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Here's a short precis of how to run lldb if you are familiar with the
gdb command set:
1) LLDB Command Structure:
First some details on lldb command structure to help orient you...
Unlike gdb's command set, which is rather free-form, we tried to make
the lldb command set fairly structured. The commands are all of the
<noun> <verb> [-options [option-value]] [argument [argument...]]
We also tried to reduce the number of special purpose argument
parsers, which sometimes forces the user to be a little more explicit
about stating their intentions. The first instance you'll note of
this is the breakpoint command. In gdb, to set a breakpoint, you
would just say:
(gdb) break set foo.c:12
(gdb) break set foo
if foo is a function. As time went on, the parser that tells foo.c:12
from foo from foo.c::foo (which means the function foo in the file
foo.c) got more and more complex and bizarre, and especially in C++
there are times where there's really no way to specify the function
you want to break on. The lldb commands are more verbose but also precise.
So you say:
(lldb) breakpoint set -f foo.c -l 12
to set a file & line breakpoint. To set a breakpoint on a function by name, you do:
(lldb) breakpoint set -n foo
This can allow us to be more expressive, so you can say:
(lldb) breakpoint set -M foo
to break on all methods named foo, or:
(lldb) breakpoint set -S alignLeftEdges:
to set a breakpoint on all ObjC selectors called alignLeftEdges:. It
also makes it easy to compose specifications, like:
(lldb) breakpoint set -s foo.dylib -n foo
for all functions called foo in the shared library foo.dylib. Suggestions
on more interesting primitives of this sort are also very welcome.
The next structural difference between lldb & gdb is that the command
line is actually parsed by the command interpreter not the commands.
That means the command syntax is more regular, but it also means you
may have to quote some arguments in lldb that you wouldn't in gdb.
But the command syntax is very simple, basically arguments, options
and option values are all white-space separated. If you need to put a
backslash or double-quote character in an argument you back-slash it
in the argument. So for instance:
(lldb) breakpoint set -n "-[SKTGraphicView alignLeftEdges:]"
Just like gdb, the lldb command interpreter does a shortest unique
string match on command names, so the previous command can also be
(lldb) b s -n "-[SKTGraphicView alignLeftEdges:]"
lldb also supports command completion for source file names, symbol
names, file names, etc. Completion is initiated by a hitting a <TAB>.
Individual options a command can have different completers, so for
instance the -f option in "breakpoint" completes to source files, the
-s option to currently loaded dylibs, etc... We can even do things
like if you specify -s, and are completing on -f, we will only
list source files in the dylib specified by -s...
The individual commands are pretty extensively documented, using
with the "help" command. And there is an "apropos" command that will
search the help for a particular word and dump a summary help string
for each matching command.
Finally, there is a mechanism to construct aliases for commonly used
commands. So for instance if you get annoyed typing
(lldb) b s -f foo.c -l 12
you can do:
(lldb) command alias bfl breakpoint set -f %1 -l %2
(lldb) bfl foo.c 12
We have added a few aliases for commonly used commands (e.g. "step",
"next" and "continue") but we haven't tried to be exhaustive because
in our experience it is more convenient to make the basic commands
unique down to a letter or two, and then learn these sequences than
fill the namespace with lots of aliases, and then have to type them
all the way out.
However, users are free to customize lldb's command set however they
like, and since lldb reads the file ~/.lldbinit at startup, you can
store all your aliases there and they will be generally available to
you. Your aliases are also documented in the help command so you can
remind yourself of what you've set up.
lldb also has a built-in Python interpreter, which is accessible by
the "script" command. All the functionality of the debugger is
available as classes in the Python interpreter, so the more complex
commands that in gdb you would introduce with the "define" command can
be done by writing Python functions using the lldb-Python library,
then loading the scripts into your running session and accessing them
with the "script" command.
2) A typical session:
a) Setting the program to debug:
As with gdb, you can start lldb and specify the file you wish to debug
on the command line:
$ lldb /Projects/Sketch/build/Debug/Sketch.app
Current executable set to '/Projects/Sketch/build/Debug/Sketch.app' (x86_64).
or you can specify it after the fact with the "file" command:
(lldb) file /Projects/Sketch/build/Debug/Sketch.app
Current executable set to '/Projects/Sketch/build/Debug/Sketch.app' (x86_64).
b) Setting breakpoints:
We've discussed how to set breakpoints above. You can use "help break set"
to see all the options for breakpoint setting. For instance, we might do:
(lldb) b s -S alignLeftEdges:
Breakpoint created: 1: name = 'alignLeftEdges:', locations = 1, resolved = 1
You can find out about the breakpoints you've set with:
(lldb) break list
Current breakpoints:
1: name = 'alignLeftEdges:', locations = 1, resolved = 1
1.1: where = Sketch`-[SKTGraphicView alignLeftEdges:] + 33 at /Volumes/ThePlayground/Users/jingham/Projects/Sketch/SKTGraphicView.m:1405, address = 0x0000000100010d5b, resolved, hit count = 0
Note that each "logical" breakpoint can have multiple resolved
"locations". The logical breakpoint has an integer id, and it's
locations have a an id within their parent breakpoint (the two are
joined by a ".", e.g. 1.1 in the example above.) Also the breakpoints
remain "live" so that if another shared library were to be loaded that
had another implementation of the "alignLeftEdges:" selector, and new
location would be added to the breakpoint 1 for it.
You can delete, disable, set conditions and ignore counts either on
all the locations generated by your logical breakpoint. So for
instance if we wanted to add a command to print a backtrace when we
hit this breakpoint we could do:
(lldb) b command add -c 1.1
Enter your debugger command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.
> bt
The "-c" specifies that the breakpoint command is a set of lldb
commmand interpreter commands. Use "-s" if you want to implement your
breakpoint command using the lldb Python interface instead.
c) Running the program:
Then you can either launch the process with the command:
(lldb) process launch
or its alias:
(lldb) r
Or you can attach to a process by name with:
(lldb) process attach -n Sketch
the "attach by name" also supports the "-w" option which waits for the
next process of that name to show up, and attaches to that. You can also
attach by PID:
(lldb) process attach -p 12345
Process 46915 Attaching
(lldb) Process 46915 Stopped
1 of 3 threads stopped with reasons:
* thread #1: tid = 0x2c03, 0x00007fff85cac76a, where = libSystem.B.dylib`__getdirentries64 + 10, stop reason = signal = SIGSTOP, queue = com.apple.main-thread
Note that we tell you that "1 of 3 threads stopped with reasons" and
then list those threads. In a multi-threaded environment it is very
common for more than one thread to hit your breakpoint(s) before the
kernel actually returns control to the debugger. In that case, you
will see all the threads that stopped for some interesting reason
listed in the stop message.
d) Controlling execution:
Then we can continue till we hit our breakpoint. The primitive
commands for process control all exist under the "thread" command:
(lldb) thread continue
Resuming thread 0x2c03 in process 46915
Resuming process 46915
At present you can only operate on one thread at a time, but the
design will ultimately support saying "step over the function in
Thread-1, and step into the function in Thread 2, and continue Thread
3" etc. When we eventually support keeping some threads running while
others are stopped this will be particularly important. For
convenience, however, all the stepping type commands have easy
aliases. So "thread continue" is just "c", etc.
The other program stepping commands are pretty much the same as in gdb. You've got:
(lldb) thread step-in
which is the same as gdb's "step" or the alias:
(lldb) s
(lldb) thread step-over
which is the same as gdb's "next" and is aliased to
(lldb) n
(lldb) thread step-out
which is the same as gdb's "finish" and is aliased to
(lldb) f
And the "by instruction" versions:
(lldb) thread step-inst
(lldb) thread step-over-inst
Finally, there's:
(lldb) thread until 100
which runs the thread in the current frame till it reaches line 100 in
this frame or stops if it leaves the current frame. This is a pretty
close equivalent to gdb's until command.
One thing here that might be a little disconcerting to gdb users here
is that when you resume you immediately get a prompt back. That's
because the lldb interpreter remains live when you are running the
target. This allows you to set a breakpoint, etc without having to
explicitly interrupt the program you are debugging. We're still
working out all the operations that it is safe to do while running.
But this way of operation will set us up for "no stop" debugging when
we get to implementing that.
If you want to interrupt a running program do:
(lldb) process interrupt
To find out the state of the program, use:
(lldb) process status
Process 47958 is running.
This is very convenient, but it does have the down-side that debugging
programs that use stdin is no longer as straightforward. For now, you
have to specify another tty to use as the program stdout & stdin using
the appropriate options to "process launch", or start your program in
another terminal and catch it with "process attach -w". We will come
up with some more convenient way to juggle the terminal back & forth
over time.
e) Examining program state:
Once you've stopped, lldb will choose a current thread, usually the
one that stopped "for a reason", and a current frame in that thread.
Many the commands for inspecting state work on this current
To inspect the current state of your process, you can start with the
(lldb) thread list
Process 46915 state is Stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x2c03, 0x00007fff85cac76a, where = libSystem.B.dylib`__getdirentries64 + 10, stop reason = signal = SIGSTOP, queue = com.apple.main-thread
thread #2: tid = 0x2e03, 0x00007fff85cbb08a, where = libSystem.B.dylib`kevent + 10, queue = com.apple.libdispatch-manager
thread #3: tid = 0x2f03, 0x00007fff85cbbeaa, where = libSystem.B.dylib`__workq_kernreturn + 10
The * indicates that Thread 1 is the current thread. To get a
backtrace for that thread, do:
(lldb) thread backtrace
thread #1: tid = 0x2c03, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1, queue = com.apple.main-thread
frame #0: 0x0000000100010d5b, where = Sketch`-[SKTGraphicView alignLeftEdges:] + 33 at /Projects/Sketch/SKTGraphicView.m:1405
frame #1: 0x00007fff8602d152, where = AppKit`-[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 95
frame #2: 0x00007fff860516be, where = AppKit`-[NSMenuItem _corePerformAction] + 365
frame #3: 0x00007fff86051428, where = AppKit`-[NSCarbonMenuImpl performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] + 121
frame #4: 0x00007fff860370c1, where = AppKit`-[NSMenu performKeyEquivalent:] + 272
frame #5: 0x00007fff86035e69, where = AppKit`-[NSApplication _handleKeyEquivalent:] + 559
frame #6: 0x00007fff85f06aa1, where = AppKit`-[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 3630
frame #7: 0x00007fff85e9d922, where = AppKit`-[NSApplication run] + 474
frame #8: 0x00007fff85e965f8, where = AppKit`NSApplicationMain + 364
frame #9: 0x0000000100015ae3, where = Sketch`main + 33 at /Projects/Sketch/SKTMain.m:11
frame #10: 0x0000000100000f20, where = Sketch`start + 52
You can also provide a list of threads to backtrace, or the keyword
"all" to see all threads:
(lldb) thread backtrace all...
Next task is inspecting data:
The most convenient way to inspect a frame's arguments and local variables is:
(lldb) frame variable
self = (SKTGraphicView *) 0x0000000100208b40
_cmd = (struct objc_selector *) 0x000000010001bae1
sender = (id) 0x00000001001264e0
selection = (NSArray *) 0x00000001001264e0
i = (NSUInteger) 0x00000001001264e0
c = (NSUInteger) 0x00000001001253b0
You can also choose particular variables to view:
(lldb) frame variable self
(SKTGraphicView *) self = 0x0000000100208b40
The frame variable command is not a full expression parser but it does support some common operations like defererencing:
(lldb) fr v *self
(SKTGraphicView *) self = 0x0000000100208b40
(NSView) NSView = {
(NSResponder) NSResponder = {
and structure element references:
(lldb) frame variable self.NS(lldb) frame variable self.isa
(struct objc_class *) self.isa = 0x0000000100023730
The frame variable command will also perform "object printing" operations on variables (currently we
only support NSPrintForDebugger) with:
(lldb) fr v -o self
(SKTGraphicView *) self = 0x0000000100208b40
<SKTGraphicView: 0x100208b40>
You can select another frame to view with:
(lldb) frame select 9
frame #9: 0x0000000100015ae3, where = Sketch`main + 33 at /Projects/Sketch/SKTMain.m:11
10 int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
11 -> return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
12 }
Another neat trick that the variable list does is array references, so:
(lldb) fr v argv[0]
(char const *) argv[0] = 0x00007fff5fbffaf8 "/Projects/Sketch/build/Debug/Sketch.app/Contents/MacOS/Sketch"
If you need to view more complex data or change program data, you can
use the general "expression" command. It takes an expression and
evaluates it in the scope of the currently selected frame. For instance:
(lldb) expr self
$0 = (SKTGraphicView *) 0x0000000100135430
(lldb) expr self = 0x00
$1 = (SKTGraphicView *) 0x0000000000000000
(lldb) frame var self
(SKTGraphicView *) self = 0x0000000000000000
You can also call functions:
(lldb) expr (int) printf ("I have a pointer 0x%llx.\n", self)
$2 = (int) 22
I have a pointer 0x0.
One thing to note from this example is that lldb commands can be
defined to take "raw" input. "expression" is one of these. So in the expression command,
you don't have to quote your whole expression, nor backslash protect quotes, etc...
Finally, the results of the expressions are stored in persistent
variables (of the form \$([0-9])+) that you can use in further expressions, like:
(lldb) expr self = $0
$4 = (SKTGraphicView *) 0x0000000100135430