forked from OSchip/llvm-project
33 lines
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33 lines
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# This is a fiddly signal test, we need POSIX and a real shell.
# Our goal is:
# 1) spawn clangd
# 2) wait for it to start up (install signal handlers)
# 3) send SIGTERM
# 4) wait for clangd to shut down (nonzero exit for a signal)
# 4) verify the shutdown was clean
RUN: rm -f %t.err
# To keep clangd running, we need to hold its input stream open.
# We redirect its input to a subshell that waits for it to start up.
RUN: not clangd 2> %t.err < <( \
# Loop waiting for clangd to start up, so signal handlers are installed.
# Reading the PID line ensures this, and lets us send a signal.
RUN: while true; do \
# Relevant log line is I[timestamp] PID: <NNN>
RUN: CLANGD_PID=$(grep -a -m 1 "PID:" %t.err | cut -d' ' -f 3); \
RUN: [ ! -z "$CLANGD_PID" ] && break; \
RUN: done; \
RUN: kill $CLANGD_PID; \
# Now wait for clangd to stop reading (before closing its input!)
RUN: while not grep "LSP finished" %t.err; do :; done; \
RUN: )
# Check that clangd caught the signal and shut down cleanly.
RUN: FileCheck %s < %t.err
CHECK: Transport error: Got signal
CHECK: LSP finished