
self.expect("pro la",
patterns = [ "Process .* launched: "])
self.expect("pro st",
patterns = [ "Process .* stopped",
"thread #1:",
"sum\(a=1238, b=78392\)",
"at main.cpp\:25",
"stop reason = breakpoint 2.1" ])
# ARCH, if not specified, defaults to x86_64.
if self.getArchitecture() in ["", 'x86_64', 'i386']:
self.expect("dis -f",
startstr = "a.out`sum(int, int)",
substrs = [' mov',
' addl ',
self.expect("i d l main.cpp",
patterns = ["Line table for .*main.cpp in `a.out"])
self.expect("i d se",
patterns = ["Dumping sections for [0-9]+ modules."])
self.expect("i d symf",
patterns = ["Dumping debug symbols for [0-9]+ modules."])
self.expect("i d symt",
patterns = ["Dumping symbol table for [0-9]+ modules."])
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
self.expect("i li",
substrs = [ 'a.out',
if __name__ == '__main__':
import atexit
atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate())