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! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %f18 -fopenmp
! OpenMP Version 4.5
! 2.7.4 workshare Construct
! Checks for OpenMP Workshare construct
subroutine omp_workshare(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, n)
integer i, j, n, a(10), b(10)
integer, pointer :: p
integer, target :: t
real aa(n,n), bb(n,n), cc(n,n), dd(n,n), ee(n,n), ff(n,n)
!ERROR: The structured block in a WORKSHARE construct may consist of only SCALAR or ARRAY assignments, FORALL or WHERE statements, FORALL, WHERE, ATOMIC, CRITICAL or PARALLEL constructs
!$omp workshare
p => t
!$omp parallel
cc = dd
!$omp end parallel
!ERROR: OpenMP constructs enclosed in WORKSHARE construct may consist of ATOMIC, CRITICAL or PARALLEL constructs only
!$omp parallel workshare
!$omp single
ee = ff
!$omp end single
!$omp end parallel workshare
where (aa .ne. 0) cc = bb / aa
where (b .lt. 2) b = sum(a)
where (aa .ge. 2.0)
cc = aa + bb
cc = dd + ee
end where
forall (i = 1:10, n > i) a(i) = b(i)
forall (j = 1:10)
a(j) = a(j) + b(j)
end forall
!$omp atomic update
j = j + sum(a)
!$omp end workshare
end subroutine omp_workshare